Official Munzee Podcast

SPECIAL LIVE - Player Awards Ceremony

Rob Vardeman & Craig Michell Season 2

Join Rob and Craig as they host the 2024 Player Award Ceremony.
FULL video can be watched on YOUTUBE

A BIG thank you to all players, and congratulations to all the recipients of awards. 

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Craig (07:38.964)
Welcome to the 2024 Munzee Awards Show!

Rob (07:44.096)
I'm Rob, also known as Coach V, your host and the president of Munzee.

Craig (07:48.48)
And I'm Craig, also known as SeenMyShell, ready for this Rob. I'm an avid Munzey player and guess what? I'm here to co -host today and explore the game further. I had to put that in, mate. I had to put that in, Yes, yes.

Rob (07:58.84)
course you did. Nice. Well, howdy, sir. That's an adapted opening from our official Munzee podcast. So well done on making it through your lines. was having, mine's the same line. It was easy.

Craig (08:08.404)

Craig (08:14.002)
Yeah, I know, I know, but that's okay. Cause you had to talk now. Now you have to talk over the audio. see the actual music playing before I do that in post. If people don't know you and I, do we just pretty much chat and then I just do the rest in post from there. So that's what's happening now, Rob, let's talk Munzee for a minute before we get onto all these awards ceremony, because we've got a number one, we've got a few awards to give out. Number two is you've got something people don't know, but we do have show notes. Now, if Rob doesn't want me to know something, he just puts like a little

snippet piece of something in there at the end. Okay, and he does it often. He's done it again today, people. So right at end of the show itself, he's done it where he's got a little snippet in there. I don't know what he's talking about. It's got nothing to do. I don't know. So I don't

Rob (08:46.412)
Yeah. Yeah.

Rob (08:54.414)
You don't it's true. There is something coming at the end of this podcast so stick around Yeah, you do

Craig (08:59.828)
Yeah, see Rob, I read the show notes, I read them. So yeah, stick around because Rob's got something, probably some more beans, but not as big a beans as the cup of Z stuff. I can guarantee that, because that's been huge, but still. Meanwhile, Rob, I woke up this morning. I woke up at 7 .30 AM on the East Coast itself. So that's six and a half hours into the triple point weekend. And there was already five millionaires. And at the time, I'm going to say this wrong, but

Rob (09:10.872)
down. Yeah.

Rob (09:23.253)

Craig (09:29.652)
Jeb Big G. He was over 3 million points. He was over 3 million points already at six and a half hours in. I know.

Rob (09:35.416)
Can you?

Wow, that's a European name, I believe, and three million points. So they got started early today. And yeah, really jumped on it. I'm very impressed. Yeah.

Craig (09:47.111)
Straight away, yeah.

Exactly. Meanwhile, I've been waiting for you to jump on. I thought I had everything going because, you know, but you know, thought did. But anyway, so I was patiently waiting. So guess what I did? I jumped on Cuppa Zee on my computer, on my laptop and started capping more of the universals people on Triple Point Weekend. There you go.

Rob (10:11.566)
that's a tip for the award show. Nice one.

Craig (10:16.692)
There's more, by the way, if people, cause I did them all Rob, last time we had triple awards, I did all the universals. I looked on now, I've still got 173 universals, I've got a cap again now. So people after the last triple awards, they've gone and put their universals on as well. So get your universals in, if you've got nothing to do, you're sitting at home and thinking, whoa, I'm missing out on the triple points. Then no, get on the universals mate. So meanwhile, Rob, how have the servers been holding up so far?

Rob (10:46.124)
Well, it's interesting that you would ask. I was reading some stuff online, people saying things were moving a bit slow, so I decided, you know, I've got someone I can contact about that. So I checked in with the team and we did some research. They pulled up all the numbers and it looks like everything actually is adapting and spinning up new stuff and we're not showing any worldwide outages or any of that kind of stuff. So, know, knock on wood, of course, but we have...

Craig (10:48.743)

Craig (10:56.2)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (11:06.631)

Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Rob (11:14.414)
things have been looking good, so anyone that's having slowness or any of that kind of stuff, it should be pretty minimal. It should take less than 10 minutes for new things to spin up if you're experiencing that, yeah.

Craig (11:18.633)

Craig (11:24.902)
Mm -hmm. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Exactly. Rob, going now to the notes, not the notes, sorry, the live people here live. We've got Kathleen on Facebook and Kathleen, let's see if this shows up or not. She says, Craig, be careful tornado watching Jersey. I've got my event tomorrow, mate. I've got my event tomorrow. So, and which Kathleen is a co -host. So.

Rob (11:35.31)
for you.

Rob (11:50.658)
Hey, nice. that's right. Near the bagel in New Jersey that you've built on Garden Builder. Kaposi Gardens.

Craig (11:55.312)
Yes, exactly right. That's it. That's it. That's it. I'll be honest. Like I'm patting myself on the back. That looks cool. But again, it wouldn't happen if Sam hadn't have built in those, those items. So that's pretty cool. and Jennifer as well on, on Facebook, she says, save some for Z Ops. She's talking about the universals, save some of the universe to the Z Ops. Yeah. See, she, see Jennifer's been around for a while. She knows these tips and tricks probably better than I do. So there you go guys. As I said before, if you're in the chat room,

Rob (12:06.989)

Rob (12:12.408)
What? right.

Rob (12:18.766)

Craig (12:24.392)
give us a chat, talk to us, ask us questions. I won't put every question on there. And if Rob doesn't wanna answer a question, then he won't, we all know that by now. So Rob, shall we get a start on the show? I think we should, firstly.

Rob (12:36.502)
Yes, sometimes it's not that I won't answer, it's just that I can't, or I shouldn't, yeah, for now.

Craig (12:41.276)
I see. That's what you, that's, that's Rob deflecting again, deflecting. By the way, before we move on with the show itself, Rob, I'm going to say this. I got a message this morning saying that this today's podcast, this week's podcast was fantastic. And the person loved, they loved us being thrown under the bus, like me throwing you and then you throwing me. So.

Rob (12:54.563)

Rob (12:59.758)
We did take turns going, yeah, well, guess what? If you say that, then here's what I say. Yeah, that was fun.

Craig (13:06.606)
Exactly, exactly. All right, Rob, let us know now what is actually this ceremony about because there's been questions on Facebook with new players. They're going, what? Does this happen annually? What is this? What's this all about,

Rob (13:18.786)
Yeah, so we put out a social post yesterday just saying, hey everyone, join us for this award show or watch it later. And it was like a little rolled up scroll, you know, old English style. And so yeah, this is our chance to just celebrate the community because of everything that everyone does worldwide to grow the game, to grow the map. So this is like the official kickoff celebration for Player Appreciation Month.

Craig (13:41.353)

Rob (13:47.17)
which actually started on August 1st. We just forgot to tell you that we appreciate you. No, we had so many things going on for the first eight days, we decided that we're kicking it off today.

Craig (13:47.54)


Craig (13:59.292)
Yep, yep, yep. Awesome. Yeah, the biggest thing you guys had was obviously the garden, the Cuppa Zee garden tool. So again, we're not going to go on that because we did this whole podcast on it that's now live and everyone can listen to. That's just me talking to myself, by the way. Anyway, Rob, so how often, how often do you have these, these celebratory shows, these ceremonies?

Rob (14:05.742)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (14:14.476)

Rob (14:20.206)
So we didn't have one of these last year. Some people can remember back to last August. That's when the big switchover happened and moved over to V2. yeah, right, exactly. With a big smile. So.

