Disquiet Pride
Ecology and LGBTQ podcasts, original broadcast productions, coming at you first from KZYX & Z Listener-Powered Community Radio for Mendocino County and Beyond:
The Ecology Hour
Disquiet on the Western Front
The Trail Stewards Radio Hour, with Co-host Paul Shulman
Pride Nation 101. with Co-host Roland Cory Medina
Tune in for politics, ecology, LGBTQIA+ issues, art, and activism. If you like these, please share me on to a friend!
And... big gratitude to KCXU San Jose--Engaging, Diverse, Community Voices; KMUD Garberville--Redwood Community Radio; and KAKX Mendocino--Student-Powered Radio.
Thanks also to the Cloud Forest Institute--www.cloudforest.org--for being our fiscal sponsor.
If you enjoy these shows, go to the Cloud Forest's site and drop me a donation! Thanks, Gracias, y Shukran b'zhef!
Disquiet Pride
Evan Mills PhD on the Unsung Power of Efficiency, an Indoor Cannabis Carbon Bomb, and Green Remittances: Disquiet on the Western Front, September 2022
Join Nobel Laureate Evan Mills, PhD for a wide-ranging discussion addressing issues from the unsung power of efficiency to the carbon footprint of indoor cannabis production to an innovative proposal for green remittances. Evan is an energy systems analyst and long-time researcher for Lawrence Berkeley Labs. This show was originally broadcast in September of 2022 on KCXU San Jose--Engaging, Diverse Community Voices as the Disquiet Voices Radio Hour.