Shedding Starlight

Castle Oblivion - What is the castle's connection to the cards?

April 22, 2024 Shedding Starlight Season 2 Episode 1
Castle Oblivion - What is the castle's connection to the cards?
Shedding Starlight
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Shedding Starlight
Castle Oblivion - What is the castle's connection to the cards?
Apr 22, 2024 Season 2 Episode 1
Shedding Starlight

Sterile white walls, a mysterious exterior, even more mysterious inhabitants. In our first episode of our new season on Re:Chain of Memories, we explore the game's main setting: Castle Oblivion. Mostly, what it can do and its connection to the mysterious cards of memory. 

Thank you to Adrian, Ryan Flynn, Kestrel, and Andrew & the Couch Kids for your questions on this episode!

Next episode: The Organization. Send your questions to 

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Show Notes Transcript

Sterile white walls, a mysterious exterior, even more mysterious inhabitants. In our first episode of our new season on Re:Chain of Memories, we explore the game's main setting: Castle Oblivion. Mostly, what it can do and its connection to the mysterious cards of memory. 

Thank you to Adrian, Ryan Flynn, Kestrel, and Andrew & the Couch Kids for your questions on this episode!

Next episode: The Organization. Send your questions to 

Shedding Starlight YouTube:
Hannah's Twitter:
Mel's Twitter:
The Secret Reports Channel:
Hannah's YouTube channel:

welcome back to shedding Starlight your guide To The Kingdom Hearts Mythos and Welcome to our first episode of our second season on chain of Memories rechain of memories is debatably more contained than the first Kingdom Hearts but it introduces many new characters and along with them their goals abilities and secrets we'll explore them over the entirety of the Season before we get started on discussing the actual story there are some statements we'd like to make first we will be discussing specifically rechain of memories the Remake included in the HD collections rather than the original game on the Game Boy Advance rechain of memories is a game that people often either skip entirely or resort to watching the cutcenes online due to having trouble with the game's card mechanics we won't really be covering the mechanics save for what's relevant to what we want to discuss lastly we're going to disc discuss both Sora and ru's story together so if you haven't finished reverse rebirth be sure to do so before continuing as of this episode let's explore the Fantasmic Fortress the game takes place in Castle Oblivion Castle Oblivion is a bizarre castle that seems to be placed in the area in between the Realms of light and darkness the jagged and eerie platform it's rested on resembles that of the end of the world another place in the in between as we mentioned during our season on Kingdom Hearts 1 while Castle Oblivion is mostly surrounded by menacing clouds behind the castle in the distance rays of Light Shine Down Castle Oblivion is also connected to and may be a part of the world of grassy fields and narrow paths we discussed in our first season we purposely brought up this world in our first season to help normalize its Travers ible connection to Castle Oblivion as rku at the end of his story leaves Castle Oblivion and Journeys through these fields with Mickey as his new companion and of course Sora Donald and Goofy rest among these fields before they're lured into Castle Oblivion by a hooded marusia and when these three reach the castle and step inside they almost immediately forget every spell and ability they learned during their first journey but despite its name this is not actually due to the castle many people might confuse which influences on sora's memory are due to the castle and which are due to Nom and her abilities so while we're going to discuss nomina herself in a future episode for now we can clear up which abilities the castle does and doesn't have contrary to what marusia the guy with pink hair teases Castle Oblivion is not responsible for any manipulation of sora's memories involving forgetting or misremembering rku could Traverse the Castle's entire basement with his memories intact why me too no one's mess with my memories the many floors of Castle Oblivion have one main ability to reflect the world of one's Memories Back at them we're going to call these worlds card worlds they aren't exactly fixed recordings of the past where characters say and do exact what they did in the first Kingdom Hearts game rather the castle can create entirely new scenarios out of these card worlds for example sorus visit to Hollow Bastion had a brand new story involving only Bell the Beast and Maleficent with no mention of Kyrie the other princesses of heart or anom himself in a meta sense it seems chain of Memories wanted to move forward with story elements and not rehash ones from its predecessor ru on the other hand doesn't meet anyone from these card Worlds at all except for Maleficent and a glimpse of his friends from Destiny Islands now Castle Oblivion Works similar to a computer that displays images red from a disc it can only project these worlds by reading a card that has the memories copied onto it while the intricacies of the process are unclear throughout sora's story members of the organization copy samples of his memory onto these[Music] cards marusia accomplished this just by passing through Sora but one can also do it in a fight with him like vexen did did you even notice I was delving deep into your memory as we fought