Official Munzee Podcast

Munzee Weekly Podcast - Friday July 12th, 2024

Rob Vardeman & Craig Michell Season 2 Episode 28

Todays show Rob and Craig chat all things Munzee from the weekend past and the upcoming weekend. You can win Prizes and give away Prizes in Discord.

Then Rob leaks some information regarding the upcoming mailbox!!!!

Ending with a question for Rob, a Request for Rob and a Tip of the Week from a listener.

Link to event details in Netherlands
Link to Whelen Event Video from Iowa. 

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Craig (00:00.779)
Welcome to the official Munzee podcast.

Rob (00:03.104)
I'm Rob, also known as Coach V, your host and the president of

Craig (00:06.984)
And I'm Craig also known as SeeMyshell, I'm an avid Munzee player and I'm here to explore the game further.

Rob (00:12.684)
Each week we'll delve into Munzee's mysteries, divulge some secrets, and inform players from around the world just what is coming your

Craig (00:19.373)
So sit back and relax as today's episode, we're talking about the birthday month stuff and what's this? Rob's leaking? What are you talking about Rob? You're leaking something.

Rob (00:30.03)
I personal things we don't talk about. Nah, no, no, no. Nothing like that, everyone. Don't worry. I'm all good. But yeah. Yes, I've got some information, so everyone be sure you listen all the way through to the

Craig (00:32.835)
You're all good. your information, mate. Information.

Craig (00:46.283)
And it is it going to be at the end of Rob or when is it going to be? Fair enough, my fair enough. Mate, if you haven't been leaking, what have you been up to? How's that for a segue?

Rob (00:49.482)
come on people, just listen. Let's

Rob (00:58.446)
man, that was great. totally. yeah, you know when you catch me off guard, that was a good one. Man, so I have been buried in birthday stuff for sure and really having a great time. And well, I'm thinking about how and where to put some special gardens to celebrate because we we actually have a lot of things to

Craig (01:03.55)

Craig (01:12.044)

Craig (01:25.36)
Rob (01:28.538)
And yeah, unfortunately, I can't talk about all of them, but something that is game related, however, not inside the game. it's this like golden thing. I've never been able to. I think it's gonna happen. But that's all I can do. Believe me, if I maybe next Friday, I'll be able to like say.

Craig (01:46.625)

Rob (01:53.698)
Guess what from this week, but sorry everyone that I'm screaming through your headphones. This is totally my bad, but there's I'm excited about where we are this month. What's happening? The birthday where we're going. I'm just excited and

Craig (02:07.671)
Mate, that's very interesting. I watch you obviously as we record this too. And people listening, you can hear it because Ren Robb gets excited, but he's thinking at the same time as excited and he can't, he's holding things back. You do, you start to get, and then in the end you get, like you actually just make a sound. You just literally hold it in. You're making little sounds rather than words. So.

Rob (02:12.224)

Rob (02:22.572)
Yeah. Yeah. Flailing about as I'm doing it. Yeah. Yeah. I get I get red faced from whole it's it's bad everyone. So yeah, enough about me. How's it going with you? What are you up

Craig (02:37.727)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm. Speaking of red face, I'll get red faced with anger, Rob, with anger. So, you know, you know me and I've said it before in a few other episodes as well that I'm, you know, I'm gonna go to Ohio this in two weeks time and I'm gonna do a full round trip again and see the Midwest Geobash up there. And there's another Munzee event at the same location. It's a camp out location as well. It's like three, four, five days of camping with friends and Geobuddies.

Rob (02:43.35)

Craig (03:06.275)
Yeah, I can't do it now because my car again, engine this time, the engine decides to go tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick. And so I took it to my mechanic and he was very upset with me, but he's very upset in general and said, look Craig, yeah, it's, it's, it's big this one. So, so now I'm on a eight to 10 week hiatus of just, yeah. Yeah.

