Unleash Your Inner Radiance!

Unlocking Inner Power: Embracing Self-Love and Abundant Living with Randi Halaway

June 20, 2024 Unleash Your Inner Radiance/ Lisa Dorn Season 1 Episode 76
Unlocking Inner Power: Embracing Self-Love and Abundant Living with Randi Halaway
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Unlocking Inner Power: Embracing Self-Love and Abundant Living with Randi Halaway
Jun 20, 2024 Season 1 Episode 76
Unleash Your Inner Radiance/ Lisa Dorn

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Ready to unlock your inner power and live more abundantly? Join us for an inspiring conversation with Randi Halaway, a self-love and business coach who left a successful 17-year career as a hairstylist and salon owner to follow her passion for empowering women. Randi's journey began with a natural inclination toward coaching, influenced by her coach and author father, and was further honed by mentoring her salon employees. Discover the pivotal moment that led her to fully embrace her true calling and the challenges she overcame to align with her passions.

We delve deep into the transformative power of inner healing. Randi shares how overcoming limiting beliefs and fostering a loving relationship with oneself can lead to profound personal growth. Listen to the touching story of a client who found true peace and self-love through Randi's guidance. The discussion emphasizes viewing challenges as growth opportunities and how changing our internal dialogue can cultivate a life of freedom and inner peace. The power of a strong inner relationship reflecting positively on the outer world cannot be overstated.

Embrace self-love and personal growth by incorporating daily practices into your routine. Randi reveals how dedicating just ten minutes each morning to journaling, meditation, and setting daily intentions can significantly impact your life. Learn about the positive effects of slowing down, being present, and seeking support through mentors or accountability partners. Don't miss Randi's upcoming free masterclass, offering invaluable insights and resources to further your journey of self-love and empowerment. Connect with Randi via Instagram or email, and explore the wealth of free resources on her website for ongoing support and inspiration.

As I mentioned, I’m hosting my signature free workshop on June 24th at 5pm PST
The Illuminated YOU Workshop!


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Ready to unlock your inner power and live more abundantly? Join us for an inspiring conversation with Randi Halaway, a self-love and business coach who left a successful 17-year career as a hairstylist and salon owner to follow her passion for empowering women. Randi's journey began with a natural inclination toward coaching, influenced by her coach and author father, and was further honed by mentoring her salon employees. Discover the pivotal moment that led her to fully embrace her true calling and the challenges she overcame to align with her passions.

We delve deep into the transformative power of inner healing. Randi shares how overcoming limiting beliefs and fostering a loving relationship with oneself can lead to profound personal growth. Listen to the touching story of a client who found true peace and self-love through Randi's guidance. The discussion emphasizes viewing challenges as growth opportunities and how changing our internal dialogue can cultivate a life of freedom and inner peace. The power of a strong inner relationship reflecting positively on the outer world cannot be overstated.

Embrace self-love and personal growth by incorporating daily practices into your routine. Randi reveals how dedicating just ten minutes each morning to journaling, meditation, and setting daily intentions can significantly impact your life. Learn about the positive effects of slowing down, being present, and seeking support through mentors or accountability partners. Don't miss Randi's upcoming free masterclass, offering invaluable insights and resources to further your journey of self-love and empowerment. Connect with Randi via Instagram or email, and explore the wealth of free resources on her website for ongoing support and inspiration.

As I mentioned, I’m hosting my signature free workshop on June 24th at 5pm PST
The Illuminated YOU Workshop!


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Podcast Like A Mother Creation Course

OOLA Found ME - FREE Life Balance Assessment: www.changeyourlifewithlisa.com

Speaker 1:

All right, hi. Welcome to Unleash your Inner Radiance. I have a special guest with us today Randy Halloway. She is a self-love and business coach. Randy is a self-love and business coach for women who are ready to step into their highest level of mastery and claim more freedom, abundance and fulfillment in their lives. She has been a successful entrepreneur since 2001 and is grateful for the vast array of experiences that have shaped her into the person who she is today. Her background includes a successful 17-year career as a hairstylist, owning and managing a salon in downtown San Diego for over five years, which she sold in 2017.

