The Rollback Show

Zuzu + Super61

January 01, 2024 TheHoodFlorist Season 1 Episode 12
Zuzu + Super61
The Rollback Show
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The Rollback Show
Zuzu + Super61
Jan 01, 2024 Season 1 Episode 12

Every week, the scent of burgers mingled with burning rubber as White Castle became our sanctuary—a church where the sermon was the rev of an engine and the congregation, car enthusiasts with gasoline pulsing through their veins. Gather round as OGs Zuzu and Super61 roll back the clock to when the streets were our playground, and the cops kept their sirens silent for the sake of peace. In this nostalgic joyride, we swap tales from the pulse-pounding car meets that shaped our lives, sharing the rush of learning to swing steel beasts with finesse, and the indelible mark these nights left on our souls.

Then, we gear up for a throwback to the days of Super Mall and Cook Brothers, where the asphalt witnessed more drama than a daytime soap. Laughter, adrenaline, and the occasional moment of solemn reflection color these stories, like the unforgettable run-in with a brave (or perhaps foolish) cameraman. Join us on this trip down memory lane, where the lessons learned in the fast lane still reverberate in our hearts, steering us through life long after the rubber cools and the engines quiet.

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Every week, the scent of burgers mingled with burning rubber as White Castle became our sanctuary—a church where the sermon was the rev of an engine and the congregation, car enthusiasts with gasoline pulsing through their veins. Gather round as OGs Zuzu and Super61 roll back the clock to when the streets were our playground, and the cops kept their sirens silent for the sake of peace. In this nostalgic joyride, we swap tales from the pulse-pounding car meets that shaped our lives, sharing the rush of learning to swing steel beasts with finesse, and the indelible mark these nights left on our souls.

Then, we gear up for a throwback to the days of Super Mall and Cook Brothers, where the asphalt witnessed more drama than a daytime soap. Laughter, adrenaline, and the occasional moment of solemn reflection color these stories, like the unforgettable run-in with a brave (or perhaps foolish) cameraman. Join us on this trip down memory lane, where the lessons learned in the fast lane still reverberate in our hearts, steering us through life long after the rubber cools and the engines quiet.

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Speaker 1:

Yo yo yo, it's your boy, the hood at Flourish and you tuning in to the Roe back show today a special episode because we got two OGs in this motherfucker we got FPV, fpv, super, aka super six one, and we got fucking Zuzu in this shit boy and we got another motherfucking head with a shite on it. No folks name, but fucking he, gang, gang to tell him your name, dog, veto, veto. Yeah, yeah, this is real.

Speaker 3:

OGs, we might he stopped out too early. Yeah say he sees to come, but now he didn't.

Speaker 1:

He didn't spend far while we're part of the white castle crew, like part of the OG crew, man G, so y'all got to tell me some stories about white castles because I wouldn't have experienced it. I came on the scene at the white castles was Fred white castles to be like used to be like the shit.

Speaker 3:

Like no eddies drop, people just buy. They can say I say it by heart go over there like no eddies dropped, everybody following each other what I can't say, what lasts like an hour or two before well, sometimes I swear to God, sometime we had, we had a night that lasted like for five hours, oh easy easy five hours and it's all love. No, no fucking fights, no shootings, no fucking breaking into the fucking stores over there dude.

Speaker 4:

I remember coming there was a cop in the back. He always stood in the back by actual. I guess so, yeah, I drove up. I'm like you guys don't care about this at all. He's, and he just looked at me like I'm just here to make sure you guys don't fight or nothing other than that you guys can go ahead. He literally did not give a flying fuck man, it was it was.

Speaker 3:

It was the shit to be on. I got like to that's that's, that's a spot that will tell my kids about. Like oh, that is, I will tell my kids like that's where.

Speaker 4:

I see how well he does little Diaz coming in with a little beach chairs come they were to set up.

Speaker 3:

People will come in with beach chairs and sit down and yeah, every week just enjoy the show. Yeah, it was a whole family that's actually where we're all started learning, where, like, we're swinging shit. You learned on your own, I learned, but I learned in the meets and I'd never like breaks outside the meets. I ain't gonna like you. I'm straight up with everybody. I never picked us out of the meeting, probably once or twice. The only time I practiced outside the meat when I tried to do the 360?

Speaker 4:

oh yeah, I didn't know 87 no, I'm saying like you need the room.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, 87 was good enough for me. I did over there, but I didn't either than that I never practice outside the meets hey, you want to hear some funny shizu motherfucking.

Speaker 1:

My mama called me Friday. Motherfucking turned up she on the phone oh my god, I just seen your guys. I just seen your guys. I'm like my, what you talking about. She like they doing donuts at home Depot parking lot on 87. She liked the smell of the rubber is just so fucking all she was turned up.

Speaker 1:

I was right something else my motherfucking OG. She, my OG, is like the real OG of the family, like my old man was the hustler. He bought all the fast cars and shit. But my mama, she was the speed freak, she used to drive them.

Speaker 4:

My mama used to drag race on South Chicago yeah, just wanted to show off the cars and kind of nice and park yeah, he wanted to park and chill with his nice shit and my mama was like fuck that, but no man G.

Speaker 1:

So because I've been hearing so many stories about like white castles and like the way the community was, then like give a people some insight to how that community felt man, it was like you know how you work all day long, yeah, and you get to go home and see your family.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it was the same feeling, brother.

Speaker 4:

I wait to clock on. Go, yeah, white castles.

Speaker 3:

You know what I swear to God like I at the time I was a truck driver, I was not. I was not telling at the time. So I used to go from Wisconsin, from Chicago Heights, all the way to Milwaukee, wisconsin, every day, man, and the ride back to the like, to the lot to park my truck and take my tires because I used to work at a tire company oh yeah, you were the original tire.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the real time, look the.

Speaker 3:

Thing started the time plug shit yep, so I bought that feeling, just driving back, trying to make it on time and talking on the group chat and stuff like that, bro. It's like the whole different feeling. Just go home, take a shower they even eating, bro, and just getting a car.

Speaker 4:

So we have BK, right there we had white castler right there. Both of them open all night pre-covid or right when COVID was about to start, but it was like open all night. People just amen, I'm gonna run to BK. You want something real quick yeah so I get light to you.

Speaker 3:

I came in a little late to my castle stuff. Not a little late. I was there for like the first, you can say two months yeah you're already doing it, but I came in late, like that two months late, because I used to ride me and Omar, I remember Omar, yeah, we used to go all the way to Shamburg with like the drive-thru restaurant, like the park, like parking show and shit yeah, straights oh, that's what's right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I can't remember the name of it. We used to go over there and parking show like it's nice that, like that shit's not my spot. I want to be it, you know I mean yeah, I want some action, so one time. That's how we stopped going over there. One time we're leaving, me and Omar, I would do two fat ass bernards.

Speaker 3:

And they kicked us out and, like I, never want to see you, some guy came up, like, came up to us like get the fuck out here, just this and that. Like I sure I don't give a fuck, that's better you know I was the start of a beef right there. Yeah, and we went down to the city and it was like just follow me, just follow me. This one the Facebook Eddies were. If you remember, we supposed to my Facebook there's a car me in this area, it's car me in this area but they were just generic.

Speaker 3:

A, we're just meeting up here yeah, and we're pulled up to white castle, drifting, drifting, drifting. Drifting at the time was Sally neck, reaper, reaper who else was there? Some smoke, small ass cars, people, I didn't know.

Speaker 4:

Yeah back then. She's back then. People weren't so much about their name, they just hey, I have a nice car, watch me drink to a quick yeah and it's like slowly. When I think when people first started making merch on their name over being a swinger, I was like really you know the merch was way after that yeah, it was after, but back then it was like I don't really know a lot of swingers or anything from back then.

Speaker 4:

Cuz back then when I showed up I sat in the back by subway. I would park as far as I can, cuz the cock came. I don't want to get right by the door. I just flew, went in. I didn't know anybody. I came back to drain my batteries and left, so I didn't know a lot of people.

Speaker 3:

You guys were like one of the first and yeah, cuz what's it called at the time, but it was all love. Like I never like think twice to do anything down there, like and nobody's gonna come and check me out, nobody like, oh, who you will, what you're doing yeah, it happened to me so many times, bro, like I've been in some life, life and death situation and the meat some, some random niggas come and check me out what I don't.

