Shedding Starlight

Secrets Beyond the Keyhole - Ansem's 13th Report

March 11, 2024 Shedding Starlight Season 1 Episode 8
Secrets Beyond the Keyhole - Ansem's 13th Report
Shedding Starlight
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Shedding Starlight
Secrets Beyond the Keyhole - Ansem's 13th Report
Mar 11, 2024 Season 1 Episode 8
Shedding Starlight

In this finale episode of the first season of Shedding Starlight, we look at clues given to us by the game's antagonist to see what the future may hold for the series. Heart, body, and soul. Heartless. Nobody. What will these new factors bring to us? 

Thank you to Adrian and Lucas for your questions on this episode!

Next season: Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories. Send your questions to 

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The Secret Reports Channel:
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Show Notes Transcript

In this finale episode of the first season of Shedding Starlight, we look at clues given to us by the game's antagonist to see what the future may hold for the series. Heart, body, and soul. Heartless. Nobody. What will these new factors bring to us? 

Thank you to Adrian and Lucas for your questions on this episode!

Next season: Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories. Send your questions to 

Shedding Starlight YouTube:
Hannah's Twitter:
Mel's Twitter:
The Secret Reports Channel:
Hannah's YouTube channel:

[Music] welcome to shedding Starlight your guide To The Kingdom Hearts method this episode is a special one as it's the finale of Our Kingdom Hearts 1 season to celebrate we'll be peeking Through the Keyhole and taking a look at hints for what the series has in store in the future we'll be discussing a secret boss as well as the longer secret ending if you're the type of person who likes to piece things together yourself maybe skip this one we won't spoil anything directly of course but sometimes when someone puts two jigsaw puzzle pieces P together you might realize the greater picture too early we'll begin with anthom's 13th[Music] report the first excerpt we want to focus on reads as follows where does the body go when it separates from the heart if the soul remains within the body is it still considered to be deceased throughout the first Kingdom Hearts game on the surface level we assume that a person consists only of their heart and body but this report implies they consist of a heart body as well as a soul so let's discuss these three components of a person the component most focused on is obviously the heart in Media or Superstition souls are little orbs of light to represent someone's existence but in Kingdom Hearts that orb is the heart we dedicated a whole episode to how Hearts connect with one another the hearts of Kyrie and Sora show that someone can have visions of another person and even inherit their memories and there's anom who is able to remain solely a heart for a long period of time these situations tell us that Hearts hold our memories and that they allow us to observe and communicate with the world around us as ourselves our hearts are who we are while Kingdom Hearts talks over and over about Hearts bodies are only mentioned by anom occasionally in the 13th report and some further wrs when the heart returns to the heartless the physical form disappears the physical form being the body so for example anom wrote his body was gone when he became a heart and when Sora became a heartless his body disappeared but was restored again thanks to Kyrie's light when Kyrie's heart went into Sora her body disappeared temporarily probably because her Pure Heart didn't technically go to the heartless instead her body remained not quite dead but still lifeless just like the six other princesses of heart and this fits with how else anom describes the body abandoned by its heart a mere shell of its former self what's odd though is that while Kyrie's body seems lifeless it seems to still have her soul based on what anom writes if the soul remains within the body is it still considered to be deceased this might explain why Kyrie's body reacted when Sora reached out for her in Neverland if her body isn't technically dead because it still has her soul maybe her heart and soul connected in that instant causing the body to Flinch in reaction when it comes to Sora and anom it's probably safe to say their souls got restored at the same time as their bodies now earlier we quoted anam's 13th report here's a longer excerpt a being that is neither Darkness nor light belonging nowhere abandoned by its heart a mere shell of its former self the words mere shell are very interesting because it's what the Hollow Bastion secret boss referred to as unknown describes itself as I am but a mere shell it seems this hooded figure is what anom writes about in his 13th report something of neither Darkness nor light belonging nowhere a being abandoned by its heart the other thing we wanted to discuss this episode are the secret endings specifically the longer one called Deep dive much of these cutscenes currently make no sense because we have no context yet but there are a few things we can make sense of so let's discuss those now first we once again see Sora at the grassy Plains we saw at the end of the game he's standing at an intersected path hence why fans call this place the crossroads after Sora we transition to two characters in a city both wearing the same black robe the unknown secret boss Wares they get into a fight sequence during which we see tons of text flying all over the screen like we said before some of these are meaningless without context so let's go over the ones that reference things we have previously talked about anoms