Official Munzee Podcast

Munzee Weekly Podcast - Friday June 28th, 2024

Rob Vardeman & Craig Michell Season 2 Episode 26

Welcome to the Official Munzee Podcast. Today Craig and Rob chat about the previous weekend and leaderboards, before Rob explains the new Light Mystery munzee and how they scatter. He then discusses the new Kalmaar and Kalmainium.

A question of the week comes in that gives Rob some great ideas to take back to the team, before ending with a Tip of the Week regarding dumping of Qrates before the next Clan War begins.

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Craig (00:01.102)
Welcome to the official Munzee podcast.

Rob (00:03.366)
I'm Rob, also known as Coach V, your host and the president of Munzee.

Craig (00:07.086)
And I'm Craig, also known as Seemyshell. I'm an avid Munzee player. I'm a hit. Explore the game further.

Rob (00:12.39)
Each week we'll delve into Munzee's mysteries, divulge some secrets, and inform players from around the world just what is coming your way.

Craig (00:19.374)
So sit back and relax as today's episode, we're gonna chat all about the new light mysteries. Calma, I think it's called and of course, what's in store, Rob? What's in store for the Munzee birthday month of July? How you going, mate? That's the way.

Rob (00:32.71)

I am going well. It is the final month of June. Can you believe everyone always says no matter what month it is, can you believe it's already almost fill in the blank July? Yeah. It's amazing.

Craig (00:41.23)
It is.

Craig (00:48.014)
It's almost July. Exactly. Exactly. Halfway through the year. Exactly. And for those of people out there around the rest of the world, I'm not talking about the U S I'm talking about the rest of the world. it's the end of the financial year, Rob C. So you start to get your taxes done. See, cause we go from halfway through the year to halfway through the year. We didn't do like the U S you know, you know, what do you do January to December? Yeah. And now our financial years goes from July to June. So there you go.

Rob (01:01.926)

Rob (01:10.694)
Yeah, interesting.


Craig (01:15.566)
You learn more than just Munzee on this podcast, mate. I'm telling you.

Rob (01:18.47)
I mean, all the learning. I love it. Every day is a school day. All right.

Craig (01:24.43)
Mate you've just come back from a trip? What's going on there?

Rob (01:27.462)
man, I'm I'm getting back into relax slash work mode. I've been working as well. But yeah, my my son turned 22 over the weekend. And yeah, lots of the players out there, you know, they've been around for a long time. They all know him, Trey. And yeah, so he turned 22. So that makes well, that makes my parents really old. That's how I've put it to other people. It's not me. It's my parents that are old.

Craig (01:38.83)

Craig (01:43.246)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Craig (01:50.798)

Sizz, sizz.

Rob (01:56.422)
to have a 22 year old grandson. Yeah. Wow. I know it's really scary. Yeah. So he he turned 22. So he actually came over to visit us in England. And so, yeah, we we spent some time actually over in Paris. He works for Disney. And so he's able to get into Disney parks and three other people free. What? Yeah. So.

Craig (01:58.958)
This says the grey -bearded bald man. Anyway.

Mm -hmm. Hmm.

Craig (02:19.278)
What? Wow.

Rob (02:24.422)
When you have perks like that, you take advantage of them. Yeah. Yeah, so we saw some of the cultural things around Paris. We they're setting up for the Olympics this year, which was really cool. So we saw the Olympic rings on the Eiffel Tower. Very cool. We we went and toured a lot of cool places. Louis flew in in French, so having her as a tour guide and as someone to talk to the locals was really nice.

Craig (02:27.198)
You have to, you have to take advantage of that stuff.

Craig (02:33.902)
Mm -hmm.

Of course.

wow. Yep.

Craig (02:49.87)

Rob (02:52.742)
then, yeah, we spent a couple of days at Disneyland Paris and, we all had a good time over the course of four days. We walked 40 miles, 40 miles. We put that, my legs dead. We're where all of us, we were very tired. yeah. Yeah.

Craig (02:59.342)
Mm -hmm.