Craig (14:30.42)
I'll stop you there. I'll stop you there quickly. Some of us have like taken it out of our memory. You know, when women give birth, for instance, you know, and then they go, well, you know, I don't remember the pain. don't remember going through that. Yeah. We we've all sort of erase August last year out of our memory for that reason. Rob, I do say so. So there you go. All right, mate. Sorry to interrupt. Keep going with how often this is done.

Rob (14:53.351)
Mm -hmm. Yep.

right there with you. yeah, so this is our second time to do a live show. We I did one two years ago. And honestly, I don't remember if we've necessarily passed out awards to the community before that. There have been small celebrations player of the month and some of those kinds of things that happened years ago. But as far as an actual award show, this is the second one.

Craig (15:11.506)

Craig (15:16.99)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (15:21.485)
that's nice to get in nice and early. Hopefully, might happen every year, maybe from now on, just saying. Yeah, yeah. Meanwhile, Rob, can see personally, I can see the awards themselves, like what they're for, their names, et cetera, but how did you actually come up with the criteria of the different award components?

Rob (15:28.718)
Yeah, I like that idea. So yeah.

Rob (15:45.356)
Yeah, so there are different elements to the game that we've kind of put some focus on this year. you know, it would be really difficult for us to do lifetime awards, let's call them, because we would give awards to the same people over and over again would be a pretty good guess. You know, those people who have climbed to the top of the leaderboard. Hey, guess what? Here's more awards. You can see yourself on the leaderboard. You bounce through that.

Craig (15:49.182)

Craig (16:03.155)

Rob (16:13.9)
So the easiest way for us to come up with some awards that all players have an opportunity, equal opportunity if you will, to win is to base them on like the calendar year. So the things that we're gonna talk about are from July 1st, from July 1st, from January 1st through the end of July because we stopped the data then. Yeah, so that's how we did it. As far as the actual breakdown of which categories we chose,

Craig (16:20.564)

Craig (16:35.623)


Rob (16:43.954)
we had a conversation and we just decided, you know, should we run some of the same awards that we did two years ago? no, let's, let's mix it up a little bit. Let's talk about some of the things that are new. So before we get to them, I mean, everybody out there, you can think of what things are new this year. And, some of you really like those brand new things. And some of you early on had massive complaints about the new things. And some of you came around and.

Craig (16:50.26)

Craig (16:56.402)
Mmm, exactly.

Craig (17:02.868)

Craig (17:10.476)

Rob (17:12.918)
others are still like, I don't need Cappy on my map all the time. So you, you forget. Yeah. Yeah. With the song. Exactly.

Craig (17:13.388)

Cap, cap, cappy. Exactly. I did notice as well, cause I said, I'm privy to what these are. Some of them Robert quite obscure too, which is what I like. You know, we do like that. We don't like this, basic awards. first in this and first in that and second in this and sec. We like the obscurity of these awards. And as I said, people, these, of these awards are quite obscure and that's what I like too. So there we go.

Rob (17:42.659)
Yeah, we we don't like we don't like boring things in case everyone's missed that. Yeah

Craig (17:46.47)
No, exactly, exactly. All right, Rob, I am gonna start now. You don't know this. Again, see people ready for this, watch Rob's face too because he doesn't know exactly what's coming all the time on this show because I have control. So there we go. Rob, we're gonna watch this very, very small clip and then you've got to tell us what happened here, okay?

Rob (18:06.274)

Craig (18:08.668)
What's this? What is this Rob? Are you patriotic or what?

Rob (18:10.99)
What on earth? no. That's really... my gosh. that's really funny. This is the first time I rode my bike in at least two years. So, Lou and I were... We were in Texas last week. I feel like I'm turning red. We were in Texas last week and that was Sunday. So, Sunday...

Craig (18:16.212)
I gotta show that again if people miss I gotta show it again look at that look at that

Craig (18:28.199)

Rob (18:39.852)
was the women's road race in the Olympics and, spoiler, if no one watched it, which why wouldn't you, because women's sports are awesome, the winner from the US. And the US does not usually represent very well in the women's road race at all, and even US cycling in general. So massive boost to the US. So anyway, Lou was wearing

Craig (18:42.92)
Mm -hmm. Yes.

Craig (18:50.344)

Craig (19:03.262)

Rob (19:07.086)
a sort of US kit so I decided to surprise her by jumping on my bike and going and meeting her out on the road so yeah got the US flag on my back stuck some in my hat yeah good times so we're headed to the Tour de France, yeah Tour de France, Femme, Abbex Swift we're headed there it's happening it starts in the Netherlands on Monday so

Craig (19:13.447)

Craig (19:32.766)

Rob (19:33.666)
We're going there and we'll be supporting all of that. Kristen Faulkner, who won from the US, she rides for one of the teams. So I'll be going to meet her. I'm gonna wear that US flag. I'm gonna be all decorated out. I got a Team USA shirt. Yeah, so it'll be fun. Anyway.

Craig (19:40.142)
that's cool.

Craig (19:47.676)
Yes. Yes. Well, if that's the case, Rob, we need, we need you in your green jacket with your Munzee hat with the gold medal around your neck. That would be cool. Get a photo of that. That would be awesome. And even if you have to say to a look, I'll give you a year's premium membership. If you let me have your gold medal for two seconds, then there you go.

Rob (20:06.542)
We know one of her teammates, we chat with one of her teammates and we joke around with her. She's really funny. And, hmm, that's interesting. Might be possible.

Craig (20:10.65)
there you go. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Well, Rebecca, also known as Denali0407, she's on Facebook and she basically just said, you bet we watch this road race. So well done, Rebecca. Yeah, of course, of course. People outside America, you don't understand. Okay, I've been outside of a city all my life to America, been in America now for two years. Rob didn't have to go to like a dollar store or something like to buy those flags.

Rob (20:25.774)
Yeah, that's great.

Rob (20:39.214)

Craig (20:40.186)
He they've got them they've got them in their house or on their house somewhere at all times. So this is what happens in the good old us of a very, very, very patriotic. So all right, Rob, enough of trying to make you go, go read. Did you want to get us? You're welcome. Did you want to get a start on these or what? Which one are you going to start off with? Which one are you going to start?

Rob (20:52.718)
Well done, great surprise.

Rob (21:01.166)
So let's start off with the Celestial Starcatcher. I mean, you know, I already hinted at the fact that, wait, I scrolled down, you were like, okay, and that made me think, did I miss something? I scrolled, I? No? No, we're good. I know, sorry everyone. I'm losing my mind a little bit. You sent me so much for a loop that I lost my mind.

Craig (21:06.356)
that one.

Craig (21:16.648)
No, that's okay. That's okay. No, that's all. Celestial Star, I've got it on the screen. You've got to go through with it now.


Craig (21:30.278)
I, it happened.

Rob (21:30.67)
So yeah, Celestial Starcatcher, this is an award, like I hinted at, some of the new things that are out there. So this is to the person who captured the most shooting stars during Cappy's daily strolls between April 17th and July 31st because we launched it April 17th. So.

Craig (21:55.9)
Mm -hmm. Did you want a drum roll?

Rob (21:57.87)
Well, I mean...

Craig (22:01.256)
Look at that, I got a drum roll!

Rob (22:04.142)
It's J .1 Heusman. And he's here with us. Gene.

Craig (22:06.406)
Woo, there you go. He's in the chat room as well. Gene, there we go, mate. Well done to you. You got the celestial star catcher.