other report quote a creation born of ignorance this could possibly be the world Terminus passage we've discussed however a creation born of ignorance is not mentioned in that passage so we don't yet know the connection between anam's other report and the statement behind the darkness does not equal door to the light we've talked before about how even after the door of Darkness opened which led to Kingdom Hearts Sora still has yet to open this door to the light mentioned twice in this game so this text might further imply that the door of darkness and door to the light are two different things the secret place the name of the cave in Destiny islands where the kids would scribble on the walls a world between equals a forgotten world also referenced in anam's 12th report this again seems to refer to places between the Realms of light and darkness like the end of the world the third enemy equals nobody quote who is nobody you ask they are the non-existent ones anoms 13th report also states that these beings don't exist as for them being the third enemy it's unknown if the other two are the heartless anom or the league of Disney villains heart heartless quote you are the source of all heartless we've covered how anom invented emblem heartless and that pure blood heartless were probably very rare before his experiments so this quote could be in reference to him change the third key the world Terminus passage references two keys tied to the door of Darkness while it seems to be implying there's a third Kingdom key it probably refers to the keyblade of heart however it's unknown how this connects to the idea of change end of the world quote this is the world in its true form we left out some other random phrases attached to this but there might be a connection between the end of the world a place filled with the ruins of Worlds and the world's true form which could mean when the world was still whole that or it could be referencing Hollow Bastion specifically since it was almost completely overtaken by by pipes Paradise we've talked previously about how anom seems to have wanted Nirvana and not Paradise so maybe this paradise is something different from anam's goal after all this text we see Mickey holding the Kingdom key D but he's also wearing the black coat reminiscent of the one the unknown secret boss has two other characters also in this outfit speak on a dark Beach similar to what little we saw of the Realm of Darkness besides Mickey we know next to nothing about all these different characters in these black hoods maybe the two in the city are the same ones on the beach or they could be four different characters Al together either way one of the characters on the beach might be the secret boss at Hollow Bastion as the two say similar things the unknown secret boss says to Sora you remind me of him and the one on the beach says to the other I went to see him he looks just like you so Sora seems to resemble this other character on the beach anam's 13th report tells us that when a heart leaves the body and soul may still act together as a by definition non-existent being whoever these mysterious hooded characters are perhaps they are the key in understanding what this nobody[Music] is welcome back everyone to the discussion section of shedding Starlight on our last topic episode of the Season Mel how are you feeling I'm feeling tired yeah we're both feeling tired it's it's a lot it's a lot of work running this podcast not you know nobody else does it like us around here so I need you people to know that I don't use AI I don't use chat gbt I don't take excerpts from Wiki we write everything ourselves and it's hard yeah it is hard and we edit everything ourselves too it's a it's a Twan operation here at shedding Starlight Incorporated so like you know we did eight episodes in a row just for you guys and we plan on doing more but speaking of which I guess I can talk about this more at the end but we are going to be taking a 4-week break I'll talk about it more later but we are going to be going on break soon so we'll talk about it at the end of the episode so if you want to stay for a programming note stay for a programming note um but we just talked about um some secrets to the Future and I think this episode is going to be called Secrets beyond the keyhole yes anam's 13th report is that right I think that's the episode title we came up with I think so yeah yeah which oh my gosh so I guess we can we'll get to emails when we get to emails but I last episode I forgot to say that we're also discussing the secret ending and I was like shoot I should have mentioned that in the episode because if someone had any questions about that they they weren't able to email it in because they didn't know we were going to talk about it so I'm sorry about that I think some people caught on because I I saw some people asking if we were going to talk about that in in the YouTube comments they didn't have any like specific questions really that we were going to talk about but I think some people did catch on so that's good at least okay but yeah so we just kind of went over some things in anom 13th report that we would like you to look at and remember for the next installment in the Kingdom Hearts series which we will be covering soon um yes so one of the things that we talked about in this episode are is this topic of Souls and yeah Souls me and souls you know that movie Soul I have not that I have beef with the idea of Souls and Kingdom Hearts but it's just they're just so mysterious and like even by today like with all of the current Kingdom Hearts games that are out we still know so little about souls so like for example like we talked about how with hearts it seems that hearts