Official Munzee Podcast

Munzee Weekly Podcast - Friday July 19th, 2024

Rob Vardeman & Craig Michell Season 2 Episode 29

In todays episode, Rob and Craig chat all things Mailbox, have you got yours yet? Triple Point Weekend for Mailbox holders, Chat about clan wars, developments regarding the in-app store, and something BIG is about to drop on CuppaZee, make sure you have your CuppaZee app up to date.

Ending as always with a Question, Request and Tip of the week.

MinnesotaBoy Greenie Video 

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Craig (00:01.42)
Welcome to the official Munzee Podcast.

Rob (00:03.734)
I'm Rob, also known as Coach V, your host and the president of Munzee

Craig (00:07.623)
And I'm Craig, also known as Seemyshell, I'm an avid Munzee player and I'm here to explore the game further.

Rob (00:12.662)
Each week we'll delve into Munzee's mysteries, divulge some secrets, and inform players from around the world just what is coming your way.

Craig (00:19.768)
So sit back, relax or drive your car. As today's episode, we're gonna chat all about the mailbox, Rob. The mailbox is finally here. It's not a secret anymore. Even though you let the cat out of the bag, it's the worst kept secret. I'll say this. It is the worst kept secret Munzee has ever, ever had. You leaked it over a month ago and had people complain on Facebook, et cetera as well. So worst, worst kept secret, mate. Just I'll say

Rob (00:44.364)
Yeah, brought brought this trouble completely on ourselves because we we did and you know how people like to try and read through things and go, oh, did they mean to did that get left in? Did they just forget? No, no, we did it on purpose. And yeah, then we figured out what the launch date was once we were fully ready to put the whole thing together. Is it going to be 13 days? Is it going to be 17? Is it going to be 21? We knew it wasn't going to be 31 days. We knew

Craig (00:54.626)
Hmm. Yeah.

Craig (01:02.338)

Craig (01:08.844)
Mm -hmm.

Yeah, yeah, of course, of course.

Rob (01:12.42)
So there's there's the the usual behind the scenes with Rob on the podcast. So here we

Craig (01:18.664)
Mm -hmm. Yeah, exactly the method to the madness, but I did enjoy that Rob as well some people on the on now on Facebook on the water cooler They're saying Rob. Is this just a cut -and -paste issue again like there is several other times?

Rob (01:30.99)
I mean, they're not wrong that we do have some of those from time to time. And, and I always write like, I can't believe it. You know, oops, oops, we did it again. That kind of stuff, because, you know, I mean, come on people, we're all human and, and no, we can't find every single time. And sometimes we mess up and we do have some cookie cutter, blog, things written, or we take ones from the past and bring them forward. Yeah. So anyway, this time, this time we're

Craig (01:39.586)
Hmm. Yep.

Craig (01:58.946)
To be honest, to be honest, Rob, to be honest, I sometimes we all benefit from a Munzee mistake. Let's be honest with the big ones, especially because we get free cards when that happens. So yeah, sometimes people don't realize when Munzee stuffs up that big time, instead of going on the water cup, should be turning around going, we're going to get some more cards this time. So that's pretty cool.

Rob (02:18.948)
Yeah, the the I'm I'm I'm kind of, you know, kind of weird in the way that that all goes down to is sometimes if the complaining is like too much, then it's like, yeah, nothing for you. And sometimes if the gimme gimmies are too much, then it's like, no, none for you. So, you know, yeah. Just just just keep it balanced, everybody. Keep it balanced.

Craig (02:27.516)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (02:34.048)

Nothing for you except zip it, zip your lip and just exactly, exactly. And I will say this as well, Rob, those people, fair enough. Look, you know what? Jump on the water cooler, have a chat on the water cooler, say things on the water cooler. If things are happening for you that are negative, that's fine. Jump on the water cooler and see if someone else is having the same sort of issues. However, before you do it, this is my advice to everyone else as well as a player. that is make sure you have a support ticket in first.

Rob (03:07.3)
Hey, because if I get in and read it, I'm going to say like, did you put this in through support? No. that would be helpful.

