Shedding Starlight

Twilight Town - What is the "other side" of Sora's heart?

June 11, 2024 Shedding Starlight Season 2 Episode 7
Twilight Town - What is the "other side" of Sora's heart?
Shedding Starlight
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Shedding Starlight
Twilight Town - What is the "other side" of Sora's heart?
Jun 11, 2024 Season 2 Episode 7
Shedding Starlight

In this finale episode of the second season of Shedding Starlight, we look at another puzzling setting. A mysterious world, nestled between the day and night, locked behind inaccessible memories of Sora's psyche. Today we're discussing Twilight Town, a brand new world that establishes new mysteries for the series story. 

Thank you to Dyxo for your questions on this episode!

Next season: Kingdom Hearts 2. Send your questions to 

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Show Notes Transcript

In this finale episode of the second season of Shedding Starlight, we look at another puzzling setting. A mysterious world, nestled between the day and night, locked behind inaccessible memories of Sora's psyche. Today we're discussing Twilight Town, a brand new world that establishes new mysteries for the series story. 

Thank you to Dyxo for your questions on this episode!

Next season: Kingdom Hearts 2. Send your questions to 

Shedding Starlight YouTube:
Hannah's Twitter:
Mel's Twitter:
The Secret Reports Channel:
Hannah's YouTube channel:

hello and welcome to shedding Starlight your guide To The Kingdom Heart Arts Mythos today we're discussing Twilight town the never-before seen world that both Sora and rku visit during their Journeys through Castle Oblivion seen in both cutcenes and gameplay the world consists mostly of buildings and small alleys the icon for this world When selecting it features also a forest a train and most prominently a tall clock Tower this card world was originally crafted by vexen from memories he said were locked in the other side of sora's heart throughout sora's route in the castle he of course begins to remember things he thinks he forgot all this time like another girl being at Destiny Islands but Twilight town is different when he first arrives at this card World in text only dialogue he says he's never been here before and that he definitely doesn't remember it however when he approaches a mansion things begin to change the Mansion is brown and Gothic with a courtyard of ruined pillars both Sora and rku in their Venture here are stuck outside however since the gate leading to this Courtyard is locked it's here that Sora begins to realize that he doesn't exactly have memories of this place just the idea he's been here before one could he qu what Sora is trying to describe as the difference between remembering your childhood school and getting Deja Vu inside a building you've never been in before you have a feeling of familiarity but it's not like you know your way around like you would the school as we said before vexen says he got the data from the other side of sora's heart in the first Kingdom Hearts game we see sora's entire Journey Through the world after he left his home for the first time yet we never visit this place in that game so how Sora could possibly know this place remains quite a mystery for now in our episode discussing how the card worlds within Castle Oblivion work we cover how rku is still able to visit Twilight Town even though it's not from his memory or data at all RKO is only able to visit this world because of the card given to him by Mickey however this card appearing to Mickey in the first place is strange the card is data of Twilight town which is a world with a name meaning between light and dark and of course this card is connected to Castle Oblivion a world that's placed between light and dark this is only speculation but perhaps those two factors are enough to allow this card to be a sort of Entry key out of the Realm of Darkness and into the area in between explaining how Mickey found it I needed a away out of the Realm of Darkness and then suddenly this card appeared right in front of me and when Mickey picked it up the card connected to sora's Heart wanted to unite with Riku just how rku resonated with Sora and arrived at the castle that way when I picked it up I could see your heart beyond the darkness that's what let me find you I guess the card thought it place was to be with you while there isn't a 100% satisfactory explanation on how this Twilight Town card appeared to Mickey and led him to rku it might be because the card is not only connected to the gray area between light and darkness but also connected to sora's heart but Sora is not the only one with ties to this world at the Mansion after Sora fights vexen vexen tries to warn Sora about becoming Maria's Pawn before he could finish however Axel the spiky redhead arrives and kills him we want to bring up Axel specifically because at this point he might be familiar with Twilight Town himself during the credits of both Sora and riku's routes we get a short scene of a blonde boy walking through Twilight town in sora's credits he passes by a group of teenagers eating ice cream bars all four of these kids look to be about riku's age as they're a little