History: Beyond the Textbook

1.11: George Washington, and the start of the French and Indian War

December 19, 2023 Alex Mattke Season 1 Episode 11
1.11: George Washington, and the start of the French and Indian War
History: Beyond the Textbook
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History: Beyond the Textbook
1.11: George Washington, and the start of the French and Indian War
Dec 19, 2023 Season 1 Episode 11
Alex Mattke

As a man given the nickname "First in the Hearts of his Countrymen," among many others, what could we possibly explore about the life of the famous George Washington that hasn't already been written?  He led America's Continental Army in the War for Independence against the British, agreed to attend the pivotal Philadelphia Convention in May 1787, and served two terms as the first President of the United States.  However, before all of this, Washington had aspirations of elevating his social status to that of Virginia's elite planter gentry...and he dreamt of military glory on behalf of His Majesty's growing British Empire, and this may well be an aspect of his life about which the least is taught.  This episode of History: Beyond the Textbook focuses on the inexperienced George Washington...the young man who sought advancement, but in the process, inadvertently helped trigger a global war that reshaped the relationship between Great Britain and her North American Colonies.

Key People
George Washington, colonial planter and military officer
Tanaghrisson, captured Catawba man and Seneca "Half-King"
Ensign Joseph Coulon de Villiers de Joumonville-ill-fated French diplomat
Edward Braddock-British General

Key Event
French and Indian War

The second season of History: Beyond the Textbook focuses on the stories of individuals who shaped the Revolutionary era in American history, and runs from February 27-May 7.

Feel free to contact us with feedback or questions at: hbttpodcast@gmail.com

Show Notes

As a man given the nickname "First in the Hearts of his Countrymen," among many others, what could we possibly explore about the life of the famous George Washington that hasn't already been written?  He led America's Continental Army in the War for Independence against the British, agreed to attend the pivotal Philadelphia Convention in May 1787, and served two terms as the first President of the United States.  However, before all of this, Washington had aspirations of elevating his social status to that of Virginia's elite planter gentry...and he dreamt of military glory on behalf of His Majesty's growing British Empire, and this may well be an aspect of his life about which the least is taught.  This episode of History: Beyond the Textbook focuses on the inexperienced George Washington...the young man who sought advancement, but in the process, inadvertently helped trigger a global war that reshaped the relationship between Great Britain and her North American Colonies.

Key People
George Washington, colonial planter and military officer
Tanaghrisson, captured Catawba man and Seneca "Half-King"
Ensign Joseph Coulon de Villiers de Joumonville-ill-fated French diplomat
Edward Braddock-British General

Key Event
French and Indian War

The second season of History: Beyond the Textbook focuses on the stories of individuals who shaped the Revolutionary era in American history, and runs from February 27-May 7.

Feel free to contact us with feedback or questions at: hbttpodcast@gmail.com