Craig (03:08.706)
First thing you should

Craig (03:13.45)
Yeah. That it's, it's, it's going to fixed quicker through a support ticket than it is on the water cooler where Rob gets on the water cooler. What? Once a week or something, you know, not even that much, you know what mean? So yeah. Yeah. I think I jump on the water cooler more than you might on their daily. Yeah.

Rob (03:23.524)
Depends depends on the day in the weekend

Rob (03:30.828)
I you do too. Yeah, but that's all right. I've been playing in Discord a lot more recently.

Craig (03:35.865)
yes, yes, yes, and we'll talk about that anyway later on in the episode. Meanwhile, Rob, what else have you been up to? Munzee related?

Rob (03:43.266)
Well, I going to say, speaking of issues, we actually had, you know, for those people who went to the events, the birthday events in particular, and they capped event pens and they got the extra B and sugar teapot and the cogs and the stamps. had an overflow of those things. So, yeah, so I, I spent some of my time Monday, just navigating that, trying to find exactly what happened and helping out the tech team.

Craig (03:50.651)
yeah. yeah.

Rob (04:13.002)
then we removed those extras from everyone. So that was archiving some teapots and max and cogs. Yeah. So trying to take care of all of that stuff and the good news is we're all set. We've got an event Friday. So that one is going to, to be our confirmation that things are working properly. It's during the image Q day. we're good. So, yeah, so I've been doing that and otherwise, I'm capping my mailbox and I'm getting ready for Friday

Craig (04:18.956)
Craig (04:23.598)

Craig (04:30.058)
Yes. Yep.

Rob (04:42.168)
the launch of this cool new mailbox. I'm excited.

Craig (04:45.87)
Yes, yes, that's actually today Rob as we, as this, this, this goes launches. Um, but I will say this as well. We've had some feedback after last week's episode in regards to the ingredients. Remember we said before at last week's episode, there only lasted two hours on, on, uh, on lending pads. Some people like it's 50 50, but some people like it. Some people don't. Well, the people that like it are the people that own those particular bounces you see, because they can bounce quicker from one to one to one to one and more likely to get

that way. So therefore more caps, more points, et cetera, et cetera. The people who don't like are the ones that sort of they, that they bounce around the area and they can't get to in time because they've got work commitments and stuff like that too. it's, you know what, it's, 50 50 good and bad and like, like life Rob, that's good and bad in life. So, speaking of good and bad in life, you know, I've had so many people reach out to me in regards to my, car issues that I'm having currently having. And even to the point here we go, this is in the show notes because I, you

Rob (05:33.385)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (05:39.3)
Haha, yeah.

Craig (05:43.298)
I'll chuck it in now. Colecracker7, she reached out to me personally and said, Craig, if you need a lift to the Midwest Geobash and around, I'm here. This is all you have. And she gave me like the full itinerary of what she's doing because she's got a campus set up as well and stuff like that too. And she's driving straight there and whatever as well. She's like, you don't have to stay with me. You can get around with your friends still and stuff as well.

I she listens. very much appreciate the reach out and the thoughtfulness, cetera, behind it. However, I have to stay here with my car because at any point in time, Rob, my mechanic can ring me and go, bring it in. so meanwhile, in spite of me having it sitting in the driveway, et cetera, I've been working on the inside of it. So I've removed everything inside. I've redone the inside a little bit, myself a new battery, big battery pack as well. And I put solar

Rob (06:19.085)

Craig (06:34.946)
roof so they have this big solar panel on the roof so yes it's turning into a real real campus so there you go yes anyway thank you let's move on to the episode because we've got lots to talk about today the events of last weekend in the US we had three in Florida New York State and two in Ohio around the world

Rob (06:41.71)
That's cool. Congrats. Yeah.

Rob (06:54.436)
British Canada, British Columbia Canada. was like, what is it? Sorry everyone. In the UK, in Germany, and then we had the four in Netherlands that we talked

Craig (06:57.462)

Craig (07:04.896)
I did see Rob the four in there, they on the water cooler, they come out with some photos and I saw the guy that you were speaking about in regards to the wheelchair stuff too. That's really, really cool. They did a great job over there in the Netherlands and congratulations to all those attendees as well for making that a fantastic event. I'll just say that, that looked awesome. It did, did. Rob, do you want to start off with the leaderboards on Friday, mate?

