The Takeover with Tim and Cindy

How To Scale Your Business (FAST) (Part 1 Scaling Series)

February 27, 2024 Episode 35
How To Scale Your Business (FAST) (Part 1 Scaling Series)
The Takeover with Tim and Cindy
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The Takeover with Tim and Cindy
How To Scale Your Business (FAST) (Part 1 Scaling Series)
Feb 27, 2024 Episode 35

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Part 1 of 5: The Scaling Formula

In this exclusive 5-part series, we'll reveal the exact Scaling Formula that helped us propel past 7-figures, and the strategies we’re using to help 8 and 9-figure teams explode their growth.

Here in Part 1, we’re giving you a bird's-eye view of the five essential steps that'll take your business to the next level, and each subsequent episode dissects each component of the formula in depth.

Lock in and let’s SCALE.

  • 03:33: The 90-10 rule
  • 07:15: Why do we start at the leads?
  • 09:10: Sell more to scale more
  • 10:51: How to 5x your revenue with your existing client base
  • 13:38: The freedom formula 

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Cindy’s Instagram - @cindymakita

Tim’s Instagram - @timissocial

The Takeover Podcast Facebook - Tim and Cindy Dodd

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

***Need sales meetings? Schedule a call to learn about our Ad-Free Outreach Systems to get Vetted appointments for your team here.

Part 1 of 5: The Scaling Formula

In this exclusive 5-part series, we'll reveal the exact Scaling Formula that helped us propel past 7-figures, and the strategies we’re using to help 8 and 9-figure teams explode their growth.

Here in Part 1, we’re giving you a bird's-eye view of the five essential steps that'll take your business to the next level, and each subsequent episode dissects each component of the formula in depth.

Lock in and let’s SCALE.

  • 03:33: The 90-10 rule
  • 07:15: Why do we start at the leads?
  • 09:10: Sell more to scale more
  • 10:51: How to 5x your revenue with your existing client base
  • 13:38: The freedom formula 

Please don’t forget to leave The Takeover Podcast a rating and a review!

Watch and subcribe on YouTube:

Follow us on our socials to always be updated on the latest episodes!

The Takeover Podcast Instagram - @timandcindydodd

Cindy’s Instagram - @cindymakita

Tim’s Instagram - @timissocial

The Takeover Podcast Facebook - Tim and Cindy Dodd

Tim (00:00):

All of the, the time, the energy, the, the investments we've made, the mistakes we've made the mistakes. Yes. The pains, the sleepless nights people. This is going to shortcut you. This is those pitfalls that, that we fell into. You don't have to fall into 'em. The, the, the difficulties we're, we're gonna save you so much time, energy, and effort over these next few years if you really apply the lessons here, because these are things that we learn school of hard knocks and, and working with clients and working with other people. And I'm really excited to help people out, not have to go through some of the same difficulties that we went to get here.

Tim (00:37):

Welcome to the Takeover with Tim and Cindy, where we show you how to dominate every area of life and business. Let's get what you need.

Cindy (00:46):

Welcome back to the Takeover with Tim and Cindy, ladies and gents you are in for a treat because we are gonna walk you through a five part series on how to grow your business to make more money, make more impact, and ultimately remove yourself from the business, which is a lot of business owners' goal. How do you exit? How do you sell your company? How do you get to a point where you don't have to be working in the business, but you can actually work on the business? And this comes from real life experience, scaling our agency to multiple seven figures, but also building offers and sales teams for multiple eight and nine figure companies. So we're going to be dishing out the secret source, but more specifically, the exact formula to build and scale your business.

