Official Munzee Podcast

Munzee Weekly Podcast - Friday May 10th, 2024

Rob Vardeman & Craig Michell Season 2 Episode 19
In todays episode, Rob and Craig chat what occurred during the week to Craig. Birthing a Dragon in Uranus, Missouri.
They talk about the previous week and announce the big hitters over the weekend, before diving into the new Universals, Revenge of the Sixth sale, Double point days and weekends, Munzee Monthly Moments for May, and the tips come in hot and fast from capping your mailbox, moving your mailbox, and where to deploy for big/ongoing cap on points.
Craig stumps Rob with a question of the week regarding the MOB eggs, let us know your thoughts?

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Seemyshell (00:01.23)
Welcome to the official Manzee podcast.

Rob (00:03.685)
I'm Rob, also known as Coach V, your host and the president of Munzee.

Seemyshell (00:07.598)
And I'm Craig also known as Seemyshell. I'm an avid Munzee player. I'm here to explore the game further.

Rob (00:12.901)
Each week we'll delve into Munzee's mysteries, divulge some secrets, and inform players from around the world just what is coming your way.

Seemyshell (00:20.366)
So sit back, relax as today's episode, I'm getting off the hook now in regards to the universals. We're talking about some double points. We're talking about the revenge of the sixth sale. I have to say that right. And some new Munzee gardens as well that I will say Rob, they look really cool. But anyway, how you been mate?

Rob (00:36.741)
Oh man, they do look cool, I'll start with that. And yeah, I've been good, just soaking up some sunshine and right now just kinda getting ready for the big trip. I'm headed to Minnesota, gonna be there hanging out with you and all the others, very exciting, yep.

Seemyshell (00:39.118)
Mmm. Mmm.

Seemyshell (00:44.942)

Seemyshell (00:52.718)
Yes. Yes, it's going to be quite a few going to be there this weekend too. I saw on the, on the Willattens and we get to that very, very soon. Mate, you look like you, you look like you're in the closet at the moment. Like what's, is that a closet? Like what is that? Oh, it is a closet.

Rob (01:01.637)

Rob (01:05.061)
Literally, yes. Yes, it actually is the closet. I'm a son's apartment and early enough in the morning that I didn't want to go waking him up, you know, all lively and excited on the podcast and start talking about things a bit too too much too loudly and it's his day off. So this is yeah.

Seemyshell (01:14.414)

Seemyshell (01:19.758)


very true. Oh, that's fair enough. And he does work hard. He's a hard working guy. I'm like his father. But anyway, I'm still on I'm still on the road. I'm still on the road. And as you can see, I'm not in my car. No, I'm in a hotel room as well. So yes, I'm in a currently in a hotel room in Minnesota. Today, I travel up to the actual Minneapolis, the mini Apple, they call it like the big, what do you call it New York City's sister. But anyway, I'm going up there exactly.

Rob (01:33.957)
Yeah, that's true. So what what you've been up to? Yeah

Rob (01:42.053)

Rob (01:52.517)
Well, there you go.

Seemyshell (01:54.766)
On my travels, Rob, you may have seen, may or may not have seen on my social media, I did cap and crack an egg open and a baby dragon was born. Where was I? In Uranus. And that's how they pronounce it. They pronounce it Uranus in Missouri, yes.

Rob (02:11.429)
Okay then. No, that's really cool, man. A very unique place. And you'd think that we might have actually like planted an egg in Uranus just for you to cap, but no, we didn't. Yeah, yeah.

Seemyshell (02:25.326)

Exactly. No, no, no. I mean, I'll talk about it further on another podcast, the Treasures of our Town podcast coming up this week. But just a quick rundown is that we went and we visited the fudge as a fudge factory in Uranus. Yes, there is. We visited the fudge factory in Uranus itself and we capped all the all the munchies of virtuals all around the area. And there was a big bunch of them right on the fudge factory.

Rob (02:40.869)
Of course there is.

