Official Munzee Podcast

Munzee Weekly Podcast - Friday June 21st, 2024

Rob Vardeman & Craig Michell Season 2 Episode 25

Todays episode Rob and Craig chat all things about the BIG weekend, with double points on everything. 

They introduce and chat about the new Secret Zeeops, what is it, where to find it, and some details about it. 

Before ending with an 'Unofficial' Cappy song created by Julian (A munzee player and fan) using AI technology. 

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Craig (00:00.814)
Welcome to the official Manzee podcast.

Rob (00:03.035)
I'm Rob, also known as Coach V, your host and the president of Munzee.

Craig (00:06.83)
And I'm Craig, also known as Seemyshell. I'm an avid Munzee player and I'm here to explore the game further.

Rob (00:12.059)
Each week we'll delve into Munzee's mysteries, divulge some secrets, and inform players from around the world just what is coming your way.

Craig (00:18.894)
So sit back, relax, drive your car, whatever you like to do. Today's episode, we're gonna chat. Firstly, there's a new secret Z -Ops out, but mostly and more importantly about the big, a big, a big weekend, Rob. It was huge, mate. This last weekend, a huge weekend, huge weekend. You've got some stats for us as well, I hear, so.

Rob (00:32.955)
Huge, huge. Amazing, amazing, really great weekend.

I do, I do. We don't always share stats, you know, just not not one of those things that we publicly promote very often. However, if people wanted to, you know, be super like, let's check it all out. Everything is available. You just have to have screenshots of before and after and some of those kinds of things. Plus, I'm sure a company has it somewhere tucked away. So.

Craig (00:45.838)

Craig (00:52.078)

Craig (01:00.686)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (01:05.134)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (01:09.198)
Sam, good old Sam. Yep, yep, yep. Also, as well, for those of you listening out there, we are going to end today's show, Rob, with something very, very special that you shared with me yesterday. So stay tuned, people, because we're going to end this show with a different, I'll say a different ending, sort of a different musical ending, shall we say.

Rob (01:11.035)
Right, so I might as well share it myself.

Rob (01:33.851)
It is indeed very different, so please stick around.

Craig (01:38.606)
Talking about the, the, the, the weekend, et cetera, that was you had, you were at the UK mega event. It was Megas as well, was it?

Rob (01:49.275)
Yeah, all four of the events in the new forest. Yeah, all four of them went mega. One of them up to 80, I believe. I last Yeah, last time I looked at it, it was just under 80. So I'm not sure if it made it all the way. But yeah, these are these are the biggest events that we've seen all year long anywhere in the world. So very, very cool. Had a great time. I literally had a blast or

Craig (01:51.95)
wow. Yeah, yeah.

Craig (01:59.022)
wow, that's good.

Craig (02:03.758)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (02:10.062)
Mm. Yeah. Yeah. Mm -hmm.

Rob (02:17.915)
a lot more than a blast. Yeah, so we had a great time. Lou joined me. She rode her bike around over the course of the weekend and rode her bike to the event while to the town. And yeah, so we just we hung out. We had a good time. Sam was there. So always good to catch up with Sam and find out a little bit more about what he has planned for the future, you know, and what

Craig (02:18.67)

Craig (02:23.694)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (02:36.798)
Yeah. Mm -hmm.

Craig (02:43.658)

Rob (02:44.379)
what things I can disrupt and what things everyone's gonna love and I'm gonna about so yeah, it was good.

Craig (02:49.886)
I will say I will say this and I'm skipping a little bit forward on our show notes Rob but I did contact Sam last weekend before last weekend sorry when on the Friday he actually contacted me about the universals the tip of the week you know everyone capping the universals etc as well and he mentioned me he said Craig I hope Cuppa Z holds up after your tip with the universals but it didn't just end there he said to me

Craig, what have you done in regards to making sure people just do the universals and don't get to do the socials as well? And I said, well, I said it on my video. Like I put a video out there saying these here are all the ones with points, the green ones by themselves, socials and no points. He went one step further. He even said to me, he goes, you know, no, I'm going to spoon feed a little bit more because some people are still capping the socials. And then he automatically, he was in the car, Rob, on his way to the events with a laptop on his lap.