Tim (01:39):

I'm really excited about this episode just because there's nothing we're holding back here. Yes. I mean, Cindy and I were talking right before this episode and I was like, let's just make sure we don't hold any secret. Mm. Like, let's make sure that we literally give all of the wisdom that we've built on doing this for our company, for other companies, all of the, the programs that we've been through and paid for. Like let's just give it all. I love it. And so this, this series is literally gonna be, if you truly desire to build a company that makes money, that'll, that that can eventually run and grow without you present that. If you want to sell it someday, this will be the foundation. And, but also if you just want to have a, a smaller business that you don't end up having to be a slave to, right? Mm-Hmm. <Affirmative>, like a smaller business that serves you better. Anywhere in between these foundational steps are gonna apply to any business period.

Cindy (02:31):

Yes. Yes. So this is going to be ladies and gents. Five parts. So it's five episodes, and we want you to lock in on every single episode from today moving forward, because we're gonna dive deep on every episode into that specific part of the formula. And you wanna make sure that you don't miss it so that you can see the full picture of how to grow and scale your business. And we have never released this kind of information ever before. So you are hearing it here first. If you are a listener of the takeover, if you are a subscriber, you're hearing this here first. And it's going to be an absolute game changer for your business, we promise you. So in part one, we want to give you an overview of that formula. And even before we dive into the steps, we want to frame how to think about growing and scaling your business. Yeah. Because I think what we're gonna talk about is really important, not just the steps to get there, but how to think about your business Yeah. And really transforming that. Yeah. So, Tim, you and I talk about the 90 10 rule. What is that?

Tim (03:37):

90 10? Is that 90% of a healthy business that can run and grow without the owner present? And 90% of that is process. Mm. 10% of that is, is customization. Meaning 90% of all businesses will have a very similar type process. And a lot of times people think, well, my business is so different and so unique and my customers are different aliens from a different planet and over. And, and I've done the same thing. I've, I've told people, you don't understand our, our business is different. And I wanna just challenge anybody that thinks that or, or says that, that if your business is so much different than all others, then you're, you're not gonna be able to have a business that runs and grows without you. So I wanna, I wanna challenge you with the 90 10 rule. And we've worked with over 700 clients at this point. So we've seen this over and over again. Yes. 90% of what it takes to grow a business is almost the exact same process. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. And then 10%, is that customization? Yes. So the 90 10 rule is that 90% is just foundational core processes and principles. Mm-Hmm. <Affirmative> that can apply to any business. And then 10% is that customization for unique businesses and for, you know, your type of client, et cetera, et cetera.

Cindy (04:52):

Yes, absolutely. So as you're going into this ladies and gents, and you are diving into every part of this scaling formula, make sure that you're keeping that 90 10 rule in mind because 90% of what we're gonna talk about, you can apply specifically for your business. And then 10% of it you are of course going to have to customize. But we don't want you to eliminate or exclude yourself Yes. From this because you think your business is different. Whether you are an online coach or you sell a financial offer, or you're a consultant, or whatever your service is, know that what we're gonna share through these episodes, you can apply 90% of it, 10% of it, you are going to have to customize for your specific offer, your specific industry, and your specific audience.

Tim (05:37):

Yeah. And it's don't, don't check out. I think too often people check out when they're learning information, and this is scientifically proven, they check out when they think information is not relevant, or they check out when they think they've heard something before. So what I'm gonna really challenge you to is, as people are going through this episode and the rest of the series, is to make sure, number one, you're not checking out because you think it doesn't apply. Start asking, how could this apply to my business? Mm-Hmm. <Affirmative>. And then number two, if you hear something that feels like you've heard it before, be intentional to listen for new information. That's good. Because neurologically you're gonna, your brain is not gonna seek deeper information if you've checked out Mm-Hmm. <Affirmative> for, for either of those two things. And I promise you everybody that has said, oh, my business is different, is not gonna get results from this.

