Official Munzee Podcast

Munzee Weekly Podcast - Friday October 4th, 2024

Rob Vardeman & Craig Michell Season 2 Episode 40

In this episode of the Munzee Podcast, hosts Rob and Seemyshell discuss various aspects of the Munzee game, including clan challenges, leaderboard highlights, upcoming events, and strategies for clan wars. They delve into the importance of wishing wells, Evo bouncers, and the role of RUMs in gameplay. The episode also covers double points opportunities, new features like Glow Worm Gardens, and answers listener questions. The hosts emphasise community engagement and provide tips for maximising gameplay.

Seemyshell EVO TIP

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Seemyshell (00:01.65)
Welcome to the official Munzee Podcast.

Rob (00:04.134)
I'm Rob, also known as Coach V, your host and the president of Munzee.

Seemyshell (00:08.038)
And I'm Craig also known as Seemyshell, I'm an avid Munzee player and I'm here to explore the game further.

Rob (00:13.168)
Each week we'll delve into Munzee's mysteries, divulge some secrets, and inform players from around the world just what is coming your way.

Seemyshell (00:20.194)
So sit back, relax. Today's episode we chat the clan challenges, some scary videos, and then Rob, some glow worms. what's up? This is, this is exciting. This is new. This is new, mate. So I like it. I like it. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. What's, what's new for you this month,

Rob (00:30.849)
Hoo hoo hoo!

Rob (00:35.036)
right? spooky, spooky, october spooktober, right? mean, gotta have some fun.

you know, I'm just chillin'. Just the usual stuff. Nothing, nothing new. Nothing different. Nothing unusual in my life at the moment with clans or anything.

Seemyshell (00:46.542)
You gotta say that you're working hard. Yes.

Rob (00:56.7)
wait, I am in fact working very hard and I do think that everyone might be able to see that. I put some genuine effort into the clan requirements, but we're gonna talk about those in a bit. Otherwise, we've got a couple of what I think are really cool things that are happening behind the scenes, but we record on a Wednesday as everyone knows and I'm not sure what will appear by Friday. So we've got the notes based on things that I know for sure are gonna happen.

Seemyshell (01:02.924)

Seemyshell (01:07.796)
Mm-hmm. We will.

Seemyshell (01:19.608)

Rob (01:26.178)
And we may have some really cool things to talk about next week as well.

Seemyshell (01:26.446)
that it could be.

Seemyshell (01:30.768)
You do it every single week, Rob. You kill me every week, you know? And yet people, again, I'm not privy to any of this sort of stuff. Rob does these notes up and literally the notes themselves are very minimal sometimes. the, geez, I tell you. Well, mate, I've just arrived in Rome, Georgia. That's right, Rome, Georgia for going cashing. The last going mega event here in Rome, Georgia this year. And then of course I'm co-

Rob (01:32.25)
every week, every week.

Rob (01:42.878)

Rob (01:49.064)

Rob (01:56.424)

Seemyshell (01:59.958)
I'm co-hosting the Munzee event on Sunday with the big man himself, the King, W. Helen. So him and I are co-hosting the Munzee event on Sunday after all the geocaching event is done. there you go. Yeah.

Rob (02:06.95)

Rob (02:14.047)
Well, that sounds great. Sounds like a good time. Hope that you guys have a lot of fun. That's a great caching event, going caching an institution, definitely. And yeah, be nice. I was out there a couple of years ago, but hopefully you'll get a good crowd of coexisters to stick around for Munzee.

Seemyshell (02:21.986)


Seemyshell (02:32.18)
Mm-hmm. Exactly. mean, there is like, is Munzey heavy as it is. I've been here for a day and a bit now and I'm still have not cleared out the area. It's still very difficult to clear out this area. I'm telling you, it's almost impossible. I'm going to say that. there you go. Meanwhile, Rob, the weekend that the, all the week that was in the events in the USA, we had in Missouri, Massachusetts, Minnesota, and Illinois. And again, around the world, none happened last weekend. Zero around the world. What's going on?

Rob (02:46.643)

Rob (02:58.056)
Wow. End of the month. it's the end of the month. Clan Wars ramping down. You know how it is. Yeah.

Seemyshell (03:00.556)
That's one of these, that's one these people.

