
The Art Of Finding Balance Between Selling and Serving!

Dominika Legrand Season 3 Episode 15

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What if your approach to business sales is the very thing holding you back? Join us in this episode where we uncover the fine line between being too sales-driven and giving away too much for free. Discover how you can master the delicate balance that turns potential customers into loyal buyers without driving them away or leaving money on the table. We'll delve into real-life scenarios and personal stories to highlight how striking the right balance can transform your business.

Creators mentioned:
Heidi Priebe
Anna Bey

Speaker 1:

welcome back to another video, or welcome if you're listening to this on the podcast, because I'm repurposing the contents from one channel to another. Okay, so today we are going to talk about imbalance in the business and why imbalance in business is resulting in decline of sales or non-existence of sales. We'll look at the two extremes of imbalances and we're gonna look at the how to get back to balancing your business. Okay, there you go. Okay, so I'm gonna keep it short, because this phenomenon has been with me for a while and I have personally seen and experienced both out of the scale, as I'm working with brands online mostly personal brands, selling consulting offers, memberships, courses, so all of those things that I'm helping people sell online. I've seen this phenomenon a lot, so I want to come and cover it for you. So the the first imbalance scenario which is resulting in decline of sales is when you are giving value, yes, but you're not giving a lot of free value, okay, so, essentially, when you show up in your business. When you show up in your business, it's very transactional, so you're coming to get something. Okay. So you're doing a webinar, you are going to come and sell something. You're doing an event, you're going to come and sell something. You are doing. You're selling an email, you are trying to sell something. So, essentially, you're creating a video on YouTube. You are coming to sell something, okay. So essentially, every single action becomes something of not a goodwill, but essentially something that you want to cash in right away. Okay, so what most businesses do in more in the scenario is you give value and then you give people an opportunity to extend to work with you. Okay, so those opportunities, either we put them on your website, you create some courses that are there for people to buy, or that you're periodically doing some launches where you invite people to work with you, or some sparing, some emails here and there when you invite people to work with you. It's not a constant come work with me, come work with me, here's what I'm selling.

Speaker 1:

So in this first imbalance scenario, that's what's been happening, which is making you and your approach very transactional, and it's such a turnoff for your clientele and your customer to be experiencing your business that way. So it actually creates resistance in your customers, because when I feel like someone needs sales and someone wants to sell me on something, I feel more resistant than if, if, if, this is something that I want for myself and I genuinely believe that I'm I just want to become a buyer. Because the more we have this imbalance essentially um the more we get desperate for the sales, the more we see our numbers decline. Because at this point and most of the entrepreneurs I work with on the seven figure mark, at this point, we have a monthly goal that we want to reach in your business and that becomes a frustrating cycle of seeing decline 10 20%. So the more we see those decline, the more we get more anxious about the fact that the numbers are declining, even though we feel like we put efforts. But our efforts are very transactional and that's the issue there. So if that's something that you have in your business right now, you manage to identify like okay, when was the last time that I put out the content without expecting anything in return? When was the last time I got out of my way to give some of the best stuff that I have to the people?

Speaker 1:

Because most people pay for implementation, not necessarily for information, not necessarily for information. And the higher you get, the more the smarter people you're selling, the more you realize that information is literally everywhere. Okay, so it's easy for people to find information if they want to learn something. But what is hard is implementation. Like, how do I use this information specifically to my business and to my content and to my scenario? That's when we charge the money. Money that's when we give, when we can get, use high-end sales when we like. Okay, I'm gonna help you tailor, make the solution for you, I'm gonna walk you through or whichever programs that you have. I imagine there is some tailor-made approach in the containers or the programs that you're selling. Okay, so that's where we make the money, not necessarily on the information level.

Speaker 1:

So I'm always like hey, always be generous with information, always give it as much as you can out there, showcase people that you have skills, you know this, you know your shit, you know what you're talking about. Like, give them always the best, the best of the best, because implementation is going to be very difficult without you. You know, because it's your, I mean you will, you will be. You need to be there to help them actually get this to work, because information itself is not really doing much for a lot of people. It's how, how do I get this to work? How do I implement this? It's where we actually can shine and we can charge a lot for that. Okay, so that's the imbalance scenario one. The imbalance scenario two is story of my life, like I'm very much guilty of. The imbalance scenario two is when we give a ton of value for free.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so I never had an issue on holding back information. What the issue is that this type of entrepreneurs is that they give value and they over deliver in their content and their videos and whatever they put out is so valuable, but they never ask for the sale or they don't create opportunities for people to actually purchase from them. And I know a creator on youtube and you can look her up. Her name is heidi preep and she is an absolute gem in learning, attachment style, psychology, relationships, like the amount of information and life-changing revelations I've gotten from her content is insane and and all I want to do is throw money at her, but I can't because she's not selling anything. There is no email that you can get in contact with her, there's no courses, there's nothing to buy and that is to the buyers is such a frustrating experience because you feel so much gratitude to the people that are giving you all this information and like changing your life, but there's no way for you to kind of pay back or to even, you know, happily, happily, invest into this person because you've learned so much from them.