and here look what I found a card crafted from all the memories that are locked in the other side of your heart because the cards are used by the antagonists to sample only Sora and riku's memories that's why Castle Oblivion only reflects their past and not the mysterious pasts of anom any member of the organization or even Mickey Mouse all of the card World Sora visits are created from cards that sample his own memory however this isn't the case for rku only some of the worlds he visits seemed to be created from his own memory di pretending to be ansom says to Ru about Hollow Bastion the things you remember from your time at Maleficent Castle became a card and that card made this world and anom himself later says that Travers town was created from riku's memor but one card world that might differ from this is Destiny Islands it may originate from a card sampled from sora's memory piecing together Sora and ru's routes we learned that Axel gave larine and vexen a card of Destiny islands that he sampled from Sora with Nom's Powers they disguised that card as the rku replica's starshaped charm but it returns to its original form when Sora obtains it later zexian asks Axel for this same data and uses this card against Ru so one could argue that zexian is using sora's memory sample of Destiny islands for rku to explore this might offer another explanation of how Riku could visit card worlds of all these different Disney Worlds he himself possibly never went to during Kingdom Hearts 1 like Atlantica or Wonderland for example another even stranger example is that of Twilight town which is said to be sampled from the other side of sora's heart in riku's route when Sora would have defeated marusia Mickey says that same card appeared to him that's what let me find you I guess the card thought its place was to be with you while a later game gives a better explanation of how Mickey was able to escape the Realm of Darkness and reach rku the best we can discuss right now is only a theory in the beginning of Kingdom Hearts 1 Mickey was able to communicate with Sora through his dreams of the stained glass platforms so those two connected somehow perhaps the card traced that constellation of connections reaching rku via Mickey to help rku in his journey to overcome the darkness in this first episode on chain of Memories we discuss how Castle Oblivion a bizarre Castle resting between light and dark uses cards to project a memory's worlds and Denison but allows them to play out in ways never seen before providing new adventures for Sora and a lonely one for rku Castle Oblivion is a labyrinth that reflects Our Hero's past and challenges them to reflect on themselves it may not be responsible for the manipulation of sora's memories but as Sora and rku shed their self-doubt and gain new purpose perhaps marusia was right in the end in this place to find is to lose and to lose is to find that is the way in Castle Oblivion[Music] hello everyone and welcome back to shedding Starlight discussion part Season Two Season Two Season Two incredible um I'm here with Mel how are you today Mel I'm a little sick but I know but honestly it's the first time I've been sick in a while so she was do she was do um well don't spread your sickness to me via Discord okay don't do it I'll clean my microphone when we're done um well amazing we just did a presentation on Castle Oblivion and we got some questions on our first episode of uh rechain of memories and we're excited to Dive Right In at the end of our last season we kind of told everyone to just kind of send whatever questions you have about chain of Memories in general and then we would kind of start sorting them and we got some good questions for that that is pertinent to this episode um so we're going to go over a lot of those yes thank you everybody thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you and I think we're going to continue the trend of saying what our next episode is going to be about yeah I want it to be we'll just say it later a little tease you'll have to find out at the end so we'll we'll continue the trend of saying that so people can have um direct questions about that if need be but yeah we're we're going to jump in we're going to jump in can I just say before we jump in yes I've kind of forgot how much I love this location it's so weird it's so mysterious my stomach is rumbling um I don't know if my mic picked it up but I love this world I love I really love Castle Oblivion I think it's cool as [ __ ] it's so Eerie it's so like just the whiteness of everything wh I feel like I'm in Kim Kardashian's house it's so weird and it's so cool with like the white and then the people in it are all wearing black and it's like literally I was thinking the same thing I was thinking the same thing I love it I love it it's almost as if that that's probably[Laughter] intentional um yeah it's so like just its design in General on the inside and outside is so like I don't even know what word I'm trying to think of I don't know what vibe I'm trying to think of it's so like so different on the outside like it's the darkness go ahead well I was just going to say like the sideways buildings kind of it it reminds me of like I don't unfortunately maybe I'm the only one who thinks this but I feel like Kingdom Hearts today is kind of slowly gravitating away from like for example Castle Oblivion feels almost like cartoonish in the way that it looks from the outside because it's just so ridiculous like buildings and wings that sideways and upside down like