Access Your Leadership with Hakim Lakhdar

The Power of Your Brand: Strategy, Design and Leadership for Business Growth

Season 1 Episode 32

Laura Sauter is a speaker, fractional CMO and the Owner and Senior Brand Strategist with Agency Bel, a boutique agency that develops identities and visual elements for print and digital communications focused on conscientious organization with a strong sense of corporate responsibility. She joins Access Your Leadership to share how she’s spent the last 23 years successfully building her agency and serving clients in such a valuable way. In this episode, Laura reflects on the path she was on prior to launching her own business and what she learned about herself, and continued to reflect on, along the way. The conversation starts with sharing a big client win that touches on the question of ROI when investing in professional services. How do clients make decisions to work with you? What expectations are discussed from both sides in those early conversations? Why might a service provider not offer or even discourage a client from investing in a particular service and how does that help to build trust? How important is it for both client and service provider to be fully engaged in the work? Why is this type of consulting work similar to panning for gold? How valuable is the phrase “we’ve just always done it that way?” What’s an helpful approach to dealing with clients in that mindset or those who don’t want to put in the work? Where and when in our lives is a self-audit helpful? What were the circumstances and self-talk that went into leaving the corporate world and starting your own agency? How do you know if it’s the right time or the right move to partner with someone else? What does it mean to just “let it breathe” or “create space between the notes”? There is so much gold packed into this episode. You are sure to enjoy Laura, her story and her leadership! 

Feedback (I/we want to hear from you):

You can connect with Laura on LinkedIn

Click here to connect with Laura and learn more about Agency Bel

You can also connect directly with Laura at  

Did this podcast spark something in you or get you to take action in some way? I’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback on our conversation. You can hit me up on Instagram @lakhdar_coaching, LinkedIn: /hakimlakhdar, Twitter @LakhdarCoaching, and Facebook/LakhdarCoaching

I’m always looking to connect with people who are passionate about leadership as well as companies who value and support strong leaders in their own organization. If that’s you or you know someone then drop me a line at 

Check out previous episodes of Access Your Leadership on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and YouTube.