Speaker 3:

I don't know if you were there one time that was recently, not recently, like this year, probably right here in lumbered, some fucking near the old station, wagons or not stuck, the old buses pulled up to the lumbered. That's not shooting out of the window and shit like it the fuck away. Let me through. Let me through.

Speaker 1:

I don't know after like before that, I was like never, I don't know. I think I remember that night.

Speaker 4:

I remember the Uber driver. I remember the Uber driver there. One time there was like I think there was mad, I don't know what the hell came out of that concert or the venue right across the street, but a whole bunch of dudes in like bondage gear and shit came out and this one Uber driver tried to like go through the crowd, though he went over the side. I remember going up in the drone scene where the old Zingo that one way, fuck, he's gonna get boxed in. I see a model people like walking towards that car and I'm like I went with the drone. I went back and forth trying to stop the crowd. I'm like looking at the crowd and I'm like no, no, no, guys, chill, chill.

Speaker 4:

I think I remember one of my boys I still talked to now. He was in the front of the crowd. I was like man, but yeah, sure enough, I went up and you just see them kind of like talk to him and they just let him out. But man, yeah, I remember they fucked up his windshield, his back windshield. Uber car, an Uber driver that you're. I don't know if you were there.

Speaker 3:

I'm right there, small car they just saw jumping on it? Yeah, because he was trying to get through at the time I wasn't there, I was in New York, I was on vacation. But you seen that like yeah, I seen, I was like damn, I was like now for White Castle.

Speaker 4:

Do you remember that first Toyota? It was some chick. She hit one car.

Speaker 5:

I want to say that's a ruined White Castle yeah. I like to you, I like to say something else wrong ruined White Castle personally I want to say is the loud mufflers.

Speaker 4:

I used to listen to the scanners back then because I used to. You know, want to be like any me be on top of these guys. I would listen to the scanners and every now and then they would get a call. And we're getting calls sapphire on Archer and Ashland and you would the couple be like it's just the guys down here, yeah.

Speaker 3:

I'm gonna tell you there wasn't the one reason that ruined White Castle for real. I mean, I know who he is, but I'm gonna say no names. Remember the black, the bully, remember when he's.

Speaker 4:

I think we all know who the bully is.

Speaker 5:

There was a original bully, the he came all the way to Indiana. He came all the way from. Indiana TRX hellcat. He had everything.

Speaker 4:

I got a good shot of him, one of my old clips, one like way back down on the bottom, yeah that's.

Speaker 3:

That's the one night.

Speaker 4:

Now fucked up White Castle for real but that one girl like that was the first car like a total that'll meet. She hit like one or two cars and try to drive off and you remember back then it was like it was as big to pack this stress that's not get out.

Speaker 4:

No yeah, she got her shit totaled and a shopping cart and fucking that's a nice mass for window. Yeah, I remember going to work the next day and I seen that car in the middle, right in front of my, rihanna was with the fucking shopping yeah, it stayed there, she left.

Speaker 5:

That's a lot of crazy shit, but you know, I feel like the peak of the car scene was when we did the street takeovers intersections is because because, after everybody left Whole Foods, wacker police started being there every weekend, everybody started taking Whole. Foods was a was been there for years, so once.

Speaker 4:

White Castle got popped. We didn't even have to say what added, we knew the next ad was Whole Foods Wacker and then we give it a minute, and then everyone went back to White Castle. It was a trifecta of just back and forth, back and forth.

Speaker 5:

I think it started when they started blocking people at Whole Foods yeah, then they put in the speed bumps, and then the paddy wagons would come in gates.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's when there's like the gates when, like I, will think twice before going to White Castle yeah, and there were heavy gates, they weren't on a chance that we can't win them all through.

Speaker 5:

No, yeah, it was with chains on they added the license plate readers to over there yeah, how did they? Yeah, all got tickets in the mail. You got a ticket, I got tickets.

Speaker 3:

We all got tickets in the mail, that's when, like when nobody gives a fuck, we write with plates and stuff. Yeah you get pulled over. They let you go. That has to let you go oh yeah, like one time remember what I got pulled over by for city for city man I was a crazy night ever so kind of scolded you inside.

Speaker 3:

No, I was in the G35. We were like five niggas in the car. You know how tight the G35 is, fuck yeah, it was me, him and Mario and some two other niggas from my family family members and I forgot that I had my pipe between the chair and the center console and as soon as the cop was like before he gets my window, I looked down. I see my pipe, grabbed it through a back, through it behind me. So the guys behind like sitting in the back I just saw tossing around fucking hot potato, that shit yeah.

Speaker 5:

I will never forget that night.

Speaker 3:

If my Mario, if you're listening you remember what I'm talking about, man? It was the craziest night, one of the craziest shit that happened to me you say they was back there. Hot potato, that shit and he pulled me out of the car. Stop talking to me. Actually was Mexican in the bending day miss good pen is there yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

He pulled me out of the car. He was like what you guys doing? He's drifting and stuff. So now I'm just riding like a riding, along with my Mexican playing and stuff. And he looked at my license, he seen our CDL and was like, oh, just first deal much ago, no ticket so you was probably a trucker.

Speaker 4:

Yet truckers like that trucker blood no.

Speaker 3:

I'm like on us truck drivers they will live. Let's just slide so many times yeah, but the tickets are double.

Speaker 5:

Cuz cuz the tickets, the fines are double fines is double for CDL drive one ticket.

Speaker 1:

Even on one ticket, insurance that next day will go up yeah, like they definitely be trying to show love to CDL drivers yeah, it should be show a lot of love yeah what was the first addy outside?

Speaker 4:

do you remember first addy outside? I? Want to say it was like Super Maul, super all of Plasky was no another. We tried, right, we tried a bunch of like other malls.

Speaker 5:

Super Maul was really a chill spot, though yeah, it was a, but it was the back of Super Maul, where there was, you know, I'm saying the- loading dogs.

Speaker 3:

No, no, no for the Super Maul both a city of a city and after that, my brother, is it Super Maul, the one with the gym?

Speaker 4:

plan of 547 fitness I want to say that was one of the first times we did the street, unless there was one. Yeah, yeah, he's right, we did the intersection. Yeah, an intersection.

Speaker 3:

I would never forget that day. It was me, rolo Selly. Oh yeah, when that him right there he was drifting, rollo's car and Mustang.

Speaker 5:

We had TJ Heartless Red Bull Rolo, by the way free Rolo.

Speaker 1:

He should be home in about 15, 12 days or some shit, I'm gonna have his ass on here.

Speaker 4:

Yeah me and shorty gotta put the gloves on first though no, rolo, my dog yeah he's a real one, no for sure we remember when he first pulled up to cook brothers. That's the first time I got him. He pulled up to cook brothers. It was before he started swinging. He's like burn. I'm like oh nice Mustang, look at this shit yeah, yeah, that's north side cook brothers yeah, I hate that we never went back to those like hot now, it's hot now it's too hot fire cracker.

Speaker 1:

I remember they dropped cook brothers during Chicago verse everybody and before we even got there the police was already there remember what happened.

Speaker 3:

I cook brothers with me. I went, I hit the camera guy, I smacked them, flipped them three times in the air. I got a video. Damn, I was scared. I'm not my first time hitting somebody yeah, I pulled up.

Speaker 3:

Latest fuck, I'm hyped up so I'm telling something about me back in the day. When that like the adrenaline kick in, I can't control myself. I get lied to you. I had like the adrenaline kick. It was a vibe man how you and it was a vibe like it was, I was addicted to it can say at some point I was addicted to it.

Speaker 3:

Fucking brain, bro. I'm not like I was from the inside. I look at myself like what the fuck I'm doing, you know, I mean when I chill out for a little bit, like what the fuck I'm doing you wake up Monday like what the fuck that I just do this past weekend shit yeah, like at the time I was not even like I don't drink, I don't smoke, like I'm wait, like way sober. You know, I mean like what the fuck you're doing? You know, I mean like chill out, relax, take it easy.

Speaker 1:

Then the next day, like we'll go to the meet, same shit happens, yeah all over again man gee, I know that cameraman woke up with a banging ass headache oh yeah, and seen himself flip on everybody's story over and over and over.

Speaker 4:

I was.