are like okay I think it's Who's the who is the author of Narnia what's his name CS Lewis I think CS Lewis said hopefully I'm quoting the right person said you don't have a soul you are a soul and you have a body right I think he said that yeah and with Kingdom Hearts to me would be like you don't have a heart you are a heart and you have a soul and a body and that's kind of what I tried to express in episode about heartless and like the definitions of like being of like you you spawn a pure blood heartless but you kind of become an emblem heartless because your heart is still in that emblem heartless if that makes sense so like but my point is my point is so if hearts are like who our our our identification if they're like who we are and bodies allow us to like interact with the world around us in a physical way and kind of influence the world around us in an in a physical way like what is the role of a soul is the soul just to say whether definitively we're alive or not is that the only Point yeah I mean like that's what my brain kind of comes to cuz like what else like it's kind of hard I don't know neura must be on like a whole separate plane of existence and thought on this because like those are the two like in my mind and I feel like in most people's minds there's like the spiritual part of us and there's the physical part of us so that's like only two things and those things are covered so it's like hard to kind of distinguish it in that way but also it's tough for I feel like new people just in general because whenever you're talking to someone who doesn't really know about Kingdom Hearts and you're trying to explain it people use like the heart to say like oh you know the concept of a soul that's the heart like people use that interchangeably to represent like how we understand things at least in the Western World here um so it's very it's confusing and it's hard to kind of wrap your head around and yeah it's just it's mysterious and I wish we got some more definition to it yes especially because what you were saying earlier with you know numer being Japanese we got a few comments that um pointed out thank you for you know I do appreciate this type of input that pointed out that with Japanese culture there's like a physical heart and then there's the more spiritual or emotional type of heart and those are two different words in Japanese but in English it's the same word and I don't like I do appreciate that that that um input but I feel like it's not that hard to understand even without the Japanese context completely like I don't know when I was a kid I've I understood that like yeah Sora or Kyrie lost her heart but I understand that her body still has a pumping Oregon delivering blood to her all her vitals you know like I don't really I you know I think with um J Kingdom Hearts in Japanese is very I have a love hate relationship ship because one I am kind of learning Japanese but I'm right now in a Hiatus I had to like put on the back burner but the one of the reasons why I wanted to learn Japanese was for the more recent Kingdom Hearts title Union Cross because Union Cross it it's over now but at the time that it was coming out it would kind of release episodically instead of all at once and so if you learn Japanese you could kind of get like ahead of the curb because it wouldn't release in English at the same time mhm and so that's one of the reasons why I wanted to learn Japanese was to kind of like okay well if I'm going to love kingdom hearts forever like I might as well understand the news as soon as it comes out in Japan and not wait for you know like gold Panner gold Panner is a really iconic famous Kingdom Hearts translator shout out shout out um but like my my point being is that with Union Cross I feel like it was important because I don't sometimes the official English translation in Union Cross I'm sometimes I'm like oh my God thank God they translated that way that makes so much more sense like God Bless but then other times I'm like I actually am glad this fan translator translated this because this helps me understand that so I mean I got into Kingdom Hearts like around the time that days came out I want to say 358 over two days and so I wasn't there when King kingom Hearts 1 had just come out or Kingdom Hearts 1 Final Mix you know so mhm there are things that are involved with Kingdom Hearts you know like I'm sure Kingdom Hearts 1 has its own set of this was translated weird just like Union Cross has right um like for example a lot of other fans pointed out the that Mickey was we talked last episode about you know who was that mysterious voice and they were like well it's definitely implied to be Mickey because it has the same speech patterns as his and I want to bring this back later but my point is is it's with Kingdom Hearts it's kind of hard to like what is the line between okay this is really going to help you understand this and what is the line between that and this is like trivia like did you know did you know in Japanese cuz yeah it's blurry it's not so black and white but I person personally have a hard time telling like which is which yeah so just to kind of relate myself to this situation I so I um I have been a fan of Kingdom Hearts since Kingdom Hearts 2 came out but I have not been involved in the fandom I what like I didn't know about a lot of the games coming out as they were coming out as I was growing up um first of all because I kind of had a phase in like Junior High High School I was like video games are lame blah blah blah they're for boys whatever you were real you were real for that you were right um but also I didn't have like cable TV so I didn't get a lot of like kids commercials for like kids programming