Shedding Starlight

Ansem's Lost Report - Breaking down the World Terminus passage

March 04, 2024 Shedding Starlight Season 1 Episode 7
Ansem's Lost Report - Breaking down the World Terminus passage
Shedding Starlight
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Shedding Starlight
Ansem's Lost Report - Breaking down the World Terminus passage
Mar 04, 2024 Season 1 Episode 7
Shedding Starlight

“Ones born of the heart and darkness, devoid of hearts, ravage all worlds and bring desolation.
Seize all hearts and consummate the great heart. All hearts to be one, one heart to encompass all.
Realize the destiny: the realm of Kingdom Hearts. The great darkness sealed within the great heart.
Progeny of darkness, come back to the eternal darkness. For the heart of light shall unseal the path.
Seven hearts, one Keyhole, one key to the door. The door of darkness, tied by two keys.
The door to darkness to seal the light. None shall pass but shadows, returning to the darkness.
Ones born of the heart and darkness, hunger for every heart until the dark door opens."

 Thank you to Adrian, Michael, and Far for your questions on this episode!

Next week's episode: Ansem's 13th report and clues to the future. Send your questions to 

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Show Notes Transcript

“Ones born of the heart and darkness, devoid of hearts, ravage all worlds and bring desolation.
Seize all hearts and consummate the great heart. All hearts to be one, one heart to encompass all.
Realize the destiny: the realm of Kingdom Hearts. The great darkness sealed within the great heart.
Progeny of darkness, come back to the eternal darkness. For the heart of light shall unseal the path.
Seven hearts, one Keyhole, one key to the door. The door of darkness, tied by two keys.
The door to darkness to seal the light. None shall pass but shadows, returning to the darkness.
Ones born of the heart and darkness, hunger for every heart until the dark door opens."

 Thank you to Adrian, Michael, and Far for your questions on this episode!

Next week's episode: Ansem's 13th report and clues to the future. Send your questions to 

Shedding Starlight YouTube:
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Mel's Twitter:
The Secret Reports Channel:
Hannah's YouTube channel:

[Music] hello and welcome to shedding Starlight your guide To The Kingdom Hearts Mythos this week we're going to discuss the contents of the passage found in the lab seen in the end of the world which includes heartless The Realm of Darkness and its door of Darkness as well as Kingdom Hearts itself while the author of this passage didn't leave any sort of name we can theorize reliably that it was anom who wrote this after all in his 12th report and some rights to get to The Realm of Darkness one must go through the doors of Kingdom Hearts the place where the world's Hearts connect Beyond this world is a place in which Darkness Reigns details shall be archived in a separate report so chances are this separate report mentioned is the passage found at World Terminus since it discusses these exact topics he mentioned so let's comb through this passage and cross reference it to other material of the first Kingdom Hearts game so that next time you come across this text you can understand what it's trying to convey we're going to rearrange and organize the sentences since these ramblings don't originally have that great of a flow the opening and closing sentences of this passage are as follows once born of the heart and darkness devoid of Hearts ravage all worlds and bring desolation and once born of heart in darkness hunger for every heart until the dark door opens here anom is encouraging the heartless to consume hearts and based on his 11th report he's not just encouraging the heartless to take the hearts of people but specifically the hearts of Worlds opening the door to the world's heart causes its walls to crumble I know the Catalyst of the collapse the appearance of the heartless however it will take time to search out the world's doors and to retrieve each heart this is why anom is at Destiny islands in the beginning of the game I've come to see the door to this world the surface of this game might lead you to believe it was Maleficent and the other Disney villains who were responsible for the Stars blinking out but they were really only interested in the princesses of heart or ruling over their own own worlds anom is the reason all these worlds were falling to Darkness since he used the heartless to take and collect their hearts so why does anom want the hearts of Worlds it seems to be the necessary steps to his goal of Kingdom Hearts as he further writes in the world Terminus passage seize all hearts and consummate the great Heart All Hearts to be one one heart to Encompass all and realize the destiny the realm of King om hearts ansom and Maleficent call Kingdom Hearts the heart of all worlds so it seems that Kingdom Hearts is quite literally a fusion or accumulation of all these stolen hearts and this Destiny mentioned is being realized through this Union in our episode about Realms we discussed that the realm of Kingdom Hearts is likely in reference to The Realm of Darkness rather than being its own realm if this is true then that makes sense of what anom continues to write in the world Terminus Passage progeny of Darkness come back to the Eternal darkness and None Shall Pass but Shadows returning to the darkness after collecting hearts of Worlds anom is now encouraging the heartless to return to the Realm of Darkness that or possibly that the hearts themselves now overcome with Darkness return to that realm to join with Kingdom Hearts In the End every heart returns to the darkness whence it came whether the world Terminus passage is referring to heartless or the hearts they stole from Worlds either way it still seems that the stolen Hearts go to The Realm of Darkness to unite with Kingdom[Music] Hearts however along with the idea of Kingdom Hearts being located in The Realm of Darkness there is also the question of whether Kingdom Hearts itself consists of light or Darkness as the world terminous passage implies both the great Darkness sealed within the great heart but later it writes the door to Darkness to seal the light that being said Sora in the end saying Kingdom Hearts is light in a final reveal is probably reliable thematically wise for showing definitively what kingdom hearts truly contains in the discussion portion of our Realms episode we mentioned the dark silhouette of a heart surrounding the door of Darkness that