Official Munzee Podcast

Munzee Weekly Podcast - Friday July 26th, 2024

Rob Vardeman & Craig Michell Season 2 Episode 30

Today's Munzee Chat, Craig apologises for a miscalculation from last week, Rob and Craig discuss the outcome from last weekend. Rob watches some Munzee videos from MinnesotaBoy and Whelen. Double/Triple Point weekend, NEW Reseller KNi6HT Mechs have been released. New Badges for capping dragons and their eggs. Sam creates a new tool to allow hosts of events to plan out their event deploys.

Rob spills some BIG news on what Sam has been working on, making sure you download CuppaZee if you don't already have it.

August is Player appreciation month, and some big points to be had for Premium Members.

Ending with a great Tip Of The Week from Rynee on Discord.

Whelen Video1 Video2
MinnesotaBoy Video

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Craig (00:01.344)
Welcome to the official Munzee Podcast

Rob (00:03.679)
I'm Rob, also known as Coach V, your host and the president of Munzee

Craig (00:07.71)
And I'm Craig, also known as Seemyshell, I'm an avid Munzee player and I'm here to explore the game further.

Rob (00:12.949)
Each week we'll delve into Munzee's mysteries, divulge some secrets, and inform players from around the world just what is coming your way.

Craig (00:20.408)
So sit back, relax, drive your car, have a cup of coffee, whatever it is you do. Today, Rob, firstly, I've got to apologize to everyone and go from there. made a mistake, I'm human, that's okay. But then we've got to talk about the week that was and we've got some new things coming up for this month, the end of this month, and also next month as well, Rob. some big things are in the mix, I say. And again, you've got something in the show notes with question mark, question

Question mark. So hold, hold your ears everyone because Rob may be, maybe spilling some beans, I dare say. But anyway, mate, I'll start first. I've got to do my apology out of the road so I can get it over and done with, you know? So I've got to apologize. I made a mistake last week's episode. I said about cards and the points for cards. Cards are actually different points to what I thought they were at the time. I was flying off the cuff and this is what happens when I don't do my math, my mathematics skills aren't on point.

Rob (00:50.284)

Rob (00:56.045)


Rob (01:03.565)
Good idea.

Craig (01:18.702)
I said, when you cap a card and triple points and double point boost, you get 600 points. That was incorrect. Four people, four people actually messaged me going, Craig, that's wrong. That mathematics is incorrect. I'm like, it is too. It was actually 300 points per card, not 600 points. So I do apologize for those people. But Rob, at the end of the day, guess what I was doing? It was a test, mate. It was a test. I was seeing who listens to the podcast. That's what it is. And four people, four people listens.

Rob (01:42.285)
Well, yeah, you definitely found out didn't

Craig (01:47.854)
Exactly. We've also got to say as well, there was some confusion out there in regards to the double, triple, double, triple, like the whole thing as well, when people put boosters on. So what was happening, Rob, is that some people out there had a double point boost on top of the triple points weekend. And when they'd kept, like for instance, example, a greenie and it came up saying they had five times points, but it was giving the six times points booster, like six times points in total.

Rob (02:15.351)

Craig (02:15.63)
So it was 120 points for a greenie instead of the 100 points if it was five times. the points, everyone's points were correct, but sometimes the code itself was five times and not six times, but it was six times because Rob, can again, maths wise, you can take this out of context, right? So what I remember that is triple points is triple points on the original point. Double points could

Classes double points on the original points. That's still five times. See, see how it's a mistake? Yeah, see so, but don't worry everyone. Everyone out there got six times points. If you're using a double point booster on triple point products. And so you all should be happy from there, Rob. That's me. And that's my, my apologies and my, my math skills are going out the window.

Rob (02:46.935)
Yeah. Yeah.

Rob (03:04.825)
You really messed up last week with your, you know, numbers, but they're what's crazy. you know, I'm the one that, that used to be a math teacher and I just kind of let you, run with that. And I wasn't doing any checks on it. I think I had already checked out and moved on to whatever was next. And so, yeah, I just sat there going, yeah, yeah, yeah. So.

Craig (03:11.192)

Craig (03:27.17)
Mate, I'll say this, time heals all wounds and it's been a long time since you've been a maths teacher so that wound is healed over, just saying.