Seemyshell (02:52.654)
Captain Moore went in and had a good time doing what tourists do, laughing at all the jokes and the t -shirts and the merch and all that sort of stuff. Come back out, Rob, my referral, who's dragging crazy, dragging crazy. She's not dragging her feet on these, I'll tell you that right now. She's that crazy. She's actually got through Cuppa Z, she's got all the filters ready to go on Cuppa Z for cracked eggs only. Like the ones ready to be cracked and the babies ready to be elders.

Rob (03:04.677)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (03:08.133)

Seemyshell (03:20.078)
So that's the two types that she has as filters on her cup of tea. I didn't even teach her that. And she said to me, she said, Craig, quick, quick, quick. She's already got a baby dragon. So I knew that, you know, I'm next in line. Craig, Craig, quick, get Munsie, open Munsie, open Munsie. I had a look and there it was the flaming egg. It was flaming Rob. So yeah, it was flaming, ready to be cracked. So that's really cool. There's a quick tip for everyone as well. If you don't know whether the egg's ready to.

Rob (03:39.141)

Seemyshell (03:47.662)
be cracked or not into a baby dragon, they do change after the ninth capture. When on their tenth, they're about to be kept for the tenth time, they change in look. They go to like a flaming egg. So there you go.

Rob (04:00.741)
impressive. I mean all the skills there to track them and to be the one who gets that that baby dragon. I mean yeah. Way to go.

Seemyshell (04:04.142)
Mm. Mm -hmm.

Seemyshell (04:10.542)
Exactly. So big shout out to her for my first baby dragon born out of Uranus. Anyway, Rob, the activity of last week in the events in USA, we had five, five big events in Greenville for Pike Spice's birthday. Before I move on to the other ones, I will say, W. Helen, another great video out there for those, that big weekend he did too on YouTube. Links are in the description as well. So big shout out to him. We also had California and Nebraska as well around the world.

Rob (04:40.261)
Around the world we had two in England, the event in Japan, New South Wales and Australia, I forgot there for a sec, Finland, Netherlands, Germany and Norway.

Seemyshell (04:49.326)

Yes, Rob, did you see, did you see, I don't know if I leaked it or not, or maybe I shouldn't have done it, but I found the new, in the new app, or not the new app, the app, the official app, the Munzee app, you change things around.

Rob (05:03.685)
Oh yeah, you found some cool stuff about events, didn't you?

Rob (05:11.429)
Oh. We froze.

Seemyshell (05:15.822)
Yeah, just kidding. It's all right. So Rob in the new app, it's not the new app. It's actually just the official app, but you change things around. Did I, did I, did I leak something or.

Rob (05:25.093)
Well, we haven't, as of recording this, we haven't officially put out the, hey everybody, check out this blog post, check out all the information about the events section in the app. However, you found it. A couple other people noticed it as well. You made a video. Hey, that's all good. No harm, no foul.

Seemyshell (05:30.446)
Mm -hmm.

Seemyshell (05:42.734)
Yeah. Mm -hmm. Yeah. That's cool. If you don't know what we're talking about, have a look on social media or Munzee have now released by this time going recording or going live. Munzee have released the actual what it is. And basically all of these is that you can in the official Munzee app on your phone, you can now have filter for events by, you know, closest to you, furthest from you, most attendees, least attendees, you know, all that sort of stuff too, which is really, really awesome. So.

Thanks, big shout out to Munzee for that new change. A lot of people, Rob, have commented saying that that is a real good positive change that they've been looking forward to, so well done. Mate, the leaderboards over the weekend, did you wanna start with Friday leaderboards?

Rob (06:23.109)
I'll do Friday. Colecracker7, 764 ,000. Eagledad and Xenia, 760 ,000. And W Helen, 467 ,000.

Seemyshell (06:35.118)
That's really cool. Also we had on Saturday, now I've got to say this, I'm always telling him he's always the bridesmaid, never the bride. Saturday he was the bride, Munzee Prof on 894 ,000 points. Well done, Munzee Prof. Finally he's the bride, not the bridesmaid. Well done. Colecracker7 in second place with 832 ,000. Toxin on 760 ,000 points. Sunday Rob.

Rob (06:50.405)

Rob (07:00.805)
Sunday we had Aaron Soog at 741 ,000, Zandmarder 584 ,000, and RBM 554 ,000.