Speaker 3:

I was doing a donut. It's been once, twice, and the third time I came back I seen a lot of people in my way, so I spend the car around. You know, I mean I didn't keep. I didn't keep the gun with the donut, so I'd spend that around. I thought he gonna move his his bitches. I don't know if you hear me, bro, you jumped right in front of me like he wanted to get a shot from the front you know, I mean from front of the car.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I didn't see him when I spend around from all the smoking stuff. He was like in the smoke from like, because I spent my car around so my bum, my back bumper, wouldn't rain for them. When I came back around, he was right in front of my car and I kept going I want to keep going with the donut and I smacked him and I was like are you okay? You, I came out of car, you okay, you okay? I think I fucked up a $3,000 camera for him. I get like to you had a some expensive looking ass camera.

Speaker 4:

It wasn't just a phone, it was an action camera.

Speaker 3:

I put him in the car next to me. I took him for a spin. I make sure he's okay. I kept, I kept drifting. I put him in the car.

Speaker 1:

I kept drifting nice hey, at least you put them in the car. I didn't say, motherfuckers, fuck somebody up or somebody in a car, and they was fucked up and they put their ass on the side so they could go swing, cuz they don't stop, I stopped.

Speaker 4:

I checked up on him and put them in the car inside. Pov man get back.

Speaker 1:

To get back to, the camera was broke, see it, what no inside back in the day, people we like.

Speaker 3:

I don't offer money to people. That's like somebody jab in the car with me it was another like, not only me like everybody.

Speaker 1:

They come up to your window like let me hop in, let me make the windows lots and stuff that's fucking window slo-moors yep so, um, I'm gonna, I'm gonna ask y'all this if, if y'all could pick three of y'all favorite swingers and it don't, it could be Old school, new school, whatever I want you out of pick three of y'all favorite sonning us and tell me a Car you want to see them get active in.

Speaker 3:

My top one. I go I too. It have to be from the city. It don't have to be okay, my top one was Ian the healthcare okay shut up. My boy, ian, the healthcare. Love you brother.

Speaker 1:

He gonna be here this week.

Speaker 3:

I'm coming with him there.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

But what are called Ian? The healthcare Put on my not any fucking car, bro.

Speaker 1:

Put on me anything, huh.

Speaker 3:

I'm not. I'm not saying that because he's my boy, Because I seen it. Yeah, put on my not any fucking car Bro yeah, you can do it like he's. He been driving it for like 20 years, like he been driving like for like 20 years. And who else Sully? If you remember Sully oh man, sully too like there's two solis.

Speaker 4:

That's what I was trying to tell Sully with a green charger, and what is it called? Yeah, the blue charger. That kind of blue is between green and blue is.

Speaker 3:

No, I'm talking about the same one.

Speaker 4:

Yeah he's like he was a beast, he was a beast.

Speaker 3:

He's one of the first people to he was like come up to me, was like I see some talent in you, go fuck it up.

Speaker 4:

Even you fuck up, keep going. He can control the spin like he can like Exactly where he wanted it to go.

Speaker 3:

Well, he was drifting his story, he had a RT charger. He was drifting and he like he had a fucking healthcare.

Speaker 4:

And he had.

Speaker 3:

After he sold it he bought our corvette, if you guys remember the.

Speaker 4:

Oh, yeah, the C5, the.

Speaker 3:

C5 with the, with the gold.

Speaker 4:

With that thing. Dude for a number hey.

Speaker 1:

I heard I heard we had uh, I don't know if y'all know Diego, but he the only other corvette in the big league.

Speaker 3:

Somebody question for him?

Speaker 1:

I think rollo, rollo yeah.

Speaker 3:

The horse.

Speaker 1:

Yeah uh.

Speaker 4:

He had. Diego was the first, like one of the first videos. I had like that, if I can blew up you know it was one of the simplest. All I did was like a quick seven second shot of him, like spinning out doing a 360 or like a rollback.

Speaker 3:

I was and who else? Ah, you're talking about selly man. That night he, he lost his corvette. Man, I looked like I was in the parking lot by. The cops were coming and we were like all we enshrined, I think, or elgin, we're in elgin. I was uh Minnesota. No, it was uh versus everybody. Uh, Chicago versus Minnesota, or no, no, no, no, no, it was. Uh, it was a big night either.

Speaker 4:

We were trying out suburb at King of the pits. I was King of the pits.

Speaker 3:

I was King of the pits. We started in the suburbs man. His car caught fire and I looked around and when the cops came everybody started running and did have to sell it by himself. I was like what the fuck you niggas on?

Speaker 4:

dude. I remember I was barely headed to the city and I'm like, fine, I get to film a corvette and I see that shit that his car caught on fire. I'm like what the fuck I was?

Speaker 3:

I had at the, at the z. At the time I had my z. At the time I was like fuck it, I'm, I ain't leaving and make sure he's okay. And the cops came, just rolled right behind him and he said did he seen his plates around? And he stopped out. You see them? Is our older guy? Probably? Yes, he was like, oh, he's got nothing to do all with all that. Yeah, man, shut up my boy, sell it. I miss you, bro, for real. I miss you. I forgive you back out. Gonna be on here soon yeah the third person.

Speaker 3:

To be honest, I'll say it could be you.

Speaker 4:

No, I ain't nothing, bro, for me I ain't nothing right now I ain't nothing.

Speaker 3:

I ain't gonna lie to you.

Speaker 1:

I mean it don't necessarily have to be right now, Like Like I'm gonna tell you some people that like a 20, 20 zoom yeah.

Speaker 3:

Like some people like really put them in like a fucking go cart or give you the same show. You know I mean.

Speaker 4:

Dude, I missed it when somebody came with a mario and uh yeah.

Speaker 3:

I'll say, I'll say I don't, I never met him before. But, like I'll say, the the charger with the stars on it, the white body charger with the stars on it, he's out, he's. He's not from chicago. Galaxy fees, yeah that's right.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, that's right, yeah, buddy.

Speaker 3:

I seen some crazy videos for him. He don't give a fuck. He don't give a fuck you don't give a fuck. I never seen him fuck up too. That's like that's a good thing. Yeah, but he has I get like? I fucked up so many times Because I had nowhere else to practice. I so just go practice at the meet, get it, get it. I don't get it, fuck it. You know I mean yeah.

Speaker 3:

I fuck up, I fuck up. Yeah, but that's how you learn. Yeah, but I went through two engines, two transmissions. I might this. I'm talking about my g35 two engines, two transmissions, two sets of frames, because I used to crack my ribs from spinning. Damn what else? Two, two tail lights, fucking about like 10 bumpers Front or back all I hear is that register sign going over Yep no I spend so much money when it comes for me.

Speaker 3:

To be honest, I don't know about everybody else, but for me. I spend a lot of money on that shit a lot, hey, but that's.

Speaker 1:

That's the thing that a lot of the I've been trying to get the spectators to understand like they got to get prepared to block without being valid.

Speaker 3:

Back in the day. Back in the day, do around their shit. Yeah, nowadays, sort of like nobody gives a fuck about nobody.

Speaker 1:

No, they just want to stand around and then run.

Speaker 3:

I think I told you over the phone about it. Yeah, one time when my time remember what I or fell Like when my tire like came out the car Well.

Speaker 3:

I swear to god, bro, I didn't touch my car, the car. I came, okay, my tire fell like I was already there and my lug nuts were over tight, okay, so they fucked up my actual lugs. So I went in. I went, I went in and started swinging the first one when, like good, the second one, my tire, popped off. Everybody's a camera like around me, like a circle. I didn't, I didn't jerk up the car, I didn't give my like anything from my car. I got jacked up, my tire was back on the car and I was out of the park a lot in less than five minutes. I don't know who helped me shut up for the people who helped me that night. I don't know who helped me. I don't know who who worked on my car the night, but they got me out of there and the cops were trying to get to, because the cops, the cops seen what happened. He was like he wanted to take a chance to get to me. You know I mean yeah.

Speaker 3:

They thought the people's gonna run over, but they were blocking him, throwing shit on his car, like just to make him not get to me. And when I, when I took my car to the tire shop, like we left from there, I took it to the tire shop, I swear I had two cars running right behind me, just in case if I get chased or yeah yeah, all the way. We're like in Chicago, all the way to 84th. So you're doing at 84th, 84th yeah 84th on Harlem all of them, chicago to 84th on Harlem.

Speaker 3:

Imagine that. And there were spectators, not swingers and I didn't even know them.

Speaker 4:

I was like unknown spectators.