Craig (03:09.55)
Question for you Rob quickly, quick question, Munzee related question as well. Did you activate it on your Fitbit or your iWatch or whatever you've got in terms of your thing? And now is that connected to your Munzee app?

Rob (03:20.486)
It is and it has been since we fixed it. Thank goodness for that. Yeah, I I captured almost every single Munzee around the entire park because we did that much walking. So there were a few that I managed to miss. But but yeah, a good good growth there. And yeah, just had a great time. And and he actually just loaded up on a plane just a little bit ago and is taking off headed back to Florida. So so I'm settling back into just sitting here at my desk and.

Craig (03:22.03)
There you go. There you go.

Mm -hmm. Wow. Yeah.


Craig (03:45.294)

Mm -hmm.

Rob (03:49.062)
doing podcasts and doing regular work and getting the clan requirements out there and all that kind of stuff. So back to the real world, which is nice. Yeah. Yeah.

Craig (03:57.742)
Back to the real world. Well, happy birthday to Trey. Now, if people don't know Trey, you can actually see a video of Trey if you go onto the official Munzee YouTube channel and it's their, what do you call it? Your promotional video. And he's actually the kid, literally he's a child in it. A blonde haired child with the green Munzee shirt on, that's Trey. He is still blonde hair, but he's not a child anymore. So happy birthday, Trey.

Rob (04:10.214)

Rob (04:14.15)

Rob (04:17.958)

it was 13 and all of that. So those videos were made quite a while ago and they were a lot of fun. But yeah, he his hair is back to being about that long again. And otherwise, yeah, just living, living life and having fun. Yeah. So anyway, enough about me and what I've been doing for the last couple of days. Sorry, everyone, for that three minute plus. But yeah, Craig, what are you been up to?

Craig (04:24.462)


Craig (04:34.446)
I didn't notice.


Craig (04:45.806)
Don't worry. Mate, I've been the opposite. I've been relaxing basically and getting work done per se. And I've been sitting at home and all of a sudden I've been listening to things like the Munzee Maniacs podcast that come out with a new episode this week as well. So I've listened to that. I thought that was a really, really good episode. They had the other clan members on in their episode as well. So they had not just the three of them, but they had the two other clan members as well.

Rob (05:00.294)

Craig (05:14.095)
And I will say this because I know they listened to this podcast and that is Kevin stick with your clan, mate, get it done. You can do it. It's okay. You know what I mean? Don't drop out of your clan just because you don't have that many Munsies around you. Ask for more, ask for more. There's plenty of people that are happy to put out more Munsies for you, mate.

Rob (05:28.07)
Yeah, wait.

We will all grow the map for him. But like he said on there, you're looking at temperatures that are extremely hot and he just isn't motivated. And that makes sense. There is one more person from that podcast to mention and it's not PJ this time or Sarah. It is the name that we have both pronounced wrong. And the guy said, are you listening, Rob? And he specifically called you out as well. So his name is Baloo. Baloo as opposed to

Craig (05:33.422)

Craig (05:44.814)
Mm -hmm. No.

Craig (05:55.438)
Yeah, I know.

Rob (06:00.23)
Belle -Augue, which I know that I have called the wrong name for a really long time. So Balooge, apologies. I believe that was the correct pronunciation. If not, they can call me down on the Munzey Maniacs podcast again.

Craig (06:06.51)
Belug. Yes.

Craig (06:12.974)
Belug, we are sorry. You know what Rob, I listened to it too. I'm like, what's he talking about? And I didn't actually know or didn't even look into what his name is, how it's spelled, et cetera. And I thought it was B -A -L -L -L -O -O, so Belu. And so, but no, it's Belug. And you actually pronounce the G, the G. So there you go. Apologies, Belug. There we go. Mate, I've also been watching some videos. Some Munzee videos have come out as well. And again, they're from our...

Rob (06:27.622)
Yeah. Yeah.

