The Good Spreadsheet Podcast

Let's Talk About a Hidden Excel Secret That Changed My Life


Hey, let me tell you a story. It's about Excel, but not the Excel you might be thinking of. This is about a hidden gem inside Excel, something most people don't even know exists. And guess what? This little secret changed my whole career.

Some years ago, I took this six-week temp job. It was just another Excel gig. The pay was average for Excel, nothing to write home about.

But then, I stumbled upon something in Excel – a feature so hidden, yet so powerful, that even the IT guys and the top brass had no clue about it.

Here's the thing: there was this problem, right? Everyone said it couldn't be solved. The IT Department, expensive consultants, were adamant that this was technologically impossible.

But I didn't just solve it with Excel; Me and Excel blew their minds. The next thing I know, they invited me to stay for as long as I like, tripling my pay, and giving me the freedom to do whatever I wanted. That six-week job? It turned into a six-year journey of success after success.

And then, I went on to repeat that in other companies.

Now, you might be thinking, "What's this secret?"

Well, that's exactly what I'm going to show in what came to be called the "Gordon Ramsay Experiment." It's to demonstrate why this hidden Excel feature is so valuable that companies would pay well over average Excel pay rates for someone who can apply it.

My mission? It's simple.

I want to take this rare, hidden knowledge and make it mainstream. I want you to have the same experiences I did, to see your value skyrocket just because you know something most don't. This isn't just about being good at Excel; it's about unlocking its full potential – a potential that most people don't even realize is there.

So, are you ready to dive into this hidden treasure with me? Let's transform your career together. Let's make you part of that elite 1% who knows the real power of Excel. Trust me; it's a game-changer.