Official Munzee Podcast

Munzee Weekly Podcast - Friday April 12th, 2024

Rob Vardeman & Craig Michell Season 2 Episode 15

Craig and Rob chat all things Munzee, a BIG week that was,  with Craig leading by example. Plenty of tips given out on how you can earn some serious points. 

Rob explains the new MOB - Dragons, and how they work. Ending with a question from the Water Cooler on FB, and yet another Tip for making the munzee walk even more fun. 

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Seemyshell (00:01.083)
Welcome to the official Munzee podcast.

Rob (00:03.406)
I'm Rob, also known as Coach V, your host and the president of Munzee.

Seemyshell (00:07.195)
And I'm Craig, also known as Seemyshell. I'm an avid Munzee player. I'm here to explore the game further.

Rob (00:12.206)
Each week we'll delve into Munzee's mysteries, divulge some secrets, and inform players from around the world just what is coming your way.

Seemyshell (00:19.131)
So sit back and relax as today's episode, we're going to talk about the week that was some double points, more dragons and Rob, I've got tips, tips, tips coming out my tips just saying, because I went to the event last weekend in Florida with a, you know, 30 odd people there as well. So yes, so stay tuned to the entire episode because there's going to be tips scattered throughout just like sprinkling a sprinkling of tips from a sprinkling. Yeah, exactly.

Rob (00:35.534)

Rob (00:42.19)
Wow, it's like you were really, really busy this weekend with events. We'll also hear more about that in the leaderboard update, won't we?

Seemyshell (00:50.171)
Oh, we should. I mean, you're going to have to talk about the leaderboard more so than me, but anyway, just saying. How have you been, mate? How have you been? You're still looking studious. I take it you're still in Texas.

Rob (00:55.886)

Rob (01:02.382)
I am sitting here at my parents' house and in their study. No one else can see my backdrop here, but yes, they've got some books and some vinyls. We've got the records out. Yeah, my dad keeps trying to come in and get me to play some of the super old country music. Yeah. Yeah.

Seemyshell (01:05.467)
Mm -hmm.

Seemyshell (01:09.723)

Seemyshell (01:14.907)
Oh my god.

Seemyshell (01:21.211)
Old school, of course country Texas. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He wouldn't be, he wouldn't be into the R and B or rapper and it'd be Texas. You'd be more, more country. So.

Rob (01:29.358)
Yeah, my grandfather's records from very long ago are in here and Gene Autry and I mean, there's some, wow, some serious old school stuff in here that I have passed every time. Said no, thank you. Yeah.

Seemyshell (01:33.915)
Mm -hmm.

Seemyshell (01:40.603)

Nah. Mate, I did see on your social media throughout the week as well that you actually saw the totality. Is that true? Oh, wow. You and Lou. Yeah.

Rob (01:52.302)
We did. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Lou has been very, very interested. We'll call it, um, in, in the eclipse and, uh, a self -proclaimed eclipse hunter, if you will. And, um, seven years ago we were in Dallas. Um, she and her boys came to visit and, uh, we saw a partial eclipse. It happened there at MHQ. Um, I can't remember 80%, 90 % the.

Seemyshell (02:01.019)
Mm -hmm.

Seemyshell (02:05.947)

Seemyshell (02:12.027)
Mm -hmm.

Mm -hmm.

Rob (02:20.558)
The sun, you know, was mostly hidden and it got a little bit hazy and on the way toward dark, but not something that I was like, ooh, that was really cool. It was all right. It was impressive that part of the sun was hiding in a little bit dark. Well, I can tell you that if you ever have an opportunity to see a full eclipse, like to be in the path of totality,

Seemyshell (02:33.019)

Mm -hmm.

Seemyshell (02:39.387)

Seemyshell (02:45.659)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Rob (02:49.294)
Go out of your way to make it happen. Get there early because a lot of other people will be doing that. But yeah, man, it was amazing. So we went up to Dallas and we were we were not too far from MHQ where headquarters used to be. And and yeah, we had just over two minutes of that totality. The weather was not forecast to look good at all.

Seemyshell (02:51.003)
Yeah. Yeah. Oh yeah.

Seemyshell (03:01.947)
Mm -hmm. Yeah, yeah.

