Shedding Starlight

DiZ - What is DiZ's hidden agenda?

June 04, 2024 Shedding Starlight Season 2 Episode 6
DiZ - What is DiZ's hidden agenda?
Shedding Starlight
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Shedding Starlight
DiZ - What is DiZ's hidden agenda?
Jun 04, 2024 Season 2 Episode 6
Shedding Starlight

A mysterious man with a mysterious name, mysterious clothes, and mysterious abilities. On this episode, we're picking apart DiZ, someone who has a small yet important role in Chain of Memories. 

Thank you to Dyxo, Isaiah, and Alex for your questions on this episode!

Next episode: Twilight Town/the other side of Sora's heart. Send your questions to 

Shedding Starlight YouTube:
Hannah's Twitter:
Mel's Twitter:
The Secret Reports Channel:
Hannah's YouTube channel:

Show Notes Transcript

A mysterious man with a mysterious name, mysterious clothes, and mysterious abilities. On this episode, we're picking apart DiZ, someone who has a small yet important role in Chain of Memories. 

Thank you to Dyxo, Isaiah, and Alex for your questions on this episode!

Next episode: Twilight Town/the other side of Sora's heart. Send your questions to 

Shedding Starlight YouTube:
Hannah's Twitter:
Mel's Twitter:
The Secret Reports Channel:
Hannah's YouTube channel:

welcome to shedding Starlight your guide To The Kingdom Hearts myth today we have a shorter than usual episode on the mysterious character[Music] di while members of the organization wear long black leather coats di wears a unique and quite unusual outfit best compared to a priest's robe so little is known about Diz because he isn't in sora's route at all only in riku's unbeknownst to him for the most part because Diz can somehow change his appearance entirely it was Diz who spoke to rku in the beginning when he was sleeping or rather floating between light and darkness egging him on to waking up and continuing forth but disz does so under the guise of anom one would think Diz would lower his chances of gaining riku's trust by disguising as riku's worst enemy but Diz seems to be aware of the two's history and might have thought anom would be a good bait to lure rku out of sleep so why would di do this di seems to have an agenda with rku when rku reaches the card world of Twilight Town dis approaches him in person still disguised as anom but soon after when he reveals his true self he's still vague in his goal other than he encourages rku to choose between light and dark di wants to see how rku will grow even giving him a card to progress through the castle to face anom D could even be using nomina for his agenda since he directs rku to her Di and Nom most likely met soon after Sora went to sleep in the giant capsule it's possible dis observed this and then asked Nam if she could do something similar for rku lock away his memories of Darkness forever even at the end of riku's Route di again inquired which rku would choose the road to light or the road to Darkness whether di is truly curious of riku's own decision or is secretly rooting for a specific path is yet to be seen there is a chance dis wants rku to pick the road to Darkness as his character seems to have ties to anom Beyond using him for a disguise while Di has a different voice temperament and different goal with Riku this looks exactly like anom on underneath the red coverings even Mickey implies he can't help but feel he's met Diz before this could be a nod to the original Kingdom Hearts game where anom writes in his reports that he's met Mickey the two had a long friendly discussion so perhaps di reminds Mickey of[Music] anom di might also have ties with the organization he knows both that the organization can detect people and that the black coats can prevent this but the coat also protects the wearer from being devoured by darkness which is interesting because dis does not wear the black coat this ties another similarity between him and anom as neither worry about the darkness devouring them if di is familiar with the organization and has ties to anom following those breadcrumbs one must wonder if dis is or at least connected to the organization Superior when reiku asks vexen if he's with anom vexen says let us say that he is not the anom with which you are familiar he is anom and he is not anom perhaps a nobody best conveys the idea yet whether or not Diz is also a nobody like the organization members is unknown as he clever States about himself to rku that he could be nobody or anybody again D does not wear his own black coat so if he was the superior perhaps he is so powerful that he doesn't even need the coat it would explain how Diz obtained two coats for rku and Mickey however it would not explain why Diz has absolutely no contact with any of the organization members plus no one in the organization mentions his presence when zexian thinks he smells the superior he realizes he was mistaken so somehow dis a part of the organization or not can travel around the castle undetected and not fearing the darkness so Diz is someone who looks like anom and guides rku who has a history with anom like anom dis doesn't fear Darkness nor fear being detected by the organization whose leader is compared to anom Mickey says Diz is familiar but might just be remembering anom himself there is a spiderweb of connections between this new character Di and the villain of the previous game yet in the end dis for all intents and purposes Still Remains a completely separate identity and arguably the most mysterious person in chain of[Music] Memories Hello everybody welcome back to the discussion portion of this week's episode on di today I'm here with Hannah Hello Hannah how are you hi I'm good how are you I'm hungry I'm [ __ ] hungry so we better Chop Chop through this discussion section so Mel doesn't pass out well okay on the bright side I don't like maybe we'll figure out more to talk about as we go along with our discussion points but I wouldn't be surprised if this episode is shorter than our usual our average or our mean or whatever yeah Diz is mysterious it's not much to say yeah you know yeah so I know it's it's one of those cases where it's like all we can do is really wonder and theorize but there's just not that much information yeah so it's it's going to be short today a lot of like a lot of our questions that we got um in email and YouTube were just kind of like so what the [ __ ] going on with this guy yeah and it's just kind of like we don't know I don't know what's going on with this guy and really the thing is in case you're new and this is your first episode you're listening to Hanah and I do know we do know oh yeah yeah but we don't talk about future games or future Revelations so by chain of Memories We don't know so yeah yeah we're not stupid yeah we're not stupid um okay well I guess I'll just head on in with our first discussion Point yeah yeah yeah um so I noticed when we were kind of describing Diz and sort of what his role is in this game you kind of described in our script di as kind of like an observational type like person who's kind of watching rku to see what he does as he progresses and so I don't know I kind of saw a similarity there between him and vexen um