Speaker 1:

Man Shout out to those people man. I swear shout out to them, that's the type of shit we got to get back to. Like I feel like everybody trying to motherfucking Be a part instead of just coming out to enjoy the show. Everybody trying to make a name for theyself in this shit. And you ain't even swinging, you ain't doing nothing. Like, yeah, it's cool having like like some motherfuckers like you got fucking. Uh, now you got Wally, you got the motherfucking.

Speaker 4:

Shout out to Wally. He's a character.

Speaker 1:

He's a character like we. We got public figures now like and like Motherfuckers like that. Come on and keep the entertainment going. They deserve the crown that they got. You know what I'm saying? Because they keep people hyped up with them. You know what I'm saying they keep the energy going. You need motherfuckers who who provide energy. We got fucking Michael Myers. We got Jigsaw we got Joker too.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I seen him out of that. The protest bro. He'd be showing up with us at the protest. Oh, yeah, yeah yeah, all the time. But he comes in, I come out all the time with us definitely having, like those iconic people.

Speaker 4:

It's a double-edged sword, like because people sound like oh shit, oh shit, it's Jason. Hey, jason, let's go get pictures. And let's go get pictures, jason, or the jigsaw. Those guys were the party guys.

Speaker 1:

They came in from the parties out here. Yeah, yeah. But, hey, I, I, I shit you not my first time seeing the power that A public figure had. We was on lumber motherfuckers had just finished swinging and like the party was like going on at this point, because that was out of my time.

Speaker 3:

I wasn't there. No, you wasn't there.

Speaker 1:

This was after. This was last year. Yeah, after I quit. Yeah, this was last year. Um, and like I think motherfuckers was, either either the swingers who was there Went to go get tires and they was coming back, or they was on their way back from getting tires and I'm coming out and turn into a dance bit.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, oh the mexican.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Motherfucking, turn it to it.

Speaker 4:

We did it back in the day too, if you remember the dog I think dog town talked about in the last episode, where like lumber turned into a bilet.

Speaker 3:

I was straight up, I was the Mexican in the bending day.

Speaker 4:

You were there for that one.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I was there. It was like two years ago. We was out there, yeah it was the whole.

Speaker 3:

It was my guy with the hummer. I shot out my boy with the white hummer.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, oh the hummer dude, White hummer man yeah. I he opened his trunk. He had the subs and speakers.

Speaker 3:

I don't know if you guys know, you know how much, you know how much custom for that speaker and he come and blast him and sometimes he go home was fucked up.

Speaker 4:

He went to contest with that thing, don't he?

Speaker 3:

Yeah boy.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, he was moaq, he in Indiana. A lot, of a lot of concerts.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I shot out there. He spent a lot of money on them speakers over $30,000.

Speaker 4:

I remember seeing the story his ass like busted out of hope or was it? Yeah, the whole foods he busted on. And I just remember seeing a cpd with dreads and it was somebody's story. It's some cpd in dread saying I want that hummer, I want that hummer somebody, I remember that he's turned everybody up.

Speaker 3:

That's what he's be and everybody, like when we had no eddie. Everybody follows him.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I mean because, he knows he's part of us.

Speaker 3:

He like we know we're close with him and, like he hosted, he used to host too. Okay, I got like one time when, like everybody like stopped hosting because I hosted only once, only one time I never like to host, to be honest, because I don't want to get blamed For anything only hosted one time and I lost. I lost a really good friend.

Speaker 4:

But years ago, I remember, I lost that night I lost.

Speaker 3:

I lost that friend right there. That's crazy. Yeah, I was until now. We'll stop talking up from that one night.

Speaker 4:

Two years ago, I remember I wanted to try to host. I remember I was gonna go. I was like I was gonna have a structure of. I was gonna only the three people that I hire, or like kind of. Had who you had with you right, I was gonna have each of them run a chat. Then each of them was gonna be responsible for verifying and doing things for each of those chats.

Speaker 4:

This way, you don't have a thousand people messaging one person for verification. You got my four or five guys. They're gonna run it. If you don't hear an eddie drop from four of these four guys, don't go there because there was that time where like three or four guys were hosting People would drop addies. Oh wait, are we going to this one? No, no, not that one, not that one. We're going to this one. Are we going to this one?

Speaker 1:

We're gonna have to just talk about that.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, like it just got into a chaos, chaos. Yeah, I'm gonna try to be like a kind of general try to know this is how it's gonna be. And before we go to a spot, everyone's gonna go to different spots around that spot, so that when we call out that spot it's not A thousand motherfuckers hanging out at a gas station, a thousand motherfuckers hanging out at target trying to regroup. No, you split that shit up, you split up all at once and then okay, now everybody go.

Speaker 4:

Yeah but then it was around that time where it's like starting to get hot and I'm like we had some good ass nights.

Speaker 3:

I got like we had some good ass nights. Like I can remember, we used to go all night okay, all fucking night and we end up at um planetarium. No, we end up at Uh, what's that racing oh the race. No, the other one. Doty, doty, we end up we sit and up on Doty, yeah, like five, six in the morning, just drag racing, drag racing. I was one of the best nights, like we used to go all out and that's the, that's the, that's the shit.

Speaker 1:

I think the scene is missing too. Like it right now, from what I, from what I see. Like most of the shorties, they, whoever hosting I, what we done for the night, and the swingers and the hosts and Whoever else don't really like, kick it together After it's all said and done, because it's crew verse crew for real.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, like the stragglers would be like hey, I don't want to go home, let's keep it going Like they will get you, they will get into your head, bro, I sort of do some people at the scene. They will get into your head. Yeah, like I some, like I'll say, I'll say like I don't give a fuck bro, like I'm, I'll say sorry to my crew because I some at some point for like three weeks I almost like said I'm out of the crew and I was one of the first people in the crew.

Speaker 3:

They were trying to fuck with my head like, oh did it. Nobody gives a fuck. Nobody. Everybody is everybody's thirsty for Clout and shit.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, there's probably unpopular opinion, but crews personally killed the scene.

Speaker 3:

I was, some people from around me. You know what I mean. Yeah, and do like.

Speaker 3:

Because when crew started popping out, crew started trying to make it like, uh, I'm gonna tell you the funniest, I'm gonna tell you the funny, like the funniest thing ever. The same people was telling me this they made a crew without I mentioned a nonim. They made a crew and as soon as they made it, they were like I'll we recruit and this guy, this guy, this guy's with us. We're all used to hang out every single day, bro. Yeah, and this one spot we saw all hang out and I'm sitting right there like what about me? Okay, I was like they were telling me oh, leave three, one, two, three. What? Leave us? Leave three, one, two, leave it, leave it. Fuck them guys. This isn't that.

Speaker 3:

I was like, oh, I'm sorry, bro, we don't want you, what else? Because you too risky. You like you might bring us some better reputation because you fucked up so many times. So what? You fucked up too. You hit people too. You know what I mean. Yeah, because I'm quiet, I don't, I don't talk back Because I don't like. I don't like get into it like that yeah.

Speaker 3:

I don't, like, I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna get into it with you like that, because I'm writing with you, you know I mean you're my friend, like whatever you say, like I don't take it to the heart. You know, I mean I just say whatever Because we're friends. If you're some other guy, yeah, I'll say something bad, but I don't take it to the heart.

Speaker 3:

everybody got their opinion, feel me and I was like saying god, I didn't leave the crew, I don't end up with no cool, you know what I mean and like I can do that, I can do so many guys out here with no crew D-Nag recruited or nothing, but at the same time, karma is a bitch, like their crew that fell out.

Speaker 5:

Oh yeah, Fell out big time those same people that started their crew. It was all a part of the original crew. Yeah, yeah, and 312. Originally it had 10, 10 members. It'll be in him, or one of the 10 and 312, made them, made them made everybody.

Speaker 3:

And and, and I helped them with their side business too, with their living with their main money source and that 312 helped them. They were trying to get impopul from that.

Speaker 4:

Cuz. In the sense it was the first, I want to say yeah, it was the first one by them, kind of having it started off Kind of like much things. It's like where it's us, we hung out every day, it's the same thing, where it's it turned into. That's gonna be, you know, that first crew, and we're Then slowly after that, I want to say with a few of the members I'm not gonna say name, but they're fucking Ross, so. But when that first few started coming out with merch and stuff and then it started turning into all you're just doing it for Cloud, all you're just doing it for this no, I guess you let up.

