Wealth Whisper With Derek

Wisdom from Wealth Misadventures for a Brighter Fiscal Future

February 23, 2024 Derek Goneke Episode 55
Wisdom from Wealth Misadventures for a Brighter Fiscal Future
Wealth Whisper With Derek
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Wealth Whisper With Derek
Wisdom from Wealth Misadventures for a Brighter Fiscal Future
Feb 23, 2024 Episode 55
Derek Goneke

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Ever find yourself chuckling at past you, the one who thought a designer water bottle would change your life? Well, chuckle no more, my fellow wealth warriors—it's intervention time with yours truly, Derek. I'm spilling the beans on my own financial faux pas and dishing out some hard-earned wisdom that'll keep you from repeating my missteps. Join me as we dissect the fine line between treating yourself and courting future money meltdowns, and I'll even share the stern letter I wish I could send to my past self. Plus, get ready to laugh at my late-night infomercial purchases that, frankly, never should've seen the light of day.

It's not all about the gloomy aftermath of bad habits though; this episode is packed with proactive strategies for a financial glow-up! I've set us up with a listener challenge to bust a bad money habit and I'm introducing the cunning five-minute rule—a sneaky tactic to vanquish the procrastination beast that's between you and your financial nirvana. So, whether your closet is an unwieldy beast or your savings account is collecting cobwebs, tune in and join the crew. Together, we're climbing the ladder to financial clarity, one rung of small, consistent wins at a time. Let's make future you proud.

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Ever find yourself chuckling at past you, the one who thought a designer water bottle would change your life? Well, chuckle no more, my fellow wealth warriors—it's intervention time with yours truly, Derek. I'm spilling the beans on my own financial faux pas and dishing out some hard-earned wisdom that'll keep you from repeating my missteps. Join me as we dissect the fine line between treating yourself and courting future money meltdowns, and I'll even share the stern letter I wish I could send to my past self. Plus, get ready to laugh at my late-night infomercial purchases that, frankly, never should've seen the light of day.

It's not all about the gloomy aftermath of bad habits though; this episode is packed with proactive strategies for a financial glow-up! I've set us up with a listener challenge to bust a bad money habit and I'm introducing the cunning five-minute rule—a sneaky tactic to vanquish the procrastination beast that's between you and your financial nirvana. So, whether your closet is an unwieldy beast or your savings account is collecting cobwebs, tune in and join the crew. Together, we're climbing the ladder to financial clarity, one rung of small, consistent wins at a time. Let's make future you proud.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back wealth warriors Derek here, and we're tackling a biggie today those sneaky habits that sabotage your future finances. Let's be honest, I love an excellent takeout binge as much as the next person at that, but there's a difference between treating yourself and setting yourself up for an adult temper tantrum when the credit card bill lands. I'll always remember the time I got hooked on an absurdly overpriced designer water bottle. It was all sleek and shiny and convinced me that water tastes infinitely better at triple the price. Future Derek was not amused. He had to wear mismatched socks for a week, lesson learned. So if you've ever had a purchase, come back to haunt you. You're in the right place Today. It's an intervention. Your future self will thank you.

Speaker 1:

Segment one confessions of a future screw up. All right, confession time. I am the king of procrastination. Taxes, filing cabinets weep at the thought. Is it cleaning out that junk closet? And it could be when it develops its ecosystem? But hear me out, when that procrastination bites back, it's not a tickle, it's a full on velociraptor attack on the wallet and sanity In the future. I want to give past me a stern talking to, probably followed by lending me 10 bucks until payday.

Speaker 1:

Segment two letter from your future self. Okay, picture this it's 10 years from now. You get a mysterious letter from your future self. Let's see what kind of cryptic warnings they have. Clears their throat. Dear past Derek. Please, for the love of all that is financially sound, stop putting off organizing your receipts. It turns out that shoebox stuffed under the bed is not a tax approved system. Also, those late night infomercial buys. It turns out you never became a professional potato peeler. Thanks a lot, sincerely. Future you currently learning to live solely on ramen.

Speaker 1:

Segment three the small wins ladder. Now, before you despair, building a better future isn't about turning into a money saving robot overnight. It's about those small, consistent wins. Think climbing a ladder. Focus on that next step, then the next. Soon enough, bam, you're up high, the world looks different. And that future you they're cheering you on.

Speaker 1:

Segment four listener challenge bust. A bad habit. All right, folks, enough talking, it's time for action. I want to challenge you to do a little experiment. Think of one annoying money related habit you've been meaning to change. Maybe it's impulse buying snacks at the register, consistently hitting subscribe. Now on streaming services. You never watch or mindlessly scroll through online shops when bored. You know the ones that leave you feeling a little icky. Later this week, pick your target and focus on beating it. We'll share resources, tips and hilarious slip ups, because conquering even one little habit has a ripple effect. Spare change suddenly adds up. You reclaim some brain space, proving you can take control. Plus, there's nothing like knowing you're in this with a crew of excellent future focused warriors.