it's just it's very tont town it's very tont town it's so tont town and I think that it's just such a good way to represent what a weird and confusing and Maze like building it is yeah with floors that can turn into other worlds depending on what you remember yeah you think the outside is crazy girl wait till you see the inside yeah but like just the the contrast of a the White Walls of the inside and then the contrast of the people in it and then the contrast from the inside to the outside of just these weird colors and it being placed in a just a dark weird place the weirdest[ __ ] location a castle ever yeah it's it's crazy and uh yeah and then you go in and you forget everything you know uh you know what that's true to real life though I step through a door and I just forget what I'm doing yeah I open my phone to look up something and I forget what I'm doing as soon as I unlock my screen M she's in my head um okay so I think the first topic we're going to talk about my first question was about the relationship of the cards to the castle and I think a lot of other people are wondering this about this as well I like as I was kind of reading through it like a lot of people asked us if the cards are real or if they're like a gameplay mechanic and so I guess my question was like are the cards inherently tied to the castle and if they are in what ways and then I I was just kind of writing out my thought process here but like I guess they are inherently tied to the castle in that the castle can project them but would they have any use outside of this castle and I'm kind of like this kind of led me to imagine these cards as if they are like a ticket to ride a theme park ride like you you have the Traverse Town card you put it in the machine and IT projects Traverse Town to you so that's kind of how I think of them now I was thinking when writing this script about how so Castle Oblivion overall we kind we learn more about its backstory in the future but it's such a weird and mysterious Castle still that part of me wonders if like if you're right if there is a reason that these cards can read your memories and then project the world you remember like part of like I was wondering like what if the person who like used to live here or the people who used to live here if they like took advantage of memories to like learn more about the world they were once in or something cuz it's like cuz Castle what weirds me out so much well I guess intrigues me is more accurate to say about castle Oblivion is that it doesn't show you your memories exactly how you remember them because all of these little Disney World worlds that Sora goes through the stories are different it's the same people but the stories are different so what would be the point of that and it's just such an interesting like before the organization came here what was the point of this Castle I just think it's so interesting especially with who built this damn Castle who [ __ ] built it who built it Kim where's your Hammer Kim um yeah that just makes me think like whoever did wanted to like study memory and what they do with it yeah cuz yeah this is just a whole investigation into that this whole game H we told you memory was going to be important we told you last season so I hope you listened and I hope you're along for the ride because that's what this whole game is it's about memory it's called chain of Memories so like I would think so I hope you have deck of cards ready to use um so to kind of tack on to this um Adrien sent in another question thank you Adrien for your question they asked do you think the world cards are a part of the castle or something the organization introduced if the cards are a part of the castle and needed if the cards are a part of the castle and needed to travel the floors uh how would someone navigate the castle without uh the organiz ation or dis creating the cards um yeah so me just with you know the knowledge I have of these games I think the answer to that would be the portals of Darkness that the the organization members travel through which are called the corridors of Darkness they are uh pretty widely used throughout this series um and yeah I I think they just travel you know through those corridors um which the point that you brought is that you know that's eventually how maybe Mickey was able to reach REO yeah so if you're if you're listening and you're new and you're like wait what like anytime an organization member appears to Sora and then you kick their ass and then they disappear and they get covered in black smoke and they like evaporate or whatever they're using a corridor of Darkness it doesn't really look like it but they're technically walking through a black portal is what's happening and and it teleports them somewhere else and that's why they're able to kind of go through this whole castle without unlocking doors with cards like Sora has to yeah and Ru so yeah right right right um and like you said cuz we got an email did I even write it down or did I just leave it in the world of email yes okay so the couch kids the couch kids emailed that so it's Andrew and the couch kits okay so Andrew wrote I still don't fully understand why the card appears to Mickey in The Realm of Darkness when he gives it to rku he says it was meant to it was meant to give it to him I know rku ends up at Castle Oblivion because he's connected to Sora but Mickey's appearance seems related to the Twilight Town card so we talked about this in the present ation um and in the presentation itself I avoided