Rob (03:14.958)
And so we were a little bit concerned. It was cloudy in the morning, about an hour and a half before the eclipse actually started for us. The clouds started to break and fingers crossed like, Oh, it's going to happen. Big clouds kept coming through and, and literally within like a minute or two before it was supposed to happen. Here came another big cloud and you're looking out into the sky and going, Oh no, it's going to be, it's going to be clear. It's going to happen. We'll see it.

Seemyshell (03:24.091)
Oh nice. Come on.

Seemyshell (03:37.403)

Seemyshell (03:43.451)
Yeah, yeah.

Rob (03:43.886)
And we did in literally the coolest thing that I've ever experienced. And yeah, even, even those teenage boys were like, mom, this was super cool. Thank you for bringing us and making us do this.

Seemyshell (03:46.811)

Seemyshell (03:52.955)
Oh wow.

You, you know, you know, Rob, let's be honest. And those are the kids out there as well know this. And that is if the kids turn around, the teenagers turn around and say something that's cool, you know, that is cool. So there you go. Yeah.

Rob (04:06.318)
Yeah, I would encourage everyone to actually go to lose YouTube videos. She recorded the whole thing and and yeah, she got some really great footage and it's um is super cool and yeah, we just had a good time.

Seemyshell (04:10.683)
Mm -hmm. Nah.

Yeah. Yeah. That's really cool. Well, a shout out as well, Rob on, on social media with the Munzee monthly moments for this month. You have to say a pun or a joke of some sort while you're capping a Munzee. And we had our very own BuckeyeCash, a 111 Carson. His, his pun was while he was actually watching the totality and stuff. And he had his glasses as well. And he said like, you know, here's a Munzee and my pun is what happens when the son needs a haircut.

Eclipse it and he puts his glasses down. So there you go. Yes Go look for his video. It's really cool. Well done Carson. Good job, mate. And don't forget again guys, you need to put your videos in because You get things you get prizes even if you don't win Rob You still give out some prizes not only do we get badges, but I got a couple of these special special cards that came through as well some video cards so guys

Rob (04:46.126)
No way. I haven't seen this video yet. I'm gonna go look for that. That's cool.

Rob (05:01.006)

Seemyshell (05:09.883)
Get your videos in ASAP. You know where to go. If you don't reach out to me and I'll send you point you in the direction. So, but Rob, my, my weekend was a huge bunsy weekend as well. So yeah, flew down, flew down to Florida for the three days, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, massive weekend with points. But Rob, you know, I coexist. Everyone knows that Rob. I didn't find a cash for the entire weekend. Not one, not one.

Rob (05:20.238)
Yeah, yeah.

Rob (05:33.23)
No way, are you serious? I've not ever been around you where it was a Munzee only hangout time. Wow.

Seemyshell (05:41.531)
This was Munzee only Munzee heavy because you know, my new referral, which is technically just my wife, but, uh, but yeah, she, she's, she's so Munzee heavy now as well. You know, at the moment while we're recording this, she's out doing the loop around getting all her Munzees. So, cause there's some few in our Skyland. So that she's out doing that. So there you go. Yeah. Munzee only weekend. And it was huge weekend. Now. Well, I said before, we've got some tips. Here's some tips straight off the bat, because this is what I was doing.

Rob (05:48.334)

Rob (05:59.95)

Seemyshell (06:08.987)
Some people on social media did reach out and say, you know, Craig, how are you getting those points? Cause I did get some quite decent sized points. Um, now all I'll say is this, you've got to use the boosters at the right times. And I'm talking about virtual, virtual boosters for double points. So what I'd done and he's a biggest tip for you have it filtered. So you only show those. Munsies themselves, the virtual Munsies that are currently double points activated by MHQ.

So for this one, it was EVOs and cards and flats, for instance, right? And then you literally activate another double point boost. So you're getting four times points on those areas. You then cap, cap, cap, cap as much as you can within the 300 foot radius, the 500 foot radius for the cards. And that's when, after that point is when you activate your radius booster. Now it's only five minutes of the radius booster guys. So once you activate that radius booster, if you do have,

Hmm. A couple of blasts up your sleeve. Those are probably the times when to use those blasts because you capture one hundred for the black ones, one hundred per blast and you can do three at a time. And the best thing that I think you guys have improved Rob is the blasting techniques as well, whereby as soon as you blast, boom, they go off your map. Boom, they go off your map. Boom, they go off your map. So yeah. So for me, that's exactly how there's a few over in the UK that actually asked me and said, Craig, you just steamed your head. Well, that's exactly what I did.

