Soft Power

EP.34 - Emerge From Fear, Insecurity, & Patriarchy w/ Manifester Brandy Jordan

September 04, 2024 Maike Gabriela
EP.34 - Emerge From Fear, Insecurity, & Patriarchy w/ Manifester Brandy Jordan
Soft Power
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Soft Power
EP.34 - Emerge From Fear, Insecurity, & Patriarchy w/ Manifester Brandy Jordan
Sep 04, 2024
Maike Gabriela

In this episode Maike and Brandy Jordan, an educated psychologist, business creator, and spiritual guide delve into Brandy's powerful personal journey from facing a lupus diagnosis and contemplating assisted suicide to discovering the transformative impact of Human Design on her health and life. The discussion covers themes such as the importance of aligning with one's authentic self, the healing potential of perception, and the evolving paradigm shift towards a more integrated and symbiotic way of living. Brandy also shares insights on the challenges and rewards of relationships, the misconceptions about healing, and how embracing our unique design can lead to a healthier and more fulfilling life.

"We are an in-between species, too. If we strip away all the jargon from Human Design and simply look at what is happening, we can see that for about four or five generations, we have been the ones carrying forward the old paradigm that we once needed.

We needed fear. We needed insecurity. We needed scarcity. We needed capitalism. We needed patriarchy. We needed all of these things to sustain ourselves as human beings. But now, we are proliferating to the point where we are damaging our environment. Every species in the world has done this."


  • Brandy's Journey with Human Design
  • A Mystical Experience and Healing
  • Discovering Human Design
  • Embracing Human Design and Anger
  • The Power of Acceptance and Love
  • The Role of Pain in Growth
  • Parenting and Human Design
  • Authenticity and Healing
  • Embracing Our Role in Evolution
  • Radical Responsibility and Integrity
  • Creating Peace Within Ourselves
  • Shifting Paradigms and Consciousness
  • The Future of Human Evolution
  • Understanding Neurodivergence
  • Navigating Relationships with Human Design
  • The Reality of Human Design Communities

Ready to Collaborate with the Universe? Join the Upraising Club


Connect with Brandy:


Connect with Maike:

Once a year, I offer something that has the potential to change your life—and it's completely FREE.
This is a 3-day live event that my team and I have infused with our highest intentions and unconditional love.

Join Here:

…and discover why you have been put on earth in this exact transformative time in the human evolution and how you can contribute by tapping into your unique light and divine purpose.

Show Notes Transcript

In this episode Maike and Brandy Jordan, an educated psychologist, business creator, and spiritual guide delve into Brandy's powerful personal journey from facing a lupus diagnosis and contemplating assisted suicide to discovering the transformative impact of Human Design on her health and life. The discussion covers themes such as the importance of aligning with one's authentic self, the healing potential of perception, and the evolving paradigm shift towards a more integrated and symbiotic way of living. Brandy also shares insights on the challenges and rewards of relationships, the misconceptions about healing, and how embracing our unique design can lead to a healthier and more fulfilling life.

"We are an in-between species, too. If we strip away all the jargon from Human Design and simply look at what is happening, we can see that for about four or five generations, we have been the ones carrying forward the old paradigm that we once needed.

We needed fear. We needed insecurity. We needed scarcity. We needed capitalism. We needed patriarchy. We needed all of these things to sustain ourselves as human beings. But now, we are proliferating to the point where we are damaging our environment. Every species in the world has done this."


  • Brandy's Journey with Human Design
  • A Mystical Experience and Healing
  • Discovering Human Design
  • Embracing Human Design and Anger
  • The Power of Acceptance and Love
  • The Role of Pain in Growth
  • Parenting and Human Design
  • Authenticity and Healing
  • Embracing Our Role in Evolution
  • Radical Responsibility and Integrity
  • Creating Peace Within Ourselves
  • Shifting Paradigms and Consciousness
  • The Future of Human Evolution
  • Understanding Neurodivergence
  • Navigating Relationships with Human Design
  • The Reality of Human Design Communities

Ready to Collaborate with the Universe? Join the Upraising Club


Connect with Brandy:


Connect with Maike:

Once a year, I offer something that has the potential to change your life—and it's completely FREE.
This is a 3-day live event that my team and I have infused with our highest intentions and unconditional love.

Join Here:

…and discover why you have been put on earth in this exact transformative time in the human evolution and how you can contribute by tapping into your unique light and divine purpose.

[00:00:26] Brandy: I love it.

[00:00:28] Maike: I'm so excited to [00:00:30] have you here. Thank you so much for making the time.

[00:00:33] Brandy: Thank you for inviting me. I love the name soft power. Um, and we don't know each other, but, uh, because of that name is why I'm here.

[00:00:44] Maike: Oh, [00:00:45] that's so nice. I love it. Yeah. I think, uh, I think soft power is like a very projector, new paradigm, 2027 way of, uh, leading into new energies. And, uh, it's always the last question of the podcast actually, but we can start with [00:01:00] it. What does soft power mean to you?

[00:01:04] Brandy: Oh, I, I love, um, these 2 words together, because this is the coming of the new paradigm. This is the I say the new paradigm, although the universe has known this forever. Our [00:01:15] water is the strongest force. That exists. And so the flow, the way, the path of least resistance ease is power.

[00:01:25] Maike: Love it. This is how we're starting, ladies and gentlemen. So much wisdom already. [00:01:30] Uh, I love it. It's, it's interesting because to me, yeah, no, very, very beautiful, very beautiful people. So I'd love to know, Randy, how human design came into your life, because I feel like for everybody that I've ever met and that I talk [00:01:45] about human design, there is this really magical way for human design to come into our life.

[00:01:49] So I'd love for you to share your story.

[00:01:52] Brandy: Absolutely magical. Um, or right on time, you know, whatever, whatever belief system you subscribe [00:02:00] to. human design, uh, came into my life at a time where I was on my knees, uh, In, in terms of how to exist in the world as an integrated [00:02:15] wanted being, um, human design came into my life after a mystical experience.

[00:02:21] I'm sure you've heard this a few different times. Uh, I would love to stop calling it mystical. Like, it's something we all don't have access to. [00:02:30] And just, I had an awakening experience, uh, and I feel like we're all popping like popcorn in this way. So I don't want to make it sound any more special than it was.

[00:02:39] But I have a lupus diagnosis and I was very, very sick. [00:02:45] Um, and I was in an assisted suicide program, um, because I had, uh, come to the conclusion that I was finished in this world and this life. And I wasn't upset about it in any stretch of the imagination. I had already. Raised four children [00:03:00] and built business and, and I felt very surrendered to the illness that was taking over my body in this program.

[00:03:08] I got to go learn with, uh, Dr. Joe Dispenza in this program. This was part of the [00:03:15] protocol was to go and see him, and this was in 2017 and I went and saw him in 2017 and I learned all of. the beautiful epigenetic, uh, processes that are going on in my body and how to surrender to them and how to allow them to do the work [00:03:30] that they know how to do in order to keep me healthy.

[00:03:32] I learned how to just move out of the way and then my body did what my body knows to do and it brought 186 allergies down to two. And my body's [00:03:45] lupus markers are almost non existent. So, so what that says to me is that my body is no longer revolting against itself. And it was before that. I'm a manifestor with all open motors and I have four children and I had a thriving franchises and [00:04:00] marriage and six houses and all the things that you are supposed to have.

[00:04:03] You know, you think you're supposed to have, but. This is not my design. This is not the way my biology was meant to be in the world. And so it was an entropy. It was, you know, losing energy [00:04:15] from the inside. And so I came back from Spain and I went to my doctor's appointments and they all were just so like, Oh my goodness, you're healed.

[00:04:23] This is amazing. What did you do? All of these things. And in my heart of hearts, I knew that my best thinking. [00:04:30] My best ideas of the way to live in the world as a successful being were killing me. And, uh, so like I said at the beginning, I was [00:04:45] really on my knees. I've had quite a story of becoming. Um, but this one brought me to my knees in ways that, That, uh, early childhood experiences didn't.