appears after defeating anthom's final form and we questioned whether or not that was Kingdom Hearts but the fact that this silhouette is seen outside the door of darkness when Kingdom Hearts is supposed to be sealed within might be an indication that it is not Kingdom Hearts after all if that's the case though it's beyond interesting that Kingdom Hearts the energy source that anom and Maleficent believes holds Untold wisdom the very reason that all these worlds were destroyed is not seen once in the entire game the world Terminus passage also references the princesses of heart as well as the keyhole they create for the heart of light shall unseal the path seven Hearts one Keyhole one key to the door this could be in reference to something we discussed in our episode on Realms how an was able to reach the door to Darkness after being pulled into the keyhole created by the princesses of heart but interestingly it continues onward to the two keyblades wielded by Sora and Mickey the door of Darkness Tied by two keys this isn't said in the first Kingdom Hearts game itself but Mickey's keyblade is called the Kingdom key D short for Dark Side other materials say this keyblade is the dark side of the Kingdom key as its color scheme gold with a silver handle is the opposite of sora's Keyblade which is silver with a gold handle but it might also refer to the dark side of the door in other words The Realm of Darkness where Mickey seems to have obtained this keyblade in the first place Mickey himself in this first Kingdom Hearts game has an interesting role though one might not think it at first since he's barely in it we stated earlier that anom was the one responsible for the worlds falling to Darkness and the Stars blinking out Mickey says to Donald in the letter he left behind that he went to find the solution to the Stars blinking out so Mickey is unknowingly working to prevent anam's acts this is interesting because Mickey and anom met long ago and this meeting is debatably the Catalyst for anthom's actions he writes in his ninth report simply astonishing today I had a guest from another world he is a king and is vessel is built of the material that composed the meteors we talked for countless hours but one story in particular caught my interest that of a key called the keyblade so Mickey seems to be the one who told anom about the keyblade in the first place but the question is did Mickey tell anom specifically about these two keys mentioned in the world terminous passage or did anom come to this discovery himself in his stud studies about the door of Darkness if Mickey is responsible for anam's discoveries then it's fitting he returns in time to fix this mistake either way Mickey himself seems to also have a lot of knowledge in this subject matter he was not only able to enter The Realm of Darkness without the door of Darkness but he also magically reached out to rku when he ended up in this realm so anom isn't the only one who had knowledge of the realm of of Darkness its door and the two keys tied to[Music] it so let's shoot through this passage once more and this time we will approach it in order ones born of the heart and darkness devoid of Hearts ravage all worlds and bring desolation anom is encouraging the heartless to take the hearts of Worlds sees all hearts and consummate the great heart take the hearts so anom can create Kingdom Hearts with them all Hearts to be one one heart to Encompass all Kingdom Hearts is composed of the hearts of Worlds realize the destiny the realm of Kingdom Hearts by bringing these hearts together Kingdom Hearts will come to fruition the great Darkness sealed within the great heart anom believes Kingdom Hearts has Darkness within it progeny of Darkness come back to the Eternal Darkness either anom believes the heartless will return to the Realm of Darkness or the hearts they take will do so for the heart of light shall unseal the path seven Hearts one Keyhole one key to the door the princesses of heart create a keyhole that leads to the door of Darkness the door of Darkness Tied by two keys obviously the large white doors and Sora and Mickey's keyblades related to it the door to Darkness to see all the light the large white doors being the path to Kingdom Hearts None Shall Pass but Shadows returning to the darkness again either the heartless or the hearts they take which anom suspects contain Darkness passing through the door of Darkness one's born of the heart and darkness hunger for every heart until the dark door opens anom is again encouraging the heartless to take Hearts until he's finally able to access Kingdom Hearts what while this passage found at World Terminus May at first seem like Mindless repetitive rambling it actually gives us great insight into anam's motives Mickey's role and most importantly what kingdom hearts[Music] is welcome back everyone to shedding Starlight we are talking about the passage we found at World Terminus during Kingdom Hearts 1 I'm here with Mel say hello Mel hello how are you doing today Mel I'm doing good I'm excited for this episode this is I think this I think for me this was the episode that I was have been very excited for but patient but excited yeah I was reading through this script the first time and I'm like all right this is the juicy [ __ ] this is like what we've been leading up to this whole time this is like what all that Prelude was for it's for this now we have all of the context for for this and Mel is a master crafter in that way for the order of episodes and and everything all the scripts um so yeah we just went literally line by line through this whole thing because without context it's literally just like Darkness Heart Light Keys steal the light door to Darkness a billion times and it's just really hard to parse without like literally breaking it down this guy's [ __ ] crazy dude he is[ __ ] crazy crazy um so yeah I think I don't really have a great like like segue into a a good opener or anything but I I'm glad that some of the questions that I had for this script I see that other people had as well so let me just get into my first little Point here I just wanted to clear up the very first thing I wrote down um is that at one point he uses door to Darkness and Kingdom Hearts interchangeably so like the quote is to get to The Realm of Darkness one must go through the doors of Kingdom Hearts but that's like wrong right I there's no doors to Kingdom Hearts Kingdom Hearts is inside the doors yes I think that's what he means I think he means that not that it's like the door opens and you're in Kingdom Hearts