as like you know Vex in collecting data to see what he can do with riku's data and it kind of seems like Diz is kind of doing something similar watching rku closely to see what's going to happen what he can do um sort of like you know all the sciency stuff that is being introduced in this game so I just kind of thought that was that was an interesting thing to look at there's not a lot we can look at as far as his character goes so it's interesting to analyze yeah no I do agree I do agree that not even just like what he's observing rku in chain of Memories but he clearly has at least to me it seems like he's been observing him for some time because like he knows he's got some beef with ansom he knows he kind of is in between light and darkness so he clearly has been like you said gathering information on rku and like for what so very it's very interesting yeah and like I don't I don't want to jump all the way ahead to email questions already but like that was the question that we got from a couple people like how does how does dis know any of this about how does he know rku what's his deal with Riku yeah like why did he show up at the beginning it's weird it to me it's there's always something Eerie about a character you just meet for the first time but then there are hints that no they've been around forever you just didn't know like there's something spooky about that so mhm yeah it's interesting So speaking of of r with anom and how dis knows about that when okay so in the Twilight Town Card World and Di appears to rku at first as anom and then he kind of goes back to looking like Diz after Ru was like [ __ ] who are you I know you're not handsome uhuh what is so like first of all we got to talk about how Diz can just like transform his appearance yeah because like I can't tell if if di can transform as anybody or if he because he looks like anom underneath his his bandages if maybe he can only transform as anom yeah because like I there just seems to be some connection between the two people and so it'll be interesting to see if dis cuz like okay so if di can transform us like anyone maybe that's how he so good at sneaking around without wearing that black coat yeah but you would think people would like smell him so I don't know it's so weird it it's like yeah that's another question we got from people is like he's sneaking around the castle do does the organization not know do they not care like is what's the deal there is he I don't know it's he's what's he doing he's a slithery little snake he really is thank you yes um but yeah he it's it's I don't know like I feel like a lot of our discussion is just kind of going into a little bit of a dead end right now because it's like it's weird I don't know something's going on there you know but so if you're listening you might be wondering like well if you don't have any [ __ ] answers like why even make an episode about him like what's the[ __ ] point yeah what's the point so you and I can't come to any conclusions but I still think it's important to point out all of these different weird traits about him that we do know MH and so like there are just so many connections between him and ansom and like so I I think I may have written this l later on but I'll just say it now but like I'm going to be real so when I first got into Kingdom Hearts I got into Kingdom Hearts around the time I want to say that days 358 days over two or two days whatever had just come out cuz I remember seeing like Internet ads for it I feel like I don't know I just I'm pretty sure that's when I got into Kingdom Hearts uh and so I'm by the time I had gotten into Kingdom Hearts I played from the beginning I played keyarts one played chain of Memories or I watched chain of Memories on YouTube cut scenes in like 240p really but um maybe it because YouTube used to be so low quality that I did not realize for a long time that Diz looks like ansom I didn't realize that for like I want to say like a couple of years I know how don't that sounds but like I didn't and so when I realized that I was like what the [ __ ] what the[ __ ] you know it's so weird it's so weird it's so weird weird um I mean like so were you watching the the original game boy cut scenes or were you watching the the Remake cut scenes I was watching the Remake cutcenes I think I can't remember if this is just the I think okay so days on the DS has a few cutcenes here and there of like rendered cutcenes they're just really really compressed and I can't remember if chain of Memories has that as well I don't think so I think it would have been too much on chain of Memories yeah so I'm sure at one point in my life I watched a whole playthrough of it on YouTube but I'm I'm pretty sure I just watched the PS2 version on YouTube I'm pretty sure gotcha for the most part yeah I mean like if you're younger if you're uh in your early 20s or younger then like you don't know the struggle we had to go through on YouTube in the mid 2000s yeah you know damn well every[ __ ] chapter was split into three parts like [ __ ] anime back when YouTube had like a 10 minute upload limit or whatever and [ __ ] it took 10 minutes to load a one minute video uh yeah we we had it rough back in the mid 2000s but you know I complain a lot about streaming these days but you know what this is the Golden Age this is better yeah um okay so I'll move on to my next thing um and I reading through the script I guess I I uh diverged a tad to have a question about nomina um in this script I wanted a little bit of clarification um regarding rku and Nam and I guess I was just curious about nomina because they were talking about you know rku choosing the darkness rku choosing the light and like if rku chooses to have his memories locked away via Nom they kind of act like that will just erase the darkness in him right mhm yeah so what's the deal there this is how I interpreted it and maybe someone