Access Your Leadership with Hakim Lakhdar

Realizing Your Leadership Potential: Embracing Choice and Transformation, Part 2 (The Journey)

Season 1 Episode 27

Al Kenny, an internationally respected coach, joins Access Your Leadership again for Part Two of his story of transformation that he shared back in March 2024. As you may recall, Al works to help people achieve their goals and dreams without stress and pressure. In Part One of this conversation, Al shared how he received some rather sobering feedback from a potential hire he was considering for a role on this team. Upon hearing that, Al embarked on a journey that had him learning a ton about performance culture, leadership and most importantly, a great deal about himself. In this episode, Al generously shares the ins and outs, ups and downs of that nearly eight-year journey, its impact on his company, his colleagues, his career and himself. Al's masterful way of describing the lessons and learning that he gained through this journey is captured in this conversation. How and why was hearing such honest feedback at that point in your career such a gift? What were the next steps taken to start learning more about what leadership meant and how you could lead in an authentic way? How was this "newer" version and this pursuit received and/or supported by colleagues who might have had a different previous perception of you? What is the significance of "right and wrong" in how leaders lead themselves and others? Is it really a leader's role to have all the answers or know the "right" way to do things? How does a leader maintain focus on their role as a leader while still creating space for others to add value and grow? How did leading by example impact how people perceived this journey you were on? These a many other questions are so honestly discussed as Al generously shares his experience and growth through this period of his life. If you're wondering if being a leader is something you can do overnight or how knowing (and loving) yourself play a role, you'll want to tune in. Enjoy! 

Feedback (I/we want to hear from you):

You can connect with Al on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn

To connect with Al directly you can email him at  

Did this podcast spark something in you or get you to take action in some way? I’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback on our conversation. You can hit me up on Instagram @lakhdar_coaching, LinkedIn: /hakimlakhdar, Twitter @LakhdarCoaching, and Facebook/LakhdarCoaching

I’m always looking to connect with people who are passionate about leadership as well as companies who value and support strong leaders in their own organization. If that’s you or you know someone then drop me a line at 

Check out previous episodes of Access Your Leadership on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and YouTube.