Bougie Bayou Witches Podcast

Why Do People Spiritually Bully Others Harming them Vs Not

June 21, 2024 Toni H. Season 2 Episode 19
Why Do People Spiritually Bully Others Harming them Vs Not
Bougie Bayou Witches Podcast
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Bougie Bayou Witches Podcast
Why Do People Spiritually Bully Others Harming them Vs Not
Jun 21, 2024 Season 2 Episode 19
Toni H.
Can spirituality, often associated with love and compassion, become a weapon for harm? This episode of the Bougie Bayou Witches podcast dives deep into the unsettling realm of spiritual bullying. Join us as Nisha bravely shares a personal story of manipulation within a relationship, revealing how spiritual principles can be twisted for control. Quince also brings their perspective on the empathy gap and the critical need to detach from toxic influences. Together, we confront the harsh reality of bullying in spiritual communities and its devastating consequences, including the loss of lives, underscoring the urgent need for compassion and understanding.

Jealousy and competition in spiritual circles—are they inevitable? We explore these challenging dynamics, discussing how envy can lead to harmful behavior, contrary to spirituality's core tenets. Transforming negative energy into constructive actions and the role of seasoned spiritual leaders in mentoring and fostering a supportive environment are pivotal themes in this conversation. We highlight how collaboration, rather than rivalry, can help us all overcome personal challenges and prevent the emergence of bullying within our spiritual journeys.

Finally, we reflect on the profound impact of spirituality on our lives and the importance of respecting each individual's spiritual path. Emphasizing mindfulness and caution in our interactions, we recognize spirituality as a responsibility that extends beyond personal growth to generational healing. Critiquing the hypocrisy sometimes observed in religious institutions, we stress the significance of genuine transformation. Love and compassion should be at the heart of our spiritual practices, aligning us with values of non-harm and kindness towards others. This episode is a call to foster supportive, positive spiritual communities where everyone can thrive.
Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers
Can spirituality, often associated with love and compassion, become a weapon for harm? This episode of the Bougie Bayou Witches podcast dives deep into the unsettling realm of spiritual bullying. Join us as Nisha bravely shares a personal story of manipulation within a relationship, revealing how spiritual principles can be twisted for control. Quince also brings their perspective on the empathy gap and the critical need to detach from toxic influences. Together, we confront the harsh reality of bullying in spiritual communities and its devastating consequences, including the loss of lives, underscoring the urgent need for compassion and understanding.

Jealousy and competition in spiritual circles—are they inevitable? We explore these challenging dynamics, discussing how envy can lead to harmful behavior, contrary to spirituality's core tenets. Transforming negative energy into constructive actions and the role of seasoned spiritual leaders in mentoring and fostering a supportive environment are pivotal themes in this conversation. We highlight how collaboration, rather than rivalry, can help us all overcome personal challenges and prevent the emergence of bullying within our spiritual journeys.

Finally, we reflect on the profound impact of spirituality on our lives and the importance of respecting each individual's spiritual path. Emphasizing mindfulness and caution in our interactions, we recognize spirituality as a responsibility that extends beyond personal growth to generational healing. Critiquing the hypocrisy sometimes observed in religious institutions, we stress the significance of genuine transformation. Love and compassion should be at the heart of our spiritual practices, aligning us with values of non-harm and kindness towards others. This episode is a call to foster supportive, positive spiritual communities where everyone can thrive.
Speaker 1:

Hello, I'm Toni. Of course, I'm the host of the Bougie Bayou Witches podcast, and today I have two guests with me, and it's Nisha.

Speaker 2:

Cue the alchemist.

Speaker 1:

All right. So today is episode 19. We'll be talking about why do people spiritually bully others by harming them versus the ones that don't. So I'm gonna go ahead and get this started by saying you know, spiritually is often associated with values like compassion, empathy and kindness. However, when individuals who identify as spiritual engage in bullying or harming others, it can be due to several complex reasons. You know. It could be misinterpretation, beliefs, power and control. Psychological issues Because I'm going to tell you something because if you're spiritual on me, you ain't got no psychological issues. It'm gonna tell you some double-cutter spiritual on me, you got, you ain't got no psychological issues. It's a lot of them to do, okay. Group dynamics, hypocrisy and human fidelity also, um, it could be other things, but that's just some of the things that it could be from the reason why some people choose to, you know, spiritually bully other people and harm them versus people who don't. So I'm gonna go ahead and get started with can you describe a situation where you observed or experienced bullying within a spiritual context?