Rob (06:32.646)

Rob (06:39.782)

Craig (06:41.358)
some of our favorite Munzee players and that is Minnesota Boy, Minnesota Boy, Minnesota Boy. I've got to say it three times because he likes it three ways. That's just the way it's going to happen from now on. Tim, so bad luck. If you don't like it, that's the way it is. So Minnesota Boy has got a new video out there as well. And also Whelan or W Helen, his alias is Munzee Events on YouTube. Munzee Events. So they've both got videos out there and the videos, one is setting up.

for a Munzee event. And the other one is the actual Munzee event vlog itself through Tim. Now Rob, I've got to tell you this. The Munzee events YouTube channel and Tim's channel as well, if you don't follow these channels guys, follow these channels because you get to see what happens in other parts of the world. Now this event they had, Rob, they had it at the corn capital of the USA, I'm gonna say.

It was just outside Minneapolis itself, so people had to drive to this place, so they spread out their Munzee events through, they don't have it just always in the same place. It was in a park. Now, they go the extra mile, Rob, with their events, I will say this. They had lunch, so they had the hamburgers and stuff, but they had corn on the cob. They had popcorn as you walk around, you know, collecting the pins. Now, the pins themselves weren't just a QR code on a flag this time, no.

They were laminated corn stalks. Yes, like actual colored yellow and green corn in the QR code was in there on stuck on there and it was laminated as well. Luckily enough, because it was raining at the time, but still this is the next level that these guys take it to. And I will say, and I've spoken to Whelan about this as well. He's happy. He's actually encouraging people to do something similar, to spin off of these things as well.

Rob (08:07.526)

Craig (08:32.014)
He's going to put another video out there very soon in regards to all the games that they've played over the last sort of, you know, two or three years. It's like a compilation video and showing all the different games that they've played. Munzee games, their normal games turned Munzee as well. So, and of course, just to end off this event that they had, they had to play cornhole Rob. Now the cornhole, they even, we even painted it green, the Munzee green and put the Munzee logo on the corn, with a corn on the cob on the cornhole as well. So there you go.

Rob (08:52.454)
Craig (09:02.382)

Rob (09:02.406)
course you did. And that by the way is very American. So that is great news. So for those of you who don't understand most or any of that, please go watch that video. I haven't seen it yet. I saw them pop up. But like I said, I've been a little bit busy. So yeah, so I'll watch those as we've said, and as I've said on the Munzee Maniacs podcast, like it would be really great if all the players who are listening to this podcast would

Craig (09:05.998)


Mm -hmm.


Rob (09:26.342)
would also listen to the Munzee Maniacs and you know, all of the all the content that's out there all the different videos for the Munzee Monthly Moments like go watch those things make comments like them. Subscribe to the people because all that we're doing is we're building a bigger Munzee outreach network to to grow the game everywhere around the world. So yeah, that's cool.

Craig (09:28.622)
Mm -hmm.



Mm -hmm.

Craig (09:44.782)
Mm -hmm.

And I will say this as well, when it comes to the Munzee Monthly Moments, Rob, go through Cuppa Zee and you can watch every single video that's been posted through Cuppa Zee. Again, Sam, great job, mate. But Rob, I'm telling you now, there are so many different types of people out there playing Munzee, you get to actually, how are we gonna say, get entertained by every single different video out there. Yes, there's the ones that just say, hi, I'm Joe Blow and this is my Munzee and they cap it and that's it and that's fine. But then there's others, Rob, out there that,

There's a husband and wife, for instance, and you know, and she's telling them off and you know, all that sort of stuff. And you get to actually involve yourself in these people's lives that they do the Munzee Monthly Moments videos. And of course, of course they're going to love it as well when people comment or like their videos more and more. And it's going to encourage more people to do it as well. So definitely Rob, that's a really good point, mate. Really good.

Rob (10:35.046)
Yeah. Learn how to pronounce other players names like Baloo. So yeah, who knows? Yeah. Very good.

Craig (10:40.046)
The week that was, we had events only one in Missouri and in the world we had.

Rob (10:51.942)
Hungary, two in Germany, two in Australia, Victoria and Queensland.

Craig (10:57.038)
Now I've got to say Rob, the leaderboards over the weekend, I check them every weekend of course. On Friday, he is, I'm not sure if you know him or not, I do now because he presented himself to us at the Geo Woodstock and said, Craig, I love the podcast. He was asking me about the microphones we use and how I get this quality sound, et cetera as well. And that is Spinol. I'm going to say that wrong. It's probably not Spinol, but it's Spinol. I'm going to pronounce it Spinol. 240 ,000 points. Well done to Spinol.

