Official Munzee Podcast

Munzee Weekly Podcast - Friday June 14th, 2024

Rob Vardeman & Craig Michell Season 2 Episode 24

Todays episode, Rob and Craig discuss the weekend that was with some BIG points earned, and how. Along with chats about the new Micro Blasts, The Survey, Flat Murray and Flat DHS scatter events and badges, which leads into the BIGGEST point weekend to date. 

Rob can't answer the question of the week, and Craig discovers some BIG point gains to be had this weekend, from anyone...

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Craig (00:01.262)
Welcome to the official Munzee podcast.

Rob (00:03.583)
I'm Rob, also known as Coach V, your host and the president of Munzee.

Craig (00:07.502)
And I'm Craig, also known as Seemyshell, I'm an avid Munzee player and I'm here to explore the game further.

Rob (00:12.671)
Each week we'll delve into Munzee's mysteries, divulge some secrets, and inform players from around the world just what is coming your way.

Craig (00:19.598)
So sit back, relax, drive your car, whatever you like to do. The chat is gonna be big today itself because it's a big, big, big weekend. We've got new mini blasts, we've got a survey, we've got flat Murray's DHS and Robert ends with a, I'll say this, a fantastic tip of the week by moi, by me. You didn't even know this tip until you saw it and went, that's great, Craig. So there you go. A lot of points for not much, let's be honest. So exactly.

Rob (00:41.663)
It's a lot of points, so stick around everyone.

Yeah, yeah.

Craig (00:49.902)
What are you being up to, are you back in the UK I see as well? You know? Yeah.

Rob (00:53.375)
Yeah, back in back in the UK, just settling in the English way. The fact that the temperatures don't even reach 70 degrees, it's pretty rough, man. So, yeah. Sitting here wearing a sweatshirt. Yeah, Fahrenheit. Yeah, it's some nice and cool, but the nice part about that is going to events that, you know, you just don't walk outside and start sweating. So.

Craig (01:00.014)

Craig (01:05.038)
That's Fahrenheit, which is about 20 Celsius roughly.

Craig (01:17.646)

Craig (01:21.55)

Rob (01:21.663)
Lou and I are going to the events, the midsummer events in, in south coast, UK this weekend on Saturday.

Craig (01:28.654)
Yep. This weekend. That's really cool. And we get to the events very, very soon as well, mate. yeah, I'm going to an event this weekend as well, Rob. So I'm actually, I'm actually co -hosting an event this weekend as well. So with Dale and Barb from Space Coast Gear Store. So there you go. Dale and Barb, they're going to make their way back to New Jersey. There's a New Jersey mega on Saturday and then Saturday afternoon across the river from the, the geocaching mega will be our, our little event.

Rob (01:35.775)
Are you?

Rob (01:41.599)

Craig (01:56.238)
itself as well. Some cards are starting to pop up, pop, pop, pop, which is good too. So yeah, yeah. And let's be honest, Rob as well today's Friday, as people listen to this, if they listen to it on the first day that it comes out, double points has already started today on Friday and that's double points on every, everything, everything, everything. so including deploying, including capping. So all sorts of double points on everything. So if you haven't got cards out, that's why I say it.

Rob (01:58.879)
well, that's good.

Rob (02:13.939)

Craig (02:23.758)
If you don't have cards out for your events this weekend, get them out wherever you can because Rob, it's going to be huge. This weekend is going to be, how are the servers going to go? You reckon? Yeah, they are. Perfect. Perfect.

Rob (02:33.439)
they're going to be great. I'll be at an event on Saturday, so they will be great. Yeah, things are going to be good. We haven't ever to my remembrance done an actual everything event before. Maybe long, long, long ago when there were only three types. But, you know, since since now when we have more than a thousand types, including all the different cards. Yeah. Yeah.

Craig (02:46.158)
Everything. Everything.

Craig (02:52.462)

guys I 3000 times.

Rob (03:02.911)
We've never done anything quite like this. So yeah, we're expecting big things this weekend. Gonna be fun.