Speaker 3:

um, I think a person was trying to manipulate what I, what I needed to do, like a reversed, uh destiny could have. Um, it's hard to say, but basically what it was, it was just trying to just make things happen, but not when it was supposed to, when it should happen and uh putting me in a relationship that I didn't need to stay in okay, so it was like uh binding so they kind of was kind of like forcing you to be with someone that they felt like you should be with, but you felt like.

Speaker 2:

you shouldn't Right, you shouldn't be.

Speaker 1:

What about you, Quince?

Speaker 2:

Just when you have an empathy for people an empathy for certain things and other people don't have the same mindset or look at it in the same aspect as you.

Speaker 3:

Why are you?

Speaker 2:

treating that person that way. Why do you feel that way towards a person? My thing is I don't hate nobody. I don't have a compassion or the heart to hurt anyone. I always look at the brighter side when it comes to people. So I'm more like a humanitarian but also understands, when it comes to certain people, that you have to distance yourself from because of the things that they do too. So it's kind of like a toss-up or a balance with that.

Speaker 2:

But I get, uh, I had some people just was just like why you would just give him a chance. I look at him because you one thing you never know what that person is going through. Some people don't know how to separate certain things from jobs or certain things from personal things at home and they bring it to work and you know it was a situation I had to. You know, go and talk to a guy on a certain level, you know, get him to understand something, because at first I wanted to man, just because a person is spiritual, man, get that to understand. Just because a person is spiritual. Don't think I'm going to put my hands on you.

Speaker 1:

What if they don't pause on you?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and people think that just because you know you're a spiritual person that you would do that. But I had to really pull back to him on a manly level to get him to understand like, hey, bro, look, I understand you're going through something, but if you want to talk on that level, I'm here.

Speaker 3:

And then put the paws on them.

Speaker 2:

I had to like straight, spare him all the way I had to spare him.

Speaker 1:

He did the correct thing, sir Violence don't solve nothing.

Speaker 1:

I, because, let me tell you something, these days, if you beat somebody but they get ready to get a gun and come shoot you because they're just sore losers. You know what I'm saying? Guns for some reason I noticed a lot of people are using them, but, um, with that being said, um, I feel like, um, the situation that I could talk about that I basically saw in the spiritual community with bullying is, I've had instances where, when I was heavier on social media, I would see people being spiritually bullied. I would, you know, be on YouTube and I would see people just talking about each other. They would go make a whole video and just bash and talk about folks and I'm just like, oh my gosh, you know I was like they doing this. You know I really didn't know that they was out here, really like doing stuff like this. You know I was like they doing this. You know I'm gonna lie. You know I, I really didn't know that they was out here, really like doing stuff like this. So I was just like, wow, like I don't know, and I and I'll be honest with you I deterred and got away from the people that are spiritual. That I felt like was real negative and they were constantly in drama and mess. I couldn't, I didn't, I didn't want to be watching, you know, watching their videos and listening to them. If I see that you're constantly in drama and mess and stuff and I understand you know people are bothering us and stuff, but my thing is bullying the ones that's out here, bullying people that's actually doing work and trying to get their whole cult or all the people that's up under their little team and stuff to do work again.

Speaker 1:

I don't like that. I'm totally against bullying and my thing is this if you can't sit here and sit down with that person that you having problems with or issues, and talk to them, versus you sitting here trying to bully them. Now, I can understand if someone did something wrong to you, but why sit here and bully a person? People have taken their lives from being bullied, so you know I'm totally against being um, you know, bullied or having people bully or people just bullying other folks. I think that's just plain jane.

Speaker 1:

If you want me to be on you, you're just like what? If it is a, it's weak. You're a p. You know pi you're pi like. Why do that? They don't make you look like some big, bad, tough person. When you're sitting here bullying somebody that't make you look like some big, bad, tough person. When you sitting here bullying somebody that really makes you look like a small, weak person. Because you're bullying someone versus just moving on with your life and letting them be.

Speaker 1:

You ain't got to sit here and and do work and spiritually attack people if you don't like them. Move on, keep it coming. If you want to do, do a banish spell, banish yourself from being around them and banish them from being around you and keep it moving. You ain't got to sit here and want to put them in no X jar and want to sit around here and cause them to have craziness going on and no hex their family and stuff.

Speaker 1:

And I understand some people going to be a little upset at me for what I'm saying, but I'm just keeping it 100. Why sit here and torment and destroy these people lives and mess them up just because you're upset and you're mad? It's something they did to you or something they said about you and stuff like that. You know, my thing is, if they are tormenting and destroying your reputation and stuff, you might need to kind of like get with them and talk to them or something, and if you do try to put them to the side and talk to them and they're not listening, okay, well, you know, whatever you choose, you know that that's all on you, but don't just automatically, just, you know, start trying to bully and attack them and stuff.