Speaker 1:

In 2016, randi has been coaching and supporting women like you to create, implement and key strategies and organization within their business and their lives. She is here to help you remember who you truly are by breaking through the limiting beliefs and blocks that keep you playing small, and to help you claim your power. She is on a mission to help love yourself fully. Please grab your cup of coffee and get comfortable and let's start a conversation with Randy. Hello, and thank you so incredibly much for being on the podcast today. It is such an honor.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much for having me. It's so great to be here.

Speaker 1:

So let's start off with your journey from being a successful hairstylist and salon owner to who you are now. I know you do a lot of coaching when people are in your seat, but how did you make the transformation from owner to self-love business coach for women who are truly inspiring, and can you share probably a pivotal moment or experience that led you to embrace coaching and helping others to discover their inner power?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely, it's a great question. So I've actually been in the coaching space my whole life. My dad's a coach and teacher and trainer and author, so I grew up going to seminars and reading these books and being in coaching and all those types of things. So it was kind of like probably always like on the shelf somewhere over here. I knew it was going to happen. I started doing hair when I was 20 years old and I built my business pretty fast doing that and was like naturally starting to coach and therapize people that I was doing their hair. And then I opened my salon in 2012 in downtown San Diego and I started really naturally creating coaching programs for all of my employees where I would meet with them once a week and we would sit down and I would talk to them. You know a lot about their numbers and like how they were growing their business, how they were doing their client experience, all those types of things. But what I realized is that I was always coming back to what was going on with them personally and how are they treating themselves? What kind of relationship did they have with themselves? How could they love themselves more these types of things.

Speaker 2:

So, probably about three or four years into owning the salon, which I was very passionate about. I loved doing hair, I loved that career and I loved owning passionate about. I loved doing hair, I loved that career and I loved owning the salon. I loved, like, creating and building and leading and helping people grow. But at some point I was I checked in and I was like, what am I like the most passionate about? I realized I wasn't as passionate about doing hair anymore and I realized what it was is really helping women remember who they are, have more love for themselves, make themselves more of a priority, take care of themselves more, connect more to their heart so they could create more from that place in their life, whether that was business or finances or relationships.

Speaker 2:

I also realized that, like with my clients and my employees, I was kind of a little bit chasing them around, like they wanted my advice but there was no accountability because we didn't have an agreement, right? So it'd be like Randy, what do you think? And I would say it. And then they'd be like okay, maybe I'll take it, maybe I won't, right? So I was like, what would it be like if I had people who, like, were asking me for help, they were paying me. They were, and I was like that's?

Speaker 2:

When I knew I was like, okay, this is what I want to do, decided to sell my salon. And I was actually. I had a business coach at the time and she told me you know, you're not going to make any money on this, randy, the market's not good, it's not profitable, all these things. And I was like okay. I just kind of was like, you know, I know what I created here, I know how magical this space is, but I got really clear on what it was that I wanted. I wanted this to, you know, continue on as part of my legacy. And I attracted two young, young women who honestly gave me close to asking price within two months. We had that deal going within another month and they took the baton and went off with the salon and took it to great places and I then started my coaching practice. So that's kind of how that trend is, that transition started and like how I was, you know, like sort of pulled into doing coaching full time.

Speaker 1:

That's kind of a cool story. I mean it's like I know, because I know my stylist listens to me, so that is a really great, great way to get involved in coaching. So breaking through limiting beliefs, like you were talking about, you were trying to help your staff and stuff. I know it's a core aspect of your coaching. What is one of the most challenging limiting beliefs that you had to overcome in your own life and how did you navigate that journey towards self empowerment?