Craig (03:05.294)
And yeah.

And I take it all your team are on board this weekend as well. So they're all going to be some time. Everyone's going to be awake pretty much the whole time throughout the whole weekend.

Rob (03:15.167)
Everyone's on eye alert. We are ramped up. We are ready to go.

Craig (03:19.118)
Yeah, that's good to hear. Good to hear. All right, Rob, let's talk about the week that was, and we're going to start with the, just the events because it was halfway between the clan wars, Rob. So there's not much going on in USA. There was only in California around the world. For instance, we had Denmark, Finland, Germany, and New Zealand, New Zealand, New Zealand. So, and some of the scores Rob of the weekend when you, new players, which is awesome. We're not new players, but new names to the podcast.

Rob (03:37.635)

Craig (03:47.438)
and because of the, those ones in other countries as well. So around the world, Rob, the leaderboards on Friday we had.

Rob (03:54.655)
Well, on Friday, the first two came from the New Zealand events, which was pretty cool. Tracy's CG. wait, Tracy G Tracy G three hundred and forty three thousand Darby Joan, two hundred ninety one thousand and then out of Minnesota to eighteen goat girl with two hundred and sixty six thousand.

Craig (04:14.382)
Yeah. So Minnesota has got a little bit of mention there too. On Saturday we had, I wanted to do this to myself, Kit Curry on 1 million points. I'm going to say it, Minnesota boy, Minnesota boy, Minnesota boy, three times. Cause he likes it. 901 ,000 points and a hokey on 841 ,000 points on Sunday.

Rob (04:34.399)
Jeffo 43 with 2 .34 million points. Jeb G J J. You got me there. Four hundred and eighteen thousand points and Brasilia two hundred and ninety thousand points. Big scores.

Craig (04:47.854)
Let's be honest, Rob, there's big differences there, especially on Sunday from 2 .34 million to 400 ,000. So obviously Jaffa, she's taken on board herself to, so use the blast, the double points on blasts. So. Yeah.

Rob (05:01.151)
That would be the assumption there is that some of the big scores came from the blast because last weekend was the double points on blasts. Yeah, so it was good.

Craig (05:10.158)
Yeah, was that another little test as well Rosette Robb? I'm just saying maybe.

Rob (05:13.663)
That was a test, definitely a test of many things, a test of the blast system, a test of something new that we may see come up in the future. Just the ability to do exactly that. So we'll see. Yeah.

Craig (05:19.15)
Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Craig (05:25.742)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (05:29.742)
Right. And we'll get into it again in the show as well as to what sort of blasts are now available as well. So meanwhile, the current big events coming up, well, sorry, current events coming up firstly this weekend. You ready for this, Rob? Indiana, Kentucky, Florida, Minnesota, Missouri, Alabama, California, New Jersey and Massachusetts and around the world we have.

Rob (05:48.127)
We've got Canada, British Columbia and Ontario, UK, Switzerland, Finland, Belgium, Netherlands, it's on the border, and Denmark, Japan, Australia, one in Victoria and one in ACT.

Craig (06:04.526)
How cool, this is a big weekend Rob, it is a huge weekend. Wow, wow, Lou's been busy by the looks of things too, which is cool. Yes, meanwhile, some of the large events upcoming over the last few months, I should say. Again, we use filters Rob for seeing the most attendees at the time. So obviously with this weekend, we've got the midsummer in New Forest, Hampshire, UK. You said before, you and Lou are gonna be there.

Rob (06:07.455)
Yeah, there's more than 20 events this weekend. Yeah, she has.

Craig (06:30.926)
Rob, I saw there's two, there's two events on a Saturday and both of its have 68 on goings, 68 on goings. It's getting up to that 100 point again. Yeah, it's getting up there. So that's cool.

Rob (06:36.735)
Yeah. Yeah. It's pretty impressive. Right. It's very impressive that they used to run, you know, more than 80 at events. And with the fact that, that everything is double points, we're definitely seeing people coming in from all over, not just the country, but I've, I've heard from players that are coming from different countries over to this one. So it's going to be great.