Speaker 1:

And then it's sometimes some people out here bullying and attacking people and they don't even know what in the world happened or what's going on. And you know, it could have been something that they could have said, like if they had, um, a youtube channel or something like that, and they could have mentioned something. And that person got pissed off and mad and now they just sitting here talking bad about them and ready to attack them and it's like why, why? They don't even know what's going on.

Speaker 2:

They lost and even on a mental aspect. They've been somebody that been through something and don't know how to channel the emotions and figure that you know picking on somebody else will make them feel better because they got picked on.

Speaker 1:

But my thing is this if we're supposed to be spiritual and we're supposed to be setting and showing example to other people, that's right you know trying to wake it up and come up. Then you gotta learn how to start acting like an adult, and somebody's gotta start learning how to put their pride to the side and quit letting people get to you. You know what I'm saying. Only if you knew the amount of people that I have met that done pissed me off. Imagine that every time someone pissed me off and made me mad okay, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go put a hex on them.

Speaker 1:

You know what? Let me go, just pay somebody, so you're not like seriously I don't have time for that.

Speaker 2:

So you just talk about pride. It'd be mainly the ego, the ego man, the ego, just people just like to live in that side of the ego and you know, and really just go there. I never understood that.

Speaker 1:

It's me but it's sad. I'm going gonna tell you. When I saw a lot of behind things and things going on and stuff, all I had to say is man, I'm keeping to myself, I ain't joining. No, I ain't joining no group, I don't want to be initiated, I don't nothing, I'm just gonna chill and relax and enjoy and do what I do best and communicate with my spirit team and my ancestors and educate and help out people that need that help. You know what I'm saying because at the end of the day, I'm not knocking anybody. If they want to join any groups in the day, do your thing. Nobody's knocking.

Speaker 1:

But I'm just saying I decided that I'm not doing it because I've never been a follower. I've always been a leader. Anybody who know me now told me I was a leader. I'm not a follower. I don't twat it being around a bunch of people. Anyway, you know, if I do got to be around you, it's cool. But you ain't gonna catch me hanging out with a whole bunch of folks and stuff. Now I might throw some like get together some parties and things like that. That's a different story. But you ain't gonna see me doing a thousand.

Speaker 1:

No, that's not me, not that time, but yes, Okay, so our next question is what do you think are the main reasons why some spiritual individuals might engage in harmful behaviors toward others? What do you?

Speaker 2:

feel like, is the main reason why some spiritual individuals might engage in harmful behaviors toward others, might engage in harmful behaviors toward others. Basically, some people might be jealous of the other person's gift or whatever the other person has going on and wonder why certain things are working for you, why things are not working for me. Or you're more powerful than me or I'm not, as in my but the understanding of it, you can be the same or you can have the same thing or even tap into and go within and do the same thing. It's just about you as a person and the energy that you're putting into the negativity. You can reverse it and put it into the positive, positive side of it and you will get the same aspect. But people don't look at it like that because people mind so small.

Speaker 1:

They just want to straight gravitate towards the jealousy of what, the things that they cannot have and they don't have yeah, and it's sad, you know, because my thing is this if you're spiritual, then you should be able to manifest and get whatever it is you want. You might not get it when you want it, but you can eventually get it when the time it's needed. So it's like quit sitting here and being jealous of the next person or mad because this person might only been out for a couple of years in the public side but might be doing it for years behind closed doors, and you've been out in the public eye over a decade or so and feel like, oh no, they don't need that attention, I need it. You know. Like, move out the way. It's enough room out here for anybody if they want to step out and do anything. You know what I'm saying. Don't always sit here and shut people down.

Speaker 1:

I respect, um, you know my elders and the people that's been in the spirituality. You know paths and journey for a while. I have. No, you know I'm not disrespecting or knocking anyone, but my thing is you should be amazed and happy to see more and more people wanting to come aboard in the spiritual journey. Like I don't understand why people not all, but some folks get mad and get pissed off because other people I understand. You know it does seem like it's a tradition and a fad and some people just doing it just because. But it's actually some people that's actually doing it because they're passionate and they love it. It's not everybody just doing it because it's a fad and it's a trend and you see it all on social media, on instagram, tiktok and facebook like some people really are. You know, they're really wanting to build a relationship with their ancestors and their spirit team and want to be able to help other people out spiritually. So they're not. It's not like everybody you know out here are just doing it just because right, you know.