Rob (03:32.169)
yeah. It has, that's for sure. It's like, I don't do that. I don't need to think about math.

Craig (03:38.686)
No, no, exactly. What has been happening with you, man? I see you're in a studious background again with your library background. I like

Rob (03:46.445)
Yeah, not even a fake library background. Yeah, I've been came to Texas this week and be here next week as well hanging out with the family and, you know, squeezing the work in. But yeah, just having a good time. Quick trip and yeah, we're sweating. It is warm. That's for sure and humid. But yeah, all good.

Craig (03:55.628)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Craig (04:08.78)
Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I see as well, it's coming up to the end of the month. So I know you leave things to the last, you know, last time of the period to do it. Clan Wars requirements for next month started yet, mate, or what? What's going on there?

Rob (04:18.349)
I don't know. I don't know what you're talking about with the brook restination. That's not me. I don't do things slowly. So yeah. Yeah. We plan requirements and all the end of the month stuff coming up. So that is indeed what I've been working on and the three question marks as well. I've been working on that and maybe, maybe we'll tell people some stuff here in a few minutes. Let's

Craig (04:27.643)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (04:38.4)
there you

Yeah, very good. Very good. All right, mate. Let's get to the events of the weekend that was in USA. We had New Hampshire, Minnesota was two events. I will say this as well quickly. There is two new videos out there from the Minnesota events. One is from Minnesota boy, Minnesota boy, Minnesota boy. And the other one is from W Helen himself. Great videos on YouTube, Rob. Did you see those videos? you too busy.

Rob (05:06.265)
I did not. have, I know man. You know what I did though? I believe it was Friday. Yeah. After we recorded this, you had talked about videos last week. I caught up on all of the videos from both of their channels last Friday. So of course now here we talk on Wednesday and because they're both quick. No, I haven't seen them yet. Yeah.

Craig (05:20.788)
Craig (05:28.034)
They really are. I don't know how they, they are quick, especially both of them. Both of them bring them out like within a day of each other. So great job. Anyway, the rest of the events from there were in, let me say, to scroll back to the notes. South Carolina, is it Alabama? I always get the NE mixed up. Nebraska, I always think New England and it's not even a state, but anyway, and Pennsylvania, around the world

Rob (05:35.063)

Rob (05:41.303)

Rob (05:52.457)
Around the world we had Spain, UK, Switzerland, Victoria Australia had two, Denmark had two, and Lithuania.

Craig (06:00.302)
And the leaderboards over the weekend. we go. Friday we had Minnesota boy, Minnesota boy, Minnesota boy with 1 .06 million points. Joel came in second with 804 ,000 and Herbie in third with 619 ,000 points on Saturday.

Rob (06:17.677)
Saturday we had Tofu Girl at 1 .92 million, Whelan 1 .12 million, and Redman at 864

Craig (06:27.63)
I did watch that on Saturday evening watching Whelan and Tofu Girl go at it. They'll back and forth, back and forth for a while. And I think Whelan just gave up and like, okay, you can have it then. So we went from there. But anyway, on Sunday we had the man himself, the king of Munzee, W. Helen Whelan on 1 .17 million points. Geodude, Geodude did, did, okay.

Rob (06:51.137)
Do K, yeah, G -O -Do, D -K, I believe.

Craig (06:53.358)
Geodude Decay 1 .05 million points, The Finder 13 on 1 .04 million points. So there we go, three millionaires on Sunday. Well done, well done, well done. Events come out around the US Rob, we have?

Rob (07:07.565)
I see why you passed it to me. All right. So we have Ohio times two. have Wisconsin. We have Missouri, Arizona, California, Iowa. And I think this is the first one that has ever happened in Rhode Island. Isn't that cool?

Craig (07:25.45)
Yes, I know I saw that too Rhode Island, know, and if you ask any other state in the US apparently Rhode Island doesn't exist. But anyway, it is it is it is it

Rob (07:34.847)
It is the tiniest little thing. so it's, it's very cute. It's very cute. Tiny little state. I, I've got a geocache from there and all we did is just barely drove across the border and you you're like, well, we better hurry and find one before you're in another state.