Rob (03:28.992)
Yo, that that sounds like hi, no. Yeah, I got your joke. Yes. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Sorry to laugh through your pain. But it's the only way man laughter has to be the only medicine through this that sucks so bad. Wow.

Craig (03:35.203)
look at you with the puns. Geez. Yeah, you got a bat. Wow, man. no, that's okay. Yeah.

Craig (03:48.455)
Exactly. and exactly. I, and I thought about things too, Robin. thought, you know what I might actually, I even, I went as low as low Rob as actually looking into hiring a U -Haul van. Yes. A U -Haul van and putting a blow up mattress in the back and doing, doing that around my trip on a uni U -Haul van. mean, that would make great content, mate. Great content. But yes.

Rob (04:03.042)

Rob (04:14.296)
So great. Thankfully, we don't all have to watch that because that would be I can I can only imagine how that would be for you. So wow, that's yeah. Yikes.

Craig (04:23.635)
Yeah, an experience and adventure. Let's let's be honest and that's what we're up to. Meanwhile Munzee related Munzee related Rob. I'm proud This is my happy moment because I got all my ingredients done So all my without even going to an event so you didn't have to go to event I did have to deploy quite a few and you we said last week that Mari had the her hand on the percentage Which is better than you it is better than

Rob (04:28.842)
It would be that.

Rob (04:37.121)

Craig (04:49.079)
but it's still just a percentage as well. But either way, I got all my ingredients. They're all done. So my cupcake has now been deployed and I am very happy about that. And Rob, we do have a question for you coming up as well in regards to the ingredients.

Rob (05:00.3)
We have the, well, we've got, yeah, and we've got the rest of the month to do that, right? The ingredients, okay, because I haven't done that yet. So I'm just making sure, and for those who panic right now, like, no, yeah, we still have the rest of the month, that's

Craig (05:07.756)
Yeah, of course.

Craig (05:13.269)
Mm -hmm. Yeah, no, you got exactly. But those of you out there like me, and I'll be honest Rob, there is a few like me and that is we have to get everything done as soon as it comes out, including Clan Wars level five, which I've almost completed except for the day's play. Anyway, I know this, but this is what we are like these like we're nuts like this, you know what I mean? but yes, no, you don't have to get the ingredients. You can wait because there's some ingredients are hard to get.

are very hard to obtain, but you can get them. You've got a higher percentage or even in a guarantee for one of them at an event. So if you get to an event this month for only the birthday month events though, so which are highlighted in pink, you get to those, you can guarantee one of these ingredients that you need. and a good possibility of a second one. So there you go. But what else, Rob, what else? a video online. I saw a brand new video come up as well. Did you see that one? You didn't?

Rob (06:09.064)
I did not yet. No, sorry. As I'm looking at this, no, I haven't seen

Craig (06:15.189)
It's the video by the king himself, W. Helen. He went to the Iowa, Iowa events. There's two Iowa events last weekend. And this is the thing, these events happened on Saturday and it's now Wednesday as we talk and the video came out last night. So how quick is, I know W. Helen, good job mate with these, with these videos. But what I was more, what I was very proud of too is Munro's and Munro's

Rob (06:28.856)

Craig (06:39.349)
They are the ones that hosted the events themselves. They had a beautiful Munzee flag. They're the one that you can get in the store, but both of them were also wearing the host shirts, the Munzee event host shirts, which again, you can also get in the store as well. So good job there to W. Helen for the video and Munrose and Munrose too for hosting a good event by the looks of things. So yes, there you go. So that's what I've been up to and what I've been watching.

Rob (06:49.42)

Rob (07:01.56)

Wow, I mean, I gotta say that's a

Craig (07:08.225)
I know, I know. Well, we've got to talk a bit more this time. People get to know us Rob. That's the difference. So, mm -hmm. Doesn't matter. They have to. All right, Rob, what about the activity of last weekend? The events we had were in USA. We had California, Missouri, Iowa, Massachusetts, North Carolina and Texas around the world.