taller than Sora and Kyrie in riku's credits we get the same scene but shot a little differently and it's longer so we get more context the blonde boy is accompanied by Axel when the boy eyes down the ice cream the other teens are eating Axel shrugs the credits then cut to the two of them eating ice cream bars of their own while sitting at top the clock tower we've previously met mentioned so this mysterious world that Sora of says is somewhat familiar is a world known by Axel it's possible Axel is only visiting this world for the first time after chain of memory ends but given the implication that Axel bought ice cream for this kid he might be familiar with the shops here even though it's only a card World in chain of Memories what we know about Twilight town is that it's a world that rests between sora's memory and his Oblivion it's a world not only connected to Sora himself but to Axel and given that Axel is a member of the organization who knows if it's him alone familiar with this world or if Twilight town is a hub for our new villains of neither light nor Darkness just like the world itself could be[Music] welcome back everyone to shoing Starlight the discussion portion of Twilight town our little yellow orange brown town that we get to walk into and um where did it come from we don't we don't know you don't know where it came from yeah um but yeah I'm here with Mel that's what I usually say I'm here with Mel how are you Mel hi hello my voice is a little shot because I was recording the summer games Fest thing I wasn't expecting Kingdom Hearts so I'm not like disappointed or anything but I did talk a lot through it so my voice is a little tired and I do apologize if that comes through well I will be evaluating your performance through this whole episode oh no and my wife and kid kids you will be uh compensated accordingly based on how well your voice does oh great um okay so Twilight town this place is weird what is it where did it come from we so I think this episode was also okay so the the the title we have on the dock is Twilight Town col in the other side of sora's heart which is just a weird phrase it's a weird phrase weird dumb phrase It's not dumb but like what does that mean yeah what does that mean my first two discussion points on here where is like me quoting part of the script you know Vex and talking about other side of sora's heart where did Twilight Town come from and then like the other side of sora's heart what does that mean what does any this mean where did this place come from what's going on Mel please tell me okay well so first of all I would think that if this is from a part of sora's Heart Like OB so just in case somebody if this isn't really clicking for somebody the Twilight town that we visit in chain of Memories is not real it's just a card projection world like all the other worlds that we go through in Castle oan so somewhere out there maybe probably is the real Twilight town but and that'll be interesting to see because in chain of Memories I don't think we saw like any NPCs we didn't meet anybody we only saw like the organization members of Sora and the replica as r to and so it's definitely a weird almost like what's that word people use now linal it almost feels like a Lial world because it's just so empty and I can't say where it's from other than like maybe the idea of it being called Twilight town is you know if we're going to base it off of like Traverse Town which is a world where a bunch of travelers from all across the world end up there because our world's full of Darkness like I could see Twilight town maybe being a place in the Twilight in between light and dark mhm but yeah that that's um that brings me to the conversation at the very end of riku's Route with rku and Di where he's like oh I'm going to take the path in the middle I forget what the actual line is but this is like oh the road to dusk or and then Ru says oh the road to Dawn so it's like I don't know that's an interesting little concept that they bring up where Twilight is I think specifically when the Sun is setting right yeah I think so I think so yeah and then yeah then rku saying no I'm going to go where the sun rises a hopeful which yeah you know is um I mean I guess I say this later on but I'll just say it now because like Twilight town when we we kind of get to know it a little more in future games um where it feels a bit more cozy but like I said in this game we don't have any context it feels a lot more luminal cuz we don't have any NPCs the name Twilight as in like the sun is going down like it's only going to get darker mhm and plus like both in Sora and riku's route out it's like scary things happen both the times they visit there like Axel just [ __ ] explodes vexen and then reiku watches like his doppelganger fade into the abyss like it's scary plus it's just a ruined mansion in the middle of a forest it's probably where slender took place Sora if you see a paper on the tree you better run [ __ ] honestly Hanah I'm gonna say it the Mansion it's giving lost it's giving lost it's giving lost it's gonna have numbers sketched on the side like I don't trust it for a 15 16 2322 please no lost spoilers in the comments we're watching Pro yeah me