like Backle up I think it's more like like this is the this is the door to Mel you open the door to get to me yeah yeah you know I think the door yeah the doors of Kingdom Hearts cuz I think that was also like the way that they kind of I just rewatched the the part of the ending cut scene for um anom versus Sora at the end when they're talking about Kingdom Hearts cuz they're talking about Kingdom Hearts and Sora is like Kingdom Hearts is light and then the doors open so like in my mind I think like without having read all these reports when I was younger I didn't I thought that was Kingdom Hearts like those doors like it literally was Kingdom Hearts right there but that's obviously not true um yeah just clearing very understandable to think that it's very understandable to think that okay so I made that one clarification door of Darkness Kingdom Hearts doors blah blah blah so then this whole I kind of after this made my own just to me map it out in my mind uh given that this is anom talking the the goal here the whole thought process that anom goes through during the Arc of the Kingdom Hearts game he makes heartless to destroy the worlds to collect the hearts of those worlds to make Kingdom Hearts which is a literal Kingdom of world hearts to find true wisdom SL true Nirvana right did I get it right I would say mostly right I just don't know if I would ironically which is so [ __ ] annoying but I don't know if if I would say at least with the knowledge that we have right now especially you and I's knowledge like considering the entire of the series I don't know if I would say Kingdom Hearts is an actual Kingdom right like a in in my in my context I'm just thinking of it as a collection a kingdom being a collection so not like a literal Kingdom with a royalty and everything but like um yeah just a collection is the word I should have used there um then yeah I think yeah you got it cool great way to summarize everything we've talked about within like four four episodes worth of content yeah uh episode seven we finally we finally got there um speaking of like the collection of hearts and like a you know we talked about the accumulation or un unification unification of Hearts one thing that never clicked with me up until now is that that is so similar to the way the princesses of Hearts when they took out the princesses of hearts hearts and combined them they created that black goth keyblade right mhm and I I never really pieced it together that that is kind of similar to what anom is implying with Kingdom Hearts is these Hearts coming together uniting and forming something else through that Union and I just never pieced that connection and that similarity or parallel together and I think that is so interesting interesting yeah it's like uh it's very parallel actions happening yes absolutely and speaking oh speaking of okay speaking of the princesses of heart I wrote um yeah last time I don't remember if it was the last episode honestly but previously we talked about the keyhole I think it was last episode that anom went through uhhuh at Hollow Bastion to reach the door of darkness and you asked me if that could happen to any world Keyhole and I don't I feel like I was just like I don't know probably any world you started you started talking about how Hollow Bastion is a weird world that is very mysterious that we don't really know a whole lot about that's the I relate to that so much P me is so smart but I really now now I really really do hold on to the idea that okay okay okay okay my thought process is is that if anom says the princesses of heart can create a keyhole that leads to the door of Darkness he says this in his world terminous passage then first of all part of me even I don't even think I really realized this but I wonder if the keyhole that the princesses of heart made is a completely different [ __ ] Keyhole than the one that belongs to hollow Bastian I didn't even like really piece that together until like just now oh sorry there might be some fans that are like duh but like come me some slack here come me some slack but like you know so in that case it might be a complete coincidence that it was Hollow Bastion because maybe that's just where Maleficent decided to bring all of the is of heart doesn't he say where the keyhole is in one of his reports like he says that the shadow led him to the some part of the castle or something like that in that report he's talking about Hollow bastion's Keyhole itself he's not talking about the separate Keyhole that the princesses of heart summoned so that's what I'm trying to get at I think those are two different keyholes one of them just belongs to hollow bastian's heart and the other one was summoned by the princesses of heart and my point is well I mean I guess my point is that I don't know could that it could be two different things yes yeah okay interesting that's that's an interesting thought yeah that makes me cuz I was the reason I asked that was because I was wondering if the if that report described the same spot where the keyhole that the princess has made is yes see that is another thing that I think is really interesting you brought up a really good point is that if it is a different Keyhole where did anom find this original Hollow Bastian door and that's kind of something that even to this day we don't really know yeah and it's just so interesting and so tantalizing and I want to okay once again let me bring up the fact that I have been kind of Teeter tottering on whether or not we should have an episode just dated just dedicated to Hollow Bastion but I think I'm going to wait a bit and bring it up when we talk about Kingdom Hearts 2 because Kingdom Hearts 2 kind of talk doesn't talk about similar things but it has a lot of visual um what's it called when you're playing a video game and you can kind of get a sense of what happened just by looking around you and storytelling yeah that's what I'm looking for Kingdom Hearts 2 has some environmental storytelling about Hollow Bastion and I think I think that is when I need to bring back all of this weird [ __ ][ __ ] with Hollow Bastion cuz it's just so weird so if you were if you're listening and you were waiting for us to talk about that I do apologize you will have to wait yeah I I'm sorry you just got to stick around you got to stay subscribed you know we'll get there eventually just not today so true um so the quote that you put here in reference to this quote was the one about seven Hearts so the specific quote is for the heart of light shall unseal the path seven Hearts one Keyhole