He then created a new little red highlighted button to say when you go into that page, the universal page slash social page, he created a button to say, do you want to include the socials with zero points or exclude them? And so you click exclude the zero points. It's one little button and he added it in the car on his way without talking to you or anyone else in the team. You know what I mean? It was just, and I said to him, mate, you automatically did bang done.

Within five minutes, I went, jeez.

Rob (04:19.675)
benefits of traveling to an event with your dad. So dad driving and Sam working. So yeah, it was a good thing. Yep.

Craig (04:23.554)
Yes, yes. Yeah, yeah. So again, again, Sam, you're listening. I know you I know he does listen to the show, Rob. Big shout out to you, buddy. Really, really good job with that. And I think you saved a lot of people some heartache and some time will say that for zero points because there's still were people capping the socials I dare say so he did big shout out to Sam. Well done, mate. Good job. Good job to the.

What else have I been doing? I went to the New Jersey Geocaching Mega Event and then we had a Munzee event across the river afterwards with Dale and Barb. So that was really nice. Managed to put out some event flags as well, which is cool. Those people don't know, Rob, who haven't been to events and we talk about these event flags all the time. Briefly explain to people if they don't know what are event flags. Firstly, I think people should know.

Rob (05:03.195)

Rob (05:19.835)
So that's interesting that you say that because the afternoon event in England was the first time that a lot of the UK players had seen these event flags as well. Yeah, so they were they were talking about them and I said, yeah, this is an example of you know what what in America, typically, you know, we see them at all the events because they're very easy. So these are irrigation flags is what I have.

seen them called most commonly available like home improvement stores, places like that. Obviously you can order all kinds of things on Amazon. But yeah, if people look up irrigation flag, it's an easy way. So it's a very thin, very thin, like metal rod, super thin, that has a like vinyl flag on the end of it. And they're always very bright, they're very colorful, which is nice because they stand out. It's also bad because they stand out because little

Kids think that they're awesome to play with little swords bad idea, but they also take them from event locations and they move them or they just you know, whatever. So anyway, people will print out the codes and then whether you tape them on there or whatever, they're temporary because they're there for the event, you know, so they're only on the map for less than 24 hours. And yeah, so anyway, that's what it looks like. It's a very easy to see. look, there's the next 100 feet down.

Craig (06:19.054)

Mm -hmm.

Craig (06:35.95)

Rob (06:47.355)
there's the next one and there's the next one. People can kind of bend over, scan the code, keep moving. If you have really long flags and you don't even have to bend down to, to, scan them. So anyway, yeah, it's, it's very handy.

Craig (06:53.326)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (07:00.878)
Yes. And they are good as well for, event hosts because we don't have to, you don't have to find a location for the QR code. You don't have to tape it to a tree for instance, or whatever. You can literally have them exactly the distance apart they need to be along the actual path. And it does take people on a nice walk. Normally a nice walk through the park area in which you're at as well at the time. so that's really cool. So they're event flags. Rob, if you want to see people, posting these event flags, guess what?

There's a new video online from Munzee Events, W Helen, he's put out a new video from their weekend as well. The reason why I say this is because there was two people, he videoed two people for the first time deploying the flags and that was Mecca MN and Minnesota boy, Minnesota boy, Minnesota boy. So there you go. He's got his name on the podcast already. So yes, yeah.

Rob (07:44.411)

Rob (07:51.387)
Hey, all right. Well, that's great. That way, so yeah, for those people who still can't get a picture of what we're talking about and don't want to search irrigation flags, then, yeah, go check out a YouTube video. That's great.