Craig (07:44.27)
Well, here's a quick, quick, information useless fact for information for everyone as well. I've got a geocache in Rhode Island as well, but Rob, it's the only state that I've got a cash in every single County in the state. And, and I did it in one day. Yeah. Last year or the year before something like it was, they actually hosted one event in each County on the same day and different timeframe. So everyone can do

Rob (07:52.737)

Craig (08:13.762)
the travel time. there you go. Anyway, I digress Rob. Around the world we have Germany times two and then not one, not two, but three, yes three events in the good old Australia. Yes, down under New South Wales, ACT and Queensland as well. So there you go Australia doing me proud, doing me proud. Rob, I did put this in the notes as well on Tuesday.

Rob (08:27.469)

Craig (08:37.998)
next week we have one in Kent UK with 19 possible attendees which is really cool too. So Tuesday Kent UK well done to you as well and don't forget some large events coming up over the course of the next six months or so. We have Boston, Bilston, Bonanza as we said last week. Saturday the 10th of August in Bilston West Midlands 23 attendees so far in September.

Rob (09:02.917)
In September, we've got September 20th to through the heat 22nd. There are four events that weekend. This is Munzee Mischief in Fort Worth, Texas.

Craig (09:12.942)
Mm -hmm. I hope to go there, Rob. can't guarantee until my new engine is put in my car, but I hope to be there. I'm crossing my fingers and everything else I've got. Meanwhile, January 16th and 19th in Florida, this has been announced five events that includes a pre -event on the Thursday for the Munzey Mecca down in Florida. So get your Will -O -Tens in for that too. There's 18 Will -O -Tens so far. There should be some more popping up very, very soon. And I added this

I added this one this morning, did you see it? Yeah. Do you want me to talk about

Rob (09:43.083)
Yeah, that looks good. go ahead because I think you know more about this one than I do.

Craig (09:48.238)
Okay, this is called Munzee Quest. Yeah, Munzee Quest January 25th. It's in Sydney, Australia, and it coincides with GeoQuest geocaching mega slash block party that's going to happen next year. And it's going to be the same. It's from the same sort of organizing committee as the the ACT one from this year. So remember the ACT mega, the first mega in the southern hemisphere, I do believe Munzee mega.

in the Southern Hemisphere was in ACT this year. Same people doing that and same people are doing this one as well. So yeah, that should be cool. you're in Queensland, if you're in Australia, January 25th, get your butt down to a GeoQuest, a geocaching mega and also Munzee Quest as well, which is coincide the same date and time. So there you go. All right. There you go. Look at you now on your Australia day dates.

Rob (10:35.339)
And that's the day before Australia day. It's the 26th, right? So that's, it's a good weekend for, you know, like getting some cashing in monzie stuff going on. So let's, let's see that groom. Yeah. And I know it's the 26th because that's also Lou's birthday. So yeah.

Craig (10:44.032)
Yeah, exactly. Big party. Exactly.

that's how you know. I wonder why in you. think everyone that's funny, you know, I think everyone around the world knows when America's birthday is, know, because you're the fourth of July, you know, the whole thing. Funnily enough, again, I digress, Rob, but you're American. I asked you a question. You always say your dates with the month first and then the date, right? So you say, you know, January 1st, January 2nd. Why is it that you say fourth of July and not July 4th?

Rob (10:58.797)

Rob (11:16.055)
I don't know. It just seems to, maybe it rolls off the tongue as a celebration or, a declaration of what, you know, everybody else may say it this way for every single other date. So we're going to, we're going to take that and claim it too. So I don't know.

Craig (11:27.618)

Or maybe, maybe it's like a, like a sticky finger up to the British after you beat them sort of thing on the 4th of July. I said, well, it was the 4th of July, but we're going to change now how we tell every other date in the rest of the year. So anyway, all right, mate, let's move on from this week. Things happening this week. We've got the double point weekends slash triple points for the mailbox owners this weekend itself on greenies, flats, cards, temp, virtuals, mysteries, and scattered types. Now Rob.

Rob (11:39.296)
It is.

Mm -hmm. It's possible.

Craig (11:59.832)
There's a tip coming up at the end of this episode too, that would literally get you thousands upon thousands of points this weekend, if you can set it up beforehand. So there you go.

Rob (12:09.643)
Right. Or maybe it's tens. We don't know with your math. you know, I'm just going to leave that open and it has, maybe, maybe it's not that, but yes, yeah, it is. It is the weekend for messing around with all those elemental mysteries. And, because you've also got it on scattered types, then, duh, doesn't it make sense that you would play with the specific pieces?