Rob (07:11.129)

Rob (07:21.582)
Yeah, it did look

Rob (07:26.468)
Sure, why not. On Friday we had Eagle Dad and Xenia with $623 ,000, your buddy Colecracker7 with $598 ,000, and LAsoft with $554

Craig (07:38.926)
On Saturday we had Headstack with 803 ,000 points, Coalcracker7, she's doing a Munzee Prof, mate. Second place again with 7 ,724 ,000. I'm gonna get it straight now, because I'm going off script. And Anna Banana, as we say in Australia, not Anna Banana, with 586 ,000 points. On Sunday,

Rob (07:45.549)

Rob (08:03.108)
On Sunday we had Jeepster 32 with $778 ,000, Munzee Prof, second again, with $764 ,000, and Tiki Seba with $589

Craig (08:09.378)
There he

Craig (08:15.884)
You pronounce that word. I had no idea with that. That's why I chucked Friday to you first. If you didn't notice anyway, upcoming events this weekend, as we know, this weekend is going to be absolutely H U G E huge because of the triple points weekend. And we'll get to that very soon in the USA. We've got New Hampshire, Minnesota. This to, South Carolina, Alabama. is that new England, Nebraska, Nebraska people, if you don't know, I'm from Australia.

Rob (08:19.928)
Yeah, just a guess.

Rob (08:39.812)

Craig (08:45.198)
And Rob writes these notes up with the shortened terms anyway and PA equals Pennsylvania as well. So there you go in the world,

Rob (08:45.496)

Rob (08:53.272)
That's right. And yeah, out there in the world, we have Spain, the UK, we have Switzerland, Victoria, Australia is having two events. Denmark has two and Lithuania. Yeah, good weekend.

Craig (09:06.158)
There you go. There you go. Exactly. As I said before, it is a big weekend coming up. If you haven't got your deploys in yet at those locations for the, for the events, get them in now. And I'm not talking just cards, Rob here. I'm going to talk about the new light mystery as well. Get the light mysteries out there too people, because if you're, if you've got a light mystery at an event and you've got say 20 people at an event, which is an average 20 people at an event, 20 people cap your light mystery, which then goes bounces and scatters and

Oh, look at that. You're lucky enough to have a card deployed that doesn't have any proximity rules to other cards at the time. Bam. You get another 20 caps on a card because the cards can be kept by everyone. So there you go. People get your light mysteries out there as well. You don't have any light mysteries. Obviously they're in the, in the store, the freeze tag store. So not, not sponsored anyway.

Rob (09:55.83)
Maybe what we're going to talk about in a second ties in in my head right now that you know what? We don't have that in the in app store, but we do have the other elementals. think so. Note to self.

Craig (10:04.374)
No. we do. Yeah. Hmm. So note to self, may, it may be in the in -app store. So check the in -app store before if you don't have one as well. So go from there. And yes, Rob is writing a note as we speak. Meanwhile, the large events coming up beyond this weekend in July 25th to 26th, have, was it, we, we,

Rob (10:27.073)

Craig (10:27.95)
Wassey on wassey on Ohio. I always get it wrong 31 so far as well That's for the Friday night before the Midwest Geobash and Rob. I got this call a call I've got a message. See people reach out to me, which is good. And this is what I like This is from Boston Bilston Bonanza It's called and it is Saturday the 10th of August in Bilston in Miss West Midlands I'm getting all my confused West Midlands UK. There's 22 there so far now The reason why they reached out to me is because obviously it's 22 there now, which is

It needs to be a bit more because Rob, they've got prizes for everyone. They've got grab bags for people as well. Plus this is what I loved. You know how you do the walking track and the event pins? They say that there's 50 prize wheels along the walking track for the event pin. So as you're clicking the event pin down the bottom, obviously there's a post or something else as well. And there's a prize wheel there for you to click as well. So 50 prize wheels in a loop that you can get within half an hour, mate. Wow.