Speaker 3:

Why not? One of the first people that I met that was doing merch, I wonder on your shit, it was DJ. Shot on my boy DJ.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, oh no like. Yeah, he had like.

Speaker 3:

And he was already popular.

Speaker 4:

I didn't know about any of them.

Speaker 3:

He was already popular. Oh, he didn't know, he didn't need no cloud.

Speaker 1:

TJ don't even know he gonna make me some the hood floors Custom shoes.

Speaker 4:

I heard he done shoes for like celebrity.

Speaker 5:

Oh yeah, he did a lot of stuff he had a name before the car scene. Yeah he.

Speaker 4:

TJ, when I first started on the scene, I'm telling you I didn't know anybody but that Kevin, he was like the, I didn't know shit. And when I first started popping out videos, I just, you know, I just made videos for whatever Z's copied one of my videos and I remember being geeked like a zeeth was popping even.

Speaker 3:

I said I'm a boy Alex.

Speaker 4:

He took one of my shots. I was geeked, but he just like a man. He didn't give you credit. I'm like no man.

Speaker 3:

He's like, and that's the one thing I know. To be honest, I don't think that. One thing that will always been on my heart for you especially Nobody gave you your actual credit and I told you about it on the phone personally I didn't give.

Speaker 4:

I like I was happy that someone like hey man, somebody took my shit. It was good enough to be taken.

Speaker 3:

That's what I was happy to you know the first people to bring a drone out.

Speaker 5:

Listen, you know it was the first person.

Speaker 3:

So years, yeah, and you risked your drone. Mother used to chase me. Like I'm, I was not even drifting. Well, I will never forget that video. I was not even drifting, I had a cigar in my hand. I don't know what the fuck I was on that night video right here. Like I was in the back of the charger so like can get out of the back of the charger.

Speaker 4:

Are you?

Speaker 3:

that ass like right here with that camera in your face Right right there in my face. I'm a fuckwit swinging and swinging, swing and I had a, even like I Was getting close with my fucking seagull because I was smoking a seagull.

Speaker 4:

No, I got you before that. I got like I'll show you before we take off a white castle. You were walking across like a big white pickup and you're still hanging out with like oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

I never know you.

Speaker 4:

As far as I know, like you didn't swing at this point and but like I remember seeing you walk across the pen.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and I like asshole. It was the one night that made me stand out for a little bit.

Speaker 4:

That night it was we you were in the middle with this other guy I don't know who that other guy was another infinity no, he was a Damn, this black guy. It was you and him in the middle.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, I don't know. I don't know who that guy was a.

Speaker 4:

Omar's page. Yeah, I saw father like man dude.

Speaker 3:

So I'm about Omar. I seen him today at the protest too. He's his family.

Speaker 4:

Omar. Oh gee, I don't know. If you ever want to come on the pause on the podcast, come on through man.

Speaker 3:

So I'm about Omar, and you know what's crazy Omar drives with one hand. His other hand is fucked up. I don't, if you even noticed I was there was 4th of July and he blew a firework in his hand.

Speaker 4:

I remember he had a cast on.

Speaker 3:

Had a, had a cast on for a year and remember when had the Mustang. He should drive a manual with a fucking cast.

Speaker 1:

Hey, funny story. I had broke my ankle the very first time I Swung. My charger was in this parking lot, in the back it was get out and you swung. Yeah, it was broad daylight, I Never seen it before. My homie was shooting a music video and he like man gee, come up, do some donuts and shit for me. And I'm flippin that bitch, not knowing, like not knowing, leon, at this point, like this is just me pulling up on my home.

Speaker 1:

This is pre Leon, like I know who Leon is, but I didn't know him personally.

Speaker 4:

Oh, yeah, never met him.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, cuz, like I said, leon did some dope work for one of my, one of my homies On the video. A lot of people don't know Leon Was really a Chicago go at a music scene, as far as videos go, uh-huh, so this ain't new to him, like I.

Speaker 3:

Can like you. We had two photographers. I would never forget them in my life. Remember that did that room big as videos, was it room? And then tour, I think two guys I know room, sure, yeah, yeah, I forget the name room room is a lady.

Speaker 1:

A lot of people don't know that. I just found that out.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, like, yeah. What I remember. When I first started seeing like professional cameras on the scene, I'm like damn, let's get serious.

Speaker 3:

No, they did two cinema cameras and it was remember they did two videos when they were like, when they started the video like run, run, run, run, run, stuff like that, and he had me when the first shot, I came in me and him that night that's the night that I met him he had a super. When I first came out he rented one out and he came out of the meets with it. Maybe blue, no no, no, blues are boy.

Speaker 4:

That's the only one.

Speaker 5:

I remember, maybe blue he still have it.

Speaker 3:

I think, I think he still have it.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, he still got it. It was a red one, I was a white.

Speaker 3:

I was a white castle, that's, that's the name that I met him and was him coming in first that I came in behind him Then? No, it was us RTQ. They showed us, they showed his truck and they showed the bullet. I was inside his truck, if you guys remember that bullet that famous ass bullet shot out cute, real shot IQ. And it showed him that I meet coming in. I mean, they had a drone shot coming out from, like my car when I'm swinging, and showed the whole parking lot man, that's sick as video.

Speaker 5:

That was the most probably viewed video. Yeah yeah, the first professional video they did.

Speaker 3:

That's the first professional video and they did one after two.

Speaker 4:

I remember I shot something for SRTQ and Hertz. And why castle Hertz is swinging around Q while he was in the middle of his red Durango, or was it? It was until like almost a year and a half later. He's like he's sending a message, I think. Srt Bro, why don't you shoot this? Can you send me a message? I tagged you the night that I shot this shit.

Speaker 3:

Yeah that's the night that my tire fell out.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, send me that.

Speaker 1:

Sheesh. Just roll down the street, shout out to whoever that was they night before, the night before I.

Speaker 3:

Didn't bring him up yet the name before I was with Smurf.

Speaker 1:

Shout out Smurf. Yeah, only a smurf, my boy piece.

Speaker 3:

My man only a smurf? Yeah, I was, I wasn't I wasn't that close with him, but we were friends. Yeah, and he I never. I never had my name tagged up somewhere and he did my first. It's a good asuzu. Yeah, I'm not trying, I'm not trying yeah, it tripped me out.

Speaker 4:

If you go to his page, his last video, I just think, was him recording me at Ford City. Yeah, it's him like I'm with the remote in my hand. He has like an audio track. He has an audio track over it and he sees like he's pulling into what I'm filming right then and there. Mm-hmm. But yeah, if you go to like Smurf, feels like a campaign. I'm like this last page. There's last post or something like that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, man, it's crazy cuz like Like Chicago, chicago verse Minnesota. I hear about that a lot.

Speaker 3:

I know it's Minnesota. Well, that's when I realized we're doing something big.

Speaker 1:

I knew you right. Tell me that was a huge and this the night that I met Ian the healthcare and I'm glad that I met him.

Speaker 3:

He's a really good brother. Hey, he's a good guy.

Speaker 1:

I don't call my friend, I call my brother. No, he is a brother for sure. Watch this.

Speaker 4:

That was a you, the first big thing, and, man, I don't know how they got it together.

Speaker 3:

But I was crazy amount of people.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna fuck your head up Because you don't even know.

Speaker 4:

He's calling, he's calling, he's calling, he. We got the first ever Yo, we got the first ever live phone call right here.

Speaker 1:

No, that ain't the first what's up?

Speaker 3:

a yeah, we're good, it's Zuzu.

Speaker 6:

What's good, my boy.

Speaker 3:

What's good? Well boy, I was just mentioning you. I was talking about.

Speaker 4:

Minnesota versus everybody. The first greatest.

Speaker 6:


Speaker 3:

Man, I was just talking about like I mentioned you, like some of that, so many things right now, and I was, I don't know, we had so much, so much memories, brother and we're dropping the.

Speaker 4:

We dropping about Minnesota versus everybody. The first, biggest spectacle now everybody. You see every other state now copying I was doing versus versus versus versus. Minnesota will smurf you on you. Yeah, you guys started it. You guys paved the way for it.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, I ain't gonna lie, I ain't gonna lie, I give I get smart all the credit notes, cap, because all that, every whatever city verse, you know who everybody or state verse state, that's all smart idea. No, I ain't no cap. Yeah, I was saying boy, he's one that really put the shit, put the shit like, laid this shit out. Yeah, for everybody. You feel me. And now everybody doing their shit, everybody want to go against everybody.