Craig (08:03.094)
Yeah. And, and the Minnesota do it right, Rob. We know that too. I did see they've actually got it in a, like a big plastic tubing with a screw top end. So they carry it and they sling it over their shoulder like a, like a quiver, you know, in bow and arrow quiver. And they, and literally pull one out at a time, scan it and put it in the ground, scan it, put it in the ground. So I tell you, they do it right.

Rob (08:20.315)
Yes. Yes.

Rob (08:30.359)
Great planning, great planning is what it is, yep.

Craig (08:32.59)
Exactly. All right, mate, let's get on before we go any further to the week that was we had events in USA. We had Indiana, Kentucky, Florida, Minnesota, Missouri, Alabama, California, New Jersey and Massachusetts around the world. We had.

Rob (08:49.051)
Well, we had British Columbia and Ontario, Canada. We had the UK events, all four of those going mega Switzerland, Finland, Belgium, Netherlands on the border and Denmark, Japan and Australia won a Victorian won an ACT.

Craig (09:07.182)
Very good, now Rob, are you ready for the leaderboards? This is going to take a little bit longer than normal. You can do the Friday one, Rob, because that's less. What was on Friday?

Rob (09:09.787)

Yeah, amazing.

All right. So Friday was a great start to the double points on everything weekend. We had Jack Sparrow with two point six nine million. His wife, Chicken Run, one point nine one million. Popo Jope. I don't know. One point six seven million. And then we had quite a few other millionaires. We had Skindo, Jeb G. J. Finder four hundred.

Mandello waves 117 the mock man Humbert seven and Schmitz fan for

Craig (09:50.542)
And on Saturday, Rob, we had ready for this 28 millionaires. That's right. 28 people got over a million points on Saturday. Number one being Addis with 3 .08 million, Mandela 2 .08 million, Herbie on 1 .6 million. Now the others, Waves 117, Skindo, Jack Sparrow, Whelan, W. Helen, Brazilea, Hales Wen, Lanky Spanky. that's a great.

Hugo Soft, Humbert7, Rez2100Q, 22Q17, MunzeeProf, Chickenrun123, XLF, xp2, Zelvik, Tofugirl, Zave, Schmitzfam4, BuckeyeCasha111, Lsh, FlamingoFlurrier, Batman787,

Find a 400 and da birds. There you go. I think I went through that pretty well. Don't you? There's a couple there. Like lanky spanky Rob. That's got it for me. Lanky spanky right there on Sunday we had.

Rob (10:49.595)
I think you did several of those several a little bit tricky. Well done.

It's a good. On Sunday, we had Herbie, hey, by the way, he was he was a millionaire there on on Saturday as well. He was the main host of the of the UK events. A special shout out there. Well done, Herbie. Herbie at one point three nine million. L .Y. to KW one point two two million. Jack Sparrow one point one seven million and the other millionaires millionaires. Gerard's.

Craig (11:10.638)

Craig (11:22.478)

Rob (11:23.963)
Munzee Prof, Mandello, FRLK, KWD, Addis, and Belegu.

Craig (11:30.03)
So there you go. That's all the first, second, third place and also all the millionaires over the weekend. As we said, Rob, it was huge. It was absolutely huge. I don't think you could even get on the top 100 leaderboard on Saturday, for instance, unless you were well and truly over half a million points, you know, and let's be honest on a normal day, you get half a million points you're in first. So there you go.

Rob (11:47.035)

Rob (11:52.603)
So I even looked to see how how like the month is going and in order to make it into the top 100 for the month you have to have like one and a half million points. It's crazy. That's not how it normally goes. The top 100 is not usually that by the 17th. Yeah, so a lot more people out there that came close to getting those millions well done and maybe it'll be there for you in the future. One of them skunk Adamski.

Craig (11:57.39)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (12:04.846)
Wow. No.

Craig (12:11.95)

Craig (12:16.814)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (12:22.523)
Adamski. He was at the UK events and was like, I'm getting a million. So my name is on the podcast. Well, he didn't quite didn't quite get it. But anyway, there's your name.

