Faith Walk

The New Creature with Don Carpenter

June 05, 2024 Don Carpenter
The New Creature with Don Carpenter
Faith Walk
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Faith Walk
The New Creature with Don Carpenter
Jun 05, 2024
Don Carpenter

What does it really mean to be "in Christ"? Join us as we uncover the profound transformation of becoming a new creature in Christ and explore how this transcends the mere presence of the Lord within us. We promise you'll leave this episode with a deeper understanding of the eternal significance of the actions you take as a believer, set against the fleeting nature of worldly pursuits. Discover how a new mindset marked by generosity and reliance on divine wisdom shapes the behaviors of those reborn in faith, and learn about the powerful, life-giving nature of the words spoken by believers that are infused with God's strength and wisdom.

Reflect on the imagery of Christ's humble beginnings in a manger and His journey to performing miraculous acts, as we discuss the parallels to our own spiritual growth. We are sons of God, called to awaken from our spiritual slumber and embrace the fullness of our divine nature. With assurance that we shall be like Christ when He appears, this episode emphasizes the importance of fellowship, mutual edification, and tapping into the hidden wisdom of God. Tune in to be inspired to step into your potential as a new creature in Christ, empowered to live and speak with divine authority.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

What does it really mean to be "in Christ"? Join us as we uncover the profound transformation of becoming a new creature in Christ and explore how this transcends the mere presence of the Lord within us. We promise you'll leave this episode with a deeper understanding of the eternal significance of the actions you take as a believer, set against the fleeting nature of worldly pursuits. Discover how a new mindset marked by generosity and reliance on divine wisdom shapes the behaviors of those reborn in faith, and learn about the powerful, life-giving nature of the words spoken by believers that are infused with God's strength and wisdom.

Reflect on the imagery of Christ's humble beginnings in a manger and His journey to performing miraculous acts, as we discuss the parallels to our own spiritual growth. We are sons of God, called to awaken from our spiritual slumber and embrace the fullness of our divine nature. With assurance that we shall be like Christ when He appears, this episode emphasizes the importance of fellowship, mutual edification, and tapping into the hidden wisdom of God. Tune in to be inspired to step into your potential as a new creature in Christ, empowered to live and speak with divine authority.

Speaker 1:

A new creature in Christ. What kind of a creature is that? Some people think, well, one that's saved, yes, but you know what does a saved? What's it like being a saved creature? But when we are born again, the transformation is phenomenal. If you're in Christ, you're now a new creature. You know, you'll hear people say I have the Lord inside of me and that's the beginning of this spirit life. I've asked Jesus to come and live with me and he's in me. But it's another level for us to live as if we are in Christ. And now you're as a new creature. You have a purpose for life, the world. They think they have a purpose, but everything they do passes away, it comes to naught. We help temporarily, we bless temporarily, but it's only temporarily. But everything that the new creature does is eternal, for who hath known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him. But we now, every time in the Bible, in the New Testament, that you see this term, we, especially in Paul's epistles, every time you see that he's talking about you, the believer, he's talking about the new creation. Every time you see we, you know we. Usually that's what it's referring to New creation. But we have the mind of Christ.

Speaker 1:

Now the reason I want to tell you this what is so amazing is that when you are a new creature, you think differently In the world. You strive hard to earn your money. You hoard and you collect for a rainy day. A believer has income and has storage as well and have money there. But the thing is, when they see a need, they share it, they contribute it, they give to that, they do not hold back. Now you're going to say why would you do that If you were a wise person? If you were a wise man or woman, you would not be doing so much. Don't give 200, give 20. Don't give 2,000't give 200, give 20. Don't give 2 000, give 200. The wisdom would say hoard it, because you're probably going to need it yourself later on. But that's the wisdom that comes from men. Amen In verse 5 of 2 Corinthians your faith.

Speaker 1:

Now, who's the your? The your that he's talking about here is the new created creature in Christ that you are becoming your. Why are you? Are your the new creation? Man, the new creation should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. See, god gives power for lots of things. He gives power for us to move and have our being. He gives power for us to move and have our being. He gives power in faith. He gives power when the enemy comes against us. We serve a mighty God of power, and all of these blessings are given to the new creature that's in Christ Jesus, because God will give wisdom, and he gives it in abundance and he expects us to use it. He expects the new creature, who is now strong in faith, to no longer rely on the wisdom of men, what the world relies on. But I'm going to go down to verse 7.

Speaker 1:

But we speak the wisdom of God. We speak it. Did you see that? We speak the wisdom of God. How are new believers going to get strong? How are they going to grow? They listen. They listen to God's ministers, they listen to other believers, they listen to what the Lord himself says. They listen Hallelujah and everything that is spoken where the new creation man is comfortable.

Speaker 1:

Is God speaking Now. When you think about that for a moment, every believer in the spirit, every believer, everything they speak, is God speaking now. That's taking it out there like hello, like that is just way too much. But that's what it says. See, there are many passages in the Bible that are so powerful, so strong that if we could just tap into it, we would move in such a way that we would have understanding for every situation we find ourselves in. We would know exactly what we should do, what we should say, when we should say it or when we're not to say it.