Rob (07:13.74)
Yeah they do. Do they want to? Doesn't matter, because we're telling them anyway.

Rob (07:29.494)
Ontario, Canada, Japan, UK, three in Germany, Finland, Denmark, New South Wales and Western Australia.

Craig (07:38.135)
That was cool. Western Australia was cool. As you said last week, there was a Munzee player who's come back into the game, in regards to hosting. good job Australia represents. Yes. Yes. Meanwhile, the leaderboards we had, cause it was a, remember it was double point weekend last weekend too. So the leaderboards themselves was, I'm going to, God, Friday. You got it? Good, good, good.

Rob (07:48.781)

Rob (07:58.382)
I got it Friday, GR Brad T 509 ,000. So I see him a lot on discord. That's, we've got some conversation going back and forth. So I'm going to call him GR Brad T because that's how I read it whenever I do things anyway. Dolan's 438 ,000 and DB Oracle 400 ,000.

Craig (08:03.487)
Mm hmm. that's how it is.

Craig (08:21.411)
Very good Saturday we had thank you Rob. Tiny Red Fox with 1 .6 million points. T72 with 1 .2 million. Stein B with 1 .17 million and other millionaires we had oh oh oh oh she doesn't like to be known but she is. Danielle41101 with 1 .14 million. B -Fy14 with 1 .1 million. FNS and

with one million each as well. So millionaires Rob millionaires nice Sunday.

Rob (08:50.574)
Nice. That's a lot. Sunday we had Granville 437 ,000, Whalen 292 ,000 and MaliMu09 279

Craig (09:05.251)
Really, really cool. Okay, the events coming up this weekend, we've got quite a few events, right? We've got 20 plus events this weekend. So again,

Rob (09:13.358)
No, not that that it's 20 plus attendance events. Oh yeah, sorry. I, I wrote the notes in a weird way and the way that makes sense in my brain, 20 plus attendees. So there are quite a few of those types of events. So if you're looking for high cap on points and that's for virtuals, what about that light mystery, all those cards, temps, verts, flats, all of those things.

Craig (09:18.211)

the answer.

Mm -hmm.

Craig (09:36.958)
Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Rob (09:42.584)
that are getting double points? Yeah, check, check it

Craig (09:43.925)
Mm -hmm. And don't forget, don't forget Rob, those light mysteries, there's a possibility where they can flick out a card as well. So you get double points on double points, you see? Exactly, exactly. In USA we have three in Florida, one in upstate New York and two in Ohio, around the world.

Rob (09:50.583)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Rob (10:01.902)
British Columbia, Canada, UK, Germany, and there's four in the Netherlands. And actually, let's kick it off talking about those four, because we haven't. We haven't noticed or commented. And no one really waved the flag and said, hey, by the way. But they did send you a message, which was the best idea. So if we're missing your events, everyone, then you should tell us. If you've got a group of events over the course of a few days, please tell us. We'd love to tell everyone.

Craig (10:08.94)
Let's kick it

Craig (10:15.608)
Mm -mm.

Craig (10:22.774)

Craig (10:26.839)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (10:31.766)
So anyway, they're in the Netherlands this weekend. They are at the north end. You can take a ferry across to one of the other islands. That's one of the things that's going on. There's a link in the show notes that you're going to put with all the activities. And here's what's really cool. These hosts are actually really good. They they've been putting things on in different portions of the country every month.

Craig (10:40.393)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Yes, exactly.

Rob (10:55.59)
And I believe that they're going to each of the whatever they call them provinces states, whatever areas and meeting at the highest point in that area. So in some of them, I mean, they're talking like it's only a hundred meters is the highest point in that region, because it's Netherlands, it's flat. So anyway, they're all very interesting. They've done a really great job. I know that Lou has enjoyed working with those hosts.

Craig (11:11.593)
wow. Yeah.

Rob (11:22.492)
and good to see that they've actually got four this weekend.