Craig (12:28.178)

he didn't, he didn't get the million. well, but he got his name on the podcast anyway. So there you go. Events this weekend. We're calming down a little bit compared to last weekend in USA. We only have Missouri. That's it. So if you want, if you're in the U S and you want an event this weekend, you got to get a Missouri around the world, Rob.

Rob (12:36.507)
He did.

Rob (12:47.611)
Yeah, around the world we've got Hungary, we have two in Germany and two in Australia, Victoria and Queensland this time.

Craig (12:55.342)
Very good. Look at you, Rob. You actually, people don't know that they can't see the show notes, but I've actually literally shortened, you know, you know how you have Missouri, New Jersey's NJ, for instance, you know, I've shortened Queensland to its official term QLD and he still read it as Queensland. Good job, Rob. Look at you. Geography nut, geography nut. All right. Large events upcoming over the next few months.

Rob (13:11.227)
Nailed it! Yeah.

Craig (13:18.606)
I've only got two listed now, the July 13th in Suffolk UK, which is 21 there now, but July 14th in Fairfield, Ohio, that's jumped up a bit Rob, that's got 30 there now, which is really cool. And there's one other there that we spoke of last two weeks. It's not there anymore because it's still not on the page. So Denali, there you go, 00407.

Rob (13:39.099)
I mean, like I said last week, it's gotta be calendar official if we're gonna start and keep talking about it. Calendar official, people, let's do it.

Craig (13:44.366)
Yeah. Yeah, that's right. So we're not going to talk about until it's calendar official from now on Denali. I was four or seven. So there you go. All right, Rob. Or that's enough for the week. It was to a certain degree because going to come back to it. But we've got to talk about the new things that have happened and come out this week, this week now. And I'm talking about the new secret Z OPS. Firstly, Rob, before we start, before we start, if you're brand new to Munzee.

Rob (13:52.219)

Rob (14:06.971)
Ooh. I know how. Mm -hmm.

Craig (14:12.43)
and you don't know what we're talking about now, what is and how can we find the new secret zealot from?

Rob (14:17.467)
Well, all the information that we talk about is on the blog. So you know, you can always check that stuff out munzi blog .com. Now, secret z ops in particular are in the app, there's a little over on the right hand side, there are three buttons down at the bottom right corner. The the z ops, I believe is a red one.

Craig (14:22.094)

Craig (14:25.678)

Rob (14:41.723)
Looks like a little crosshair. So you click on that and what you have is you have daily zops. So something that you can do every single day. You can only do one. So check those out. They are completely free. Then there's a tab there with secret zops. You click on that one and if any secret zops are available, they are 1500 zeds. And so you purchase that and it opens up into this whole new world.

Craig (14:53.71)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (15:10.158)
Hmm, new challenges.

Rob (15:10.971)
Right now we've got, I mean, there's all kinds of things. The rewards are usually worth it. There are more than 1 ,500 Zeds worth of rewards. Every single time we try to make sure that that's happening. But yeah, we've got a special one. So everyone's figured out we release these once every other month. That's how it works. So, you know, I mean, we'll just...

Craig (15:21.422)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (15:25.934)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (15:36.942)

Rob (15:40.187)
pull back the curtain. That's how it goes. We did change that up from last year because last year it was the odd months this year it's the even months just for fun. And yeah, so check them out. Once you open one of the missions, all of all of the ones in that grouping, they're all available for you to to do and you can play this.

Craig (15:41.454)
Yeah, there you go!

Craig (15:48.75)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (16:00.046)
Mm -hmm.

Mm -hmm.

Rob (16:03.707)
and it runs alongside Clan Wars and everything else that you're doing. It keeps track and as you make it through the missions, then you earn the rewards and you go on to the next stage.