one key to the door and so my question for this is the same question that one of our uh listeners had Michael specifically who we'll get back to eventually but I noticed that heart of light is singular so my thought there my guess there is that could that also be referring to Sora the keyblade wielder The Chosen keyblade wielder unsealing the path um of light that is I've literally never thought about that like ever that is so interesting especially because that kind of ties into um let me look and see which report it was one of anam's reports where he talks about he's like I have to leave before this keyblade wielder [ __ ] up my whole plan cuz also he's trying to find the keyblade wielder through Kye yes yeah so like find like you know using her to find him to show the path I don't know something like that yeah so anom report 11 he says the doors can be locked using a keyblade making the heart forever unattainable I must take action before the wielder of this key appears in this world yeah real interesting yeah which like it's it's interesting that in so this is anam's 11th report it's interesting that in this report he says that he has to take action before the keyblade wielder appears in Hollow Bastion and that to me because he he says he wants to take action before the keyblade wielder makes that heart forever unattainable so to me that kind of implies again that anom is referring to hollow bastion's specific Keyhole yeah but Hollow Bastion never Falls to Darkness anyway it's still in the realm of light yeah which is one of the things that makes it so weird yeah this planet this [ __ ] little planet I swear to God what's going on um yeah anyway that's um the idea of that being Sora the idea of that being Sora is so interesting to me because I just love there's something about Sora I don't know what it is and I feel like the Smash Bros announcement trailer really captured this well and but there's something about Sora where yes he is a happy goodlucky guy but when he is put into like this imagery of like being really special and like being really particular like I eat that [ __ ] up [ __ ] literally if I'm in the mood to cry I watch that Smash Bros announcement video because of how much I [ __ ] love this little boy I love him so much I just remember a you comment on that video being like they announced Sora like he was the son of God literally literally um but like that just kind of brings me back to this whole like this is the first game of this series that might not have a second game whenever they're making it so it just like it's very like you are the protagonist you are the heart of light so like cuz you're sore of reading that so like I don't know like the it just all this stuff is happening behind the scenes but you're the protagonist that's going to pull all of it together because that's that's this game that like this game about like light and darkness it just you know do you get me am I making sense I do I do yes and like I said I never thought of it like that before and you know when when we wrote these sentences of the different passages or when we wrote the different sentences of this passage excuse me and we kind of laid it all out I included for the heart of Life shall andal a path to be along with the princesses of heart but with this approach that you have brought up it's just interesting because even though those sentences are said together they really are they might be talking about two different things yeah and and I think that is so interesting because I think that might connect back to the beginning of Kingdom Hearts when once we talked about how the princesses of heart reached out to Sora and asked for his help as those glass uh stained glass platforms yeah so it's just I think that is a really interesting interpretation that kind of brings everything full circle absolutely yeah and that's like that's something that I like to bring this sort of perspective to because again like looking at it from sometimes we get so into like the nitty-gritty details it's like we kind of have to step back and look at it for what it was in the moment culturally and just as a game like in and of itself um yeah and I'm not like criticizing you for like not having that approach it's just like yeah I've just been a Kingdom Hearts fan for so long that it's just been forever since I've not you know like when did like Union Cross come out Union Cross came out like 10 years ago so so it's been like at least when did Dreer distance come out 2012 so it's been like what 12 years since I've thought about Kingdom Hearts like a normal person and not [ __ ] insane that having like a new brain talk about these things is so refreshing good I I'm glad I can I can help in that way um and some of you have also pointed that out in the comments and have been really nice to me this past week so thank you for noticing thank you for for loving on me in that way um but yeah that was that was just my my point there it's just interesting to look at it in that way um so we talked a lot about Mickey in this episode and so first of all before I say what I actually wrote as a bullet point Mickey I think Mickey is so interesting in Kingdom Hearts 1 because for some little rat who is barely in this game yeah he really does have such an important but passive role he's such like a mythical creature in this game yeah like really is he like he has this air of like he is a king and he is missing and we are his servants going to look for him and he has power that we don't know about yet and like it's it's crazy what a mythical creature they have turned him into this household name that everyone has seen singing and dancing on TV like it's crazy how they were able to create him as this like revered figure which again that's just me talking about the writing but go ahead no you're right because just now when you were saying mysterious king and the servants have to search for him I was thinking to myself like H that would make such a great video game uh story and I was like [ __ ] like it l that's what we're talking about that is the game that we are playing yes it's just Mickey [ __ ] Mouse yeah it's crazy um but you have a point here that you oh yes I do yeah so one thing I love him but I also hate him and the reason is because one part of me feels like all this is his fault like and the reason is because way back who knows when when anom is writing all of his reports he and Mickey talk and Mickey just [ __ ] tells him everything which is so insane to me because Donald was like Sora if you tell even one Soul about our business