Speaker 1:

So it's like people have that small mindset and they don't comprehend and it's like it's sad and I'm so happy, oh, I'm so happy I just could sit back and observe and watch, because I'm not going to be that type of person sitting here beating down and putting this and that and that person down. It's like why just get together and help them out, get with them, talk to them, pull them to the side, you know?

Speaker 3:

but what about you, nisha? All the above and then I ghost you.

Speaker 1:

But no, but just ghost you or just walk out your life.

Speaker 3:

You know like I'll see y'all later, but no um to piggyback up. What everybody said is is you true? You do need to just let them go. There's no sense of going back and forth. And if they feel like they had that much jealousy, then when they actually know or find out what you actually went through to get to this point in their mind or actually probably in real life, they probably couldn't even go through those, those changes, those obstacles, because they're not as strong as you are. But deep down they want to be just like you. They want to know how you're able to go through this. Or don't even really know the life story or just know the basics. A lot of times they don't even really know you.

Speaker 1:

They look at you and they sit there and judge you. Y'all understand people can be intuitive and they can tap into your energy and look at your picture and just sit here and tell you you know whomever they know, but you never know if that person team got you blocked off.

Speaker 1:

They can't allow you to know something they want you know whatever it is they want you to know, right that don't mean just because you sit here, you reading a person, you telling them the truth of what's really gonna happen in their life, because I don't have somebody read me and majority of time wasn't even right what they said. It's like I want a whole nother path, a Attached to your energy and read you and stuff like that don't mean that oh, that's how things gonna end up for you. You can take a whole universe might be like all right, we're gonna send you on this route. Now who we gonna turn?

Speaker 1:

your whole 360. So you know what people gotta understand is, just because you might see money in that person library, just because you might see you know some wonderful things going on, don't mean it's always gonna be like that. It could take a whole 360 of your time you never know.

Speaker 3:

You got to go through something to get through something.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, all right. So what role do spiritual leaders play in either perpetrating or preventing bullying behavior?

Speaker 2:

Well, giving good advice, to understand that, when it comes to spirituality, we all have a spot, we all have a place to where we can all coincide together and to really talk to each other. It's not you know more than me, I know more than you. It's just using that to balance, to come together to where we can really work on things together and to be a teacher to teach people that might be, might be on that level but want to get there but yeah, being open to teach, being open to you know to lead, and that right way of you know when it comes to spirituality.

Speaker 2:

So, being a leader, not so much as I'm, just because I know more than you, you're belittled than me.

Speaker 1:

No, you don't belittle people and I see that I, I see that from time to time them belittling folks and stuff and I'm just like man, like that's not cool and I understand, it's a respect level and stuff. Like I get it, I get it, but don't belittle. Once you just, like I said, put them to the side, talk to them, inbox them, message them, whatever y'all doing these days, but don't just get on there and just talk negative. Like we want to be better, we want to set examples. We don't want to sit here and keep doing all this drama and mess. It just makes you look immature. We want to be mature. We want to set an example and be the big person and not sit here and be doing all this petty eddy going back and forth stuff we did back when we was high school, like we adults.

Speaker 1:

What kind of example are we setting? You know, if you're supposed to be spiritual leaders, you got to learn how to set an example and quit bullying people and quit belittling people and making them feel like why is you in this? You know, stop it. Stop with it. I don't understand. It's sad. Leave that for them other religious and stuff to do. We're spiritual, let's get it together. Okay, can spiritual teachings themselves ever be a source of justification for harmful behavior? Can spiritual teachings themselves ever be a source of justification for harmful behavior?

Speaker 2:

Well, if that leader is not teaching right?

Speaker 2:

If that leader is not leading the person in the right way, getting them to like I was saying like, like you know, still belittling, you know helping if he's teaching them, hey well, you got to step on this person to get here, whatever, whatever that type of thing, like getting their mindset to understand that, looking at the negative side of it and not using it on a positive perspective. You know, and that way is that if you're not leading that person in the right direction, you're not going to get no good results for yourself or that person, Because at the end of the day, it all comes back around Whatever, you're doing something wrong. You don't know who's fighting for that person on the spiritual side that part, that part.

Speaker 2:

You don't know what ancestors they got on that side.

Speaker 1:

And so you want to go there and try to buck up against that person and go against that person. Thank you, thank you. And you don't know who that person's team is Right, so you wonder why you're going for it. Oh no, I don't sacrifice this person.

Speaker 2:

Right, you don't do that. You don't do that, I'm there.

Speaker 1:

No, you don't. I'm never nobody. That person is going to sit here and be so quiet and just nice and sweet and you never know what they got fighting for them. So it's like stop it, because you don't know who you up against. It might be them in whole army. You know what I'm?

