Unleash Your Inner Radiance!

70: Embracing Authenticity: Unveiling Seven Life Lessons to Live Your True Self

May 30, 2024 Unleash Your Inner Radiance/ Lisa Dorn Season 1 Episode 70
70: Embracing Authenticity: Unveiling Seven Life Lessons to Live Your True Self
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Unleash Your Inner Radiance!
70: Embracing Authenticity: Unveiling Seven Life Lessons to Live Your True Self
May 30, 2024 Season 1 Episode 70
Unleash Your Inner Radiance/ Lisa Dorn

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What if you could live a life that genuinely reflects your core values and passions? In this enlightening episode of Unleash Your Inner Radiance, I, Lisa, your dedicated life wellness and transformation coach, reveal seven profound lessons from my three-year growth journey to help you embrace authenticity. You'll learn how to identify and honor your core values, celebrate your unique qualities, and practice radical honesty with yourself and others. These insights are designed to guide you towards a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

Moreover, we tackle the often challenging task of letting go of the need for external approval. By sharing my personal experiences and practical tips, I encourage you to stay true to yourself despite societal pressures. This episode is brimming with actionable advice to help you navigate the path to authenticity, ensuring that your decisions align with your true self. So, grab your favorite beverage, settle into a comfy spot, and join me on this transformative journey to unleash your inner radiance.

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What if you could live a life that genuinely reflects your core values and passions? In this enlightening episode of Unleash Your Inner Radiance, I, Lisa, your dedicated life wellness and transformation coach, reveal seven profound lessons from my three-year growth journey to help you embrace authenticity. You'll learn how to identify and honor your core values, celebrate your unique qualities, and practice radical honesty with yourself and others. These insights are designed to guide you towards a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

Moreover, we tackle the often challenging task of letting go of the need for external approval. By sharing my personal experiences and practical tips, I encourage you to stay true to yourself despite societal pressures. This episode is brimming with actionable advice to help you navigate the path to authenticity, ensuring that your decisions align with your true self. So, grab your favorite beverage, settle into a comfy spot, and join me on this transformative journey to unleash your inner radiance.

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OOLA Found ME - FREE Life Balance Assessment: www.changeyourlifewithlisa.com

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to Unleash your Inner Radiance, the podcast where we explore how to live balanced, purposeful and a fulfilling life. I'm your host, Lisa, your life wellness and transformation coach, digital marketer and owner of Change your Life with Lisa Coaching. Today we are diving deep into a topic that is kind of close to my heart authenticity and I know that I say a lot of things are close to my heart. Authenticity, and I know that I say a lot of things are close to my heart. But you know what, on my three-year growth journey that I have really really deep dived into this is one of the main things. So find your comfy chair and a hot cup of coffee or tea and let's get started.

Speaker 1:

Living authentically is about being your true self, embracing who you are at the core and living your life in a way that reflects your true self. So it's finding your values and really stepping into those. And if you live authentically, it really doesn't matter what other people think. Because you are being your true self, you are not pretending to be who they want you to be. So if you lose them, because you are actually standing and grounding yourself and saying I am going to live by my values, not theirs, and I'm going to be me, and if they're going to like me, they're going to like me. If they're not, you know they weren't meant to be your friend. So, because when you're authentic, you are living your very best self, and that's what we all strive for right? So let's get started. I kind of have like seven lessons today I'm going to do this a little bit different Seven lessons about authenticity and some practical tips on how to embrace it in our daily lives. So lesson one understand your core values.

Speaker 1:

The first step to living authentically is really sitting down and figuring out what your core values are and understanding why they are your core values. You just it's a really smart thing to just meditate and think what am I about? What values are so incredibly important to me? Because these are the principles that guide our decisions and our actions. They are really truly the foundation of who you are. So I I want you guys all to take some time to reflect on what truly matters to you.

Speaker 1:

Write it down. Write down your top five core values. What five things are really truly, truly who you are? This could be things like honesty, compassion, creativity or family. Keep this list somewhere where it's visible, to remind you and remind yourself what is truly important to you. What is truly important to you, let's talk about listen to. Let's talk about embracing your unique qualities, because everybody's unique and you have to remember that it's okay to be you. Each of us has unique qualities that makes us who we are. We need to embrace these traits, even if they make you different from others. Celebrate your uniqueness by writing down like three or four things that make you special, Whether it's a quick sense of humor, a unique talent or a particular passion. What are you passionate about? Acknowledge and appreciate these aspects of yourself.