I utilize the tools and which Munzee, uh, you know, give, give us. So, I mean, yes, it did cost me some dollars. I will say that it did cost me some dollars guys. So it's nothing free in this world, you know, but it's the price you pay in order to get up on that leaderboard, to get those numbers pumping through. So, you know, I went ahead of, here we go. I went ahead of, uh, Minnesota boy on the leaderboard. I steamed ahead of Lou.

Rob (07:43.31)

Rob (08:00.128)

Seemyshell (08:03.099)
on the leaderboard as well. Not leaderboard, but the overall leaderboard thing, whatever. Yeah, cause losing on the leaderboard. I can't get that, but yeah, I steamed ahead of both those. So, dare say, dare say Minnesota boy Tim, he's going to get back ahead of me after this coming weekend because there's two events coming up in Minnesota and they're quite large as well. So there you go. So there you go, Rob, that's a good tip.

Rob (08:03.278)
Wow. Yeah.

Rob (08:13.294)

Rob (08:24.27)
So we were driving up to Dallas on Saturday and my dad was excited. He was playing because I was driving. He was playing on the way up there and he kept updating me on where he was on the leaderboard and he was moving up and then he starts telling me who's at the top and I was like, Oh, see my show. Imagine that. So yeah, he stopped just short of a million points. He didn't quite get to that. Yeah, but he had fun too.

Seemyshell (08:29.691)
Mm -hmm.

Seemyshell (08:33.819)
Mm -hmm.

Seemyshell (08:39.579)

Seemyshell (08:44.699)

Yep. Yeah, no, that's fine. Tip number two. Are you ready for tip number two? Here we go. Oh yeah, of course. I've got, I told you I'm full of tips tonight, Rob. Uh, tip number two is don't forget about physical boosters. Yes. Physical boosters. A lot of people do, including Gary Eagle dad. I went around with him and we were doing at the event itself, we were doing the pins around the event and the cake and whatever. And you.

Rob (08:54.894)
Ooh, already. Go for it. Cool. That's good.

Rob (09:04.014)

Rob (09:08.622)
Mm -hmm.

Seemyshell (09:15.067)
grab other physicals and whatever, as you go around this as well. And it was really well set up, Rob. I'll say this as well. Colecracker7 and the team, they did a great job of setting up like a smaller circle ring, but then a larger circle ring. They incorporated 45 pieces of cake. So that's really cool, but they last, the physical boosters last for two hours. Yes, two hours. And so if you've got a physical booster on, think about this, Rob. Okay. You got a physical booster on.

And you're doing a greenie run for instance, as you can do, but you're doing a green one when it's, when it's cruisies. What? So that means you get not 100 points for the cruiser. You get 200 points for the cruiser. And then because there's double points on double points, you can get 80 points for the greenie. So you're capping the same one twice in a total of 280 points per greenie rock.

Rob (09:48.206)

Rob (10:06.414)
And that's legal. Like you're not doing anything out of the ordinary or like, oh, that's trouble. No, no, it's exactly right. If the Cruzee is not a greenie, then you've got a possibility of getting a multiplier on whatever else it is. It just might not be a four point piece. Yeah. I'm impressed. Yep. I think Eagle Dad helped train you well on that one. Yeah. Cause that's, no.

Seemyshell (10:08.283)
Yeah, that's... no.

Nope, that's no. There you go.

Seemyshell (10:21.755)
Mm -hmm.

Yeah. Yeah, exactly. There you go. So.

actually, no, no, the other way around, Rob, I told yes, the other way around because he said, he goes, Oh, he said, I forgot about those. And then he had a look and he's got like 12 or 13 double point boosters on for physicals because we don't, no one uses them that much, Rob. And I think they're an under, under, underutilized sort of boost to be honest with you because you don't realize they go for two hours because you think you have to walk to your green, you walk to your physicals, but it goes for two hours guys. So use it, use it. That's what I'll say.

Rob (10:42.382)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (10:47.342)
It's true.

Rob (10:53.678)

Rob (11:00.27)
Event hosts, remind people, there you go, before they go capping the event flags, like tell them.