and Mel and a few of our friends are literally in the middle of a a lost watch right now kind of re-watch kind of not rewatch because we were like nine when it came out or something yeah I yeah exactly anyway cool so naturally my brain loves to try to connect the dots with information that I don't have so uh in my mind I'm like okay so this is a real place that Nina implanted memories in Sora um that somehow just got [ __ ] up and locked away like that that was me trying to reconcile this but Mel you had a great Point yes and to that yeah it was me trying to clarify that I don't believe I strongly unbelieve whatever the word is that Twilight town is not implanted from nominee is not a Nomine implant and one of the hints I think that points to this is vexen and one point vexen is telling Sora he's like I have a I have a question like your memories of n or your feelings here at this world at this new world you've never been in which of these two is more real and I think um he's trying to trick Sora where he's trying to make it sound like the Twilight Town memories are are fake and that nomina is the real one but it's really the other way around but Sora doesn't believe him because he's a villain he's like why should I[ __ ] believe you like [ __ ] you yeah you know so that's kind of interesting vexen I don't know I feel like is kind of giving himself away in in that moment of like oh like even telling Sora oh one of these is fake and one of these is real you know it's interesting I definitely agree I think vexen was a weak link and that's why Mar Luan was like we got to take this guy out Axel kill him like but yeah um yeah it's just interesting just villain monologi yeah absolutely it's I'm going to reveal to you the whole plan before I die like be shut the [ __ ] up shut up don't ruin this for us anyway exactly I wanted to say that so we talked about how this is from the other side of sora's heart but throughout Kingdom Hearts 1 the only other game we've seen Sora in this is the only other Kingdom Hearts game we've played so far if you're listening to this while playing for the first time at least is that throughout Kingdom Hearts 1 we see Sora leave his home for the first time and we see every World he's ever been to yeah so it's so interesting that both Sora and Kyrie have you know cuz Nomine is like I'm the shadow of Kyrie we've kind of talked about in our previous episode with sunny where both Sora and Kyrie seem to have secrets that even they aren't aware of and so that is just something I think is is very interesting yeah I feel like that kind of possibly opens up a connection of Twilight town and Kyrie um that's interesting yeah I I don't know it's just like that's that's kind of just another thing you have to look at whenever like mystery surrounds Sora you have to remember that like Kyrie lived in there for I don't know how however long Kingdom Hearts 1 takes place for no that's a that's a really good point because oh my God this is like the second time you brought this up and it's been a really good point but you also I remember a previous episode we were in our Kingdom Hearts one season you were talking about how if Sora is seeing things like wouldn't he have just seen that weird laboratory from halosan weird world Terminus whatever wouldn't he have just seen that from sora's heart or from Kyrie's heart isn't that just her memory so I wonder if maybe this is something like that that's very interesting Yeah just something to think about to chew on perhaps maybe a possibility yeah in fact especially because Okay so when Sora first I didn't even I don't even think I really realized this because you know just to be upfront again I have not played through all of chain memories I am one of the babies okay I am one of the WIS where I played a little bit I said it in like it and then I watched the cousies online okay don't kill me don't come for me don't come for me you gave it the college try you gave it a try and so did I the college try is that a term people say yeah you gave it the old College try that's like that's yeah I mean like that's you know the whole thing of like going to college or trying new things and becoming your own person okay gotcha okay um I thought it was like you tried College you didn't like it and you dropped out and that happen so frequently enough that there's a term for it or something like the 15 pounds or the 5 pounds the college 15 have you heard of that oh yeah uh yeah yeah yeah anyway the Freshman 15 Freshman 15 anyway anyway anyway my point is that I don't think I ever realized that in text dialogue Sora when first arriving to Twilight town is like I've literally never been here like I literally don't know this place like I don't remember at all and then it's not until he gets to the mansion where he's like whoa like deja vu you guys I've seen this place like what and I just I've never realized that it was the mansion that triggered that and that is so interesting this this Mansion is so weird because you know like you said it's in the middle of a Forest like M like I understand that like Estates have like their own property or something but usually like the property is fenced off way farther right maybe I just don't know how