Rob (11:07.758)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (11:24.984)
This is a well planned event trail to already have these spaced out because then that means that they know that the event pins will go at the same locations. Like obviously they're not there yet, but wow, good planning. And that is, I thought it was interesting. It's Boston, Bilston, Bonanza. So three B's, but Boston not spelled like Massachusetts Boston. So if anybody's searching for it, Boston B O S T I N.

Craig (11:28.423)
Mm. Mm. Yeah. Mm -hmm.

Craig (11:46.092)

No, no, no. Yes, exactly, but it's in Bilston, West Midlands, UK, August 10th, so get there as well. In September, we announced this last weekend, it's on the map now as well, it's on the calendar, 20th to 22nd, four events, there's 24 people will attend there so far, which is awesome to see, and it's the Munzey Mischief in Fort Worth, Texas.

Again, as always, there's not an exact location per se as yet, because obviously they've got to go around and scout things and they've got to do things like that. But Fort Worth, Texas, get that in your calendar and get your Willa Tens in now. Rob, did you see this come out this week as well? This next one? Yeah. What is it? What is it? What is it? Tell everyone.

Rob (12:29.162)
I did. I did. Well, it's it's it's back everybody. It's the Munzee Mecca events in Florida, and they're gonna have five this year or sorry next year because it's January 16th 19th. Yes, we're talking way out in the future. Five events and that includes the pre event on Thursday. So yeah, that is always really good events.

Craig (12:42.828)
Yeah, it's January.

Mm -hmm.

Craig (12:54.636)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (12:54.833)
And if you want to go to Florida when the weather is nice, as in not humid and blazing hot, then January is a good

Craig (13:04.398)
And when you go down to Florida, because Rob, you and I have been there twice now already. Well, I've been there twice. You've been there more than that. Uh, at these events, that time of the year, you can always tell the outsiders compared to the locals. The locals still have their, their, their jeans and their long sleeve shirts and jumpers and jackets and everyone else is in shorts and shirts. So there you go. January 16 to 19 in Florida, get your Willattens in now. And don't forget if you are a host.

Rob (13:23.534)

Craig (13:30.646)
with a growing event, cetera, you'd like to be noticed, reach out to me like they did in Bilson with Smyndland's UK and I can have look at your event and go from there too. If you do what they did Rob and give me a full list down of what's happening at the event, bam, look at that. You see, that's more enticing for people to come. So that's pretty cool. All right, mate, let's move on with this show today. We've got developments coming up this week. First of all, the mailbox. Let's start off with the mailbox itself. Tell us all about the mailbox mate. people don't know yet.

Rob (13:59.156)
Yeah, well if you don't know then we've been posting about it on social media We send an email out so you might want to make sure that you're following us on social media and that you do get our emails If you don't send a support to get in So the mailbox is $13 With this being our 13th birthday thought that made sense and it also runs for 13 days the first day is July 19th, which is

Craig (14:25.172)
Mm -hmm. Today. Mm

Rob (14:26.052)
Friday, the day that we're launching this podcast. So you do need to cap it every day and it is 13 days in a row. So the good news about it is that you can move it. So you can move this mailbox to wherever you are. So if you're going on vacation or any of that kind of stuff, great. Take your mailbox with you. Don't forget, I suggest cup of

Craig (14:44.632)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (14:50.754)
because there is a little box down at the bottom, thanks to see my shell asking Sam to put it in with the last one. And so everybody has a nice little reminder there. So it's great checkbox for capture, deploy. Did you cap your mailbox? If there is one, have you done the daily stroll? You know, do you have Z ops rewards, that kind of thing.

Craig (14:51.446)

Craig (14:57.25)

Mm -hmm.

Rob (15:14.56)
Anyway, there's my plug for a cup of tea. But yeah, I don't think I forgot anything. It comes with a Mac that is launched on Friday with the very first capture. So if you don't cap it on Friday, yikes for you. Yeah. So be sure you cap

Craig (15:23.65)

Craig (15:27.438)
and you don't get the Mac. Wow. And people out there, if you don't realize as well, think Rob, personally, you have experience at not capping your mailbox when you should, is that correct? Yeah.