Seemyshell (07:11.63)
Awesome. Well done to everyone over the weekend too. And don't forget this weekend again is it going to be a big, big, big weekend for points. So make sure you get it there and cap as many as you can or deploy if you can't in your area. There's plenty of events to deploy that too. And still not too late to deploy. Just saying current events. Speaking of in the U S we have the big one, Minneapolis, May 10th to 12th. We also have Massachusetts and New York and around the world.

Seemyshell (07:43.47)
You there?

Rob (07:44.773)
And it's back now, yeah. And in the world, Denmark, Netherlands, England, Canada, we have Quebec, two in Ontario and one in British Columbia.

Seemyshell (07:56.11)
Awesome. There's also some large events upcoming over the next few months. Flagstaff Arizona is going to be a big one from May 24th to 26th. People will be there obviously for another big location based game. So make sure you get your ongoings in now. I'll be there. Coach V will be there. The GCV Minnesota boy will be there. I think W. Helen which would be there as well. So all the big players are going to be there. All the vloggers are going to be there just saying. And then we have in Hampshire, UK Rob.

Rob (08:20.709)

Rob (08:24.613)
Yeah, Hampshire, UK, June 14th to 16th. These are the midsummer events. We've got 35 on the will attend list so far.

Seemyshell (08:33.07)
That's really, really cool. So don't forget if you've got a growing event and you'd like a bit of a shout out and a bit of a push, let me know, reach out to me on any of the social medias, all in the Munzee app itself. And I'm happy to sort of look at it and go from there, Rob. So developments this week, upcoming this week. I know, can I say the word universal without being in trouble this time? Oh, good, good, good, good.

Rob (08:53.733)
Okay, this time we're allowed to talk about the Universal because everyone knows about it now. Yeah. So, you know, you knew that the art looked cool last week and everyone seems to have responded well to it. A lot of good feedback and people having a good time with the Universals.

Seemyshell (09:06.126)

Seemyshell (09:15.662)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (09:19.237)
All right. Uh, so here's one of the things that you didn't know about last week and that was the new cards. So, you know how sometimes I tell you some things and sometimes I don't tell you all the things. Yeah, that's, you know, that's so that, so that I can keep some cards tucked away. Haha. Um, so we did have, uh, quite a few new ones that we released. Um, and you know, Dylan's always.

Seemyshell (09:29.134)

Seemyshell (09:36.27)

Seemyshell (09:41.358)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (09:48.069)
crazy one coming up with fun cards. So the one that I enjoyed most on in this one was looking for love in Alderaan places with that whole Star Wars pun. Yeah, man, I was like, that's amazing. So

Seemyshell (09:57.006)
Oh, and you...

Seemyshell (10:02.414)
People ask me, Rob, people ask me all the time, you know, Craig, what's going on with you and Munzee now? I go, look, I really enjoy it. Not only do I enjoy the game plan, everything else as well, but I do enjoy the puns, Rob. You know me, I'm a dad at heart and I love my dad jokes. So keep them coming, keep them coming. That's all I'll say.

Rob (10:14.405)
Mm -hmm.

Oh, yeah. Absolutely. And the one other thing that you did know about was the Munzee Mania gardens that we put in the store because, you know, you came along and helped out by building those gardens because I like to ask you, you can build much better ones than I do. I build squares. I build. I don't build circles. It's too difficult. I because the one that you built is a death star, which is, you know, a circle.

Seemyshell (10:29.038)
Mm -hmm.

Seemyshell (10:37.422)

Seemyshell (10:44.91)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (10:46.117)
So yeah, they looked really good. We put them in the store actually back on the fourth. And then we have promoted them now so that everyone can see them. There's one in there that's for ZCrew. So ZCrew members are able to use their code and get those at an even lower price. So what everyone can see is...

Seemyshell (10:52.558)
Mm -hmm.

Seemyshell (11:02.862)


Rob (11:09.413)
a lower price point than buying the virtuals or the flats themselves because we are choosing the location for you. So I figure if you buy it yourself, pick it, put it wherever you want, cool. That's one price. But if we're choosing the place for you, which we are choosing a very popular location, people, you know what I mean? So we're selling these things in a place where you're...