Craig (12:13.41)
Craig (12:28.333)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (12:37.217)
that also send out the other pieces that are also double triple times six if you wanted that one. Yeah.

Craig (12:37.303)

Craig (12:42.718)
Mm hmm. Yeah. I love it. I love it. I love it. And what else is happening? Rob this week.

Rob (12:49.995)
Well, let's see yesterday as far as podcast days go on Thursday, we, we actually put out some reseller max brand new ones. and, and because of the style of the, you know, the setup of the mailbox and how it's a festival feast and there's this whole tournament vibe to it and all that kind of stuff, you know, you've got the, white night has written in and well, there, there's no one to challenge the white night.

Craig (12:58.094)

Craig (13:18.251)
No, it's by himself.

Rob (13:19.453)
Here here enter the resellers. The resellers have entered the fray, so we've got all four resellers around the world that got these. Max they're all by the same color scheme as from their rumbots. So you've got the blue, red, yellow, green and yeah, if you want to pick those up, there's a badge that comes along with it, which is the blueprint so you can rebuild it in the future.

And you have to go to each of the resellers in order to get that one. So check it out. Yeah.

Craig (13:49.976)
Yeah, so Rob, quick questions now for you. You know me with my questions. Number one is, can I purchase one from each reseller?

Rob (13:56.531)
Yes. And this one is kind of like the previous, like the Rumbot. So if you wanted to actually purchase more than just the one, then you can, as opposed to like the Glass Guardian, the reseller Glass Guardian, you can only have one of those throughout the entire year. So, yep.

Craig (14:06.766)
yes. Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm. Fair enough. So you can pick up multiple ones and different types as well. For those people out there who are not mailbox holders or not the mailbox holders at the time when the night came out, the night Mac came out with the mailbox, unfortunately, you can't get it now. That's why. Mm -hmm. Mm

Rob (14:28.967)
but if, if they purchase a mailbox, if they did that, starting on the second day, we do actually go back and build in that they receive the Mac because the Mac is actually the most valuable portion. Yeah. Of the mailbox. And so that's why we give that to everyone on the first day. So anyway, yes. upon purchase, if they buy it late, now they're going to miss out on like day two, three,

Craig (14:42.754)

Aleppo in his

Craig (14:58.156)
Yeah, of course, of course.

Rob (14:58.859)
at this point, but but they do. And so, you know, you don't know that we haven't set up that way. So so you you know, as you say, like, you can't get it. But we tried to do the right thing there. And as far as the mailbox goes, I believe that we're taking it out of the store because it becomes very much not good value beyond probably Friday. So yeah.

Craig (15:01.73)
Have they? Aha, that makes sense.

Craig (15:12.247)

Craig (15:21.782)
Yeah. okay. So if you haven't got the mailbox yet, then by the looks of things, you've missed out on it as such per se. But yeah, if you don't have a mailbox and didn't want to buy a mailbox, you don't know what we're talking about with a night mech, then the night mech is like a knight with armor sitting on a horse and he's got like that pole thing that they have jousting sticks, that sort of thing, whatever it's called. So this would be the other person to joust.

the the night Mac that's already out there. the white night. So there we go. Very, very good, Rob. Very good. I did see on the on Facebook as well that new badges have come out as well for capping dragons and eggs. And I will say there's some people out there, the the dragon. What do call it? The mother of dragons, you know, Sue, for instance, she's the mother of dragons. Yeah, straight away. I got two badges. As soon as you announce this, I got two brand new badges. So obviously

Rob (16:07.124)
yeah, yeah.

Mm -hmm.

Craig (16:17.368)
kept enough of them to go on from there. What are the new badges?

Rob (16:20.609)
Well, they're exactly that. They're badges for capping a certain number of dragons or eggs, dragons and or eggs. So it's a combination of all those things. I believe I got the first one because the first one's easy. It's, you know, cap one. So I've, I might be at five, six, something like that. So I, I need to chase them more,

Craig (16:28.578)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Craig (16:45.026)
Rob. Yeah. See again, this is people. This is why I say I always say it once in an episode as well. I'm a player. First and foremost, I'm always a player. I've got a lot more caps than you, Rob, when it comes to the Dragons and I've got three of the badges so far. So I'm happy with that. There you go. There you go. What else is happening, Rob? I think Sam developed something new this week, did he? For Whelan.