Speaker 2:

Well, I think that we all have limiting beliefs, and what I've learned in my journey is that, you know, we kind of have two sides. We have our ego, that part of us that's like coming from our lack, fear, chaos, which is where the limiting beliefs come from right. So some could be I'm not good enough, I'm not good enough for love, I'm not worthy of love, I'm not good enough to have the life that I desire. If I quit my job and start my own business, I'm going to fail. If I ask that person out, they're going to reject me. What if people judge me? These are all limiting beliefs. What if I'm rejected? What if I fail? What if I'm not enough? What if I'm alone? These are all limiting beliefs that I believe we all have, that we get to face. But, on the other hand, over here, I believe we have our heart, our power and intuition, and so I think part of this journey was for me too is putting light on the things that were scary. So was for me too is like putting light on the things that were scary. So when I opened my salon, I didn't really know what I was doing. I didn't have a lot of money. Everyone thought I was crazy for doing it, but I just I saw the fear, but I also was like I could also feel my heart pulling me, and so I trusted my heart and would just walk myself through, like this is just a belief, right.

Speaker 2:

And through that process I learned so much about myself, owning the salon for five and a half years, like there's no education that you can pay for to get that kind of growth. But being in the trenches, right. Like learning how to navigate these challenges and learning how to be a leader and you know, putting all these different hats on, like I'm an electrician, I'm a plumber and I'm doing all of these things Right. So I became really good at navigating and responding and solving problems and leading. The more that I did that, the more that I connected to myself, I started to become again just more aware of what were these beliefs. Same thing when I sold the salon what if I regretted it? What if it was the biggest mistake? Right. But again, I had to follow my heart, that coaching was calling me, that that was the deeper calling.

Speaker 2:

And so it's a process of of, I think, being ready for this, uh, for people, and then being able to like, be, like, okay, what is blocking me? What are the thoughts, what are the beliefs that are coming up that are blocking me? And the next question would be are they really true? Just because it doesn't call me back, just because the business didn't work out the way I thought and I'm air quoting does that mean I'm a failure? Does that mean I'm rejected, or is it just a feeling, or is it just a part of life? So now you start to kind of like massage it a little bit and soften it, and this is where we fall more back into our power, more back into our truth, more back into that empowered version of us where we remember that, whatever it is that we're doing, we're either winning or we're learning, and it's safe for us to take chances, it's safe for us to jump off and see what happens, because if it doesn't go so-called our way again I'm air quoting, more the mind's way, like then it goes the way it's supposed to go and you end up learning Everything that's happening is happening for us. So that's kind of how I started navigating, at least at that time, those bigger shifts, those bigger changes in my life.

Speaker 1:

That is a great, great way to think about it, because we do. We suffer so much from limiting beliefs and I just I had some this morning. So it's like we really do and I don't know. We need to learn to just step into it. And I spent a lot of years not listening to my intuition and not following my heart. You just kind of look back and go, wow, those were lessons that put me here, not sentences that kept me me hear, not sentences that kept me. So that was a a big awakening for me when I decided to go into this direction. But it is a fun direction and I get to meet so many new people coaching and I get to meet so many new people on this podcast that it's just really a lot of fun.

Speaker 1:

What do I want to say? So you've helped a lot of women achieve freedom, abundance, fulfillment. Can you recall a particularly transformative story of one of your clients that really deeply touched your heart and reinforced the direction and your mission and all the amazing programs that you have and things that you have, which I absolutely love? Thank you?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's a good question. I think it's a big question because there's a lot of things that I could say. I've been doing this for a long time in light of like outward results, like people manifesting relationships, people finding their purpose, life, starting a business, growing a business, becoming financially secure, like leaving a corporate job and creating a business that supports them, navigating health issues and coming out on the other side. So there's a lot of examples I could give that are outward results, which are beautiful, but the things that have touched my heart the most and that have become the most fulfilling is when someone sends me a message or shares. You know how I have changed their life having more to do with their inner world, having more to do with how they feel about themselves, that they finally have some love for themselves, that they finally are making themselves a priority, that they finally have freedom from anxiety, that they finally have a feeling of peace with inside of themselves, that they are finally more connected to their intuition and they're starting to trust themselves. I would say one of the most fulfilling moments was when a client she actually came to me and said you know, randy, there's been so many things that have happened outwardly, but what I realized is like it's not about that, it's about how you feel inwardly, and that that has changed my life forever, because this is something that when you heal inwardly that cannot be taken away. Right, the relationship you have with yourself is the only relationship you will ever have that can never be taken away. It's the only thing in life that can never be taken away. It's the only thing in life that can never be taken away, and it's the most freeing, most beautiful thing, and so I would say that's what really matters to me.