Craig (11:25.985)
Yeah. Yeah. and also what I enjoyed too, Rob is in the link in the show notes itself as well. If you click on it, it is in almost every language you can under like there, there is, because they've just to suffer. Yeah. That's really cool. So it's not just English, but you know, French and German, all the law, languages, all the European languages, it's all there as well. So that's really cool. thank you again for reaching out to me. Exactly. Exactly.

Rob (11:35.726)
That's cool.

Rob (11:44.846)
Yeah, inclusive. There's a good word for you. mean, that's pretty amazing.

Craig (11:53.493)
All right, Rob, the other big event we have is in July 26th. Now I have to read this with a really slow low voice because I'm not going this time now because of my car. anyway, it is the Friday before the Midwest Geobash at, how did, I can't even remember how we said it before. Waseon, yeah, Waseon, Waseon, Ohio. That's the way, that's the way. I got told by Buckeye Cashier.

Rob (12:09.902)
Yeah, there you

Craig (12:16.503)
Buckeye Cash is going to be there. I'll just say that he's going to be there. So make sure you attend because he is going to be there and a few other high level players as well. there you go. Rob, Rob, I saw this. You put this on the show notes. You put

Rob (12:28.266)
I did. You know why this is finally official. Lou was telling me about it this morning. This is just popped up. These are going to be big events again this year. So get ready, but you're most excited about it. So why don't you tell everyone what it is? Maybe you'll even have your mates do back in action. Sorry, too soon.

Craig (12:33.357)
Finally, finally.

Craig (12:40.183)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (12:49.869)
Whoa, now I'm hoping to, I'm crossing my fingers, my toes, all nine of them. September 20th to 22nd, we're four big events. It's called Munzee Mischief and it's in Fort Worth, Texas. So there you go, hosted by several players in Texas itself. And one of which is my birthday twin, my birthday twin, my birthday twin. So there you go.

Rob (13:13.794)
Yeah. There you

Craig (13:16.183)
So September 20th to 22nd, four big events, Munzee Mischief, Fort Worth, Texas. It's on the calendar, people. We've spoken about this before. It is now on the calendar. So get your clicks in, so make it go large and also get your, what do call the, the ball rolling, Rob, when it comes to your travel. there you go.

Rob (13:35.234)
Yeah, so I want to back up one more thing because something while I was talking about the Netherlands, there was something that came up in my head, something triggered and we've had something that's come in through our support tickets where someone wanted to recognize actually some of the hosts that are happening there that are doing something a little bit special. I said the word inclusive because they were using all the different languages.

And that reminded me of this request from a player. Now, I'm not sure that we're actually going to go through with the full request. And I don't really want to put all of the details out about the player names and all that kind of stuff. there's a player in the Dutch community who has been ill and unable to walk and his wife drives him around

Craig (14:01.592)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (14:10.433)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (14:27.366)
he, he, you know, she takes him around in a wheelchair and they play. so he's able to still make it, to level six requirements every month. so he, you know, had to take a little bit of a break and there've been different things that are happening. However, the, the host of the events, and sort of the leader of their clans. and I will say this person's

his name is Johan. he is FRL K. he's made sure that the entire event route is wheelchair accessible. So one of those, things with inclusivity in mind and, and the conversations that you and I have actually had, at the, at events and flagstaff and, beyond just about, the, you know, it's up to the host

Craig (15:07.305)

Craig (15:26.197)
Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Rob (15:26.382)
for where those flags, where those Munzees are going to be. so important to be able to think about those things. And so it's really great to hear that that's happening in the Dutch community specifically because of something that's happening and life changing events really that could have taken this player out of being able to play, but his wife is taking him around. The hosts are taking care of them as well. So anyway, congrats. Well done to the Dutch community. If you ever have a chance to get to Netherlands for the events,

Craig (15:37.858)

Craig (15:47.295)
Mm -hmm. Wow.

