Au Pairs in Australia

Au Pair Story: Frieda

Fiona Season 1 Episode 2

Would you like to know what it's like to be an Au Pair in Australia? Frieda is from Germany and is currently living in Perth as an Au Pair. In this episode Frieda joins me to share her experience as an Au Pair in Australia. Hear why she wanted to be an Au Pair, what she did to become an Au Pair, how she's finding it and what advice she has for others who are considering becoming an Au Pair.

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Welcome back to the Au Pairs in Australia podcast, I hope that you enjoyed the first episode, and if you haven’t had a chance to listen to it yet, maybe consider doing so after this episode. Today I’m excited to welcome the first guest to the Au Pairs in Australia podcast. It seems fitting that the first guest is the current Au Pair with our family - Frieda is 18 years old and from Germany, she commenced her placement with our family in August and is staying with us for six months. Frieda has been very supportive of my idea to create this podcast which I am particularly grateful for, so welcome Frieda and thank you for agreeing to be my first guest.

Hi Fiona, it’s great to be here and thanks for inviting me to be the first guest on the Au Pairs in Australia podcast.

Let’s get started. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and why you decided to become an Au Pair in Australia?

I just finished German highschool in June and I’ve always wanted to go abroad afterwards, also because I don’t know what I’m going to do regarding my career path. And I just love spending time with kids, so that seemed like the right combination. You get to know a new culture, connect with new people, you also learn the language, all whilst travelling and exploring a new country.

Now I know the answer to this but could you tell us about your host family and where they’re located?

My host family consists of  three kids, two boys of the age five and eight, and a six year old girl, my host dad and my host mum (you) and a dog called Cruz. We are located in a suburb of Perth, nearly 40 minutes from the city, which is pretty cool because you have the city not too far away, the beach nearby but also the kangaroos in the garden.

How did you find your Host Family and what was the process like?

I found my host family through an agency. I just had to fill in an application, where you answer some questions, upload some documents, for example proof of having some childcare experience and upload some pictures of you with your family, some friends and kids. After that I had an interview with someone from the agency and soon host families were able to see my profile and contact me. Then I had some interviews and finally matched with my host family. After that I had to prepare some things for my departure and when it was time to fly to Australia, I flew to Sydney for my orientation days and from there out to Perth.

What did you do to prepare for your Au Pair placement before you left Germany?

I especially had to prepare some documents, such as my passport, I needed an International Driver’s License, needed to apply for my Working Holiday Visa and also needed some financial proof like a bank statement so that they’re able to see that I could fly back home if needed. Other things I prepared was stuff with my insurances. Two weeks before departure I needed to apply for my Australian bank account. For the first few days I also got myself some cash, even though I was able to pay with my Visa card everywhere. Then I just thought about what I would need to pack and was thinking of presents I could give to my host family.

Can you tell us about the first days with your host family?

My host mum picked me up from the airport and as we arrived home I got to meet the youngest, who was a bit shy at first. Then I was shown the house and my room, where I got some time to unpack my things and have a little rest. And shortly after that the rest of the family arrived and I was warmly welcomed. The first weekend we just spent to get to know each other better and I felt like I connected to the kids within the first 24 hours. As the week started I first worked with my host dad, he showed me how everything works, their normal routine and my schedule. As driving the kids to school is a part of my job, my host dad took me on a few drives to get comfortable driving on the left side.

Is there anything that you wish you had or hadn’t packed for your time in Australia? And what’s something that you’re really glad that you did pack?

I’m actually really happy with what I packed, I’d rather just have not too much as you can buy everything here. Something I’m really glad I packed would be my jacket (like a leather jacket) that I can casually wear with a jumper underneath but that I can also dress up when I’m going out.

Can you tell us about a normal day in the life of an Au Pair with your host family?

Normally I get up around 7 and the kids eat breakfast. Afterwards we just get ready for school. That means getting them dressed in their school uniforms and through the bathroom. Then we drive to school, it starts around 8:30. When I get back there’s just some chores waiting for me like doing the laundry or vacuuming. After that’s done I’ve got some free time where I can just meet a friend for a coffee or go and visit the beach. I’m picking up the kids from school at around 3pm. Sometimes I take the kids to their activities, otherwise we’re driving back home, then we eat something, get changed into normal clothes and have fun like playing sports in the garden, a game of memory or just doing some crafts. My work day ends at around 5:30 where of course you have to say that as an au pair, you will most likely still play with them afterwards if you don’t have other plans. Twice a week I’m also cooking, so maybe that’s on the plan for the day too.

How have you gone about making friends in Australia and what are some of the adventures that you’ve had so far?

I’d say it’s not too difficult to meet new people, as so many people are in the same situation as you. It’s just sometimes hard to find some like minded people that you really want to see again. Luckily my host mum found some other Au Pairs in my area via facebook, otherwise I just used BumbleBFF or went to group meet ups to get to know some people. We spend time exploring the area or also just to relax at the beach. If I need to think of an adventure it’s probably staying up all night to see the sunrise which was not as good as we hoped for but it was still a good experience, something else would probably be holding a koala that was pretty cool too.

What is your favourite place that you have visited so far? 

A few weeks ago my host family took me on a camping trip down to Albany with them and there I’ve seen the nicest beach I’ve ever seen in my life. And if I had to think of a place here in the area I’d probably say Fremantle and the Fremantle Markets.

Can you tell us what is your impression of Australia so far?

Of course it’s really good. One of the first things I’ve noticed is the difference in the mentality of the people. People here are so open, friendly and communicative. Even though sometimes it’s hard to understand them because of them using so much slang. Something else I’ve noticed is the food, it’s really good and of course the beautiful landscapes and animals. It’s quite incredible what I’ve seen so far.

What are your plans for after your Au Pair placement, both in Australia and once you return home?

Afterwards I plan on travelling the east coast, I really want to take my time and maybe work a bit along the way. On my way back I’m going to make a stop in Singapore for 2 and a half weeks and then I’ll fly back home. But then I don’t know what I’m going to do, hopefully I will know by the time I arrive home.

What advice do you have for future Au Pairs in Australia?

Something that probably everyone says is listen to your gut and I’d also say enjoy every moment because time flies by so fast.

Thanks Frieda for joining me as the first guest on the Au Pairs in Australia podcast. I’m sure those listening will have enjoyed hearing about your experience and of course I hope you continue to enjoy your Au Pair placement and the travel adventures ahead of you.

For those listening to the podcast, I hope you’ve enjoyed this episode and particularly enjoyed hearing from the first guest on the Au Pairs in Australia podcast. If you have enjoyed this episode it would mean a lot to me if you could share it with your friends and family, subscribe for future episodes and maybe even write a review on the podcast platform you’re listening on. I would also love to hear any feedback that you might have on this episode or suggestions for content in future episodes, so please reach out via the Instagram account aupairsinaustraliapodcast with any feedback. Thanks again, and I’ll catch you next time!

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