[00:04:56] And I just said, what do I do? How do I do this? I have degrees in [00:05:00] psychology. I have been, I have educated myself my brain and how to do this thing that we, we are doing, how to do it. So funny. There is no, how there is just the being. And so on my knees [00:05:15] that night, when I got back from Spain, I said, please tell me how to do this.

[00:05:19] I don't know how, like I have been given this gift. To know that love is all that exists to know that this energy, that inside of these meat suits are 67 trillion vibrating [00:05:30] particles of light that want nothing but our highest and greatest. And then if we just let it do what it knows how to do, then I can find peace. And so that next day I got introduced to my human design chart, a [00:05:45] gentleman named Jason Norris, who I'd never met before a day in my life, came into my Facebook message and said, Hey, have you heard of this? I saw you somewhere. Have you heard of this? And I said, no, I hadn't heard of this. this is when he told me about human design and, [00:06:00] and, uh, after he read my chart, I was very angry.

[00:06:05] I'm a manifester. So anger that is the thing. Right? So I was angry because I had, you know, I was. 100, 000 in debt of education, [00:06:15] psychological education. And this one thing, this, this synthesis of these wisdoms that have been around forever. I had never learned this. I had never learned this little tool. And I was very angry that myself and [00:06:30] all of my colleagues and, and everybody in the world, uh, subscribe to this theory of thinking.

[00:06:37] Therapy of being better than we are of, of somehow we are deficient in some way and we [00:06:45] must learn to be better. Uh, I was very angry that that was not true and, and I was very angry that, that this information was not accessible. I was very angry that I raised my children in the [00:07:00] way that other people taught me how to do it when there was a better way. So, I collected probably 300 charts before I gave my 1st reading, and I got called out by a projector, uh, to give readings in the community. And, um, [00:07:15] and since then, uh, you know, these, these, you know, when I introduce people to human design, I do it in a little bit of a different way. It's very surrendered.

[00:07:23] It's very where does this live in your body? That's very I don't want to just. Give you information that you keep in [00:07:30] your brain, uh, that continues to tell you you're wrong for being, uh, I am a practitioner of rising, um, above the chart. And what I mean is the chart [00:07:45] is the raft and not the shore. The chart is the thing that gets us in alignment with our biology so that then we can.

[00:07:53] Just be our biology, right? A tree doesn't look up its design every day to remember how to be a tree. It just be as a [00:08:00] tree. And, um, so letting go, getting it embodied. I am a practitioner of in the body in the body is where all the brilliance lives. So bringing it into the body and working with people [00:08:15] has kept me healthy and kept me alive.

[00:08:17] Uh, and I mean, there's so much more to tell, but I think that story is wrapping up there.

[00:08:23] Maike: Yeah, that's amazing. I resonate so deeply with your story because I had an autoimmune disease. I think it started [00:08:30] when I was like 25. And at some point I couldn't like cut my food. I couldn't comb my hair because my joints and my body was so inflamed and everything was so painful. And it was a, it was an absolute nightmare.

[00:08:41] Um, and I was doing all of the diets, all of the protocols, all of the, [00:08:45] whatever, like whatever there was out there that I could research. I tried, uh, they tried to give me medication, which actually is for cancer patients when I was like 27. And I was like, no, I'm not going to start taking. Medication for cancer.

[00:08:58] I'm like a 27 year old. [00:09:00] We're like, Oh, if you want to get pregnant, you know, you should like not take that medication for six months before. And I'm like, I'm not planning to get pregnant, but that does not sound like something I want to do to my body. So I went like through all of these things. Trying to figure out [00:09:15] what could help my symptoms.

[00:09:17] And it's really interesting because when human design found me, which was like at midnight when I was at my knees on my knees and I was just like, why am I doing everything I can? Nothing is working. I don't understand. I'm doing the shirts. I'm doing [00:09:30] the masks. I'm doing everything that everybody's telling me I have to do.

[00:09:33] And it's still not fucking working out. Like why? And then the podcast was like, blah, blah, blah projector. And I'm like, I have no idea what this means, but that's exactly what I am. And everything in [00:09:45] my life makes sense. And exactly that sense of like acceptance of stuff, that release of shame, that release of guilt, that release of that.

[00:09:53] This concept of myself of like, Oh, I don't deserve to have success, or I don't deserve to have the life I wonder there [00:10:00] has to be something wrong with me and realizing that there's actually nothing wrong with me, but actually not being me has been the problem all along because I'm a projector and I was raised by two manifesting generators.

[00:10:12] And so I didn't even know that there was like a [00:10:15] different approach to life than, than the way that I was taught and the way that I was brought up in the way that I was seeing the world, uh, live through. And it's interesting because. I think what got me sick was not having success, which is so fascinating to me.

[00:10:28] You know, I really, because I have [00:10:30] like the fine motors, my son is in gate 54. Like for me, like success, ambition, like a lot of energy and being a projector. I'm always like, why did I have to have all of this ambition? And like me, you know, it's like very funny because it feels like contradictory. But it's really interesting to, [00:10:45] to just hear this experience that I hear over and over again, that, that it makes us release.

[00:10:52] illness, the moment that we find acceptance for herself, the moment that we find love for herself. It's like, isn't that insane? Like [00:11:00] how really a change of perception about herself can restore physical issues.

[00:11:07] Brandy: Yes. What I know to be true is that our brain holds all the pharmacology we need in order to be [00:11:15] healthy. Again, it's hard to wrap our brains around, but if we can remember that we are 67 trillion vibrating particles of light. I am not this meat suit. I am. I am. I am. So. So with that being said, [00:11:30] particles of light, they vibrate.

[00:11:32] Well, I also know that I can change the vibration of a particle with an outside stimulus. So my brain is very scientific as well. I combine the right and the left, the [00:11:45] flow of the body. And then I'll tell you scientifically why you get in the body and stop your brain from moving. Because these cells, they are just listening to our commands.

[00:11:55] When our, our religions and our wisdom keepers told us that. That we are the creator. This is what they [00:12:00] meant. That we are by, by nature of our neurology, we can change the epigenetic structure of our body. We can up regulate positive hormones and we can down regulate disease or the other way around. [00:12:15] We are the creators of that reality and like you just said so beautifully, it is a matter of perception.

[00:12:21] You know, raw Uruhu says no choice. And a lot of wisdom keepers talk about no choice, and I'm here to share that. Yes, no [00:12:30] choice. And there is perception. There is no choice in your biological structure, but there is a choice in the way that you perceive it. And what I know to be true is that when I can see what love sees, even in the most [00:12:45] chaotic, victim inducing, aggressive, violent situations, when I can be peace and see love.

[00:12:53] And when I mean love, when I say love, I don't mean this ooey gooey thing. I mean, love is the [00:13:00] word that we have labeled or that we have given to what alignment feels like. Love is just the word we use when we see and feel alignment. We say, oh, that's love. So when I can see [00:13:15] that, and when we can see that, we then allow our minds to release the pharmacology that says all of this is okay.

[00:13:21] And then our bodies can then feel where our authority lives in the field and move forward. properly, correctly for our purpose. So [00:13:30] yes, what you just said is perception. I'm a 24 personality son, and this is rationalization. This is perception. This is okay. This is the way it looks right now, but what if I looked at it from here?

[00:13:42] What if I looked at it from here? What if I looked at it from here? What if I looked [00:13:45] at it from here? What if

[00:13:45] Maike: I have 24 as well.

[00:13:47] Brandy: Yeah, so to know that we are all just writing stories, the reason that we have come into form is so that the energy that is in this biology can language the [00:14:00] story of its existence.

[00:14:01] And so, because we are telling stories all of the time, um, the stories that we tell dictate the health of our body. So, when we can see love or alignment, and we can tell stories this way, this is when the epigenetic [00:14:15] structure of our body is the most healthy.

[00:14:17] Maike: And we see it, right? Like we see people and we can see what their conversation and their thoughts about themselves is. Like I truly believe everything we do is an expression of what we believe to be worthy of. [00:14:30] And so from the food that we eat to the clothes that we wear, we're in constant communication with ourselves, our subconscious, the universe and the world around us.