W listening what have their own interpretation but this is what I feel like Nom is saying so I think n is saying that he that she can erase all of riku's memories of anom being possessed the Hollow Bastion scenes um him tossing away everything from Destiny Islands to choose Darkness mhm I think she's saying you'll forget all of that but to me I always thought that that was kind of like the wrong choice or like the foolish foolish choice because I would think that when you forget all that you also forget the lessons you've learned and the wisdom you've gained yeah and so like I feel like why wouldn't rku just do all that[ __ ] again because he doesn't know any better now yeah so like they Nomine says like by erasing your memories I'll put a lock on your heart and N won't be able to like come out from you but I guess I just disagree like I feel like I'm glad he chose to remember yeah because now he has that wisdom and he can be like no I'm not doing that again I've already suffered I've gone through this I'm not doing it again so that's what I think that also to me just kind of seems like putting a Band-Aid on a wound that needs stitches you know so real yeah like like I feel like it's not going to work like I feel like it like Nomine has got great powers and everything but I feel like it just is not going to work um especially because nomin tells Sora like she tells him I don't erase memories I just rearrange them and so there will always be a little crack for anom or the darkness to come back through Rico so yeah yeah um but anyway anyway a little side note about Nomine but we'll come back to her in a little bit with an email question but I'll move on to my next thing which is again the connection between dis and the organization and I just kind of wrote here my own observation is that through the vehicle of this game of chain of Memories I personally don't see a like a connection of dis working with the organization because of I don't know just the way things go I wrote down here like my only exception is maybe like Axel because they both seem to have a weird Personal Agenda they both seem to be kind of steering their own ship um but I feel that if dis was working with either of the two teams um with uh regarding Rec who or Sora that there would be some communication there there would be some other signal there and that's that doesn't mean that I don't know maybe there was a connection in the past like obviously dis has knowledge of these people so like I don't know if that's like but you have a good point you have a good point like yeah you would think that if he was working with the organization that there would be at especially maybe not in sora's route but at least in riku's route there would be some scene even if it's like okay so there's in sora's route there's just a shot of the replica riku's legs as he like walks into a room and like you're supposed to be like what Riku like why is Riku here right so like I feel like even if they didn't show us like a fullon scene of Diz talking with another member that they would collude like they would have the very least show like dis walking into the room and you don't really know who he is like who is that mhm but we don't get any of that we don't get any of that so that to me I think you're right like I try to like toy with possibilities since we don't know things but I think you're right there's not really much to suggest except other you know like you said in the past because he does does does have he he is familiar with the organization yeah and he does know that about their coats and like the weird abilities they have yeah and he has two of them to give away he has [ __ ] two of them like he has a suspiciously Mickey shaped one to give away he seed that one himself and he said this is for this little rat so I don't yeah that's just my that's my opinion on it yeah I can see that I can see that which like to me is only more because like anom wasn't anom didn't make any [ __ ] mention of the organization those two didn't really seem to be connected or like crossing paths at all and so it'll be really interesting to see if Diz di might be like the link between the two where he like knows about the organization about their coats has two of their coats on hand and he knows about anom and ru's history with anom he looks [ __ ] exactly like anom so it's it's interesting if he's like the bridge between these two topics yeah at least from what we know what we have so far yeah oo mystery so yeah so anyway that's all you and I wrote yeah so let's jump over to emails thank you everybody for sending emails there were okay so we had to kind of Talk Amongst each other and remember remember like okay what does chain of Memories reveal about Di and what do we learn more about him in future games and so if your question didn't get asked it's probably because we were like let's save that for the future yeah that's a little too much knowledge than what we have right now so we do a we got a honestly we got more questions on di than I expected I was not really expecting to get any on this one yeah um so I'm so sorry if we did not answer the question that you submitted for this MH and I feel like a lot of the the questions that were asked are questions that we talk about in The Script or something that we just talked about in the discussion so if we if you didn't hear your question it's either about something from the future games or something that we feel like we've already touched on a little bit in this episode um which brings me to the first our first email from dixo um dixo sent us a very long list of questions which I get it I get it girl I do um but I think the most interesting one that they asked us was about Nom um which is the very first question they listed um how does how does dis know about nomina and what she can do and everything that's so interesting this is something that once again like I