Rob (22:11.106)
Hey, and look at what he asked in the chat. That's amazing. So it's like he knew. All right, so guess how many stars? Well, not you guess, but everyone else out there. Like how many stars does someone get between April 17th and July 31st? Your guess is low, whatever it was.

Craig (22:17.822)
Yeah, I know, right? I know.

Craig (22:24.394)
Hmm. Yes.

So what's that? April, May, June, July. That's only three, three and a half months to say. Three and a half months.

Rob (22:34.734)
Right, 1 ,464 stars. Wow.

Craig (22:39.372)
Wow, wow, wow. Now, Rob, get rid of all the controversy now. These are genuine people, number one. Number two, these are people that do not, know, we had an issue before, remember you had it when the first started, people doing that location rubbish. You know, these actual, that's all squashed, that's all done and it doesn't include any of those people. So Gene is genuine and Gene, good job, mate. Well done, well done. Well done, mate.

Rob (22:57.742)

Rob (23:05.826)
Well done. I believe he may ride a bike around getting those just looking at data. So very impressive.

Craig (23:10.664)
Yeah, yeah. Makes a difference. Either way they do it, they get them. So exactly. All right, mate, opt for number two. Reward number two we have, what are we gonna do now?

Rob (23:20.142)
It goes in relation to the stars because when you get those stars when you capture them you accumulate them and what do you do? Well, you go to a wishing well, so the next award is gonna be the wishing well wizard, so This player has the most wishing wells captured between April 17th and July 31st so yeah most wishing wells

Craig (23:23.877)

Craig (23:30.821)
Wishing well, wisdom.

Craig (23:43.518)

Wow. you went in the drum roll again.

Rob (23:49.817)
I don't know. Are you going to do it every time? That's the question. All right.

Craig (23:51.496)
Yeah, yeah, why not? Why not? Yeah, we can talk over it too, so it's all right.

Rob (23:56.374)
And us love Kos.

Craig (23:58.354)
There it is. It's one of my favorite names to say. I always say it all the time, Jaroslav Kas. It's a great name to say. And he's got his Hawaiian version over there too. Aloha Kas is the Hawaiian version, remember? See, I remember these things from the... Well done. So how many wishing wells in total?

Rob (24:03.49)
Yeah, we say this one.

Rob (24:08.91)
that's funny. Yeah, yeah, you've learned them.

805 wishing well captures in that same time period of, you know, three months basically. Wow.

Craig (24:19.142)

Wow, wow, wow. So that's not individual wells we're talking, we're talking, you can cap like, if you kept the same wall twice in two days, every cap. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So that's included that very good.

Rob (24:30.582)
Every, yeah, every day or whatever. Yeah. So chances are pretty decent that he's got a very populated area with a lot of wishing wells. And remember, if there aren't wishing wells around you, then all you have to do is just ask Cappy to give you one. So by tapping on that wishing well in the camp hub, you can tap on that. If there's not one nearby, it'll let you place one and our team will check it out and then you're good.

Craig (24:37.534)

Craig (24:41.949)



Craig (24:52.743)

Craig (24:59.122)
Yeah, yeah, exactly right. And make sure though you tap on it where you want it because it places where you are. There's another tip for people, Rob, because some people go, you know, I'll place it very, very close by in that, in that area vicinity. Yeah.

Rob (25:08.142)
or very... mhm.

Rob (25:13.92)
Yeah, it may not be within feet, but it may be somewhere nearby. Yeah, it could it could place it exactly where you are. So don't. Yeah. Yeah. Don't go stand in the wrong place and put one there. We've got one more that's related to the stars. OK, so, you know, there's there's three obvious things that happen whenever you go on a daily stroll. You capture shooting stars, you visit the wishing well. And not only do you visit the wishing well, but once you have.

Craig (25:18.333)

Craig (25:22.46)
It could.

Craig (25:26.771)


Craig (25:34.59)

Rob (25:42.606)
10 stars, then you can make a wish. The only wish available right now is to chase a well wisp trail. So, this next award is called Wisp Whisperer.

Craig (25:45.395)

Craig (25:49.204)

Craig (25:53.605)

Craig (25:58.984)
There we go, Whisp Whisperer, I like it, I like it. Yeah.

Rob (26:01.504)
Okay, I mean, you we've got a creative team. They come up with good names.

Craig (26:06.364)
Yeah, I know. So what's this one, Rob?

Rob (26:09.518)
So this player, yeah, this player is actually a group. They captured at least 50, right? So 50 or more well wisps since this has gone live. So between April 17th and July 31st. And you know what? There's enough people that you and I are not going to list them all out because they are truly, it's a decent sized list. All of these people are going to receive a badge.

Craig (26:15.761)
yep, Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Craig (26:27.326)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (26:33.62)
it's a decent amount.

Rob (26:39.776)
over the next couple of hours, maybe, maybe quick, not exactly sure how quick. So every single award winner is going to receive their own very special badge, all right, for these individual awards. For this one, group badge for all of the Wisp whispers. So a big congratulations, a big round of applause to all of you. You should pat yourselves on the back. Many of you that are in here, yeah, I mean.

Craig (26:43.486)
There you go. Yep.


Craig (27:06.292)
I told you, Rob. I told you, I told you. look at you. You've got the special things as well. Look at your screen. Look at that. yeah. So basically if everyone at least, if they wait a few hours, definitely going to be done by the end of the Monday HQ day today, then check your, your, your app and just see which one you've got. And Rob, guess what?

Rob (27:14.932)
Yeah, see? One or two tools on my side, yeah.

Craig (27:32.882)
If I, if I get any as well, I'm going to screenshot it and put it straight on social media and people, if you're on social media, you should do that as well. Screen cap, whatever. you get an award, congratulations, screen cap it and put it on your social media, chuck it on the water cooler as well, Rob and, and see how things go. So there you go. Very cool. Very cool.

Rob (27:47.426)
Mm -hmm. We got a whole channel on Discord, a whole channel on Discord for people to share that stuff. So yeah, check them out. Shout out about it. Tell people what you've done. So that's it for the Daily Stroll. So we're gonna move on to something else now that was very, very popular with nearly everyone as we launched something very special back.

Craig (27:54.599)

Craig (28:09.22)

Rob (28:14.25)
On, I believe it was February 2nd is when we launched this other very, very special thing, alright? What was it? Yeah.

Craig (28:20.69)
Rob, will say, I will say it wasn't special to everyone, but some and a lot of those people that it wasn't special to, they've come around now. They've come around now. So, you know, yeah, exactly. And we're specifically talking about the man, the myth, legend, PJ over in the Munzee Maniacs podcast as well. So they put a couple of episodes out too. What are you doing, Rob? What have you got there now? Someone's...

Rob (28:31.98)
Yes, all of them did, didn't they?

Rob (28:47.214)
You're gonna have to stall for one more minute cuz lose just come up and I have the keys she's locked out so hang on just a minute

Craig (28:50.515)
is... Okay.

there we go, people. See now this, this, this is, this is the reason why we record our podcast separately. So if this happens, I can cut all this out. Meanwhile, you've only got me and my ugly mug. Now stay tuned guys as well, because I have got a, another clip here from the Munzee HQ team. Yes, the entire team on their last meeting, their last meeting they had his back.

The last meeting they had, they all have a video for you as well. So that's coming up very, very soon. Meanwhile, we're talking about greenies, Rob, as well. So that's the next one we are. What sort of greenie are we talking about here?

Rob (29:31.8)
Greeny Guardian, it's the person who has captured the most greenies during this calendar year. So between January 1st and July 31st, I'm out of breath.