here I'm going to pull you by your ear and drag you to the gummy ship when we're going home like we're not even going to get you McDonald's like shut up don't tell people we not getting MF Flur is on the way home meanwhile Mickey is like let me tell the most evil man everything all the secrets of the universe like yeah but that led me to question that of like is this what led Mickey and the Disney characters to know about world order and like respecting knowledge you know be being respectful of knowledge as in like are you saying like Mickey made the mistake and so Mickey was like okay I better not do that ever again so let me go tell all my subjects yeah that's like okay that's interesting I hadn't thought of that either cuz that that would be a natural progression right because like you know anom and Mickey meeting was before all of this started happening and then yeah you're right I don't know yeah I feel like that makes sense to me of like yeah no it does Mickey making a mistake and then trying to make sure that it doesn't happen again okay maybe I respect Mickey a little well I mean listen I'm here to trash on Mickey all you want but like got to give him credit where credit's due if it's due if you're a new Kingdom Hearts fan and you're listening and you're like why don't they like Mickey we do like Mickey Mickey just makes some choices in this series this little monster yeah also just the fact that he is the face of a multi-billion dollar Corporation it's just like yes we have to you know keep an arms length away it's like [ __ ] on Mario like it's fun yeah literally um okay I think that was our last Point uh I think we're going to dive into some listener emails now um yes go for it so our first one is from Adrian and Adrian did write I'm really sorry that my emails keep getting longer I hope you don't mind we don't mind but there might be some questions that you did ask Adrian that we won't be able to address unfortunately and it might be because um I don't feel like it's because of spoilers but it might just be because we've already talked about it either in this episode or we've talked about it in a previous episode um so alas but the first thing that Adrien asked is where did the light from Kingdom Hearts actually come from the game states that Kingdom Hearts is sleeping deep within the Realm of Darkness and that the door would lead you to it yet when the doors open there's no sign of Kingdom Hearts perhaps the connection between the door of Darkness I don't know if I accidentally deleted a word or Adrian deleted a word between the door of darkness and Kingdom Hearts allowed it to channel its light through it as the doors opened yes so IM okay we have talked about how Kingdom Hearts is not seen in this game which is just really weird and ooky spooky Wild and light does come out from the door when it opens but then other than that burst of light we don't see anything yeah and unfortunately I can't really say where this light came from because you know what the game doesn't show the game doesn't show um and it's you know I just think that I think that's more than anything in this game in this one single game not considering the whole series but just Kingdom Hearts 1 I think it is really a choice to not show us yeah definitively Kingdom Hearts and what it looks like and and like did that play into how mystical it is yes so maybe that was like a methodical Choice mhm but either way I guess part of me is just like annoyed by it like let me see it let me see the [ __ ] McGuffin of all time like let me see this heavenly gift from God like let me see it yeah love Yeah uh-huh it just to me like the way that that whole scene is set up like like Sora literally says Kingdom Hearts is light and then the door opens and then light comes out of it so like to me that's got to be light from Kingdom Hearts like cuz why why else would they set it up like that if that weren't the case you know I don't know yeah especially because I'm sure like Sora weakened anom but even though it seemed like a short burst of Kingdom of Light excuse me a short burst of light that came out from the doors it had to be enough light to destroy anom because he kind of blew up afterwards you know yeah so it might not have seemed like the doors opening and there was like like something kind of pitiful coming coming out but it had to be powerful enough to finally take out this enormous threat to the universe so yeah I think[Music] um there you know we talked earlier about how the phrase like to get to The Realm of Darkness you have to open the doors of Kingdom Hearts or whatever and so Kingdom Hearts and this door do seem to be connected in some sense and I think that's May what Adrien is also wondering is if there is a connection between these two and are they kind of like one in the same are they able to like Channel things through one another yeah and I think um I think that's possible mhm but unfortunately I still feel you know even though we have a whole [ __ ] episode about it I feel like unfortunately the connections between these two objects is still mysterious and we just don't don't know that much about it mhm yeah we just don't [ __ ] know so the next question from Adrien says regarding Mickey I was wondering if the source of his knowledge on keyblades might have also informed him on the door to Darkness and maybe also the door to light which the mysterious voice mentions a few times in this game what do you think I literally have not thought of that the door to light at all I forgot that was a thing even me too here's the thing I think so I think it might okay here's what's really interesting I was going to save this for the next episode but we'll just we'll dabble in it we'll dabble in it but in fact it might even be more fitting in this episode but something that is so interesting cuz I remember my first time playing Kingdom Hearts 1 and in the very beginning of the game there's that mysterious voice that says you will open the door or the door to the light I don't remember what it says specifically forgive me um but in my head while playing through Kingdom Hearts and then beating it I was like oh okay that was the door that he opened he said Kingdom Hearts is light and it opened like yeah that was it but then Sora is running through the fields and then the voice comes back and says you will open the door and so I remember I can picture the room that I'm in playing this game and being like that wasn't the door he was supposed to open yeah like what is this door and we haven't talked about it yet this whole um this