discussing corridors of Darkness because at that point in time that I was writing I wasn't sure if it was something I wanted to talk about but re the the even though it's weird that the card did reach out to Mickey and kind of LED Mickey to rku Mickey was able to leave being trapped in The Realm of Darkness he was able to re Castle Oblivion and Riku through a corridor of darkness and the way Mickey kind of describes it I guess you can kind of see it from his point of view even though he didn't seem to really know what was happening Mickey was like I saw you and I followed you here and I found you thanks to this card so I think that the game doesn't really say it but I think it's safe to say Mickey and rku were able to use quarters of Darkness to reach Castle Oblivion right um which I might be jumping a little bit with this connection but I feel like that ties a little bit too this brings me to um a point that Ryan Flynn brought up in their email that was a thought that I also had is how the [ __ ] did they just walk to Castle Oblivion Sora and The Trinity Trio um cuz like it's like we talked about it being in the one of the in between spes but it's obviously a new world that we're going to yeah so like no one the exact thing that Ryan Flynn says is I still don't get how the Trinity just walked from the end of the world to Castle Oblivion what's with that nobody else ever just walks to another world like that and I agree God I love you I love youn okay so I would say that when Sora restored all the worlds you remember when ky's on Destiny Island and you see all the stars shooting back and then Destiny Island pops back into life those are all the worlds being restored right and because all the worlds are being restored the end of the world itself is like ceasing existence because it's a graveyard for all the worlds in their ruin so right if all of them become restored it doesn't really exist anymore it's like all the crumbs returning back to their original place so I would say that Sora Sora Donald and Goofy didn't walk from the end of the world to this field place I would say they kind of got like casted like washed up on shore onto that they caught a ride yeah yeah onto that field Crossroads Plains kind of place and then from there they walked to Castle Oblivion and like you know it is very weird that such a peaceful looking Meadow can slowly turn into such a creepy ooky spooky looking Place yeah but I mean it's that one Yu-Gi-Oh card hold on it's the the pathway one what hold on where's Danny I can't believe I'm bringing up Yu-Gi-Oh I figured out that this meme started as a Yu-Gi-Oh card and so you've definitely seen it the dramatic Crossroads card this one yes it's literally that it is dramatic Crossroads I can't believe you remembered that that is crazy oh y how can Yu-Gi-Oh cards sometimes look so good and yet sometimes look so bad at least look like at least the CLE Oblivion cards are consistent okay but um yeah honestly yeah that's what it [ __ ] looks like like I don't know what to tell you but it's literally canon in the game that like like okay so if you're having a hard time walk wrapping your head around the idea of like this really pretty Meadow Place I would say it's kind of like this is going to be so stupid I would say it's kind of like The Lion King and how you have this beautiful Pride Rock but then the more you walk you end up slowly getting into that elephant graveyard which is super creepy and shadowy and like light never touches there or something I don't remember or like more you know like you can live in the sh but if you keep walking you're going to get to that ooky spooky Place yeah so that's how I feel like Castle Oblivion as personally yeah I mean it makes sense like not everywhere is the same everywhere this isn't Star Wars planets where once you've seen one part of the planet you've seen it all seen it all yeah uh your metaphors are the best they really help thank I'm glad I'm really glad to hear that like I genuinely like they the metaphors help me like conceptualize most of this stuff in the easiest way so keep them coming please because I need them and that's what I was trying to do with the theme park thing is like yeah totally kind of visualize it in a different way I can see that especially because now that theme parks are so digital and relying on screens like you insert the card and you get the [ __ ] world around you absolutely yeah yeah oh so I wanted to say kind of rewinding back to the Twilight Town card I another thing that might be kind of weird is like the idea of like a card reaching out to a person you know yeah I don't know if like that's a common thing in like well actually no yeah yeah yeah okay so I was going to say I don't know if it's a common thing in like Japanese video games and that's why they're able to just kind of like take it as it is but like yeah we've talked before about how Kingdom Hearts is seen kind of differently when you're familiar with Japanese folklore and in Japanese folklore objects do kind of have like a life within them yeah and I don't feel like that's something we kind of get a lot in Western media like I'm trying to think of even like kids shows like I don't know the salt and the salt and pepper from Blue The Brave Little Toaster bra Little Toaster oh brother um so but in Kingdom Hearts itself the more you adapt to the idea that cards it's almost like maybe other fans would disagree with this but I would almost say that like objects themselves don't have their own souls in lives but that when we love an