Soft Power

Ep. 12 - Becoming the Best Version of Yourself: The No BS Approach

April 03, 2024 Maike Gabriela Episode 12
Ep. 12 - Becoming the Best Version of Yourself: The No BS Approach
Soft Power
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Soft Power
Ep. 12 - Becoming the Best Version of Yourself: The No BS Approach
Apr 03, 2024 Episode 12
Maike Gabriela

Welcome to another transformative episode of the Soft Power Podcast with your host, Maike Gabriela. In this episode, Maike shares her six steps to the no BS approach to becoming the version of yourself that you want to become.

  1. Figure out who you want to be: Visualize the person you aspire to become, considering details such as how they dress, move, deal with fear, and face obstacles.
  2. Commit to the present moment and let go of the goal: Maike shares her personal journey of how focusing on the present moment rather than the end goal has led to surprising and fulfilling accomplishments.
  3. Understand that you're unique: Embrace your individuality and realize that your journey is yours alone.
  4. Confront your own shit: You are the person who knows your obstacles best. Recognize your self-sabotaging behaviors and work on them.
  5. Act like the person you want to be: Start behaving like the person you want to become.
  6. Be present and grateful: Instead of focusing on the goal, enjoy the process of getting there.

Through sharing her personal experiences and insights, Maike emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, authenticity, and embracing the present moment on the journey to self-improvement. Tune in to learn more about these steps and how they can transform your life.

Connect with Maike:

Submit your written reviews to THIS FORM to be entered into a giveaway to win a 30 min session with Maike!

Once a year, I offer something that has the potential to change your life—and it's completely FREE.
This is a 3-day live event that my team and I have infused with our highest intentions and unconditional love.

Join Here:

…and discover why you have been put on earth in this exact transformative time in the human evolution and how you can contribute by tapping into your unique light and divine purpose.

Show Notes Transcript

Welcome to another transformative episode of the Soft Power Podcast with your host, Maike Gabriela. In this episode, Maike shares her six steps to the no BS approach to becoming the version of yourself that you want to become.

  1. Figure out who you want to be: Visualize the person you aspire to become, considering details such as how they dress, move, deal with fear, and face obstacles.
  2. Commit to the present moment and let go of the goal: Maike shares her personal journey of how focusing on the present moment rather than the end goal has led to surprising and fulfilling accomplishments.
  3. Understand that you're unique: Embrace your individuality and realize that your journey is yours alone.
  4. Confront your own shit: You are the person who knows your obstacles best. Recognize your self-sabotaging behaviors and work on them.
  5. Act like the person you want to be: Start behaving like the person you want to become.
  6. Be present and grateful: Instead of focusing on the goal, enjoy the process of getting there.

Through sharing her personal experiences and insights, Maike emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, authenticity, and embracing the present moment on the journey to self-improvement. Tune in to learn more about these steps and how they can transform your life.

Connect with Maike:

Submit your written reviews to THIS FORM to be entered into a giveaway to win a 30 min session with Maike!

Once a year, I offer something that has the potential to change your life—and it's completely FREE.
This is a 3-day live event that my team and I have infused with our highest intentions and unconditional love.

Join Here:

…and discover why you have been put on earth in this exact transformative time in the human evolution and how you can contribute by tapping into your unique light and divine purpose.

[00:00:00] Welcome to the soft power podcast with your host, Micah Gabriella. You're a safe space to get energetically aligned so that you can connect to your authenticity and purpose. Tune into the soft power podcast for a transformational experience.

[00:00:26] Today, I'm going to share with you my six steps to the no BS approach to becoming the version. Of yourself that you actually want to become and right now maybe you hear it I have caught a little cold and I think that that is so so so interesting Because my Qabbalistic mentor if you don't know human design is made out of the I Ching the chakra systems genetics But also Qabbalah and last year I started Uh, my studies [00:01:00] into Kabbalah 2.

[00:01:02] And so, my Kabbalistic mentor, David Guillaume, he says that when we get sick, it's a good sign. Definitely, I love it, because he always sees things as a good sign, and I really like that approach. So when we get sick, one of the spiritual thought process out there is that sickness cleans us. It cleans us spiritually, emotionally, physically.