Speaker 2:

So, again, I help a lot of people in their life outwardly, attract things that they want, but my foundation always comes back to what's the relationship with you, because I believe everything is a reflection.

Speaker 2:

So everything that's going on in your outer world is a reflection of what's going on in your inner world. And the more we take time to clean up our inner world, to learn how to show up for ourselves, to make ourselves a priority, to love ourselves, to process those uncomfortable feelings and those old traumas and patterns and come back into our power, into our heart, that will then reflect in all other areas of your life. That's where true happiness comes from, not because you have it all figured out outwardly. The outward world can change at any time. We can't control their people, we can't control their circumstances, but we can control how we feel here that, no matter what's going on outwardly, I've got me inwardly and I think that is by far the most freeing feeling that I know I've ever experienced and that I've witnessed with my clients. But I think that any human can ever experience.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that interpersonal struggle is really tough. I mean it's like we talk bad to ourselves all the time and we don't love ourselves and we say stuff to ourselves that we wouldn't say to anyone else. But I just wish people would realize that and I'm still in the process of going through that, it's my journey too. But if we didn't have the interpersonal turmoil we could live by ourselves because we would love ourselves. We don't need all the external stuff, we just need to love ourselves. And and you're right, if we're going through turmoil, we're going through turmoil that is portrayed out and you just don't. You don't realize the effect you're having on everything else in your life because of what you're going through in your own heart.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I do think, too, like the outer things are there to help us grow right, like if it wasn't for that challenging ex-boyfriend or girlfriend or partner, if it wasn't for losing that job or having that health issue or losing that money or getting that flat tire or whatever the challenge is Right, we wouldn't have something to look at with inside of ourselves in order to heal.

Speaker 2:

So that's what I believe really helps us. And going back to what we said at the beginning, like everything is happening for us, I believe really helps us. And going back to what we said at the beginning, like everything is happening for us, it's just whether or not your mind is attached to meaning, which usually when we get snagged, is like, oh, something bad happened. It's like, well, why is it bad? It's only bad Mind has fooled us. It's bad. It's bad to feel rejected. It's bad to feel like a failure. It's bad to feel alone. It's bad to have something go wrong.

Speaker 2:

Again, I'm air quoting. Right, that's only because we've given it that meaning. What if it didn't have to mean anything? What if it was just a natural human emotion? Failure, rejection alone, not good enough, like disappointed. What if those are just emotions?

Speaker 2:

And the more you learn how to pull the meaning out of those and just learn how to feel and process that is you showing up for you. Because again, the world is going to world, right, right. So what I like to teach people is how to coach themselves, how to come back to themselves and learn how to navigate inevitable challenge, inevitable uncomfort that comes up. So now it's just like oh, that happened, okay, what do I need? Oh, that happened, okay, what do I need? And now you're more in flow, you're more in response, you're more in problem solving, versus, again, when it's the ego, it's a little bit more victim. This happened to me. All these things are, you know, happening to me and it's like or they're happening for you. So you're kind of either again, you're in your ego and creating from that place, and you're coming more from a victim, or you're in your heart, your power, and you're coming more from Victor. What I always like to say is again, you're creating in every moment.

Speaker 2:

All humans are. We usually forget this is a big one, right, whether we realize it or not, even if we're not talking, we're energetic beings. So we're creating and you're either creating from this egoic, victim, lack mentality place, which means you have more of those results. You're creating more from your heart, your power, your intuition, which means you get more of those results. So we all have an ego, we all have a heart, we all have an intuition. It's just learning how to navigate and create the intention to be in your heart more often. That's why my mission is so much around helping as many people become as more heart-centered is because I believe that's what's going to help people a have more happiness and love in their life, but that's also what's going to help heal the planet, because that's what we need is more love.