Speaker 2:

saying so yeah, but go ahead point them out about that. No, you know, you just gotta I get it though, man, because you know you gotta be mindful when it comes to spirituality you have to also be mindful. You gotta also think. You gotta understand. You know it's so. It's not just a lifestyle, it's a responsibility, it's an understanding, it's an open mind, it's a leadership part. It's a responsibility, it's an understanding, it's an open mind, it's a leadership part. It's all the above. It comes with a lot.

Speaker 1:

And there's so many different paths people can take, people feel like, oh no, you got to take this path or you got to go this direction in order to be spiritual. No, no, no, no, no, no. It's just like all these other religions out here. People can choose whatever religion if they don't even want to be amongst a religion, but they just want to believe in God and this and that and Jesus and stuff. They can do that. You can't force and make somebody become this and have a title. Nobody has to have a title or wear a title. If you want to just get in a spiritual journey and just be spiritual, you can. You do not have to be amongst a group or an organization or a religion.

Speaker 2:

No, people get it so big stuff. Spirituality is doing the work.

Speaker 3:

That's what it's all about Doing the work.

Speaker 2:

Becoming greater. Becoming that person to help out the next person to reach their goals of becoming a better person. It's all about your generation, your grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Speaker 3:

It's all about breaking generational curses, we're not supposed to sit here and be playing stick fors and all of that it's all about breaking generational curses we're not here and people are playing dick pretend you know stuff like that, like no and nobody has to join or be a part of anything if they don't want to.

Speaker 1:

You don't have any people to say here and tell me oh, you need to get initiated. Oh, your ancestors said you need to get a man. No, they didn't.

Speaker 2:

No, they didn't who was you and I was trying to start not to go here, but I have to go here. But, when it comes to things, when it comes to the church, I don't understand why people come back the Sunday and the next Sunday. They messed up more than the other Sunday.

Speaker 2:

But, when you're a spiritual person, they really go on the inside and do the work and they go within and they change and they love people differently, on a different level. But when it comes to the they did you just hope it was hypocritical want to chop a person down one time down, but I never understood that part. You know, I never understood that.

Speaker 3:

But um, those are demons that's going back into the temple to go pray, to go do demon time again.

Speaker 1:

Let me tell you that's something. When I was in you know, religion even though I never, you know, went forward with getting baptized or anything in that, because again, my heart wasn't there I didn't really care for religion, it's just me, my personal preference I didn't understand the stuff that I used to sit here and watch and see either. I mean, it was sickening. I've seen so much stuff. I ain't open my mouth and say nothing, but I was just like they're supposed to be baptized, they ain't supposed to do this and that, but they over here doing this and that. I'm just like all these hypocrites, hypocrites. But you know, at the end of the day that's their business, what they do is their business.

Speaker 1:

But my thing is I'm not going to sit here and get, you know, baptized and say, oh, I'm going to do this and that, when I know, deep down inside, I ain't got that out of my body, I ain't got that this. I'm going to club next thursday, but I'm just saying, you know, like back when I was into that lifestyle and stuff. So it's like why would I sit here and go commit myself to this and no one, deep down inside I'm not. I don't have that out my system. I know I will still want to go do this and I want to do that. The next thing, you know you're disfellowshipped or you know you can't be a part of the. You know organization or organization or the. You know religion or whatever anymore, because you know say you made yourself look bad and you know get punished, you know. So that's the stuff I. You know I never understood, but you know what.

Speaker 1:

We'll never really understand it. Because there's a million and one reasons and opinions on why people do things that they do.

Speaker 3:

So how much fasting can you do in 30 days of sinning right?

Speaker 1:

how can individual, how can individuals and communities work to align their spiritual practices more closely with their values of compassion and none harm? I'm gonna say it again because I know it was loud how can individuals and communities work to align their spiritual practices more closely with their values of compassion and none harm?

Speaker 2:

well loving on one another for one, loving who you, who your neighbor is loving who your person is loving on that person. To get them to understand love is key to all and getting them to understand the whole purpose of it is really all about love. People take it and make it about a hate thing because I got this going on and I'm spiritual, that slave mentality back in the day my ancestors dealt with still going on.

Speaker 1:

I'm like the same.

Speaker 2:

I don't look at nobody, but I do what works for you. I know what works for me.

Speaker 2:

Right, you know what I'm saying, and I'm not going to downplay it, but when it comes to the book side of it or the knowledge side of it, I'm going to let you know what it is. You know what I'm saying Because the thing about it, people try to come at you with certain things to try to chop you down or to ridicule you. You, but you really don't know the whole understanding of it. You just know the one side of you, just scratching the surface. But you know, when it comes to the community, love, man, love, just you know, showing that that spirituality is we.