[00:01:27] And so what it does, it prepares our body, our mind for bigger and better things. So often when we get sick out of nowhere, when we get sick suddenly, which is what I feel is happening to me, literally, I had an incredible productive day yesterday. First day of the new astrological new year. I'm like, let's get on like let's do all of this stuff So excited to launch light supreme the 30 day transformative human design experience and Suddenly after dinner [00:02:00] boom lights out.

[00:02:00] I'm like what what is this? What's happening? I felt so exhausted I was I feel I was feeling my my throat hurt and i'm like what what what's happening? And so it's really interesting because I was talking to You Another mentor of mine and I was saying like right now I really have the feeling that I'm free falling like I'm doing as as I've discussed, maybe not on the podcast, but definitely in the three day event, the cosmic awakening of abundance.

[00:02:27] The word for me in 2024 is integrity. And so I've been really closing up a lot of things. changing up structures in my business, closing up things, opening new portals, and I'm really in like this freefall. But this time, even though often it can feel like the rug gets pulled out under you, the freefall isn't that scary.

[00:02:48] Because one of the biggest things that I've learned is that after times of darkness, uncertainty, change, sickness, there is light [00:03:00] coming. There's something that's going to come. And even though I can't see it yet, I'm incredibly grateful for this kind of free falling I'm experiencing right now because I know that it's asking me To step into the person who I've meant to become, and we can't just become our best version, we can't become the person God, the Creator, Universe wants us to become by just being complacent, by everything running fine, by, you know, being comfortable.

[00:03:33] That's just not how humans are. Grow, that's not how we expand. That's not how we are pushed to realize We are actually limitless and so Within this process that i'm going through That I think is so so interesting and it just it's so magical that it's the beginning of the astrological new year Eclipse season is about to like hit us hard April is [00:04:00] filled with incredible planetary movements to really give us that, you know, kick in the butt to get our shit together.

[00:04:08] And so I am super, super excited to break down these six steps. And honestly, when I was doing this, I'm like, really, am I going to give this information for free? But I am, I am because I'm excited to share this with you. I'm excited to hear your feedback. So let me know. DM me, write me an email, reach out to me, and let me know if any of this resonates and what your personal experience has been with this.

[00:04:38] So, I think it's really important to understand that human design is The process of individualization. It's really about de homogenizing. It's really about understanding that you are as unique as your fingerprint, that we're all so unique in the way that we've come to express ourselves. And our path [00:05:00] is absolutely singular to our own personal experience.

[00:05:03] So this whole idea of like, you know, follow my three step, uh, masterclass with this specific strategy can actually pull you away from your purpose. So I want to bring out there these very basic guidelines for you to channel and express your own Design and energetic authenticity through these kind of tools that are applicable To everybody and so the first thing that I think is really really important is that You know one of the things that i've been repeating and it's been flint skidmore who was also on this podcast You talking about, you know, the, the new leadership of the projectors in 2027 and the new paradigm.

[00:05:48] And one of the things that I really like that he points out is this idea of, we only know what is the pattern that has [00:06:00] brought us To where we are now and what happens if we don't change that pattern, right? and so I really like this concept and I really like this idea because it makes us become self aware that Every decision you've made has brought you to where you are right now The way you've behaved the way you've moved the way you've applied Who you are to life's lessons is what brought you to where you are what you believe you are worthy of You is where you are.

[00:06:37] And this is not necessarily quote unquote you to blame on, this is not at all where I want to get to, but I think it's really important to understand that we can have these subconscious beliefs from the people we've grown up with, the society we were surrounded at, our environment, that has put certain limitations on our capacity.

[00:06:59] [00:07:00] On our capacity to dream, on our capacity to imagine our future life, on our capacity to trust ourselves, to see what is possible. And I also don't want to engage in this like, always blaming everybody else, like, no, it's my parents fault, they effed me up, like, they brought me all this trauma. I truly believe our soul chooses our environment, our parents, and, you know, our, our first kind of like basics with which we come into the world.

