The Confident Musicianing Podcast

Sweaty Palms? 3 Things You Need to Say To Yourself Before Your Audition

January 23, 2024 Eleanor Season 1 Episode 8
Sweaty Palms? 3 Things You Need to Say To Yourself Before Your Audition
The Confident Musicianing Podcast
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The Confident Musicianing Podcast
Sweaty Palms? 3 Things You Need to Say To Yourself Before Your Audition
Jan 23, 2024 Season 1 Episode 8

I'm sure you know the feeling of nervousness before auditions -- we all do. But have you every considered that the way you talk to yourself before that audition can affect your audition? Join me, as we dive into 3 crucial things to remind yourself before you take that audition, so you can go in there with confidence and excitement.

We dive into ways to frame the audition in your mind, how to think of the judges and adjudicators, and how you can own your audition. So grab a cozy drink, take a seat, and let's chat about audition self-talk!

Wanna learn more about using contagious excitement in an audition? Click here to listen to episode 2: Transforming A Disaster Into A Music Conservatory Acceptance (ask me how I know).

Do you like to read? Cause this episode is available in a blog post. Click here to read.

Want more exciting audition and performance related content? Join the mailing list so that you never miss out again.

See you next time!

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I'm sure you know the feeling of nervousness before auditions -- we all do. But have you every considered that the way you talk to yourself before that audition can affect your audition? Join me, as we dive into 3 crucial things to remind yourself before you take that audition, so you can go in there with confidence and excitement.

We dive into ways to frame the audition in your mind, how to think of the judges and adjudicators, and how you can own your audition. So grab a cozy drink, take a seat, and let's chat about audition self-talk!

Wanna learn more about using contagious excitement in an audition? Click here to listen to episode 2: Transforming A Disaster Into A Music Conservatory Acceptance (ask me how I know).

Do you like to read? Cause this episode is available in a blog post. Click here to read.

Want more exciting audition and performance related content? Join the mailing list so that you never miss out again.

See you next time!

Your host, Eleanor:

We can all understand audition nerves. I'm guessing, by the fact that you clicked on this episode, that you can understand audition nerves, but have you ever considered that how you talk to yourself before an audition can really affect it? I discovered this firsthand when I was auditioning for music school and I just the way I talked to myself, really changed how I played in those auditions and I can't wait to share this with you. So in this cozy episode, we will dig right into how we can talk to ourselves before that audition. Hello and welcome to the confident musician podcast. I'm your host, Eleanor, and after countless practice sessions, a ton of broken rates and seven different music school Acceptances in three different countries, I have learned a thing or two about savoring your practicing, becoming your best practice companion and actively working towards your musical goals, and I want to share this with you because I want you to become your best musical self. Are you with me on this? Let's get started. Hey there, friend, I am so excited to be hanging out with you today. It is a snowy day today and I am bundled up recording this episode. I hope, wherever you are, that you are also comfy for this episode. So let's dive right into three quick things to say right before that audition, and I can't wait for you to hear number three. Number one Every world-class soloist was nervous for their auditions. You are no different. Let me explain. Let's think about your favorite world-class soloist. Okay, do you have them in your head? Okay, now would you consider them to not be fit for their instrument? Would you think that maybe they aren't actually all that good at their instrument? Not at all. They're the world-class soloist that is in your head right now. That sounds silly when you think of them. There is no second-hand imposter syndrome. So now think of them at their auditions. Do you think that maybe they weren't fit to be there? Maybe they weren't so great at their instrument? No, of course not. They were fit to be there because they are the world-class soloist that you are thinking of in your head. But let me tell you something they were nervous for their auditions. They doubted themselves, and you are in the exact same spot. Just because we have anxious thoughts about something does not mean that we aren't ready to do it. It does not mean that we won't crush it. And because you and I can both agree that that world-class soloist that you are thinking about could totally do it and they were also nervous too. This completely takes away the power of those nerves, because if they were nervous but they are where they are now well, you can do anything. Think about that for a second. You can do anything. Nerves do not define us. They are part of the normal human condition. So you can do anything.

Your host, Eleanor:

y frien Number two, the people there want you to do well. Judges and adjudicators and the panel. There are people too and think about why they decided to be an adjudicator anyway. It's probably not because they absolutely hate it. Maybe it's because they're excited to see who they want to work with, who would be the best for this opportunity. They're excited to hear you play. If it's a university program or audition, then they're also probably looking forward to someone who is excited about learning, is excited about growing and being at that school and working with them. They just are so excited about this.