Craig (06:45.23)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (07:00.128)
That's awesome. Also next month I've found July 13th in Suffolk again, UK 21 and July 14th in Fairfield, Ohio, this 27. So those two events are looking decent size as well. So if you're looking at those two in that sort of month, get to them as well. Make sure you put in your I'm goings. And then again, Rob in September 20th to 22nd, she still has not put them on the list yet.

but they will be there in Fort Worth, Texas, September 20th to 22nd. So Denali.

Rob (07:30.623)
the mentioning of the mentioning of this event shall be rejected for next week if it's not on the calendar. It's not official until it's on the calendar. Just like just like things aren't official until they're on Facebook, right? So we're gonna we're gonna have to hold her to it. It's time. It's time to put up and get on there.

Craig (07:36.27)

No, it's not. Exactly. Denial.

Craig (07:44.398)
This is true. This is true. It's time. Exactly. Denali, you know, we're talking about you. So there you go. Meanwhile, Rob, we can talk about things that happened this week and we go back to the blasting system. As we said before, there was double points last weekend on everything you blast. But what I loved about this, Rob, and that is there was things out there that were double points on blast for the person blasting. But if your, if your Munzee got blasted.

You got the double points as well. What I took from that Rob is this, and that is put out more things that are blastable in those areas that get blasted. Like, you know, you've met locations, like airports, like train stations, places like that, where people do use, do use a lot of blasts. Cause I don't have a lot of time to cap them all. So put out blastable type Munsies. That's what I, that's what I got from the number one. Was that, is that about right?

Rob (08:40.735)
That would be a bonus tip of the week that I would also say, you know, is, is you've, you've got, this thing that may happen in the future. And so the wise thing to do is to load up, those areas where, you know, where great groups of people might be, knowing that there's a possibility that you could get double points on something only from deploying it. Like.

Craig (08:43.022)

Craig (09:09.454)

Rob (09:09.791)
That's that's pretty wild. A lot of the gardens that get built, you know, have blastable items in them. So looking at looking at where gardens are going to blast those specific gardens, things like that. So for the builders out there, you know, blastable types of things could be more beneficial in the future. So yeah, that it's a great idea. And it went very well. We were pleased with the results and.

Craig (09:15.918)
Hmm, yeah.

Craig (09:27.246)
Yes. Exactly.

Craig (09:38.646)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (09:39.839)
It seems like everyone got the points that they were looking for. So that's great.

Craig (09:42.958)
Exactly. Jeffo yield. Well done. meanwhile, at the same time you brought out a new, you've already got the, you've already got a blast. You've already got a mini blast, but this is a micro blast. Tell us about the micro blast role.

Rob (09:45.759)
Yeah, exactly.

Rob (09:56.195)
Yeah. So specifically at the Geo Woodstock events, there were quite a few conversations about how many cards, how many different things there were in the area. It was difficult to, you know, get everything. And some people like to walk the trails and they go and hand cap everything and then they might use a blast. Well, let's say that there are 28 that are left over. Everyone's not interested in using an entire 50 that many blasts.

and, and really missing out on or losing 22, caps there. So you leave them on the map and, and, and for me, like on my side, you know, I want to see people get the most points available. And that includes the people who are the deployers. The cap on points are important. same thing. 22, you know, if there are 22 cards or blastable things that are left in an area.

Craig (10:29.326)

Craig (10:42.958)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (10:52.511)
then you might not want to go chase those things down, but you certainly aren't going to burn a mini blast of 50 for 22 things, but you might use a micro blast for 22. So this is a conversation that I have with actually quite a few people and brought it back to the team. Everyone was on board. So we actually turned that one around that quickly. We, I discussed it at geo Woodstock and in what less than 10 days we had it ready to go in the app. Yeah.

Craig (11:20.726)
Wow. Wow. Well done to your developers. It is a different color. So the black bombs themselves, they go 100. The blue ones, they're the minis and they do 50. So these Rob, these are purple. Am I right? They're purple? Yeah, purple and they do 25.