[00:14:39] About who we think we are in the world, right? If I am

[00:14:42] Brandy: Mm hmm.

[00:14:43] Maike: like I saw somebody, [00:14:45] I don't even know. It was like a tick tock video. You, I don't remember what it was, but it was like a woman saying you see the self worth of the woman by the man she chooses to be with. And this is like very, you know, like heteronormative, but just this idea of understanding that we can [00:15:00] see people, I see people and I see that they're in pain.

[00:15:03] That there's deeply under, because they are expressing with their body and the way that, you know, they, they treat themselves. That they are continuously, like, just furthering that [00:15:15] pain, trying to express that pain, trying to numb that pain. It's so, so interesting that we can see also if somebody is light, right?

[00:15:21] You can see when somebody is like, just sunshine. And we can also feel when sunshine is fake. You know, there's a lot of like, spiritual bypassing, a lot of like, woo woo stuff. [00:15:30] And you're like, you can Look like you're smiling and you can like pretend to be a quote unquote being of light, because that's the language people really like to use in those kinds of like situations, you know, but, uh, it comes out.

[00:15:43] It's a part, I feel like it's [00:15:45] like, it's impossible. It will come out your bitterness, your meanness, your like, and we're human. And I love the whole human spectrum. Like I am all for the anger. I am all for like the bitterness and I'm all for like the ugly parts of being human, because They're [00:16:00] awesome too.

[00:16:00] Like, you know, like, wow.

[00:16:02] Brandy: And love lives there too. Love lives there so much, so blaringly.

[00:16:08] Maike: Yeah. Even, even more probably. Like I, I was actually just thinking about this recently. I'm like. You know, [00:16:15] sometimes I have a, I have a six year old daughter and I get very triggered by my kid because I think that's her purpose basically.

[00:16:22] Brandy: supposed to be. Yeah.

[00:16:24] Maike: Exactly. So I sometimes like, and even like, it could even be with, with my own internal [00:16:30] dialogue about myself.

[00:16:30] I sometimes like this monster comes out and before I used to be so ashamed of this, like dark side of myself that I know. It isn't even mine. Like this has been passed on generationally. Like I've seen that monster in my family and it's just like, and I'm like, [00:16:45] how can it be? How can it be that the shit lives on within me?

[00:16:48] Like I get so pissed. But instead of getting angry now at this monster, when I ask it and I look at it with curiosity, what I see is something. That monster is looking for acceptance and love, you know? And [00:17:00] so exactly. And in that rawness, in that vulnerability, there's this incredible intimacy that allows for love to really like, you know, grow and be seen and like be nourished.

[00:17:13] Um, and that is a, [00:17:15] like a way deeper way of loving and connecting and feeling the depth of what love can be than just being like happy and all lovey dovey and like, Oh, I love you. I love you. Yeah. That's, that's cute. Like, you know, but there's this depth within this monster that is [00:17:30] looking for love that when we, instead of rejected and shame it, we actually bring it in.

[00:17:35] That brings like a whole new layer of just the capacity of understanding how deep love can, can run.

[00:17:42] Brandy: This is such a beautiful projector [00:17:45] site. And, and, and so I want to recognize what I just felt when you said that this monster that is in your brain, uh, you know, lives in all of our brains and in, in different ways. Um, but what you just said [00:18:00] felt. I, I'd never put this articulated. So bear with me here.

[00:18:04] This is right. Variables. I felt seen. I felt as a manifester that exactly what you just said is all I've ever wanted and done as a baby [00:18:15] child. I called myself fire hands because all I did was say what was wrong. I have desire, motivation and need perspective and a fully defined ego and all these open energy centers.

[00:18:25] So I'm like, Whoa, things could be better. We could do this better. This thing is, you know, and I [00:18:30] arrive in the dark. Oh, this is real shitty. Let's talk about it. And everybody's like, Oh, we can't talk. And I'm like, why can't we, I can, Ray Charles can see what's happening here. Why can't we talk about what's happening here?

[00:18:41] And so this is where my education came in because I had to learn how to talk to [00:18:45] other people. Because I want to be in the dark. I am. I'm a 51 twice, both in, in the fourth line and in the six line. Uh, I have every gate in the ego defined. And so I am here to go into the dark to [00:19:00] be with you to lock arms with you and show you that these monsters that we call them.

[00:19:05] Are telling a story to we have to tell both sides of the story and when we arrive with the monster and we in my wisdom keeper mentorship, [00:19:15] we just did this 2 weeks ago where we named our monsters. We took them out and we sit next to them. And we, and so we check in, you know, what did the monster say today when we're sitting next to them?

[00:19:25] What was that? So this is just a process of making love to this [00:19:30] beast of learning that this beast, um, we call it a beast only because we're afraid of it. But actually this, I feel like a persona of the. Monster in the mind and a lot of manifestor women that I [00:19:45] have spoken with have felt this way as well That we are here to impact change We our aura our 67 trillion vibrating particles of light are here to come into places and spaces and relationships where the [00:20:00] frequency has to be changed and so if there's any manifestors listening Um, to know that you are the, you know, you, you are the thing that brings the change.

[00:20:12] You are love. I feel like these beasts, [00:20:15] these monsters are what love really is.

[00:20:19] Maike: I love that. I,

[00:20:21] Brandy: because they are grace. They bring grace. The suffering or the friction that they bring is the grace of everything. Evolution. It brings you a [00:20:30] bigger capacity to hold the voltage of joy in your body to hold the voltage of ecstasy of being human to allow our senses to turn on all the fucking way is to arrive next to the beast.

[00:20:43] Maike: I love that. I love that [00:20:45] so much because I'm, uh, been studying Kabbalah the last like year and a half. And one of the things that I've learned through that is that pain is the agent for growth. Pain is the agent for our vessel to grow bigger so that we can actually exactly what you said [00:21:00] so that we have the capacity to hold higher frequency.

[00:21:03] Our body is here. We want this other thing. If you want that other thing that is at a higher capacity or a higher frequency, you're going to have to break open the vessel so that it can actually like contain that energy. And I [00:21:15] think it's really interesting because my daughter, she's a five, one, uh, No, she's a Splenic Manifestor.

[00:21:21] And it's so interesting because she's six, but, like, the Manifestor in her has, like, been raging since she, like, has the capacity to use words. Like, it's [00:21:30] so interesting to just be able to watch her. Um, and how, like, How demanding that energy is, you know, like it's been incredible for me to know that she's a manifester because it has really allowed me to allow her to be who she is in the [00:21:45] biggest, like best capacity that I can obviously.

[00:21:47] Um, but it's so interesting, you know, because as parents we're told like, Oh, you're here to guide your children and tell them blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, that's just bullshit. Like, no. And I feel like authority in human design has [00:22:00] really taught me that like, Nobody knows what your path is, but yourself.

[00:22:04] And so we as parents don't understand how strongly our children are connected to their own path, to their authority, to their voice that is going to bring them on their purpose. And we, as children [00:22:15] often don't realize. That we have that inner voice that we're allowed to trust, or we're, we've been conditioned not to be allowed to trust that inner voice, like, if I trust my authority, love is going to be taken away.

[00:22:27] Um, if I trust my authority, safety is going to be [00:22:30] taken away. And so then we have these children, you know, they don't know what to study. They don't know what to eat. They don't know what to wear and are completely lost in the world because we've conditioned them from such a young age. To not listen to this like core aspect of ourselves.

[00:22:43] And it's, and it's such a [00:22:45] like, I feel like it's such a crazy, crazy thing to wrap our heads around because we are here to live our purpose to find our path. Right. And that is like absolutely unique. Like our fingerprint. And we have this internal cue that is driving us there, but then [00:23:00] we're born into situation, into conditioning that is absolutely taking us off and like not allowing us to kind of, and it's life or death, like, I cannot listen to my authority because safety's like, I'm not getting food, like they're kicking me [00:23:15] out of my house.