Seemyshell (11:14.51)
Mm -hmm.

Seemyshell (11:26.894)

It really is. It really is. Get them in.

Rob (11:37.989)
going to possibly get like 50 caps on Friday or Saturday or Sunday. So yeah, and then they will continue to be captive bouncers land on them or the scatters. I mean, the things that people don't think about. So hey, everyone, they're out there and they're discounted. Thank you.

Seemyshell (11:42.83)

Mm -hmm.

Seemyshell (11:50.798)


Yep. Yep. Yep. They look really cool. As you just said, make sure you get them in early because you know, there's going to be a lot of out of towners in town in that area this weekend as this podcast goes live. So if you're thinking about getting in, getting in now and all the obviously all the information too is on the blog post. So get into the blog post guys. I know we read the blog post, but we can't make you click the blog post. Just saying. So Rob, after that we have now we had the May the fourth.

All that sort of stuff as well and that was a lot of fun, but then Revenge of the Sixth. I can't even say it properly.

Rob (12:30.661)
Yeah, yeah, exactly. I know the the sixth piece doesn't always roll off the tongue Yes, so the revenge of the sixth sale kicked off on Monday and that's gonna be going on for the rest of the month and In order to put it in the easiest terms. It's buy five get one free. That's what it means. So People that are going into the store and buying five items

Seemyshell (12:36.91)

Seemyshell (12:52.59)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (12:58.437)
which I've seen a couple of orders go through that way. I'm like, if only they had known that just one more item, there's even a big header at the top of the store that says like, buy five, get one free. So you must have six items in your cart and you do get the lowest price item free out of the six. So previously when we had a sale like this, I believe that it was you and I that talked about.

Seemyshell (13:00.494)
Oh, no.

Seemyshell (13:05.582)


Seemyshell (13:14.222)

Seemyshell (13:18.446)
for free. Right.

Seemyshell (13:23.982)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (13:24.485)
the fact that people should plan their orders accordingly, because if let's say you're buying five $10 items, and then you throw in one pack of $1 cards, you're going to spend $50 and you're going to get a $1 item for free. That's, that's not great. That's not great return people. So please look at your, look at your orders and make sure you're getting like priced things.

Seemyshell (13:28.206)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Seemyshell (13:42.382)
Yes, exactly. No, no.

Seemyshell (13:49.806)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (13:52.229)
It's okay to make multiple orders if you want to get a bunch of cards But you you know also want to get sets of magnets So just trying to trying to help people use this discount to their best benefit

Seemyshell (14:00.814)

Seemyshell (14:08.782)
I like it. I like it. And if you in other terms as well people select six things and pay for five So select six things and pay for five. So there you go Mate this weekend as well. Obviously we just said before double points actually sorry double points now on Wednesday as we're talking this so Wednesday Thursdays for this month Wednesdays and Thursdays a double points for everyone on Cards and greenies. Is that right? Yes

Rob (14:18.533)
There you go.

Rob (14:26.661)
You know what?

Rob (14:34.853)
believe you are correct. Cards and greenies. Yep. Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Seemyshell (14:38.222)
That's awesome. So if people, you know, deciding, for instance, if you don't have a mailbox and you're not going to get double points for the weekends, you know, you don't, you don't, you won't miss out. Deploy your cards on Wednesdays and Thursdays for the weekend events. You get them double points for your deploy. There you go. Just saying it may be harder to find a spot Rob, let's be honest, but still at the end of the day, you know, I mean, oh, Rob, I tried to deploy a couple today from Minnesota and it's just out of control anyway.

Rob (14:58.181)
Yeah. Yeah.

Rob (15:06.597)

Seemyshell (15:06.638)
So that's the double points for the weekends now for mailbox owners this weekend itself, sorry weekdays, mailbox owners this weekend. What are the double points for this weekend Rob for mailbox owners?

