The Jenni Carroll Perspective

Mindful Manifestation

April 05, 2024 Jenni Carroll Season 3 Episode 15
Mindful Manifestation
The Jenni Carroll Perspective
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The Jenni Carroll Perspective
Mindful Manifestation
Apr 05, 2024 Season 3 Episode 15
Jenni Carroll

Welcome to the Jenni Carroll Perspective. Manifestation seems to be trending and in this episode we are going to take a look at what manifestation is, the difference between unconscious and Mindful Manifestation and how Mindful Manifestation is related to purpose.


The heart of manifestation is the experience of something. It is an experience by an observer of something perceptible. When it comes to our lives, manifestation may embody the experience of what we want or desire but much more frequently, it embodies what we believe.


Unfortunately, too often manifestation is not generated by what we want or desire, but rather by what we believe to be true. And when it comes to manifestation, what we want isn’t always in alignment with what we believe we deserve. We are always manifesting based not just on our choices, but on our thoughts, feelings and more importantly, the deeper beliefs that we carry. This is an experience of unconscious manifestation. Mindful Manifestation, on the other hand, is the creation of experiences that honor our greatest needs, desires and our greatest purpose.


There are two major obstacles to Mindful Manifestation. The first and foremost is a disconnection from our true selves which leaves us with a deep and enduring belief in being undeserving of good. The second is the extremely common, almost universal belief in scarcity.


When we struggle to see our true value, our Intrinsic Worth, we get caught up in our mistakes and failures, using our flaws to define ourselves and as a result, live by a negative narrative that ultimately creates suffering and pain. We are manifesting all of the time, and when we are disconnected from our true selves and fail to see our deep and unchanging worth we are manifesting what we believe to be true, which is an undeserving-ness, and sometimes even a belief in self-punishment or self-destruction.


The second obstacle to mindful manifestation is the belief in scarcity. Scarcity is the distorted belief that there is only so much good to go around. The belief in scarcity can be applied to anything someone feels is positive or desirable, but most often to money, position or career aspirations, performance, status, and love.


In order to practice Mindful Manifestation, three things need to be present. First, we have to trust in the process, we have to believe that we will be supported in our most authentic desires. Secondly, we must be willing to do the work. And finally, we must believe we are deserving of the gifts.


So how does Mindful Manifestation connect with purpose? There are two specific ways that purpose is affected by manifestation. When we are engaged in a process of Mindful Manifestation, we are consciously living our lives with intention and presence and purpose. The second is that Mindful Manifestation gives us an additional, powerful resource to honor and fulfill our purpose. We are able to tap into the power to create the experiences that will best support us in what we are most here to do.


My loving suggestion is to observe the current circumstances in your life. What are the biggest struggles?  What are the most joyful? What beliefs do you carry that are connected to both? How might these beliefs influence your choices? How might these beliefs be giving the Universe a message. Is that the message you wish to give?


You are light and you are love.


Thank you so much for listening. If you enjoyed the information presented in today's discussion, please consider subscribing to the Jenni Carroll Perspective.

Show Notes Transcript

Welcome to the Jenni Carroll Perspective. Manifestation seems to be trending and in this episode we are going to take a look at what manifestation is, the difference between unconscious and Mindful Manifestation and how Mindful Manifestation is related to purpose.


The heart of manifestation is the experience of something. It is an experience by an observer of something perceptible. When it comes to our lives, manifestation may embody the experience of what we want or desire but much more frequently, it embodies what we believe.


Unfortunately, too often manifestation is not generated by what we want or desire, but rather by what we believe to be true. And when it comes to manifestation, what we want isn’t always in alignment with what we believe we deserve. We are always manifesting based not just on our choices, but on our thoughts, feelings and more importantly, the deeper beliefs that we carry. This is an experience of unconscious manifestation. Mindful Manifestation, on the other hand, is the creation of experiences that honor our greatest needs, desires and our greatest purpose.


There are two major obstacles to Mindful Manifestation. The first and foremost is a disconnection from our true selves which leaves us with a deep and enduring belief in being undeserving of good. The second is the extremely common, almost universal belief in scarcity.