Craig (29:42.748)
Yeah. Yep. So do you want to do the roll? Do it now.

Rob (29:46.894)


Craig (29:52.124)
Why not? says, why not? I've got to find the drum roll again now. See, this is what happened. I found it. I've got it. I've got it.

Rob (29:55.278)
most greenies captured. L -Y -2 -K -W.

Craig (30:04.276)
there we go. L Y 2 K W well done. you're, if, if, if people as well, if you're actually watching this live and you're one of the winners, number one, congratulations. Number two, you know, give it a big thumbs up. Turn around and say, look, that's me, that's me, that's me. And everyone says congratulations to you and you get some good kudos on the back. So awesome. Awesome. Very good. that's.

Rob (30:23.918)
Now with this person capturing 100 ,531 greenies, the chances are they're not watching this. They're out capping greenies right now. Yeah.

Craig (30:29.108)

100 ,000 greenies in the space of seven months. Well, actually, because they refresh in February, but still, yeah, in the space of seven months, so 100 ,000 greenies and people want. Yeah. Okay.

Rob (30:48.238)
So I know this guy. He visited MHQ years ago and he rides his bike everywhere. Not a joke, literally everywhere. So he's out there, he is absolutely all over the place. Lithuania, believe, is he's from. And yeah, they've got a crazy map out there. So he's very, very busy. And he obviously really enjoyed the daily greeny like...

Craig (31:10.184)

Rob (31:15.618)
refresh whenever we did that so that they come back on the map every day.

Craig (31:19.444)
Yep, yep, yep, very cool. Now I really enjoy the green stuff and I'll be honest, Robert, as well, I say it often and that is I like the variety in the Clan Wars and this month's Clan Wars especially, my team is, I'm putting them under the bus again, level six, we're going for level six, we're going for the highest we've ever had and yeah, 5 ,000 greenie points each is required for level six, so there we go. All right, moving on now, we have the next, the next one, what's the next one?

Rob (31:47.234)
Well, the next one is Greeny Gardener. So, this one is all about the most Greenies deployed. Okay, so most Greenies deployed between January 1st and July 31st. Remember, everyone out there, you can actually print your own. You can get Greenies to put out there on your account, so don't forget. So the number.

Craig (31:51.857)

Craig (32:00.284)
Okay. Yep.

Craig (32:13.054)

Exactly. They were easy. were all free. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Rob (32:18.828)
Yeah, absolutely. So most greenies deployed during this calendar year. I'll tell you the number this time.

Rob (32:29.79)
I believe that's how that one goes. -I -U -K -A -S. That's the name. Possibly Flukus. My eyes, I think it's an F -I. Yeah, so there you go.

Craig (32:31.892)
Bye, Oogies.

Craig (32:42.374)
It looks like an FI, I'm assuming it's an FI.

Rob (32:45.358)
Yeah, so there you go. Congratulations. In the space of the seven months, they have 1 ,434 greenies deployed.

Craig (32:47.255)

Craig (32:54.516)
Wow, wow, that's a lot of deploys. That's because people don't know as well when they first start out and they talk about, you know, the cruisies and sleepies for instance, as well. And I tell them that to get that status, what they need to do. And one of those things is you need to have those, I think it's 200 greenie deploys to get that status. So look at this information off the top of my head. I hope that's right though, but just saying, there you go.

Rob (32:55.831)
I love deploying.

Rob (33:19.104)
impressed. I think it is, yeah.

Craig (33:22.012)
All right, Rob, we're going up to one more and then we're gonna have a little clip from the team. So what's the next one gonna be?

Rob (33:26.496)
cool. So this one actually relates very well to the greenies because these objects only come from crates. And the best way to fill and open crates now is to go and get those daily greenies because you have so many of them hopefully around you that you can just continue to open crates. So this is the Cubimol Conjurer.

Craig (33:33.491)

Craig (33:37.758)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (33:52.34)
Or, cub them all just to annoy Sam, but anyway.

Rob (33:55.798)
No, no, definitely cube -a -mole. The shape is a cube! Anyway.

Craig (34:00.852)
I know, know. This is the way I read. Yes.

Rob (34:04.462)
Call it what you will. It's the Cubimol Cubimol Conjurer. All right, so this person deployed the most Cubimols between January 1st and July 31st. So this person had enough of the, enough of the many Cubimols that they collected from the crates that then they went through and deployed them. Are you ready for who it is?

Craig (34:09.16)

Rob (34:34.03)
Ovaldis. I think that's how, right? Ovaldis. O -V -A -L -D -A -S? Ovaldis. Like oval -das. So, yeah. So, this person deployed 88 cubimals. 88.

Craig (34:36.18)
is that how you spell it? Ovaldus?

Craig (34:43.796)
Hold us of old us there we go of old us Very very cool

Craig (34:53.864)
Wow, wow, I wonder if they kept them all, like holding them up, holding them up and then just did it all in one go or, interesting.

Rob (35:02.638)
That would be my guess because it takes eight mini cubimals in order to deploy one real one. So you're talking about 88 times eight. Yeah.

Craig (35:08.648)
Yeah, one.

Craig (35:13.268)
times eight, jeez, that's a lot. And then you need minimum 25 physicals in general to actually get it. that's 88 times eight times 25 for how many physicals they've captured as well. Wow, wow, wow. That is a lot, that is a lot. All right, Rob, we're gonna go now. We're having a little break itself from the list and the ceremony. I've got this thanks from the team, but before we play it, I want you to,

Rob (35:25.688)
Mm -hmm. Yeah. A lot. A lot.

Rob (35:37.943)

Craig (35:43.122)
to tell us about the team itself. I'll pause it straight away here. Well, there we, will it pause? Yes, it'll pause.

Rob (35:48.038)
All right. There we are. There's a good chunk of our team, right? We have a team meeting that, as you can see, is very much a Brady Bunch style team meeting. So we can all see each other since we don't have offices anywhere anymore. Then this is our way to kind of communicate monthly, really.

Craig (35:54.896)

Craig (36:02.644)
Ha ha ha ha ha.

Craig (36:08.916)

Rob (36:14.77)
And so we just had this team meeting a couple of days ago and we wanted to show our appreciation as a team to everyone out there and not just me sitting here behind the microphone saying on behalf of. So instead let's let everyone say it for themselves. Yeah.

Craig (36:23.528)

Craig (36:29.991)

Before we do it though, we have Craig at the top left -hand corner and he's the CEO of, yeah, let's introduce him. He's the CEO of Freeze Tag and his flat is the typewriter. Yeah, is that the right? Yes, see, there we go. And then there's obviously Rob and Lou right in the top middle as well. And we all know Rob, Flat, Lou as well. So that's what they do. And then Robbie, what's Robbie do and what's his flat?

Rob (36:36.853)

Rob (36:43.98)
Yes. Yes, you are correct. Yeah.

Rob (36:53.912)

Rob (36:58.162)
man, Robbie, Jack of all trades. Robbie runs Wallaby, the other app that we have, right? And so we've brought a lot of the art over from Wallaby, Andy Cameron, the artist there. So Robbie runs that, but he's also one of our main developers on the backend writing the code for the triple points that you've got today going on. All the new things that we bring out, he's the one that codes those, puts them together.

Craig (37:00.734)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (37:04.222)

Craig (37:21.47)

Craig (37:27.484)
Mm -hmm and he's flat, isn't he?

Rob (37:28.064)
And he is the flat disc golf. So basket flat disc golf basket. Yeah. Just the other day, right?