Rob (11:35.871)
Yeah, yeah, they are. We looked at three different colors and purple one. So it was like, all right. Yeah, they mock up all different kinds of things. Yeah. So, so we have, we have colors for blasts of future things. We can't use gold because we had the mega blast that was gold and you know, it's gone. The one that, the one that did 500. Yeah, it's gone now.

Craig (11:42.574)
There you go. There you go. So you've got three different types.

Mm -hmm.

Craig (11:54.19)
years and years ago that's gone now. Yeah. Wow. Wow. That's a lot. 500 is a lot. Right. Let's be honest, but you can do 300 at a time just by doing three of the black, the other black bombs themselves at one time. And that's easy done. So there you go. very good Rob and a price wise, they're, they're equivalent to how many they cap. In other words, how many they blast. So, you know, if it's like $4 for, for the, what do you call it? The.

Rob (12:01.535)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Rob (12:22.719)
100, the just blast. Yeah, the regular one.

Craig (12:24.078)
100. Yeah. 100 regular blasts. And these ones are a dollar because it's, it's a quarter, a quarter of the price, a quarter of the actual blast. So, so relatively wise there, they're a cheaper option. but overall that they're going to be probably, you know, the same, they work at the same price. So there you go. Very good. All right, Rob, we spoke obviously already about the double points, blasting on last weekend. We don't need to go back on that, but now we're talking about a survey. You brought out a survey.

Rob (12:40.031)
See you.

Craig (12:52.334)
What's the survey about? I did mine.

Rob (12:55.167)
Yeah. Well, the survey is about, kind of filling in the rest of the team to, to things that I hear whenever I go to events. also as one person who kind of travels the most to events, I can only hear from a certain amount of people, you know, and only in the locations that I go to. So like this weekend, I'm going to hear from English players or players who travel to England.

Craig (12:58.642)

Craig (13:22.19)

Rob (13:24.991)
The answers that we get from players in England are slightly different than the ones that we get from players in California or Minnesota. Everyone plays a slightly different way as far as blast goes, as far as the types of deploys, where they host events, activities at events, that kind of thing. And so we just wanted to get some information from everyone around the world. New players, old players, players who stopped, players who

Are in clans? What level clan are you in? players who used to be in clans, why did you stop that kind of stuff where we're looking at a lot of different information and and really this year we're trying to pull a lot of things together and I've been really, you know clear about the fact that we're trying to increase the number of players that we have active.

Craig (13:56.686)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (14:23.135)
Daily in particular, daily, weekly, monthly, those kinds of things. And part of that was the daily greenies. So we needed to see, do you like the daily greenies? Do you not? Are you interested in there being other types that pop back up on the map? You know, so. Yeah.

Craig (14:23.374)
Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Craig (14:36.494)
Yes. Yes. Yeah, exactly. I liked one of the questions to Robert, which has been brought up to me personally a couple of times. And that is, especially like if you're in an area and you're by yourself and there's no other players in your area, for instance, and you want to do your, your greeny stroll, but they're all your greenies. You know, one of the questions was what about recapping your own greenies every day as well. And so I know a lot of people would have gone, yes, yes, yes. For that. I'll just say that much. So yeah, there's that sort of thing as well, which is cool.

Rob (14:55.007)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (15:06.079)
Yeah, that is definitely a a we'll go with contentious point. Not only like within our team, but around the world. And so it's interesting to see as results come back because we're already looking at things. The you know, the little pie charts that get built from answers and everything.

Craig (15:10.734)

Craig (15:32.046)
Yes. Yeah. Yeah.

Rob (15:35.551)
There is a very opinionated audience out there. We know that there are a lot of people who are more than happy to give their feedback and that's great. We accept it and we're trying to put it to use or we will be over the coming months. But yeah, when there's a fill in the blank, why did you answer the way that you do? We definitely find out quite a bit of information on those things. But yeah, the...