and stuff so I just didn't know about a lot of the games coming out so I kind of just when I say like I know Kingdom Hearts 2 I [ __ ] know Kingdom Hearts 2 because that's the only game I had that's the one we bought Kingdom Hearts 1 after Kingdom Hearts 2 um and so I only recently played all of the rest of the games and so like I didn't grow up with the fandom as much as Mel has um and they have seen this landscape transform over time since since days so I I really trust you with everything that we do here um but yeah so like it's I'm in a very weird spot of like I am an old fan but also a new fan like I've known about the series Almost my entire life definitely for majority of my life but I'm still seeing things in A New Perspective with all these games and everything and so it's I don't I kind of derailed the conversation here but like it's it's interesting to have both of us kind of look at this at the same time so like I we did get Corrections with Mickey last time and we do appreciate that yes thank you thank you we really do especially because like so I just like straight up never knew that about Mickey like I never knew that the that the speech patterns in the beginning matched Mickey's speech right and there is something when you were a Kingdom Hearts fan for years and years there's something like exciting about learning new Kingdom Hearts info that you didn't know before Oh my gosh I I I want sorry to interrupt you but I wanted to this was the reason I brought all this up is because I remember going on YouTube back in like 2006 or five or whenever Kingdom Hearts 2 came out because we couldn't get this the secret ending of our own and being like Oh my gosh this looks like it's going to be Kingdom Hearts 3 oh my gosh next year like that sort of thing and it like then just hearing nothing about anything for the you know next 15 years or however long it was after that but yeah anyway I derailed again but um go ahead I don't I'm sorry I interrupted you that's okay with you being with you in your history of Kingdom Hearts does it frustrate you or do you not really care when the Japanese and the English kind of align or not align I like or is that not even really like on your radar yeah I mean J like Japanese is not really on my radar because I have so much info to still like just in the English like just to I agree you know take in and try to understand so like I feel like I need to that's part of what this podcast is is me trying to understand all this like at a base level and I think you said somewhere the other day when we were talking um being able to understand something is being able to explain it simply which I kind of want to be able to do cuz that's such a good that yeah you when you truly understand something you you are able to explain it simply and so like that's where I want to get and I feel like people who already have that understanding are the people who are searching out the other source to see you know what the Japanese says if it's the same translation if it's the same meaning and all that stuff so they can understand it to a deeper meaning but I'm still that's a good point beginner SL Advanced so I need to get there first um but it is interesting learning tidbits like that because like I was able to bring that perspective last episode about like oh maybe this could be the princess is talking to him because it seems like not a lot of people you know look at it that way anymore but like you know back when that came came out 2002 I we wouldn't have access to the Japanese translation the internet was not the same back then you would have had to buy like paper guides at your local GameStop you know yeah yeah so yeah it's it's I'm in a very interesting position um but I I do appreciate all of the veterans we have in our in our YouTube comments and our emails and everything um cuz it is helpful yeah sense so anyway I promise we talk about souls and secret ending stuff yeah I mean like if we were going to talk about this on any episode this is just good you know you you all watched season one of of shedding Starlight now you get the lore on both of us so like you stuck here long enough to figure all that out so might as well have it going forward um but yeah it's just it's this this concept is weird it's a weird thing that there's both a heart and a soul that are both spiritual things that are not the same thing um and you know okay so right now I'm going to make a note so for those of you who don't know I have a big document full of future episode ideas and it's all organized by game title so I'm going to add one for a future game because once again I think this will be the last time I bring this up I swear to God well actually it won't be okay I'll bring it up two more times this time included but um I think with the understanding of or the the the topic of how Kingdom Hearts is seen the game series not The Energy let me say that not the big thing that get some once so that I don't spoil um but I think uh from the perspective of when you're familiar with Japanese culture I do think Kingdom Hearts is even more meaningful or it's meaningful in a different way so I'm gonna write a note for a future game right now to bring this up in like a year or two when we get to this game title okay so speaking of notes that we wrote down um we were actually during Kyrie's episode we thought of something Mel thought of something um to talk about that we kind of forgot about until just now until I was reading the script and I I remembered that we were going to bring it up um Pinocchio Pinocchio is a weird little guy that has a weird little role in this game um because I was playing through the the the modded version of uh Kingdom Hearts that I've been playing