Speaker 1:

I I just can't really just really say but spiritual people, we love different, I guess you know, because I'm a lover, not a fighter, I don't do all that fighting and stuff and never have been. That just wasn't the type of individual I was and I think that's probably why I'm blessed and I get things totally differently versus people who they just have all this anger in their heart and all they want to do is fight, fight, fight, fight, fight. Like stop with it, you know, start learning to love and be more appreciative and show gratitude and start coming together and working together. It's like all that going back and forth, you know it's not going to get you anywhere.

Speaker 1:

It's called karma and Tom, you're going to get your karma. Don't think that.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you're protected and you ain't never going to have no bad happen to you, because I see it happen.

Speaker 1:

A lot of folks Some of them don't even live to be in their 80s and 90s. They'd be dead in their 50s and 60s, you know. So you got to be careful with how you treat and do people because, yes, it will come back around. It might skip you, it might hit your children, it might hit your grandkids, it might hit your family members, it might hit your auntie, uncle. Because you got to be careful because when you over here playing with fire, you will get burned point blank period, that's when they think they got away with it right, don't know who's on your team man

Speaker 3:

real talk it's different, it's different it feels mighty good when you on the other side watching it though with all those smiles and laughs turning into frowns later. I always do, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I always do. You gotta be careful seriously. So what are some effective strategies for addressing and preventing bullying? I always do, yeah, I always do. You got to be careful Seriously.

Speaker 2:

So what are some effective strategies for addressing and preventing bullying within the spiritual communities? Well, when it comes to that part, understand where you reside at, because you know it goes back to one person. Just because you're a higher rank or you know more than me, pull me up. You know it, we've. If I want to, you know, grow with me. You know. If you want to go with me, grow with me.

Speaker 1:

So it's basically if that person wants to learn, show them right, don't come don't see here and make no tiktok video embarrassing that person when you could have just went into their dm. Now, if you did go into their dm and try to talk to them and they going off on you and stuff like that.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I can see why you might do that, but still, it's like be a bigger person and quit acting and stupid.

Speaker 1:

It's like you feel like you're going up to this level, but you're really stupid now to that level because you're showing the immaturity side of you. Instead of you sitting here trying to help that person, you're sitting here trying to embarrass them and belittle that person, and it's like why you got all those negative people going there and liking it. No, they probably miserable too, so of course they don't like it, right. They need a boost. They need a boost, right. They need a boost of that negativity to drive them on up like come on, we got to stop with that, because I mean, that's why I don't even care to be on um, what they call it spiritual tiktok and all that. I'll be looking at that stuff and just seeing how people be bashing all these other people.

Speaker 3:

That's what they do, and I'll be like I'm nosing wrong with people. I'll be on tiktok, I'm nosing and the thing about it.

Speaker 1:

I'll just be like I'm gonna get on that for like sometimes a few minutes, because I'm trying to check something out and I'll just be like really, oh, I don't know, because when?

Speaker 2:

it comes to spirituality, all soul tribes supposed to be coming together, not stepping on one another. Thank you, you would think you know it's supposed to be coming together thank you I don't get it I don't get it either.

Speaker 1:

But you know, one thing I always taught myself is, if you don't want to be amongst or around certain individuals, you separate. That's right and that's why I be to myself. I don't go join no groups, no, nothing. I'm not interested, and you know, I'm good, I'm good, I'm gonna do my spiritual thing and I'm gonna talk to my team and we're gonna to keep it moving, baby.

Speaker 2:

That's all I can do. I got too many other things to be worried about.

Speaker 1:

I'm worried about negativity and worried about this and that person. You ain't paying my bills. You're out of my payroll. You're irrelevant to me. You don't even be on my mind. I don't be thinking about you, that's true.

Speaker 3:

We're in free, it is.

Speaker 2:

Celebrity status celebrity status it's out there.

Speaker 1:

I feel like what are you know some effective strategies for addressing and preventing bullying within the spiritual communities? I feel like the spiritual communities, they can come together and they can start discussing and talking about this. We got all of this. What social media platforms? Why don't y'all get together and start talking about things like?