like mansions and Estates work but like I would think I'm just thinking of the house from knives out I think that's surrounded by Forest too but I think there's I don't know I'm that's just what comes to mind get a Pride and Prejudice so you're closer than me anyway um um but I really liked your um metaphor of like going like seeing a school and having that Deja Vu um was it going to a school that you don't know or going to your old school so it was like going to your childhood school where you could be like oh my God okay this is where I had science this was the school locker I got shoved in that one time right and then like if we go down these stairs like we'll find like the cafeteria or something right yeah but sometimes I don't know if you've ever experienced this Hannah but sometimes like you'll like be at a certain place that you've never been to before but you'll still have like a moment you'll have like a moment where you're like whoa de jao whoa yeah even like maybe you're like in a new office building or you're stopped on the side of the road to like take a picture or something uhhuh um but it's not like you know that building you can't walk through it like you did your school you know so that's what I tried to come up with where you know if you're if you're listening it's like the the M Nomine is the fake madeup school that you can walk around in and then the Twilight town and the Mansion is the Dej Place yeah yeah that's like I don't think the way I'm going to explain my feeling of this I don't think it's going to work with this same metaphor anymore but I think it's interesting whenever you like go back to your school when like after you've grown up after 10 years and you're like twice the size that you used to be and so like the hallways are smaller and like the classrooms are smaller and the chairs that used to be as big as you are you now can't even fit in you know like that sort of absolutely feeling mhm yeah I felt that way of we went we once visited a house I used to live in and the house I remember was like so big like it just felt like a tall house and then I went back to it as I got older I became an adult I went back and I was like oh it's like it's like like a first story like kind of small like a humble home you know so it's weird how our youth can kind of warp things yeah I have never been to the house that I lived at when I was 3 years old since we moved out but I'm sure I would feel the same way about that house if I ever saw it from the inside um but anyway to get off this metaphor this little tangent um so if we're going to move forward then let me I want to talk more about the card specifically because the one that appeared to makee and then LED Mickey to rku and then we kind of talked about maybe it's because it's connected to the area between light and darkness because Twilight town or it's connected to Castle Oblivion and how it also seems to be connected to sora's heart because it was made with memories from the other side of his heart or whatever um I understand that if you're new to Kingdom Hearts and you're like why would an object lead to a person like that just sounds sounds weird I feel like as we progress through Kingdom Hearts we will kind of it's never like spoken by the characters where they're like objects have this power but we'll kind of learn and see that objects kind of have like a connection to your person and that they can kind of help people find their way to you and I think that that's very romantic in the sense that ites me look at like toys had since I was a kid and I feel like these toys have like a piece of me in them so it's like yeah of course they would be like a compass to me where if you like follow the toy you'll find your way to me like it is a very poetic romantic way of thinking about it but that is how Kingdom Hearts kind of approaches things it's so good it's so cute I'm just like I feel so warm at the thought of that yeah with you in your toys I mean they're like plushies not necessarily like wooden toys or figures you know but like yeah yeah anyway another thing I wanted to say speaking of cute things we okay so we have previously talked about how suspicious Axel is because he seems to have his own kind of agenda like he is willing to do whatever it takes to stop larine and marusia and that includes taking down like his senior in the organization and even stop zexian another person in the organization because he found out too much you know like Axel can be kind of scary and then in the credits of these same games we see him like hanging out with some [ __ ] teenager the teenager is like looking longingly at this other group of teens with ice cream and axel like notices he's like okay you know what you want some ice cream let's get you some ice cream and then they eat ice cream in the next scene yeah he's so nice he's so nice I he's mysterious but he's nice and I wrote down here I wrote down here very Gordon ramsy like which if you get what I'm saying you get what I'm saying but there's like clip of like Gordon Ramsay yelling at adults in like Hell's Kitchen and then when he does like they'll put it next to a clip of him on like Master Chef kids or whatever where like he's yelling at the adults