Tim (06:22):

But everybody that says, Hey, how can I apply this to my business? Yeah, I've heard some of this stuff before, but how, let me find the new information. Because obviously, you know, if you're not already running a eight, nine figure business that you can exit and runs and grows without you, that means that there's a lack of information or execution that you don't have. Yeah. And so we're gonna go over the information. So if there's, if you're not already there, then listen. And one thing is, is I promise you those that are already at nine figures, if they're listening to this, they will listen for new information. That's good. That is why they've become eight, nine figure and beyond companies. 'cause They're always looking for a new piece, a slightly new angle. I know this, but maybe there's some different angle that they're gonna bring. And that's why they've built that kind of success. So I'm gonna challenge anybody listening to start thinking like a, you know, a hundred millionaire, like a billionaire Mm-Hmm. And look for that new information in, in this content.

Cindy (07:13):

So good. So good. I love that you mentioned that. So let's give everyone an overview of the formula to scaling. Mm. So part one, it starts with magnetizing your market through lead generation. Yep. Why do we start at the leads? Hey there, friend. If you're enjoying the podcast so far, make sure that you are subscribed so you never miss an episode. Subscribe and follow the takeover with Tim and Cindy, wherever you are listening. New episodes are released every week.

Tim (07:45):

Number one is, you know, you think about growing a business, you have to have interested people that wanna buy your product. Everybody wants to build a product first and then go sell it. But you actually have to sell an idea or an offer first and then build a product to fulfill in that promise. Mm. And the big mistake that a lot of people make is that they try to build a product first. We wanna go out there and maybe you already have a product either way, we need a rushing river of hungry prospects that are wanting to, that need help with your service. Because any business to scale with health to scale well, and to be able to run and grow without you needs a systematized way to get interested people that need your service knocking on your door and interested on just a regular a, a steady flow for multiple channels.

Cindy (08:31):

Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. Yes. Absolutely. And part of what we're gonna discuss in part one around lead generation is where to start. Yeah. Right? Because there are so many different marketing channels and avenues that you can potentially use to generate leads. Yeah. However, where a lot of business owners get stuck is that they either don't know what channel to use or what avenue to pursue, or they don't know how to properly execute to get the outcomes that are possible with that channel. So we wanna dispel some myths around lead generation in that specific episode, as well as paint the picture on exactly how you can magnetize your market so that you have consistent lead flow coming in. And then you can move into part two of the scaling formula, which is to sell more, to scale more, and specifically how to build a commission only sales team so that you can remove yourself from the sales and have your business run and grow without you.

Tim (09:28):

Hmm. Yeah. And this part I love, I want you to think at this point, your business has a steady flow of new people raising their hands, saying, I wanna talk to you about your service coming in. This next phase is about creating an opportunity for other people to sell those interested prospects. Hmm. Which now you have a business that is creating an opportunity to solve a problem for your clients. 'cause You have a steady flow of these new people and you're not having to sell it because now you have people you've put in place to say, Hey, we want you to close these clients. They're already knocking on our door. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. So now all of a sudden, you're not having to generate the leads yourself. You're not having to close the leads yourself. And now you have a business, at least at this phase, at this step that can grow without you present.

Tim (10:18):

Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. And so I think this is gonna be a really, really good episode as we go through this step too, to how do you put some people in place based on commission only? So these people are only getting paid if they perform. Yes. How do you put those people in place to grow the business while you're off in Aruba or you're doing something else with the company, or you're on a podcast like we're doing now. Yeah. So that, I'm really, really excited for that episode. So you <laugh> you get that's your favorite one. I'm I'm already going there. I'm already going there.

Cindy (10:45):

Yes. Yes. So that was part two, which is how to scale again with commission only sales reps. So that takes us really nicely into part three or step three, which is how to five x your revenue with your existing client base.

Tim (11:00):

What I love about <laugh>, I love all of these because they've made so much impact for us and for our clients. And, and, and it truly is, if you see any great successful business, they have these components. So it's, it's not some big secret, but we're putting all of the information that we've gathered over the years that we've executed in our business and other people, we're putting it in a very, very dense series to really help people out. And the best part about, when you're thinking about how do you five x your revenue without doing new customer generation, yes, we still want to create new clients, but how could you five x your revenue with the current amount of clients you have without having to do marketing? And this is where we start going into how do you deliver so well that your customer wants to keep buying more and more and more and more from you.