When we struggle to see our true value, our Intrinsic Worth, we get caught up in our mistakes and failures, using our flaws to define ourselves and as a result, live by a negative narrative that ultimately creates suffering and pain. We are manifesting all of the time, and when we are disconnected from our true selves and fail to see our deep and unchanging worth we are manifesting what we believe to be true, which is an undeserving-ness, and sometimes even a belief in self-punishment or self-destruction.


The second obstacle to mindful manifestation is the belief in scarcity. Scarcity is the distorted belief that there is only so much good to go around. The belief in scarcity can be applied to anything someone feels is positive or desirable, but most often to money, position or career aspirations, performance, status, and love.


In order to practice Mindful Manifestation, three things need to be present. First, we have to trust in the process, we have to believe that we will be supported in our most authentic desires. Secondly, we must be willing to do the work. And finally, we must believe we are deserving of the gifts.


So how does Mindful Manifestation connect with purpose? There are two specific ways that purpose is affected by manifestation. When we are engaged in a process of Mindful Manifestation, we are consciously living our lives with intention and presence and purpose. The second is that Mindful Manifestation gives us an additional, powerful resource to honor and fulfill our purpose. We are able to tap into the power to create the experiences that will best support us in what we are most here to do.


My loving suggestion is to observe the current circumstances in your life. What are the biggest struggles?  What are the most joyful? What beliefs do you carry that are connected to both? How might these beliefs influence your choices? How might these beliefs be giving the Universe a message. Is that the message you wish to give?


You are light and you are love.


Thank you so much for listening. If you enjoyed the information presented in today's discussion, please consider subscribing to the Jenni Carroll Perspective.

Welcome to the Jenni Carroll Perspective. Manifestation might be the new word of the day. It’s definitely something people seem to be talking about ... which is so cool because manifestation speaks to our ability to connect to something transcendent, something more, a greater capacity than is typically thought of as part of the human condition. So with the goal of continuing our conversation on purpose, today we are going to explore the principle of Mindful Manifestation, what it is and how it relates to purpose. So much of the time we experience our lives as riding on a bit of chance or luck, certainly being well aware of all that we cannot control. I think it is really exciting to flip the paradigm and consider all that we can control. I hope you do too.


What exactly is manifestation? The Oxford dictionary tells us that manifestation is “an event, action or object that clearly shows or embodies something, especially a theory or an abstract idea.” Miriam Webster agrees, stating that manifestation is a “perceptible, outward, or visible expression.” Both of these definitions agree that the heart of manifestation is in the experience of something  - an experience by the observer of something perceptible. When it comes to our lives, manifestation embodies the experience of what we want or desire but much more importantly, it embodies what we believe.


I think that most of us believe that we do have some power over the choices we make. We can choose to work hard, honor our responsibilities, be good citizens, be kind, help others and so on. Yet, we also tend to believe that despite our good choices there is an element of luck or chance and by contrast, unfortunately, the opposite... an element of bad luck, undesirable things happening outside of our control that can interfere with what we want for ourselves and the people we care about. At the end of the day, we all live with a quiet vulnerability, accepting that there are forces in our lives and in the world around us that are simply beyond our control. 


Interestingly, I think many of us work hard to battle this inherent vulnerability. We attempt a subconscious retaliation by trying to exert control of others or over our environment. Anxiety is an expression of the deep fear our inherent lack of control generates. As a result we attempt to ease our anxiety through fighting back. Even if our fighting back includes only the negative, worried thoughts in our head.  


When it comes to the power of manifestation in our lives, as in many conversations before, we run into a paradox. There is no arguing the fact that what happens outside of us, in many ways, IS beyond our control. Or, at least at this point in the evolution of human understanding, most of us have the ability to determine. Yet notwithstanding this accepted fact, the reality is that we have more power, more control than we realize. And this power goes beyond just “being a good person” or “doing the right things” and “making good choices” - we actually have the ability to shape our experience to create the things we most want or desire. This is manifestation.


Okay, so if the principle of manifestation is true, if we really do have power over creating what we most want and desire, then why aren’t we all doing this? Why isn’t everyone driving to their dream job in a Mercedes and vacationing on the French Riviera? The answer is that while we all technically have this power, there do exist very real obstacles to this incredible resource. Obstacles that most of us are unaware of, and because of our oblivion, keep us from manifesting the way we want. 