on stream um and I got to the point of monstro and rku is like I kidnapped this puppet so we can bring Kyrie's heart back to life with a with a body or something like that something along those lines um what's Mel what's up with that what can can we steal a body from a puppet and put a heart in it and then it's Kyrie again so I think rather than like using Pinocchio himself I think rku was more interested in the at least this is my let me preface this this is my interpretation of the scene and of the lines cuz I think rku is like this puppet has a heart maybe it can help Kyrie get her heart back I don't know why I said Kyrie's name like that but um like rku wanted to study Pinocchio and see if learning how Pinocchio came alive can help him restore Kyrie rather than like using his puppet body and like go Ona goaa yeah but I okay I love that you brought him up because gosh darn it passed me what were you thinking I wish I wrote him into this script because you know we've talked about how hearts are what let you see or what let you feel they're kind of like how you emotionally interact with the world so it seems that Pinocchio has a heart you know yeah but the question is does he have a soul can he die can I don't remember if that's like any of the plot of the future movies of like Pinocchio can die or if he's just like a puppet forever like do for eternity until he like burns up or something but like I don't know I think that's so interesting to think about is this idea of like okay Pinocchio has a body he has a heart does he have a soul did the little um Starry fairy lady Grant him that as well or what so I don't know but I think that's so interesting yeah it's it's it's a cool concept to intertwine with um like a a Disney concept you can really use they I think they probably had you know some sort of they could have used him to illustrate more what these things are and the difference is because he is a puppet and then turns into a real boy and like I don't know I feel like he like he it's cool that they did use him to to this extent that he's involved in the story not going to lie I kind of forgot Pinocchio does become real at the end of the movie in my head he was just to puppet forever so okay okay okay it's not a come puppet again at the end of the movie did he I don't I haven't seen it I haven't seen Pinocchio I my all my knowledge of Pinocchio is through osmosis but um but yeah I feel like they could have like if they wanted to teach us a little lesson about how the world Works in this universe they could have used them even more to kind of illustrate that cuz we don't see him transform we come we find them when they are in monstro obviously so like he's already undergone the the transformation right he's not a puppet when we meet him am I getting that right or am I wrong um he's like um no he's still like a puppet who moves around in monstro he wants to be a real boy yeah but I can't remember if cuz I know what happens with Kingdom Hearts 2 but but I can't remember as well with Kingdom Hearts 1 if Kingdom Hearts 1 has kind of epilog cutscene uh credits right of like showing like all the Disney characters after the story um but I I don't think Pinocchio becomes a real boy in Travers town at any point cuz at one point him and japedo end up in Travers town right but I don't gosh I wish I could remember this seems like something I would know but I don't I don't remember if he becomes a real boy in Kingdom Hearts yeah I don't know um but yeah it's just interesting it's it's a smart choice that they chose to include him out of all the Disney properties they could have used yeah um but he could have been used more that's my criticism I don't care but uh just you know a point to be made um but yeah very interesting so I wrote when it comes to storing Anem it's probably safe to say their souls got stored at the same time of their bodies and I wrote that really casually in the script but like I recognize that that's like weird I recognize that like Sora just suddenly getting his soul back which like granted we've talked about how in this in Kingdom Hearts the soul doesn't seem to be as like vital or at least have that as big of a role as a heart but still the idea of souls just being restored when their bodies are restored you know I recognize that it's weird but and there might be more going on here that we're aware of it's just unfortunately just with Kingdom Hearts 1 we can't dive more into why that is MHM the next thing I wanted to talk about was so we are we went to you know changing from the idea of Souls and going into the secret ending and all the weird random text that it throws at us like what does it mean um one of the things that we discussed was text that says change and then the third key and how I talked about how this is probably in reference to the two keys being the kingdom Keys yeah and then like maybe this is implying there's a third Kingdom key but I think it's probably the keyblade of heart or that black goth keyblade um but that we didn't really understand how this relates to the idea of change but now that I've written that script and I've kind of come back with a new refreshed mind um I I wonder if this idea of change is at all relevant to the idea of the princesses of hearts hearts coming together and changing into that black keyblade because that is just something that is just so coconuts to me like even to this day with all the things that you see in Kingdom Hearts and all the [ __ ] like I think Hearts combining and forming into a keyblade is just coconuts and maybe that is kind of the change that this third key text is talking about that's what I think but I could be wrong you know it's just my interpretation and its ability to change