Speaker 1:

So, in this scenario, you and I don't believe that the entrepreneurs that are over giving um, I don't believe they're retarded at sales, like, it's not because they are, it's just maybe they don't know, um, how to build up those courses in the back hand, or they don't have the bandwidth, and a lot of the times this is the issue they don't have the bandwidth to create programs, you know, to bundle up things that they are doing, or even to think about what offers they want to put out there. Or how do I talk about my offer, like, how do I, they communicate about their offers? Okay, if they have offers, like, how do I plug the same without me turning people off, you know? So that's very much there's. There's anxiety actually about money there too, because they don't want to make money. Uh, they do want to make money.

Speaker 1:

It's very rare that a business owner is like I'm a storming artist, I'm here for charity and I don't care about making money, even though that's like low-key, we want like deep down, that's what we want. Like we wish money was just growing on trees and we didn't care to actually make money. But it's not how it is in real life and even though is you know you have a good heart you want to give, you also need to create outlets for people to to make a purchase, to buy from you and to give you. You know that some of the gratitude has to be channeled someone. That's how I like to like, feel like I genuinely feel there is an imbalance and I want to kind of buy something from her, to even deepen my knowledge, to even do one-on-ones with her, because I feel like she really can help move the needle in some of the things that she was teaching and that I could apply in my own life. But I can't. So again, sometimes you need to look at where are you cultivating this charity type of business and how it's not serving you, and I often see this is frustrating for the people who are not making money and they really need to make money. But I believe that once you start, but I believe that if you ask for sale, that's kind of a bad thing to do and you're going to turn people off, they're going to hate you, and it's not at all the case, especially if you have been around the block and you have been pouring your content and being super helpful.

Speaker 1:

It's literally an imbalance from the point of view of your buyers. They feel the imbalance more than you do. You feel it too, but they also feel it In both scenarios. You feel the imbalance Even in the first case if you are all about selling and not giving equally as much value and you're more transactional. You feel the imbalance even in the first case if you are all about selling, selling and not giving, you know, equally as much value and more, you're more transactional. You feel the imbalance as well because you feel like okay, what's going on? Why am I not making money? Uh, even though I'm selling all the time and your, your clients, they're like okay, I, I don't feel like I want to buy from this person because I don't feel like I'm getting enough value here.

Speaker 1:

The same thing goes to the other end of the spectrum. You feel like, okay, I'm giving so much, like, why am I not getting anything in return? And the people feel like oh, my god, like I'm getting so much, like why am I not able to give back to this person? So, in order to to balance the field, because like, basically anything in this world and the universe is striving for harmony and balance. So balance and harmony is actually one of the basic laws of the universe. So the we function, we are looking and thriving for balance and harmony. Look at the trees, look at everything like harmony and balance is everywhere.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so it's natural for both scenarios not feel like they can give back and or they are not getting enough in return. Okay, so how do we level the fields? Okay, I, this is one. If one is more transactional business, one is more charity business. Both of them have to come to the midline. Okay, we are thriving. Back to balance. Both of them has to come back to the midline. Okay, so the balanced business is the following balanced businesses, they are creating value much more than they make sales or ask for sales, and they have built systems in the back end just in case someone wants to buy right away. Okay, so you don't rely on inviting people to work with you necessarily, because you have backend stuff that people can consume right away and what you might be able to do like finesse is to highlight very subtly that. Okay, I have this going on link in the description.

Speaker 1:

If this is something that you want if that is genuinely related to the topic that you're covering at the moment. When you're covering them, Very good example. I think Patrick T Hann is his name. I'm going to put his channel, all of these channels, you know, I'm going to put Heidi and Patrick, just if you're interested in psychology and seeing where the imbalances are in the conduct of their businesses. But anna bay, for example, is a great example of a balanced business.

Speaker 1:

Um, she is like she used to be a jet setter babe and now she's teaching elegance and you know, like she does image consulting and how to dress, how to be elegant, like all the things. But from the from day one, she was giving you style tips. You know shopping from h&m like best pieces, how to dress, how to behave, how to speak like what's classy, what's not classy, and she have. She had free cheat sheets that you could download so you can get into her email list, and she had you know already existing courses on her website that you can. If you visit her website, you're able to go to, and sometimes she's like, you know what, if you want to learn more about this specific video and that ties into one of her course, she's like, hey, can you, you can go there and you can buy, and occasionally she does workshop launches when she's enrolling people to her higher tier programs. But it's not how she depends on to get sales, because she already has her back-end courses, her back-end programs that you can go and buy. So that's built on the website and she's subtly moving a little bit like hey, did you get the cheat sheet? Like she has, I think, two or three downloadables that are quick and fast for you to get on her email list.