Rob (15:55.04)
Obviously I recommend them highly. I haven't been there for, I believe it's eight years. sounds like I need to go

Craig (16:00.139)
Mm -hmm. Yeah, yes, yes it does. And Munzee, if you're listening, you know, I haven't attended it all yet, so just saying. Anyway. All right, Rob, don't forget people, if you have got an event that you want promoted and it's getting big numbers, et cetera, reach out to me on any social media, including Discord, like he did as well. And I'm happy to add it to our list from there.

Rob (16:09.902)
Good to know. Noted.

Craig (16:27.137)
Meanwhile, Rob, let's talk about the things happening this week. mean, we said before, we've double point weekends every single weekend this week because it's happy birthday to Munzee. So this weekend coming though, we've got cards, flats, greenies, gaming and evolutions. Hmm.

Rob (16:36.717)

Rob (16:43.104)
Mm -hmm. We forgot to mention the first double point weekend last week when we were recording just totally slipped my mind. Yeah. Yeah. Cause it happened last weekend. Matter of fact, I was capping and got double points on a greening and went, yeah, that's right. So oops. Even I forgot. yeah. So that's happening. So we've got double point weekend to this weekend, all those things. next weekend, double point weekend. you have more.

Craig (16:50.154)
we did? we did?

Craig (16:58.079)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm. Mm

Craig (17:08.865)
Before, before, before I got questions from, you know me, got questions. Okay. So we're talking about double points on cards, flats, greens. That's just stock standard. That's we've always known that now gaming. So the gaming includes things like your, your chess pieces and your, your little Atari game thing. What are those called? Is this gaming? Joysticks. That's the one joysticks. Now I notice surprises gaming. Yeah. Yes. Yep. Yep.

Rob (17:12.898)
Alright, come on.

Rob (17:28.843)
joysticks the surprise surprise munzie but not only that surprise wheel prize wheel yeah all the

Craig (17:38.795)
All of those things, but also does that include then all the scatters that flick off from that or are they classes scatters? so they're not classes gaming scatters. They're just, they're just scattered. So you won't get double points on that. what about with the evolutions Rob, when we're talking about evolution bounces, do they get a double point weekend this weekend? of course.

Rob (17:55.146)
yes. and Bounty Ships from the resellers. Those are also gaming pieces. Don't forget.

Craig (18:02.955)
That's, that's good to know because that's one thing you can actually pull it out as well. The, the gaming ships you can pull it out. and the possibility of one of the ingredients just saying, so there you go. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So evolution bounces do count though. Yes.

Rob (18:11.486)
Hey, imagine

Rob (18:15.523)
Yes, the bouncers are in the evolution sets and should be doubled as well. Like I said, should be

Craig (18:19.459)
Nice, nice. So if you've got an evolution that hasn't actually hit the bouncer stage yet this weekend and you'd like it to, don't forget there are those little point, what are they called? Quick grows, I'm thinking poison. That's quick grows. Potion, potion quick grows. Yes, exactly. All right, Robert, then we have double points weekend number three coming up in a week and a bit's time and that's for cards, flats and greenies

Rob (18:31.864)
quick grow. I thought you were gonna say poison. Potion. Yes, the quick grow potion.

Craig (18:49.335)
but also resellers and

Rob (18:52.712)
Mm yeah. That's right. Yeah. Those are, and those are, I mean, that's straightforward. Anything that's reseller. and then anything that's a Mac. So there you go. Do you get double points on reseller or sorry, quadruple points on reseller Macs? No, you don't. They classify in as one of those. Sorry.

Craig (18:53.525)
Mm -hmm. Yeah, that's nice. That's nice.

Craig (19:12.227)
okay. Yeah. I understand what you're saying now. Yeah. And that, so if you've got cogs laying around that weekend would be the best weekend to sort of, use those calls to deploy the mix because the mix also includes deploying as well as cap ons as well and capping. So if you've got one of those, what do call them? The, the scrap stars too. You say the scrap style would be good for that weekend as well. Just saying. So there you go. There you go. What else have you got for us, Rob?