whole series yet just because we've been talking about Kingdom Hearts 1 but I do think that whatever this door to the light is which I think is like it only has like one or two references and it doesn't have any anom does it mention it at all does it have any kind of exposition on it it's so it's it's even more mysterious than the door of Darkness I I'm excited to get to a point where we can tackle it and maybe that's not even yet like whatever I won't get too far into spoilers but it's interesting and I and I don't I CU here's the thing about the mysterious voice you will meet some Kingdom Hearts fan that will be like oh that mysterious voice was Mickey because it was said in this Mania or this interview 20 years ago sometime at this point with what we know about Kingdom Hearts especially the beginning of Kingdom Hearts one if you know what I'm talking about and how that comes back sometimes I'm just like I don't trust that answer anymore like what the [ __ ] does Mickey have to say while sora's asleep in this little dream sequence like he Mickey Mickey is smart and he knows a lot but he doesn't know that much like sit down Mickey sit down but I do think that that mysterious voice is very interesting what do you think about it Hannah I'm going to be honest I don't remember like what it says at all I um okay let's look let's look yeah what are the quotes from it okay so the first way the voice enters and kind of talks to Sora is during the tutorial sequence at the stained glass spooky dream that mysterious voice I was thinking there was some other one I was missing okay um but it does come back at the end of the game when Sora is running through the field so let me see what it says let me read read it aloud oh oh my God what so oh my God so at one point goofy so they're walking through the fields right they're walking through the fields they're about to see Bluto they don't see Pluto yet and Goofy is like like where do we start looking for that their door to the light like so they know it's an objective that they have to eventually reach that is [ __ ] crazy goofy is just an all- knowing entity that plays Dumb okay so here's what the voice says hold on remember Sora you are the one who will open the door to the light that's what it says that's all it says isn't that crazy and it's like do we have any context for that no do we know what that means no so my immediate thought definitely not one I had before just now but my immediate thought when for when he's in the Stations of Awakening that's a that's a term I'm allowed to use right that's for yeah yeah yeah okay if you're a new fan you don't know what it's called it's just the tutorial dream sequence with a gla stash Windows right um when he's when he's in the stained glass place um did I see GLA stash I think I said GLA stash instead of stained glass I'll make it work um I so I want to bring it back to the princesses if it's them calling out to him what if it's them oh my God a Hannah that is so interesting especially because when we beat anome and all the princesses are kind of standing around hallasan I don't remember which princess it was spefic specifically but I think one of them maybe Cinderella she was like I had no idea I had all this power like I didn't know I could do all this yeah and so that alone kind of makes you wonder like what is the extent of their power yeah and I mean maybe the doubts that I would have that it is the princesses of heart being the light is that they don't necessarily say things like help me like oh it's so dark in here you know yeah but it is also at the same time a very encouraging but also a little bit urgent like so much to do so little time yeah you know that's a really iconic quote that people remember from that segment yeah and so maybe it is like hey you know nobody told you you have this important responsibility but you got to get crack in little buddy you got to come help us so I don't know I think that's very interesting cuz I think they're the closest like thing that we could have to like a Godlike figure in this in this series[ __ ] better work um and like that's like they're they're some of the most powerful beings in in this universe that are established as of this point so like that that plus the connection of the stained glass makes me think that's I I think that's what it is that's my cuz who else would it like who else would it be no like Kyrie and rku like they don't know what the [ __ ] going on like anom wouldn't say any of that Mickey I guess is a good guess but like you said why why would he be doing that why would he know all of this that sort of thing like I know Mickey reaches out to rku and rku is in The Realm of Darkness and in these scenes it's I mean it's like because the Final Mix added cut scenes don't have voices but that being said Mickey does kind of talk to Ru actually he might have even talked to him maybe that scene wasn't even Final Mix exclusive I don't remember it doesn't matter either way Mickey is just text that's very reminiscent of the tutorial text yeah but I don't know I don't I just have doubts see there's there's context there that makes it make sense because we know Mickey gets there to the to the Realm of Darkness with the with Sora and the Mysterious voice there's really no context backing that up for for it to be Mickey like there is with you're right you're right so that's my theory I'm going to stick to it that it's the princesses talking to him honestly I like it maybe I'll stick with it too honestly it's great thanks okay so our next email is from Michael hello Michael you again I know next episode is about the lab in Kingdom Hearts oh which is this which is this episode yeah yeah but I when I went to the wiki to read the data log I stumbled upon the section about the chernabog right below it what is the deal with him is he supposed to be a heartless is he some kind of evil demon from a world that was consumed by Darkness so he got sent here why can Sora fly during the fight for more oh and then for topic questions why does anom say heart of light singular in the data log which is what you referenced earlier M isn't he talking about the princesses what he what did he mean when he used the verb consummate okay one thing at a time first of all the chernabog so the chernabog if you don't know is from Fantasia segment song Night on Bald Mountain and I did watch it on 2x speed like 20 minutes ago and it is really just like a bunch of ghosts and a bunch of skeletons and things kind of relating to death honestly dancing and having a [ __ ] party okay they were kind