Craig (15:50.318)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (16:00.782)

Rob (16:04.479)
The cap your own, the cap your own is something that has been a question, a request, a, yeah, just a desire, let's say for a while.

Craig (16:11.31)

Craig (16:14.83)
See, see from a player's point of view, Rob, I can understand the Munzee thought process in regards to POIs for instance, you know, you do want people.

to exchange POIs, you know, because they're a virtual product. So, you know, I can talk to someone that's in Australia and say, if you put a bank POI here, I've got a bank POI for you and you can exchange them and you both get points and you get cap on points and blah, blah, blah. But it also creates conversations. Those conversations can lead to, you know, updated clans. So in other words, it's like, like I spoke to you about your POIs, do you want to join my clan? So it gets the conversation talking. It gets people, the community growing as a whole. And I get that.

but we're talking about the physical side of the game, you see. So that's a difference. But I will say this, Robin, that is, especially going back to the greenies themselves in the Munzee Maniac's recent podcast, the one that was just released this week itself, if you haven't listened to it, go and listen, because PJ, PJ has done a complete U -turn on the daily greenies and he actually likes them now. So people listen to me very carefully out there. If you don't know PJ, I know PJ.

Rob (17:06.911)
Yeah, I haven't yet.

Rob (17:17.887)

Craig (17:22.798)
Well enough now. and you know, if he can turn around, Rob, if he can have his, his mind was set, he was really, he was to the point where he was about to quit Munzee over that one thing. If you, if you can get PJ to turn around on that particular subject, Hey, this game is for everyone. Just saying so love you PJ mates. So a good job. And, and, and I'm happy that he actually opened up his mindset in the end to, what he can actually now do.

Rob (17:40.991)
the ad.

Craig (17:49.614)
with these greenies every single day. So there you go. Rob, one quick question, the survey, when does it end? If people haven't done it yet, when can they do it up till? Yeah, that's not on the show notes, is it? Yeah.

Rob (17:57.475)
They've still got by the time they're listening to this, I think it's another 10 days. If I remember correctly, we left it open for like two weeks.

Craig (18:05.454)
There you go. Two weeks. So there you go people get your survey in now. It's not that difficult. It's not that hard, but what it does is it puts you, it gives you a voice. You say it gives you to allow, allow Munzee to know you actually, your opinion on the matter as well. And, and if you put, you don't have to, you don't have to put your username there. If you want to be remain anonymous, you can do that. But if you do put your username in, you do go in the draw for special prizes as well. And we all love the prizes, Rob. So there you go.

Rob (18:34.143)
Yeah, we do. Yeah, we do. I can tell you that much based on how many people put their usernames in. Some people even who have like extremely negative things to say and basically hate Munzee, they still put their name in there. I don't know if that's mainly just to go, yeah, it's me or to say, while I may not like anything that you're doing, I still like free stuff. So I appreciate it. Honestly, I read I read the answers to.

Craig (18:40.334)

Craig (18:45.23)
Still do. Yeah.

Craig (18:52.11)

Craig (18:57.998)

Rob (19:04.223)
multiple questions because there are several important things in there to us like really important things. And I've scrolled through every single answer for two of the different categories that we're really, really interested in trying to get real feedback from everyone around the world. Yeah.

Craig (19:07.502)

Craig (19:16.942)

Real feedback. Nice, nice. So get your survey in now people. You got a week from today when you listen to this. A week from today, that's it. So get it in ASAP. Meanwhile, Rob, we're gonna move on now to the flat Murray's and flat DHS. The scattered events are going on from now through to Sunday itself as well. And you've got a big one sale, B3G1 sale. What's the B3G1 sale?

Rob (19:35.871)

Rob (19:42.815)
by three get one. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. So I knew if I put the notes in there, if I read this one, obviously I know. But yeah, the this is the first time that we've done a double flat scatter event. So we wanted to try something a little bit different. And flat Murray represents Wiley and flat DHS represents Dylan. Well, Dylan and Wiley are husband wife. So flat Murray is Dylan's dog as well.