Speaker 1:

But she's giving so much value. I would say she's giving value 60% of the time and she's selling 40% of the time. But every time that she is selling something is always tied to value. So it's not like I'm showing up here to sell you something and that's the only reason I'm here and nothing else. Oh, I just bumped my elbow. Uh, there's nothing else I'm doing here but selling. No, I'm here to give you value. You can spend some time, learn from me and I'm going to highlight hey, if you want to take this step further, you can take this course or you can take this program, and you know that makes sense.

Speaker 1:

And then, on the other side, if she wants to to you know, intentionally generate sales. She will do a workshop launch or some kind of like a master class or some kind of that scenario, but she doesn't do it all the time because she already has a robust system like, basically, viewerships and people who come and want to work with her because of the gratitude they feel, so they're able to learn. They come back to learn. They are not treated differently. Um, if they don't purchase, like you can still get the free content, which is very much valuable. You can still hang out on her channel, learn um styling tips and learn from her. But if you want to take a step further, she has a back-end offer suite that you can take. She'll highlight when there's something there and, on the other hand, she does like some kind of intentional launches as well, sometimes selling by email. But again, it's not just about the sales, it's and she's not just here charity in the business. She's very intentional.

Speaker 1:

So just to summarize that, what I think every business should have is some kind of a freebie, either a book, a free workshop or some kind of thing that is exposing you, and then you can continuously come and show up so people, future clients, get exposed to your work and get some exposure from you. Let me just go back here. I stopped sharing this. Okay, so that people get some exposure from you. Okay, every business should have is some kind of ways for you to grow your emails? Okay, that's one thing. Um, either it's a book or some kind of downloadable, like some kind of ways for you to grow your emails. Okay, that's one thing. Um, either it's a book or some kind of downloadable, like some kind of you know freebie that you have going on so you can always grow your list. So I don't know if that made sense for you guys.

Speaker 1:

So in balanced businesses, there are offers, there is content and helpful content and there is always offers that you can buy at the end of the day. Okay, and it's not always tied together. Even if it's tied, it's tied in a in a fine way. It's not really like here, sell, sell, sell, but like you can still be remaining to consume free content from people and still be fine and still be learning so much without getting into pay programs. So I think that's kind of where you are, but you are not completely ignoring the fact that you're a business and you need to make money. So you never talk about your program. So that's the charity business, or you don't just talk about your product and service all the time and you never care about showing up for any other reason but to sell, okay. So I think the finite is sometimes the balance is completely in the middle. So if you are more charity side, you identify like you tend to be more charity side.

Speaker 1:

I encourage you, then to look at the ways that people can become your client. Look at the ways that you can start building your email list. Look at ways that, if you have programs like, have you been, you know, putting them together, putting them on your website? Like, can people come and purchase right away if they just happen to stumble on your sites? Okay, are you inviting people to work with you? You know, if you do, how often do you talk about it? You know that's very, very important that on this, on this end, the other end is, like are you just showing up transactionally? If yes, how can you show up with more value? How, when was the last time you posted a video? When was the last time you created more content? That has nothing to do with any intention other than to help people. So, if that's the case, because you already, you already know you already have your offers and everything and I'm so proud of you for having all your offers to it and your websites and your funnels and everything. That's kind of how it is for these entrepreneurs. They have their funnels, they have their offers. Everything is beautiful, it's nice, it's gorgeous, and they think that what you need to do is to make them even prettier and nicer and better sales page and better graphics.

Speaker 1:

But it's not what is going to move the sales. What's going to move the sales is if you come back to the middle and you serve more. Here is what you're going to. On the other side is what you're going to change your sales situation? Is you starting to sell and building up those programs? Either way and I'm going to be very transactional here if you need my help, you can message me on dms. I help entrepreneurs on both end of the scale. Both end of the scale, if you are more in a sales size, I help you kind of realize what's going on there, why your numbers are down and how can we bring them back to baseline, how can we create more balance in your business, and you know, in a way, that you keep growing without your customers dropping and you don't understand why. So if that's the situation, I'm happy to look at what you have been doing.

Speaker 1:

Or if you have been in a charity type of business and you need some help on productizing for you, helping you come out with ways to invite people to work with you, helping you on, you know, building more an email list. Most people, by the way, some people, they actually have email lists that they actually never, ever use. So I had consultation with someone that had like over 2 000 people on her list and never uses ever. Like well, they're on the list, like here you go, and I never asked anything, I never let them know about anything. Like I don't tell them anything.

Speaker 1:

Like okay, so in this scenario, we would work on the on just reactivating what you have. Or, if you don't have anything, we would work on like how can we productize for you so that people can channel the gratitude somewhere? Okay, so in the scenarios, you can message me and we can take it from there. I think that's it for today. Thank you so much for being here and thank you so much for listening. If you managed to listen this all the way to the end, good luck guys. Thank you so much for being here.