Rob (15:16.709)
Yeah, so this weekend we've got cards, flats, the temporary virtuals, greenies, and then it's all the virtual colors. So this is the weekend that has the most, the most items, the most specific or different types, I guess, because it's all 60 to 65, however many colors of the virtuals. Yep.

Seemyshell (15:27.982)
Oh cool.

Seemyshell (15:40.75)
That's cool. That's cool. And also it also includes the virtual colors and also flats. In those two brand new Munzee gardens in Minnesota, they're virtual colors or flats. So if you've got your filter, here you go. Here's a tip for those players who are in Minnesota. If you're in Minnesota and you've got a mailbox, then go to the middle of these.

Rob (15:50.245)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (15:58.053)

Seemyshell (16:10.318)
And then cap away as many as you can whilst you're having a double points booster on you, cap as many as you can. And then after that is when you blast away as many as you can with the filter for virtuals and flats only blast away as many as you can by blasting and then increase your radius. After you've blasted the medium out, increase your radius, a few more blasts. And guess what? You're going to, you're going to diminish all of them. Rob, I'm going to say this. I'm going to say this out loud. The amount that is, that's there.

you'll get over a million points just by doing that in the space of half an hour. There you go. You'll be a millionaire in half an hour. Yeah.

Rob (16:43.397)
Well, wow, I mean, yeah, wow. And I like your idea there of doing that going to the middle because that is how you would you would actually destroy the Death Star, wouldn't you? You'd go to the middle and you would, you know, fire at the middle of it and then just watch the whole thing explode outward. There you go.

Seemyshell (16:55.406)
Yeah. The middle of the Death Star.

Exactly. And that's what happens because a radius is a circle. You see Rob, look at that. I'm a mathematician now. A radius is a circle and the blast radius goes up to a mile. A blast radius. A mile people, that's right. So there you go. And the reason why I say cap as many as you can via blast before you the radius booster, because obviously the radius booster only lasts for five minutes.

Rob (17:07.749)
Wow! Look at you!

Seemyshell (17:26.574)
not the half an hour that the double points does. So there you go. Look at those tips, Rob, coming out of my tip hole, just saying. Anyway, next up we have the Munzee Monthly Moments for May has started. And I was near some, basically it's a POY, Rob, and you've got to be near water. So you cap a POY, like people have done in the past. If you don't know how to screen record, message me. You know, that's fine, not a problem. Rob.

Rob (17:31.365)

Rob (17:35.845)

Rob (17:44.645)
Okay. All right.

Seemyshell (17:55.15)
I don't think I told you this, but I had a good player reach out to me saying, Craig, why do you do this to me? I can't, how do I upload? And, you know, and so I tried to, I shared a couple of example videos with that person and they still didn't get it. They said, no, I'm still having trouble. It's not happening for me. Something's going on. Something's wrong. So Rob, I said, call me. And I gave him my number. She called me. I was on the phone for 20 minutes and guess what? It was all done over the phone with her.

Rob (18:02.853)

Rob (18:17.861)

Seemyshell (18:24.078)
She'd submitted it and it's all submitted and it's all done. It looks good and she's happy. So, and by doing that.

Rob (18:29.573)
Wow, and you made a new best friend for life in Munzee, so that's good news too.

Seemyshell (18:34.094)
But also in doing that, people don't understand even if she doesn't win a prize, all right, doesn't get first or second or any of the runners up, they still win because they get badges, rare badges, badges that you only received for that month. That's it. And only the people who put in videos receive badges. They also get little prizes. Every entry gets a little prize from you. I did notice too last month. So thank you for that. So every entry guys.

Rob (18:47.493)
Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Rob (19:00.503)
Yeah. Yeah.

Seemyshell (19:03.342)
Every entry in the Munzee Monthly Moments wins something. Every entry. So there you go. Get yours in. If you don't know what we're talking about, again, links are in the description below. It's the Munzee Monthly Moments and you can even enter on Kappa Zee, Rob. Kappa Zee.

Rob (19:18.629)
Yeah, he's got a link in there. You know what? I actually did mine last month. I recorded it, you know, and and then I uploaded it and I went into the cup of the app to do it because you had mentioned that previously and it actually was really easy. I was surprised. But yeah, that's he Sam, as you know, always has really great tools. So more people.