Seemyshell (11:02.587)
Yeah, yeah, exactly.

Unfortunately, you can't get two pieces of cake. It doesn't double the cake. When you kept the, don't worry. I try, I sort of looked at that too. I thought maybe that it doesn't, it doesn't. Yeah, no, it doesn't might have confirmed that. All right, Mike, 11 minutes into this episode. As I always say, it's time now for the week that was events we had in USA with Missouri, Texas, Iowa and Florida. And we also had Ohio on Monday as well around the world.

Rob (11:10.926)

Rob (11:14.67)
Yeah. Thank you for confirming that. Thank you. That would have been fixed if it had. I'm glad to hear it.

Rob (11:36.526)
Around the world we had Nottingham UK, which a congrats to happy girly and odd minor. It went mega 74 attendees. Really good. Yeah. So congrats to them. Um, we also have one in Ontario, Canada, Germany, ACT Australia. We had one this week in Denmark on Monday.

Seemyshell (11:40.507)

Seemyshell (11:46.299)
Wow, that's really cool.

Seemyshell (11:58.043)
Very good. I got asked as well at the event room. What's ACT? What's ACT, Craig? It's called Australia Capital Territory. It's in the middle of New South Wales, but it's is its own territory. It's basically like the Washington DC of Australia. So that's yeah, there you go. A few people asked me about that down in the event. So there you go. All right. Alita boards over the week on Friday, we had a caliber cable, 3 .2 million points. We then had, I know.

Rob (12:09.966)

Seemyshell (12:25.659)
W7SNJ with 2 .4 million points and then odd minor with just over a million points. So plenty of millionaires on Saturday Rob we had.

Rob (12:36.206)
Saturday guess who the winner was that's right. It was the one the only see my shell Way to go man Two and a half million points and if you're wondering how he just told you so, you know back it up flower pot man 1 .273 million which is just half of what you had Wow And then Granville at 1 .26 million

Seemyshell (12:44.923)
Thank you, Mike.

Mm -hmm.

I told you. Yeah, exactly.

Seemyshell (12:58.555)

Rob (13:03.406)
Congratulations to the other millionaires that was Ellie soft gr Brad T and gruesome to some shy go on and read Sunday as well. Yes, I shall because guess who's on there again. Not in first place this time. He was nice and shared. Yeah. So also at the event in Florida was the winner of the day. Jaffa 43, 904 ,000. And then here he is again. But I don't see my shell 862 ,000 and then followed up by Anna banana.

Seemyshell (13:13.755)
No, no.

Seemyshell (13:29.051)

Rob (13:33.294)
Also at that event, 781 ,000. So congrats to those on the leaderboards for the weekend.

Seemyshell (13:36.667)
Awesome. Awesome. Rob, I'm not sure if you saw it or not, but on the water cooler, you had a flower pot man who comes second in there. And he said like, I would love to have, I thought I was going to be, you know, see my show and get my name on the podcast. He wanted his name read out on the podcast. So ready? Flower pot man, flower pot man, flower pot man. There you go, mate. You've had your name read out on the podcast. Well done and congratulations for your first loser second place.

Rob (13:54.766)
Yeah, flower pot man.

There he is.

Rob (14:05.71)

Seemyshell (14:05.883)
I can say that because that's the badge, but anyway, current events coming up this weekend, we have in the USA, Minnesota, there's two of those, Missouri and California. There's two as well around the world.

Rob (14:08.27)
That's true.

Rob (14:17.454)
around the world, BC, Canada, there's two there, UK, Finland, Switzerland, Netherlands, Denmark, Hungary, Victoria, Australia, and ACT Australia. Hey, they're growing.

Seemyshell (14:27.387)
I told you that big event in Australia has brought on some new players. I'll tell you that much. Um, the large events coming up as we've been speaking about over the last few episodes itself, Minneapolis and May 10th to 12th 40 there so far slowly growing. So that will be over 50. We can almost, almost guarantee that of course, Rob, you'll be there. I'll be there as well. And then we talked about Flagstaff, Arizona again, this is.

Rob (14:45.454)
Yeah. Yeah.

Seemyshell (14:53.275)
Very much slowly growing. It had nine there last week. Now it's got 11 this week. So there you go. That's a May 24th to 26th and everyone's going to everyone is anyone's going to be there. So make sure you get your actual I'm goings in for that. So the, we can talk about it more. So Rob can actually go as well. That would be really cool. And then we have.