Speaker 1:

Yes, we do way, way more love on this planet, that is for sure. But I totally agree because I truly believe that self-love is a profound journey that we all struggle with and we don't understand that if we just went on that self-love journey and we really cared about us, that it would improve everything and it's and I still struggle with that because I still have that kind of problem, problems, but I struggle with finding, finding time for self-love and trying to figure out how it's supposed to look. Yeah, so what? What are some steps that you direct your clients through to embark on, setting goals towards achieving this magical path of self-discovery?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely Great question. So I think the first thing is is it has to be a choice that we make right? It's a choice that you want to have a better relationship with yourself, and what I've noticed with people is either in myself included because this is a journey, it's a lifestyle like we're all self-included, and it's like either something kind of traumatic or big happens that happened to me.

Speaker 2:

I was actually married and divorced for um within four months in my mid thirties and that was my second marriage and that was a big pivotal moment for me in my life of like, wow, this is time to really start making a decision here.

Speaker 2:

So I want to be more committed to running from my fears and being more of a victim and attracting more of this, or do I want to, like, start being responsible for myself and start showing up for me so I can have different results? And that's what changed everything. That process is what that time is, where I created a process that now I teach other people. So, even though that was really a long time, I now look at it as an opportunity, because it helped me crack open my heart. It helped me discern within myself, and I committed to this journey about 20 years ago, but truly. But this was a deeper level of commitment, of going deeper with myself, and I think it was a discernment because of something that happened in my life. So I feel like usually with people, it's either something big happens in your life and enough's enough. You're just tired of hitting the same wall, the same person, the same unavailable situation, the same painful thing, right, whatever the thing is, or you're looking around and you're noticing other people are kind of different and they're shinier and they're brighter, and you're like, wait a second, what's going on? I want some of that, right, it can be one or the other, and you're just ready. So this comes down to a choice. If you wanted, this work isn't for the week. I say this often like it takes time, it takes discipline, it takes commitment. It can become so fun once you're in it, but it's a decision. It's a decision that you have to make Like are you ready to start showing up for you and start choosing you? So that's step one. It doesn't have to be like a hundred percent, but is this like the start of that? That's a good, that's a good thing. That's the first piece. And then it's like just start slow, start a morning ritual. So what I teach people as foundational tools journal journaling is one of the most powerful tools I have ever used and I have very specific process that I take people through in my deeper, one-on-one coaching. I have a monthly membership that I provide a lot of journal prompts and affirmations and mantras and meditations and things like that and holding that accountability for people. Because what happens is a lot of times people are like, okay, I want this, but then like how? Like you said, how do I stay committed to it? So again, it's the choice, it's having the tools. So make the choice and you can make it right now. The thing is, you're so powerful, you, everybody listening, and if you feel like you've given your power away. The cool thing is it's your power and you can take it back whenever you want, even in this moment. Today's the day, I'm going to choose to start loving myself. You might fall off again, but you can choose again.

Speaker 2:

Step one, right. Step two start to journal Journal five minutes a day. You can ask yourself what am I feeling? Just get it out, what are you feeling? And then ask yourself what is true? What is really true about what I'm feeling? Am I really a victim? Was this really personal? Oh no, it wasn't Right.

Speaker 2:

Do a meditation. I have free journal prompts in the link in my bio. I have a free three-minute meditation in the link in my bio. There's tons of resources, there's tons of apps out there, but that's eight minutes in the morning. Five minutes of journaling and meditation, and then take those next two minutes and set an intention for your day.

Speaker 2:

How do you want to show up? How do you want to feel? How do you want to impact people? Right, and then from there, I highly suggest having a container, having support If you don't have a coach or a mentor or a group or a membership or something to hold you accountable, an accountability partner.