[00:23:15] You know what I mean? Like it's a really, and then that oral life, we're kind of like trying to restore that trust within ourself, that it's safe to just. Listen to her inner voice is like a crazy trip.[00:23:30] 

[00:23:30] Brandy: This is the only thing that we are here for. Why? This is the only thing we are given the neurology to be able to have the self reflected consciousness so that we can evolve the [00:23:45] experience. density, the way that our cells are, are locked together in this illusion of our separateness in this suffering, when we get dense and togetherness, what human beings are here for.

[00:23:59] And I [00:24:00] don't know how I know this, and I'm not even going to try to justify it, but I know that we are here to tell the story of what it's like to be To what it's like to be me. And the only way to know what it's like to [00:24:15] be me is to have situations occur that are not me so that I can stand in the truth and the trust that the me that is existing right now is what's purposeful and needed and what you said was so beautiful, you know, I [00:24:30] teach.

[00:24:30] Parenting classes, but I don't teach parenting classes. I, you know, the people that come to me think that they're learning about their children, but all that I'm doing is teaching them how to stay out of the fucking way. That's all I'm doing.

[00:24:42] Maike: this is so

[00:24:42] Brandy: I'm just holding on to their [00:24:45] fear. You know, when they say, I teach this. It's a 6 week process of mourning your children's death. Bear with me. And we do this because if you don't fully accept [00:25:00] them not existing, you cannot allow them to be who they are if you cannot fully accept every decision that they make and that it may mean that they are not here anymore. There is no individuation.

[00:25:13] There is just your fear [00:25:15] being passed on to your child. And so this process, it's not for the weak of heart, but this process of mourning our children's death while they are alive is the most freeing thing that I've done for any of my children. And they've said it over and over and over again. It's the [00:25:30] only way that me as a 15 year old mother could be a mother is because I was so afraid of every fucking thing that I had to get to the root of it.

[00:25:38] I had to go all the way to the dark and say, okay, look, well, if they die, I didn't do anything wrong. I [00:25:45] know it's a silly,

[00:25:45] Maike: No, no. I, I think

[00:25:47] Brandy: it's roots

[00:25:48] Maike: no, but like, I think that is a, that is an incredible approach. It's a very radical intense approach, but I think when there is such a deep connection between child and parent, like it makes [00:26:00] sense. needing to go to that extent to really allow them to be free and allow them to be themselves.

[00:26:05] And I think that's the biggest gift that we can do, right? The biggest gift we can give our children really is like, stop seeing them as an extension of ourselves and really start seeing them as, [00:26:15] you know, just, just for us holding space for them to be whoever they've come to be.

[00:26:21] Brandy: and even more if we wanted to get even more radical. I believe that my children, after I have allowed them to be a lot like I've given [00:26:30] birth and then I fed them and I've clothed them and I made sure that they stayed alive for seven years. That's about all my job is. So they are alive. Now we're good. My next job.

[00:26:42] Is to grow. It's like a teeter totter. [00:26:45] It is. We have helped them evolve and now they are here to help us evolve. So it's only my work. Now, my work is to address and confront everything that keeps me stuck. stopping them from being who they are. And that's just not our [00:27:00] children. That's our beloveds. That's our family.

[00:27:02] That's everyone we encounter. Um, you know, there's something that Ross says that I'm still trying to articulate in this way, but he said he met somebody and this person introduced himself as God. And Ross said, what do you mean you're God? And he said, well, when [00:27:15] I die, I take everybody with me. And it's so incredibly true that this is this life is divinely selfish, that me being me and me taking every opportunity, the people I meet on the street, the way I drive my [00:27:30] car, the way that my Children interact with me, the way that I interact with the world around me is all for me.

[00:27:36] To tell my story even more. There is no me having to change anything, even if it looks completely unethical and wrong, there [00:27:45] is no changing of that. It is what it is in front of me. And it is my job to be me in front of it.

[00:27:50] Maike: I love that. That is so beautiful because When I started my human design journey, like right before human design found me, I remember writing down in some like cryptic, artistic Instagram posts, [00:28:00] like I'm going to find the road map to authenticity because I don't know why. Like authenticity was such a triggering thing for me.

[00:28:08] And I was so desperate. What this like mystical thing of often, like, What is authenticity? This seems to be so [00:28:15] important. I need to figure out my authenticity. It was funny because the first year that I started doing human design and I was like on social media, I started doing COVID and it was like, Really my business took off in a way that I could have never imagined.

[00:28:27] And I feel like the word that got [00:28:30] dropped the most by other people reflecting back to me, it was like, Oh my God, you're so authentic. And I'm like, wow, this is crazy that I was like craving for authenticity so much. And now this is like getting mirrored back to me. And I was like, wow, fascinating. And also like a lot of times we hear these words, you know, [00:28:45] and they're like thrown around the spiritual wellness industry, like authenticity or like trauma healing, but.

[00:28:51] Authenticity is exactly what you're saying, right? It is unapologetically accepting and sharing the experience of the self. And I remember, [00:29:00] like, I don't usually get a lot of hate comments on my Instagram, but I had a comment, which is like, Oh, you privileged, privileged white. You're crying your white girl tears.

[00:29:10] And I was like, listen, like I get like, you know, that I'm very [00:29:15] privileged and whatever, but I'm not allowed to cry. Cause I'm a white girl. Like what? Like, I'm not allowed to have a human experience because. My soul decided to like be born as a white person, like it makes zero sense. It's so interesting to be [00:29:30] like reduced to such a point where even just having a human experience is like forbidden because of whatever I think.

[00:29:37] I don't know. I'm European for me. Like sometimes these things are like hard to grasp, but I thought it was very interesting because it is just that our [00:29:45] authenticity is just unapologetically. Sharing our personal journey. And the more we're able to just share our truth, the more it resonates. And it doesn't even matter.

[00:29:54] You could come from different countries of the world, but we feel the same shit. Like we've, we like sadness, [00:30:00] sadness, beauty, beauty. Like it doesn't matter that the human emotion. Is exactly the same, and it might be heightened in different aspects, but there is no separation there, right? And I also really loved when you were touching upon, like, this idea of, like, [00:30:15] feeling love no matter the chaos and no matter what it is.

[00:30:17] And that is really, like, the most powerful, liberating thing. If we're constantly asking ourselves, like, oh, what would love do? How would love, and it's so hard because you're like, no, but I'm angry. No, but I'm [00:30:30] hurt. And I'm like, we're in this like me, me, me thing. But if we reframe it and really think about like, Oh, so how would love, and it's crazy how that can like completely shift our perspective because it moves.

[00:30:43] Isn't that crazy?[00:30:45] 

[00:30:45] Brandy: Mm hmm. I want to put one little caveat in there because I've played with this for a couple of years. I used to have it written on my mirrors. It was my thing that helped me every day. Remember who I was is what would love do is what I wrote. And then after about a year of [00:31:00] that, I recognized that I was trying to do Things like love would do and that's not that's not it at all.

[00:31:08] It is. What does love see? See what love sees and follow my authority in where it [00:31:15] what to do or you know, follow my body But if I can use this neurology that I was given this beautiful uh, computer that I carry around and I can use it to always be programmed to where's love, where's [00:31:30] love, where's love, where's love, where's love.

[00:31:31] Then I can hear my body with clarity because if my, if my mind is like, where's safety, where's security, who's going to hurt me, what's going on. Duh, duh, duh, duh. Now all of my energy is out of my body and into my head [00:31:45] trying to collapse protection and safety. Whereas when I can even in the most violent of situations and maybe someday we'll come back and talk about this again and I can tell you some of the situations that I've been in that's like a drama train wreck story where I [00:32:00] have had to apply this.

[00:32:01] So this isn't just some white girl saying some shit because she thinks about it. I have really practiced this of being in situations of physical violence and still doing the work to see what love sees. [00:32:15] Then. It's not that I fell in love with an abuser. It's not like I made abuse okay. It's that my body knew exactly what to do to stay healthy and safe in that moment when I arrived in [00:32:30] the surrender of the chaos without thinking it was bad, wrong, and shameful, without trying to change it at all, with, okay, I'm surrendered.