Speaker 1:

Segment five overcoming procrastination, paralysis. All right, wealth warriors. It's time for a serious pep talk, because I know how it goes. We have goals and dreams, but procrastination can rear its ugly head. I feel you.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes my to-do list feels like an angry troll guarding the path to a better financial future. But here's what I've learned the hard way fighting it with sheer willpower alone. That's a losing battle. Let's get smart about this. It's not about being lazy. It's about those sneaky ways our brains betray us. Remember that time you spent forever researching the perfect savings account but never opened one. That, my friend, is perfectionism. Parading as productivity. It leaves you stalled with zero progress. And what's the deal with simple stuff suddenly feeling enormous? It's like your brain turns checking your account balance into scaling Mount Everest. Does anyone else relate? The dread becomes heavier than the task itself. Okay, enough whining, is its counter attack time.

Speaker 1:

Here's my favorite sneaky strategy the five minute rule. Don't think about the whole job. Trick yourself into starting. Set a timer for five measly minutes and you can survive anything for five minutes, right. Often, once you crack that initial resistance, the momentum takes over. And if not, hey, at least you took a tiny step. I want to hear about it. Let's turn this into a collective experiment. Share your weirdest procrastination busting tricks that work. We're proving that the future doesn't have to curse our indecisiveness. Let me know if you'd like to develop this further. We can dive deeper into specific money related procrastination traps next time. Segment six future. Thanks, mailbag OK team. This is my favorite part when we brag about implementing future focused actions. We love those small wins because they show we're on the right track.

Speaker 1:

I've got a stack of messages from listeners brave enough to take action last week, and let's say that future selves around the country are sending out some significant high fives. Listener message one Confession I'm an online impulse shopper. This week, I finally unsubscribed from those tempting retail emails. The withdrawal is real, but my wallet is already starting to breathe easier. Listener Message 2 Okay, the five-minute rule actually worked. I kept putting off organizing my financial paperwork but managed to sort through one folder, feeling weirdly accomplished. Now, listener. Message 3 Finally booked a call with a financial advisor.

Speaker 1:

Adulting feels so weird, but it's a good kind of weird. Future me, you're welcome. Incredible work everyone. Don't those victories feel good. This proves it's not about giant leaps. The moment to matters. Keep sharing on it fuels the whole crew. If you're still working on that, habit busting, that's cool too. Don't lose sight of where you're going. Every stumbling block strengthens you.

Speaker 1:

Segment 7, mindset shift of the week. Okay, folks, we've talked about kicking bad habits, celebrating those wins, and but sometimes, to make profound change, we must rethink how we see the whole game. It's time for your weekly dose of mental reprogramming, aka the mindset shift. Here's this week's challenge. Instead of thinking this is too hard or I don't have time, embrace the power of not, yet Think about it. It doesn't erase the obstacles, but it magically changes how you face them. It's not about giving up. It's about claiming that space of possibility for yourself. For example, instead of I'll never understand investing, try. I don't understand investing, yet See the difference. That tiny word leaves the door open for learning and growth. Let's try another. Instead of I can't afford to save, think I haven't found a way to save. Yet. This turns struggle into strategies that sound silly and simple. But I challenge you to play with this for a week. Catch yourself when those limiting thoughts pop up and give them the old, not yet upgrade. You might surprise yourself with what starts to feel possible when you refuse to accept self-imposed limits. Let's see how this mental tweak transforms your week. Keep me posted with your not yet moments. Segment eight farewell planting a seed. And with that, another wealth whisper session draws to a close.

Speaker 1:

We've talked about habits, mental blocks and the power of one small step forward. If you're walking away feeling a tiny bit more empowered than you were, then today was a success. Here's the thing Imagine yourself five years from now Future. You isn't perfect, but they're looking back at today with gratitude because you made choices that opened up new opportunities, built confidence and removed some of that financial worry. They feel in control, are unhaunted by old regrets. Now the question what's one little thing you can do today to set that future you up for a high five? Right, it could be looking at one account balance you've been avoiding finally trying that budgeting app. Or talking to a partner about money goals. Don't overthink it. Keep it small. You deserve to build a life you love waking up to, and every single action, no matter how tiny, puts you further down that path.

Speaker 1:

Now, as always, wealth warriors, it would only be a proper send off with a request If this little podcast is making a difference for you, leave a review and spread the word. It helps more folks just like you. Join the movement. We're here building community, building wealth and building brighter futures together. Until next time, take care of yourself and your money and let's give the future you something to celebrate about. Thank you for joining me for another dose of the wealth whisper. Remember that building a life you love financially and beyond is an ongoing journey. And hey, who doesn't like a good travel buddy? If you're getting value from these sessions, make it official and hit that subscribe button. Plus, you might stumble on some bonus content and insider tips that only subscribers get access to. Don't keep the wealth whispering a secret. Share this episode with a friend, family member or co-worker who also dreams of ditching the money anxiety. Until next time. Keep taking steps towards that extraordinary future you deserve. We're in this together.