Craig (37:32.788)
the one that we had, we had the scatter points the other day, the new scatters the other day. And quick, quick, let everyone know as well, because Rob, I've seen this on all the social medias, there are more scatter events coming up this month. So if you need those scatter points for Clem, there's more coming up people. So just relax, relax. Next one we have is Dylan there on the middle left. And what's Dylan do and what's his...

Rob (37:49.592)
So, yeah, I've heard that.

Rob (37:55.308)
Yeah, Dylan Middle Left and his wife Wiley, who actually had just stepped out whenever we did this. So yeah, so the two of them are located in McKinney near the old offices, Robbie is as well. Dylan is, I don't know what we even call him anymore. He's the director of creativity. I mean, he's like the mastermind of all the creative things that we have that go on behind the scenes.

Craig (38:01.682)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (38:19.409)

Rob (38:24.206)
Any of the artwork that you see all the flats he's pretty much done all the flats and Every single Mac Dylan designed every single Mac all of those Dylan comes up with a lot of the really crazy Ideas that get tied into the artwork. It's kind of his main area and then Wiley his wife is and Dylan is flat DHS in case you don't recognize that face Which is on all the movie covers and everything else. Yeah

Craig (38:48.158)
Yep. All of them exactly. And his wife.

Rob (38:53.944)
So that's Dylan. We've got his wife Wiley and Wiley has gone through about seven different jobs with Munzee over her years and now she works on the Eventzee side. So Craig is not only the CEO, but he also works specifically on Eventzee and Wiley's one of his team members. is sort of a customer relations, but also talks with incoming people about.

Craig (39:10.014)

Rob (39:23.616)
the Evency product and using it for private scavenger hunts.

Craig (39:27.428)
Nice and she is the flat Murray because that Murray is their dog, their pup. Yeah, that's cool. That's cool. And then in the middle, middle of middle we have.

Rob (39:32.002)
Yeah, yeah.

Rob (39:37.312)
In the middle we've got G. So this is, he's our, he's the leader of the tech team. He's in charge of basically all the stuff that goes on back there. Lead developer and yeah, I don't even know what else to call him. He's tech man, yeah.

Craig (39:43.668)

Craig (39:54.452)
He's a dick man and he's flat.

Rob (39:57.334)
He doesn't have a flat. him and Mick who's next to him, they're the two. So if anyone starts guessing like, hey, you know what might come down the road. Yeah.

Craig (39:59.188)
there we go. Yeah. there we go. so, okay, moving on to the mic on the middle right hand side.

Rob (40:08.91)
Yeah. So we got Mick on the middle, right mix our CFO. And so he runs through all the finance stuff. He is also a member of our tech team. And, you know, kind of runs. I don't even know how to explain again, same thing. See, I'm not the tech guy. So I don't know the IT he does the IT stuff is what I am told he, you know, sets up and holds on to all of our accounts and keeps us running.

Craig (40:21.342)

Craig (40:27.858)

Craig (40:36.412)
Mm -hmm. Very good. And on the bottom left, we can't see her at the moment because there's something happening with my screen, but it's Tamara as well. what's Tamara do?

Rob (40:42.968)
Yeah. Yeah. So Tamara has a face, but she's not there at the moment. But Tamara is, she say same type of thing as well, kind of all of us, we all run multiple sections of the company. We all do a lot of different things. She's actually in charge of the painted rocks app, which we have been, we've gone through various phases of releasing that app. is live. It is available, but we haven't done a lot of promotion of it.

Craig (40:49.202)
Yeah, I know.

Craig (41:03.933)
Craig (41:11.111)

Rob (41:13.058)
So she's in charge of that project, but she is also like a big team member and component of like writing the copy for badges and she does some of the social posts and Capture messages things like that for all the different things So she is the flat flashlight and we'll see her face in a second. Yeah, you probably won't hear her She is the quiet. She's the most quiet team member that we have she lives in California. You have met her

Craig (41:28.648)
Very cool. she's a flashlight. There we go. And.

Craig (41:40.616)
Yep, yep, yep.

Rob (41:40.671)
not a lot of words, but she is always smiling and you'll see that in the video in a minute,

Craig (41:45.396)
And then middle at the bottom we have Mari.

Rob (41:49.484)
Yeah, Mari is there, middle at the bottom. She is pretty much in charge of Munzee. I think that's the easiest way to say what she does. She has a tech mind so that she is able to translate crazy ideas that I or the rest of the team come up with. She's able to translate that into tech speak so that she and Robbie can work together and get the information to G.

Craig (41:52.734)

Craig (42:13.715)

Rob (42:18.094)
and, and so she, yeah, she runs, she runs Munzee in such a major way. She keeps everything organized. So if you've noticed changes over the last seven years, for the organization, Mari, took, came in, looked at a lot of the ways that we were doing things and was like, you know, you could do pretty much all of this better, easier, faster. Right. So yeah, she's, yeah, she is the, go on.

Craig (42:25.2)

Craig (42:40.02)
Yeah. And any long -term, I was gonna say, Rob, any long -term listeners of the podcast as well know that Mari's the one that keeps Rob in check and Mari's also the one that's the nice person with the hand on the dial to sort of dial up those scatters to the dials up the points that dials up all that sort of stuff.

Rob (42:56.184)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (43:04.052)
When Rob turns around and crazy Rob goes, no, only give them 1%. Mari goes, no, no, let's give them 20%. So yeah, that's who Mari does. So Mari, beautiful person. So yeah, good job.

Rob (43:09.006)
She is She's the one you'll you'll want Mari in charge of more and more things because she definitely does that. Yeah So, yep, there you go. That's Mari. She's the flat cat represents her. She has two cats and yeah enjoys them

Craig (43:19.652)
Yeah, exactly. Yes. Very cool. And then we have Kelsey.

Rob (43:32.46)
Yeah, bottom right is Kelsey. Kelsey is sort of behind the scenes very much so that no one on the team will, or not the team. Actually, I'm not sure if anyone on the team has met her. She, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, she runs sort of the marketing, advertising, back end, behind the scenes stuff, SEO.

Craig (43:40.392)

Craig (43:47.646)

Craig (43:50.929)
Craig (43:54.942)

Rob (43:57.996)
all of that. She works on Painted Rocks, Evancy, Munzee, Wallaby. She's involved in all of that stuff. User acquisition stuff. She's in charge of a lot of things and yeah, she's been with us for a couple of years now. yeah, she does not have a flat because she's that far behind the scenes, yeah.

Craig (44:03.01)

Craig (44:18.508)
she's like, you know, there's three. Yeah, yeah, fair enough, fair enough. All right, Rob, I'm gonna play this clip now and listen up to everyone saying a big thank you to the listeners.

Rob (45:28.046)
Unfortunately, my tech skills kick in. How do I stop this video? so we have a good time. I'm the talker of the team, obviously, there. So yeah, that's how that usually goes. But yeah, that's the majority of our team. We've got a handful of people, obviously, not pictured there. But like I said, Andy does all the artwork. We have a couple other people working on it.

Craig (45:31.828)
They're like, I think we're still recording, so don't talk yet until we finish the recording.

Craig (45:47.678)

Rob (45:56.76)
various different pieces too.

Craig (45:58.898)
Yes, yes, and Minnesota boy, Minnesota boy, Minnesota boy on YouTube, he says a very fun and talented team for sure. There's a few others as well saying that they really enjoy actually seeing the person behind the flat, like the actual putting a face behind the flat as well. So that's really awesome to see. Yeah, I like it, I like it, very cool.

Rob (46:14.828)
Yeah. There's Wiley with a flat Murray for the win. Yeah. I wonder why she would choose that one. Exactly.