Rob (11:20.55)
Yeah, yeah.

Craig (11:26.382)
We had second place HBRB with 219 ,000 points. Humbert seven in third with 191 ,000 points. Watch out W. Helen on Saturday we had.

Rob (11:37.414)
Saturday the odd one with 173 ,000 points, Skindo 162 ,000 points, and Munzee Prof 160 ,000.

Craig (11:46.158)
What in third, not second. Muns, Muns prof, what are you doing? on Sunday we had FRL K with 313 ,000 points. J one Hustman. Great job with the water cooler. 2 ,440 points and, 2000, 244 ,000 points. I'll say that correctly. And geez, here we go, Rob. thank you. Fightin fightin with 233 ,000 points. Very, very cool.

Rob (11:47.622)
Yeah, if it's up to that.

Rob (12:07.91)

Craig (12:13.966)
Now the events are coming up for this week, Rob.

Rob (12:17.126)
Well, in the USA, we've got Massachusetts and I'll just go ahead and say the world since, you know, there's only one in the USA. The world, we've got Holland, Luxembourg and ACT Australia.

Craig (12:22.446)

Craig (12:28.142)
There you go. Now the large events coming up, Rob, I see you actually added in a little bit here into the actual show notes. This is a great point. If you want to see the next big events coming up, just use the new filter in the app itself that says most attendees. That's, I didn't even think of that Rob. Great job. July 6th we have in Ontario, Canada, 22 so far attending that in July 13th in Suffolk, UK, 26 attending that.

Rob (12:45.734)

Craig (12:55.118)
July 14th, Fairfield, Ohio with 33 attending that and July 26th. Now Rob, here you go. And I can't even pronounce this properly. I'm going to say, Wasian, Wasian, Ohio. There's 24 attendees so far there, which is really cool. That's the Friday before the Midwest Geobash. So there's a mega geocaching event on a Saturday. That's the Friday beforehand. Rob, it's all at the same location because it's just one big camp out for like a four or five days. And guess what?

Rob (13:03.078)

Rob (13:22.822)

Craig (13:23.534)
I'm going to be there. Yes. I'll be there for that one. Yes. Yes. Yes. I'm camping out in my, my camper rig SUV, whatever you want to call it. So I'll be there for that one. So get to Western Ohio on July 26th. And, you know, we, we could make that one a mega as well, because it is a mega geocaching event. So come on people, you can do it. And exactly.

Rob (13:31.11)

Rob (13:41.67)
Yeah, yeah. Get enough coexisters to, you know, just make a short little walk over to the QR code, scan it. Yeah.

Craig (13:49.742)
Exactly. And you've got other people out there too, like, Hale Meister. Hale Meister is going to be there. He's a big co -exister as well. So he plays Munzie big time as well. So he's going to be there as well. So there's an other big players too. So get yourself to Ohio on July 26th and Rob, don't forget if you're a host of a growing event and we haven't noticed you, please reach out to me, not Rob, me on any social medias and I'll have a look at it and go from there and have a chat with you. So Rob.

This week we're coming up to this week. Now what happened this week? I saw this come out and we had no one, no one, not even me had any idea when this popped out. It just popped out. It popped out of the light, so to speak. And we're talking about the light mysteries. Tell us more light mysteries. Go.

Rob (14:31.526)
Yes. Out of the darkness, out of nothing, there was light. That's exactly right. So, yes, we launched the light mystery on Monday and it was actually a fun one. Seen some good comments about it. Just how how how it's a little bit different. Some some fun put into this one, a little bit of creativity, the the the way that we've done the scatters and some of that and

Craig (14:41.902)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Rob (15:01.254)
Normally I would sit there and be like, yeah, the team did a really great job or, you know, I would specifically say, Mari came up with that idea. But this time I'm going to pat myself because you know what? I, I was like, I took this light mystery and I ran with it. We, we had the discussion. We decided we were going to do a light mystery. But I just had this spark one morning and

Craig (15:10.062)
Craig (15:15.63)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (15:20.206)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (15:27.014)
and had a thought and just started running with it and wrote out a couple of notes and then did some research on the different things that happen with light when it passes through objects. And yes, that's where we came up with the reflection refraction and diffraction and each of the different things. When you capture a light mystery, one of those three things is going to happen. And each one of them kind of deals with a we call them caps, which is so it.