Speaker 1:

this I feel like this is something that you know we should do. We can even do it in the communities. You know, like I wasn't a DFW area. Some of us spiritual people need to get together and, you know, talk about it, like address certain issues and things, instead of, you know, going to social media and trying to embarrass someone or sitting here and attacking them and bullying them with doing, you know, you know hexes and curses and spells and jesus and stuff like stop with it. That's your superpowers. You're supposed to be setting an example and teaching people, not sitting here, harming and hurting people. You know what I'm saying. And so let's get together and let's talk about things instead of always trying to go fight and battle it out or pull out a gun and, you know, pull out a magic and stuff like that. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

So, uh, how can victims of bullying within the spiritual communities find support and healing? Because I know a lot of people that's been bullied. I don't hear people coming to me and tell me these stories and it's so sad. My heart go out to y'all. But all I'm gonna say is just be careful. Like I say, if, if something seems too good to be true, don't join it. If something seems too good to be, don't go, because just because it seemed like oh it's, it's going to be so good for me, it might not be good, that grass on the other side might not be that good. Just because that grass look green don't mean it's good for you, you know. So you might want to just chill and just do some research and talk to some other people that might have been a part of it.

Speaker 1:

You know what I'm saying Because you know you got to learn how to protect yourself because if not, you'll be like some of these folks. I knew that was spiritually bullied in these um communities and different groups and organizations and religions and it's sad, it's so sad, the stuff that they went through my heart. Go out to you and to anyone I don't know. Just you know, find you someone you know that's spiritual it's very positive to talk to and communicate with, because you can't discuss what happened to you with everybody because, again, it's a lot of messy people out here and it's a lot of folks that's praying on you and praying for your downfall and happy and laughing at what's going on. So you just really got to be careful. You know who you trust in the spiritual community.

Speaker 2:

You have to be mindful, you really have to be mindful because, um, they got some people that lead you down the wrong path. Man, have you all messed up?

Speaker 3:

I'm trying to tell you.

Speaker 2:

Certain things ain't going. You got so much chaos going on. You be like man what's?

Speaker 1:

going on. I hope I pronounced the same word right. This is Babaluwa that I used to communicate with. He told me it's so many people. You got to be careful, because you can go into a religion, you know, get initiated and stuff like that, and you can go in there, fine, but come out messed up. He said he sees so many people. It happened to him. He said you just got to be so mindful and so careful and again, I'm not talking bad and downplaying anyone. I'm just educating people so therefore, they will beware and know what they're getting themselves into. You know what I'm saying. But yeah, um, shout out to him because he was the truth. But, um, in your opinion, how can spiritual teachings be more effectively communicated to prevent their misuse?

Speaker 2:

Well, let them know what comes with it. Let them know what comes with it that you can't just jump into anything that you don't know about. Yeah, true, so give them instructions to what to start off with first. So give them that type of beginner thing, you know, just like the little dropper. Give them little drops at a time to get them to understand, to coach them to get to a bigger side of the understanding of when it comes to spirituality. You, just can't jump in because you don't know what you're going to jump into, just like you know you jump in first

Speaker 1:

you're going to be like well, hold up.

Speaker 2:

You didn't tell me about this. Well, man, I told you to take baby steps. Yes so you gotta take baby steps to this, you know. So it's baby steps to it, but you know I'm gonna take it like this hill. Going through the baby steps and coming to this part, it's just like it's the best thing ever. Right, it's the best thing ever. And I love when I'm at with it me too.

Speaker 1:

I love the route I went, you know what I'm saying I'm happy that I didn't choose to go that direction, in that direction, because there's so many, like I say, there's so many paths when you're dealing with spirituality, it's so much. So I mean I like the path that I chose and I like what I'm doing and what I got going on. So yeah alright, what about you?

Speaker 3:

Nisha, listening is a big thing, especially for me. Listening. I'm hard headed, but you know, just getting to know yourself and you know, meditate on what you, your situation, that you're about to get into, I tell me, don't speak about it. Even if you have to be sleep, just think about okay, where are my options, ask for advice or guidance, like what should be my next step that I do on this journey, and never second guess yourself. Yeah, never second guess yourself. Go for it, because you can only make a mistake and if you make a mistake, just do it again until you get it right. Well, not that mistake, but just do better.

Speaker 1:

Okay. What are the long-term impacts of bullying in spiritual context on individuals and communities? What do you feel? What are the long-term impacts of bullying in spiritual context on individuals and communities?

Speaker 2:

Well, it'll mess a person up mentally to where they wouldn't want to deal with nobody, to where?

Speaker 3:

when it comes to spirituality, they're going to shy away from everything they're going to be around nobody.

Speaker 2:

They're going to trust nobody. It's going to be so messed up to where, like, I gave this person my trust so now I have to totally back up from everybody. So it's like this person is going to stay in this hermit mode, in this shell, and don't want to come out because you force them into that and you didn't guide them the right way, you lead them the right way, because you came out straight, bashing them, tan them down, you know, and not giving them a chance to say hey look, these are the steps to take right drop a lot of time gotta yeah so it's just you know you got to go hand in hand with that thing.