Craig (19:45.006)
Rob (20:11.967)
So that's the reason that we have these two paired up and something about movies and I don't remember the pets and anyway, yeah. Yeah. Okay.

Craig (20:14.446)

Craig (20:18.222)
Yeah. I do. I do. I remember because I was talking about this last night, Rob to my new referral and she brought it up because she actually read, she finished work. She's not here at the moment. She finished work and she, she actually read the post after work and she's like, no Craig, you have to cap these scatters. You cap four scatters of the either Murray or the DHS and you get this special badge. Now, if you zoom into the badge Dylan.

Dylan, Dylan, you made someone extremely happy and actually squeal, honestly, squeal on the phone with excitement last night when she saw the actual badge itself, how is, and then she said, but who's that guy's head in the middle? I went, that's Dylan, that's Dylan. He put his own, his own little face in the middle of his badge and I like it. So Dylan, mate, you're listening. Great job on this badge. I'm telling you now, you know, you made someone's night last night, you know, just by, and therefore now.

Rob (21:09.023)

Craig (21:18.318)
she's going to have to buy these things and get them and pick up the scatters, et cetera. But Rob, before we do buy three, get one free. What does that actually mean? Because people in the past have only bought three and have missed out. Do you need to put four in your inventory? Do you recall? Yeah.

Rob (21:30.527)
Hmm. You need to have four in there. And what's interesting about this this time is it actually can be two flat DHS and two flat Murray. So you can kind of mix and match those things. Yeah. So that's, that's the nice part about it. So yeah, just get that done. That's only in the online store, just so everyone's clear. However, your flat DHS and flat Murray are now available in the in -app store as well. So if you've got zeds want to pay for them.

Craig (21:41.23)
wow. Yeah.

Craig (21:51.374)
Mm -hmm. Yep.

Craig (21:58.606)
Right. But that's, yeah. Yeah. So if you want to pay from via Zeds, then you don't get this buy three, get one free. But if you do go via this website and pay in actual cash money, then you can do, make sure you have four of these types in inventory or eight, you know, 16 in the, in the groups in those sets of four, and you'll get one of them for free at the end of the, before you check out. So there you go. Flat Murray, flat DHS, get them now in the store.

Rob (22:14.911)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (22:25.486)
Look at me Rob pushing people to actually buy some stuff. But anyway.

Rob (22:28.095)
Well, honestly, it's it's how it has to happen if you want to get those scatters or you want to try trade those things. Yeah.

Craig (22:35.406)
and get and get that bad drop, get that bad show. Just saying. All right, Rob. So this leads us now to the biggest points weekend possible in a long, long time this weekend. Double points on everything. Now you said before everything. Does it include everything?

Rob (22:49.503)
Yeah. It does, but let's not jump into that one thing because that's, you know, that that's the hold until the very end. But it does include everything. Caps, cap ons, deploys, everything that gives points. Everything will be doubled.

Craig (22:55.39)
no, I'm not jumping yet. I'm not jumping yet.

I'm holding, don't worry.


Craig (23:10.19)
There you go people. So if you haven't got your cards out now, get your cards out. If you haven't got your blastables out, get your blastables out at those events, you know, rather than just saying. Anyway, Rob, moving on now to the Munzee question of the week. Now this question, I've had this question three times, Rob. Three different people exactly from three different clans as well. And the question is this, Rob, does the Daily Stroll stars and the Whirlwifts you can then purchase, well,

You make a wish, but you know what I'm talking about. The daily stroll stars and the well wisps. Do they count towards your scatter points for clam wars or daily zeops, et cetera?

Rob (23:49.759)
I do not know. I know I wish that somehow when we weren't filling out the notes the same time and I did see this this morning. However, I'm the only person on the team who's awake working these kinds of hours, right? England and time zones and whatnot. So I regretfully have to say someone out there in the real world. Will you please inform us? Let us know this question.

Craig (23:51.822)

Craig (24:01.486)

Craig (24:11.886)
no. Yeah.