Rob (15:39.208)
I do. And I have tools. have tools where I can like, look, I gave myself a capture. I cannot do it with this one. So that means that we internally cannot back captures up for you on your mailbox, which is really weird. but it's how these mailboxes are built. so begging and pleading is, well, sorry, everyone.

Craig (15:49.698)
that you missed

Craig (15:54.626)
Wow. Yeah.

Craig (16:00.458)
It is what it is. Just a couple of tips out there. If you are moving people for work or you travel or whatever else as well, make sure you do not, do not, do not undeply. You can just edit location people, edit location. If you need to know, if you've moved and you need to know where to, where you move from and where the mailbox is, it's very, very simple through Cuppa Z to actually locate exactly where your mailbox is and then edit location and move it to you from there.

So there we go. Meanwhile, Rob, let's move on now to the triple point week. And we have this weekend, if so, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, but it's for mailbox holders only.

Rob (16:37.282)
Right. And not only is it this weekend, but it's also next weekend. So don't forget, you've got two weekends worth of double or triple points. I know it's crazy. We haven't done this before. So it throws me off. Everyone gets double points, but the mailbox holders get an additional multiplier. So you get triple instead. So this weekend, it's cards, flats, greenies, resellers and mechs. And does it include the reseller mechs that you can buy?

Craig (16:40.947)
Craig (16:44.984)
Triple. Yeah.


Craig (17:02.541)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (17:06.914)
Yes. So, you know, I mean, if you use cogs and you're deploying rumbots or those types of things, yes, yes, those are included in that double points. Yep. yeah, yeah,

Craig (17:07.214)
there you go.

Craig (17:11.928)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Craig (17:18.146)
double point slash triple points if you're a mailbox. So can you imagine Rob, if you're going, if you are planning to go to any, any event, no matter how big or small it is this weekend or even next weekend, to be honest with you, you have to invest in them. You have to invest in the mailbox, know, you're getting it. You're thousands upon thousands upon thousands of points. I foresee possibly a record being broken sometime in the next month.

to be honest with you. And that's a big record. You remember what it was at all off the top of your head? It was 7 million something, 7 point something million points that happened in Minnesota. I was there to witness it with my very own eyes and I am full exactly. And he was afterwards too. I'll just say that. So, all right, so there you go. Triple point weekend this weekend on cards, flats, greenies, resellers and mechs. I've got a tip for everyone too on greenies too later on in the episode.

Rob (17:44.195)

Rob (17:49.124)
Seven million? Yeah, I think.

Rob (17:55.19)
Yeah, I am full, yeah.

Craig (18:10.766)
Meanwhile, we have the clan war feedback, Rob. I put this in because we said last week about the clan wars themselves and the different types of things you have to do this time, the variety. And there's been a lot of positive feedback, I will say, on the water cooler, on every other channel that people have messaged me, et cetera, as well, saying that they actually enjoy the variety and they enjoy the greenie points component because it's getting people out there and it's getting people walking around.

Rob (18:35.49)

Craig (18:40.344)
People, if you do not have a greenie walk of some sort, like even one of my clan members, Rob, she's now walking to work. And I said to her, cause she said to me, look, time for this beautiful morning walk. And I go, lots of Munsies for you. She goes, I didn't even think of that. Do you have greenies along your track or your trail? She's like, no, she's got a partner. I said, get your partner to put the greenies out for you and you can cap them every day on the way to work. She's like, that's a great idea. Well, there you go, people.

It gets you outside, gets you walking, so make sure you get those greenies. They can cap them daily Rob. Absolutely, every single day. Meanwhile, I'm gonna shout out because we didn't shout him out last week. Minnesota boy, Minnesota boy, Minnesota boy. We didn't shout him out. Well, yeah.

Rob (19:14.349)
I know.

Rob (19:18.831)
What's he done? What's he done to deserve it? Because last week, you know, was kind of like, well, sorry, where were

Craig (19:29.546)
Last week, no, no, last week, Rob, we record this on a Wednesday on a, on the Thursday after we recorded it, he put out a new video on YouTube about this exact thing. And that is capping greenies daily, walking around with a friend as well. He was out with the, with Mecca MN. I think that's his, I think that's his Munzee daughter. I'll just say that like, it looks like a Munzee daughter. yeah, the two of them went out and, we're capping the greenies and did a great video again, as we said before, links are in the description.