didn't even realize like it was like while I was writing this script that I was like wait what the [ __ ] because all throughout sora's route which is where Nomine is definitely active she doesn't ever [ __ ] mention Diz and it's just like the organization all over again where it's like if they're connected then like when the[ __ ] did they meet when did they talk yeah and so when writing this presentation I feel like I came to the conclusion that there's only one opportunity Diz could have met n and that was very soon after Nom put Sora to sleep because other before that Nom was always surrounded by organization members and so that's what I think but if we're wrong that would be so interesting because it would be like then when did when did they meet yeah yeah that also like that could also like be a a point towards like uh dis working with the organization of like he would only know about Nom because the organization has Nom and is using her so like I guess one could use that to argue interesting that he's working with them um or like I don't know maybe he's spying on them again if he's a shape shifter and as we as we have theorized maybe um I don't know maybe that's another way that could have happened but yeah that's a good point yeah I hav thought about either of those yeah it's especially because like there's something about this and his get up that he looks so like he looks like a villain yeah like that's a villain [ __ ] outfit yeah and so I feel bad for nominee if nominee was just like got out of the frying pan and Into the Fire like out of one clutches of one evil man into another like no I don't know I don't know Diz I don't [ __ ] trust him you know who the [ __ ] is he who is he what's he doing especially because oh my gosh so I forgot about this line and I kind of wish I included it in the presentation well first of all let me read let me see okay so actually let me read Isaiah's email first and then I will include what I'm about to say okay so Isaiah writes in the beginning of riku's Journey dis introduces rku to Cath oh so for context I believe it was Isaiah who said that they were playing chain of Memories on the original Game Boy advanced yes and they had not played the PS2 remake yet yes so all of what Isaiah's about to say that's just for context so Isaiah was wondering like is any of this different but I think overall it's pretty the same I'm pretty impressed with how the REM make is pretty consistent with the original yeah but anyway Isaiah says in the beginning of riku's Journey di introduces rku to Castle Oblivion along with the knowledge of the Castle's room reflecting riku's memory and more specifically how the rooms will contain nothing but heartless due to him casting away all that he loved for darkness in Kingdom Hearts 1 I'm assuming at this point the voice is not yet anome because a bit later the voice this is Isaiah saying this because a bit later The Voice shifts from having a normal conversation with rut telling him directly to submit to the dark yes that is something I I think we're all on the same page on is that anom is like submit to the darkness be in the dark follow me do my bidding blah blah blah blah blah yeah and yet Diz is like it's a lot more LAX in his approach to R yeah um so Isaiah continues if the voice that introduces rku to the castle is Di my question is how does dis know so much about rku in the first place he even knew his name yeah so if you are someone who just watched the cutcenes of the re chain of Memories PS2 version I'm hoping that the cutscenes you watched included a text Scene not vo not dialogued of R and Hal Bastian where this voice that's probably Diz was like this was your bedroom where you stayed when you were with Maleficent you know you Cast Away everything aside but at least you got a cute little bedroom like and so Diz clearly has like information on rku yeah and so what I don't it seems to me I want to say that di was like following R around or something or like spying on him or something mhm and eventually realized like I think this kid can do something that I need done because at one point I forgot about this line and this is the line that I felt like I should have included in the presentation but I just completely forgot about I'm really sorry is at one point Ru is asking di so are you supporting me or are you abandoning me and Di says it depends on what you choose which to me is such a line implying like yeah I'm going to use this kid but if if rku chooses a path that I am not rooting for then [ __ ] him I don't need him yeah it seems to me like that line really implies like d needs rku to do something specific and he's kind of looking for rku to accomplish something but he has his cards Di has his cards so close to his chest that he's not willing to hint or reveal what it is that rku that he needs rku to do that's so interesting that's so spooky yeah it is it is especially cuz I'm just like can we just leave Rico alone he's been through enough he's been through up leave him alone he's just a little guy yeah he's been through it I love rku leave him alone yeah um yeah wow that I don't know that gives me whole like I've been watching you the whole time Vibes G it just gives me the [ __ ] Willies yeah yeah and that like I guess that hearkens back to my first point of like Diz being an observer but maybe now with that information it's more it's less of a passive role and more of an active role I don't know that's that's crazy it's almost like what's a good example I don't know I don't know I don't have a good example but it is definitely like I'm going to wait and see and wait and wait okay here's my chance I'm going to take advantage of the situation yeah it's just it's very spooky and it'll be interesting to see Diz in that more active role where he is you know maybe it doesn't happen but I feel like it's alluding to to dis doing something with Roo yeah you know