Craig (16:13.614)
Yeah, there's some people out there, Rob, as well. Before we talk about this one a little bit further, like in my clan, for instance, as well, they enjoy the, they get satisfaction out of actually doing one each time. So they open the first one, do the first one, open the second one, do the second one, like the actual all the way down the list, not the, not just the entire level one, for instance, because out of level one, I think there's five or six different missions.

and they do mission one mission, two mission, three mission for all the way down slowly. Not me, Rob and not others. We like to open them all up as quick as we can and then get them done as quick as we can. Go on to the next level, go on to the next level and get that number one mech that's out there. So if, if you want to maybe ruin it for yourself, some people say spoil it for yourself, go onto the water cooler and because within a day I can guarantee almost guarantee within the day, depending on the missions.

Within the day, you will find out what you need to do for every single level for the three levels to actually get your mech reward. And let's be honest with Rob, when you say that they're worth it, it's worth it in the end people, not the individual levels. We're talking about the overall rewards. And normally at the end itself, you have a special mech. Now those mechs you get the blueprint for and they go on to then your availability to re...

redeploy them with cogs. And that's how it works from there. So this one here, Rob, we're talking about, it's called Sea Serpent. If people haven't read the blog, Sea Serpent. I did notice, Rob, level one, mission one, capture 10 shooting stars on the daily. Now, Rob, before people go nuts about this as well, when Cappy first came out, I mean, we were introducing Cappy, you and I, like this, on the podcast, we're introducing Cappy.

Rob (17:56.571)

Craig (18:05.39)
I said to you, Rob, it stars ever going to be part of, like clan wars. That's what I said was clan wars. And you said no over my dead body. They're not going to be part of clan wars. So there you go. Then this is not clan wars people. This is secret. Don't blame me.

Rob (18:11.867)
Mm -hmm. Correct.

Right. Yeah.

Rob (18:21.467)
Right. You, you should have taken it a step further and said, what about Z ops? And then I would have said no. And then, and now I would be breaking what I said. However, we've right. We've gone back and we've documented, we've checked to make sure we fact checked. because this conversation came up within the team, like, Hey, do you think we should? And, and we decided, you know what? Yeah, why not? It's free. So it's free to do the daily stroll.

Craig (18:36.078)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Craig (18:47.534)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Rob (18:49.307)
For those people who have hidden that Camp Hub, don't forget, you can find that. You click on your profile picture in the app. It's the very first button. Go to Camp Hub. And so the Camp Hub is where you see Cappy and he's got the shooting stars. You click on him, you start your daily stroll. You have to get 10 of these. Now, does that mean that you have to get 10 in a day? No, it does not, because they are cumulative, which is good.

Craig (19:14.414)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (19:15.867)
And, and we learned something else. And that's the answer to the question of the week, but we'll wait for that about stars.

Craig (19:21.358)
Yeah, exactly right. Exactly right. So people out there don't fret. Don't be especially when they say 10 stars. That was the first question is, do I have to do this in a day? No, you don't know that. And I even put nothing on the water cooler. Rob I even said they're a cumulative people like that's, you know, I'm assuming they're cumulative to begin with. It wasn't written. If it needs to be done in a day on one stroll, normally you guys would say in a day one stroll like you actually be more specific about it. So there you go.

Rob (19:31.131)
Right. Yeah.

Craig (19:50.798)
Rob in level two mission one. You've gone one step further, Rob. You've got if you don't want to hear this, just just like close your ears for two seconds. Mission one in level two, you've got a well -wisp Rob. Now, if people haven't done these before, how do you get a well -wisp Rob?

Rob (19:53.915)

Rob (20:04.699)
Yeah, we do.

Rob (20:10.651)
Well, you've got to visit a wishing well, and you've got to make a wish. Now guess what it takes to make that wish in order to chase the well wisp. It takes 10 stars. What? That is no, tell it say it is so. So you have to get the 10 stars in level one. And then in level two, use the 10 stars to get the well wisp trail. And then you chase it. Yeah, so.

Craig (20:15.502)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (20:24.942)
That's crazy.

Craig (20:38.414)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (20:40.507)
That's what's going on.

Craig (20:41.006)
Then, and then in level three, you need three well wisps just saying, Rob, there you go.