Seemyshell (19:33.198)
Mm -hmm.

Seemyshell (19:37.518)
Mm -hmm.

Seemyshell (19:42.222)

Rob (19:45.701)
Um, if you've never tried cup of Z, you certainly should. And you know what? Cup of Z is actually the answer to the next question. Don't you think? And I wonder, wonder how that got tied in. Wow. Wow. So I got a question for you, uh, that I already gave the answer away to, um, Craig. So how do you remember to cap your mailbox each day?

Seemyshell (19:49.358)

Seemyshell (19:53.742)
Exactly, look at you Rob, look at you rolling into it, look at you, wow.

Seemyshell (20:07.054)

Seemyshell (20:12.206)
Well, Rob, I knew this answer because I have a mailbox and I am traveling every single day. Now, why I say that's important is because people listen carefully. I'll slow down my speech just so make sure you make, make sure you can understand. Go into Cup of Z, the homepage, the one where you actually see all your points for the day. Down the bottom, you seem to make sure you get a little tick if you captured one for the day for your streak. If you've deployed one for the day for your streak, if you've captured a POI for your POI streak.

And then next to it is the mailbox. And if you've kept it again, it gets a little tick, but it doesn't end there. If you're like me and you're moving constantly and you want to move your mailbox with you, click on your mailbox. It will pop up or come up saying, uh, open mailbox in the app. And now Rob, I travel two, three, 400 miles a day. I don't know. I can't remember where I was yesterday. So I click on that. It brings me directly in app to my mailbox.

I then click details, then click edit location and slide it over to where I am now. That's it. It is that simple. Again, Sam has done a fantastic job with this one. This one is really, really handy for people like myself moving. So that's how you do it. So that's how you make sure you've kept it every single day and also how you move it. Rob, well done for picking Sam up, mate. Just saying.

Rob (21:33.605)
You know, right. I mean, Sam Sam's been doing amazing things for many, many years. And yeah, super happy to have him on the team. He well, he's got a couple of things coming up. I can't tell you what they are, because you would tell everyone else. So.

Seemyshell (21:37.806)
Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Seemyshell (21:51.182)
going to be how long am I going to be tainted with this this universal leak for let's just say that.

Rob (21:55.333)
I don't know, until I tell you more things and you don't tell everyone. So there you go. Maybe in Minnesota, I'll give you some information and see if it leaks out or not. There you go.

Seemyshell (21:59.022)
Oh, you heard it.

Oh, you're going to do one of those things. You know how they, they put the plumbers themselves. They put little green dye in the water or in the, in the, and they see where it's leaking out from. Have you noticed that? Yeah. Yeah. So you're going to, you're going to leak some green dye. That's going to be fake, probably fake news and to see if it gets around just because of my, my mouth. But anyway, we'll see. Exactly. All right, Rob, let's move into the Munzee question of the week. Now this question.

Rob (22:15.621)
Yeah, there you go. Yeah.

Rob (22:20.933)
Probably but.

We'll give it a shot. Yes.

Seemyshell (22:33.07)
Rob this is like a two -prong question this one are you ready for this question I did write it down to make sure you prepared for it and you didn't really you didn't really write you didn't really write any notes on this now guys as I say before listen carefully I am a player I am NOT sponsored by Munzee I'm nothing to do with Munzee apart from a player and I help out Rob with a few things here and there like the what do you call it the Death Star and all those that's it and on the merch the good -looking merch I'll say that

Rob (22:36.389)
Oh, I -

Oh, I'm ready.

Rob (23:01.093)
Right. We use a handful of your handy skills. So thank you. Yes.

Seemyshell (23:05.934)
Yes, yes, and some videos. That's it. That's it. So I'm not employed by Munzee. I'm not paid by Munzee. I've got nothing to do with Munzee apart from a player. This question though came up because of a couple of reasons. Number one, there has been a couple of people that I would class as dragon trainers out there. One of which is a self -confessed dragon trainer. Her name, Munrose. I drove through Munrose's town the other day and it was

Rob (23:31.461)
Oh yeah.