Craig (15:35.502)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Craig (15:41.966)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (15:56.006)
It kind of caps as something and then scatters out different things depending on the the response, I guess, from the servers. So, yeah, there are different percentages, different chances for them for it to scatter mirrors or rainbows for it to diffract and and possibly give the capper and the owner like a special card that this is the only way that you can get it.

Craig (16:05.07)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (16:22.254)
Mm -mm.

Rob (16:23.942)
Also a silver lining card. So yeah, just a little different spin on some things that we've done similarly and the newest, the eighth elemental mystery that we have.

Craig (16:27.022)

Craig (16:39.982)
Wow, wow. And just to try and reiterate as well, reading the blog post more so than anything else, what Rob said is you cap this new light mystery, you can either get a reflection up to two, two mirrors will scatter up to two. So that means one or two. If you get a refraction up to two prisms will scatter. And if you get a diffraction, the owner and the capper will receive that undeployed silver lining cardboard you're talking about, but it doesn't end there. If you get a reflection or a refraction,

after the mirrors or the prisms has been capped itself, look out because there could be an additional scatter nearby. Now those additional scatters are either card, like some sort of card. So it's either a mirror scatter or a rainbow road card as well. So they scatter out as well. So if it's a mirror scatter, then you collect the mirror scatter, keep an eye out. It's a possibility where that mirror will keep on scattering from there, possibility only.

And obviously Rob knows all the percentages of that, but apart from that, that's what will happen. So keep an eye out people on these scatters because once you collect one scatter, have a look at the map again and see if it's scattered something else for you too. I noticed this Robby course, one of mine I placed out there, cause as soon as I saw this, I had to buy a handful of these mate and just give them out to all my Munzee mates as well. And I did one for Tim, Minnesota boy in Minnesota itself. And he capped it that afternoon.

Rob (17:38.31)

Craig (18:04.366)
He didn't realize he kept it and then he kept the actual scatter itself. He didn't realize a card popped out from that scanner. And so I saw it cause it's on, it's on my deployed list as the owner. And I was like, wow, this is really awesome. This sort of saw. So then, but I had to message him back and go, there's a card near you and this is the card. Have a look at it. And he then capped it on his way to work itself, but it comes out as a normal card people. This is what I love about it, Rob.

Rob (18:15.558)
Alright, yeah.

Craig (18:31.246)
And that means that anyone can cap it and it's there for seven days. So it's not like a normal scatter. It's actually a normal card. Now capping radius wise, these are all normal cap and radius. And that is the 300 foot they can be gotten with Rover treats as well. And it, but there's still, it's a card is still a card. So it's 500 foot on the card. And again, Rover treats can be used for that as well. So that's reading the blog post, Rob. I think I, I think I've got my head around that.

Rob (18:34.822)

Rob (19:00.454)
Yeah, so we we envisioned this light mystery whenever we were talking about this card that scatters just as something that becomes even more valuable for the owner, because obviously if you put these light mysteries at popular locations and someone caps it and it scatters a card, then that card sitting there for seven days. So at an event, you you end up with if an area is already covered with cards.

Craig (19:08.59)
Mm -hmm.

Hmm. Mm -hmm.

Craig (19:21.518)
Yeah. Yes.

Craig (19:28.686)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (19:29.382)
then you end up with something that might, you know, if let's say 20 people cap it and four of those people end up scattering a card, then you have four cards that are at that location that may already be covered with cards. So that card breaks any card, you know, proximity restrictions. Yeah. Now, now it it also creates.

Craig (19:40.75)

Craig (19:44.782)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (19:50.318)
I was, that was my, my next question. Wow.