yeah so like buckle up again we'll see we'll be keeping a a close eye ha on on this moving forward the other one Wrapped in Red bandage yeah um this last question I feel like we already talked about I think I just put it here just in case if you want to read it yeah Alex writes does the organization know that dis is roaming across the castle if yes are they allowing him to or can they not track stop him if no how does he hide from the organization it's just so weird especially because like zexian at one point is like Oh I thought I smelled ansom like that was weird like I don't smell them anymore but I thought I smelled anom but in that moment I think we talked about in a previous episode epis if I I think you said I what I don't remember you cleared that cut scene up and I think I realized I was misinterpreting but I I feel like from what I remember the fake Maleficent smelled like anome but maybe it's because oh because you said they're just both steeped in darkness and that's why they smell similar that's what it was that's what it was um yeah but it's weird that you know whoever this [ __ ] di is he clearly doesn't smell like that maybe he doesn't smell at all yeah but yeah it's weird I don't know maybe his Red Priest robes are are also special garments oh my God but I was want to describe what his stupid outfit look like I was like how the [ __ ] do I write this he wears the weirdest outfit in the entire [ __ ] series he has like weird little pockets that I feel like you put decks of Po cards in or like your little game boy I'm like what even is this outfit and I like I'm not going to lie just like looking at don't people who aren't caught up with the series don't Google it but just like looking at it on Google like yeah I don't know it's kind of weird he's got like a weird Cape window that's into his weird Hollow looking chest I tried describing that too and I might have just like deleted that sentence cuz I was like how do you describe that weird angular little yeah window window and it's like it's so weird because like this to me almost feels inhuman like on his chest is this white grid kind of weird little angular design on his chest it doesn't look like anything we've seen in the series so far it's it almost almost looks like okay you know how when people try to emulate like Tron or like computer digital like when people are in like like Mega Man and they have like circuits that like pulse light through the circuits it almost looks like it should like be pulsing light yeah like that like it just reminds me of like computers but like he's not a he's not a computer he's not an Android like as far as We Know as I guess but like it's just like a he just has the weirdest [ __ ] design the weird but also it's one of those designs that I think could be so comfy sometimes I look at a character's outfit and I'm just like I could sleep in that I wouldn't I know I'd be so cozy in that it's like it's like steampunk wizard is like the vibe I would go with here such a good way to describe it that's such a good way to describe it this [ __ ] is so goddamn weird and I don't have anything else to say about him other than he's so goddamn weird also he's got two [ __ ] belts on his head for to hold the the weird red bandage I don't know I don't know what the deal is that's all he had this is what happens when you don't have a wife to like give you passion advice like this [ __ ] is so weird oh my God anyway well I think that's it for now yeah so we we just finished reading emails from people and I think our next topic oh my gosh is it like our final topic topic episode of chain of Memories uh if you say so maybe yeah wow okay so our next episode is we might do like a summary episode or like a closing episode but our next specific topic episode is going to be our last one on chain of Memories yeah and it's going to be about the other side of sora's heart and Twilight town and why the [ __ ] does it exist if we've never [ __ ] been there before so if any but you know we're also going to talk about like different scenes there so like how Sora fought vexen there and how the replica fought rku there and died there so and like how the card of Twilight Town appeared to Mickey like so we're going to be talking about all that but also specifically about Sora and his heart and what's going on there so you have any questions about anything revolving around Twilight town you let us know you hit us up and we're going to talk about it okay and you can do that by emailing us at shedding Starlight atgmailcom no funky letters no spaces or underscores or nothing I guess it wouldn't have spaces and it'll be in the description as it always and it'll be in the description and then depending on how you're listening to us if you're listening to us on Apple podcasts or Spotify be sure to raid us keep us in your pocket but us I don't really know how these platforms will work because I listen to things on YouTube like an freak but guess what we're also on YouTube so you can listen us to us there yeah like our videos subscribe to our Channel because I saw that we had seven subscri 7 100 subscribers which I'm really excited about but I want to hit that big 1K all I want to hit that big 1K and guess what the best way you can share us is by word of mouth so if you have a friend who you want to show them Kingdom Hearts but you don't want them to be spoiled because they're spoilers Galore on the internet and you want to guide them like the wonderful friend that you are you can trust us you can send them our way and we will take care of them and not spoil them and hopefully they will be happy with us until we get to our next game but right now we're only on J mem sorry is there anything I'm forgetting Hannah no I don't think so I think you you're doing so good yes got this in the B I think that's it that's it so thank you for listening and we'll see you in the Starlight[Music]