Access Your Leadership with Hakim Lakhdar

The Santa Effect: How Believing Can Enhance Your Leadership Abilities

Season 1 Episode 9

In this episode, Hakim reflects on the spirit of the holidays, specifically what it means to believe in Santa and how believing in Santa may unlock a powerful approach to leadership and self-development. He examines and explains approaches he’s adopted from working with his own coach that address creating/manifesting as a part of leadership. While the short episode doesn’t talk entirely about creating, it does address how much more valuable and limitless it is to think that believing creates our seeing, rather than needing to see something to believe (in) it. This perspective is also discussed in the context of developing ourselves as leaders and the “having” vs. “not having” of certain leadership skills. Do we need to first actually have something before we can let ourselves believe we have it? Do we need to first see ourselves being a certain way before we can believe that we can be that? Where else do we see in our lives and in the world this power of believing to create what then see? Can I do this for how I lead others in the way that I might do this for myself and my own development? How does this “believing is seeing” approach relate to having a growth or fixed mindset? These questions are just an opportunity to explore and consider other possibilities and perspectives related to what you believe in. Maybe the more you let yourself believe, the more you’ll create and/or see in your career, your leadership journey and your life.

Feedback (I want to hear from you):

If you’re a senior leader, or even an aspiring leader, and you are interested in the ways you can get out of your head and not only improve your effectiveness as leader, but also love it at the same time, click here to book time for us to talk.

You can also connect with Hakim at 

Did this podcast spark something in you or get you to take action in some way? I’d love your thoughts and feedback on our conversation. You can hit me up on Instagram @lakhdar_coaching, LinkedIn: /hakimlakhdar, Twitter @LakhdarCoaching, and Facebook/LakhdarCoaching

Lastly, if you or anyone you know is interested in learning more about leadership coaching or training opportunities, feel free to drop me a line at

Check out these links!

  1. The Santa Clause Movie clip - 
  2. Believing Is Seeing: A Physicist Explains How Science Shattered His Atheism and Revealed the Necessity of Faith - while I haven’t read this book myself, it looked interesting and could be a worthwhile read.