Rob (19:49.742)

Craig (19:59.246)
in this podcast. So Minnesota Boy, a good highlight, highlighting the greeny play of Munzee. Well done, mate, well done. Mate, the in -app store. I'm gonna wreck your brain again too. So I'm gonna talk about three months ago, Rob. Three months ago, I spoke to you about this as well. And I know you don't remember, that's okay, I do. And that is you had things like, you know, a magnet. You had a physical magnet and you had it for 110 zeds for one.

or 1 ,100 Z's for 10, I went, well, that's the same price. Every other place that I know normally gives a sort of discount for bulks, cetera. You've done it. You've done it. You've got now bulk item magnets for magnets, destinations, et cetera, as well. So now instead of the 1 ,100 Z's for 10, it's a thousand Z's. So it's a 10 % discount by buying bulk. I like it, Rob. Yes. Did you do that or?

Rob (20:50.434)
Wow. I do listen. See, I might not remember that you and I talked about that, but I did listen at that point in time. Kind of like, you know, like I said earlier, we're talking about the light mystery and it's like, wait, that's not in the app store. And now with this discussion and you know, the middle of the month is actually when I go through and I do a lot of rotation. So I do rotation of like the redeem store, some of those kinds of things keeps me keeps me in it

Craig (20:57.326)
Yeah. Yeah. There you

Craig (21:19.811)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (21:20.22)
And it's also the time period where I'm starting to think about next month's Clan Wars because I know that it's shocking I do it all last minute. so as I plan and as I start to rotate, redeem and all that kind of stuff, yeah. So this fits in well, but yeah, happy to do that, provide little discounts, you know, where we can on different things for bulk.

Craig (21:32.352)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (21:41.838)
Is it, is it going to happen with anything else? For instance, for example, like flats and that, say you, want, instead of, don't want just one, Rob, I just don't want, I don't want one. I don't want one of you on 10 of you, my five of you, you know what I mean? So there you go. There's another, there's another little incentive for you, make some the same.

Rob (21:56.93)
Yeah, so some might say that one of me is plenty. But but as far as the flat version goes, yes, you can stack a lot more flats together to make one real. It's funny that you say that because that was one of the things coming into my head is like, on September, August. so carry on and stay tuned.

Craig (22:05.417)

Craig (22:11.714)
What else can be?


there you go. There you go. I will say this though. I think Lou would be the only one that can't get enough of you just to be honest. Anyway, I can say that because she doesn't probably listen to this show. So that's okay. Meanwhile, Rob, I put this in here last minute. I don't know if you've read it or not yet, but are you ready? Listen up people. Listen up very carefully. Carefully. This is me now. This is me now leaking this because a birdie told me something. Cup of Z. Cup of Z people is another

Rob (22:27.618)
Hmm, questionable. She doesn't.

Craig (22:48.532)
That's Munzee. It's a sister Munzee app. you know, Munzee wife, whatever you want to call it. Cuppa Z, you must supplemental. It's not just about statistics. Okay. There's a lot of other things you can do in Cuppa Z. If you have not downloaded it yet, you need, need to download it. If you haven't upgraded it either, you need to upgrade it as well. So make sure it's downloaded and or upgraded because Rob, a little birdie.

Rob (22:54.21)
Yeah, supplemental.

Craig (23:15.562)
Little birdie on my shoulder told me something big. They didn't tell me exactly what, but they told me something big, big is coming to cup of Z. Can you elaborate at

Rob (23:26.34)
tweet tweet no I got I got nothing at the moment but it is indeed very very

Craig (23:34.698)
so my sources are correct. It's not ketchup, it's tomato sauce. That's what I'll say.

Rob (23:36.462)

Rob (23:42.264)
We've got a lot of birds that I feed in our back garden. I can tell you that much. So that's the good news. There you

Craig (23:45.39)
there you go. There you go. very good. Very good. And it's not called Twitter anymore. So it's not new tweet. When you say tweet, tweet, you're talking about birds. You're not talking about social media. So that people don't worry about downloading Twitter if you're not a Twitter person. So it'll be available on every social media, I dare say. All right, Rob, let's move on now to the, to the question of the week. And this question come from, I don't think this is his Munzey name, but anyway.