Your host, Eleanor:

I think that it is so easy for us to think of judges and adjudicators as these scary people who stress us out, because I think a lot of movies and TV shows show them that way and also our brains might show them that way because they might be nervous. But these people, they want you to succeed. Everyone in the room wants you to succeed. So show your enthusiasm, show your excitement, because your excitement is contagious. I actually talked about this in the second podcast episode of the Confident Musician podcast. It is called Transforming a Disaster into a Music Conservatory Acceptance. Ask me how I know and in this I talk about the idea of a contagious smile and how I was able to take a contagious smile and use it to really set the scene for my audition and come in there confidently. So if you want to go check that out, I highly, highly, highly recommend it. It is episode two Transforming a Disaster into a Music Conservatory Acceptance. Ask me how I know.

Your host, Eleanor:

Number three this is your audition. Own it. Now, when I talk about that, let me let me tell you what I mean. One thing that you can do to really own your audition is to choose your focus of the audition. This is your personal focus, and it might not necessarily be to get into the academy or the university or the program or the orchestra or whatever it is. I mean, obviously you want to get in. Obviously you want to do well, but think about your personal, personal goal for this audition in respect to your journey as a musician. So let me tell you what I mean. For instance, my personal goal for an audition might be I want to get into this program or this orchestra or whatever it is, but I also want this audition to show me that I can overcome my nerves and I can convey the feeling of the music to the people listening. That is my personal goal for this audition and it has nothing to do with the actual getting in of the program. That is how you own your audition. So set that goal for yourself. Before you get into an audition. Think about what is that personal thing that you want this audition to be for? And, of course, you also want to get into the program. That is totally fine. Yes, that is an obvious one. But think about what you want to do specifically with this audition personally.

Your host, Eleanor:

It is so easy to feel like you are on borrowed time for your audition. Oftentimes it's in a spot that maybe you don't know very well. Everything feels rather unfamiliar and you might feel like you can't take up that much space. But another great way to own that audition is to think about how far you've come to get this audition. Just reflect on all the work you've put in all the hours of practicing, all of the stuff that you have done to prepare for this audition. That's amazing and you deserve to be at the audition. So take up space, play your music, hear your sound. It's beautiful. This is your audition and you are the boss of it. Really seriously, I mean like feel the vibrations of your instrument in the room and enjoy it as you are playing. These 10 or 15 minutes of this audition is all about you. So show off what you can do, not in an arrogant way, obviously, but in a polite way, and show how generally excited you are for this opportunity. The judges want to hear you play and they want to see you succeed. Most importantly, remember why you started music in the first place. Probably because you love it. Remember that love in the audition room and show it off.

Your host, Eleanor:

Now I've got a bonus for you and this is not something to say to yourself. It is something to do and it might seem obvious, but seriously, it is so helpful. And that is deep breathing, seriously, like in through the nose for four, hold it for four, out through the mouth for four. That is really, really, really helpful. And I know it might seem like oh, eleanor, this is obvious, like you always like, breathing is obvious, but seriously, it is so helpful, especially when we're nervous for that audition and our breath is really, really, really shallow and really fast. Really taking that time to deep breathe just for maybe even 20, 30 seconds, that can be so beneficial. So I challenge you, before that audition, to just deep breathe. Take a moment, take 30 seconds and deep breathe. It's really beneficial.

Your host, Eleanor:

Alright, let's do a bit of a recap. Number one every world class soloist was nervous for their auditions and you are no different. You are no different. Anxiety is just part of the human condition. Right, it's okay to get nervous for auditions because we want to do well, and world class soloists also get nervous for their auditions as well. So you are no different and you can totally do this.

Your host, Eleanor:

Number two the judges, the adjudicators, the panel. They want you to do well. They really actually do. They want to see the person who makes them excited to teach or makes them excited to work with you, like they want you to do well. And number three lastly, this is your audition. Own it, remember that you can create little goals for yourself, personal goals, in this audition, and you can also just remember how far you've come to get to this audition. Think about all that work that you've put in because you deserve to be there. And then the bonus we got deep breathing. That is super important, alright, well, that is it for this episode today. Thank you so much for hanging out with me today. That is so lovely of you. I hope that, whatever audition you may have, that you absolutely crush it, because I am rooting for you. But I hope you have a wonderful day and I will see you in the next episode. Bye, bye.

Every World-Class Solist Was Nervous For Their Auditions -- You Are No Different
The People There Want You To Do Well
Own It -- Create Your Own Personal Goal For The Audition
Bonus: Deep Breathing