Mm-hmm. Yeah, very true. Very true. Mind you, the leaderboards though, Rob, over the weekend, they were pretty big for being the end of month. So on Friday, people, we had HBRB with 765,000 points, Jaroslav Kas, I love that name, 676,000 points, and VadoTech with 668,000 points. So there you go. And Saturday?

Rob (03:12.328)

Rob (03:29.63)
Saturday we had W. Helen 983,000 points, HBRB 663,000 points, and Vado Tech 605,000.

Seemyshell (03:40.342)
And then Sunday rounding off a trifecta for Vadotec being on the leaderboard. He got first this time with over 1 million points at the end of the month. Well done to Vadotec, shout out. And of course his little sidekick, Tofu Girl with 990,000 points. And then the King himself made an appearance again, W. Helen, 883,000 points. As I said, Rob, there's some big numbers there for the end of month weekend. So that's well done to everyone over the last weekend.

Meanwhile, Rob, coming up, the events this weekend, have California, Florida, is it Iowa? I think it's Iowa and Georgia, of course, Rome, Georgia, where I am right now. Around the world,

Rob (04:15.174)
Yes. Yeah.

Rob (04:21.138)
We're going to England, Holland, Netherlands, Lithuania, and Finland.

Seemyshell (04:27.672)
There you go. Now, Rob, I did, I've added something here as well for the large events coming up. The Netherlands, October 13th, there's almost 40 there already. So in the Netherlands, October 13th, if you're around, get to it.

Rob (04:32.69)

Rob (04:40.35)
Now that event is the one that I talked about more than a month ago, six weeks or so ago, because this is the one where I deployed to internationals Munzees like at this location. So it's a really cool location. It's at the corner of Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. So yeah, if anyone is in any of those countries or, you know, able to make that trip totally worth it. The fact that it's almost at 40, I would.

Seemyshell (04:44.552)
Mm-hmm. Yep.

Seemyshell (04:52.338)
that's right.

Seemyshell (04:58.731)

Seemyshell (05:04.13)

Rob (05:07.71)
guess maybe, you know, they go and hit, you know, hit that 50. Yeah.

Seemyshell (05:09.036)
Yeah, that's the 50 mark. Exactly, exactly. Then after that, in January 16th and 19th, down in Florida, five events, Munzey Mecca, Munzey Quest and Block Party, January 25th and 26th in Sydney, Australia, Munzey Madness in California, March 8th and 9th, May 3rd, Munzey in Uranus, May 24th is Munstock, and then June 7th and 8th is Ohio hosting SOS. If you are a host of a growing event, please reach out to me and we'll have a discussion.

about how we can promote your event on this particular podcast. do you like how quick I went through that pretty quick Rob? I liked that thing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Rob (05:41.372)
Yeah. You know, you sped it up last week and this week you did it again. And I got to say, like it mainly because it's repetitive. We might as well just record from January through June at this point. However, there's still time for people to get some big events out there that happened during the rest of this year. Maybe, maybe there'll be a reason for people to have, you know, a nice sized event later this month.

Seemyshell (05:54.264)

Seemyshell (06:00.588)
very true.

Rob (06:08.904)
but we'll get to why in just a few minutes as well with, know, ooh, special points weekends and all that.

Seemyshell (06:10.841)
think, ooh. Exactly, exactly. All right, Rob, I'm gonna hit you straight away. I'm gonna get out my little bat, the water cooler bat, I'm gonna call it, and hit you over the head and go, Rob, what happened this month with Clan Wars requirements? So what we're gonna talk about though, just to let you know, is I'm not gonna hit you hard, okay? All I'm gonna do is.

Rob (06:24.19)

Rob (06:36.06)
Yeah. good.

Seemyshell (06:38.102)
It's gonna hit you more with questions as a question bat because people out there, they haven't seen some of these types of challenges before and they are, some of them are challenging. The higher end is challenging. And so from a present point of view, you are the man when it comes to this. I'm going to ask you some questions about how the people can obtain these without going over the top to obtain them. Okay. So first thing, first things first is the flaming arrows. Now,

Rob (06:40.414)

Seemyshell (07:06.498)
flaming arrows if you don't know, they come from the Trojan unicorns. so yeah, that's a new one, Rob, that's a new one. What can people do to obtain the flaming arrows?