Craig (46:22.108)
Yeah. There you go. job. Good job. All right, Rob, we're to keep on moving now to the, actual ceremony itself and getting more because we've still got more. We've got more to give out or you've got more to give away. I should say what's, what's up next for a water got up next.

Rob (46:36.904)
Mm -hmm. Well, you know, I thought we were done with all the daily stroll stuff, but tricked me. Here's another one, and we're going back to the wishing wells. This one is the Well Wishers Triumph.

Craig (46:45.556)
Craig (46:53.586)
The well wishes triumph. There we go. Well wishes triumph. Yes. So what is, what is the, what does this entail? The well wishes.

Rob (46:54.894)
Ooh, exciting.

Rob (47:00.686)
So these people, because this one's going to a group, so congratulations to a lot of you that have made at least 10 or more wishes at the Wishing Wells since we launched this. So again, that was April 17th. So if you've made 10 or more wishes, did you know you were gonna get a badge? No, you didn't. If you didn't make any wishes at Wishing Wells and you love badges,

Craig (47:03.219)

Craig (47:16.296)

Craig (47:21.758)

Rob (47:29.034)
So sad for you. You did not get it. ha ha. No, congratulations honestly. Woo hoo! A round of applause for so many of you. And one of the ways that you would know.

Rob (47:44.59)
One of the ways that you know is if you've captured a lot of those well wisps, not as many as our well whisper, our whisper, but you know, if you've captured a lot of those, then you've made a lot of wishes. To those of you who keep asking, are there going to be different wishes? Yes, they'll be coming soon. Remember, we've only been, they've only been live for three and a half months. There was a 90 day plan, you know, there's those kinds of things.

Craig (47:49.586)

Craig (47:53.918)

Craig (48:02.983)
home. Yeah.

Craig (48:11.07)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (48:12.384)
More wishes are coming soon. I wonder if that might be part of player appreciation month. don't know. Let's see.

Craig (48:19.348)
there we go, there we go. Rob, someone in the chat room as well, I just quickly saw, I can't pick it out now, but they said that they've already got the badge in their account. So they, yeah. What?

Rob (48:29.454)
No, you know what that means? That must mean that Mari is awake on the West Coast at her what? Not even 8 a Mari what she was up. She was working on notes with us before her 7 a So thanks for being up early, Marley. Marley, thanks for being up early Mari. So yeah, I'm guessing it could be Mari, Tamara. I don't think it's don't think it's Dylan, but it might be Robbie as

Craig (48:35.31)

Mm -hmm.

Craig (48:47.645)
Marie. Yep.

No, meanwhile, just quickly as well, Marcel on YouTube, going through it, he said the many enchanted ingredient deploys are her working, meaning Mari's working. So Mari was in charge of the percentage for the ingredients. And that's the reason why we got so many ingredients.

Rob (49:14.061)
Marcel, you're so correct. Yeah, it, it, that is correct. There were a lot of those bouncers out there. We had a great time watching all that stuff happen and hope everyone, you know, enjoyed our, our July birthday cake making special. Yeah, it fun.

Craig (49:18.132)
Very, very cool.


Craig (49:31.422)

Yeah, perfect. Next up, Rob, we have the what's next up.

Rob (49:37.238)
the Herald of Legends. Hmm, Herald? I know, Herald, the Herald of Legends, Herald, you're telling all the news. So what group of people would that be? Well, these would be people that are influential podcast content creators about Munzee.

Craig (49:40.084)
Harold and religion. That sounds really cool.

Rob (50:02.208)
And they've been doing that this year. Now they've been, this one group has been doing it for longer than that, but it's pretty impressive stuff. So let's tell them who it is in case they don't know.

Craig (50:09.95)

Rob (50:16.128)
It's the Munzey Maniacs podcast! Whaaaat? You know who's asleep? Guaranteed they're asleep right now, so they're not seeing this live, but I would really like to say to Kevin, to Sarah, and that other guy, PJ, love to say to them thank you very much for everything that you guys have done. I've been on their podcast a couple of times, you've been on it once. They're a great group. They talk about the weather.

Craig (50:18.74)
well done, well done. They do a great job.

Mm -hmm.

Craig (50:42.024)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (50:45.736)
They talk about Japan and now Kevin's in Malaysia. He used to be in China. it's a great podcast to hear a player's perspective. And so going on there and talking with them has been really fun. They just have a good time. So it's boost on Kevin, Kobeis's and PJ are the three player names. And then that way, if you want to track down their account and put something out as a congratulations card to them, I know.

Craig (50:55.944)
Mm. Yeah.

Craig (51:09.961)


Rob (51:14.626)
For sure they would appreciate it, especially on Triple Point weekend.

Craig (51:17.146)
Mm -hmm. Exactly. They just recently had like, I'm talking recently as in a couple of hours ago, they had an event there in Osaka, Japan as well, remember too. So that was a couple of hours ago for, from now, cause it is Friday over there, but that was a couple of hours, like a day ago almost. So yeah, so they did that too. So if you haven't listened to the Munzee Maniacs podcast, I don't know why not if you like podcasts, because they are, that's another great podcast as well. Rob, I will say the last two episodes have been very, very

Rob (51:34.328)

Craig (51:44.894)
PJ heavy he's got a lot of information to put forward, but that's fine. Like it's it's all good But it's been very Munzey heavy too, which is awesome Awesome, awesome to see and Robert just to let you know a tip for you coming up in next week's podcast is that I've managed to squeeze out a Question for you from PJ out of that at the last episode. So there you go PJ if you're listening or watching Yes, I got the question that you wanted to ask Robert in you know

Rob (52:05.332)
well that's great.

Craig (52:11.796)
indirectly and I'll ask you from there so that's cool. Rob next up we have okay no badges for those who know they don't need it exactly exactly and that's okay so next up we have

Rob (52:12.97)
Yeah. That's great. There's two honorable mentions there. It's see my shell and coach V coach V and see my shell. I mean, come on. Those two are no, no, no, no glory. No glory. That's right.

Rob (52:33.046)
Next up, we're moving to the Royal Realm Whisperer. interesting. Yeah, Royal, I can't, Royal Realm Whisperer. Royal Realm Whisperer is how that would come out for sure. So these people are recognized as influential social media content creators, specifically about Munzee, and this is something that's been happening with this group.

Craig (52:37.214)
Royal Realm. Say that three times quickly. I'll tell you that's There you go.

Rob (53:01.068)
We're looking at, you know, here's the last eight months. There is a group of people that put out a lot of Munzee content, and one of them's in charge of a different type of thing, trying to get every single person out there to put Munzee Monthly Moments videos on social media. So follow these people. If you don't know who they are, here comes the names, yeah.

Craig (53:04.627)

Craig (53:24.254)
Ready, ready, ready?

wrong one, wrong one. We're not a joke, are we?

Rob (53:29.635)
no, that definitely relates to one of these. yeah.

It's Whelan W. Helen and Minnesota Boy, geocaching vlogger and see my shell. These four, it's you, congratulations, you are a winner. I know, right? So you didn't get a win on the last one because you were specifically tied to me. So voided. But yeah, we appreciate so much the content that goes out. So Whelan and Minnesota Boy have YouTube channels that are specific to like Whelan's are a lot about events.

Craig (53:46.641)

Rob (54:07.022)
Minnesota Boy shares about events he's most recently talked about like clan wars and those kinds of things. They both break down lots of different pieces of the game. They're spreading the word about the game. Their subscribers are growing and it's just good to get the word out there. That was actually a challenge that was put to me that I've continued to repeat by the guys on the Munzee Maniacs podcast just saying we need more people talking about Munzee and promoting it and getting it out there.