[00:32:39] Where does love live? Let me find it. That gave me the portal [00:32:45] to healing. Healing. There's another word,

[00:32:47] Maike: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I hate healing so much.

[00:32:50] Brandy: what I mean by that is just moving all the shit out of the way that I have put in front of me that stops me from being who I am. That's just healing. I think.

[00:32:59] Maike: Yeah, I know. Totally. [00:33:00] No, the reason I'm like, so anti healing is because I have so many people who are like, I can't find love. I'm healing. I can't like be successful. I'm healing. I'm like, listen, if you think you can't like, we like, stop it now. Like you can give up right now. Like if you're waiting for healing to happen for any, [00:33:15] and I remember I was like that, you know, with my autoimmune disease and like this and that, and everybody was like, Mikey, you should take some time off to heal.

[00:33:22] And I was like, no. The reason I'm sick is because I'm like trying to heal the moment that I started to apply the moment that I actually [00:33:30] started to live life. The moment that I dare, the moment that I took risks, the moment that I like continue to fucking find my way. That is the moment that things started to shift.

[00:33:40] And there's nothing that like breaks my heart more is that when I'm with somebody who I can [00:33:45] see is using human design or healing or any other excuse to like, it. Not live life because this is like, I've, I repeat this so often, nothing will teach you more about yourself and what you need to improve and what your lessons are [00:34:00] right now, then life.

[00:34:01] And if we're like healing, unless you have a broken like arm or a concussion or, you know, like, unless you're like, literally you can't move. Throw yourself into life as much as you can and you know, like again, pain is there to [00:34:15] help us evolve. Pain is the agent for the better thing. If you're constantly afraid of pain and you cannot throw yourself into the chaos and into the, you know, like heartbreak and like whatever, walls crumbling.

[00:34:28] Rug getting pulled from down under you. [00:34:30] Like you have to throw yourself into that shit. The more you throw yourself into pain, the more you learn how to deal with it. The more you learn how to deal with it, the more your life will get better. And that's crazy because there's so much uncertainty, there's so much fear.

[00:34:44] We, nobody [00:34:45] has taught us how to learn with, like, deal with pain. And I, and I remember when my, when my daughter was smaller and we like had in the stroller, she hated the stroller. Every kid hates the stroller. Parents were like, oh, here, take the iPhone. Oh, eat some chocolate, sit in front of the TV. I'm like, come on people, [00:35:00] like, like they're two years old.

[00:35:02] Like we can, like, you cannot deal with like 30 minutes of crying of a two year old, but it's our own shit, right? We cannot deal with the pain that comes up within us when we see other people that we love or care about or close to us or connected to us in a way, [00:35:15] you know, it's, it's so

[00:35:16] Brandy: Yeah.

[00:35:17] Maike: And

[00:35:17] Brandy: I would love to invite to remember that we are an in between species, if you will. I know that sounds a little crazy, but what I'm trying to say is us humans, [00:35:30] we mutate all the time, right? We've mutated from primates to now what we are now. There was a time when we were mutating from a Neanderthal to a Homo sapien.

[00:35:39] During that time, there was some, some folks that were born in the in between those folks that were born in [00:35:45] the in between were charged with, um, bringing us from Neanderthal to homo sapien in our consciousness. We who are born alive right now. Me and you from 1781 to 2027, and maybe even more. I don't know if those [00:36:00] dates are right.

[00:36:00] Don't hold me to it. But what I do know is we are an inter and in between species too. We are taking ourselves. If we take all the jargon from human design out and we just see what the hell is happening, we can see that our generations for [00:36:15] about four or five generations, we are the ones that are taking the old paradigm that we needed.

[00:36:21] We needed fear. We needed insecurity. We needed scarcity. We needed capitalism. We needed patriarchy. We [00:36:30] needed all of these things in order to to build our sustainment as human beings. And now we are proliferating to the point where we are damaging our environment. Every species in the world has done this.

[00:36:42] Think about mold. Think about [00:36:45] the amoebas in the ocean and the, the, the plankton, how it all gets real big. And then it realizes it's too fucking big. And then it comes back down and now it can sustain with the population. This is what we're doing. This is, this is what we're doing. The time in which [00:37:00] we are at, and in order to sustain if we were mold or an amoeba, we would have to adjust the way that this internal movement was expressed in the world.

[00:37:11] This and, and so we are this in-between species, you and me and [00:37:15] everybody that's born right now that you know, we can sometimes get mad. We were never taught, well, we are the fucking ones to learn. And to teach. We weren't supposed to be taught. Nobody did anything wrong to us, ever. We are [00:37:30] exactly where we need to be and we cannot fuck this up.

[00:37:32] But we do get to know that we are the ones that are charged with pushing the edge of what it means to move from just surviving into individuated thriving. And we [00:37:45] are those ones.

[00:37:47] Maike: amen.

[00:37:48] Brandy: yeah.

[00:37:49] Maike: Yes. No, I love that. I think it's also like one of the things that also I think is important to highlight is this idea of like people owe us stuff like you will not be. Yeah, exactly. You will not be like you [00:38:00] will be the most unhappy. On everything person ever. If you think anybody owes you anything and like one of my favorite things and I think it's a very new paradigm thing and I think it's so necessary and I can feel just like consciousness moving into that as like just [00:38:15] real radical responsibility and integrity.

[00:38:17] Like those are things that are just so important. Now, you know, as the old quote unquote old paradigm is falling and crumbling instead of being like, Oh, look at that guru who like copied content. Like, no, you fell for it. Why didn't you [00:38:30] listen to your authority? You know, like take, like stop pointing fingers.

[00:38:33] You were the one consuming that content. So look at yourself, something within you was resonating with that person who's doing something you don't align with. So something within you is not aligned, you know, like, Like let's stop, let's stop [00:38:45] like pointing figures and that doesn't make it good or bad what they did.

[00:38:48] We're all human. Like my favorite thing is when people get mad about politicians being corrupt, but then they're also like doing things that are not a hundred percent. And I'm like, why do you expect different things from politicians that you [00:39:00] cannot hold yourself accountable for? Like, just accept we're humans.

[00:39:03] We fuck up, like nobody's perfect. And it's like. You know, like nobody

[00:39:07] Brandy: we're all

[00:39:07] Maike: high. Yeah, exactly.

[00:39:09] Brandy: all creating this. You know, what you just said is such a powerful thing. And when, um, [00:39:15] when, uh, the Israeli Palestinian war started and has continued, it has shifted my being into where do I create war? Where am I even down to my aunts outside of my house? Oh, I go to the ants [00:39:30] and I put a bomb in the ant hole because I don't, I don't I can't figure out a way to live with ants.

[00:39:34] No, I am not doing that because that's exactly what's happening there. I, so it's like everywhere that I'm creating war, everywhere that I see war or, you know, these things that bother [00:39:45] me, it's that invitation back into where am I doing that in, in my space and in my home. And, and so when I, I think we're all charged with, uh, changing something or evolving part of, of human consciousness.

[00:39:58] And I think that if it [00:40:00] bothers you, you're charged with its evolution.

[00:40:03] Maike: I love that period. Um, can you tell me a little bit what your point of view is, your perspective, what you learned, how you would share your insights? [00:40:15] Like shift of paradigm, how it will look like. I mean, I feel like a lot of things are happening. We're noticing so much the other day I had a client who's a plumber and I was like, wow, that is the best thing.

[00:40:26] Like you're the coolest person ever. Like, you know what I [00:40:30] mean? And it's not judgmental, but it's like incredible how consciousness is like moving into all areas. All social classes, like, I swear everybody's fucking manifesting and I hate manifesting, but I think it's still great that we're like opening up the door.

[00:40:44] No, [00:40:45] I like, like for me, human design is alignment. Like you become authentic. You align with the things. This thing of like, I'm manifesting a Ferrari. If the Ferrari is not meant to be in your life, you can manifest what you want. That's not gonna, you know what I mean? So I'm like, very,

[00:40:58] Brandy: Manifesting is such a funny thing. [00:41:00] It's so, it's so, um,

[00:41:01] Maike: it's

[00:41:01] Brandy: is the word?