Rob (07:16.69)
Yeah, that's a good one, right? I mean, I actually felt pretty good about the direction when when this one hit me because I sat down with a little notepad and I was like, what types of things might be more difficult, you know, to actually encourage people to go and have to chase things like they used to like in the good old days. And a lot of this feedback, you know, comes from, well, everywhere.

Seemyshell (07:24.013)

Rob (07:46.118)
Lots of people saying they want challenges. They want things where it's not just like, I can sit at my house and do all this stuff because there have been lots of times where it is that way. So level one and two, nice and easy. Matter of fact, level one is a gimme for absolutely everyone. If they put some effort in for the full month, very easy. There are no activity days. Like what? That's crazy. So, and that's because quick rewards.

Seemyshell (07:46.254)

Seemyshell (08:10.731)
No. Yeah.

Rob (08:15.906)
level one. Sure, why not? Let's try it. So this is the first time that I've done this. So I'm interested in seeing what happens. So but let's jump to what you said, level five and six. I throw down the gauntlet. Here you go, people. You want some challenge? Here you go. How you like me now? All those kinds of things in the the nicest of ways with the most respect possible. Because the thing is, there will be people around the world who can

Seemyshell (08:17.858)

Seemyshell (08:27.294)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Yeah. Yes.

Seemyshell (08:40.226)

Rob (08:45.731)
not meet the challenges of level five and or level six. And that's okay. You're still a good person. Everyone still loves you.

Seemyshell (08:47.756)
Yeah. Yeah.

That's okay. Exactly right. Exactly right. What I'll say though, going back directly to this one here is the Trojan Unicorn Rob. And that is this, I personally self-taught this about 18 months ago now for me. And that is, I didn't realize what a Trojan Unicorn was and what they did, et cetera. I didn't realize that I'd deploy this on the very first of the month, after six hours it says as well, on the post.

Rob (09:00.316)

Seemyshell (09:20.078)
But I deploy this on the very first of the month. It lasts the entire month. And this is what you need to spit out those flaming arrows. This is a Trojan unicorn. You people, you, anyone out there, you don't have to be premium, can go and now like deploy, auto deploy a Trojan unicorn. All you have to do is go in and use weapon shards to deploy the Trojan unicorn. So the people, the more Trojan unicorns we get out there, the more flaming arrows, the more flaming arrows, the more people are going to their targets. So I think...

Rob, think it was a good idea in this regard because it's, it's a part of education as well. can now educate people how they can get literally a free bouncer for the entire month. And that's, think what you've done there too. So.

Rob (10:02.358)
Isn't that crazy? Now for those people who month after month have followed your advice because I think you've mentioned the the Trojan Unicorn deploy on the first before for those who did that this month. Why did you miss out on the points that could have gone to your clan points for Trojan Unicorn points? It's it's 10 weapon shards if you deploy it on the third because no one cares on the first and second if they cap your

Seemyshell (10:09.155)



Seemyshell (10:24.963)
Bye bye.

Seemyshell (10:31.06)
No. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No. No.

Rob (10:32.26)
Unicorn they don't care. They don't care. No one wants it. So other than like ooh. Ooh, my luck is good. Look, I already got one. So anyway, yes This one is difficult. Here's here's what here's what might make it a bit more evil than than you could even imagine All right is the flaming arrows? well, they have a chance to burn you and if they do then you lose points, so

Seemyshell (10:39.714)

Seemyshell (10:49.806)

Seemyshell (10:55.617)

Seemyshell (10:59.943)
Yep, yep.

Rob (11:00.388)
Let's say there's three of them out there because there are three of them out there and you extinguish two of them. That's 100. Yeah, that's 100 points. And I believe you need a little more than that in order to get your levels. So if you get burned on the third one, now you're down to 95. no. So you've got to you're going to have this this this dilemma, I think, for everyone to just how just how lucky do you feel?

Seemyshell (11:09.153)
Yeah, 58.

Seemyshell (11:18.826)

Seemyshell (11:23.719)
Yes. Do you risk it? Do you risk it?

Seemyshell (11:30.378)
You risk it for the biscuit. But Rob, there is no limit in regards to how many Trojan horses you can actually deploy. You don't just deploy one, for instance. So you can deploy a second one on the third if you so choose. If you have all those weapon shards under your belt, which Rob, I know some people do. Some people hoard this stuff. I'm like, why?