Rob (19:32.63)

Good point.

there's also times three points for the mailbox owners. So don't forget about

Craig (19:44.685)
What? Who's? What? What am What are you talking about?

Rob (19:46.424)
Yeah, you know, just in case.

Craig (19:50.433)
I told him about my

Rob (19:51.64)
going on sale Friday. Don't tell everyone when you listen when you listen to this. Yeah. So watch

Craig (19:54.626)
as in today.

Craig (19:59.747)
So midday, midday today, Friday, it's on sale. Is that, is that your leak? Is that your leak? Is that your leak? Is that your leak? There you go people. You heard it here first. Rob leaked it first and it wasn't me and I'm so excited and he can't get in trouble because he's the president of the company. So, well, he still does get in trouble often, but by his, by his fellow.

Rob (20:03.352)
think so. Yeah, that's the plan. Be ready everyone. Celebrate. I'm ready. Yeah. See

Craig (20:28.085)
Munzee employees anyway, so there you go people get it in today midday today as you listen to this You got it available So you get triple points then for double point weekend on the third weekend And is that included the double point weekend on fourth as well Wow There you

Rob (20:40.728)

Yeah, fourth weekend as well. So I didn't write that stuff down because, know, we'll talk about that next

Craig (20:48.247)
We'll talk about that next week. Exactly right. But get your mailbox ASAP so therefore you can get triple points. That's right. Triple points on cards for the third weekend this month and the fourth weekend this month. There you go. Will the mailbox run? Will it be available for all of the month or just a short period of

Rob (21:07.522)
I don't know what you're talking about.

Craig (21:09.423)
there you go. You're not gonna leak anything further. wow. He's already plugged it. He found the leak as soon as it happened and he plugged it with his thumb. So there you go. Anyway, anyway, Rob, I found out something else this week. You just gone by too. And that is on the good old discord. Now look, let's be honest. Some people out there don't like discord. That's fine. Doesn't worry. It's just another avenue. It's just another social media. Some people don't like Facebook. Some people don't like Instagram. Some people don't like YouTube. It doesn't really matter. It's all just social media. That's all it is. But

Rob (21:11.464)

Rob (21:16.642)
Don't even know, man.

Craig (21:39.351)
This now goes out for people who actually do use Discord or want to use Discord. I'll be honest, Rob, I am not a big Discord user. I am still learning the ways, you know what I mean? I I reach out to Sam, I reach out to Carson, the younger generation. I reach out to them and go, what can I do here on Discord? I sound like an old man, you know what I mean? So, but I'm still able to do it. Now, what started though on Discord this week, just gone, is player giveaways.

Rob (21:48.982)

Rob (21:59.127)

Craig (22:07.587)
Tell us more about the player giveaways on

Rob (22:10.508)
Yeah, so I've always been able to run MHQ giveaways so I could put in and, you know, it randomly chooses who wins. I can set a timeframe. I can tell it what prize it's going to be. So there were requests a long time ago about setting this up and something popped into my head last week. And I was like, you know what? Yeah, let's do it. Let's set it up. So there've been some really cool things that are going on and people are able to, to set up so that it can randomly choose.

Craig (22:19.083)

Craig (22:29.367)

Rob (22:40.238)
People have given away like, I'm going to deploy five cards, you know, get your name in and then you tell me your location if you're the winner. There've been a couple of people who've who've done like 10 cogs. So they actually went into the store and bought 10 cogs for people that won or a light mystery things that you could purchase from the store because people can't transfer their own inventory. So that's not possible.

Craig (22:56.558)
wow. Yep. Mm

Rob (23:06.618)
but anyway, yeah, it's, it's been fun. and I'll highlight one of them. Riney actually, gave away a mailbox. Like you can't even buy a mailbox yet. Wink, wink. And, and so, yeah, he's, he said like, whenever, whenever they go on sale, I'm buying a mailbox for the winner. And so a winner has already been chosen for that. So yeah, check out if, if you're, if you're agreeable to discord, even if you only get in there for the free giveaways. Hey, that's

Craig (23:19.571)
yeah, it's available.