Tim (11:47):

Yes. Which means that you're now increasing revenue without increasing sales or marketing cost. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. So not only are we five xing our top line revenue, we're actually scaling our profit really big. Yes. And this is how companies, when they get to a certain size, they can break even on the first purchase the customer makes because they know they make so much revenue and profit on the back end of that customer so they can outspend the entire marketplace. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>, they could, they could do ads, they could do a sales to all this stuff because they know if that customer comes in, on average, they're gonna spend five times more on the back end than they spend on the front end. So healthy companies could literally, not that you want to, but if you had to dominate a marketplace, you could break even on that frontend product, completely dominate your marketplace and still be highly profitable because you're doing five x revenue on backend, on average. On top of that, we're going to show a secret that not a lot of people know how to do. And that's how to create an infinite referral system so you can essentially get enough referrals from your current client base that you can multiply every client that you get with another client. So long term, for every new client you bring in, that's gonna turn to two clients, three clients, four clients and beyond. That's what we call it the infinite referral system. So

Cindy (13:03):

Good. So part three, step three is all about delivery fulfillment. How do you satisfy so well for your customers, meet their expectations that on the backend you can sell them more and ultimately the value of a customer to you five Xs, right? Where you don't as to mention, have to go out and necessarily get new leads or new customers. You're making so much profit on the backend because you are increasing the lifetime value of a client. Hmm. That episode's gonna be powerful. Very, I know it's gonna change a lot of businesses and shift a lot of perspective around lifetime value. And that takes us really well into part four, also known as step four, which is the freedom formula. How do you create the type of business that you don't have to work in that you can essentially remove yourself or even work on the areas of the business that you enjoy doing the most, outsource everything else, and ultimately earn more money If you

Tim (14:00):

Didn't catch that, this is Cindy's expertise right here, because she, you could tell like she went off right there wasn't just like, Hey, here's, here's the episode. Go Tim. It was like you were on it. And so I'm excited, I'm gonna be taking notes on that episode because I know a lot of this information, but I see you personally execute systems, delegation processes, scale, and I've seen as our company's grown and scaled, I've seen you just do an insane amount of this. And so I'm really, really excited because I think whether your goal is to be able to sell your company or not, you should build a company that is sellable. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. Like you should build a company that you can exit because the only kind of company that you can sell and exit is a company that runs without you. Yeah. A company that can grow without you.

Tim (14:54):

So whether you're gonna sell it or exit or not, you wanna have a business that can run and grow without you. Once we have how to get the a, a high flow of leads, how to build the sales team so that you're not having do the sales. How do we maximize our LTE increase our profits, create the infinite referral system. Now it's this final step. It's gonna be how do you get the business to run and grow without you? And we were off in a, a big vacation company was running Yes. It was growing. In fact, it grew, the sales team grew more. Yes. With me gone. I I think they were actually wanting to just kind of prove to us like, Hey, we got this because we had built such a great culture, such great systems Mm-Hmm. <Affirmative> such great processes that there was literally no stress on that trip. So what would that look like for you to be able to one day exit a company or to be able to say, Hey, we're gonna do this two week, three week vacation, or we're gonna take this month off and know that the business will continue to not just run and you come back and you gotta fix a bunch of stuff. Mm-Hmm. <Affirmative>, but be able to run, grow, thrive, innovate. Yes. And do that without you having to check in every hour.

Cindy (15:57):

Yes. I love that. In addition, it's building the kind of business that supports your lifestyle and your goals. Hmm. Because that's important, right? Yeah. So the purpose of a business is to support the risk taker, the person that is taking the risk, the person that's investing, the person that is, you know, going above and beyond to ensure the business succeeds. Yes. Which is the entrepreneur and the business owner. The business is in place to serve you. And so a hundred percent, how do you build the kind of business that truly does serve you and your goals, the kind of lifestyle that you want, whether you wanna be fully in the business as CEO executing or you wanna be removed from it in some capacity. We're gonna show you how to do that in part four, which is the final episode.