Speaker 3:

Yep, like that night that made me realize like we doing something big. It's not. Like it's not whatever, like we doing some hell. Yeah, I seen an amount of people like it was crazy, like for we had like no, most 50,000 people. That night out, at least at the first three spots, we had like a huge amount of people.

Speaker 4:

Man, there's one video I posted. You see, we have like six or seven blocks each way, all With traffic was yeah, all the traffic and shit, like I was.

Speaker 3:

It was crazy ass night, and I'm glad that night happened just to meet. He and my boys from Minnesota shout out oh King, customs, shut up, blake, shut up. All, though For real, because until now it's been like two years. Until now, like when they come to Chicago, they call me to check up on me. Like it just crazy how you meet people.

Speaker 3:

I never thought I'm gonna meet somebody like out of state and I'm Like that and I don't like, I'm gonna, I'm gonna like to, and I don't know if you want me to talk about it.

Speaker 6:

But what? What you talking away? Oh, you wish night. Are you trying to talk about? You trying to talk about?

Speaker 3:

motorcycle like that's crazy. Listen, I have to mention it up man ago if you don't.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, cuz they ain't they catch nothing.

Speaker 3:

No, I didn't catch nothing, but so I had one of my cousins showed up on the bike. It was like four in the morning, bro, some drunk bit he was. He was just dipping home and some drunk bitch came and smacked his bike and I, when I see my cousin on the floor, bro, I hopped on my car. When I chased her so bad and I try to start the car, I'm like bitch, damn, my fuck is not starting, start, start. My car is not starting.

Speaker 6:

That night I lost my Moto because most the one that pointing them out.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, so that's a mall. But my car was not starting and I looked in it. I looked to E and he just straight up hopped in this car and traced that bitch Chaser, chase it all. You hear like oh, my, like five minutes later, oh you hear my fucking. And uh, citizen app just stringed up a car, crash into a fucking building and two blocks down, two shots fire. I was like which one is it? And I was like I called. He was like you, okay, and I was like yeah just just look up the.

Speaker 3:

Just look it up on the citizen app. I was like is it? Is it the car that crashed into a house? It was like yeah. I was like that's, that's my fucking nigga bro.

Speaker 6:

I ain't go a lot of y'all. Y'all know, like the scene out of out of, uh, out of Duke's, the hazards when they jump them all, oh yeah, yeah, that's what that, that's what that this is like when I hit that goddamn speed bump, that 80 fucking miles an hour, hell yeah. No, he, yeah, like I like to you I just.

Speaker 3:

He just asked me who's your favorite swing, and I was your top one, bro, because I seen some shit with you Well.

Speaker 6:

I'm yeah bro.

Speaker 3:

I remember the first time we left the city, we went to india, neopolis, I was.

Speaker 3:

It was e yeah and I was expecting him to show up on his uh helicat and he showed up on a green charger, skat back. I was like, okay, and I get like to that, that bitch was leaking gas, that bitch was fucked up and I'm never just bogus, that was bogus, bogus. And then Everything bogus is there. And then we got in there and I was like I was watching e bro and that's the first time we made it on Uh, what's it called. We made it somewhere like they took a picture of uh. We're in the first page of uh magazine magazine. I think, yeah, some magazine. We're in the first page me hanging out of e's car.

Speaker 4:

Oh, I remember e was gonna be on the magazine.

Speaker 3:

I forgot, yeah, he put e on the magazine and I this the first time like I made it with like e on the magazine and shit and man, I seen e drifting that bitch like it's like a hellcat.

Speaker 6:

Going crazy. A little cat pack back to it, yeah back bro.

Speaker 3:

E guess I'm telling and I I.

Speaker 6:

I shoulda won. I shoulda won that shit, because I may do that spin out in the cat boy, but it's all good, though you can't win them all. You feel me.

Speaker 4:

Yeah he can hear hey man, I don't know how the fuck you did it, but dude the fact that you sat On the window still Of your own car while drifting your own car. You are the god. Some like fucking long ass legs, but damn, that took some fucking skills.

Speaker 6:

A lot of you. I ain't gonna lie to you. When I first did it I said this before when I first did it, right, when I first did in Chicago before that, that was my first time ever doing this and I practiced it I literally sat on my window. I felt that I could hit the gas and the brake. Oh, I said, I'm good, I'm good, don't pop right in the pit. You feel me, y'all got. Y'all got. Y'all got the floor to you, right. What is that? Y'all got. Y'all got the floor to you, right yeah.

Speaker 1:

I'm here.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, all right, yeah, I ain't. I ain't here, yo, I was caught, man.

Speaker 1:

Oh man, I'm letting, I'm letting the gas get active. G I'll talk to you.

Speaker 6:

At this point it's been like oh thanks.

Speaker 1:

Four times a week.

Speaker 6:

No, uh shit. I'm actually to be uh real with y'all. I'm coming in, I'm flying tomorrow.

Speaker 1:

You flying?

Speaker 6:

tomorrow. Yeah, I'm coming early, say less, I'm gonna be there till sunday.

Speaker 1:

Say less. We lit up, we, we, we, we getting activated.

Speaker 6:

You know, like when you had asked me the other day like how did I, how did I get into with slurps, and I was low-key, thin, that think it about it. And like I y'all remember when at a certain point a time on snapchat where they was, where there was like a bunch of like group cats going, like uh sorry, group cats going around, you know I'm saying everybody could add into it. My f**k was at each other all types of shit. That's where smurf ended up. Finding me from is from one of them group pages.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, because I remember the first time he showed up he didn't know nobody.

Speaker 1:

He didn't know us.

Speaker 3:

Oh, it was we're at uh, chuck E cheese. We're at Chuck.

Speaker 1:

E cheese. I heard about Chuck E cheese. Yeah, we're at.

Speaker 3:

Chuck E cheese ahead magita 35.

Speaker 1:

That was the night dude with the strike Gass saved. Like they blocked the police from getting into the lot and until he got away.

Speaker 3:

I don't know nothing about that, but um, I'm probably I was there and I'm sure you was.

Speaker 1:

I wasn't there. I just heard about it a several times.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but uh, what's it called? He came in that was a random ass car, because at the time I basically know each car like that showed up. Yeah, like for a second I was like who's that? And he showed, he came in, started drifting and drifting, drifting and drifting and I remind you, I have a g35 and he have a fucking healthcare, and I will have a safe say the rest of the story.

Speaker 4:

You're one of the first. I had infinities because at that point that, like a lot of mustangs and charge, it must think charge, I'm not saying charge.

Speaker 3:

I remember when I said Infinity and he was drifting and drifting. Nobody wanted to go win like I got. Like you, I felt like I want to protect my city. I ain't gonna like to. I want. I want to protect like I want to. I'm not gonna laugh somebody out of the city Come in and side, like that, or somebody's killer. Like I don't want nobody like that would know trying to show up and take so but it's like to bully us.

Speaker 3:

You know I mean and I hopped on my car and minds you Okay and I got a G35 with like almost 300 horsepower, but I was like the only motherfucker. I burnt all my tires out. I hopped on my boys musting. That's like a video of the night I hopped on my boys musting. Same thing cabelo and man. That's the night that I met E and it was crazy.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, we going crazy.

Speaker 1:

But he's going crazy, I'm doing that hey, we finna fuck the game up, man. He's gonna be in the city for a week.

Speaker 6:

We finna put some shit in motion, man we finna start man, somebody put somebody, we finna start the first version of the documentary.

Speaker 1:

Oh god, you gotta come tell the story on Smurfy.

Speaker 6:

On behalf of Chicago, minnesota, and how y'all got to know each other and shit G for real, for real. Well, even in a short amount of time, I ain't gonna lie. That's when I say that's my nigga, that's my nigga. You film me like I ain't gonna lie with you. I was just a shit with shorty. He doesn't see some shit in my city, I'm just a shit in his city.

Speaker 1:

You feel me like yeah it's real shit with each other.

Speaker 6:

I want to see motherfuckers. I'm gonna be out there for a look for like damn near a week nigga.

Speaker 3:

You feel me if the weather was nice all the?

Speaker 4:

man now that I think the bikes out.