[00:07:34] In the Qabbalistic thought process, what we learn is that the more darkness we come into the world with, the more we're able to, Move into light the more spiritual will become the more wisdom. We are here to share. So Whatever you had to go through I truly believe it was part of your soul's pact to have this experience [00:08:00] To make something incredible out of whatever it is that you've been through.

[00:08:06] And I feel like with most of you that I talk, you feel the same. Like, even though there's really horrendous things that can happen because humankind is just crazy. So much of you have so much love, wisdom, empathy, drive, ambition, love, and such a deep desire to help others. And that makes me, again, just fall in love with humanity so deeply.

[00:08:36] And honestly, with this episode, you can bring out like a pen and a paper, write it in your notes app, save it, listen to it again when you have some time, if you're listening to this while you're in the car or in the gym or like cleaning your room or whatever. And Yeah, you can just mentally note things, right?

[00:08:58] So the first thing that [00:09:00] we need to establish For us to know how we want to become the version of us that we want to become Is also understanding that because we all have this individuality Who you want to become can look very different from who I want to become. I think there is a natural resonance And this is what I see like, I always hated to have like a client avatar, like make market research, that kind of wording, that kind of things like make me sick to my stomach and makes me want to throw up a bit of my mouth.

[00:09:33] I truly believe in this is what I've seen in my business, which has been the most beautiful, magical, potent thing is that when I show up authentically and I put the things in the world that I love, that I'm passionate about, that resonate, that are beautiful, beautiful. That is when I meet the exact same people that resonate at the same frequency and I will go and have a coffee with 99 percent of my clients because I love you all so, [00:10:00] so much.

[00:10:01] And so for some people, you might resonate with me because you want to start a holistic business or because there is a way in which I conduct my business whose values align with the way you run your business. Maybe it is, you know, an aesthetic sensibility, which just makes you so much more aware of so many things.

[00:10:20] Having a higher aesthetic sensibility really allows you to understand that you have a deeper, more penetrative way of Digesting life. So you have a heightened sense of things And I think that's also a lot of times why people resonate with the things that I put out there Because it has a certain quality to it It has a certain standard that to me is so important because I really want to gain mastery.

[00:10:47] I want to be You know, putting my all into something I share with you. I want to give you the best of the best that I can. I want to give you a gourmet experience, a three star mission and restaurant experience. When you come and hang out with me, when you [00:11:00] purchase a product, when you join my programs, like that's the way, like even in my DMS, like my voice notes, that's in my newsletter, in my YouTube, in my podcast.

[00:11:09] I want you to have. A three Michelin star experience. And so no matter who you want to be, it's important that you realize that my intention and my biggest goal. Is to support you and becoming the version of yourself that you want to become. Okay So first step is figuring out who is that person, right?

[00:11:38] Who is the person that you want to become it is not the I want to have 50k months It's not that I want to have 30 000 followers. It's not the I want to travel up. No like who is that? Who is the person you want to become? How does this person conduct themselves? How does this [00:12:00] version of yourself dress?

[00:12:02] And I'm not talking about like, oh, they're wearing this expensive brand or like, no, I want you to be thinking about style, expression, fabrics, quality. How does this person smell? How does this person move? How does this person deal with fear and anxiety? How does this person behave when there's obstacles, difficult conversations to be had, triggers that are being experienced?

[00:12:32] Like, really take the time to write out who that person looks like, feels like, moves like, that you dream of becoming. There has been one question that has absolutely changed my life. Completely and it has been the one question that got me from 10k to 50k a month [00:13:00] And that question is that sounded so marketing thing.

[00:13:03] I'm already regretting that sentence, but whatever it's true Okay, but way beyond the money I have a three five and a defined ego like you guys have to understand the material world is my world I love it. And that's that so the one question that changed my life What do I have to do so that I can be proud of myself?

[00:13:28] Why is that such a transformative question? Because at the end of the day, the person that is going to look yourself in the eyes, in the reflection of the mirror, every morning, every evening, is going to be you. The only person that you have to confront, you have to sleep with, you have to hang out with for the fucking rest of your life, is you.

[00:13:57] So you better make sure that you are [00:14:00] damn proud of the way that you are behaving and moving and living life. And so, asking myself this specific question, what do I have to do to be proud of myself, has been so significant to me because it is the one question where I cannot ignore, hide, or turn a blind eye to.