a person like Sora using it to change into a heartless I don't know yeah yeah yeah I can see that cuz they said yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I think that's interesting yeah I don't know that's just I don't know I don't know nothing about nobody um um so speaking of all of the weird text that gets thrown at us at the end I um just wanted to challenge one of your interpretations um the one specifically the end of the world this is the world and its true form and I watched the the actual ending and I know that there's some other text around that that I think is not uh super Illuminating what more of this com context could be um but I just wanted to I think your interpretation was the true form meaning when the world was still whole but to me when I read it I was kind of like well this could be an I'm wanting all these worlds to fall The Darkness so like could it be that I don't know I just that's me putting my two cents into their into the Universe I think that's a good point because he really does believe that like the the original state of Hearts is Darkness every heart to the darkness once it came you know and so I could see that I could see that this is the world and it's my only thing would be like I don't think I can't think of a situation where anom was like you know when you say this is the world and its true form then I would expect that like I mean maybe he cuz like the weird thing about these texts I'm just going to be straight up is that when these texts do eventually get their context they're not always said word for word they're kind of like yeah it's almost like two different people translated a line of Japanese where it's like yeah one person phrased it this way and then another person later down the line phrased it another way and so that's the kind of the tricky thing about talking about these um texts and these sentences and phrases is that you know for all we know that this is like a direct line from Kingdom Hearts 1 or it's a direct line from a future Kingdom Hearts game but we me and Hannah don't know because we're only getting the weird weirdly translated English versions you know so gosh darn being English it doesn't stop here it's going to keep going for a long time you're going to get a lot of confusing text for the the rest of the series so get used to it um but yeah I'm interested in this last Point M that you have down here I'm I'm interested to hear what you have to say about it okay so with the context of like talking about the secret ending and how some things don't make sense I'm once again going to be upfront and just say that even way way down the road with all the games that we know right now some of these lines some of these texts still do not make sense and don't relate to anything at least on like a surface level but I have I've had a theory like the last eight years and I swear to God it's only becoming more prevalent and it's not a theory in the games it's more like a a meta Theory where I think until like 2012 Kingdom Hearts 1 was kind of overall forgotten and just kind of like left there to collect dust mhm but when they had to go back toing kingom Hearts 1 in order to remaster it and re-release it I really do think that namura took a bunch of notes and was just like okay you know since we're going back to Kingdom Hearts 1 and I have to approve a bunch of decisions I might as well take notes about what I think is interesting and bring it back because ever since 20 like 13 I want to say Kingdom Hearts 1 has been coming back in very interesting ways in ways that you wouldn't have expected where all these things that were left to collect dust starts getting expanded upon and like referenced again and so my point being is that in this secret ending yes a lot of it doesn't make sense but I still wonder if even in the future with games that aren't out yet if any of these texts will still be brought back and like brought into realization and yeah yeah made into a thing and if that's the case I'm like really excited about that especially because um so once again I said I would bring you back again this is the last time I'm going to talk about I promise but with Mickey's voice and how I think one of the reasons why I didn't think it was Mickey is because it didn't make any sense especially with what we know about Mickey and in the future and like his abilities and like his knowledge like I was like how the [ __ ] can Mickey talk to Sora in his dreams like that was dumb to me right and so even now with keenom Hearts 1 kind of coming back and being explained more I wonder if this is something that num has in mind and if he's like yeah yeah eventually I will explain how Mickey was able to talk to Sora in his dreams you know I think that would be really interesting and I want to say um if you're like if you're listening to all these episodes and know that the series gets a lot more complicated and are maybe on the fence about continuing I would say try to stick around because like the way that stuff comes back is really cool and jaw-dropping and like it's it's so like it's honestly some of the coolest like story threads like I don't want to get into any specifics and I don't want a a term that me and Mal and some of our friends use is like anticipation spoilers like we don't want to say like oh we don't want to we don't want to tell people how to feel before they feel it because that kind of ruins part of the experience but like the way that it seems like some of this like exactly how Mel explained it it really builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and then Builds on the stuff that it built after this and like it it kind of got not lost but like far away from this for a long time and then