Rob (24:18.623)
and comes up and I do not know the answer should be yes should be.

Craig (24:24.046)
Yes, they should be yes because technically they are a scatter per se. The stars scatter, the world was scattered because you don't know where they're going to be. So.

Rob (24:32.959)
I just am not 100 % sure about either of them because officially, truly, really, it's just a star. And the star itself, when you cap it, it doesn't actually scatter something else. You know what I mean? It's just a star. It's just so... The technicality is in the let's look up the definitions and all of that. It's a...

Craig (24:47.406)
scatter anything. Okay. Well, it scatters another star.

Craig (25:01.166)
How, how about this?

Rob (25:02.111)
start trail stroll and they well wisp trail is what they officially are I don't know I hate to say I don't know

Craig (25:08.846)
But the trail isn't dedicated. But anyway, Rob, how about we do this? How about we do this, Rob? Let's return, as they say in the corporate world, let's circle back, Rob. Let's circle back to this for next week. So this here, ready for this, people? This is gonna be the question of the week for Rob for next week, and that is, does the Daily Stroll Stars and Wellwish count towards scatter points? Now, if they do, people, and people out there have obviously looked at them. If they do,

Rob (25:13.855)

Craig (25:36.43)
Let us know, send me a message and let me know if they do and we'll go from there. So meanwhile, Rob, we're going to get to the biggest, the one of the big, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Let us, let us, let us know if they do or don't, let us know if they do or don't. So go from there. All right, Rob, you ready for this? Now the biggest, one of the biggest Munzee tips of the week that I found out.

Rob (25:41.183)
And if they don't, well, if they don't, then that's also on purpose. So I just don't remember for sure. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you.

Craig (25:59.822)
Well, I thought about a couple of weeks ago when you first announced this, this, double points on everything. And I said to you, Rob, is that everything? And you said, yes, that's everything. I said the word everything 15 times, Rob. So, and you still said everything. So I went, okay, now people listen carefully this weekend. You can earn double points from home, sitting on your couch, not deploying, not deploying anything, but literally.

Rob (26:10.175)
Yeah, you did.

Craig (26:26.67)
You have an iPad or another computer or something like that and you have Cuppa Z opened up on that device. You are looking for universals people. Universal's. Rob firstly, what are universals?

Rob (26:41.567)
Well, Universal is sort of OK. So we started off with social moneys, social moneys being something that players could cap when they met each other at events. Well, about the 06 hour, they started getting shared online. So it was like, OK, well, that's not necessarily what we intended, but that's fine. So we took that and turned it into the personal. So the personal Munzee can only be capped within one mile of where it's deployed and you can redeploy that multiple times a day.

Craig (26:47.854)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (26:57.262)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (27:07.758)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (27:10.815)
That one is used for events. The universal actually came about, if I remember correctly, the first time was during COVID, during all the lockdowns when people weren't able to go to events. So it was kind of one of those things. What could we give people that they could share with other people in order to get more points all over the world? And it was like, universal that.

Craig (27:21.422)
okay, yep, yep, yep.


Rob (27:36.511)
That name just kind of clicked and it made sense. So the universal is worth points and it is something that you can share with players all over the world. It is very easy to find on cup of Z. I just did it in less than five seconds. There are some buttons on the left side tools. This is a tool that Sam has built. It is a tool and it's called the universal capper. Now take it away, Craig.

Craig (27:37.134)

Craig (27:49.646)
Yes. Yes. Yes, you did.

Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Craig (28:03.438)
Yeah, universal rub with the universal cap. I'll have a video on this as well. Later on, well before, before this goes live. So if you haven't, don't know what we're talking about, go to my actual YouTube page and have a look at my shorts, even my TikTok page, Instagram, whatever it might be. And I'll have a video on how to do this on there. In the meantime, what it basically is, is this use Kappa Z the universal Kappa.