[00:14:28] on my own shit. So no matter who you have in front of you, nobody knows you as well as you do. You are the person in the room that knows all the skeleton that are hidden in your closet. All of that darkness, all of that shame, all of that, you know, self sabotaging behavior. If you have cultivated self awareness, you are the person who knows your shit the most.

[00:14:56] And so what happens is that. [00:15:00] The only person who actually really knows what you have to change to become the person you want to become is going to be you. You know that shit you do when nobody's watching, that's self sabotaging. You hear it, that voice, it's in your head, it's telling you, really? Really?

[00:15:26] You're going to just ignore this? You're just gonna like, you know, scroll on TikTok for two hours? You're really doing that instead of going to the gym? Have you promised yourself you were going to the gym? Or like, you know, this is a stupid example, but like, this is the example that I always use because this is my shit.

[00:15:42] So I'm always busy. I am so passionate about my work, and my excuse is like, I'm busy. I also have ADHD, so I'm busy and chaotic. I find my chaos to be very charming, and I'm the kind of person who's like, Don't touch this shit in my room, because You know, you might [00:16:00] not find stuff, but I'm finding stuff. And this does mean that I'm not clean or I also have a very organized side.

[00:16:06] Like, honestly, my closet is the most organized thing I have in my life and maybe my my work agenda. But it's that idea that I am too busy to unload the dishwasher or I am too busy to I don't know. There's something about like my ADHD and, you know, having time to clean up when I hate cleaning up anyways.

[00:16:25] Luckily, I have support with that, but I see myself doing stupid things. Like let's say I'm walking past to the kitchen and I see that there's a pillow from the couch, from the sofa on the floor. It will take me half a second to walk towards the sofa, pick up the pillow and put it back on the couch. But I'm too busy.

[00:16:51] I need to get my match and I have to go back to work. Like this is my internal. Dialogue, so, you know every time I go every time I walk past the [00:17:00] kitchen. I see that pillow, but i'm ignoring it I'm, like i'm very busy. I don't have time to clean up that pillow, which is so so stupid But that's what I mean I don't know if anybody is getting me with this exam because I feel like maybe i've lost you But it's this thing where you're constantly reminded of like listen You could just pick up that pillow and you're not picking up that pillow and you're just ignoring it and it's not necessarily bad But it's not what your highest self And so when we start acting like the person we want to be, we will become the person we dream of being.

[00:17:34] There is no possibility of if right now you are not 100 percent who you want to be. It means that the things, the actions, the way that you're moving through life is not aligned with the person who you want to be. There's no, there's like, it's not, it's not up to discussion. You would be the person you want to be.

[00:17:53] If you would act like the person who you want to be. But the question is, why is it [00:18:00] so damn hard to show up as our most authentic, aligned self. And so I think specifically for women, there is the whole like hormonal cycle. There is obviously neuro neurodivergent issues that can be part of it. There can be, you know, mental health issues.

[00:18:19] There's so, so, so, so, so many things, right? But I want to bring up the next five tips to become the version you want to become, to be able to start moving in into creating that support for you to really step into your soul's purpose.

[00:18:48] Number two, commit to the present moment and let go of the goal. Okay, so here's the thing. When I was younger, I have gate 41, which is [00:19:00] gate of like big dreams. And I think a lot of people who have gate 41 kind of like quote unquote suffer from this. Not only because we can all have big dreams and I love a big dreamer like don't get me wrong I think dreaming big is the coolest thing ever and I am here to support you in your delulu dreams And I promise you I will do everything I can To make those dreams reality, okay?

[00:19:22] That's what I'm here for. But there's something that I experienced that I suffered a lot, that I went through a lot, that made me go through a lot of tough times, is that everybody's like, Oh, the world is your oyster. You can become anyone. Dream big. And I was like, let's do it. And I was constantly just disappointed because my dreams Were so effing huge and even the tiniest step of success Was nothing compared to that huge goal that I had put up myself to achieve and so no matter the step I was never able to tap into [00:20:00] gratefulness.