who are supposedly the professionals and then when it comes to like kids who are learning and like still trying to figure things out he's very nice he's very gentle he's very guiding so that just reminded me of that it's great I didn't know that about him that is very yeah I'm going to send you clips afterward it's so cute well that is very actual to give a boy an ice cream especially because like it made me kind of think about how you know larine I love her but she was kind of a [ __ ] to Sora nomin obviously absolutely she would not give the kid the ice cream she would be like [ __ ] would no she wouldn't she would say Suck it like she want give a b um and it makes me realize that like even like marusia and vexen were kind of like a little not like mean to Sora but they clearly were just like you know they were villains you know and AEL was also a villain but Axel also kind of spoke to Sora like yo Sora what's going on I'm gonna kill yeah right hello yes exactly and even um the only thing that kind of gives me chills is okay so I'm so stupid I can't believe I forgot about this but in the credits of sora's Route you know we were right before we literally see Axel appear in front of replica Ru after replica Ru was like maybe maybe it's okay that I'm a replica Sora like you're a good guy I'm going to walk away we see Axel appear to him after that in the credits and I just kind of forgot because I never watch the G because I only watch this on YouTube like BL whatever and so but that goes to show how kind of Too Faced he can be where he can buy this one blond kit ice cream and yet manipulate maybe it's because maybe he do see like the replica as like a real person or something but he like definitely manipulated the replica to take out zexian and that to me shows like a sign of disrespect to replica rku who seems to be like a teenage age even though he's a replica you know and so Axel's just a very hard guy to pin down right now because he defin there so much going on he's he knows too much that we don't know he knows more than we do and I don't like that yeah it's like what do you know what should we know yeah tell us spill give us a tea give it to us all right well should we've gone through all of our discussion points right yes yes okay so we're going to move on to emails um so we got a couple questions from dixo hi dixo um I hope we pronounce that right I think that's how we've said it I feel like we say every time where we go I hope that and I'm and then I'm pretty sure every single time dixo goes yes you pronounced it[Laughter] right um so d says first question firstly how the hell was that card even made to begin with like so far every card's based on something Sora has active memories of but he's never been to Twilight town and has no direct ties to it we're told it's from the other side of your heart but what does that even mean Mel yeah well your response so first of all I want to bring up what we talked about earlier today because I didn't even write this down because I didn't think about it but you're just so smart and I'm just like oh my god of course where you know maybe maybe it has something to do with Kyrie or something like that situation where Sora can see things that he himself did not experience but it's connected to him so even you know we've seen all of Kyrie's life you know yeah she lived in Hollow bashton until she was sent over to to Destiny Islands so maybe Twilight swn isn't connected to her per se but you're right in that Hannah you're right in that it does it might be the a similar thing where we know it's not the strangest thing in the world for Sora to see things that he himself has not been through yeah so I think that's you know and I pointed out I wrote here like it kind of reminds me of the stained glass platforms where Sora saw the princesses of heart that he's never met before so that's like now we have three different cases three different cases of Sora seeing things or dreaming things or remembering things that he never experienced that he never met that he never went to you know so yeah it's weird it's very weird mhm someone else calling out to him maybe someone that we don't know um H this poor kid I would be so confused if I were him too I would just live my life being stupid too if I were him ignorance is bliss um okay Dio's second question secondly what was so dangerous about what vexen was about to tell Sora I know Axel was just following orders but why not let the conversation play out and then take out vexen afterwards was it just that vexen changed his mind and decided to Spill the tea that made it dangerous or was he about to say some crucial truth that either the organization or marusia wanted to keep hidden so so I I feel like the reason Axel did not want vexen to keep going and to let the conversation play out is so that he could convince marusia and larine that he is one of them and the only way he could do that is if he killed vexen before he revealed Maria's plan so that marucha would be like oh Axel has my back like he saved me yeah um cuz otherwise like especially you know from Axel's point of of view I think if Sora learned about marusia too early I think marusia especially because Line's alive during this