Access Your Leadership with Hakim Lakhdar

Finding Your Path of Purpose Through A Strong Sense of Self

Season 1 Episode 14

Nicole Miller is the Founder & CEO of WERRK Creative Brand Strategy, a strategic branding and marketing agency supporting businesses in brand awareness resulting in significant sales growth. Nicole joins Access Your Leadership to share her own story as well as her recent and exciting updates regarding her business and new personal/professional focus. She shares how these new amazing developments were the result of some not-so-amazing events that have occurred in her life recently and how your mindset, self-leadership and outlook have served her. Nicole shares insights from her second book that she’s currently working on and how her mother and Nicole’s own role as a mother has helped shape who and how she is today! What’s the relationship between self-awareness and self-leadership that Nicole has incorporated into her way of creating opportunities? What does 28 years of experience and working as an employee teach you about yourself that might prepare you for solo entrepreneurship? How important is it to surround yourself with the right network of people to build you up and support you? How are purpose and passion related and what does it mean (or feel like) to be working from your purpose? How does one create clarity around their purpose so that they live and breathe it every day? Where and how can we learn to get back up when we’ve been knocked down, and how do we prevent those obstacles from defining us? Where does self-talk play a role and what's the potential impact on success when there's negative self-talk? What does going out on your own mean to you as a parent, especially reflecting back onto your own childhood and influences? Nicole’s inspiring story is one of resilience, purpose, passion and authenticity. As she shared in the episode, “I get to be ME everyday” and I can certainly say that we’re all beneficiaries of that. 

Feedback (I/we want to hear from you):

You can connect with Nicole on LinkedIn here

Or you can find her on Instagram here

To learn more about WERRK Creative Brand Strategy click here

Did this podcast spark something in you or get you to take action in some way? I’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback on our conversation. You can hit me up on Instagram @lakhdar_coaching, LinkedIn: /hakimlakhdar, Twitter @LakhdarCoaching, and Facebook/LakhdarCoaching

I’m always looking to connect with people who are passionate about leadership as well as companies who value and support strong leaders in their own organization. If that’s you or you know someone then drop me a line at 

Check out previous episodes of Access Your Leadership on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and YouTube.