object or interact with an object we leave a part of ourselves with it and that is what kind of connects it to other people and the ones that we love does that make sense yeah and so I don't really like you know Mickey and Sora only spoke like maybe once when they're trying to close the door to Darkness right but I still think even that along with the dreams that Sora had in the beginning of Kingdom Hearts it's enough to like Bridge the two of them and have that card be like okay I need to reach reiku right now what's the closest thing I can do that this little mouse okay he's my way in you know yeah anyway yeah interesting no that that makes me think all that uh objects coming to life is reminding me of like H I don't know if it's a Tumblr quote or what but it's like to be loved is to be changed or to be changed is to be loved it's just cute that is cute I never heard of that and and I'm a good oldfashioned Tarina or whatever say it might not have been Tumblr I don't remember but um yeah it's a it's a cute concept to think of especially with like the whole idea in Kingdom Hearts 1 of the keyblade chose the key Bearer oh so true bestie yes so it makes sense yeah of you know they they established in this first game about objects at least you know this so important object that you know is going to save the world yeah that's such a good point because I was trying I was trying to think of something in Kingdom Hearts 1 I was like an object think of an object think of anything the object Mel the object well[Laughter][ __ ] okay so I wrote how Hannah I love Riku I do okay so I do too I wrote how Sora the lucky dog the happy go well actually he isn't so happy so gol Lucky in this game he actually is kind of a bit of a temper in this game but usually our happy go-lucky guy is so lucky because he always has such fun adventures and then he gets to revisit his memories and have even brand new fun stupid silly adventures and poor R in the basement of this Castle fighting for his damn life like he cuz Okay so if you are kind of like me and and Hannah but I don't want to speak for Hannah where you mainly watch the cutcenes of China memories on YouTube rather than play the game yourself you might not realize that in riku's route rku doesn't get to have any of those Disney Adventures he just kind of it's It's So Eerie it's so Eerie so Ru gets to explore all these different Disney Worlds but there's like no [ __ ] cutcenes so it's like you enter a room you fight Captain Hook no context you whoop his ass and then you leave and it's like there's and so I think it does such a good job to me of really expressing how lonely and how alone rku is and so at one point in chain of Memories when Mickey finally arrives and finally reaches him rku literally just like collapses from relief of not being alone anymore like damn it's like it's it's good to see that side of him after I feel like a lot of people especially like I'll mention Jimmy's playthrough of Kingdom Hearts 1 people when when they first play Kingdom Hearts 1 like rku is a [ __ ] like R is mean he you know is manipulating Sora and steals his friends and like all this stuff so I am so glad that we get to see a more like a different side to rku yeah here there's something about chain of Memories that I think because it's all in one location and it I think a lot of people may not like Chad of memories because it seems repetitive but in a way I feel like that is so realistic to real life cuz for me when I'm working through [ __ ] and when I'm working through problems it feels repetitive like I have to face it over and over and over and over until I lose my [ __ ] mind and then I break down and then I grow you know that's a life and that's what I think chain of Memories does really well yeah and I I wrote here on uh this on this script about rku having a lonely journey I just watched if you've seen the uh last meal series on YouTube by mythical kitchen I just watched the Tom Hanks one and he says during that interview he says the best stories are about loneliness which is funny because like that makes me think of the Tom Hanks movie Cast Away you know that's the most lonely person can [ __ ] be when you start talking to a volleyball so like I don't know I think it there's a truth to that um yeah totally and something else that I I want to talk about we're getting a little off course here but me just rewatching some of the cut scenes from the game um I really applaud and you were talking about Sora that's right about how he has a little bit of a temper in this game um the ending with n and Sora is so I love it so much because it is so what you wouldn't expect from a game like this when nomina is offering like do you want to remember me do you want to stay with me or do you want to go back to the way things were and like this the way that Sora says make me the way I was just and and Nom reacts like she has this little movement of like hurt and I'm like oh my God this is so like if you were playing any other Happy game they would have found some way to yeah like have a compromise like reconcile it in some way have a happy ending like in both ways but no he says make me the way I was and she makes him the way he was he gets her[Music] dude H it's crazy and yeah this game it is different man it is [ __ ] different and you know something it does a great job something else I was thinking of with chain of Memories is I don't know if this make well okay chain of Memories I don't know if they like switched out some localizer staff translator but the script