Rob (20:44.411)
man, yeah. Well, so for some people it's going to take more than just two days in order to do this.

Craig (20:53.006)
for some that's right there are people out there who've done it on the very first day within hours and and and i'll be i'll be honest rob i'm one of those people i'm one that i can't handle it just sitting there i need to get it done i will not yet i'll get it done today today i've got levels one and two done and i'll get level three done today so yeah yeah yeah yeah i even rob say okay you talk about this munzey being a a fitness type style right so

Rob (20:58.107)

Rob (21:03.323)
See you.

You got it done? okay.

Rob (21:13.403)
Okay, wow.

Craig (21:23.022)
Here's a quick story for everyone out there. Yesterday when these came out, this new secret zealots come out. This is Tuesday we were recording. So Monday they came out. I went through and I went bam, bam, bam, bam, bam. And I did level one, perfect. All done fine. And I was at home itself. And now I've got a well right out the front of my house because I requested one like in that request in the app. And, and so I started doing level two and I thought, yeah, I can get level two done. Not a problem.

Rob (21:42.107)
Cool. Yeah.

Craig (21:49.198)
I'd done everything else. I deployed, I deployed, deployed, deployed. So if you're friends of mine, you'll find that you'll have new deploys around like, you know, to say always a way. And then I thought, I need a well wisp. That's right. This is going to be easy, Rob. I created a wish from the wishing well and it threw it 800 foot south of my house. So then I had to, I went, are you serious? I put on my pants and my shoes because yes, I was pantsless.

Rob (21:56.507)
Yeah, yeah. Yep.

Rob (22:11.643)

Rob (22:15.951)

Craig (22:17.87)
I put on my pants and my shoes and I had to walk out to 500 odd foot to actually get this well with just see Rob and while I was out there, I had to cap the greenies that are just there every day too. So look at that people, look at that. It gets you out and about. So there we go. All right, Rob, we're going to quickly finish now or not finish, but we're going to quickly talk about the weekend that was how big it was. We're going to do some, get some, I'm going to squeeze you Rob until your head pops out with some stats for us as well. So this was.

Rob (22:24.027)

Rob (22:29.499)
I mean, yeah, indeed, indeed.

Craig (22:47.63)
The biggest capping day. am I correct in saying it would have been the biggest capping week and that Munsies ever had. Yeah.

Rob (22:54.913)
yeah, yeah. Three day time period in a row. This is the largest that we've ever had. We had the largest single day ever as well. We're talking about like multiples of normal days. The the as you might imagine, the highest activity days are the third of every month because everyone jumps in, does lots of deploys, does lots of captures. You want to finish the clam wars and day one. That's how people are.

Craig (23:00.558)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (23:05.454)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (23:17.614)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (23:24.219)
Got it. Totally understand. So we can see that we can see the patterns. We understand when we have big double point weekends, you know, then the numbers jump up a little bit. Saturdays are always big. So we've known this for years and tried to beef up the servers in order to make sure things are good. But yeah, this weekend blew all of us away. It was a huge, huge, huge, huge. So do you want to ask or do you want me to tell you? Yeah.

Craig (23:26.126)
That's me.

Craig (23:33.742)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (23:38.222)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (23:42.03)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (23:47.726)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (23:51.214)
Well, I'm going to ask Rob firstly, first and foremost, before last weekend just gone over the, say that, say that let's talk about over three days because that's what it was over three days. What was the normal, your biggest capping weekend over three days prior to last weekend?

Rob (24:05.403)
I don't have the actual real stats there. but it would have been, I would go with, normal like stuff would run over a three day time period, somewhere in the neighborhood of like 600 ,000 caps over a three day period, maybe, maybe 750 ,000 something along those lines for three days.

Craig (24:10.03)
But just roughly, roughly how many was it?

Craig (24:21.134)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (24:29.838)
Okay. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. That's cool. That's cool. And so what was it then over these three days?

Rob (24:35.099)
Yeah. Yeah.

Rob (24:39.771)
So over these three days, it was well, two point seven million point captures captures over three days.