part as well that marusia and larine would take action that Axel might not for see or like not be prepared for so I think he W killed marusia and larine to get their trust and then by doing by gaining their trust I think he had the the best way I can describe it is like better control of the board where he can move the pieces more predictably and not deal with unreliable V variables that's what I think personally yeah I was going to say he's playing 40 chess with information that we don't have in his mind so yeah I would agree with that um it's just like manipulating the situation to his Advantage mhm I guess mhm um so then last question uh from dixo third when did dis nomina and repu get here in the first place how did they manage to predict exactly where in the castle rku was going to be and how did they manage to safely move Sora pod from the top floor down to the basement I remember reading that and being like how did they manage to safely move Sor pod from the top floor down to the basement like that doesn't make any sense especially like it's weird it makes me wonder like because at first my thought pro at first my thought process was like maybe the layout of the castle allowed those two floors to meet in the end because we've kind of talked before about how there still seems to be floors or rooms that Sora and rku did not go in because like we see rooms of marusia Axel and larine talking with each other and like and like um what's plotting or whatever and then we see zexian and lexius talk in some room where the lights are off you know and so it's not like Sor and rku have explored every single room and so my thought process was like maybe there's like a path in the castle that rku just happened to end up where Sora was yeah but I mean Sora is like on like the 13th floor or something and rku is only at like the first basement floor you know so yeah I don't know it's a shape-shifting castle Yeah it's yeah I feel like that's I don't know if that's something that like maybe it's like I don't know if like hardcore chain of memory fans would disagree where it's like it doesn't it doesn't shape shift that much like it's still the same layout but I still just feel like it feels that way like look at the castle some of its wings are literally sideways and upside down yeah that's what I was going to say it's in one of the sideways Wings where they both ended up so that's where they that's where they met I'm going to say that that's where they met they went in a loop rku went in a loop and met Ru in the sideways Wing suck it so incredible yeah wow okay that's all the emails huh I guess we didn't get as many as I thought we would but in the end I think that's okay you know yeah we can always like I feel like we've pretty much asked and answered any question that anyone could have come up with for this I think yeah you're right you're right especially I know that's not an open-minded thing of me to say but well I mean like this it's not like this world is going to like explode before the next game like like spoiler alert it's going to still be there it's going to stick around actually yeah so we can always explore more in the future all right well that's all we got for today if H is this our last chain of Memories episode I think so I think we're going to do our our season summary and I think that that's it for this season wow my go wow crazy this one went by so fast it did it went by so fast during the first season because I was still really new to it and I wasn't used to cuz like Lord knows how long it helps me how long I take to create videos and like write scripts for videos so I was not used to writing a script a week I was like I'm going to yeah I'm not used to this like can we do double weeks or something or every other week you know but I by the time of chaed memories like yeah I still procrastinated when I shouldn't have procrastinated but I mean like but we were pretty punctual you know yeah so yeah and I look honestly like I learned a lot I thought I knew that's not true coming going in coming into chain of Memories I was like because I had really only watched the cutcenes I was worried that there would be a lot I would miss because maybe there's a lot more details in the gameplay than I was aware of but like writing this I love learned maybe not like new things that I never knew before but it's nice to have this refresher because it does remind me of things that are going on in Kingdom hearts's current time and it kind of makes me like you know not to say it but like in Kingdom Hearts what goes around comes around everything's is a circle you know yeah and so I see those Ripples and I see those circles even as early as chain of Memories and I appreciate that I really do I appreciate this game I also appreciate how emotionally driven it is it's a I feel like um as we get further into Kingdom Hearts we're going to have to talk more about like more practical things yeah but I kind of I really liked how emotionally driven the game and therefore our podcast is the season yeah and I like I've seen through doing this season season that this game matters so much to people like the people who I feel had this as their first Kingdom Hearts game really really really love