Rob (15:13.326)
Click my I'm going. That would be really nice. I'm falling off the fence, but I'm definitely still barely attached to it. Yeah. So then also we've got the mid summer events that are going on in Hampshire, UK. That's June 14th to 16th. And there are 31 so far that have said they're going to that. Yeah.

Seemyshell (15:21.947)
Oh, there we go. Yeah.

Seemyshell (15:27.963)
Mm -hmm.

Seemyshell (15:33.627)
That's going to be big. That's going to be big. So don't forget guys, if you are a host of a growing event, you can reach out to me on my, any of my social medias of pages or on the Munzee app itself. Rob, what's happening this week with Munzee? What's going on? What's, let's talk about the, the, the, the, what's happening now with Munzee. What's new? Yeah.

Rob (15:51.918)
Shall we? Let's see. So Double Point weekend is going on as this is being listened to. It's happening now. So that's cards, tempverts, flats, greenies, and all reseller Munsies. It includes, guess what? Those things that we talked about last week, the reseller glass guardians.

Seemyshell (15:55.547)
Mm -hmm.

Seemyshell (15:59.163)
Mm -hmm.

Seemyshell (16:08.155)
What? Yeah. Oh, okay. Questions straight away off the bat because that's what's going to happen. People are going to ask these questions and that's what I'm here for. You said that includes a reseller glass card is that include if you purchase one, then you get double points on the deploy. Yes. Hmm. You can only buy one. So a lot of people like myself who got in there and got in there straight away off the bat and started buying them.

Rob (16:25.198)
Yes, however, for those who already have it, don't forget you can only buy one one forever, not one per week.

Seemyshell (16:36.475)
then we don't get the double points for that, but we get double points for people capping, like cap ons. Yep.

Rob (16:39.886)
Yeah, you get the cap -ons. Yeah, you get the cap -ons. Go chase them down. You get the captures and that kind of stuff. Yeah.

Seemyshell (16:45.403)
captures as well. Perfect. Perfect. While we're on the reseller glass guardians, I did see on the water cooler only this morning, Rob as well. Don't forget guys, these resellers themselves, they, they work tirelessly and they have to click buttons after you've purchased it. So please be patient with them. And I know I think the one in the UK, Rob, poor guy, he's out, he's, he's, he's on vacation, Rob. He's trying to have a vacation and here he is trying to keep up with the orders of the glass guardians coming through. So.

That's all we say is just be patient guys. It should happen within the 24 hours. You know, if, if not, if not well, I'm truly less, but they have to sleep too.

Rob (17:17.838)
Yeah, I did. Yeah, I did launch them during Easter break. So how nice of me. I didn't even think about that. Yeah, Chris and Rachel who run Northeast geocaching supplies. My apologies because yeah, they are. If you buy over the weekend, obviously that's not going to work out for you to get those deployed really quickly. So yeah, just keep it in mind. Very good.

Seemyshell (17:25.435)

Seemyshell (17:36.059)
Mm -hmm.

Yeah, that's right. That's right. Yeah. And the same thing happens in Australia as well. When you first release them, I jumped on straight away, Rob. And I did and I got all four like I do. I purchased all four, but I didn't get all four. I had to wait for the guys in Australia to actually wake up and press the button. So, cause I knew the time difference over there was like 2 AM or something ridiculous. So they're going to be sound asleep. So all I'm saying guys,

Rob (17:53.966)

Mm -hmm.

Seemyshell (18:04.379)
Be patient with these reseller glass guys. Were there any reseller stuff at all? If you buy anything from the resellers, you know, you're doing a great job by supporting locals, et cetera, but just be more patient because they do have to, it's not automated as such. So that's all. That's all we're saying. Yeah. What else is, what else is happening? Rob.

Rob (18:16.398)

Rob (18:20.846)
So there was some chat recently, like going at the beginning of this month, just with with people going, oh man, we haven't had new mobs to come out recently, you know, because we had we had the last set ended really quite a few weeks ago, maybe two or three weeks ago. And we we don't usually have big gaps in between when, you know, when we've got mobs out on the map. So we've been working on something shocking and.