[00:41:02] Maike: yeah. Capitalistic basically.

[00:41:04] Brandy: Yeah. It's a big capitalistic. That's it. Look, I can't even grab the word. It's so not even in my,

[00:41:09] Maike: yeah. It's so like per se, like what? I don't, we don't even know, but I'm, I'm very curious. I'd love for you to share [00:41:15] a bit. Your insight, your perspective, your wisdom on like. How this transition is going to be, how can people be ready for it? What you think is going to be on the other side.

[00:41:24] And again, is what you said, like these days, we're not sure me. I'm the same. I have like an open crown, open, [00:41:30] open throat. I'm like, listen, guys, like, I am not sure. It could be, I think it's interesting to entertain the idea. You know, I love the race children. Like that sounds like only the name, like rock, like you did great with that name.

[00:41:41] You know, like, it's so

[00:41:42] Brandy: yeah. I think so

[00:41:43] Maike: You know, like, well, I guess the [00:41:45] race children, sure. Bring them in. Um, but I'm interested just to have you like, you know, so I'm open, I'm open to like, it could, it could not, like, I, I'm not attached, but I'd love for you to share your wisdom and your perspective and, and like how you see things.[00:42:00] 

[00:42:00] Brandy: well, thank you for asking and I think that like we already touched on it is This entire existence is a process of out of breath and in breath and out of breath and in breath if we look around everything is doing [00:42:15] that and so I'm a big fan of Where are we on the map because if we can find ourselves on the map we can surrender to where we are And so if we are looking at, let me talk about the map, the map is where we've been and where we're going.

[00:42:29] And that's what we're [00:42:30] talking about. And so where we've been, what we can see is the Neanderthal, the right brain, the following the movement of our body into places and spaces that are for us, not using our mind, like when we were cave people, we didn't say, Hey, Judy, pack up the [00:42:45] cave. The floods are coming.

[00:42:45] The meteorologist told us, no, we're We just knew in our bodies that we had to move and then we found ourselves on the top of the hill and then the water came and we said, holy shit, thank you gods. Because we still didn't trust ourselves. So we used to, we called it something else, [00:43:00] but thank you. Thank you. And then, and then we got our ability, our prefrontal cortex and our amygdala and our ability to compartmentalize and to take everything apart into math and to science and to art. And, and that was another breath. So maybe that was an in breath. Maybe [00:43:15] as Neanderthals, we were outbreaths and we lived here for millions of years like that.

[00:43:19] And now we are homo sapiens and we're in breathing the whole world and taking it apart into different pieces and places and things so that we can understand it. Not bad, wrong, or shameful. It's just time for that to end. [00:43:30] Um, what we notice is Neanderthal in breath lasted a lot longer than Homo sapien out breath.

[00:43:38] Um, and I think that speaks to the truth. This is kind of a higher concept, [00:43:45] but this speaks to the truth that the male follows the female. This speaks to the truth that the feminine is the longer breath. The masculine is the doing in the smaller breath, but the feminine gets to breathe and be in the void for a little while.

[00:43:58] So, if we [00:44:00] take that big picture. And we understand that this energy that animates your meat suit and my meat suit has never died, will never die. It just changes form from sunshine to chlorophyll in the plants to the mycelium in the ground to the [00:44:15] stomach of the animal to the waste back into the earth, back into the sun.

[00:44:19] It just keeps moving and moving and moving. So we, so a lot of the work I do with people is death is not a thing. It's just part of the process [00:44:30] of in breath and out breath. So once we, we are no longer afraid of death, then we can see it this way. We can see that this energy was Neanderthal, now is Homo sapien, and now what gets to happen?

[00:44:43] Well, if we look at the pattern of predictable [00:44:45] behavior is we're going to go into another outbreath. We're going to go into another time in which we don't use this neurology to do, but we use our biology to be and [00:45:00] to take in and to experience the world around us. And I think in the future, we'll go back to a left brain type of existence.

[00:45:07] But what I do believe. Just by watching and seeing we are softening. We are softening back into our feminine [00:45:15] expression. We, our men are doing everything is softening. Everything is softening. Our earth is softening is getting warmer. This is what happens when things get warm. They get soft. Everything is getting warmer, is getting softer, is falling [00:45:30] into itself.

[00:45:31] It is about introversion, is, is, it's about who am I? This last, uh, homo sapien years have been about who are you and how do you and me fit together? That's changing. It's going to be who is me [00:45:45] knowing, having faith like we did as Neanderthals, cause that's still in our blood too. Having the faith that, that. Just because we exist, what we need is also here because we exist. You know, the tree would never grow [00:46:00] here if it had to hold a sign that says we'll work for food. The tree would never be as beautiful if it, as it is, if it had to worry about a 401k and how it was going to feed itself when it got old. You know, it just would never be a fucking tree.

[00:46:13] And we are moving into [00:46:15] being a Micah, being a brandy and knowing that because I exist, everything that is for me also exists. And all my job is, is to align to my properness and that will be found. This is also [00:46:30] esoteric and abstract. Um, but I think we are going to be getting softer. We see it in our autistic children.

[00:46:37] We see it in our neurodivergent children. Uh, we see it in ourselves. I mean, some of us have also been diagnosed with these [00:46:45] maladies. Um, Um, I, I was diagnosed Asperger's for most of my life, but it's not, it is that I will speak to ship that needs to be spoken to. It's not, it's not a malady. It's not a disease.

[00:46:58] There's not something that's wrong with [00:47:00] me. I don't have to medicate myself. Um, so we can see that change. We can see the sensitivity. We can see the, we're no longer going to be able to. Have, I call it fake face, what you talked about when, you know, you can see somebody who's light, you can see somebody who's not so light, [00:47:15] and you can see somebody who's trying to pretend.

[00:47:17] We're not going to be able, we can't, I don't know if you know any autistic or neurodivergent

[00:47:21] Maike: Yeah. Yeah. I have 80. I have no, no, no, no. I have a DD. My daughter has been diagnosed with ADHD, but she has like, it's intense. Like [00:47:30] it's. It's, it's, it's a thing. It's a whole thing for

[00:47:34] Brandy: It is. And we get to be okay with it.

[00:47:38] Maike: Yeah. Yeah. No,

[00:47:39] Brandy: find ways to allow her energy to move from this, to that, to this, to that, and know that [00:47:45] finishing is not her fucking business.

[00:47:46] Maike: Yeah. No, no. Not, I mean, honestly, I'm, I, I feel like she chose us for a reason because I couldn't care less.

[00:47:55] Brandy: Oh,

[00:47:56] Maike: she wants to become a tech talk star, you know, like I could not like about [00:48:00] any like score, like I could not care less. I want her to be like, just like fearless and like expressing herself because I think those are the things that are important.

[00:48:09] And that's the things that she shows interest in,

[00:48:13] Brandy: And

[00:48:14] Maike: it, but it's

[00:48:14] Brandy: I see [00:48:15] in the future. That's what I see in the future. Go ahead,

[00:48:19] Maike: no, no, no, no. It's, it's so interesting because it's true, right? We see like, I actually, our neighbor has an autistic son, like it's everywhere. And it's so like, you know, blooming. And I'm [00:48:30] always like trying to figure out how do we manage being like having one foot in the old paradigm, but also just knowing that the new paradigm is there.

[00:48:38] Right. Because we are like this. Quote, unquote, a homeless and transistors. We are here to do the shift. We are here to like, live a bit in [00:48:45] both worlds. Um, and I find it so hard sometimes I find it hard to know, like, especially these structures. Like I, um, my daughter was born in Switzerland and my parents live in Switzerland.

[00:48:56] And in Switzerland we have like these little cantona, you call them. They're like [00:49:00] very small kind of like villages or small cities. And they were great because like, if the tax money. Everybody votes where the tax money goes. So it's like the new hospital, the street, and [00:49:15] like you get a letter at the end of whatever the quarter.