Rob (11:49.533)

Some people have hundreds of maces, hundreds of longswords. Well, this is your month. It's time to crushing those and breaking them down to weapon shards and turning the weapon shards into whatever else you want. All right, people?

Seemyshell (11:55.777)

Why? Yes!

Seemyshell (12:07.702)
Trojan, not, no, Trojan horses, not whatever you want. Turn them into Trojans. Do it for the people. If you are one of those hoarders and you're listening, and I know one person who is really a hoarder and he listens often, I may see him this weekend. Do it for the people. Do it for the people guys, and get your Trojan horses out there. So that's the Trojan horse role. Next up we have, Trojan unicorn, it used to be Trojan horse, but now it's changed.

Rob (12:20.232)
Ha ha ha.


Rob (12:30.533)
Unicorn. Trojan unicorn.

in the real world only in history.

Seemyshell (12:36.834)
There you go, there you go. Next up Rob, we're talking about, and some people had issues with that this last month. I had a couple of people reach out to me last month, intermediate players I'm talking about, and they were talking about the flat scatters as well. Sorry, not last month, the month before. And they were talking about, in July, and they talking about the flat scatters, and people were saying, know, we should be notified when so we can attend for it, whatever else as well. You guys are going to notify for everyone.

Rob (12:53.854)
July, yeah.

Seemyshell (13:05.804)
the flat scatter dates before the flat scatter start. So that's what you've got written in the post here, Rob. So firstly, they're asked.

Rob (13:14.438)
Well, well, I haven't said the exact dates, but I did write it in the blog and I did say that there is one at the beginning of the month. OK, so the beginning of the month, which means literally the beginning of the month. It's starting on the third, which as people listen is in the past. We have flat Rob's that have scattered now. So flat Rob is scattering the hats because Saturday is Mad Hatter Day and who's madder than me, of course. So.

Seemyshell (13:22.582)
Yes, you did. Yep.

Seemyshell (13:28.96)
Mm-hmm. Yep.

Seemyshell (13:40.462)

Rob (13:43.012)
as as you know mad hatter style. anyway, there's a badge for it and everything. There's a buy to get one free sale going on in the store. Don't forget to add three in your cart if you're going to do that. But you have got between the third and the sixth to get as many flat scatter points as you can. And if you don't get them by the sixth, guess what you have to wait because the second one, as it says in the blog, is that

Seemyshell (13:44.707)

Seemyshell (13:52.342)

Seemyshell (14:02.36)

Seemyshell (14:11.32)
Yeah. end of the month. So there you go.

Rob (14:12.242)
the end of the month. Read into that what you will. The second one is at the end of the month. If you do not get them during the flat rob scatter event, you will have to wait and you will have to work to get it. Don't forget.

Seemyshell (14:22.7)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So you heard it here, people, not just here, but you heard it everywhere. You know you what needs to be done. Have a look for it. Reach out to it. Have a look at the Munzee Facebook page, the Munzee Instagram page, all the social media pages. Munzee, you guys are always putting it out there every single time as soon as this happens. And these flat scatters as well. Is it cap ons and as well? Or is it just capping? No, just capping, isn't it?

Rob (14:52.612)

Seemyshell (14:55.532)
just capping, but what you can do people and then that's this. We said before, or you said before Rob, buy two, get one free, have three in your cart when you a checkout. If your whole clan Rob just buys the three, like two and get one for free, and then each deploy for each other, the flat Rob's, then you should be okay. You should be all right. See, so that's what you do.

Rob (15:17.148)
And I think it is cap on points actually, because they are flat scatters. And if I remember correctly, the flat scatter, the hat that goes out is on the owner account, I think. So the more flat rubs you have out there all over being capped by people, the better your chances are. Yeah.

Seemyshell (15:20.181)
There you go.

Seemyshell (15:24.14)
the scatter goes towards.

Seemyshell (15:30.062)
account. Yes, that's what I Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Yeah. Remember, this is a clan game, people. This is a clan. This is a team effort, team sport. So do it for your team, publish for each other, deploy for each other. That's what it's all about. That's what it's all about. Doing the hokey pokey. All right, Rob, next up we have

Rob (15:48.467)

Seemyshell (15:54.476)
The candy corn piglet deploy. This little fella is as cute as heck as the last two have been as well. And I know this one already and that is this one came live. No, it doesn't come live on the first because people would deploy it straight away. It's not about that. It comes live on the third. Now it doesn't come live on the midnight Munzee HQ time on the third because Rob's still asleep.