Speaker 1:

And even if they not with you, if you see something that you not like and just reach out to them. Right People so quick to? If somebody say something this is not right, okay, go let them know you ain't got to front like pull me to the side like amen, I got it.

Speaker 2:

You know, give me a little homework that I have to tend to to get better on it. You know some things that I could work with to get better.

Speaker 1:

Don't bash me, don't tap me down just like when we go to um, new orleans, because I know you from there. But just like when I go to new orleans and we're going to spiritual tours and stuff like that, I don't see them say, no, what you said, no, I just put this out. But you know it goes like you know it's all you gotta do. You don't gotta sit here and go yelling and telling. So I can't stand that. It's like you say people ego and they pride and I don't know, ignorance and all of that above the go with.

Speaker 2:

It's like we gotta change you gotta kill the ego and pride man they don't know how to do that, though.

Speaker 1:

All right there, anything that y'all would like to share with our viewers or our listeners before we just when it comes to spirituality.

Speaker 2:

Be mindful, have an open mind and have a mind to understand that it's greater things that you can get into just with having an open mind to all you know. Be optimistic. Don't just be one-sided by anything that goes all you know. Be optimistic, Don't just be one sided by anything that goes on here, you know. Just have understanding.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and me you know again, when I had brought up with dealing with you know being spiritually bullied and harmed and stuff like that. I was talking about the misinterpretation of beliefs. Sometimes individuals might misinterpret or selectively interpret spiritual teachings to justify harmful behavior. They may believe that they are acting out righteous or divine mandate, also with the power and control that some people try to bully people by that power and control. Like any group, spiritual communities can have dynamics where individuals seek power and control. Bullying can be a way for someone to assert dominance and maintenance authority and they might feel like, oh, it's cool, it makes them look badass or whatever, but in reality it really makes you look like a wiener.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so psychological issues individuals might have underlying psychological issues, which a lot of people that know disrespect. That's why I kind of wish I would have been a psychiatrist and went ahead and majored in that in school, because I promise you it's so many people that I do see with psychological, psychological issues that manifest as harmful behavior, irrespective of their spiritual beliefs. They may use spirituality as a cover or means to rationalize their actions and I mean it's sad that people do do that like they get in it for the sometimes wrong reasons and stuff like that, but it's true, and they both be having psychological. They be thinking they need to be in spirituality, they need to be in the psychic war. But uh, with the group dynamics within spiritual communities, groupthink or cult-like dynamics can sometimes lead to harmful behaviors.

Speaker 1:

The desires to conform to group norms or the influence of charismatic leader can drive individuals to act in ways that harm others. All right, and with the hypocrisy and the human ability, people are often inconsistent in their beliefs and actions. A person may genuinely strive for spiritual ideas but fail to live up to them, resulting in harmful behaviors towards others, as what we've been discussing and talking about bullying them. So, with that all being said, I hope we were able to inspire and shed some light on some people and have it to where maybe some of the communities, the spiritual communities, can come together and start sitting down, maybe like doing like some some shows. You know you can sit down and talk and, you know, have like a little community rally or something.

Speaker 1:

And you never know, it might be so many other people that's being spiritually bullied or got things going on where they can come out and talk about it, be so many other people that's being spiritually bullied or got things going on where they can come out and talk about it. And you know the different spiritual communities can talk about different ways. So we can help better this and stop all of this. So you know what I'm saying. Hopefully this doesn't, you know, offend or rub anybody the wrong way, but I just was speaking my opinion again. This is all our opinions and we are all entitled to our opinions, you know. So, with that, all being said, nisha, do you have anything you want to share with the community, the listeners and the viewers?

Speaker 3:

uh, just be yourself know what you want to do and then, um, if you just don't know something, always ask don't just jump into anything. You don't want to get yourself harmed or anyone else harmed. That's it all right.

Speaker 1:

Well, um, with this on this note stop bullying. Okay, I said it s-t-o-p. Stop bullying. Note stop bullying. Okay, I said stop, stop bullying. Spiritually stop bullying. And I said it, and I said it. And with that all being said, drop your feedback down below. If anybody got anything they would like to share with us on this. Any other pointers? Please drop it below and um, like always, like, share and subscribe and until the next episode, bye.

Spiritual Bullying and Compassion in Community
Navigating Spiritual Leadership and Bullying
Navigating Spiritual Morality and Love
Navigating Spiritual Bullying and Power Dynamics