[00:49:18] And it's like, Oh, your tax money went to like repairing this street. And if somebody doesn't agree, like politicians are not allowed to live of like their salary, they have to have a job. So, [00:49:30] so it's really interesting. And I feel like, especially in the U S where like. You know, the, what is it called the

[00:49:37] Brandy: Our government.

[00:49:38] Maike: no, yeah, no, yeah, no, the government, but like the, um, the pieces of, oh my God, like [00:49:45] Wisconsin, New York.

[00:49:46] What,

[00:49:46] Brandy: Oh, the States.

[00:49:47] Maike: Exactly the states. Thank you

[00:49:48] Brandy: Mm-Hmm. . Mm-Hmm.

[00:49:49] Maike: so, you know, you have these huge states with so many people and it's so hard to govern because there is no interaction. It is just like too much, too big, too [00:50:00] everything. So, so I have no idea where I was going with this, but, uh, that's great.

[00:50:05] Brandy: But I think where you're going is this coming future that we get to allow for what I hear you saying and what the visual I got was, [00:50:15] uh, you know, the, those. Hedge rounded little communities with, like, 4 houses that all have, you know, gardens in the front of them. And this is their little place. And, and that is very indicative of the Penta.[00:50:30] 

[00:50:31] So, if we're looking at this abstract vision. Let's remember that all of the species of trees and animals and everything have been here much longer than us. And so they have already been through this process. They have already been through the process of [00:50:45] individuation. They have already been through the process of what we're moving into.

[00:50:49] I believe is finding our fractal alignment. So we, as human beings have been thinking that since we're human beings, we all need to be together. Well this is not the truth. If we look at all the plants in the [00:51:00] world, all the plants don't think that they must be together and then war over not being together.

[00:51:05] You know, the plants that live in the ocean live in the ocean because it's symbiotic in the ocean. The plants that live in the desert live in the desert because it's symbiotic in the desert. And they have, because they don't have this [00:51:15] neural ability to think that they know what's going on. They've just moved with their bodies into the correct environments and ecosystems that are built for them.

[00:51:23] And we, as humans, I believe are moving into that ability, but we first have to learn how to follow our bodies. We first have to learn [00:51:30] this cues and symbols that our physicality gives us to know what our fractal is. I think that racism and sexism and ableism and all of these separations that we have done.

[00:51:41] Are a, a, like you said, a [00:51:45] cue in our body. There is something there telling us to be separate, but it's not separate the way our minds think. It's separate. It's separate. In symbiosis, it's, you know, the ecosystems of the ocean. The people who belong in those ecosystems will, when they follow their individuated [00:52:00] expression, not thinking that they have to be in every fucking ecosystem, but allowing themselves to arrive in their ecosystem through the following of their body.

[00:52:09] That is where. the symbiosis comes in and maybe we won't, maybe we [00:52:15] won't do it. I think

[00:52:16] Maike: I love it.

[00:52:17] Brandy: I mean, the dinosaurs didn't do it

[00:52:19] Maike: Yeah, there you go. Um,

[00:52:21] Brandy: that 90 percent of the species that have, that have been alive on this earth are not here any longer. Like maybe we won't make it.[00:52:30] 

[00:52:31] Maike: so many theories that I find fascinating. I also find fascinating. Um, I recently read about like the earth just being intelligent and that a lot of like the heating up and like the catastrophes there actually, we don't know what the goal is, but the [00:52:45] earth is its own living, intelligent being. And so it's like, we've had, you know, like the planet has.

[00:52:52] Um, grown in heat, you know, a thousands of years before, like maybe it's, it's natural process of whatever. We don't understand what's [00:53:00] happening, you

[00:53:00] Brandy: is. I think it's in Right.

[00:53:02] Maike: exactly, and we're putting names on it and we're trying to figure out, and we're like, no, things are changing. This must be because like, but it's, it's interesting.

[00:53:09] Cause we really don't know. And one of the things that I love the most is this thing, right. Of like finally [00:53:15] having the capacity of being okay with just being who I am. And liking what I like and not judging what you like. And that not being like a thing that differentiates us. Right. And for me, the core element for this is like [00:53:30] digestion.

[00:53:30] Right. So, you know, I'll have, I'll have calm digestion. I have somebody who has buzzing digestion and I'm like, we can never date. Like, how is this ever going to work? Like, You always want to be in some loud ass place. And I just want to be like cool, quiet, like, you know, and it's, and it's [00:53:45] so funny and obviously like you can bargain and make compromises, but it's so interesting because for me digestion, because it is still such a core pillar of getting together and like, I grew up in Spain and like, Honestly, every, everything people do is eat together.

[00:53:57] Like there's no activities, nobody, yeah, [00:54:00] breaking bread. And so it's such a, like, um, yeah, it's just such a core element where it's just like really understanding, listen, who you are. And it's the same with environment, right? Like who you are and what works for you, or like even left, right brain for me. Like, that is like a great thing [00:54:15] where I'm like, I do not understand how you live your life.

[00:54:18] Like your life is my fucking nightmare, but kudos to you. And it's awesome. No, like I swear, like it's so hilarious because the father of my child, he is, um, Right. And I am [00:54:30] all left. And he's a two, not one for, for one. I don't even know, but right. It has a foreigner's profile. So he leaves the house and he'll be like, I'm gonna like, uh, I don't even know, bring packages to the post office.

[00:54:42] And then I'm going to meet for a friend. And I kid you not, [00:54:45] none of those things will ever happen. He will leave the house. He will meet somebody who will bring him to like the beach. Then he spends the day at the beach, goes to a barbecue because he met somebody and he arrives at like 2 AM. And he's like, Oh, I'm Had a great day today and I'm like, what?

[00:54:58] How does this happen? I, [00:55:00] I tell you, I put a package to the post office and I have a coffee. Nothing will detour my mission. Like, forget about like, no fucking, like, I don't care who I meet in between, who's inviting me to a barbecue. I will be like, no, I gotta put my packages and then I have to have coffee.[00:55:15] 

[00:55:15] And it's so funny because it gets like, we're, we've been separated, but it's like, So funny because if we go on vacation together and we do something to like, you know, for my daughter, for all of us to be together, I'm like, Oh my God, this is so exhausting to never know when we're going to eat, when we're going to do it, like, [00:55:30] how can you live this free, like the free lifestyle stresses me out

[00:55:33] Brandy: Yeah. Yeah.

[00:55:34] Maike: And it's such a, like, I feel it so strongly in my body that it just cracks me up because now I know it's not personal against me and it doesn't mean Right. And it doesn't mean anything about my own [00:55:45] experience, but our experiences are so like night and day. It's so funny. Like it's funny.

[00:55:51] Brandy: it's different movies. You guys are all in different movies. And how do these movies come together? You know, uh, I am in a relationship and when I first found [00:56:00] human design, I stopped relating. I, uh, became celibate. I stopped dating. I was just like, Oh shit, I got to figure this body out. And I am in a relationship now almost a year and he is left brain and I am right brain and we [00:56:15] laugh about this all of the time.

[00:56:17] We use our countertop as a, um, this metaphor because it has tiles on it and he is looking at the one tile and all he can see is the one fucking tile. And I'm like, but there's all these [00:56:30] tiles here. Like there's a whole countertop and I'm looking at the whole countertop. And so you got to know that that's my perspective is the whole countertop.

[00:56:36] If you want me to come to that tile, you got to really. bring me into that tile. And if I want him to come out to this big picture, I'm going to, I'm [00:56:45] going to have to talk about every tile individually until he sees the entire countertop. And so it's a, it's a really funny thing to learn how to do together.

[00:56:56] He's a manifesting generator with all motors and I'm a manifester with no [00:57:00] motors. And so it's a really fun when we know it's not personal. Oh, goodness.

[00:57:06] Maike: So good.

[00:57:07] Brandy: Oh,

[00:57:08] Maike: What a gift.

[00:57:09] Brandy: what a gift. But when it, when it is personal, this is what we found. And I'm so grateful to be [00:57:15] with a beloved who is as committed to his personal growth and understanding as I am.

