The Gardenangelists: Flowers, Veggies, and All the Best Dirt

Autumn, The Magic Hour in the Garden

Carol Michel, Dee Nash Season 4 Episode 47

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Dee and Carol discuss anemones, compact plants, and more!.

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Granny Hobbies, anyone?

Caro's  blog post about Oriental Bittersweet 

Fall blooming crocuses at  Brent & Becky’s Bulbs

Flowers:  Anemone blanda, and Anemone hupehensis,  both described by the staff at the Missouri Botanical Garden.  Note: Brent & Becky’s Bulbs carries both!

The native, Anemone canadensis, available from Prairie Moon Nursery


Tomato 'Heartbreaker' from Territorial Seed Co

Two books to consider, Micro Food Gardening:Project Plans and Plants for Growing Fruits and Veggies in Tiny Spaces by Jen McGuiness (Amazon Link)  and Gardener’s Guide to Compact Plants: Edibles and Ornamentals for Small Space Gardening by Jessica Walliser. (Amazon link)

On the Bookshelf: Tender: A Cook and his Vegetable Patch by Nigel Slater (Amazon Link)

The Chef's Garden by Farmer Lee Jones (Amazon Link)

 Dirt: Better Homes and Gardens Turns 100

Rabbit Hole: Hopwood Hall on YouTube and the book, Downton Shabby by Hopwood DePree (Amazon link)

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For more info on Carol and her books, visit her website.  V

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