Speaker 1:

The new creature is absolutely powerful, beyond what the human mind, what the human wisdom, could even try to figure out. And we have been entrusted with it. It's a trust. This was the wisdom of God that we would have and speak this wisdom. That's the wisdom of God. That's why it's so important that we gather so that we may have fellowship with one another, because we strengthen one another.

Speaker 1:

We do not speak the wisdom of this world to an individual thinking that that is the word of God. The word of God does not come from the mouth of a worldly individual. It may sound like it is, but I want to tell you something about the word of God. When a believer speaks the word of God, that is life. When an unbeliever speaks a word from God, there's no life in it. You're going to say well, it's the sound, I've heard the message. It's not just your word. Your word is traveling with the invisible power of God. That word that you speak is not just a.

Speaker 1:

Anybody could stand up, a heathen could stand up and say Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. And you'd get chills and say yeah, yeah, yeah, oh man, that was wonderful. No, it wasn't wonderful. You misunderstood. There was no life in what they said. Life is in the word, that's in the new creative being, the new creature. When the new creature speaks the word, it's a good seed.

Speaker 1:

Have you ever and I'm sure you have, if you're a gardener, that's the time of year here right now if you were to plant a seed, if you were to plant an old, dead seed, you could go through all the mechanics getting the ground ready and planting and nothing will grow. There has to be power in the seed and there's power in the word. This is the hidden wisdom of God. I'm going to say this to you today and I want you to hear me clearly. I know what I'm saying. We are in a period where we're going to have to know those who are of God. We are living in a period when we must know that it's a word of life. We're living in a time where politics and a lot of foolishness that's gone on won't cut it anymore.

Speaker 1:

People now, the true ones, the true people are going to hang on to those that have the mind of Christ and they want to know what it's like the greatest philosophers In this world, past and present. They're restricted and they're clouded in their thinking and their understanding because they're not a new creature. I believe that there has to be a birthing of a new creature and I believe that that new creature must be nourished and matured and will continue to minister in the things of God. Colossians, chapter 2, verse 3. Maybe I'll start with verse 1. For I would that you knew what great conflict I have for you and for them at Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh, that their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding. Therefore, their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love unto all riches of the full assurance of the understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God and of the Father and of Christ, in whom are here all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

Speaker 1:

In John, chapter 1, verse 12 see, we're all we're witnessing in our lifetime. Right now, at this stage, we are witnessing the unfolding of the kingdom of God that is coming in like a mighty rushing wind. We're seeing the manifestation of this kingdom. We see maturity. We see people that are hungry for maturity. But listen to to this John 1, 12.

Speaker 1:

Here's what the Bible says and I think it's so important that we listen to what the Word of God says. But as many as received him this doesn't happen to everybody. There is a teaching out there. Everybody's going to be okay, everybody's going to be safe. No, as many as received him, to them Gave he power To become the sons of God, even to them, or that believe on his name. Who are the them? The ones that believe on his name? Hallelujah, that's so encouraging. Power to become Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world. Implying to me, the sons of God are led by the Spirit of God.

Speaker 1:

Let's look at Romans 8, 19. I'm going to share with you something more about this new creature in Christ. These are some qualities we need to think about. For the earnest expectation of what? Of the creature? What's he earnestly, anxiously anticipating, waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God and the manifestation of the sons of God. He wants to see them all speaking the wisdom of God. He wants to see them all moving in the power of God. He wants to hear them declaring this is what God is like and this is what God is saying and doing. They're anticipating that this new creature in christ, god's people, are having a major spiritual awakening. Right now we've entered the age of the kingdom, which is the age of the spirit. We've left the day of the soul and we've truly entered into what's known as the third day, the day of the spirit. We're moving in this and this new creature couldn't be happier time of manifestation like we've never known it, and it can only happen if we'll step out and do it.

Speaker 1:

It's like a little one, and we know that they can do something. Little one and we know that they can do something, but they don't know that they can do it. And we'll say come on, you can stand. Yes, you can walk. Yes, you can. No, they don't know it. They look at you like are you all right in the head? Like what's going on? Yeah, you can do it, and you let them stand.

Speaker 1:

I think probably one of the an example I could use. That you may find interesting is if you got a bicycle for your child or maybe your parent did it to you and when you're trying to learn to ride the bicycle, you know they hold the seat, they hold the handles and you do that and you pedal. They hold the handles and you do that and you pedal. You know you do that. Who knows 15, 20 times. You're saying you're doing really good. Okay, let's do it again, do it again. And time 21 you take the handles and you steer it and you're still holding the seat and, yeah, you can do it. Ah, time 26, and you're getting ready to do it and they start down the road. Okay, pedal, let's go. And they're doing it. They're pedaling, they're balancing, maybe starting to wobble a bit, but they're doing it. You've been waiting for that. You've been involved in trying to get your child to learn to ride a bicycle.

Speaker 1:

Well, in the kingdom of God, god is trying to tell us come on, you can do it. There's so much waiting for you. You are a new creature and the new creature is Christ in you. I'm reminded today of Christ laying there in the manger, wrapped in swaddling clothes. Couldn't do anything but just lay there. That's all he could do, but there came a day when he could walk on water and calm the storms. It's time to come out of those swaddling clothes as you lay there sleeping. Let us arise and go forth. Now are we the sons of god? First john 3, 2 and doth. Not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.

The Power of the New Creature
Awakening to New Spiritual Life