[00:57:20] Uh, he is a 25 year human design experimenter and a teacher for human design America. So he's just right in this with me. And so we, when we [00:57:30] do get triggered, we have these words that we give to each other so that we can support each other in that, you know, my inner child is what you're dealing with right now.

[00:57:39] So we have little code words to where I'm like, Oh, he can see it in my face. And he's like, Oh, is this, [00:57:45] you know, hippopotamus? And I'm like a hippopotamus. And so then he turns into this caretaking, reminding me of my magnificence, encouraging me to follow my desires and to rest and to, because my inner child is the [00:58:00] one that's showing.

[00:58:00] And I don't have any capacity to access what I do know because I'm triggered and same back and forth. And we've been having this, you know, these relationships, they, we think that they're for bliss. But that's only an outcome, a [00:58:15] product of the work.

[00:58:17] Maike: Yeah,

[00:58:17] Brandy: Thank goodness we got orgasms in these relationships.

[00:58:21] Because if we didn't, we might not stay. Right,

[00:58:25] Maike: if there aren't any orgasms, I'm telling you that much.

[00:58:29] Brandy: [00:58:30] Exactly.

[00:58:30] Maike: No, that's like that. That is that. I mean, yeah, thanks God for like good chemistry and like

[00:58:35] Brandy: Yeah.

[00:58:36] Maike: that stuff. No, because it's the only, but I feel like this is the thing, right?

[00:58:39] Like we have the amount of chemistry that we have with somebody and this is fucked up, but [00:58:45] the amount of chemistry we have with somebody is the amount of triggeredness that we will get by that person. If we meet somebody and after three months, we're like, me, I'm not really interested. It's because they're not going to trigger your wounds enough for you to heal.

[00:58:56] So the more, and that's why a lot of like super [00:59:00] toxic relationships have the best sex ever, because it's like the biggest trigger. But sometimes it just, it's just like, it's too much for our like brain and like psych, you know, psychology to actually handle. Um, but it's so interesting because it's really true.

[00:59:13] And it's crazy that the [00:59:15] chemistry is so strong. You get addicted. This is this whole like chemical process. And your body's like, no, you're going to stick with this person. You're going to get the true. You're going to get so triggered, but also great orgasms. So you continue to get like, because our subconscious just wants to heal.

[00:59:29] And that's [00:59:30] crazy. Isn't that insane? And it's really just, it's a reflection of all aspects of life with the pain and the trigger and needing to walk through it. Yeah. And what happens then is that you get this incredible reward, which might be the orgasm, but it's just like further intimacy, further [00:59:45] connection, love, bliss.

[00:59:46] It's crazy.

[00:59:47] Brandy: hmm. Mm hmm.

[00:59:48] Maike: life is insane.

[00:59:50] Brandy: I want to invite you, if you'd like, to use the word evolve instead of heal. Every time you want to say heal, say

[00:59:56] Maike: love it.

[00:59:58] Brandy: The reason, well, you know the reason. [01:00:00] Because we're not broken. There's nothing to heal.

[01:00:02] Maike: Yes, exactly. That is another thing I think is very important that I continue to repeat. We are not broken. We're not broken. You're not broken.

[01:00:12] Brandy: We're just evolving.[01:00:15] 

[01:00:15] Maike: Brandy, thank you so much for your time, for your wisdom.

[01:00:19] Brandy: this was such a good chat. I'm really grateful to have met you

[01:00:22] Maike: Yes. Me too. Me too. Very much. So nice to dig, dig into it right away.

[01:00:28] Brandy: is. It is. That's the way I [01:00:30] do it.

[01:00:30] Maike: Yeah, I

[01:00:31] Brandy: Anytime you want to do it again, I'm

[01:00:32] Maike: Yeah. You're so sweet. Uh, where are you at right now? You're in the U S.

[01:00:37] Brandy: I am. I'm in New Mexico. Uh, I, I'd been a nomad for a little while and I've just finally settled here in New Mexico. There's a big human design [01:00:45] community

[01:00:45] Maike: I know. Is it like with Jonah and

[01:00:47] Brandy: Yeah. Oh, Jonah says hi, by the

[01:00:48] Maike: yeah. Oh, I love it. Oh

[01:00:50] Brandy: I called you.

[01:00:51] Maike: I like, I swear when I interviewed Jonah, I was just like, it's the best. It's so, I don't know why. Like, yeah, he's such a

[01:00:59] Brandy: everybody falls [01:01:00] in love with him. He is a five one and it doesn't matter, male or female. Everybody is smitten by Jonah Dempsey.

[01:01:06] Maike: no, no, but also like, no, honestly, like I discovered the high desert human design a couple of years ago. And that's also where I discovered you. And I was just like, [01:01:15] I love these people so much. Like I love what you guys are doing the way that you're doing it. I think it's. The cute, like, I just love the community.

[01:01:23] So maybe, maybe sometime I will be able to make it to like visit you

[01:01:27] Brandy: I would love that you would be [01:01:30] our guest. Yes.

[01:01:32] Maike: but really like I see you doing the parties and I'm like, Oh man, I want to be at like, I don't know what, what was it like human design after dark or whatever. And I'm like, damn, I'm missing that.

[01:01:41] You know,

[01:01:42] Brandy: yeah, yeah. It's really fun, [01:01:45] but it's a microcosm of the macrocosm because it's not like, you know, people come to human design communities and they think everything's going to be wonderful and that people are going to see them for who they are just because of the chart. Yeah,

[01:01:58] Maike: that's going on there. Like if [01:02:00] you knew the drama that I know that is happening there, it's

[01:02:02] Brandy: yeah, it's. It's just the way the world works. Yeah, no, no, we don't need to share drama, but it's just the world, you know, so human design isn't the pill. It isn't the

[01:02:11] Maike: No, you have to be a good human [01:02:15] person. Like when, like,

[01:02:16] Brandy: to, you've got to teach people how to love you, I say, just because there's these numbers on the chart doesn't mean that anybody else understands it.

[01:02:25] So I still have to tell my story. Sometimes people come to this community and they think, Oh, [01:02:30] I'm just going to be seen. It's going to be easy and it's going to be natural because, Oh, I'm a 24. You know me. Well, no, the fuck they don't. And they don't know your conditioning and they don't know what you bring along with that 24.

[01:02:40] And so, so just remembering that any human design community we enter into is just a [01:02:45] microcosm. And it's just, we just have a different language to use if we're brave enough to use it.

[01:02:49] Maike: Yeah. And, and they, you know, we're still human, you know, like I remember somebody was telling me like, oh, I went to this. We're not gonna like record this, but I'm just sharing somebody who was [01:03:00] like, yeah, I went to this human design high desert thing and somebody like people who didn't want to sleep with me in the same room or whatever, cause I'm emotional and they were like, oh, you emotional people.

[01:03:09] Like, I don't want to be near you. And I'm like, what? Like what's wrong with like, why are people [01:03:15] like hating on other people because of the like, I'm like, what, isn't this the, are we using human design to get closer? And you know, and it's like, Oh no, because you are blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, what for me?

[01:03:26] Because I'm like, for me, that was crazy. I'm like, I don't, I, [01:03:30] what? I

[01:03:31] Brandy: You know, what was crazy to me is that people didn't automatically become spiritually awoken when they knew their chart. I thought everybody did that. I thought it was like a woo for everybody. It's not, it's not,

[01:03:43] Maike: people get

[01:03:44] Brandy: And sometimes it's [01:03:45] weaponized. Yeah. Sometimes it's weaponized and that's okay too.

[01:03:48] That's part of the story.

[01:03:49] Maike: yeah, yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. Everybody has their own journey. Anyways, Brandy, it was such a pleasure. Thank you for your energy. Thank you so much for your wisdom. Can't wait to share this with everybody and, uh, and [01:04:00] send you so much love. Thank you for your time.

[01:04:01] Brandy: Thank you. Thank you. 

[01:04:02] Maike: a beautiful day. Bye Brandy.

[01:04:04] Brandy: Okay, you too. [01:04:15] [01:04:30] [01:04:45] [01:05:00]