it which is very cool to see absolutely yeah Kingdom Hearts it's just it's a very special game it's very special it's a very special game and you know I did not appreciate it as much as I should have before writing this not that I ever disliked it I would just kind of go like oh yeah like it's Chad of memories it's a cooky game you know but I I really see the passion people have for it and I I have found a new appreciation for it so yeah uh you're doing a great job Mel with keeping up with the scripts we have both I feel like after every recording we've been doing recently both of us are like that was really good that's the best one we've done so like so like we feel like we're improving and I'm glad that Everyone likes the show I know I saw comment that was like I [ __ ] love this podcast and I was like yeah we've been getting a few of those comments recently it's just like thank you for making this show and it's like you're[Laughter] welcome um okay so that being said after the uh season summary next week we're going to be going another Hiatus to prepare for the absolute[ __ ] what even word do I use to describe this the absolute giant[ __ ] game that is Kingdom Hearts 2 there's so much to talk about with Kingdom Hearts too because I was going to ask you I was like should we like do days first because days is another emotionally driven game but I think Kingdom Hearts as much as like Okay so sometimes people do not like it when I say this but I personally think that for the emotional impact I personally guide my own friends into playing days before Kingdom Hearts 2 and not everybody agrees with that a lot of people think I think most people think that you should play Kingdom Hearts 2 before days which I could absolutely understand I get it I'm not here to debate that that's not my my point is but I do think Kingdom Hearts 2 gives you the tool tools for understanding in what ways the next few games are going to expand the universe and so that I think is why we should go to Kingdom Hearts 2 first it because you and I the whole point of this podcast is to like help explain things help people understand things where you're guide do the Kingdom Hearts of Mythos right yeah and so I have to put my belief aside and as painful as it is but I really do think Kingdom Hearts 2 is really good at explaining you know there are some things in this game that we can't even explain yet that Kingdom Hearts 2 will help us really get a grip on so yeah I think it'll be the thing is is that it just has a lot to talk about so I'm going to need some time putting my papers together for it cuz it's a monster but it'll be fun it'll be fun I'm excited I'm very excited especially because you're gonna have so much to say you're gonna have so many opinions I mean I don't I don't want us to say that and then me end up being like quiet okay okay okay okay it's fine it's fine but I'm I'm excited I'm well like I'll have the most experience going into Kingdom Hearts 2 we can say that yeah um cuz I have been playing it for most of my[ __ ] life so I will have I feel like the misconceptions and the things that I used to think and then got corrected on in my brain for that game interesting okay so it'll be a fun perspective yeah um but yeah um I won't give it like a definite timeline for when that season's going to start yeah um but it'll probably be a similar a somewhat similar timeline to what it was before between Kingdom Hearts and chain of Memories yeah hopefully hopefully we're going to aim for it but um so we'll have the season breakdown next week and then we'll be off and then Kingdom Hearts 2 will be on our sites um so if you enjoyed this episode or if you enjoy the show please feel free to rate US five stars on Apple podcast and Spotify um if you're watching on YouTube like the video subscribe to the channel just so you know when we'll be back um and I'm forgetting my own call to action um if you have friends who like Kingdom Hearts or a friend who wants to get into Kingdom Hearts be sure to uh send them our way we'll take care of them give them a little kiss on their head and tell them that we have them covered we'll put a blankie around their shoulders and give them some hot cocoa and uh take them through the uh hidden mysteries of Kingdom Hearts yeah um so tell your friends uh tell your family tell tell the people that you hate so that they can better themselves through Kingdom Hearts yeah exactly I know of you know like before the show started I know of at least one person who I would go back and forth with and if you're listening to this I think you know who you are uh who was like uh Kingdom Hearts is dumb the L doesn't make any sense and uh once I announced the show they were like oh okay guess I got to give it another shot so if you have friends like that and you know they think that the lore is dumb and convoluted because we know that that's a common misconception about this game yeah that's why we're here to debunk we're here to explain it we're here to make it easy we're here to connect all the dots for you yeah so if that ain't a good cell I don't know what it is I don't know what is thanks for listening everybody yeah thank you for listening and we'll see you in Starlight[Music]