[00:20:01] I was never able to experience that heart expanding You know joy in my heart that I have now when I give readings or I do anything with you guys reading And I feel so connected to my purpose and I feel so grateful for the present moment. Like it is that feeling of warm sunshine in my face. And I'm like, Oh my God, this is incredible.

[00:20:24] This is great. How am I so lucky that I get to do something that I love, that I'm contributing to someone's You know, transformative experience in life that I feel connected to my purpose, that I'm able to contribute in a positive way. Like it's mind blowing to me. But, I've had to really work my way to be able to be present and grateful.

[00:20:51] When people are like, you know, typical spiritual thing, like, You should be grateful, write a grateful journey, journal. I tried that, that was the most, like, [00:21:00] horrible thing I ever did. I don't know what your experience is, but I was so bad at that. I would write for hours in the present moment. I also would write the biggest shit.

[00:21:10] Okay. I was like, when did I start with a grateful journey? I was like, I was living in Berlin. I had my vocal cord operation when I couldn't sing any longer. 20. So I had, I had different aspirations than now, but it was like, you know, really being in the present moment. And I couldn't feel it because I wasn't grateful.

[00:21:30] I just couldn't feel it Like it was so hard for me to have that sensation of feeling grateful So while I was writing down the present moment of the things that I you know should Pretend I had already all I could feel was the lack of not having that and it just made me angry bitter Depressed like it like that grateful journal exercise made me really angry and and unsatisfied and so what i've learned now is that [00:22:00] When I stop focusing on the goal and I make this space that I am now because what i've noticed is that You know who I was three years ago And the goals that I have for myself, I've surpassed them.

[00:22:13] Like I cannot even tell you how I surpassed those goals. It's insane. It's insane. And last year or beginning or maybe two years ago, I set this other goal and last year I hit that goal. And so what happens is that I am so scared of putting goals because I've always felt so disencouraged and so disappointed.

[00:22:34] And so what I'm now gaining mastery in is how much can I enjoy the process of getting to that goal, the journey, the space between me and the goal, like that vacuum that will be a continuum for the rest of my life because I know that every goal will become a new goal, we become a new goal. Instead of focusing on the bitterness or the frustration or the anger that I'm Feeling because I'm not at the goal.

[00:22:59] [00:23:00] I'm letting go of the goal. Like I don't care about the goal I know the goal will be a collateral to me showing up as my most authentic self every day I know that goal would materialize when today I put in my biggest effort my best energy And I just show up in the best way that I can when I focus on becoming the best version of myself on creating the Best product I can you know Communicating in the best way I can now that goal is materializing, but i'm not focusing on the goal anymore I'm letting go of the goal.

[00:23:31] And so When that goal is achieved it'll be like, oh, yeah, sure that makes sense Like one of my big goals was being in vogue I was in BO as a model, but I really wanted human design to be something that can be, or the way that I share human design, to be something that can be mixed in together with fashion, with this high aesthetic.

[00:23:51] I don't, I didn't want it to be this granola, spiritual, you know, thing. I call it wbi wbi thing, but [00:24:00] that's an internal joke, which I can explain if you want me to, but this is the thing, right? So. Then the opportunity came, Vogue interviewed me, and I was like, oh yeah, that makes sense, yeah, like, cool. But it wasn't that, oh my god, I can't believe it!

[00:24:15] I was like, yeah, cool, like, this has happened. That's awesome. I mean at this point it had to happen. So i'm super grateful and i'm excited about it And i'm like wow, I can cross that off my list. I can't believe that happened But it just feels a natural evolution because I haven't focused on. Oh, i'm not in the magazine Nobody understands me.

[00:24:36] They don't see my vision, like whatever the, the like negative self talk to that is. And I was like, no, I'm just going to focus on creating the most aesthetic, most high class luxury human design experience. And Vogue will resonate with that. And Vogue's clients will resonate with that. And so we made that happen.

[00:24:53] And it was so organic and so natural and just awesome.[00:25:00]

[00:25:00] Okay, three. Tip three is one of the most important things and one of the things that I feel like especially in the spiritual needs or especially with human design is one of those things that is really standing in the way for so many people to see success in becoming the version of themselves that they want to be.

