Shedding Starlight

Kingdom Hearts - Season Breakdown

March 18, 2024 Shedding Starlight Season 1 Episode 9
Kingdom Hearts - Season Breakdown
Shedding Starlight
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Shedding Starlight
Kingdom Hearts - Season Breakdown
Mar 18, 2024 Season 1 Episode 9
Shedding Starlight

We've gone through every topic we want to discuss about the very first Kingdom Hearts title; join us as we take you through a quick study guide through World Order, Heartless, losing your heart, the Princesses of Heart, Kairi, the Realms, Ansem's lost report, and Ansem's 13th report.

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Next time: Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. Send in your questions to 

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Show Notes Transcript

We've gone through every topic we want to discuss about the very first Kingdom Hearts title; join us as we take you through a quick study guide through World Order, Heartless, losing your heart, the Princesses of Heart, Kairi, the Realms, Ansem's lost report, and Ansem's 13th report.

Test your knowledge!

Next time: Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. Send in your questions to 

Shedding Starlight YouTube:
Hannah's Twitter:
Mel's Twitter:
The Secret Reports Channel:
Hannah's YouTube channel:

[Music] hello and welcome to shedding Starlight your guide To The Kingdom Hearts Mythos we've been able to cover all the topics We Believe are the most important to fundamentally understanding the deeper story of the first Kingdom Hearts game and have given you clues for what's to come in the near future this short episode is going to be a quick reminder of everything we went over how it all ties together and what to look at and remember going forward first we went over the concept of World Order World Order is the set of established rules regarding the universe and planets in the Kingdom Hearts series every world has its own heart and the heart is protected by two things a keyhole and a world barrier when the keyhole is unlocked the barrier can crumble leaving the world vulnerable to outside threats sora's mission is to go around with a keyblade and seal the key holes of the worlds to protect their hearts from being taken by the heartless so what are the heartless where do they come from and what are they capable of there are two types of Heartless pure blood and emblem you can tell the difference by looking for a red heart with thorns emblem heartless have this heart on them while pure blood heartless don't this can also help you remember that emblem heartless have hearts inside them while pure blood heartless do not P blood heartless are created from those who've lost their hearts to Darkness completely while emblem heartless Spawn from Hearts overcome with Darkness another distinct difference is that the emblem heartless were originally created by anom by using a device that causes people's hearts to be overcome with Darkness so does every person turn into a heartless when they encounter enough Darkness are these hard and fast Universal rules the simple answer is no there are some outliers those outliers happen to be some of the main characters of Kingdom Hearts as we saw in the plot of the game each character we meet has somewhat of a different relationship with darkness and what it was able to do to them sora's chain of events was arguably the most expected Sora removed his own heart with the black keyblade which led him to create a pure blood heartless and Fall Into Darkness alternatively one can choose to embrace the darkness like anom and command power over it so he didn't create a heartless but rather instead remained a heart for a period of time similarly rku didn't lose his heart to Darkness at all it was just temporarily overpowered by anom not Darkness itself and lastly Kyrie's heart was removed from her body but she didn't create a heartless because of her status as a princess of heart one of seven ladies known to have complete Purity and light in their hearts who are these princesses of heart and what significance do they hold in all this the princesses of heart are as the name suggests seven women ranging from real royalty to average girls with absolutely pure hearts these princesses have a few abilities known to us when they're gathered together a keyhole is created that opens the door to the darkness and when the hearts of the princess are pulled out from their bodies and United they form into the black keyblade that anom uses when possessing rku called the keyblade of heart that can unlock people's hearts these women also have a relationship to the keyblade and its Bearer anom in an experiment released Kyrie from Hollow Bastion into space in hopes that she would gravitate towards the key Bearer and he was right she drifted to Destiny Islands we also theorized that it was possible that Sora seeing these princesses in the stained glass at the beginning of the game could mean that they were calling out to him for help with Kyrie a princess of heart being sent directly to the key Bearer her connection with Sora runs deeper than the rest her relationship with Sora teaches us some of the intricacies of how Hearts can be[Music] connected in Destiny Islands during the inciting incident Kyrie's heart takes Refuge within Sora this causes a few interesting events to take place through the game Sora sees glimpses of Kyrie in flashbacks in interacting with characters and in memories Kyrie's heart even begins manifesting through sora's own thoughts and feelings being able to recognize things that Sora has never seen before through sora's eyes despite Kyrie's Amnesia because of this we know one even when characters forget memories can exist subconsciously and two that memories of one person can manifest in another given certain conditions through Kyrie we also learned that Hearts still maintain a connection with their body even when they've been separated lastly and maybe most importantly Kyrie was able to show Sora one of her own memories from her childhood in a time of need this leads us to believe that Kyrie was somewhat awake and aware inside of Sora and is even able to assist him through the connection of their hearts this memory was of Kyrie's grandmother telling her a story about The Lost World light darkness and how the history of this universe came to be so let's take a step back and paint a picture of what this world and the various Realms inside it actually look like there are two Realms that make up a majority of the known universe in Kingdom Hearts the realm of light and the realm of dark Darkness almost the entire story of Kingdom Hearts takes place in the realm of light the Disney Worlds Destiny Islands etc etc The Realm of Darkness is much more of a mystery we don't see it very much and it's fabled to hold the titular entity of the game Kingdom Hearts the subject of anthom's wants and desires to get there one must go through the door of darkness two large white doors sitting at the edge of the realm that we see at the end of the game there are a few locations in the universe that exist in a state of in between possible places like Traver town and the grassy field after the climax of the game but the most interesting is the end of the world because this place contains the world Terminus lab that has a secret lost report that summarizes all of anam's maniacal thoughts and shows us the true meaning of his motives some excerpts from the passage in the world Terminus lab read one's born of the heart and darkness devoid of Hearts ravage all worlds and bring desolation seize all hearts and consummate the great Heart All Hearts to be one one heart to Encompass all for the heart of light shall unseal the path seven Hearts one Keyhole one key to the door the door of Darkness Tied by two keys the door to Darkness to seal the light to summarize anom is speaking to the heartless to command them to take the hearts of the worlds that are falling to darkness by taking all of these Hearts anom is hoping to unite them together to create Kingdom Hearts In Search of true wisdom seven Hearts the seven princesses will open a special Keyhole so he can reach the door of Darkness the path to Kingdom Hearts that can be sealed by Sora and Mickey's keyblades so we've laid the foundation of some of the mysterious happenings in this game by using context coming from both reports and the plot events of the game and we figured out the ramblings of a Madman in search of Nirvana leading everything back to Kingdom Hearts what can we study now in order to anticipate the future do you remember when we talked about the relationship between a person's body and heart anam's 13th report introduces the concept of a person being made up of three things things a body a heart and a soul it tells us that when the heart leaves the body and soul may still act together as by definition a non-existent being a nobody the description of this nobody seems to be connected with Kingdom hearts's secret boss called unknown as well as they are both referred to as mere shells the silhouette of this unknown shows up in the game secret ending where we get Clues both through text and through new characters as to how the story will[Music] continue and that's about everything the events of the first Kingdom Hearts really set the stage and establish a tone for the future of the series anticipating the grand tail that these games eventually become we remember that it all started here love friendship good versus evil and light prevailing in the dark we're just beginning to tackle the secrets of this series and we can't wait to dive even deeper and show you even more we're so glad you've joined us this far thank you for joining us for shedding starlight's inaugural season we'll be back in a few weeks to begin the next installment of the series Kingdom Hearts chain of Memories as always thank you for listening and we'll see you in the Starlight[Music]