Speaker 2:

I don't believe we're meant to do this work alone. There's no way I would be who I am where I am feel, the way that I do today, if it wasn't for all of the mentors, all of the programs, all of the containers of accountability that I have put myself in. So we have to set ourselves up for success too. It's like, if you really want to do this, put yourself in good situations, like connect with people, other people that are doing this again, get a mentor coach and then just dedicate yourself again. It's 10 minutes a day, five 10 minutes a day and then just do it consistently. Be easy on yourself. If you fall off, come back to it, but I'm telling you, you do this consistently, especially in the morning. You just watch what starts to happen next in your life.

Speaker 1:

That is such a true thing to have a strong morning ritual.

Speaker 1:

And I know I've fallen off of mine, but when I had my strong and I'm getting back into it but when I had my strong morning ritual, even though it took, you know, between exercising and everything, it was, you know, a good hour, hour and a half Life was so different and it just it really truly is amazing, is amazing. I think I just need to I personally need to rearrange mine, because the whole excitement about getting up in the morning, for some reason, getting thinking of getting up and going on the treadmill is just like, but but just setting up one in exactly there's no rhyme or reason why you have to do it. To do it, but just to do it. And I, yeah, I did it for a year and I don't know why oh, I fell off because we got in a car accident but for a whole year and it was just like, yes, it was like I'd get, I was excited to get up at five o'clock in the morning and it just was a totally different experience. So, yeah, I need to get back into that.

Speaker 2:

It's an act of choosing you, of self-love, all those things. The more you do that, the more you're going to be in that energy, and the more you're in that energy, the more you're going to actually start to love yourself. You might not feel it at first, but I'm telling you, be consistent over time and you will. And that's when things start to get fun, because then you're like, oh my gosh, I've been amazing this whole time. I've been worthy this whole time. I've been like beautiful this whole time inside and out. I've been safe and supported this whole time. Like wow, and now it's like a whole new sort of viewpoint on life. And that's when things get to become more fun become more fun?

Speaker 1:

Right, exactly. What is one system or process that you implemented that was a total game changer for you? Was it your morning or was it something else?

Speaker 2:

I would say the main thing was my morning routine and being concerned. I started journaling every day, meditating every day, setting an intention every day for consistently over time, and that changed everything. Now, from there, I started to open up my gifts more. My heart started opening up, more my intuition started opening. That's how I started handling coaching programs and I channeled a process now that I teach people on how to process trauma and challenge and triggers. So we all have purpose and intuition inside of us. It's just are you slowing down enough to receive it Right and partly removing the blocks that are blocking it.

Speaker 2:

And the mind is like I don't have time for this, I don't have time for this, I don't have time for this. This might be the thing that you want to make time for, because your mind's going to be like the list, the list, the outward, the outward. But where are those outward things getting you? Usually on a hill or going around and around in nowheresville. What this does is it helps you slow down, get into your body, get into your power, connect to your intuition so that you even know if you're creating the thing that you even want in the first place.

Speaker 2:

Or most of the time, with my clients, I'll look at their to-do list and I'm like half of that can go, half of that is chaos, it's not even necessary. And when you're in your power, you're like oh yeah, I don't need that. Oh, I don't need that. That was just a chaotic pattern to keep me busy, right, yes, so it's remembering that it's safe to slow down, it's safe to be in your body, it's safe to be present, and that tool helped me realize that Over time, I was like okay, I can sit here, I can breathe, I can go a billion miles per hour, because then I'm not in my body and I don't even remember what I'm doing. This is how we get ourselves in trouble, how we create more.

Speaker 1:

That's how you start scrolling.

Speaker 2:

How I got here. I don't remember what I was saying. I don't remember if I offended you, because, remember, if you want to be in your power, you have to be present.

Speaker 1:

You do.