And so it needs to be a physical button press. And so you don't have one of those Simpsons button presses do you on the computer like Homer does. Press the any key. Anyway, so yeah, the candy corn piglet, it's the same as the tiger was last month and the one before that as well. So it is in the premium section of the Redeem store. It is auto deploys. So as soon as you click Redeem,

Rob (16:24.75)
I may, but not for this tool.

Seemyshell (16:44.062)
it will auto deploy for you and you're done for that particular requirement. This is a premium only option. It's in the premium section of the redeem store. Very good. Moving on Rob, the wishing wells. what has happened here? Rob, Rob, Rob, Rob, Rob.

Rob (17:04.306)
Listen man, before you even tell me what people think, let me tell you what I think. I think that Wishing Wells have been in the game for six months. And you know how long that is to get yourself prepared for something crazy to come along? That's a really long time in the Munzee world, isn't it? So in July, we gave out awards, right? And the awards and I talked about how we were looking at gameplay.

Seemyshell (17:07.488)

Seemyshell (17:13.112)
they have.

Rob (17:31.964)
that was new to this year, things that were new and that were happening and everyone should be looking at these things and interacting and the chance that more things were gonna come from all of those later in the year. Hello foreshadowing, can you see it now? All right, so here they are, the wishing wells because you and I talked whenever we started this back in April when the wishing wells and the stars and Cappy's stroll and everything came out, daily stroll.

Seemyshell (17:32.12)

Seemyshell (17:39.192)

Seemyshell (17:59.918)

Rob (18:01.214)
not gonna put stars in as a requirement for the Clam Wars. And went back, made sure that that was what I'd said. And sure enough, is. Wishing wells are available for free, literally everywhere around the world. So for those people who in six months have not had them placed around them, I'm very sorry that you were too slow. Now, if you don't have one,

Seemyshell (18:09.996)

Seemyshell (18:17.774)
Ten points.

Seemyshell (18:28.622)

Rob (18:30.206)
You can go to the Camp Hub and that's where CAPI's daily stroll starts. You can go to the Camp Hub. You can click on the wishing well icon. If there's not one within a half mile of you, then it will be auto deployed. If it's not auto deployed, then what happens is it goes into our wishing well approval system because some wishing wells need to go into our approval system. Some are deployed automatically. It's just how things go.

Seemyshell (18:56.632)

Rob (18:59.868)
We are getting those done every single day. I might even look at them on the weekend, especially this weekend, so we can keep people moving and happy. So you can only request one every seven days. And that has been the rule for six months. And the chat is out there. What if it's lowered? It's not going to be lowered because it's been here for six months. You've had six months worth of seven day cycles.

Seemyshell (19:08.664)

Seemyshell (19:24.686)

Rob (19:28.498)
to build up your wishing well map all over the world.

Seemyshell (19:31.95)
And there's people out there, Rob, who have not done that, have not taken advantage of that. And there's some people out there who go, I don't see wishing wells on my map at all. that the reason for that is because you, you, you did your own filters as in the player, not Munzee, but you, the player did your own filters and, turn them off. Why, why would you turn off a free 10 points, everything at the time you cap it item? I don't know. Some people like that.

Rob (19:46.903)

Seemyshell (19:58.862)
I think, I think the Munzee Maniacs podcast, Rob, they classed it as the PJ filter because he likes his clean map. So they classed it as the PJ filter with the, with the actual wishing wells off. But Rob, you need to have a wishing well at the front of your house. It's not that hard. As you said before, click on the wishing well right next to in your, they call it the camp hub. Basically people, that's not the map section of the, of the app. That is the front section of the app. So where you see Cappy and you see the,

Rob (20:04.872)

Seemyshell (20:27.322)
the tree going down side with your Munzee HQ time. On the other side of Cappy, you see in the distance, a little wishing well there. You touch that wishing well, it is activated and it goes from there. A half mile distance from any others is what you need to be. Otherwise it won't happen, it won't occur. But there are people out there, Rob, who want ones moved, et cetera. Some are in private property. Look, it's something on a private property, for instance, and it's not the landowner that wants it there, and there have been items like that, just quickly send in a support ticket with the actual link of the

of the wishing well and support will then delete it off the map and go from there if that's what you want.