Rob (19:56.742)
proximity restrictions because it is a card deployed. So that means that no one will be able to deploy within 50 feet. It is a real card. Yeah. So anyway.

Craig (19:57.774)
Yes. Yes.

Craig (20:04.046)
It is. Yeah. Yeah. But, but it doesn't, it, it, it breaks their proximity, but you can't break its proximity. So that's, that makes sense. That makes sense, mate. I tell you if guys, if you have not got one of these, new light mysteries, get to the freeze tag store. There's no, they're going to be there forever. So it's okay. but you get to the freeze tag store, get these in your little hot little hands and, hand them around your clan mates as well. especially for next month's clan wars, because obviously if there's scatter.

Rob (20:11.718)

Rob (20:21.67)

Craig (20:32.75)
points going to be up again and the clan wars. I don't know people. This is not on the show notes, but if he hasn't even done them yet people, but but the, if the scatter point is going to be on clan wars, then these are going to be good scatter points too. And he go, Rob, get ready for it. Cause you haven't done it yet. But, the cards, if they scatter from that are the cards going to count towards scatter points.

Rob (20:36.742)
I don't know.

Rob (20:45.99)

Rob (20:54.662)
Yeah. no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Good try. No. Yeah. Yeah. I know. And I appreciate that because that, that is a good question, but I will tell you, no, because what it is doing is it is it's, it's scattering something, but really it is deploying something on your account. So you get the deploy points. You get the, yeah.

Craig (20:57.486)
They say, well, there you go. No, no, I'm just, I'm asking, yeah, I'm asking because I'm a man of the people, you know that?


Craig (21:12.718)
But yeah, the deploy. Yep. Perfect. Perfect. here's a question for you then if you get the deploy points, Rob, does that class as a deploy for your day for your streak? There you go. People. Perfect. Yeah. Yeah.

Rob (21:24.23)
Yeah. We talked about whether that should count or not, and we decided yes, it should.

Craig (21:30.894)
Yeah, yep, absolutely. Very good. All right, mate, we're going to move on now to the new a calmar pouch creature that came out at the same time. Rob, tell us about the calmar pouch creature.

Rob (21:41.766)
Well, we looked at some of our stuff from Wallaby and you know, that's where our pouch creatures have come from. And we liked the look of this squiddy character that looks like Calamari and conveniently Robbie and the team way back when named this one Calmar. So Calmar is something that lands on the light and also void mysteries.

Craig (21:46.477)
Mm -hmm.

Mm -hmm.

Craig (22:10.638)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (22:10.662)
All of the extreme long details are all in the blog. Kalmar himself lands on virtual colors, virtual sapphire, submarine, EVO, and then wildlife and beach POIs. If, however, the landing pad that's chosen is a light or a void mystery, then you're not going to be capping Kalmar. You're going to be capping the evolved version, which is Kalmanium. Yeah, so.

Craig (22:34.35)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (22:38.406)
There's more points for Calamian. This is the only way that Calmar can evolve though, is by landing on one of those two things. He's similar to Sparby, which was one that I believe Spar Fox is the different version when it lands on electric, something like that. So yeah, similar vibe to other pouch cruisers that we've done in the past. This one.

Craig (22:52.974)
Yeah, you're right.

Craig (22:58.574)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (23:01.99)
We just felt like with the launch of the of the light and something that we already have with void this one has really dark eyes and so it comes from the void into the light. You know there's there's always always some sort of crazy reason that we can try and link these things so that's how we linked this one.

Craig (23:06.126)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (23:09.678)

Craig (23:18.094)
Now, Rob, in this day and age, I have to say I have assigned a gender to each of these ones as well. Kalmar, I believe in my personal opinion is male and Kalmanium is a female. I don't know why, it's just the way I've sort of differentiated between the two itself. So what you're saying is you purchase a Kalmar, you can't purchase Kalmanium, you only purchase the Kalmar.

Rob (23:28.294)

Craig (23:44.974)
And when, when that calmer, when they land on virtual colors, virtual Sapphire submarines, wildlife and beach POIs, they are a calmer. But if they land on an elemental mysteries and then void mystery and light mystery, they are calimanium and they bounce back and forward between those two depending upon what they actually land on. So there you go.