after what 25 years now it's all coming back to the start it's it's crazy to watch it's crazy to watch like evolve and change and then uh I like I can't recommend it enough it's so cool again from my from my perspective as an old SL new fan it's like it's crazy it's like it's cool and I don't even want to say any more than that but like it's it's worth it is what I'm saying basically you and if you're listening and you're a new Kingdom Hearts fan not to like you know like keep listening in but one why I do think you should listen in is because you know it's one thing to experience a game revelation after a game's been out for a handful of years that's like one cuz that's something you're kind of just like okay I'm late to the party and I know everybody's already been talking about this but like when a new Kingdom Hearts game comes out and you all experience it together and you all get to react to it together it's like it's incredible I love it yeah I yeah I'm I'm going to get that for the first time with the next upcoming game which is Missing Link so I'm I'm excited for that I did get it a little bit with dark road but I like that's in between dark Road and Missing Link is where where I finished the series so like I'm I'm excited to be a I'm I'm there for the first time now like since like 2005 or whatever so like I'm I'm excited um but yeah yeah keep with it so speaking of fans we have we have some emails so first of we got an email from Lucas um but unfortunately Lucas we won't be able to answer some of your questions because it's not quite relevant to this episode but either way Lucas I'm so sorry but we did get your email and thank you very much so like I said I kind of forgot to mention that we were going to talk about the secret ending so we didn't get a lot of we didn't get any emails about that so I'm so sorry if you have a question and we're not able to answer it but we did also get an email from Adrian hello Adrian hi Adrian okay Adrien I'm gonna rephrase what you wrote a little bit okay I hope that's okay with you in the 13th report anom talks about nobody and talks about them not existing because of the self residing here why do you think anom ties the self and existing to hearts and heartless and not the said hypothesized nobody which has more of the whole because it has you know I'm assuming because it has the soul and the body does Kingdom Hearts 1 establish the heart as the center of self so that's you know that's kind of what we've been talking about like I don't want to say this is factual but it seems to me and how I inter interpret this series that the heart is the center of self and that is kind of who you are um so hopefully in our discussions earlier we kind of answered that for you well enough Adrian okay so with adrianne's next question bless their heart they kind of get into a little bit of spoiler territory I think without meaning to but basically Adrian is asking that if if you know anom writes about how bodies disappear but Kyrie and the other princesses of hearts and their bodies remained kind of like pretty statuesque in Hollow Bastion when their hearts were taken and put into that black keyblade so why is that I think it is because the fact that they are princesses of heart and their hearts did not for I don't know why but for some reason because their hearts did not go to the heartless specifically that kind of changed the way that their bodies react to the situation and their bodies did not disappear like sora's did for example so um we might be able to explore that more in the future but unfortunately that's just the case and we can't really get into why even though I think it's very very interesting yeah it is interesting Adrian's last question to us is what are your feelings on the naming of the heartless and uh quote unquote nobody um the name seem to be more metaphorical than literally descriptive at first glance they even seem to be reversed I mean like to my first thought when hearing this question is that I don't know I think it's cool as [ __ ] but that's just because like the 2000's Kingdom Hearts emo scene version of me from my past it's like I just think it it's like Poetic and ironic and yeah but like weird but mysterious like I don't know I love it I love it it's cool that I like these names because they are both literal and metaphorical they are both Concepts and literal meaning so like heartless are like beings that don't have hearts mostly um they are heartless but also heartless is a synony or a synonym is that the right word um it's a different meaning of like someone is this thing is cruel this thing is mean this thing has no heart because it does not feel um and same thing with nobody but like in anam's description the nobody is the body right yeah yeah so that's a little backwards but also like the concept of like nobody like you are a nobody you are not worth thinking about what is that one Greek legend where somebody I think it's ulyses and he's like harassing a giant and the giant goes who's there and you ulyses just says like nobody something yeah yeah um [ __ ] I just read the Percy Jackson book that talks about that hold on [ __ ] um uh Cyclops nobody Greek story uh odyss oh Odus and polyphemus yeah I love it that's basically what we're dealing with here and honestly I kind of live I kind of live yeah it's it's cool to have the double meaning um like that and another exam if if just me being nerdy um another example I want to share of that is that there's a show that I think is maybe one of the most perfectly named TV shows ever but there's a show called um transparent which is about a parent who becomes transgender or who is transgender and and it's also about their relationship with their kids