Speaker 1:

Lesson three be honest with yourself and others. Of course, Authenticity requires a very deep level of honesty, because it's really important that in all of this, you are true to yourself and you are honest with yourself and you hold yourself to the highest integrity. To the highest integrity, this means being truthful with yourself about your feelings, desires and limitations, and being honest with others. Practice what you can do is you can practice reflection and journaling so that you can really get in touch with your feelings, Because no one else is going to read it, but you but get a journal and, if you're going to start this process, really write down everything Because it's for you. And then you can go back in 3, 6, 12 months and read it and go, wow, look at how much I've grown. It's how you're going to get in touch with your really deep down, true feelings. And, when interacting with others, aim to communicate openly and honestly, even if it's difficult.

Speaker 1:

Lesson four, my favorite let go of the need for approval. That is my new favorite. Seeking approval from others can lead you in a way that takes you so incredibly far away from your authentic self. Instead, I want you to truly focus on who you are, even when you're interacting with other people and you know what. Don't care what they think they're following you, it doesn't matter. Just do you right. So the next time you catch yourself seeking validation from others, pause and ask yourself am I doing this because it's true to me or because I want approval? It's true to me or because I want approval? Gradually, practice making decisions based on your own feelings and desires, your gut feeling. Listen to that.

Speaker 1:

Lesson five embrace vulnerability. Authenticity involves vulnerability. It does when you're living your own. It's about showing up as you are right, All your flaws, everything, all of you. Start small by sharing something personal with someone that you trust it could be. Fear, dream a mistake you made. Notice how this act of vulnerability deepens your connection and strengthens your sense of authenticity. And strengthens your sense of authenticity.

Speaker 1:

Lesson six setting boundaries. This is something I should have learned a long, long, long, long, long, long time ago, Um, but I didn't. So setting boundaries, being authentic, means respecting your own limits and setting boundaries to protect your well-being, and I know we don't always do that and we don't always think about that. But if we're not living our authentic self, we kind of have a problem, because then you always have to pretend who you are around everybody else, and that is not being, it's not holding yourself to the highest integrity, it's not living who you are, and so isn't. Wouldn't it be easier just to, hey, this is who I am, and if you like me, you like me. If you don't, you don't, and that is the way we all. You're not being mean, You're just living your own true values and you're being authentic to yourself and you're setting boundaries right. So I want you to identify areas in your life where you feel overextended or uncomfortable, Practice saying no to requests or situations that really, truly don't align with your values or your well-being, and remember, setting boundaries is a form of respect.

Speaker 1:

Lesson seven continuously evolve. Authenticity is not a destination. It is like a continuous journey because you, as you grow, and on this journey, your values are going to remain the same, but they're going to change a little bit. So you're going to become who you are, right, You're going to start living who you actually are, Because as you will grow and evolve, so will your understanding of who your authentic self is. So make a habit of regularly checking in with yourself. Reflect on your values, your goals, what feels true to you at different stages of your life. Allow yourself to change and grow without judgment.

Speaker 1:

Now practical steps to living authentically. Now that we have covered these lessons, here are some practical steps you can take to live more authentically every single day. 1. Daily Reflection Spend a few minutes each day reflecting on your actions and your choices. Ask yourself if they align with your core values. 2. Mindfulness Practice Ask yourself if they align with your core values.

Speaker 1:

Two mindfulness practice this is so important. Incorporate a mindfulness practice, like meditation or deep breathing, to stay present and connected to your true self. Three authentic connections. Three authentic connections Surround yourself with people who encourage and accept who you are and they accept you as you are. Authentic relationships foster authenticity in yourself. Four creative expression. That is something I am definitely working on. Find a form of creative expression that resonates with you, whether it's writing, painting, dancing or cooking. Just engage in in creative activities that they help you connect with your authentic self. They help you find out who you truly are.

Speaker 1:

Five self-care Prioritizing self-care practices that nourish your body, your mind and your spirit. When you take care of yourself, you are better able to show up authentically in the world. You are better able to show up better for all the people in your life your family, your kids, yourself. Living authentically is a powerful way to unleash your inner radiance. It's about embracing who you are, being true to your values and continuously evolving and growing. Remember that authenticity is a journey, not a destination, that authenticity is a journey, not a destination. Be patient and compassionate with yourself as you navigate this path. Thank you, so incredibly, for joining me on Unleash your Interradiance today. If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to subscribe, leave a review and share it with somebody who might benefit from it. Until next time, keep shining and stay true to yourself.