Rob (24:02.566)
Right. It will not stay at the Kalmanium level only if it lands on those two types.

Craig (24:06.35)
No, no, because there is different points people for the different ones. So for the Cal Mar, you got to capture points of 200 and Cap on of a hundred. Whereas Cal Manium capture points of 400, but you still got the same Cap on points of a hundred. So no matter what your one lands on for you personally, as an owner, you're always going to a hundred point Cap on. But it differentiates the caps points between the Cap on not the Cap on.

So there you go. Yeah.

Rob (24:35.366)
Yeah. So what one more piece of information that kind of ties together the light mystery and Kalmanium is that you can magnetize the light mystery. So that has a chance of drawing that. It's not the only thing that lands on light mystery. So you may get some of the other stuff like a guardian glass guardians, things of that nature, things that are attracted to light as well, how we saw it. So anyway, yeah, that that's what's going on there. The magnetizing of the light mystery that was broken.

Craig (24:40.046)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (24:45.486)

Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Craig (24:58.478)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (25:05.286)
at launch, but it has been fixed just so you know. Yeah.

Craig (25:06.03)
perfect. Perfect. Perfect. And, also one more thing, Rob, before we move on and that is if you haven't, this is brand new people, this is a brand new Munzee type. So if you haven't updated your actual lists, then go on, update your lists now. So that includes filters, sorry, filters. I meant to say, yeah, update your filters ASAP to get this on. like we did with the pit stop, POI's you have to update your filters from there. So very good, mate.

Rob (25:22.95)
filters. Yeah.

Craig (25:33.71)
Now moving on because Monday the July 1st, Munsie's birthday month. Firstly, how old is Munsie going to be Rob? There you go. 13. 13.

Rob (25:41.222)
Well, we're going to be a teenager. 13, can you believe it? Can you even believe it? 13. It's unbelievable. Yeah. So long, long time coming. You know, we finally made it to being the teenager, have acted like a teenager for a while, mainly because of me. Sorry about that. But but yeah, the we made it to the 13th year. Obviously, we've got the birthday events that are going on.

Craig (25:56.846)
Mm hmm. Yeah, you have.

Craig (26:06.094)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (26:10.502)
I believe it's something like 22 out of the 44 events on the calendar or birthday events. So check those out. Still time to add a birthday package for anyone. As far as other things that are happening for the birthday month, well, by the time this podcast goes live, we may have announced some of those. However, I do not know for sure.

Craig (26:15.79)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (26:21.55)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (26:32.494)
Rob (26:35.974)
not for sure enough to tell you and our lovely listeners on this podcast. So I'm just going to say, stay tuned. You'll have to watch the blog yourself if you want the information immediately before July 1st, just in case we put any lead up information.

Craig (26:37.006)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Craig (26:41.902)
That makes sense.

Craig (26:53.454)
So still watch the blog people and still have a look at the what's new in the app itself. Meanwhile, Rob, one more question about the Calmar. You can only, you have to buy this through the freeze tag store itself. You can't get it through any other way. So through the freeze tag store and it is a limited timeframe people. So this is a limited time. So get your Calmar in now and you can only buy one. So is that correct Rob? Yeah.

Rob (27:16.55)
Yeah, that is. Thank you.

Craig (27:18.158)
Yep, there you go. So make sure you get it in, go to the freeze tag store, get your Cal Mart today as I have mine and already it's been bouncing around. I like it. I like it. So, all right, Rob, moving on now to the question of the week because we're getting on in long in the tooth. This one is from a Q 22 Q 17. She likes it when I say that she asked, I know we can get a badge for capping all the ultimate alternative. Sorry for Munzee HQ employees, but

Rob (27:25.222)
Yeah, that's good.

Rob (27:37.286)
Ha ha.

Craig (27:46.99)
wouldn't it also be cool to get a badge for capping all the one type, like all the Mother Earth or all the ice mysteries? And yeah, so she's asking about, you know, what do you think about that, Rob? Is there a possibility where we can get more badges that way?

