Faithwallet Ministries

Do Not Conform to this world

Dr. Gabriel Oluwakotanmi

Introduction: The book of Romans 12: 2 advises us not to be conformed to this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. This warning is for all those who want to enter the kingdom of God. This world is an enemy of God because of the stack disobedience. The conformity God is warning us about is the godlessness and sinfulness of the world. The ungodly patterns, cultures, manners, and the rebellions against God. In this message, Evangelist, Dr. Gabriel Oluwakotanmi explains ways to love God and not to be part of the sinfulness, godlessness, and unfaithfulness of this world. Ladies and gentlemen, please let us welcome Dr. Gabriel Oluwakotanmi of Faithwallet Ministries.