Craig (54:35.988)

Rob (54:36.622)
GeocachingVlogger has been doing that for years, years and years and years. He has been celebrated because of his YouTube channel making it to 100 ,000 subscribers. So he got the silver play button, which was amazing. So congrats to him. So we gave him a little badge. He has one in the game as well. And then there's you, Sumaishala, as you know. you've come into this game, you've come back into this game, as many may not know, but you've come back into it.

Craig (54:39.913)

Craig (54:47.337)


Craig (55:02.694)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Rob (55:06.414)
with a real passion and you know put out some great content so a big thank you to specifically the four of you here's what I would like to see I would like to see four more people come online with big big content over the next year wouldn't that be amazing we might we might we might come back with this type of award yeah

Craig (55:09.522)

Craig (55:19.092)

Yeah, that would be really cool. We might. Yeah, because we do have the Munzee Monthly Moments as well that I proudly host. And what that is, is just literally a snippet. It's a little piece that you can do once a month. can even be under a minute if you like as well. You do a little task, you post it on it. Where? Cuppa Zee, of course. then everyone gets a badge for that. So if you like your badges.

everyone gets a badge every single month for just an entry. You get a special like a card or something else as well from Rob for just entering. And then you can go into, cause we have one or two actual winners for the month. But then we have several runners up, which are randomly drawn. So if you're not, you you turn around and go, I can't create a video like Joshua. I can't create a video like Minnesota boy. You don't have to create your own video in your own style.

everyone gets a prize and then you go in the draw as well to win bigger prizes at that as well. So yes, Rob, absolutely. The more out there, the better for everyone involved. Also, don't forget, you just said Joshua, the geocaching vlogger, he's been promoting Munzee now for years and his channel is lifted. Who people, who, who, who has more than, not 1000, but more than 1500, I think it's almost 1600 now, referrals is Joshua, the geocaching vlogger. And...

He can sit at, people don't understand this, he can sit at home, Rob, cap his Skyland and be done for the day. And yet he's still on, you know, hundreds and thousands of points just from his referral points alone, people. So there you go. If that's not a big incentive, especially with referrals, you know, I don't know what would be Rob. So yeah, get your referral code out there on your videos and go from there. It's worth it, man, 100 % worth it. Anyway, I'm very passionate about videos, as you can see. So next up we have, are we gonna move on? Next up.

Rob (57:10.168)
Yeah, you are.

Alright, next up is the Festival Fiend. This is a group of players that have captured at least 25 or more event Munsies this calendar year. if you've been to some people it would only take one event. You need 25 event Munsies. So one event, this has all been very popular because of cake, right?

Craig (57:16.188)
Craig (57:20.594)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (57:39.194)
Mm -hmm. Cake.

Rob (57:41.57)
These are the little, you know, the green pins, the event Munzee that is the E or the special icon if the host has included that. So this is a group of players. So you guys are all going to be getting that badge. We are seeing from Minnesota boy in the chat that the badge that he just won, the Royal Realm Whisperer was delivered like as we announced it. So that does mean that there is a special team member sitting there watching this, this nonsense.

Craig (57:44.659)

Craig (58:04.232)

Craig (58:08.116)
Rob (58:10.426)
and pushing the button. yeah, sorry Robert that you have to go to work and catch up later. Those of you who've stayed with us for almost an hour now, I think Dylan would have put money on the fact that this is how long this would go.

Craig (58:19.357)

Craig (58:24.084)
And why not? We've got only a couple more to go and then remember, Rob, I'm going to hold you to it. You've got a little little little snippet at the end. So I'm going to hold you to that just to let you know. It doesn't matter how long we're to be. All right. So next up, Rob, have.

Rob (58:34.403)

Rob (58:39.328)
Let's talk about the party prodigy. So this is a specific person who has captured the most event Munzees during this calendar year. All right, so the party prodigy, a single person, the most event Munzees. Yeah, are you ready for this?

Rob (59:00.774)
W Helen, Welen, it's Welen. He is King Munzee. He's the number one player in the world and guess what? He travels around to a lot of events which again, he puts a lot of things out there on his Munzee events blog or blog YouTube channel. great to see the things that he experiences at different events, local in Minnesota and then he travels all over the.

Craig (59:19.123)

Rob (59:29.194)
So it's really really cool Shall we move on to the next? Yeah

Craig (59:31.816)
That's what he does. He's in Wisconsin at the moment again, because he's got two Munzee events this weekend in Wisconsin. yeah, it's rightfully so. That's what he does. So, Wilson. Next up, Rob, we have...

Rob (59:41.704)
Mm -hmm, yeah. He's trying to add to all of his totals because the next one is the Eventide Emissary. I think that's how we're gonna call that. Eventide Emissary, I know. Again, we got a creative team. You write words, I say words. There it is. So Eventide Emissary, this is two people. We have a tie on this one for hosting the most Munzee events.

Craig (59:52.466)
ventide emissary emissary okay


Craig (01:00:06.008)
we have a tie!

Rob (01:00:10.794)
this calendar year. Now, Lou showed up a little bit earlier and so the special guest of maybe, you know, that didn't quite work out now, it? So I have the privilege of sharing all of these event things, but we've got these two because events are a big deal. We've had a good time with them this year and we think all of you have with the cake. So who's hosted the most?

Craig (01:00:11.443)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (01:00:25.192)
Craig (01:00:30.345)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (01:00:36.51)

Rob (01:00:39.724)
Munzee events. Ready?

Rob (01:00:46.286)
Coalcracker7 and Whelan. Look at that. I mean, if he's capping the most event pins, then it makes sense that he's probably hosting a few as well. So yeah, we appreciate what these two do in order to, you know, just grow. This is all about the community. This is growing a community locally so that, you know, people can get together, they deploy, they grow the map. It's all good.

Craig (01:00:50.004)
Well done, well done to those two. Yeah.

Mm -hmm. Exactly.

Craig (01:01:09.748)

Craig (01:01:14.448)
Exactly. there's a lot of work involved as well as hosting events too, I'll be honest. Cause I mean, I'm hosting a couple of them, I'm co -hosting one tomorrow and there's a lot that goes into it. I mean, I've still yet to do my flags, Rob. I still got to like do my stickers on the flags and stuff yet. So I've got to do that after this podcast. So what's for the next one, mate? What's up with next?

Rob (01:01:32.76)
Alright, next up, something that we've been working on this year, which is the Dragon Keeper. So if you've been chasing those Dragon Trainer specials this year, then you have a chance to be in on this one. So this is a single person who has captured the most Dragon Trainer specials this year. Ready?

Craig (01:01:37.427)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (01:02:01.806)

Craig (01:02:03.592)
There it is, Skindo. How many dragon specials?

Rob (01:02:04.718)
This is one of those names, one of the names from the podcast, we say this name fairly often, right? Leaderboards and all that. 705, 705 Dragon Trainer Specials. Whoa.

Craig (01:02:10.076)
Yeah, yeah, yeah. What?

Wow. So that includes the eggs, includes the dragons, the baby dragon and the elder dragon. So that includes all levels of those. There you go, Skindo. And yet here I was thinking it was gonna be someone else, but no, alas, it's not. So there you go.

Rob (01:02:20.684)
Yes, all four levels of them, yeah.