[00:25:22] And to me, that is taking action. And I say this often, and I will say it again. Ladies and gentlemen, action is the universal law of success. There is no way you can manifest yourself into oblivion just by lying on a couch, reprogramming your subconscious, and never moving a finger. It is impossible. It is impossible.

[00:25:46] You need to move. You need, you set intentions when you take actions. You are showing up. You are showing the universe, I am serious, I am committed, I am taking that step. I am brave, I am courageous, I am strong, [00:26:00] and I am able to do difficult things. This sounds like the pep talk I give my daughter in the car on the way to the school But this is what I really believe in.

[00:26:07] Okay, what happens human design is a topic that goes so so so so so deep What also happens is that most of us live in the not self the not self is in the mind I need to intellectualize I need to know I need to create a false sense of illusion So I have to have all my decks in the row. I need to have all of the information until I can start Using this tool This, unfortunately, is not the way you will see results the quickest.

[00:26:37] If you want to have a change in your life, if you want to have an impactful transformation, living it out is key. You cannot learn yourself. into change. You need to put it into practice. So, stop hiding behind information. Stop hiding behind, no, I [00:27:00] need to do, I need to learn, I want to buy, I need to research.

[00:27:03] No, what you gotta do Is get your shit together Build up the courage Trust the universe and just give this shit a go and see what happens like one of the most important things for me and human design is something I Say often at the end of a session is like I don't want human design to be this thing That is another thing you're not doing right.

[00:27:26] Another thing to fill you with shame. Another thing that is telling you there's obstacles and blocks. And, you know, there's things you have to quote unquote work on to get what you want. I don't believe you're broken. I don't believe you need to heal to get what you want. But when you're able to take action when you're able to start building that trust muscle with the universe that you are worthy of having a life even greater than your soul even is able to think is possible, that is when the magic [00:28:00] happens.

[00:28:00] But you gotta take that first step. Nobody can take that for you. Nobody can take that for you. And I understand it's scary. And I understand that, especially human design, that sounds like a crazy thing. It's called the human, a human design experiment for a reason. It's here for you to experiment. If you don't resonate with it, that's totally fine.

[00:28:23] Then it's not for you. There's something about it that doesn't resonate. That's cool. But what I've seen from thousand readings is that you can be super skeptic. You can absolutely not believe in it, or you can be obsessed with it. You will still resonate with the information deeply. And so there's a reason human design is being applied in startups in Silicon Valley and the BPA bank in Eastern Europe for, you know, headhunters.

[00:28:54] There's a reason human design is becoming an incredible tool that has so much potential for expansion. [00:29:00] And so no matter how much you want to learn more, because you want to have this fixed sense of control and safety, which I get, because It's human nature. I understand, but it is the thing that is standing in the way from actually seeing, feeling, and experiencing results in your life.

[00:29:20] And I'm applying it to human design because that's where I'm focusing on, but you can really take this into anything.

[00:29:31] Okay, tip number four, practice self awareness. This is humongous, okay? This is so, so, so, so, so, so, so big. Okay. So here's the thing, because the spiritual niche, spiritual wellness niche is, you know, Wild Wild West, listening to your own authority to trust the people that you're going to make yourself vulnerable to, I think is so important.

[00:29:58] Because [00:30:00] This niche can be very woo woo, and it can be very, you know, toxic positivity, and it can be very spiritually bypassing. Like, there's so much, so much unregulated shit happening, that it is to your utmost discretion that you choose the people that deeply resonate with you, and you really mute out anybody who doesn't.

[00:30:24] Because people can read books, and this ties in a bit into the tip that I had before. People can read books, people can take courses, people can practice things on other people for free. But that doesn't mean that they're self aware. And if you don't have self awareness, you can talk all of the spiritual talk.

[00:30:42] You can say all of the psychological, smart things that you can say. It still doesn't make you a person that can be trusted. It still doesn't make you a person that knows how to hold space. It still doesn't make you a person that has and moves with integrity. [00:31:00] And so being self aware of yourself is so incredibly important.