Rob (23:54.52)


Rob (24:02.19)
Craig (24:11.008)
It's Marty's in discord. get a lot of information from discord, Rob, to be honest with you for the show. Just saying it's a great app. If you don't have to download it, people don't, you don't come at me for this or whatever, because I know you do, but I get a lot of my information from discord, from other people's suggestions as suggestion posts. There's all that sort of stuff too. So anyway, on the suggestion post it is Rob, is there any chance of seeing some walkie talkies in the redeem store to swap them out for something else?

See you in another

Rob (24:42.008)

Craig (24:43.278)
You love the yes or no answers.

Rob (24:45.528)
There you go.

There's a very, very good chance, especially by the time you're listening to this.

Craig (24:54.078)
There you go Marty's well done for and see suggestions. We love suggestions. All right next next we have the Munzee request again Munzee request of the week and This one is from Tim on discord. And again, I don't think Tim is his Munzee name, but that's okay Tim on discord. He said as well He said he goes out and he's got the referral cards the free Referral cards you can get from the the in -app store itself as well And then you obviously you pay to get imprinted yourself, but the the free

referral cards with his referral link as well. What he can't stand is that he goes to someone or someone says, what are you doing? So he pulls out a referral card and it's got the QR code on there. He gets the person to scan the QR code with their phone and it comes up with nothing. He's then got to explain to them saying, look, you know, the game is Munzey M -U -N -Z -E -E download the app. once they've downloaded after 10 minutes of them downloading the app, depending on how quick or slow their internet is as well, then they can scan the referral card. And obviously he gets the referral.

Is there a way for them to scan the referral code from their phone, like a normal QR code, and it goes to the in -app store, like the app store or the Google Play, and for them to click download and then they scan it again to get the points.

Rob (26:06.66)
Uh, the answer should be yes here. Um, here's what I know, uh, are normal Munsies. If someone finds one out in the wild, uh, and they look at it with their phone, it does that. Like it, it doesn't take you to the website. It takes you to the other. So, um, I, to the app store, I'm pretty sure like 90 % sure. Um, the, referral, uh, codes and the link that it goes to as far as a website goes is, like a munzi .com slash

Craig (26:09.772)
Hmm. Mm -hmm.

Rob (26:36.26)
for referral as opposed to for whatever the stands for with the player name. sounds like something that I just need to pass along to the tech team and maybe it's a quick fix. And if so, then that makes sense because we really, really, really like it when people use the referral codes. So if this is a suggestion coming in because it would streamline the process in bringing on new players, what, why would I turn that down? So yeah, thank

Craig (26:48.576)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Craig (26:59.444)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm. I mean, I didn't even think about this Rob too, because I've been known out there in my travels as well that if I see like a notice board somewhere or something like that as well, I'll pin one, a Munzee referral card onto the notice board too, things like that, you know, and people get sort of, you know, they'll go, what's this? And beautiful coloring as well. Obviously the design is great.

you know, for people's eyes to sort of, you know, vantage. It's not boring. It's not plain color. It's great green color like Munzee is. And so, yeah, so obviously if that's the case, can you imagine if I don't know what it is and I see it I go, what's that? And I'll scan it like you scan QR codes nowadays. You do it for menus at restaurants. You know what I mean? Scan this QR code, nothing comes up. I go, well then I'll move on. You know what I mean? So yeah, a great tip again. Again, Tim on Discord. Thank you very much for that, Well done and thank you for reaching

Rob (27:36.772)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (27:42.294)

Craig (27:49.582)
Meanwhile, this tip of the week, Rob, I've said it before this tip of the week, but with the big events coming up this weekend, I'm gonna have to say it again because I did get asked a in -depth, in -depth, it was an email this time, it was an in -depth email, and they were going to a Munzee event, they had a couple of blasts their sleeves, and they wanted me again to explain how to blast at an event for maximum points. Okay, it's very, very simple, people.