Rob (21:01.468)
Yep. And that's the thing. Right. We have two options. We have the ability to move. We do look at the map. And I will say that moves are rare these days. Instead, we use the Archive button because then players can use the space as they see fit and put it in a location that works best for them. So again, this is where six months worth of prep. Always a good thing.

Seemyshell (21:07.757)

Seemyshell (21:14.017)


Seemyshell (21:23.885)

Seemyshell (21:29.23)
And don't forget as well as Rob, I'll say this and that is the requirements you need for wishing wells, literally one per day you need to cap. That's all. You don't have to set up like, you know, 50 wishing wells in a big circle around your neighborhood area. We technically wouldn't be able to anyway, but yeah, you don't have to do that. One per day. That's it. So you get one at front. Yeah. Yeah, but I'm talking about the average player. The average player is not going to be level six this month, Rob. I'm just letting you know that right now.

Rob (21:48.123)
Level six is higher than one per day. Level six. okay. Okay.

I agree with you 100%. The average player will not be. However, if you are shooting all the way for level six, I've been told that the number is 2.14 caps per day, which means you will need to go and find additional wishing wells at some point in time.

Seemyshell (21:58.014)
So, yeah.

Seemyshell (22:06.904)

Seemyshell (22:12.237)
There you go.

Seemyshell (22:15.966)
Exactly. Or, or if you're a half mile away from your wishing well at your house, sit there in the parking lot of wherever you are and click deploy another one. If it's half a mile away from the other one, that's all you need to do.

Rob (22:29.712)
You are very helpful, Sima Shil. Very.

Seemyshell (22:32.096)
I mean, if people haven't done this already, as you said, it's been six months. If people haven't done this already because of out of, mostly out of spite, they hate Cappy, they hate the wishing wells, blah, blah, blah, blah. It's well, it's okay. You can still, you can still hate Cappy. You can still hate the wishing wells. Guess what? You're not going to get the levels you're required. That's all it's going to be. So there you go. Exactly. Moving on, Rob, we're going to talk about the Evo Bounces this time. This one come up for me last month with a couple of intermediate players asking about.

Rob (22:35.73)

Rob (22:48.616)
Yeah, personal choice. All good.

Seemyshell (22:58.114)
the Evo bouncer points and they're saying, come the end of the month, how am going to get these Craig? There's two ways to get this people. And this is what I've told my friends as well. Number one, the Evo resets is going to be your best friend here. And then if you're getting late on in the month, then you need that little passion pop. What do call it? The little green, the quick grow. I call it passion pop. The little quick grow. So therefore you can publish a bouncer from the Evo's.

Rob (23:17.729)
quick grow

Seemyshell (23:27.03)
And again, Rob, this is another one of those things for me personally, like the Trojan unicorn. I didn't research, I didn't know until later on in my Munzee life and what these Evo bounces do. Guys, people out there listening to this, if you still don't know what they're doing, look into my social media, see my show social media. I have a short video, very short video, less than 60 seconds, showing you exactly how you can use a reset for the Evos.

using Cuppa Z again, Cuppa Z fantastic app. yeah, have a look at that, research the video and go from there. Very easy to do. but the only other way to do it, Rob, is literally just to chase them down the EVO's. If you see an EVO, chase it down, go and grab it. That's it. That's it. That's all you need to do. That's it. Moving on, Rob, we're going to move into the other little bug bear for some of the new things. And that is the physical and virtual rums. Now, firstly, what is a rum?

Rob (24:12.094)
That's it. That's it.

Rob (24:27.272)
So RUM, reseller unique Munzee, R-U-M. right, so these are the original reseller unique Munzees, as in the only ones, the physical one and the virtual one. These are the only two that are going to count in this specific category for this month. So that's the physical version of Space Coast or Geologgers or Neggs, Golden Coins.

Seemyshell (24:32.012)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Seemyshell (24:46.318)

Rob (24:55.822)
All the retired ones and also the virtual form of those. Those are the only things it is cap cap on and deploy and well, everyone has the option of trying to get you know all your points in the first three days of the month if you really want to or you can pay attention to the the double points schedule and you could rely on creativity and.