Speaker 6:

Minnesota. I'll give a fuck. If there's snow on the ground, we out.

Speaker 5:

Two bikes for me and you come on.

Speaker 6:

Hey, hey, I'll throw on a jacket, nigga. We put in the most If there's no snow on the ground.

Speaker 1:

I'm outside on that bike hell, yeah, you sit, you ain't no snow.

Speaker 6:

Hey look, and I ain't gonna lie One time to time. Okay, why did you get out?

Speaker 3:

there. Well, the weather by us is fucking pipe all those motherfuckers yeah we used to.

Speaker 4:

That's why. Five minutes, we'll fuck we have spectators outside with fucking blankets, the Mexican blankets, with the lines on them blankets. Oh yeah, yeah, I got a video like people spending around in Ford City. When it was, everything was iced up.

Speaker 1:

Hey, the funniest shit ever when motherfucking super braw his pops to the meat. Super braw his pops to the meat like brah.

Speaker 4:

A video blew up because some guy Recording my dad at the meets. I went to go take a leak and I told him that a man wait for me right here. Next thing you know I wake up the next day his ass is all over, fucking like I think it's on tiktok or some shit, like when you take your abuelo to the meats and like it's blowing up he dropped it in the group chat.

Speaker 1:

Like yo that's my dad.

Speaker 3:

No, the funniest thing about parents Guys name. What's his name, that little white kid?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Fuck it, pull the fun me to the car.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, hey, we we got. I talked about that on the podcast already. That's on the episode coming soon.

Speaker 3:

I got lights, you shout out to him. He made like he's he. He's a whole different guy now. First met him. He's a whole different guy. When I first met him I didn't like. I used to. I used to make fun of hey, I drew logo.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he was a. He was a little no, kid, you know. I mean he was a little kid hanging in the back of, hanging in the back of swingers trucks as they swung.

Speaker 5:

No, that's the handstand boy.

Speaker 4:

You see the back flips, flips and His little handstand on the moon on his local sketch setting from.

Speaker 3:

Because you Think it's like stays in and back in the day. I never liked him. I used to like I'm sorry, bro I used to make. I was, I was fucked up, I was a little fucked up, so make a lot of fun of him. This, this and that Everybody did, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Can I tell you something? We Chicago people, and what I realized, we haze motherfuckers to see if they can hang with us.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

It ain't really to pick at you. We haze motherfuckers to see if you got tough skin and if you could really hang with us.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

At any moment, being from Chicago, some shit might pop off and if you can't hang up, if you can't handle a little Hazing, you ain't gonna be able to handle it.

Speaker 3:

We're getting to a fight. Yeah, even our work. I would did so many fucking jokes with like, with my like, the drivers this is if they can handle that shit or not. Yeah, we ain't like From what I do. I do chasing like it's. It's fucking crazy. It's a war zone.

Speaker 4:

I do blue collar work. Mine fucking next door welder. Is that those racist? Yeah, I see you blow up, I see you doing something good as welding. You gotta have a hard spine for the welding Blue collar work. Yeah, you gotta have a hard smile. The fact that the HR told me when I applied to this place, she's like you're gonna be hearing some racially things, and I'm like, lady, just I know, just hey, you just gotta have a hard spine living in Chicago. Oh yeah, that's facts.

Speaker 1:

Hey, what's funny is last night I was in a bar it's a, it's a Mexican bar, uh-huh right, and my homie he do, secure he a security guard. So we in there kicking it after hours.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

G Motherfucking. One of the Mexican guys walk over on from the other side and say, hey, so why are the black people over here in the corner with child? I want to hang with the Mexicans. Like what shit like that. I think the world needs shit like that again, like the world is too fucking south now.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, shout out to my Middle Eastern brothers. I've seen this video. It was like it was a bite. So it was a suburb. You see, a bite, so having a kid's. Another party in the middle on the cross street, you see like wedding party and you see the music. Both of them started like playing. I think they almost sound the same shit. Yeah they start taking turns playing the music show. Any try to how to dance my dances? Are you guys? Hey?

Speaker 3:

it's with that. When we dance, it's a whole different story. I don't know if you seen us like it's called up. I don't if you seen the videos, bro, they go crazy man it's all like yeah we just everybody with like, we do like a line.

Speaker 3:

Well, I know people, everybody hold each other's hand. I will start like dancing with our legs and each, like all of us, like do the same moves and Each, like you can say each part of this country, or each they say you got this is just put it as Chicago, it's Schomburg, they got their own dance. Oh, clone, they got their own dance. Chicago, they got their own. This is like that and each country and all, like all this country, like they got their main dance. And when you go different country, get their main dance too, it can tell like how, like from the way they dance, that would like which part of the country they from or which part of the city.

Speaker 4:

It's almost like a dialect.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and it's really crazy and it's really hard too. Yeah, and everybody can like do that. Oh, the depth is really close thing is.

Speaker 1:

So I got a question for you too. Super, if you could pick one spot to swing at forever forever, what would you pick?

Speaker 4:

I'm biased because I'm a North.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, cook brothers, cook brothers. And I did my first Figure eights I cook.

Speaker 4:

Me being like biased because I'm, you know, the drone ship before I figured out how to like unlock territories Every time they drop forts it up. Mother fuckers, I can't fly there. Yeah, it's gonna be a whole night of.

Speaker 3:

Gotta teach me that dance. It's crazy for me. I still struggle with that. I still struggle, like to keep up with that. You do it like a dance, like that with a Omar, but yeah, it was something like that, probably back in the day, probably, hey. See five times we got something like that.

Speaker 4:

We're just like brothers.

Speaker 1:

You say cook brothers.

Speaker 3:

Cuz you did your first figure eight eight figure eights, and I hate my first guy over there too.

Speaker 1:

Damn, what a coincidence, yep, damn.

Speaker 3:

When the corona hits, I was in the same park a lot Because the current hits everybody was not working and I was in high school at the time I dropped out of high school just to go work in the north side. I was selling masks out of my car, yeah.

Speaker 3:

I was making bank. Well, I did. We bought a half a containers me and me and the family, and we saw selling masks out of the car. It was me, omar, couple other guys. I heard a couple people bro, we're making bank out of the money, we're cuz I was our cook brothers. Omar was a Walmart right down the street by the bridge and my other guy was by Home Depot. There's these three corners, don't? Have a home Depot cross street from my cook brothers.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I had a car over there by Aldi, right down three.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but right down the street by Aldi and home Depot. Yeah, we had a car over there and I was by cook brothers and Omar was by a Walmart.

Speaker 4:

like down street man, we're making banks, that's what I Tell me that fucking Omar was working down the block from where I was working. For yeah, we never even know that.

Speaker 3:

Well, he was posted up with his fucking Mustang over there, yeah, but it was. We're making so much. How guess how much percent on each? Like bag of max and masks.

Speaker 1:

Like I had $50 well, we hit.

Speaker 3:

We used to bag them in like 10 and we saw dollar and a half each mask bro. I need to find quick like we like, okay, I, a lot of people used to come in and forget their masks and we spoke right from the Walmart, right from the cook brothers and right from our Home Depot on Aldi.

Speaker 1:

I'll let you know Whenever you got some hustles going on call me hustle all the time I'm a hustler to the cow I. Mean you, we, we, the same, call me like.

Speaker 3:

I ain't gonna lie to you mean.

Speaker 1:

I'm available.

Speaker 3:

I make my own, so you're after the podcast about me and TJ we're gone something. Yeah like I bought my first. I bought my first escalator out of the fucking stupid ass shit I'll be. I don't know if you see my escalator posted it.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I see, yeah, I told floors.

Speaker 3:

I'm gonna roll up it, because I was at the protest thought I was scared like somebody's gonna hit.

Speaker 4:

No, low-key like I'm Respect for you guys. You guys have this like animosity where you guys if you see the Fiend for like or the tag, you guys a go for it. I'm a fucking if you guys call it goody-tooth you. But I remember somebody told me this one time I ain't gonna say his name, you know who you are, shout out but he told me about the iPhone share word. Like you can get a couple iPhones and sell it to some other fucker. Oh yeah, a couple couple grand. Oh yeah, man, I'm over them. No, no, no, no, knowing my luck, my ass is gonna be the first one that, like IRS, is gonna come knocking on my door. Oh yeah, I fuck that motherfucking a E.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, man, hit our phone. When you motherfucking get in town tomorrow, we gonna coordinate some shit and we're gonna all get together. Yes, so we could schedule this shit out.