Wow, there you

Craig (23:36.055)
Yeah, that's something. Exactly. It's just, there you go. That's where it is. I did a giveaway, Rob. Did you see mine? Yes. Mine's called a electric trap. Now, if people don't know, they're new to Munzee or they haven't heard of this before, this is called electric trap. And what it basically is, is you get the electric mystery, you place it somewhere, and then you place three virtuals around it in close proximity.

Rob (23:36.248)
No problem. Yeah. Munzee. Munzee .com slash discord.

Rob (23:44.066)
Yeah, electric traps.

Craig (24:01.259)
And what happens is, that you obviously click, you you click on the mystery, the electric mystery, and the three little lightning bolts come out as scatters and they always scatter on the virtuals. And so then you grab each one of the scatters. But the best part about electric trap is Rob, you get bounces on that electric. You click on the bouncer to get the bouncer. What happens? it activates the scatters and you get to three electric scatters again, bang, bang, bang. So if you, and I've done this several times, you can see it in my home location, you magnetize that electric.

And you cap each time that the bouncer comes on, cap the bouncer, then don't cap the next bouncer until you've collected those little electric scatters. can then it's, it's some good points, Rob, some good, decent points. And I'm telling you, I'm telling you. So electric trap. gave away not one, two, but I gave away three electric traps. So that includes one electric and three virtuals at each location of those people. So there we go. So well done to those winners out there. And

Rob (24:41.326)

Rob (24:56.43)

Craig (25:00.887)
The best thing about Discord as well is that you don't have to do anything in regards to the draw, the prize draw. It is all random. And the people do have to click into to enter as well. So it's not, everyone gets an entry unless you click it and then you get an entry and go from there. And then it uses a randomizer from there. So it's all done for you pretty much. You then have to go in obviously and find out where the person is and then look for like good deploy locations for them, et cetera, et cetera.

Yeah. So there you go. Discord, as I said, not for everyone, but for those who are then, go for it. It's something else. It's something extra. That's all it is. Rob, we're to move on now to the question of the week because I've got a question of the week. I've got a request of the week and I've got a tip of the week. See, so all three. There you go. So the question of the week is a few people in the water cool have actually been discussing this and that is the timeframe placed upon ingredients as they bounce around the

Rob (25:47.022)

Craig (26:00.863)
They feel that it's too short. think it's like two hours rather than the four or six hours that other bounces are active or other mechs are even activated for. So is there any, any way that, or any, any idea what they can extend them or it just basically that's, that's how Munzee is playing.

Rob (26:18.24)
Interesting. I haven't seen this. I haven't been on water cooler a little bit. huh. I, I, I am not a hundred percent sure why we have them on a shorter timer. And, I suppose changing things is always possible. We will have some people complain because they wanted them to be short in, you know, so,

Craig (26:23.457)

Craig (26:39.075)
I wanted to be sure to say not so I can get it not. There you go. See, I'm, I told you, I'm a man of the people. have to say it every episode. I'm a man of the people. I scrolled through the water cooler and I went, that's, know, that's, that's an interesting point and an interesting topic. So I'll give it to Rob.

Rob (26:44.855)
Yeah, I wanted it to be two hours, not four hours, not six hours, not eight, eight. No. So Goldilocks and whatnot.

Craig (27:04.627)
And as we know as well, the questions of the week can turn out to be a request for the week. They can turn out to be anything else as well. So meanwhile, Rob, this request of the week literally came through halfway through us recording today, right? So it came through halfway through to that. Yeah, it did, it did. Yeah, here it comes. It is from the king himself, W. Helen, and I'm reading now directly from my phone. And he asked, he said, it's a viable question.

Rob (27:08.632)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (27:17.006)
No way. Surprise, here it comes.