Seemyshell (25:03.074)

Seemyshell (25:10.254)

Seemyshell (25:17.966)
There you go. There you go. There you go.

Rob (25:22.17)
working together as a clan, know, communication, that sort of thing. That's what I will say. Now, I do acknowledge, yes, this is one that does cost people money if they have not deployed them in the past for previous clan wars or whatever. If you've never put any rums out, then yes, you do have to pay for these.

Seemyshell (25:24.531)
Exactly. Just...

Seemyshell (25:34.542)

Rob (25:46.495)
That payment is the reason that these are not like a specific all the time every single month over and over and over again requirement

Seemyshell (25:54.302)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. There you go. And as you said, Rob, as well, that is number one, you're talking about clan. You're a clan, you're a team, like deploy for each other. Number two, you do not need to finish level six points in the first week. In actual fact, Rob, your advice is don't. Leave it be because what's coming up apparently is double points, which will then help you and then save you literally half of what you think you're gonna spend. Number three, and that is

Rob (26:13.106)

Seemyshell (26:23.458)
deploy for each other so you can get cap ons and by capping as well. So there's, there's that one too. So there's more than just you literally buying all what you need and deploying all what you need and not capping. It's, goes both ways.

Rob (26:34.942)
Put a virtual, put a virtual at a big event. Let's say there's one in Netherlands, you know, that's going to have 40 people at it. Those 40 people might be looking for a virtual rum points as well. Hmm. I wonder what, my gosh, this is, Whoa. Strategery, that's what it is.

Seemyshell (26:39.254)
Yeah. Yes. Yes.

Seemyshell (26:46.362)
Mm-hmm. Exactly. Rob, you're thinking way too much. Hats off to you, Rob, because you are thinking way too much. So there you go. We've got to move along because we're getting late in this one here. This is a longer podcast now. We're going to say capture story land and pouch creatures, chase them in the wild, or you can attract them with magnets on landing pads such as Skylands and tree houses. Now, Rob, we're going to get straight into double points for October.

Rob (26:59.378)
Yeah, try it.

Rob (27:03.677)

Seemyshell (27:14.798)
the info release for that. What are you gonna say about that? Just quickly, what dates have we got?

Rob (27:17.724)
All right, quickly the entire month or what's left of it is virtual colors, double points on all activity there. Friday, October 4th through Sunday, October 6th, we're also adding in flats and elemental mysteries. Wednesday, October 9th through Sunday, the 13th, we have mechs and scatters going for double points. And that's the scattered Munzees, the ones that go out as scatters from different things.

Seemyshell (27:23.118)

Seemyshell (27:43.223)

Rob (27:45.098)
Friday October 18th through Monday the 21st, Jules, Gaming Types and Rums. lots and lots of different types of things that are available. It is possible right now. There might be something else. However, no one can hold me to it because I don't know for sure and we'll see if it's out there by Friday. Yes.

Seemyshell (27:52.079)
there you go.

Seemyshell (27:56.419)

Seemyshell (28:03.744)

Seemyshell (28:07.97)
All I'll say is that there's no cards this month as double points on cards. there you go. Maybe cards, one of those that they're add on in some way. There you go. All right, Robert, moving on, a couple minutes left in talking about glow worm gardens. What are glow worm gardens?

Rob (28:10.876)
I noticed that as well. yeah, something related in some way. Who knows what may come out.

Rob (28:26.504)
Okay, so here's the quick version of Glow Worm Gardens. We've got a Glow Worm Garden pack that's available in the online store. It's a discounted pack for people to get 10 virtuals and 10 virtual colors. And then there are badges associated for this month, badges associated with deploying in a official Glow Worm Garden.

Seemyshell (28:29.699)

Seemyshell (28:39.182)

Rob (28:52.092)
And those are going to be available through Cuppa Z Gardens. All right. So you go there and you can look for them. All of this is going to be written in the blog. So you are all going to have to read just a little bit because we do not have time for me to read everything to you. OK. There are rules about how you can create a garden. I'm not creating all of them, but they will be assigned to Munzee and then Munzee will do the rest of the work to make sure that they are official. And these are going to be 10, 10 virtuals, the little glow worm, just to

Seemyshell (28:55.106)

Seemyshell (29:00.717)

Seemyshell (29:10.37)

Seemyshell (29:20.832)
Mm-hmm. Just a little. Nice little...