Seemyshell (23:35.022)
less than two minutes after I capped her first one, she messaged me saying, Craig, you're in my town. Two miles from me, oh my God. Anyway, I digress. The dragon trainers, the dragon trainers out there, Monroe's is a dragon trainer. I would class my new referral as a dragon trainer as well because of the way she's trained herself to look for the dragons, to look for the cracks in the holes, et cetera. And so this sort of question now comes out of, because a couple of people asked me separately,

Rob (23:41.669)

Seemyshell (24:04.334)
And this happened when you first released these mobs, Rob. Do you remember this? I think it might've been James, his name is on the water cooler, asked this one specific question. And he asked this question. The question is, why do eggs have cap on points? Now, Rob, you said, stay tuned. Well, we've been staying tuned for too long and they're sort of, you know, they're all around the world. Now people know what they are. Why do eggs still have cap on points when Munzee

Rob (24:06.917)
Mm -hmm, I do.

Seemyshell (24:34.382)
aren't in the leaderboard themselves.

Rob (24:36.773)
Why I got a question. Why do people read everything in the blog only when it suits them instead of when it suits me? I don't understand that. So a question to your question. Um, let's see. So stay tuned and do I have any info? Nope. No, I don't. I know. It's really stay tuned. Stay tuned.

Seemyshell (24:39.374)


Seemyshell (24:48.43)

Seemyshell (24:56.494)
Oh, there you go. Okay. Well, well, well, people out there, I'm going to chuck this in. This is my personal theory. No one, I've been thinking about this for a while because of the questions, et cetera, as well. So I think about this for a while. Now the whole progression of these eggs. So, you know, 10 caps, the egg cracks, turns into a baby, 15 caps. And then the baby turns into the elder. What happens? Cause we now we've got a couple of elders in the wild. What happens?

when the elders go to die. So they, well, that's, that sounds a bit sort of, you know, not morbid. So what wouldn't, wouldn't it be better if they were reincarnated as an egg? So the person who reincarnates the elder, the last click of the elder gets an egg and therefore then gets the cap on points from the egg. That's my thought, Rob. Any, any ideas on my thought process?

Rob (25:30.309)
Doesn't it? Yeah.

Rob (25:51.973)
That is an interesting theory.

Seemyshell (25:56.878)
Is that what you're gonna give me?

Rob (25:58.789)

Rob (26:02.597)
an interesting theory. I like it. I mean, you know, hey, we we have conversations. We have conversations in the team. We have plans there. There's Yeah, stay tuned. We're are we there yet? Are we there yet? It kind of like in the in the car driving along. Are we there yet? Are we there yet? No, no, no kid. We're not there yet. Don't make me pull over. We're not there yet, people.

Seemyshell (26:09.998)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Seemyshell (26:14.702)

Seemyshell (26:20.43)
Uh, you're going to be one of those.

Seemyshell (26:25.838)
You were one of those children in the back, weren't you? I know, I know I was, I know I was, I was, as you can probably tell with my questioning the whole time. All right. So guys, again, that's just my theory. It's got nothing to do with Munzee headquarters, nothing to do with Rob. That is my personal theory. So if it doesn't eventuate, if it doesn't eventuate, then it doesn't eventuate. That's a theory. That's all it was. So that was my idea from it. Actually, you know what, Rob, let us know, let us know in on the water cooler or any other social media. So let us know your thoughts.

Rob (26:27.717)
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Yep. I was there.

Rob (26:45.541)
It's a good one.

Seemyshell (26:55.758)
Here you go. And check it out. Check it out to the people. Let us know your thoughts. How, how Munzee going to create the cap on points for the eggs to players. So how can players obtain an egg? And that's the reason for the cap on points. Let us know on any of your social medias. You know, I'll put a, I'll put a, I'll put a post, I'll put a post on the water cooler, Rob on Friday. How I'll do that. I'll do that. I'll put in a reminder. So there you go. All right, Rob, moving into the tip of the week, two little tips here for this one.

Rob (26:56.421)

Rob (27:16.389)
Cool, that's a great idea.