Speaker 2:

If your ego is around and doing your limiting belief thing and your story thing like you can't be present. They don't, they can't exist at the same time. So if you really want a life of presence and fulfillment and love and joy and power and magic and intuition, you have to practice presence and that's what self-care does. A morning routine gets you in your body and if we do it consistently over time you will be more in your body, which means you get to have more of those results, more of those magical, intuitive, heart-centered results.

Speaker 1:

When you bring back that energy, too, just by bringing yourself down to the piece. Absolutely so. Is there anything that you have not shared with us yet today, that you would like to share with us?

Speaker 2:

I would just say that you know, for anybody who is feeling like they're stuck in their life, anyone who's feeling like they're don't have a choice that they're backed into a corner. I would just say remember that you have free will at any moment. You always have a choice. If your mind is convincing you that you're stuck, it's just because the ego is creating a story and a limiting belief to keep you small, to keep you back to that corner. You don't want to be in there anymore. All you have to do is take a deep breath and choose to get up and get out. Remember that it's your power that you've given away.

Speaker 2:

If you're in that corner, you can take it back in a moment and just start to choose you, and that will be the path that I promise will change your life. And again, from my perspective, there is nothing more productive, more important, more effective than this work. And if it's something that you want, then again I highly encourage you to start to make those choices to choose you, get up, love you, make you the priority, ask what else is possible, look for an accountability partner, look for a group, look for a mentor whatever that is to help support you along the way, so you don't have to do it alone, because we're not meant to do this stuff alone. Yes, we let go of needing all these things to survive, but we can also receive support and community and love and all of those beautiful things, because we're meant to have that as well perfect, absolutely perfect, and it's so true.

Speaker 1:

so you have freebies and you have a program coming up. I would love for you to share all that information, and then I will put everything in the show notes so that everybody can just click away and get it all Sounds good.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely so. The best way to find me is everything across the board is Randy Holloway. My website is randyhallowaycom. My Instagram is at Randy Halloway, facebook, TikTok, all those things. In my bio on Instagram and on my website you can find a lot of different freebies. I actually have, like I said, the journal prompts. I have a free meditation. I have some dating guides as well.

Speaker 2:

I have a dating with intention program where you can just date with more intention, and then I have a free workshop that's coming up on June 24th at 5 pm PST. It's 90 minutes virtual, it's completely free, and I'm going to walk everybody through a process on learning how to actually let go of some of these limiting beliefs that we were just talking about, some of those beliefs that are blocking us. You can step into that next level version of you with more confidence. So imagine waking up feeling more confident in your life, right? I'm also going to walk everyone through a process of connecting more to your intuition so you can gain clarity on what it is that you truly want in your life. A lot of times, I ask people if anything was possible what do you want? And sometimes it's challenging for them to answer, because we're not as connected to our heart. So I'm going to help you part of your heart so you can get clarity on what it is that you actually want in your life. And then we're going to do an exercise to activate the power of manifestation and I'm going to help you create clear goals and intentions for the rest of 2024. It's kind of wild. We're already halfway through the year and so the whole container here is like let's walk into the rest of 2024 with power, confidence and intention. So we're going to have a ton of fun.

Speaker 2:

I do free prizes, all of that. It's really fun if you come live. If, for some reason, you're not able to make it live, you can still register and we'll send you the replay. But that's going to be an amazing event that anyone who is listening prior to that date can come to. The link will be in there Would love for you guys to attend. If you have any questions, you can also feel free to reach out to me on Instagram or you can email me. Everything's randy at randyhallowaycom. And again, if you're listening to this, after the event there's still a ton of free resources on my website. I have a membership that holds space for everything I shared too. That's available on my website or in the link in my bio as well Perfect.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so incredibly much. It has been such a joy having you on my podcast today. Having you on my podcast today, and I like, like we said all the ever all her links will be in the show notes so you guys can click away and join her free masterclass.

Speaker 2:

Yes, thank you so much for having me and for everyone.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, thank you.

Unlocking Inner Power Through Coaching
Transforming Lives Through Inner Healing
Embracing Self-Love Through Daily Practices
Morning Routine for Personal Growth
Inviting All to Free Masterclass