Rob (17:03.029)
That is good. That is good.

Rob (17:12.127)
Yes, now that's the here's the thing you I think know more about this because I had no idea. So you put this one in there. I know and I was like.

Craig (17:18.222)
You push it to me. Okay. What happened people? Yeah. So what happened was is that a couple of weeks ago, we'll and put in a request for Rob. Like, you know, these things happen. Rob doesn't know what's good and bad or indifferent unless he gets requests people. So always send me a request or do it on discord or personal message, whatever you want to do. I'm happy to accept all and any. And I asked Rob first. Normally I asked Rob off air first because some of them are just totally ridiculous.

Rob (17:46.952)

Craig (17:47.598)
And I'll private message back the person saying Rob said no and that's it. That'll be end of it. Do you see but some requests I don't know about so this one here I put in a request two weeks ago on the podcast and it was this Weelan asked two weeks ago Can you see the 100 foot radius on web maps for event pins so he can sort of create a trail prior? He can't deploy from his computer, but he can he can like print out all you

organize a trail for the event pins around an event site or Have a look at the map for instance and go, know what that park is gonna be good I can get 50 pins in that park. no, I can only get 20 pins in that park So he's he can do his research and go from there. Well, guess what Sam did he put this in for wheeling as well So there you go people you can now Have like a pretend sort of walking track or trail to create your event pins prior

prior to going out to deploy them in person. So there you

Rob (18:47.297)
guess he thinks that the event hosts, know, who know the most about, about, you know, the deploying and, and all that kind of stuff and creating the walking routes as, as you go around those events. And if they know, and he, he enjoys Sam enjoys, you know, building in things that are quality of life improvements for even if it's a small group, you know, of, of people to impact,

Craig (19:08.278)
Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Rob (19:13.183)
the event hosts are an important group of people because they're the ones that are entertaining all of us.

Craig (19:18.062)
Exactly. And speaking of entertaining those videos, Rob, I'm telling you now the games in which they play and I spoke to Whelan privately as well. He's coming out very soon. I'm going to say I'm saying it now on the podcast. So pushes him to do it. He's got a video like a snippet video of every single type of Munzee style game that they've created for their events over the past 12 or 12 months, 24 months, whatever it is. So he's got like, you know, I think there's maybe 10 games out there.

Rob (19:29.911)

Craig (19:46.606)
And what he's, what he's done is he's actually posted a video, but it's private. So now this is pushing him to make it public. He wants to know what would be the best of the best. In other words, what was the most fun games to play from one to 10 and rank them. So, you know, I think you should push it out and have a look from there. It inspires, and he's happy to, it inspires other people, other event hosts to make more of your Munzee events than just meeting up a park, capping a thing, having some lunch, or just having a chat and walking away. You know what I mean? It creates a bit more.

more camaraderie, more fun, more enjoyment for the day. So there you

Rob (20:19.991)
something that's easier to invite, you know, other people to come in and join in on, you know, the word starts to spread. And if you've got a group of people together that are playing games that are loud, that are excited about something, then as others walk by, you know, maybe they go, Hey, what is that? They've got the Munzee flag up. Cool. Or you, you find people actually like talk to

Craig (20:34.867)
Mm -hmm. What's that?

Rob (20:45.663)
you as you're out there walking trails and capping Munzees, then if they've seen, you know, shirt that you have on that says Munzee, then you'd get a question because, what is this thing? yeah, so.

Craig (20:48.14)

Craig (20:56.852)
Exactly, exactly. And then you can have your own printed out referral cards that you can hand over, which I'm told, Rob, it's a possibility where the code has now changed so people can scan the referral code and get straight to the Play Store

Rob (21:12.297)
I have you been told that that's cool because I all here's what I know. I know that last Friday, Sam listened to the podcast. Thanks for listening. And, it was, it was added to the, documentation tool that we have on the backend that so, so that it's one of those like, Sam listened and he heard the request or the, however you and I chatted about it. And I said like, yeah, that makes sense.

Craig (21:14.036)
that's... you haven't been taught? Yeah? Yeah.

Craig (21:26.478)
that's what it might have been.