Seemyshell (27:24.75)
Did you like these tips? These are new tips. Yes, yes, yes. So guys, there's a few people out there that I've noticed and then newish players as well. And Rob, what they do is they get excited. I did, I did the same thing. I'm still paying for it, you know, in my little home area. And why I say paying for it is because Rob, I placed in, when I first started, I placed a surprise wheel at my house. And I'm like, I look back now and go, why did I do that for? You know, like.

Rob (27:25.733)
Yeah, very good.

Rob (27:39.301)

Rob (27:50.469)
Yeah. Yeah.

Seemyshell (27:51.502)
Why I'm saying this guys is you need to use groups, Facebook groups, the wine cooler. There's actually a page called like the Munzee swap page as well, where you can swap virtual deploys with any other player around the world. So you can cap theirs, they can cap yours. And we're talking about the things that you can't cap yourself. You know, we're not talking Skylands here and that sort of stuff. We're talking about surprise wheels and you know, jewels and evos and all this sort of stuff. Make sure you...

Rob (28:12.101)
Mm -hmm.

Seemyshell (28:20.814)
deploy them all around the world for everyone else to cap because you get the cap on points. You don't get any cap on points if no one caps them and they're in your hometown, just saying. So, and then this goes on Rob, yeah.

Rob (28:30.693)
It's true. You can try. You can try to, you know, bring people to your area and that's great. But if you're going to deploy things in your home area, you should probably make sure that they're magnetizable because that's the only way that you or that they are landing pads. That's the only way that you will be able to cap them. So yes, be wise, be wise about what to trade and what to keep local.

Seemyshell (28:38.862)

Seemyshell (28:46.862)

Seemyshell (28:50.67)

Seemyshell (28:55.054)

Seemyshell (28:59.118)
Exactly. As my new referral told me, she, she said she learned it from someone else, but you know, she didn't actually know that she learned it from me. And he called it the, uh, the electric trap. He calls it electric trap where you put an electric and then put three virtuals around it. And so when the electric goes, the sparks go off. And anyway, I digress. This also then goes to the second leading, uh, tip and that is look at placing virtuals in high traffic locations around the world.

Rob (29:08.837)
Oh yeah.

Seemyshell (29:27.438)
You know, somewhere that Munzee players themselves are going to be transient. We're talking, you know, airports, we're talking, you know, bus stations, train stations, all that sort of stuff where you know, there's going to be Munzee players going through those areas quite often. I know myself, Rob, you know, Sarah from the Munzee Maniacs podcast. Lovely Sarah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm trying, I try and help her out because I like her more than PJ. Anyway, I can say that. PJ knows I'm joking, but.

Rob (29:44.805)
Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Rob (29:51.749)
Yeah. Oh yeah.

Seemyshell (29:56.334)
So I kind of help her out a little bit because she actually goes on the train to and from work along her train line. So I start placing a few along her train line. Rob, it's not just her capping them now. There's a couple of people now capping in that area too. So this is what happens people. You get it and they can cap it and you get the cap on point. So make sure you place them anywhere around the world. High transient areas are really cool. Or swap them out with other players. Rob, what do you think about those tips?

Rob (30:22.117)
I think those are excellent tips. Do it.

Seemyshell (30:24.91)
Awesome, awesome. All right, mate. So guess what? We're out of time. This ends another official Munzee podcast.

Rob (30:30.853)
Thanks for joining us on this Munzee adventure.

Seemyshell (30:34.254)
Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review on your favorite podcast. And when we say review, Rob, we want five star reviews, guys. So I'm pausing it here quickly and saying five star review, pause it now, or it's gonna end now, get onto the whatever app you're on and five star review for the Munzee podcast. And remember, Rob.

Rob (30:39.621)

Rob (30:54.053)
Munzee is more than a game, it's a worldwide community of mobile game players.

Seemyshell (30:56.782)
I love it when I go off script. So keep scanning, keep discovering, keep that Munzee spirit alive. Ready? One, two, three, Munzee on in Minnesota. Yeah.

Rob (31:04.197)
Manzian! Oh, Mon -is -so -Minnesota! Let's do it!

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