Rob (28:01.638)
Interesting. This comes in as a question slash request slash suggestion. All of those things rolled. All of them rolled into one and well, Brenda, that's your name. So I've hung out with her, you know, for many years. Pokemon Go friends and everything. Anyway, I had this good idea that this is honestly this is something we have never even discussed. I don't remember ever.

Craig (28:08.27)
All of the above.

Craig (28:16.174)

Mm -hmm.

Craig (28:29.038)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (28:30.47)
hearing this as a thought, a question, something like that. It makes for an interesting side challenge, I suppose. It's been a very long time since we've added a new alternative myth for the team. So yeah, maybe we kick that around. We come up with another one. We add those to the existing team accounts and

Craig (28:40.814)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (28:47.79)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (28:57.99)
Maybe kick something like this off. I like it. It's interesting. We'll see.

Craig (29:00.846)
There we go. There we go people. See what happens when you actually write in with your thoughts and your ideas. Sometimes they do kick things around at Munzee HQ and you have some great ideas. So there you go. That's exactly what it's about. Meanwhile, Rob, we're gonna end now, of course, as always with the Munzee tip of the week. This one comes from me because I do this for my own clan every single time. And that is June 1st rolls around.

Rob (29:09.958)

Craig (29:27.982)
Sorry, June, July 1st rolls around. So the first of the month rolls around. I messaged my clan, Rob, and I say, dump that curate people, dump one out of the two, because they're all premium, dump one out of the two curates, and then don't cap any greenies for that day. And then the next day, dump the second one. So you've got empty curate spaces ready to go for July 3rd. Because, Rob, I have been in discussions with a few different new players or returning players who asked about that.

Robert was only like a week ago, one player said, all I needed was one curate to be done and I did one and I didn't get anything for it. What happened? It's because they had it prior to people. So make sure your curates only when they break, they only go towards the actual clan wars requirements. If you got that curate, you've got the curate from a green itself in that clan war month. So it's a hard lesson to learn, Robert. We've all been there and we've all done that, including myself.

Rob (30:03.878)


Rob (30:25.99)
It's true, I have as well. So yeah, you mentioned it, but it needs to be highlighted. If you do this, if you get rid of a crate, I call them as you know, on the first and then you capture something that could give you a new crate, if you capture something after that on that day or on the second, then you're going to have a crate that is

Craig (30:27.214)

Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Craig (30:39.246)
I'm sorry.

Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Rob (30:53.638)
Before so be very careful of that. I mean rums give these crates now elemental mysteries do like there's all kinds of stuff. So if you're going to ditch one on the first be aware that you don't get one on the first or second anyway. Yes, it's a great tip. I recommend it as well. However, if you if it's pretty close to opening just.

Craig (30:54.862)
Yeah. Exactly. Yes. Mm hmm.

Craig (31:06.606)

Mm -hmm.

Rob (31:18.022)
Just keep playing on the first and the second. I like that idea even more than ditching them. Just keep playing.

Craig (31:19.406)
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm talking about the ones you get that later on and takes forever to open. So exactly. And Sam, this is a shout out for you, mate. I'm going to always say the word curate just saying I'm always going to say cubable not cubable as well. So, and I'm always going to say cup of Z. Apparently I say cup of Z wrong. I don't know how I say it wrong, but a couple of Z. Yeah. That was it. I'm Australian. This is my accent. So there you go.

Rob (31:26.502)
Yeah, yeah, now you're good. Yep.

Rob (31:32.838)

Hahaha, yeah.

Yeah, Cubbersy. Cubbersy. Yeah, anyway.


Craig (31:47.406)
All right, Rob, that ends another official Munzee podcast.

Rob (31:50.79)
Thanks for joining us on this Munzee adventure.

Craig (31:53.838)
Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review on your favourite podcasting app and of course join us next week for another very, very, very informative episode.

Rob (32:01.99)
And remember, Munzee is more than a game. It's a worldwide community of mobile game players.

Craig (32:07.438)
So keep scanning, keep discovering and keep that Munzey spirit alive. Rob, one, two, three Munzey on. I was ahead of you as always, as always.

Rob (32:11.302)
Manzion! Well, I didn't think you'd be that quick today.

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