Seemyshell (18:22.843)

Seemyshell (18:30.395)
Oh yeah, yeah.

Seemyshell (18:36.827)
Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Seemyshell (18:46.651)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Rob (18:50.67)
Well, guess what? It runs with the theme of the year, which is dragons. And we launched it. They're here.

Seemyshell (18:55.675)
Oh, oh, oh, there we go. So tell us, can we tell us anything more about these dragons, bro?

Rob (19:01.454)
Well, I can tell you what I think I know and we will go from there because you and I record this as we tell people on Wednesday morning and well, things can always change, can't they? So these are launching this week and they are, this is something that we're going to have to take a shallow swim into this information. Just a really light intro, you and I, because...

Seemyshell (19:03.931)

Seemyshell (19:09.275)

Seemyshell (19:12.891)
This I do.

Seemyshell (19:27.547)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (19:29.838)
This is a very unique set. We've not really done anything quite like this before because it's almost an evolution process that's going on, like as people capture these mobs. And it's also sort of like a couple of the mechs that we have where when you cap the monkey, let's say five times, then it turns into the prime ape and then it turns into King

Seemyshell (19:32.923)

Seemyshell (19:36.603)

Seemyshell (19:45.595)

Seemyshell (19:58.715)
Oh, yeah.

Rob (19:59.79)
So it's that kind of thing. So as I'm explaining this to you, you have not seen any of the information, you know, and you, you literally are not knowing any of this. So you're, ah, it's like, oh, okay. We're definitely going to need to read the blog to everyone next week. So everyone stay tuned. I'll also be doing some answering of questions.

Seemyshell (20:03.931)
Mm -hmm. No, no.

Seemyshell (20:11.419)

Seemyshell (20:15.899)
Next week.

Seemyshell (20:25.147)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (20:25.454)
I'm out there on discord on the water cooler because it's it's not complex. It's different. It is a lot like our game where there are a few unique pieces that that might need a bit of explanation. So let me let me kind of give the highlights of it. There are dragon eggs that start bouncing on the map. All right. Not going to say the number because who knows me and you. Right. So.

Seemyshell (20:29.275)
Mm -hmm.

Seemyshell (20:32.891)
Mm -hmm.

Seemyshell (20:41.339)
Mm -hmm.

Seemyshell (20:48.347)
Okay, yep. Nope, nope.

Rob (20:55.15)
There are dragon eggs that are bouncing. Once those dragon eggs get capped, like each specific one, as it gets capped, let's go with 10 times, then that dragon egg is going to be archived because a baby dragon is going to be launched from it.

Seemyshell (21:05.691)
Mm -hmm.

Seemyshell (21:13.051)
Oh, from it, so basically the egg cracks open and out pops a baby. Okay, makes sense, makes sense.

Rob (21:17.55)
Outcomes the baby dragon. So, so let's go with 15 times that the baby dragon gets captured on that 15th capture. Then the baby dragon evolves or grows into an elder dragon and onward there it goes. So the elder dragon is then going to be bouncing around the map. And let's go with 20 times that the, um, the baby, or sorry, the elder dragon is going to be bouncing around now.

Seemyshell (21:22.267)
Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Seemyshell (21:32.571)
Oh. Mm -hmm.

Seemyshell (21:38.363)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Seemyshell (21:45.883)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (21:46.702)
The mechanic that is a bit different is if you're the one that caps and breaks the dragon egg, what if you're the owner of that baby dragon? Yeah.

Seemyshell (21:56.603)
Yeah, yeah.

Seemyshell (22:01.755)
What? So if you break, if you break the egg and it turns into a baby drink, you then become the owner of the baby dragon. Is that what you're saying? I know you and the dragon egg. Yeah. So Munzee owned the dragon egg, but you've got a chance to then be its birth mother. Like, yeah.

Rob (22:07.822)
We own the dragon egg, okay?

Rob (22:17.582)
Yeah, you you you have a baby dragon bouncing around. And then your baby dragon gets captured enough that that someone who gets the last cap on that baby dragon, they then have an elder dragon that's bouncing around. So there's a lot of points up for grab for those who are chasing these baby dragons and elder dragons and dragon eggs. Yeah.