Manifesting- the- way- we- want. Because, and here is what is key to understand - even though we may not be using our ability to manifest our most authentic needs and desires, we are unconsciously manifesting all of the time. 


Manifestation is not generated by what we want or desire, it is created by what we believe to be true. Unfortunately when it comes to manifestation, what we want isn’t always in alignment with what we believe we deserve. And sometimes, what we think we want is in competition with another part of us that wants something different, and while usually unconscious, this part of us, this need for something, often unhealthy or counterproductive and a reflection of our wounding, is generally more powerful than the part that wants something good.


Does this idea resonate with you? Whether or not we are consciously aware, we are manifesting our experiences all of the time. Take a minute to think about your own experiences and circumstances. Where are your biggest struggles? What do you think your beliefs are about these struggles? And, on the flip side, where are your greatest sources of joy or what seems to be the easiest in your life? What do you think your beliefs are about these blessings? 


So again, let’s be clear. We are always manifesting based not just on our choices, but on our thoughts, feelings and more importantly, the deeper beliefs that we carry. This is an experience of unconscious manifestation. Instead, what everyone seems to be talking about, this cool new idea of manifestation.... is Mindful Manifestation. Mindful Manifestation is the creation of experiences that honor our greatest needs, desires and our greatest purpose. Mindful Manifestation requires us to be aware and present with what serves us best, reflects our most authentic desires and gives us the opportunity to honor and fulfill our deepest purpose. 


But, here is the catch. There are two major obstacles to Mindful Manifestation. The first and foremost is a disconnection from our true selves which leaves us with a deep and enduring belief in being undeserving of good. The second is the extremely common, almost universal belief in scarcity. Let’s start with the undeserving part. 


Understanding this obstacle requires us to revisit the foundational spiritual principle of Intrinsic Worth. Intrinsic Worth is our innate value, present from birth and not dependent on who we are or what we do. This innate value, this deep worthiness is a part of our greater or true selves, or what we might consider our soul. Unfortunately, many of us, in fact I would argue the vast majority of us, are quite disconnected from our true selves and as a result, suffer from a varying sense of being less than, undeserving, unworthy. When we struggle to see our true value, we get caught up in our mistakes and failures, using our flaws to define ourselves and as a result, live by a negative narrative that ultimately creates suffering and pain. So remember, we are manifesting all of the time, and when we are disconnected from our true selves and fail to see our deep and unchanging worth, which by the way, includes the deserving of all things good, we are manifesting what we believe to be true, which is an undeserving-ness, and sometimes even a belief in self-punishment or self-destruction.


It is also important to understand the significant difference between what we need or desire and what we believe. The combination of unfulfilled, yet very authentic desires, is truly a recipe for pain. One that often comes up is the desire for love. So many people struggle to find “the one” and experience the pain of both loneliness and rejection many times over. The desire for love and to be loved also shows up in circumstances where there is a partner or spouse, but the individual continues to feel lonely, rejected, unloved. In both of these cases, there is a part of the individual who believes that they are undeserving of love. As much as they want a kind, attentive, loving partner, there is an underlying belief that it is not in the cards for them because it is not what they deserve. Now, remember, at least to some extent this belief is unconscious, and this same person may be doing all the things a person can do to find a partner or to please the partner they have. Yet, their circumstances remain static. Or also commonly, the feelings of being unloved persist even as circumstances may shift. Why? Because they are living what they believe versus what they desire. And unfortunately, too frequently what a person most desires is in direct opposition to what they believe.


The second obstacle to mindful manifestation is the belief in scarcity. I will confidently go out on a limb to say that every one of us either holds to a belief in scarcity or has or will at some point in our lives. Scarcity is the distorted belief that there is only so much good to go around. The belief in scarcity can be applied to anything someone feels is positive or desirable, but most often to money, position or career aspirations, performance, status, and love. So many of us dismiss our most authentic desires because we feel the odds are against us, that there are just too many people vying for the same things, and ultimately the good is going to run out. Living our human lives, it is both easy and understandable to see how we might operate from this perspective. We naturally compare ourselves to others - their strengths, skills, resources and frequently come up short. What others might be able to snag, is just out of our reach. 