[00:31:07] And the thing that I just want to double down on here is that one of the things that I think is a barometer for your self awareness is that your self awareness is directly tied to how much responsibility for your life you're able to take. So to me, self awareness is Will show up in how much you're able to accept that everything that's happening in your life is a direct reflection of everything that needs healing within you.

[00:31:41] So when we stop blaming and we start taking responsibility that to me shows self awareness. And what I mean by that is we can be spiritual and I'm manifesting all day and I just have love and light in my heart But you're a bitch? No. That's not, that's, that, [00:32:00] you are, have not understood the concept of being self aware.

[00:32:04] You have not understood the principle, concept of spirituality. And so, you know, oftentimes it seems like an escape. No, the fifth dimension, the light, the this, the that. You know, like, this very airy energy with not a lot of groundedness. And I truly believe that. Spirituality just comes with the mud. It comes with the darkness.

[00:32:32] It comes with the rock bottom. It comes with the pain It comes with the shame and the doubts and the dark night of a soul And so you cannot meditate yourself out of that. It's it's life experience. It's necessary as I said before To move you into the best version of yourself to connect you to your soul's purpose to Alarm you that you are going off the path to your purpose You're actually moving away from who you've come to be and that's why i'm making your life [00:33:00] hard So you stop walking into that direction i'm telling you not to go to right and so self awareness is so crucial And the moment that we're able to realize that everything that is in quote unquote our movie, everything that you're experiencing has been divinely orchestrated for you to grow.

[00:33:18] Every trigger, every hardship, every beautiful moment, every love encounter, all of these things that you're going through, heartbreak, success, failure, whatever it is, has all been divinely created for your soul's expansion and for you to be able to convert. The darkness into light and that's where we get into step five.

[00:33:41] Here is what I think our purpose is Okay, I feel like this plot episode is very deep. So here's what I think your purpose is. Okay, I believe your purpose Is being exactly who you've come to be and it's ironic because it will sound like oh I just have to be who I am. That sounds easy, [00:34:00] but I don't know about you My experience with trying to be who I am has been a nightmare.

[00:34:04] I'm like, who the fuck am I? I have no idea. I thought you know for such a long time. I struggle with authenticity. I'm like What does it mean to be authentic? Why am I not authentic? Am I not magnetic? That's why i'm not authentic like how do I become authentic and human design was the absolute singular tool that has helped me find that and On one side we have this purpose this kind of personal purpose this energetic purpose of sharing your gifts, of, you know, expressing your energetic authenticity to move resistance out of your life and find flow in these beautiful attributes that you have come.

[00:34:43] These wordly quirks and interests that are like perfectly matched to make you so individual and so unique that you can stand out when you step into who you've come to be and shine your light bright and be this consciousness expressed in this sea of [00:35:00] beautiful souls that are Currently walking on Earth.

[00:35:04] And on the other, more like, I wouldn't even say practical side, but another way of focusing on purpose is this idea that we've all come here to transform darkness into light. So, as I said before, we've all come here with a certain amount of darkness. We grow with this darkness inside. And the older we become, and the more mature we become, And the more we're going through this current expansion of consciousness, the more we're meant to use that darkness to convert it into something beautiful.

[00:35:39] And so the higher we get into our purpose, the higher our frequency gets, the more spiritual we become, the more we're able to create something beautiful in the world, right? So every time you feel darkness in your heart, every time you're going through a trigger, every time you're feeling angry, every time, I don't know, maybe you go to Maybe you go [00:36:00] to the cinema, and there's the person next to you, who, this is a David Guillaume example.

[00:36:05] So you go to the cinema, you have somebody next to you who's eating popcorn, and they're annoying you out, because you're like, I just want to watch the movie, stop making sounds. When in that moment, you don't succumb to the darkness that wants to come out, to the hate, to the anger, and you're like, oh, darkness, this is an opportunity to smile at the guy and be like, I hope you're enjoying your popcorn tonight, sir.

[00:36:28] So, every time we're able to take those moments of anger, distress, and we just pause, take a deep breath, and realize that this is a divine opportunity that has been orchestrated perfectly for us to convert into light, we're moving into our purpose.