specifically for chain of Memories just feels so mature cuz like there are just certain words used and certain phrases used and chain of Memories and the story itself it just it it feels like the whoever was in charge at least of the English localization was like not that like it's not for kids cuz it's not like mature like like rated you know inappropriate but yeah I mean like you said life doesn't always have like perfect endings where everybody gets what they want like yeah poor Nomine but and good for her for like stick for sticking with what she promised like she really said if you want this I will give it to you and even though Sora said you're right that is what I want she was you know you could tell she was like trying to hold back to you she was like okay I I'll do it on this whole little spiel about like yeah that's what anyone would want right they want the people who actually care about them and it's like poor [ __ ] girl she's literally in like Rags like yeah anyway anyway back to back to we're reeling it in yeah oh my God okay so something I think like so chain memories is one of those games where overall people are like meh about it but you're going to have like those few people who are hardcore Die Hard chain of Memories fans who know everything about this game all right so they might have an issue with how in the presentation we kind of discussed how Destiny Islands might be from sora's memory even though rku got to explore it and at one point when Ru was there zakian is like you hated being an Islander you opened the door door and then Destiny F to Destiny Islands fill to Darkness everything is your fault so in that case someone might be like Destiny islands is sampled from Riku because how else would Zia know all this and I do think that hopeful I think I believe I wrote arguably let me actually make sure that I did before I just start oh [ __ ] maybe I didn't write arguably maybe I deleted that you said you said so one could argue oh so one oh thank God oh thank God I'm so reliable I'm so consistent but yes so I think in that case someone could argue that it was riku's Destiny Islands but and I made sure I like double checked I triple checked but Axel got this Destiny Islands information without ever interacting with or meeting rku himself so I still personally kind of stick to my guns that it's from sora's memory but I'm not going to like die on this hill like really in the end who give a[ __ ] chain of Memories is a self-contained game but like whatever yeah I think both I think points could be made for either or and it it leads to the same result you know so that's another reason why I don't think it really matters I was going to say so like if so the overall question is like where did it come from right um um so your question was how would zexian know all of this if it's sampled from sora's memory right yeah so that would mean like if it is sampled from sora's memory this is this would be what sora's opinions were I hope not that would be[ __ ] sad that would be sad maybe it's Sora of might think it because in Kingdom Hearts one Sora of does see rku standing like all creepily like Blair W project and rku is like the door is opened we have to step through there's no looking back so I wonder if maybe Sora does attribute it to rku but Sora doesn't strike me as the type of person to hold that against him so maybe he recognizes it in like a logical sense but not negatively in an emotional sense and maybe zexian used that in like TW did it yeah yeah cuz like a good point rku was very gung-ho about wanting to go explore and leave the island and build the raft and all that so yeah I don't know that's just my thought mhm um okay so we're going to jump a bit so we're talking about you know riku's kind of memories in the world he walks through and I noticed when rku goes to Hollow Bastion there's this voice that kind of talks to him and we assumed at the beginning of the game that it was ansom and then we eventually learned that it was Diz who uh who disguised himself as anom and tried to lead rku to believe that he was anom even though he's some mother [ __ ] entirely uhhuh yeah so what I think is interesting is that during this he says the things you remember from your time at Maleficent Castle became a card and that I think is so interesting because I think that's a hint he doesn't say my castle cuz anom would have been like this is my [ __ ] castle like you're here you're at my place and so I never realized this but I think that's like a hint that this person talking to Riku isn't anom at all and might not even know that much about anom to call it Maleficent Castle yeah you know yeah very interesting that that is something that I and you know maybe it's not so much about him and his knowledge but maybe in a meta sense the game wrote it that way to not spoil us or something I don't know but either way I thought that was interesting and then another thing we got um an email from castrell hello castrell hello um they wrote a lot but we're going to take an exert of one of the things that they asked and they wrote gameplay-wise the game uses cards as a mechanic and shows those people actually holding them etc etc but they're almost never spoken of again is there a deck of cards in Castle Oblivion just collecting dust now honestly I want to say like yeah because um one of the mechanics that I wanted to bring up which is so stupid and I don't even know if this is like really Canon but like who cares is when you're walking through Castle Oblivion there are Mughal rooms