Unfortunately, when we hold to the belief in scarcity, it influences how and what we manifest. If we believe that it is hard to make money or impossible to become wealthy, then we will likely live our lives struggling with money. If we believe that despite our talents, there are too many others who are better, we will likely not pursue our dreams or goals and stay stuck in jobs or careers that don’t suit us. If we believe that all the good men (or women) are taken, then we will probably be hunkering down for the single life. The huge frustration with this very typical process, is that scarcity is a myth. What someone else is enjoying has no impact on whether or not we can achieve the same or better. But, you might be wondering, what about in situations where there is literally only so much. Like a particular position at work, one role for one individual and thirty qualified candidates in the running. Here’s the thing... there is no scarcity because the universe will always provide us what we believe. So if we trust that our needs will be met, and we are willing to do the work (this is not a genie in the bottle sort of experience), and we also believe we are deserving of the gifts. Manifestation will occur. You have to remember  - as we discussed in our last episode on Authentic Empowerment and The Seat of the Soul, that when we operate only from a Five-Sensory Perspective we are limited in our understanding and our perspective. But when we shift to a Multi-Sensory Perspective we are not limited by what we see, hear, touch, experience in the physical world alone. The answer to our desires is out there, even if we are far from understanding exactly how it will show up.


So, to practice mindful manifestation in your life, three things need to be present. First, we have to trust in the process, we have to believe that we will be supported in our most authentic desires. Secondly, we must be willing to do the work. If we are desiring to meet the love of our life, we must create opportunities to meet that person. This is interesting because could the universe send us our true love as the Door Dash delivery person because we spend every weekend at home watching Netflix. Yes, quite possibly. But I also think when it comes to Mindful Manifestation, we need to align ourselves in all ways with what we trust will happen. If we are sitting around the house when we could be out meeting and interacting with people then we not really in alignment with what we believe or desire. Finally, we must accept our Intrinsic Worth. We must believe we are worthy of the gifts. This last piece is not one we can sneak past. If we don’t believe we are worthy, then we are believing the opposite. If we are believing the opposite, then we are manifesting things we believe we deserve rather than what we desire. 


So how does Mindful Manifestation connect with purpose? There are two specific ways that purpose is affected by manifestation. Remember, we are continually manifesting whether we are aware of it or not. But when we are engaged in a process of Mindful Manifestation, then we are consciously living our lives with intention and presence and purpose. In other words, we are naturally fulfilling our purpose as we go. The second is that Mindful Manifestation gives us an additional, powerful resource to honor and fulfill our purpose. We are able to tap into the  power to create the experiences that will best support us in what we are most here to do.


Many spiritual teachers have described various ways of following the steps to Mindful Manifestation. I do believe that the essential pieces are what we’ve already discussed: trust that what is needed will be provided; a willingness to do our part; and the belief that we are deserving of the gifts. But when it comes to actually doing something, an action so to speak, the recurrent suggested steps include a blend of visualization, affirmation and positive emotion. So first, it is always important to very specifically identify what it is that you need or desire, with the main defining features made clear. For example, rather than, “I want a new job,”, we would be more specific....”I would like to be supported in finding a job that offers me an outlet for my artistic creativity, offers flexibility in hours and would both interest and motivate me.” Next, there needs to be some type of process to ask for the need or desire. This can be through writing, prayer or meditation, visualization  - such as imagining the desire being played out as if you were watching a movie. An added part to this, which I think is an important aspect of the process, is try to feel the emotion that you will feel when the need or desire is met. Feel the joy, excitement, gratefulness that you expect to experience as you ask for what you need. Finally, it is important to give thanks. Offer appreciation and recognition of the grace you trust you will receive.


My loving suggestion is again to observe the current circumstances in your life. What are the biggest struggles?  What are the most joyful? What beliefs do you carry that are connected to both? How might these beliefs influence your choices? How might these beliefs be giving the Universe a message. Is that the message you wish to give?


Thank you so much for joining me today. I hope something on this discussion of Mindful Manifestation has been helpful or inspiring in some way. Happy Manifesting.


You are light and you are love.