Rob (01:02:29.388)
Right, no, because you know, there are certain other people who definitely chase a lot of Dragon Trainer specials. So let's talk about the next one, which is related. So the next one is the Worm Weaver. So that's, you know, spelled the Dragon way, worm. Worm Weaver, I assume it's worm. Worm, I don't know, anyway. They write the words, they write the words, I say the words. This person deployed.

Craig (01:02:38.615)

Yeah, what's the next one?

Craig (01:02:45.62)

Wyrm Weaver.

Rob (01:02:59.604)
and tamed the most Dragon Trainer specials. So this is a person who's chased down all of those, like, it's about to evolve from an egg to the baby and then baby to the mature, or whatever word we use for it. Ready for who it is? No, no, no.

Craig (01:03:01.705)

Craig (01:03:09.384)
Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Craig (01:03:16.498)
I think I have an idea for this one. I think I have an idea.

Rob (01:03:23.214)
monrose this was this was the easiest one if everyone out there didn't you know didn't like it's probably gonna be soon like yeah she chases absolutely everyone she gets her husband up at 3 a she's told us the story so we know

Craig (01:03:25.138)
There she is.

Craig (01:03:34.77)
Yeah, everything. She has thunderstorms and lightning and tornadoes, Rob. They've been out in tornadoes to cap that dragon that's evolving or the egg that's cracking. So yeah, well done to Sue. Well done to Sue. And everyone knows about her too because she's proud to say as well. So the mother, the mother of dragons, we shall call her. Very Game of Thrones -ish.

Rob (01:03:55.118)
Well done.

Rob (01:04:01.738)
If we shall. Absolutely. Absolutely.

Craig (01:04:04.468)
Rob, Rob, that's all we've got on the list. Is that all we had on the list? Do we have any more? I can't think now. Let me have a look through.

Rob (01:04:11.458)
I'm sorry, but that's all the awards that we have for right now. So, you know, these are kind of the special awards that we give out to, you know, individuals that we want to recognize for things where they've kind of gone above and beyond. And like I said at the beginning, these are special categories that, you know, are sort of a focus that we've had for this year. So obviously then, you know, we would want to recognize like people who are doing the things that we're like, hey, this is important. There's probably a reason for it.

Craig (01:04:16.125)

Craig (01:04:40.83)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (01:04:41.354)
I say that fairly often, know, like it may seem crazy, whatever it is, but there's probably a reason behind the scenes for whatever clan requirement for, you know, just crazy things that happen that are coming up. Me telling everyone like there's going to be two clan like related flat scatter events during this month because it was a special requirement. We've been working on a bunch of stuff with elementals. We put the new light mystery out. There's hints. They're everywhere.

Craig (01:04:48.222)

Craig (01:05:04.212)

Rob (01:05:11.54)
hints everywhere. You just have to wait until all the little strings get tied together and then you find out. So wouldn't it be nice if there was like a way for us to recognize everyone in the community for doing some like collective thing on a player appreciation month. We can't give every single... well we can.

Craig (01:05:11.974)
Mm They really are.

Craig (01:05:19.4)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (01:05:34.932)

Rob (01:05:39.116)
We can give every single person an award and a badge, but that's no fun. That's just like, yeah, you played. So we're not gonna do that. But if you stick around for just under two hours, then you might find out what it is that I'm hinting at. That's all I got.

Craig (01:05:42.95)
Yeah. No.

Craig (01:05:51.337)

Craig (01:05:59.686)
that's all you got. That's all you get. If you don't listen to the podcast that Rob and I host, I don't know why not firstly. Secondly, if you do, you know, when I go quiet and Rob keeps talking, I stay quiet. You got to listen carefully, especially when Rob slows down his speech. When he slows down, he slows it down for you slow down for a reason. You slow it down so you can actually think quicker than you speak, which is very rare for you. So that's what happens too. So.

Rob (01:06:14.261)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Rob (01:06:23.234)

Craig (01:06:24.7)
Very good. yeah, a couple of hours time people keep an eye on the Munzee app itself on the social media. That's what I'm hearing Rob and we'll find out exactly what you were just hinting at from there. And it's something to do with.

Rob (01:06:35.958)
If you don't have CUP -A -Z installed, if you have not ever logged into CUP -A -Z before, you better get on it. That's all I gotta say.

Craig (01:06:40.435)

Craig (01:06:45.33)
Who hasn't done that? Who hasn't done that? That's insane. Meanwhile, Courtney on Facebook, she has a great thing. And for the next lot of awards, she asked, where's the most awesome clan award? See, she's speaking on behalf of her clan, I do believe. So exactly. Yes, yes, exactly. Good job, Courtney. I like it. I like it.

Rob (01:06:48.322)
People who live under rocks. Don't do it! Like

Rob (01:06:55.01)

Rob (01:07:01.496)
Self nominated I believe, yeah. That ties in with the whole Minnesota represent that we saw earlier in the chat. Yeah, I see what's going on there, yeah.

Craig (01:07:13.618)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm. And there's other people, Rob as well, they're coming through now. Pike Spice as well, he said he earned the Festival Fiend badge, that's really cool. Kyle as well, he says he earned the Festival Fiend, Festival badge too, and he's like, what is that? So, that's Kyle. Minions, no, but minions are cool, we'll say that, minions are cool. He's right in that saying, so there you go.

Rob (01:07:22.638)

Rob (01:07:30.638)
I guess he wasn't paying attention. So yeah, yeah

Rob (01:07:39.416)
I agree.

Craig (01:07:40.02)
and, what's, what's this Rebecca as well? She's saying, she's saying, hmm, some of us intend to be munging for the next two hours and then the next 16 hours after that. So that's rightly so. Yeah.

Rob (01:07:49.314)
Well, the announcement that comes out will be much quicker than this has been guaranteed. So, you know, all you got to do is read a little bit. If they don't read it, they can listen to us talk about it next Friday on the podcast.

Craig (01:07:56.002)
Exactly, Whoa, Rob.


Hey, look at you promoting forward. I like it, I like it, very cool. Meanwhile, Rob, we've been over an hour now, so I'm gonna end it out because I've got a little ending for us as well. So you've got to stick around after we finish. So Rob, that brings us our award show itself to a close.

Rob (01:08:13.906)

Rob (01:08:19.778)
Well, thanks once again to all of our players and congratulations to our special winners.

Craig (01:08:25.638)
And don't forget to check out our weekly official Munzee podcast on your favorite podcasting app.

Rob (01:08:30.998)
And now, now it's time. Get out there, grow the map. Remember, Munzee's more than a game. It's a worldwide community of mobile game players.

Craig (01:08:33.928)
Yeah, now some.

Craig (01:08:41.406)
So keep scanning, keep discovering and keep that Munzee spirit alive. Rob, we can get it ready. Ready? One, two, three Munzee on. We still can't do it live. what's this? You got to dance now. You got to dance now. Unofficial people, unofficial. No, It is.

Rob (01:08:47.112)
Munzee on! Not even live.

Rob (01:08:58.804)
Yeah, this is not the official theme song, but it is a great theme song.

Craig (01:09:14.002)
While it's still playing, that's okay. But while it's still playing, I haven't put this through you yet or anyone else, but I'm letting you know to everyone, I'm chucking everyone under the bus, because I want to do this. I'm gonna do a, what do call it? A music clip. I'm gonna do a music clip. See me at events, and you may be in a music clip that's coming up with this. Yep. There you go.

Rob (01:09:14.178)
I don't dance. Yeah.

Rob (01:09:39.906)
I can barely hear you, but that sounded cool. Hooray! Hooray! Cappy the unicorn.

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