Craig (21:34.893)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (21:40.811)
Maybe that's something or that, you know, we need to look at because I think it's just code that has been left out, but it shouldn't be that difficult. Sam added it for documentation, but I don't think he's done the work. And that's because he's working on a very big project right now. Yeah. And yeah, it is. It's on cup of Z, but I can't tell you all the things, man, but I can tell you a few things this week.

Craig (21:54.029)
that sort

Craig (21:57.826)
Really? Sam is? Is it a Munzee project? Tell us more.

Craig (22:09.527)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (22:10.509)
This is how, this is how you and I work. You just put some pressure on W. Helen to get his video out there. Right. And the easiest way for us to put pressure on the things that are going on is to talk about them publicly, like on this podcast. And so if I spill a few more beans about what Sam is working on, then maybe it makes, well, we're already super excited, honestly. Sam and I have gone back and forth about this, this project about

Craig (22:16.876)

Craig (22:23.694)

Rob (22:40.043)
gardens for you for a couple of years, like before he was even part of the team. So it's a big deal. It's really going to change a lot of stuff. It's going to make life much easier for those people who build gardens, and also for those who like to deploy in gardens, the process itself itself.

has been documented through lots of videos. I think you've made videos about how to deploy in a garden. Your video is going to just need to be taken down, because it's gonna be so wrong, so wrong. And it will be like the old school long way to deploy in a garden. Now there will be people that will still do it. So, okay, fine, leave your video up. You just convinced me.

Craig (23:08.984)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (23:15.808)

Rob (23:33.665)
There will be people who still do it the old way, but the old way is going to become so much more work once you see how quick it is on Cuppa Zee. So last week, you and I said, and you didn't even fully know the reason that we needed to continue to say Cuppa Zee is very important. Everyone get Cuppa Zee. If you take the time to listen to this podcast and you've never downloaded Cuppa Zee and logged into

you're missing out on a major part of the gameplay experience. You really are. So get cup of tea now because what we've, what we're working on has gone into a very small beta testing group, very small. and I am not sure what the speed is of release on this, but I know that Sam is very excited about it because he continues to work a lot on it. the people who are doing a bit of testing,

very excited about it. then there's me. I'm very excited about all the things and I really want this one live

Craig (24:39.298)
Wow did you see that Rob I didn't interrupt you at all I didn't even say I didn't say it mm -hmm mm -hmm nothing I didn't I just let everyone listen to your

Rob (24:42.146)

Rob (24:46.807)
There you go. Because I actually said a whole lot more than I probably thought or normally would. Like that's a lot of information everyone.

Craig (24:50.539)
Yeah, you did. Yeah, you did. You did. You did. I mean, I'll be honest, Rob, as well, is that I have seen a couple of tidbits here and there and and whatever as well. will say if I could Carson as well, but I cash in one one one. He's got a fantastic video out there about how to build a Munzee garden, you know, and it's it's a step by step by step by step by step process like it's a long.

hard lengthy process, but he did a great job in explaining it. Rob, still go back to that video even now when I'm creating a garden. what I, what my, this is my suggestion personally, and you probably won't agree with it Rob, and that is if rather than me now spend the next, you know, hour, two, three hours building a garden in the next sort of week or two, I might just hold off Rob. What do you think about that? If I just hold off building a garden so I can build it within the space of maybe, you know, 10 minutes instead.

Rob (25:48.541)
man, I, it's going to be that easy. there, there will be new people building gardens that have never tried it before because the old virtual garden painter and other tools that are out there to be used are going to feel like, how could I ever have done it with these ancient tools?

Craig (25:53.677)

Craig (25:58.349)

Mm -hmm.

Rob (26:15.159)
That is how it's going to feel. It's such a massive technology upgrade that you think of the people that come to you with questions that are tech related the most. They might be able to build a garden. What with your help, of course, they're going to come to you because you but but I hate to say it's super easy, but I've even built a garden that I never would have been able to build in the past.

Craig (26:27.886)
That is me.

Craig (26:33.55)
Wow. Wow. Yeah, yeah, exactly.

Craig (26:43.254)
And yours is just a circle, anyway. But I will, I will say this as well. What it also does, it allows those garden builder people out there to not have to worry and stress about exact perfect deployments either. So there you

Rob (26:45.517)
I couldn't have done it.