Seemyshell (22:22.427)

Seemyshell (22:30.459)


Seemyshell (22:39.003)
So what do you call it then when the Munzey Owned Bouncer becomes a Shared Owned Bouncer? You call it a sob. Call it a sob. It becomes a sob. A Shared Owned Bouncer. There you go.

Rob (22:45.294)
Well, honestly, you heard it here first, because we hadn't changed the name. We were just calling them mobs. They're, they're, they're officially getting deployed on a Munzee account. So they're, they're, they're really, they're, they're T -pops. They're the temporary, you know, player on bouncers. It's just a Munzee player account. Yeah. So anyway, that is, that is about the surface level swim that I'm able to do right now. And based on our timing, we would need to move on anyway. So yeah.

Seemyshell (22:56.027)
Hmm. Yeah. Technically. Yep. There you go. Wow.

Mm hmm. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Makes sense. It makes it makes a lot of sense and make sure you get out there guys and try and cap these as much as you can because you never know. Is there a way to actually find out or feel this is going to be a question on the water cool? Is there a way to find out or filter how many caps apart from just literally looking and counting how many caps one's had?

Rob (23:28.718)
You know who that's going to be up to? Sam.

Seemyshell (23:30.875)
Who Sam, because that would, that would obviously, you know, some people would try and research that before they go for a drive, for instance, to actually cap it, um, see if they're going to be the new owner of the baby or the elder. So there you go.

Rob (23:39.662)

Rob (23:43.79)
Yeah, there's going to be enough of these that keeping your eye on every single one of them might be a bit difficult. But, um, but yeah, I do think that we're going to start seeing some competition. It might even turn into the way that, uh, that bouncers were way back in the day where, um, you know, people went chasing them and, um, you know, watching and, and like, Oh man, let's go. We got to get it type thing. So local races, if you've got more people in your town. So good luck.

Seemyshell (23:49.307)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Seemyshell (23:59.035)


Seemyshell (24:06.331)
Yes, exactly.

Yes. I knew say back in the day, but really that's to be honest with that's my life at the moment with my current with my wife. She's she's she's out there chasing them down. As I said before, she went out in her pajamas, Rob. She went out and walked. She walked because she's I'm not going to go for a drive for a few hundred foot. So she walked and actually got a bouncer in her pajamas. So there you go. It happens. It happens even still today. So easy said and easy done. All right, Rob, we're going to move it along now to the Munzee question of the week.

Rob (24:16.366)
Oh yeah.

Rob (24:22.062)

Rob (24:27.246)
Mm -hmm.


Seemyshell (24:38.619)
This question came from the water cooler and I'll say the water cooler in general because I can't find it exactly who said it. But there's been a couple of questions come through I've noticed over the last few weeks. And that is not all the couplables are available to redeem for bounces. So when are we likely to see all of them actually become available as bounces?

Rob (24:59.022)
Oh, um, you know what? Thanks for pointing that out. And I haven't been in the water cooler for quite a few days now. I've just been traveling and whatnot as you know, but, um, yeah, that is a nice reminder, we'll call it. And, um, let me, let me check on that because who knows maybe even by Friday when this is out there live, maybe, maybe otherwise, otherwise, uh, coming soon, we'll go with that.

Seemyshell (25:00.155)
Hmm. Hmm.

Seemyshell (25:08.187)
Mm -hmm.

Seemyshell (25:16.731)

Seemyshell (25:24.155)
Maybe something may happen.

Yes. Well, this one, this one, but I said, I can't even remember who it is. So I can't credit them. Unfortunately. I'm going to do apologize if you wish to have credit, but credit with credit is due. They've got like 11 or 12 or 13 of a type of a couple more that they can't actually redeem. And so they're like, you know, I've got all these ready to go, but I can't actually redeem them yet. So, so there you go. So that may happen guys. See, see what happens. You put, it's not a, it's not a complaint in the water cooler, but you say, when is this going to happen?

Rob (25:40.782)
So, yeah.

Seemyshell (25:54.203)
You know, and if you, if you write it correctly and doesn't sound like a winch, then it's not becoming a wine cooler. It's a water cooler and things happen from when you ask things happen from when you say things. But anyway, speaking of things happening, Rob, not one, but two tips this week. You ready for them? All right, mate, we have firstly, they're both from me. I'll say that the first one comes because I was doing the walk around with, as I said before, with Gary as well.