Craig (24:48.446)
So you literally blew out your statistics by three or four times the norm or not the norm sorry three or four times the biggest one. Wow.

Rob (24:54.459)

Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. Largest. And if I went and had to pull exact stats, let's go with doubled the largest weekend, maybe years and years and years ago, you know, we had something where it was one and a half million or something over a three day period. But, but we're even if it was only doubled, I mean, the numbers are huge. Yeah.

Craig (25:07.086)
Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Craig (25:12.558)

Craig (25:16.398)
Wow, wow, over double.

Craig (25:21.39)
That's still that's huge. You know what then Rob a big shout out to all the players out there for getting on board. Good job people for getting out there capping away as well. I hope you enjoyed it. I thoroughly enjoy it to be honest with you Rob, you know, and even though it wasn't a huge weekend for me, I never got on the leaderboards at all weekend. I couldn't believe it. But anyway, what about then Rob because it was double on everything. So what about deploys then? What's what's the go? What's the go with deploys?

Rob (25:48.379)
So normally, when we're talking deploys, normal deploys on days, let's go with an average of 3 ,000 to 4 ,000 deploys on a day. Over this three -day weekend, 50 ,000 deploys.

Craig (26:01.07)
Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Craig (26:06.638)
And that's deploys on everything people that's deploys on, you know, cards and mechs and, you know, bounces and all the boys, not just, it's every 50 ,000 compared to 4 ,000. So there you go. Wow. That's, that is absolutely huge. Now, Rob, other people out there who don't understand or don't know the long -term players, we know what happened in, 20, 22 or 23, 23 it was.

Rob (26:14.651)
Yeah. Everything. It was nuts. It was nuts. Yeah. Yeah. Huge.

Rob (26:34.907)
23, yeah.

Craig (26:35.982)
23, 20, 23, those people that they don't know Munzee was changing servers over all the tech side was changing up. And so Rob, you said to us at the time, you know, look, the Munzee is going to be down for, you know, I think you said even 12 hours to begin with, which ended up pushing out to three whole days. People, people, and including myself, we lost our minds. Like what did we do before Munzee?

Rob (26:49.723)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (26:56.443)
three painful long days.

Yes. Yeah.

Craig (27:03.822)
There was Facebook posts out there left, right and center saying I survived the Munzee outage of 2023, you know, like all that sort of stuff too. So, Rob, I'm glad to say though, and aren't you that you did have that pain there because now this weekend that gone wouldn't have been able to happen under the last service, would it? The text.

Rob (27:09.403)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (27:22.747)
No, well, you know, that that was all about rebuilding a back end so that we can make everything stronger, make it faster, make it more robust, make it expandable, make it elastic, if you will, so that it it grows and expands based on the need. We had only a couple of conversations last week on the tech side with like, are we ready? And the answer was, yeah, like we've we've been testing things to make sure.

Craig (27:29.198)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (27:37.358)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (27:52.603)
with our, you know, blast weekend, the weekend before last and that kind of stuff. Just just checking to make sure are we are we good? And we had some pretty serious spikes, but the servers responded exactly as we'd hoped and planned and built over the last six to eight months. That that has been a big project. And yeah, really, yeah, really excited for the team.

Craig (27:52.686)
Mm -hmm.


Craig (28:00.974)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (28:19.227)
for how things went, but really thankful to the players for everything that you did to help us test it, for being patient and for sending in zero support tickets over the weekend about this. Honestly, I've never, ever, ever, ever, ever seen that before. So, absolutely huge. Thank you to all the players. Like you said, it was a massive weekend and you've helped us.

Craig (28:25.806)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (28:32.974)

Craig (28:36.654)
Yeah. Yeah.


Craig (28:45.454)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (28:46.267)
determined that we are ready to move forward with a lot more stuff and with the ability to even possibly do this again. Double points on everything. my gosh. yeah.