Rob (27:01.461)
Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm.

Craig (27:03.01)
Look at that. Anyway, we're going to leave it there. We're not going to say too much more about it because that's coming up in a future future episode. Absolutely. But people out there, seriously, get excited, get cuppa Z and give Sam a big round of applause in your own car or wherever you listen to this right now, because he has done a fantastic job with this. I'm telling you anyway. Sam, well done, Sam. He is he really is the man. Exactly. I'll put it in the post.

Rob (27:22.391)
Woohoo Sam! If we had that live audience, you

Craig (27:31.022)
But also, Robert, before we move on, because we're going long in the tooth now, we've to talk about August, the player appreciation month for August. August 9 and 11, triple point weekend on everything for premium members only. So if you're not a premium member yet, get your premium membership in. Make sure it's done because August is going to be a big month for premium members, do say. I'm just going off what the post is on the Facebook. That's all it

Rob (27:53.097)
I, you, you are correct. We appreciate our players. all of you, regardless of whether you're a premium or not, we truly do appreciate you. However, we've really, really, really appreciate the premium players because you're the ones who keep the lights on. You're the ones who, you know, dig into your pocket and, a little bit to, to, pay, you know, for, for some additional tools. and, we want to thank you, but yes.

This is going to be a game wide celebration for the month of August. We celebrate us in July because it is our birthday and we thank everyone for celebrating with us. And then in August we come back around and celebrate you. So you, the player. Thank

Craig (28:37.314)
There you go. And Rob, guess what as well? You, I'm going to skip the question of the week for you this week because we're going long on the two. So how's that, mate? How's that? I'm going to get straight to the Munzee tip of the week because this is a big tip and it needs to have some time on it as well. This tip came from a Rene on a discord and it is this, it says, what you do is you can build yourself a little element trap garden. Now what we're talking about, remember, think a couple of weeks ago, I talked about the electric

Rob (28:46.039)

Craig (29:06.37)
Well, that's the virtual version. This is the physical version of that. And it's all about the elements. So you can put a fire, an ice, a water, an earth, all physical items right there. Put three greenies around in close proximity, as close as you can. And then at the end, what you can do is you can magnetize each one of those elements. So you're gonna use four magnets for each one of those elements and then capture the bouncer, one bouncer, and then go around and capture the scatters on each one of the greenies. Capture another bouncer.

capture the greenies, capture another bell. So you can see how now this is gonna build up your points. Number one, your points because you know, triple points on mysteries and scatters for mailbox holders, double points for everyone else. So it builds up your points that way. But it also, guess what? It also closes your, ready Sam? Ready Sam? It closes your queue rates. I said it again. Yeah, you can close your queue rates without using your crowbars. So there you

Rob (29:44.333)

Rob (29:54.407)
ooooh, you said it again!

Craig (30:03.286)
Yeah, that's a really cool idea. thank you very much to Renee from a discord for that as well. So, Rhyny, sorry, Rhyny, Rhyny. See, that's again, that's I can't read. I'll, I'll, I'll re -pronounce it Rhyny, but I won't re -pronounce, curates just saying that this for Sam, just for Sam. know, I know. But also Rob, Rhyny also then mentions.

Rob (30:07.94)
it's, it's Rhyny for sure. Yeah.

Rob (30:20.813)
Great plan.

Craig (30:26.478)
Put in a double points booster on physical captures because that lasts for two hours. Remember not the 30 minutes and you can sit there doing it for the next two hours and get, I will say mathematics wise, thousands of points. No, we'll just say thousands and thousands. Meanwhile, Rob, this ends another official Munzee podcast.

Rob (30:32.19)

Rob (30:40.013)
And I'll agree that that is correct. We won't say exactly how many, but thousands.

Rob (30:50.561)
Thanks for joining us on this Munzee adventure.

Craig (30:52.994)
So don't forget to subscribe, rate and review on your favorite podcasting app. And of course, join us next week for another very informative

Rob (30:59.413)
And remember, Munzee is more than a game, it's a worldwide community of mobile game players.

Craig (31:04.45)
So keep scanning, keep discovering, keep that Munzee spirit alive. Rob, one, two, three, Munzee on. There we go. That was kind of close.

Rob (31:08.705)
Manzion! I mean... Ding!

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