Rob (29:22.0)
You figure out how to create what looks like a little wriggling worm on the map. And yeah, let's grow the map with glow worms in the month of October. Why not? Sounds like fun.

Seemyshell (29:26.273)

Seemyshell (29:33.742)
And this can all be done through a couple of the garden. So get your 10 virtual colors, or virtuals and virtual colors in the store now for a discounted ramp by the sounds of it and get to a couple of the gardens. You then start creating it. Do not, do not put this as live as yet. You design it. Once you're finished designing it, you add Munzee as the, as the editor. And then you do the rest from there by the sound. That's what I'm guessing, Rob, by the looks of it. Yep.

Rob (29:57.318)
Yeah, if they make it live, then people start deploying, but they're deploying an unofficial ones until we say this is official. So I would just watch for official ones.

Seemyshell (30:02.794)
Yes, that's right. So watch for the official ones because the official ones is what needed to get these badges. So there you go people. More of that in the blog if you look at going through the blog itself from there. So Rob, moving now to the Munzee question of the week. And the question of the week comes from Debbie on Facebook. This is only a quick question. She talks about the Cub-a-Moles. Sam, you love that. And, and Q-rates. Sam loves that too.

Rob, do you get a rarer cubomorph from a golden or diamond curate or are they all just random?

Rob (30:37.118)
Yes, you do get rare ones, cubimals from diamond and golden crates. Yes, there is there is a bit of a system set up there. So if you always throw away those two crates, because it takes more to open them, you are ditching your your option of getting some of the more rare ones, the more rare ones are worth more points.

Seemyshell (30:40.643)

There you go. So you do.

Seemyshell (31:01.339)
At the end when you can actually redeem them for a bouncer. there you go, people. Very good. Very good. All right, Rob, we're to move on to the Munzee tip of the week. And this one came at me this morning, Rob, on Wednesday morning. And that is, Rob, I just went live on Tuesday this week and I went live with the Munzee monthly moment videos. If you don't know what that is, basically you create the video. It's like a little challenge, a Munzee challenge every single month.

Rob (31:05.032)

Seemyshell (31:26.51)
create the video, upload the video using Cuppa Zee, Sam Cuppa Zee, fantastic. And every single entry gets a badge, every single entry gets a card, and then you go into the draw possibility, draw for a runner up prize, which is about 10 or $15 worth of actual items themselves. Or you can go one step further, big more advancement into your video creation, a storyline, that sort of thing as well. And yeah, you can get a...

the number one or number two sort of prize, Rob, which is up there around the $25 mark. So you've given this stuff away for free. Get your Munzee Monthly Moments videos in. This month is all about the spooky season, so anything spooky. It is physical only, Rob. So deploy or cap a physical showing or doing something spooky related Halloween theme. And I'll say this, and that is, do not be like.

Q22Q17 who said on Facebook publicly, so she said this on Facebook publicly that she forgot Rob, she forgot to upload her, she did her video, forgot to upload it last month and therefore missed out on all these prizes. So my tip for you people and that is do it ASAP. If you are trying to do your clan wars in the first week,

Rob (32:29.448)

Seemyshell (32:44.93)
ditch that idea and still do it long-term. Do your Munzee Monthly Moments video in the first week, if you can. Or think of an idea and get it sorted and get it in because if you don't, you're missing out on free stuff and we all know how much we love free, free stuff. So Rob, anything else you'd like to add to this particular podcast? You did too.

Rob (33:04.848)
I feel your pain, Q22Q17. I also recorded but did not upload. Yeah.

Seemyshell (33:09.838)
There you go. There you go, Brenda. You weren't the only one who missed out on free stuff. Rob misses out on free stuff as well. there you go. All right, Rob. So guess what, mate? That ends another official Munzee podcast.

Rob (33:13.95)

Rob (33:21.778)
Thanks for joining us on this longer than usual Munzee adventure.

Seemyshell (33:24.622)
Don't forget, subscribe, rate and review on your favorite podcasting app and join us next week for another informative episode.

Rob (33:31.93)
And remember, Munzee is more than a game, it's a worldwide community of mobile game players.

Seemyshell (33:36.664)
So keep scanning, keep discovering, keep that Munzey spirit alive. One, two, clan wars for the win. Yeah.

Rob (33:40.99)
yeah, big time. Challenge.

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