Craig (27:32.617)
In the sandbox, now we're talking about the website here. So yeah, on the website, not on the app and not in CuppaZee, on the website. On the map, the map. And it comes up to the sidebar, it comes up as this, it's called the sandbox. On the Munzee deployment map. Can an option be made added to show physical event pin proximities? It would help hosts immensely planning where to place the physical pins in an event.

Rob (27:41.314)
the map.

Craig (27:59.221)
And yes, you don't deploy from the pins from there, from the actual website itself, because you have to be at the location, but they could figure out when hosting events where they could actually place the pins before they go out and place the pins. There you go.

Rob (28:11.916)
Hmm. That sounds interesting. Thanks a lot, Whelan. It's not on purpose. I do know that. Just because as it was all being built, rather than put extra time into having those kinds of things and also confusion factor. Yeah, we did not do that. Is it possible? I would say all things are possible.

Craig (28:28.915)

Mm -hmm.

Rob (28:38.35)
Is it likely to jump to the top of a list this month? No, it is not. But Sam's in charge of that web map. will mention that. But yeah, that's I don't know how quick of a deal that is. It's an interesting request. Thank you very much, W. Helen.

Craig (28:48.033)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (28:56.705)
Yeah, look at you, Rob. That one there was very straightforward, very, yeah, and you didn't even know the question beforehand. That's really cool. There you go. All right, Rob, this next one is the Munzee Tip of the Week. And this tip came from our YouTube channel as well. And it is from, I'm gonna say this wrong, Rand Turing II, I think his name is. Not sure if that's his YouTube name only or his Munzee name, but either way, Rand Turing II. Thank you for reaching out to us. And he said,

Rob (29:03.266)

Craig (29:24.397)
finding your own bounces from the website. I didn't know this Rob until he saw it. You go to your main profile on the website itself, you scroll down to the very bottom and there's a black area that no one ever looks at. I did because he asked me to. Under getting started, you've got to click the specials. This will show your own bounce locations, what they're

how long they got left on that actual Munzee for. And so for people who like and enjoy, I know one of my referrals, she watches her bounces twice or three times a day on Cup of Z. But this way, if you're in front of a computer and you want to do it on your computer, yeah, you can click get started specials and it will show your bounces, their locations, how long they got for and what Munzees they're actually on. So that's pretty cool, Rob. Did you know about that?

Rob (30:13.902)
I'm trying to do it right now because no, didn't. I'm under, under the heading, get started. Then you go to specials. Yeah. Or you can just type in munzee .com slash specials. That will also take you there. If you want the quick list, I knew about this list. I didn't realize that was a way to get to it. No clue. Well done. And I think it might be R and D touring too. I think R and D.

Craig (30:22.603)
gets out all the way down the bottom.

Craig (30:28.552)
Mm Okay. Mm

Craig (30:35.543)
There you go. Well done. Well done.

Craig (30:42.339)
R &D Turing.

Rob (30:43.182)
Only because if it was on YouTube, I've seen some comments. follow me on YouTube as well. So I think that might be it. Yeah. I think, yeah, I think we talked to them in California. That's possible. That's another, yeah. I don't

Craig (30:48.997)
look at that. they follow you on YouTube, Rob. What do you put, do you put content on YouTube personally? there we go. There we go. So thank you again for reaching out to us. And again, as I said before, if you've got a tip of the week or a question of the week or request the week, whatever, message me in any social media and I'm happy to sort of go from there. Meanwhile, Rob, guess what? This ends another official Munzee podcast.

Rob (31:12.62)
Thanks for joining us on this Munzee adventure.

Craig (31:15.287)
Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review on your favorite podcasting app and join us next week again for another very informative

Rob (31:21.514)
And remember, Munzee is more than a game, it's a worldwide community of mobile game players.

Craig (31:26.819)
So keep scanning, keep discovering, keep that Munzee Spirit alive. One, two, three, you leaked something, you leaked something, you leaked something. Munzee on!

Rob (31:30.562)
Matt Munsey on! I even couldn't say Munsey properly.

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