You've already logged into your own account, Rob. This is what I love about Cappazoo. You've logged into your own account. Cappazoo know which you've capped and which you haven't capped. So only show you what you cap. But you sit there, you're on the couch, you've got your iPad on your lap, you've got the universal capper up and you get your first QR code sitting right there, right? You then use your phone and sit there and press cap and it gets doop and caps it. And it automatically, Sam, Sam, great job, automatically switches to the next QR code. Cap again.

Switch to the next one. Doop. Switch to the next one. Doop. You can sit there, Rob, and do that from your couch all day this weekend, one of the times. And Rob, we worked it out. You said something about you have, you have yet to cap 7 ,000, six or 7 ,000 universal.

Rob (29:13.055)
Yeah, I've I've I've looked at the numbers. There are currently are 7133 universals in the pool. I have 6592 available to cap what?

Craig (29:28.27)
So if you're a new player people, or if you've never done this before and you've never capped a universal, you've got over 7 ,000 QR codes to sit there and cap. Now these QR codes, they give you points, but they give you points depend upon like the cap, capper and the cappy sort of thing. You know what I mean? Like the two different, the cap ones and the captures. And so it swaps around. So you never get the same amount of points, but either way.

your points are doubled this weekend. So whatever you can cap, it's going to be doubled. So at minimum, minimum, Rob, if you've got 7 ,000 to cap, at minimum, they're 10 points each, minimum 10 points each. There's 7 ,000 points, double that, it's 14 ,000 points. At minimum, 14 ,000 points from your couch this weekend.

Rob (30:11.007)
seven, seven thousand at ten points is seventy thousand points. Mm hmm. Seventy thousand and then doubled as one hundred and forty seven.

Craig (30:19.086)
What? it is too. I can't even do the math. It's too early. What? 70 ,000 140 ,000 140 ,000 points from your couch this week. Rob, this is going to be a record breaking weekend. It needs, it should be. Let's be honest. Did you even think of that? Did you even think about this Rob?

Rob (30:34.847)
Yeah, and that's at the minimum. I did not. I did not know I we've never done this before and well, we're possibly testing cup of Z as much as we are testing Munzee.

Craig (30:43.982)

Craig (30:47.918)
Yes, exactly. So Sam, stay awake. Have your coffee maker. Have your cuppa Z. Let's just say that and drink your coffee, Sam, and stay awake the entire weekend because yeah, cuppa Z needs to stay open for this particular thing as well. So universals people. Yeah.

Rob (30:51.199)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (31:01.759)
If I may an extension to your tip, which is an amazing tip to those of you who don't have all of your universals in the universal capper. Guess what? You are late to the party. You need to get them in there right now. And Sam makes that very easy because there's a button at the bottom. Manage your universals. Very simple.

Craig (31:11.438)

Craig (31:15.854)
And very easy.

Bam. There it is. There it is. And that'll be in the video as well, Rob. I'll say that too, because yeah, he's done a great job. Just one click of a button and your universal goes into the cup as he pool. So there you go, Rob. So there you go. Anything else Rob before we close it out, because that that's to me, that's huge.

Rob (31:37.631)
It is huge. Thanks for sharing it with everyone. If everything burns down, it is 100 % your fault. There you go.

Craig (31:45.486)
okay. I'll put my hand up for that. No problem. Come at me. Come at me, bro. Anyway, Rob, this ends another official Munzee podcast.

Rob (31:49.311)
Very good. Right.

Rob (31:53.727)
And thanks for joining us on this Munzee adventure.

Craig (31:56.622)
Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review on your favorite podcasting app. And of course, join us next week for another very, very informative. I'm not sure, not sure it's going to be this is so informative as today's, but anyway, we'll see.

Rob (32:08.991)
Yeah, we'll find out soon. And remember, Munzee is more than a game. It's a worldwide community of mobile game players.

Craig (32:17.358)
So keep scanning, keep discovering and keep that Munzey spirit alive. Red, one, two, three, double points, double points, double points, everything, everything, double points, everything.

Rob (32:21.439)
Muncie on! Muncie Muncie on on. Double!

Rob (32:29.183)

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