Craig (28:55.758)
there we go. Wow. Wow. Wow. Well, yeah, I mean, and I was going to say this as well, Rob, and that is a big shout out and thank you as well to all the older school players who stuck by Munzee in last year's turmoil will say, I mean, we don't, we, I know Rob, you've pushed it out of your head at the moment, haven't you? You don't know, you kind of remember, you know, you don't want to remember, literally it's one of those things.

Rob (29:18.395)
I tried.

Craig (29:19.694)
It's like women and childbirth how they don't they forget totally what the pain it was. And so that's what it was like for you, mate. And I get that. But again, a big thank you and a shout out to all the old school players out there who went through that turmoil with you. You know what I mean? And then stuck by Munzee itself as this game, because it's a game they love. It's a game that gets them outside, you know, fresh air, sunshine. And also it's a game of a social nature as well with the vents and with the water cooler and with clans. You know what I mean? So.

Good job everyone who's stuck by Munzee in their year of turmoil, we'll say, in order to get where it is today and manage to do these huge, huge weekends, mate. Absolutely great. So awesome, awesome. All right, mate, we're gonna run out of time if we don't hurry up. So quickly, Rob, the question of the week is rolled over from last week and the question was, does the Daily Stroll stars and well wisps count towards scatter points for Clam Wars and Daily Xeops, et cetera?

Rob (30:01.179)
Whoo, well done.

Rob (30:06.875)
Too late.

Rob (30:19.899)
Yes, I'm so happy to know the answer. The answer is yes. However, this mentions like, do they count towards scatter points for clan wars? And it's like, almost makes me feel like what you want it to be a clan requirement? Is that is that why you even mentioned it? no, it's separate. Just to stop you. Mm hmm.

Craig (30:21.55)
There you go.



Craig (30:36.846)
It's not the individual, the individual daily stroll stars is not a clan war requirement, however, can go towards a set of requirements being the scatter. So there you go. Exactly right. Exactly right. Before we, before we finish up Rob, we're going to go with the tip of the week because we always have to have tips of the week. This one's really quick. And that is if you've got your own Skyland and tree house people, and there's nothing on it, there's zero bounces on it. You can either a.

Rob (30:51.195)
yes, yeah, that's it, that's it. So yes.

Craig (31:06.35)
magnetize it or if you don't have any magnets or don't want to magnetize it, just cap it, cap it and get those small points to 10 points, 25 point, whatever it might be. Just cap it before you go to sleep overnight. So it's not not harm to anyone. Don't miss out on those easy points Rob. That's the tip of the week. So there you go. Very good. All right. Are we going to introduce this song or we just going to end first and let the song roll on? Actually, firstly, we've got to say what the song who is from. So who is the song from?

Rob (31:23.867)
Very good.

Rob (31:36.091)
Okay, so I met a special guy at Geo Woodstock back in Flagstaff. And he's a very creative sort. And actually, in talking to him, okay, so he's 14. And yeah, want to do some work with him in the future. Won't put all the plans out there, but he's sent me an email. His name is Julian. And so Julian has come up with...

Craig (31:39.63)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (31:48.302)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (31:52.366)

Craig (31:56.494)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (32:05.723)
the unofficial song that relates to everyone's favorite unicorn. It's Cappy the Unicorn. Yeah. So anyway, he also shares this is AI created just so like I need to put that out there to everyone. Created by Julian via AI, Cappy the Unicorn.

Craig (32:12.91)
Capy the unicorn. All right. All right. You hear it.

Craig (32:24.174)
yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's right.

Very good. So Rob, this ends another official Munzee podcast.

Rob (32:33.659)
Thanks for joining us on this monzie adventure.

Craig (32:36.398)
Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review on your favorite podcasting app and join us next week for another informative episode.

Rob (32:41.787)
And remember, Munzee is more than a game, it's a worldwide community of mobile game players.

Craig (32:47.182)
So keep scanning, keep discovering, keep that Mundus spirit alive. Rob, one, two, three, here is Cappy.

Rob (32:51.259)
Happy the unicorn!

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