Tim (16:39):

What I'm really, really excited that you brought up right now is the fact that if you're a business owner, I know for me for years, I just felt so guilty thinking the business was designed to serve me. Mm. And here's the perspective I want people to see, is the, a business is created to reward the risk taker. You. That is the goal of a business is to serve the business owner, the person that that started it, that built it. And the way in which you do that is delivering exceptional client experience, delivering a great product, building great culture, building great processes. But too often times entrepreneurs, we feel guilty. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>, we feel guilty that like, oh, I can't say that I've, I've gotta say no. The purpose of this is, is to make an impact and all that stuff. Great. That's awesome. That's really cool.

Tim (17:31):

But also know that the purpose of a business is to reward the business. Yeah. Owner. And if for you, that means that you wanna get to a point where you're, you're speaking on stages and you're doing stuff awesome for you. If that means that you want to have get to a point where the business can run and grow and you can be on a trip, awesome. Whatever that big goal is for you, yes. That is the purpose of your business. And the way in which you do that is great customer service, delivering awesome for your clients, creating opportunities for employees for the

Cindy (17:58):

Team. Mm-Hmm.

Tim (17:59):

<Affirmative>. All, all of those tools though, those are tools. They're not the purpose of the company though. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>.

Cindy (18:03):

That's, that's so true. That's a, that's a big revelation that we had. Absolutely. Yeah. So again, to recap ladies and gents, it's gonna be a five part series. This is part one that you are in right now. We're doing an overview ultimately to dive into the four steps or the four step formula to scaling your business, which first starts with magnetizing your markets to generate more leads. The second part is selling to ultimately build a commission only sales team. The third part is on the delivery and maximizing lifetime value. So you can ultimately five x your revenue without adding more clients. And then the last part is all about how do you build a freedom formula, the kind of business that supports you and your lifestyle goals.

Tim (18:49):

I'm just so excited for this because all of the, the time, the energy, the, the investments we've made, the mistakes we've made, the pains, the sleepless nights people, this is going to shortcut you. This is those pitfalls that, that we fell into. You don't have to fall into 'em. The, the, the difficulties we're, we're gonna save you so much time, energy, and effort over these next few years if you really apply the lessons here. Because these are things that we learn school of hard knocks and, and working with clients and working with other people. And I'm really excited to help people out, not have to go through some of the same difficulties that we went to get here.

Cindy (19:30):

Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. So every episode is going to dive deep into the topic. So we wanna make sure that you're taking notes, that you are present, show up for every episode, come back and re-listen to it if you need to. We're gonna be releasing these episodes over the next few weeks. So we're excited. Lock in and let's help you scale. Let's scale your business this year. Yeah,

Tim (19:52):

A hundred percent. There's no reason why you can't. I mean, it is, if you have a, a good problem that you solve for your clients, this formula, these processes are gonna give you all of the other pieces that you need to just get a bunch of clients, get a great team, and build the systems and processes for our business to just run and grow without you. So if that's your goal and dream, definitely bookmark these, save these, make sure you're subscribed. So when the next videos come out, you get 'em. And yeah, come back and rewatch these. Just, just like Cindy said, I'm gonna walk rewash these. Yeah,

Cindy (20:21):

Me too. <Laugh> me too. And remember the 90 10 rule, as we spoke about 90% is repeatable processes. 10% is how you're gonna customize them for your business. So this is the takeover with Tim and Cindy. Make sure that you are subscribed so that you get a notification the moment a new episode is released. We don't want you to miss it. We'll see you in part two. Bye for now.


The 90-10 rule
Why do we start at the leads?
Sell more to scale more
How to 5x your revenue with your existing client base
The freedom formula