Firstly, you must have a filter order. What I do, I filter for the double or slash triple points that are available at on that day. It doesn't matter whether the blastable or not. Just filter them for just those, those double or triple point value Munsies from get rid of all those cross pose Rob, all those, you know, the 20 point rubbish stuff that we deal with. And that's okay. Um, aren't you filter that make, make sure you have it clicked on the blast when you blasting that you were actually blasting.

Rob (28:33.348)

Craig (28:45.902)
the filter, not blasting all, you're blasting the filter that you've actually, there's a toggle switch there in the blast capture part. Once you get to the event itself, if you like in the middle of cards, et cetera, and cards are always gonna be double or triple points, you get in the middle of the area or in around the area itself, you then start blasting, but first before you blast, sorry, you put on double point booster. So this weekend, that's six times points booster. Six times your points for a card.

That's 600 points, 600 points per card. Wow. So you put on your double points booster, you start blasting away because you can go up to one mile with everything blastable people. People don't know that it's not 300 foot. It's not 500 foot for a card. It's one mile radius. Once you get to that one mile radius, you have a look at your map again. You should have time because it's double points booster is 30 minutes, but you should have time because

Rob (29:14.382)
For mailbox people,

Craig (29:42.958)
the more, it takes you less than 30 minutes to blast that much nowadays, I'll be honest with you, with your servers being so quick. After you do that and there's a lot more to go, that's when you activate the radius booster, which then takes you out to two miles. But don't activate the radius booster before you've blasted out your one mile, because the radius booster, you guys are tricky, the radius booster only lasts for five minutes. So make sure you blast your one mile, the radius booster on,

Rob (29:46.764)

Craig (30:12.654)
and blast again to your two miles. That's how you get things done, Rob. Triple point weekend for mailbox holders, 600 points per card. I'll say that. That's gonna be absolutely insane. Now me saying that to you, now you're thinking, yes, this might be a record breaking weekend. Yes. Yeah, you're thinking just triple points,

Rob (30:31.864)
Yeah, now I get why you're saying that. Yeah, it definitely makes sense.

Craig (30:39.36)
Every other weekend when we've had, you know, double point weekends, people blast with the, with the, virtual capture booster. They're getting four times points anyway. Now they're going to get six times points. So yeah, so there you go people. If you don't have any blasts and you go into events, I'm going to say this, they are a hundred percent worth it. The blasts themselves. You can get them in app, in the app store itself, or in app on your, on your phone as well for Zeds.

Rob (30:46.776)

Rob (31:06.69)
Yeah, through the online the freeze tag store. Yeah.

Craig (31:09.758)
Exactly. Of which Robbo will say this, that they're not, you know, do call it? Bulk discounted. I'll say

Rob (31:17.956)
Yeah, they're discounted right now. They're part of the birthday sale, the individual ones. And there are 10 packs. The 10 packs are not discounted because they're already discounted from the beginning. So

Craig (31:24.174)

Craig (31:32.056)
There you go, that's why, that's why. So there you go, Rob, what do you reckon about those tips? It was well deserved, I think, for this weekend.

Rob (31:37.676)
You, yeah, you just gave a very detailed explanation of how to get a lot of points and I, yeah, it sounds

Craig (31:42.51)
And people, if you miss that at all, if you miss the whole tips, et cetera, just go back and listen again. Just rewind this like old school rewind, you know, rewind, be kind, and we go from there. So anyway, Rob, guess what? Guess what? This ends another official Munzee podcast.

Rob (32:02.436)
Thank you for joining us on this Munzee adventure.

Craig (32:06.658)
Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review on your favorite podcasting app and of course join us next week for another informative like today's episode.

Rob (32:13.706)
And remember, Munzee is more than a game, it's a worldwide community of mobile game players.

Craig (32:18.658)
So keep scanning, keep discovering, keep that Munzey spirit alive. One, two, three, Munzey on. I was gonna say blast, blast, blast, blast, blast. Yeah, I did, I did, I know, I'm

Rob (32:22.572)
Kaposi you actually said Munzee on you don't normally. I changed my plan. What I was truly I was

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