where there's a Mughal from fantasy that just sells you cards and you just buy the cards and it's like do the organizations mention it no does the figment of anom mention it no does Mickey or this new guy dis mention it no but like it's fun and I think also mentioned that um they kind of have a hard time accepting when things are just gameplay mechanics and I understand that especially with Kingdom Hearts because as you continue playing Kingdom Hearts it just gets so intricate in how it explains certain things so I can understand not being satisfied with certain explanations kingom of Hearts is one of those games that even I struggle with kind of like accepting something as just being like brushed away yeah you know but gosh darn it that just is what kingdom hearts is and if I ever get unsatisfied with it then I go read something else you know that doesn't do that but yeah and it's like I I don't remember my exact thread tying to this in the Mughal rooms and everything but like Kingdom Hearts is really good about um not doing the like tutorial stuff like as characters are talking you know like marusia doesn't say to us press the left stick to go forward and then hit X to swing your keyblade they're pretty good about keeping all that stuff separate yeah there is a tutorial where marala is talking to Sora and he's like your friends are your cards he you're right he doesn't ever say like at least I don't remember him saying like press X yeah you know press the x button on your PlayStation controller to swing your weapon I love video games I love video games they but like again that's part of that question of like are these cards real they're actually fighting with these damn cards and throwing them at each other but yeah I don't know cuz like they're pretty good about keeping that stuff separate and like I guess that would be evidence pointing to yeah these cards are real they're part of the world the characters are talking about them and they're part of the story um but you know what it's something so weird that happens in Chain of memories I didn't even write this down but I feel like Castro would be annoyed with this too so in the beginning of chain of Memories Donald and Goofy are no longer in their kind of Final Fantasy inspired outfits they're like back to their tomb Town outfits you know MH yeah and then at one point during the tutorial in Travers town they show up again in their back to their final fantasy s clothes and they're like our clothes have changed weird yeah like but like you just there it's like sometimes like I'm sorry it is what it is there's no answer like it's you just got to deal with that yeah they just do the magical girl transformation in between my God the GES if I had all the time in the world I would animate that I[Laughter] would um all right well I think that's pretty much all the stuff we wanted to cover for this episode ma we we're back back we're back what a good return I feel really good about this return me too I think it's a great first season 2 episode and we haven't even gotten to the characters and I feel like that's really where all the me and potatoes are like I love this Castle but I'm so excited to talk about the characters which Speaking of the characters I hope I'm right in my assumption here uh what's our next episode Mel our next episode is going to be about the organization and I was dating having that even be the first episode before this one because it's hard talking about chain of Memories when there's so many new characters and you're you're like I'm sorry if you're new and I have to throw all these names at you blah blah blah blah blah but I wanted to get the castle just out of the way so that we understand how it worked and now we're going to get to all these different new faces they're all wearing the same damn outfit they're all gos yeah so we're going to walk you through and hopefully by the end of that episode you won't be you'll be able to hear us talk about characters and know exactly who we're talking about yeah H I'm excited I'm excited about these characters let's gucking foe let's gucking foe so if you have any uh questions about do we want to say specifically who we're talking about uh I guess I oh gosh okay so I want to say we're going to talk about both the organization from Sora and riku's Route at the same time I think okay I don't think we're going to split it up I don't think okay okay hopefully it won't be too long if it's too long and we split it then we'll just save your question for the week after so if you have questions about anyone in a black coat mhm send them including Mickey at the end of including Mickey theend no not I am not am I'm just joking um but yeah I need to do a call to action I haven't done this in a while um if you enjoyed the episode be sure to rate and review on Apple podcast and Spotify if you're listening on YouTube or watching on YouTube uh like And subscribe tell your friends share the link all that good stuff um and yeah that's it uh email us at if you have any questions about the different organization members who are they what do they want why are they so hot why would you bake every single one of them email smash or pass all of them smash or pass the organization members said us uh at shedding shedding Starlight just the name of the podcast at I'm sick I'm sick shedding Starlight that's it that's it that's it I've said it that's it like three times but that's really it that's really it that's it it's over all right thank you all for watching and we'll see you in the star[Music]