[00:36:49] And six, But definitely not last, is this idea of knowing that everything will turn out right. [00:37:00] And this is really the concept of having certainty in our life. And when I was talking to my friend the other day, and yesterday, and telling them about, you know, the sensation of free falling, I was like, it's not this scary this time.

[00:37:19] Because I have certainty that whatever shit I'm going to, and this doesn't, this doesn't remove the pain. This doesn't stop me from crying in the shower, okay? But it allows me to just live that emotion through because I know emotions aren't bad, emotions aren't good. There's something that they live through my body, and I know that something will emerge from this.

[00:37:45] Every time I've gone through deep, deep, painful, scary shit, the outcome has been incredible. The outcome has been, wow, my dreams are coming true. That's crazy. That's insane. Because when you're sitting in the darkness, when you're in the dark hole, [00:38:00] when you're at rock bottom, you don't see that. It's so dark, you don't even see the fucking light.

[00:38:05] And I'm not saying that I'm there right now, personally. It's not that dark. But I don't know if it's not that dark just because I've gained this wisdom. And I'm like, okay. Okay, universe, bring it on. You're giving me a lot of darkness. I have a lot of opportunities to transform. Also, now I'm sick, so my vessel is expanding.

[00:38:24] I'm just growing. You know when in the gym your muscles hurt because they're like, ripping a little bit so that they can, I don't know what the thing is, but they, you know, they grow bigger and the muscle has to rip for them to grow. This is what your soul and your vessel, your body goes through when you're experiencing pain.

[00:38:43] It's painful because it's growing, it's expanding, it's ripping. That feeling of having a broken, broken heart, that feeling of, you know, breaking open, that pain, It is actually allowing your vessel to [00:39:00] grow. Why is it important to allow your vessel to grow? Because what's going to happen is that the things that you want in your life they're at a certain place in your life.

[00:39:10] Right? They're at like a higher frequency. I'm looking up, but you don't see me, so I'm pointing with my fingers into the sky. So the things that you want, the person who you want to become is at a higher frequency. Right? It's not where you are now, because if it is where you were now, you would be at the same frequency and you would have matched.

[00:39:28] You would have attracted, you would have become who you want to be and receive what you desire. So it's a higher frequency. How do I get where I am now in my vessel to match that higher frequency? I need to create space within me to hold that energy. I need to break open, I need to go through that pain, I need to go through that transformation so that my vessel can start growing.

[00:39:56] in strength and in capacity so that it's able to [00:40:00] hold that bigger, stronger frequency of the thing that I desire. So the reason we go through pain and heartache and dark moments is that, that ripping feeling inside, that distress, that pain, it's making us grow, not only physical, mental, and emotional, but also spiritual.

[00:40:23] And when that growth comes, our body is opening up to being able to receive the thing that our soul is desiring to match with.

[00:40:39] So these are my six tangible steps to support you into becoming the best version of yourself. of yourself, not even the best version of yourself into becoming the person that you want to become, because that is where the magic [00:41:00] lies. I hope you enjoyed today's episode. And I know it's not as human design heavy as maybe other conversations or other topics, but I think this is something that We'll hopefully be able to move you forward with eclipse season, the crazy astrological movements that are happening and month of April is going to be so incredibly promising that I just felt I needed to put that out there.

[00:41:33] Remember, I don't care what anybody says. I love you.

[00:41:41] If you're anything like me, you're going to be absolutely obsessed with the human design information. And I have a ton of free resources where you can find anything and everything to start your journey of deconditioning, remove obsolescence. with the life you truly desire. If you'd like to work with me, you can visit [00:42:00] my website, MicahGabriella.

[00:42:01] com. You can follow me on Instagram at Micah Gabriella and on TikTok via Aligned Energetics. We also have just launched our brand new YouTube channel, the Human Design Portal as well, where you will find so much valuable information to hold your hand. while you fall down the rabbit hole that is immersing yourself in the world of energetics and human design.

[00:42:22] Don't forget to share this episode with friends, family, or anyone you think could benefit from today's message. Sometimes the right words at the right time can make all the difference in someone's journey. And remember, your soft power is your strength. Cultivate it, share it, and watch the ripples change the world around you.

[00:42:41] Remember, I don't care what anybody says. I love you.