Rob (25:54.318)

Rob (26:00.622)

Rob (26:09.198)
Let's do it.

Rob (26:19.598)
Mm -hmm.

Seemyshell (26:20.283)
And Gary said, you know, oh, I don't like it when these these flags are quite small, you know, the smaller flags. He likes the taller ones because he's a big guy and a tall guy. He doesn't like bending down. I said to him, Gary, you don't have to bend down. He says, what? I said, as long as they're not flapping in the wind, there's no wind. The ones that are still as it stand up and look at this and use the zoom function on your phone. And he's like, what? So he started doing it. Blew his mind, blew his.

Rob (26:41.294)

Seemyshell (26:48.027)
mine. So save his back.

Rob (26:48.846)
You just increased. Yeah, you increased his speed and you saved his back. So yeah, well done.

Seemyshell (26:52.283)
Yes. Exactly. And activate the double points as well. So increasing speed means more points. There you go. See all these tips. Exactly. One more tip before we go, Robin, that is, um, I'm going to edit this out now.

Rob (26:59.214)

Rob (27:07.086)

Seemyshell (27:10.491)
One more tip, Rob, before we go, and that is when you're out with friends, and I did this as well, especially, especially when it's a cruisy status and you're both cruisy statuses, right? You can then make this more of a game within the game. Now, what I say about that is, is that you both, as you're walking up and you see the Munzee, and this happened to us several times, you know, my wife and we walked up, we looked at the Munzee, we could see it coming up. We activated our phone cameras, ready to cap. And then both of us get there at the same time and we count, ready? Three, two, one, cap.

and then we see and we play a game as to who caps the cruiser first. So that's a pretty cool game. And again, it's a game within a game, making the walk more fun, making the exercise. We did like four or five mile walks, Rob, and we didn't even realize, and I'm not a small guy. So there you go. Yes, making this game more fun with more friends, more people, do it with your kids as well.

Rob (27:44.43)

Rob (28:01.614)
Yes, for those who have a friendly competitive relationship, I think that this is an acceptable tip for those who might have one that is a bit more competitive than the other. I don't think that they probably will go with this tip. They will go with whatever tip has helped them make it and survive this long in life. So yeah.

Seemyshell (28:05.691)

Seemyshell (28:23.931)
I will say this after meeting Lou several times as well. I know you and Lou couldn't do this game Rob because yeah, she's literally slit your throat like she's the competitive out of the two.

Rob (28:33.134)
I would have to, yeah, and something about, you know, if my dad were along too, he'd probably smack me for, you know, hey, like, you're not first, you, you know, let the lady first and all that kind of stuff. So, I mean, he talks nicer than that, but you know, yeah. And it would probably be a little more that way. Like here, let me pick this up for you and hold it out for you so that you can cap it and then cap it with my left hand instead, yeah.

Seemyshell (28:45.499)
Oh, it's the Texan gentleman. That's the thing. Yeah, exactly.


Seemyshell (29:00.251)
First. Yes, exactly. Exactly. Awesome. Awesome. Well, there you go. There all the tips for the, for the, for the week, for the whatever it is as well for the whole episode. Did you enjoy that Rob? Lots of tips, lots of tips. Yes. Exactly. It's ended to me as I said before on any of my social medias or on the Munzee app itself. See my shell easy. You know, find me.

Rob (29:02.254)

Rob (29:11.214)
Oh yeah, I did, I did. Maybe next week someone else might want to send a tip in to us. If they do, send it to you, not to me.

Seemyshell (29:27.387)
Add me as a friend, whatever you like. Not a problem. You can see my Munzee growth with my points, Rob. But anyway, all right, mate, this ends another official Munzee podcast.

Rob (29:32.75)
Yeah. Yeah.

Rob (29:37.358)
Thanks for joining us on this Munzee adventure.

Seemyshell (29:39.739)
Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review on your favorite podcasting app. And of course, join us again for next week for another exciting episode.

Rob (29:46.734)
And remember, Munzee is more than a game, it's a worldwide community of mobile game players.

Seemyshell (29:51.547)
So keep scanning, keep discovering, keep that Munzee spirit alive, including the competitive one as well. Ready, one, two, three, Munzee on. I know, I know, I know, I'll do one again.

Rob (29:56.782)
Absolutely. Munzeon! Oh, he got me. Heee!

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