of losing their minds in that little video so that little animation the little film excuse me mhm and the obviously we have to kind of relate that to Kingdom Hearts itself MH and the thing the thing about Disney in Kingdom Hearts to me is that you kind of just have to recognize like okay what's a heartless and then what is a Disney creature of Darkness that looks like a heart yeah yeah so like what's another good example of something from Disney that just I don't know like um I'm trying to think I'm think I'm trying to think of Kingdom Hearts one you know like um Clayton from Deep Jungle yeah eventually he just like got his heart taken by Darkness he's just a dark man you just got to face it you just got to take what the game gives you yeah and that's kind of how I feel about trab bog is that it's Disney related so you're only going to get so far by putting a microscope over it yeah I Turner Boog Turner I am going to just kind of be Debbie Downer a little bit on this one and say that I maybe the developers just put it in cuz they thought it fit thematically visually and thought it would be cool to fight and they were so right they were so right especially you know if you're when I was a kid and I played Kingdom Hearts 1 I never watched Fantasia so we called this guy the Batman because he just look like a giant Batman and he was very very cool and intimidating and hard to be and you know he they I think that the staff picked a really good choice in picking you know the climactic boss battle for the end of the world maybe not for the whole game that would belong to anom but for the end of the world giving you a big boss battle that feels really scary and really intimidating and is it a dark side heartless type thing technically no but it feels like it and I'm willing to let that slide I think you might like just have to put it in the same like category as like fighting Jafar when he turns into a genie fighting Ursula when uh you know when you do that in Atlantica um it's just they're not heartless they're just beings of evil that I guess are you know associated with Darkness but they're not heartless um and they're the final boss because they're the villains of that world you know yeah and if you are someone who is like no everything needs to relate to Kingdom Hearts now then I would say you know remember that anom did become a heartless because even though he submitted to Darkness he was powerful and he had a strong will and he knew what he want he's a [ __ ] that knows what she wants you know and so chances are that's what even something like the chernabog that seems to be intelligent you know maybe it's just a dark creature that is power ful and strong willed enough to where it won't lose itself to the to the heartless yeah yeah I agree anyway oh my God Maleficent Dragon there's a perfect mhm well didn't he manipulate her into becoming that or something is that something I remember he did but he was like open your heart to Darkness you know so yeah but anyway anyway um um what did he use when he what did he mean when he used the verb consummate for consummating Kingdom Hearts oh we can all have a laugh consumate but it just means to BR to BR yeah to unify basically that's that's what the verb literally means so that's that okay okay our next email is from Far hello far thinking about the Lost report makes so many questions pop into my mind how did anom learn about what is written did he leave this information for someone to find and act on unlike the reports the terminal seems to be stating a message it's very objective and asks no questions very unlike anam's other records it's as if anom stumbled upon a revelation and is noting what he learned like we said he's bat it crazy how though how does observations led him to this conclusion but then does that explain knowing about the kingdom keyd as he always describes the keyblade as a singular entity in his reports had he learned this knowledge okay so far mentioned something that I'm going to kind of dance around to make sure that we don't spoil people but far brings up a very interesting point that I think is so interesting so we talked about I think in our very first episode on heart heartless or second episode excuse me about how heartless are kind of able to instinctually detect the keyblade right the you Squall or Leon whatever when he's talking to Sora near the beginning of Kingdom Hearts at Travers toown is like the heartless will always come at you because they know you wield the keyblade and I think um in our princesses of heart episode we talked about how the heartless are kind of able to tell who's a princesses of heart and maybe that's how anom was able to tell that Kyrie was a princess of heart maybe the heartless were kept following her around and I think that far brings up a really good question on maybe um maybe anom gained this knowledge after like finally submitting to Darkness and just like embracing it and maybe doing that gave him more wisdom and more of like this Instinct of what's what and I think that is very very interesting yeah that is interesting just like seeing the light haha but seeing the darkness you know um yeah once he submits to it that's very interesting that I for some reason I think dur during um I I think a couple of these scripts I keep getting the the vision the image of um the Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull when the woman meets the aliens and she wants to know everything and they give her they like teleport all of the knowledge into her brain so that makes that just reminds me of that have you seen that movie did she do uh I don't think I have I can is it um the lady who plays G gadriel is it is it the lady with the dark Bob the Black Bob she wants she wants the knowledge she wants the knowledge that the aliens have and like the whole Crystal Skull sorry for the spoilers I don't know if you ever wanted to watch it it's known as the worst you to watch it it's known as the worst Indiana Jones movie so like whatever but like the Crystal Skull ends up being like an alien skull and so they come back to get it at the end of it or some something like that and she begs the aliens to give her the knowledge that they have and then it kills her obviously so it's just tangent over that's just what I was thinking of whenever we talked about that but I I think that's a good I think that's a good theory I think that makes sense to some extent yes if that's not the case then either way there seems to be something about anom that we're not told about because you know we've talked before about how