and how they're dealing with that so like the parent being transparent as a person but also a transparent it's so cool that is a good name it's great it's a it's a good show but I haven't watched past like season one but anyway just another cool examp like that sort of thing it's cool to have a double meaning yeah with that sort of thing um and it's it's cool to you know translate that through multiple languages um and have it work at least super well in English I don't know what the exact names are in Japanese yeah but it's cool that it made its way like this here in this language but yeah exactly I think I think they're great names um you know Adrien writes they seem to be more metaphor metaphorical than literally describ RVE but I think in a way they're descriptive as well you know they're just cuz like you know we talked about that weird boss at Hollow Bastion that describes itself as like a m shell and so like to me like that almost seems like so frail and so Hollow and so empty yeah that like is that even like a body you know cuz bodies have bones and and structure organs yeah you know and so yeah organs and blood vessels yeah you know skin and B I so I don't know I think heartless and nobody's is a really cool [ __ ] name and I when you change it for the world yeah all right well is that it is that all we got I think so I think that's all we got all right well that brings us to the end um so in order to say sorry about not not including the secret reports or not sorry the secret reports the secret ending for this Mel is going to personally respond to every email that's sent to our email uh with questions about the secret ending aren't you Mel yes I am cross my heart but yeah that's all we got so that's that's it for uh sheding Starlight season one let's freaking go we did it we did it amazing um so this isn't going to be the last thing we post for this season I think next week we're going to be uh releasing a little summary of everything we went over it's not going to have a discussion I think I think we're just going to do a little script and then uh present it to you guys and then we'll be done after that um and so as I mentioned a little bit earlier um after that episode goes out we're going to be going on a little bit of a break uh for about a month so shedding Starlight will be paused for about four weeks I think we're going to come back mid April um with our next game Mel what's our next game GNA be it's going to be chain of Memories I'm GNA have to replay this[ __ ] cuz like China memories is one of those games that if I want to quote unquote revisit it I just watch the cut scenes on YouTube but like I want to make sure I'm not missing anything I want to make sure I'm doing like a little bit of research you know yeah so either I'm gonna play it myself or I'm gonna watch a playthrough but yeah I'm gonna have to do some research um so yeah we're going to take some time to get uh those episodes ready so we'll be off um starting in like a week and a half as of us recording this right now and then we'll be back mid April we should be back mid April hopefully um and then yeah we'll be back with chain of Memories um I don't know if we can what we literally have a podcast isn't I know we literally have a podcast and we finished the first season Mel woo oh my God I can't believe it so what we're going to do for now I don't think we're going to tell you quite what our first discussion topic is going to be cuz we still need to nail those details down but I think what we're going to ask you to do is is if you have just any questions in general about the series maybe not like gameplay or anything like that but like if you have more questions about anything at all in chain of Memories send them to us and then we're going to sort them based on the topics that we already have and then if there's something that we're missing that way we can figure out to make an episode on that um so shedding Starlight your questions about chain of Memories and we will go from there um yeah yeah I think that's it incredible Mel do you have anything else do you want to say anything to our wonderful amazing lovely beautiful listeners I'm so thankful I I've know I've made that joke before where I just go I'm just so happy but like I really am so thankful like oh my gosh like it would have been so disheartening making this podcast and not getting any questions I you guys have pulled through like it's it's great we're we're honestly very happy that like we have the engagement that we do with with all of you with our audience that we've built already I was looking at emails and I just noticed that you know we get like repeats we get people who come back and just you know are just so excited each week to have their own inputs and I'm just I think that's wonderful yeah I'm I'm glad we have some regulars uh some regular writers in from you guys and that's really cool um I'm I'm very excited to have have that and I'm very excited to build um so speaking of building an audience um if you like the show be sure to rate it five stars uh rate our whole season if you want or just the episode that you listen to um on Apple podcast Spotify if you write something nice we will read it um and then if you like the show be sure to tell your Kingdom Hearts friends because I know that you have some um tell them in person and recommend us to them send them the link you know subscribe on YouTube all that good stuff like the video I got to do my influencer bit a little bit after every episode because that helps grow us um so yeah I think that's it um we're going to miss you guys for the next four or five weeks um but yeah thank you all so much for listening once again and we'll see you in the Starlight[Music]