how the [ __ ] did he learn all this yeah especially because like between like let me go see which report it is there's at some point like okay so anoms report 11 between anoms report 11 in anoms report 12 and maybe even debatably earlier he really seems to just like learn so much within such a short amount of time and this is part of the reason why I blame Mickey is because anom seemed to kind of be limited in his discussion and then eventually you would think you would like run into a wall of what he could learn but it just so happens that Mickey met him and told him about the keyblade and that to me seems to be like this trigger of anom suddenly being able to learn way more than he should have yeah but we can't definitively say if that's the case and if it's not the case and it's not the darkness being the case what is yeah so very interesting and then the last thing far rights is then there's the possibility of the Lost report being the basis of Maleficent plan could she have found this terminal 9 years ago when she first attacked Hollow Bastian even in Kingdom Hearts 1 Maleficent and the other Disney villains seem to be aware of anom as all who were present in the cabal drop a report upon defeat H that's interesting I never thought about that as well as the reports found by aith and Hollow basan meaning the Disney villains likely had access to them as well but there's nothing in reports 1 to 10 mention the seven princesses of heart just princesses yet the cabal knows that they need seven oh that's very interesting I I can understand where far is coming from but I don't know how Canon Sora un getting these reports is because Sora also gets a report I believe from beating sephar Roth yeah and zepo is so separate from the rest of the Kingdom Hearts Story and there's also we learn more about Hollow basan in the future of the series and I I don't think Maleficent knows about this lost report and I don't think that she has read it and I can't really get into why but I'm I'm quite confident that she has not read this report and hopefully if you are familiar with Maleficent and you're familiar with h Bastion and you're familiar with the passage and kind of the lab surrounding the passage you can kind of read my mind that I'm telepathically sending you on why I don't think she knew um but alas but I do think that these are all great points yeah and so maybe you know 10 years ago 5 years ago I would have been like interesting yeah but alas I just I don't think that's the case right now yeah all right well that kind of brings us into what our next topic is going to be about next topic do you think yes so here's the thing I I believe our next episode is going to be our final episode on Kingdom Hearts 1 unless we decide to do like a summary of everything we've learned but I if we don't decide to do that then I think next week is going to be the last one we're we're cooking up some ideas for what uh like a summary type thing could look like like a summary slash look to the remember these things for the future type episode um yes so that I think yeah yeah no matter what no matter what whether we do a summary or not the next episode I believe I'm 99% sure cuz I decided I didn't want to do hollow Bastian yet but I think the next episode is going to be about all the seeds that this first game plants that we can kind of take note of and keep in mind of for the future so I think that you know like for example for example if you want to know like well what the [ __ ] do I say what if I have questions what do I know if you're going to talk about it or not we're talking about anam's 13th report but we're also cross tying that or cross referencing that excuse me with various other little things here and there throughout the game that kind of are very mysterious and might be answered in the future so yeah yeah all right well um I just really quickly want to say someone back a few weeks ago when I I was streaming on the shedding Starlight Channel someone asked me if we were going to do an episode on what kingdom hearts actually is and hopefully you're listening because we I think this is the one episode where we can so far kind of a little bit definitively say maybe what kingdom hearts is so hopefully you listened and hopefully you got what you wanted this episode um but yeah that's it for today uh if you have questions email them to shedding Starlight or put them in the YouTube comments we read both um yes and I think that's pretty much it if you liked the episode if you like the show be sure to subscribe to us on YouTube YouTube viewers you're doing a pretty good job about subscribing I think 90 something per of our viewers are subscribed my God maybe it it's either 90 or 70 it's pretty good it's a pretty good 70 is still really high yeah so like you guys are killing it over there so audio listeners I need you to kill it as well and go uh slam the Spotify five stars and slam the Apple podcast five stars so we can raise up in those charts so we can be seen by more Kingdom Hearts fans just like you and also one last thing tell all of your Kingdom Hearts friends that were here that were here to help them out to get the little details that they never noticed about Kingdom Hearts um tell a friend that we're here and that we want to talk to them personally we want to talk to your friend specifically the one that you're thinking about right now we want to talk to them so yeah put them on the phone right now put them on the phone right now um so yeah I think that's it um anything else M we love you I'm just so thankful me too to everybody who sends in emails thanks for everybody who listens I genuinely get so excited every time we get a little email in our inbox and I read it and it's so good and you guys also I want to give everyone a kiss cuz everyone was especially nice to me last week in the in the YouTube comments and in the email so thank you so much yeah we don't read um emails in their entirety because you know Emil can get a little lengthy it's an email you know it is what it is um but we do read all of people's emails so we're we're very thankful yes we and we're very glad and happy and touched it's just this has been a very successful experiment so far that we've been doing so I'm just I'm I'm very knock wood knock on wood yes oh my god um um and we're just yeah we're just so happy that it it has uh done so well so far um and we're glad that everyone loves it and um yeah that's all I'm going to say for now look forward to our next episode so um thank you all for watching and we'll see you in the[Music] Starlight