Speaker 3:

You gotta tell it about my house. Huh, you gotta tell it about my house.

Speaker 6:

Man, you know when I come to town on get no telly diggers.

Speaker 3:

Kim over. He took a telly by my house and was his name all brown boy. Yeah took a telly by my house, I think.

Speaker 6:

No, I ain't gonna. I had no, I say that now touch talk about a go live out of blood.

Speaker 1:

Oh, shit, he wasn't a little good.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, I was in plug game. I'm not sure they get put with. That's what I'm sure because I know this. Last time when I started go, when I was in Michigan when they try to be tired feel that crinkled up my oh yeah, I see, I seen it.

Speaker 3:

I called it on that.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, they just wanted the motor up that bit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah we ain't gonna say that now, hey, we go, we go get out this Too crazy.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, I'm a hit y'all, brother. I'm gonna see y'all soon, nigga, I'm ready.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna see you in a minute game. Love you bro I love. Oh yeah, I'm gonna pull about a core. See what we gonna get some old headphones. We just been bullshit.

Speaker 3:

Well, yeah, like it's.

Speaker 4:

I'm gonna leave this bottle at the studio For the other. Don't know, these guys drink Tennessee. This is like some weak shit. So I brought some knob Creek for the real ones. That will actually, you know, know how to handle their liquor man. Look this knob Greek got me.

Speaker 1:

So motherfucking hot. Hey, I'm about to look a bitch. Better not thing twice tonight. I'm she gonna get Fuck real for real. This honey prove. No wonder why my homie be at the at the crib with his wife getting off the game Before we finish matches and shit. I understand now my nigga understand. Uncle drones in the house.

Speaker 4:

I drone for four, for fours on now. I don't drone for the streets, I just force it out for us up, hey no, so, so no bullshit.

Speaker 1:

Super, like now I got a couple questions for you because you ain't really got to talk. You talk, but you ain't get to talk about you, and Zuzu has started motherfucking giving you your credit, and I've been saying this for a minute like man gee super, one of the most underrated motherfuckers like, and he knows for us.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I swear to God, bro, he give it like each one of us. Like you got people that right. Like you got photographers right now. Well, like he will like, he will like you personally, okay.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'll give you so much credit that you don't deserve. Yeah, he's a real one and he's straight up with everybody. You did you jack, you drifted that he opposed to as as he would not edit it. When you fuck up, he would not like. Yeah, he probably edit some shit, but like he will leave it on, like in the video, yeah, when I first started.

Speaker 4:

If you guys I know most of you guys don't go like way far back in the Instagram page, but if you go way back, I was around before reals were a thing, oh.

Speaker 3:

I was.

Speaker 4:

Nowadays, they want to be 10 seconds, they want to be six seconds. Oh yeah. You wanna get a whole video's are like 12 minutes long the video of that night of the Mexican independence. Oh yeah, 12 minute long minutes long and but but you see the whole weekend. See, I didn't want just a little bit of the night, I don't want to like a six second. Okay, here's a rollback. Here's, that's it. No, here's the entire weekend.

Speaker 1:

You had played out and then back.

Speaker 4:

Then, if you flipped your phone, it actually switched. Yeah now it's just Instagram just kind of keeps it in the small that little small ass shit. But yeah but, for our before I was around. Before reals were a big-ass thing, before vertical were a big thing.

Speaker 1:

But I want to say this super like dog, the way you chase cars down. Do you be scared? When you be chasing motherfuckers, like, do you be nervous that you might hit them? Because what the? And the reason I asked this, the reason, the legitimate reason I asked, is because one you can't see nothing going on around you with them goggles on you, literally Only see.

Speaker 3:

The pit goggles on. I'm some fucking dude, lost control and fucking hit him.

Speaker 4:

That's. I'll give you credit for that pre goggles it was. I have a Mavic air and I Know it's not much, but if you think about like a point 10, a 10th of a second delay, think about a point 10th of a second delay, and that's what I was looking at the time. I was looking at the remote and the remote had my phone on it and it was a delay in it by maybe a second. I was following you guys, trying to anticipate where you guys are spinning, so it's not only like flying in there. I see you guys going in circles.

Speaker 4:

I see you guys going oh, yeah but if I see that little flip, I know you guys are about to do a 360.

Speaker 3:

You can tell like when, like it's, it's done because we get you get to a point like For me. I don't like I got to feel the car like some people like will turn up their music all the way up. No, I turned it all the way down.

Speaker 2:

I got a few more car. I gotta listen to my car.

Speaker 3:

I gotta feel it like when I know I know what I'm gonna spin out and I know what I can keep.

Speaker 4:

I can See you guys hit that back end and I saw you guys kind of throw that thing back in. By the time I'm seeing it, you guys had already done it yeah but I already saw you guys doing it, I think Reaper I don't know if you ever be on the pod, but Reaper, he was the one that had the definitely reached out to Reaper.

Speaker 1:

Oh hell, yeah, I like this. He's the one that had the. Led no that was neck or supper.

Speaker 4:

No, the LED is on the brake pads.

Speaker 5:

I was, joe I'd with the Camaro the. Camaro.

Speaker 3:

Oh, yeah, yeah with the Camaro.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I would do like the closest shot I ever had was he almost hit my the drone. But by the time I had seen the drone like almost hit the shot, I was already pulling up because I knew he was coming at me. Yeah but man, that just that shot was just fucking.

Speaker 3:

No, the most riskiest one I seen for you. When you chased me with, like when I was out of the window, I was like damn, he got some.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, zoo had a fucking huge ass Cuban in his hand.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I was following my hand pv and his ass almost.

Speaker 4:

I swear to God. I almost clipped a Cuban with my drone.

Speaker 3:

Yeah and then I didn't know how I didn't had no lighter and there was the Subaru guy with the fucking Hood exit, like the whole exhaust exit the hoodie's out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and he was playing. You're keeping up to the end of some it was.

Speaker 3:

Somebody was taking a video. I have it. I was gonna look for it and I swear to walk inside the crowd that was around him, put my Cuban cigar on the fucking and I take it back. Hit it, put it back because you need that kid started. I Was like thank you and I walked away.

Speaker 4:

I don't know, somebody got that clip somebody got it, I have.

Speaker 3:

I got so many videos. I Was the finish ever.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, oh.

Speaker 3:

Geez back today. Man, I missed them days cuz like.

Speaker 4:

I'm glad to have been on with you zoo, because I told myself I was only gonna be on with an og someone I feel more comfortable with, like Nowadays like I love.

Speaker 3:

the other day I looked in the group in the crew group chat like oh, what the fuck?

Speaker 4:

all these people yeah and he grew respect to all the modern-day people, but it's like, yeah, they were just seeing the nowadays people say, oh, who the fuck is that? And Chances are there's somebody who was already been in the scene, but they changed your name, it's in the name of stuff.

Speaker 3:

But like when we started the crew, all of us were like talking about he gotta do something special and we're gonna walk up to him and like he gotta be like special, like you gotta get I know how to spin, or he got Like he go crazy, or something. Nowadays I'm sorry to say that they were crew and anybody, anybody with a nice car, you know. I mean you got a charger all coming with us. You got this coming with us. It gets all point at one time there's more than 50 people.

Speaker 4:

One of the biggest media's guys I'm not gonna say name and one of the biggest crews actually you took the, I didn't want to be in the crew. He did not want to be in the crew.

Speaker 3:

Wait again one of the biggest media's guys.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, he did not want to be in that crew and I don't know, you know?

Speaker 3:

probably by the first yeah he's always on the windows.

Speaker 4:

He didn't want, he didn't want to be in that crew, but there was a little bit of a mix-up and I remember it was like because At some point everybody wanted to be in the crew, yeah, and after that, when they saw fucking up, so so question, because I keep hearing that 312 Was the only crew, it was the only career, who started 312 started 312.

Speaker 3:

Bobby Bobby Jim Mario, bobby Jim Mario.

Speaker 4:

Then I came around and Okay, bobby said he started it in a way, like he said he started with, like with his own classmates, in a way.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, bobby, yeah, yeah, shut up my boy, bobby. I'm saying for what.

Speaker 1:

Okay, yeah, yeah, a super question was that who you introduced me to the short, short ass, and at four city if you saw a little blanket, yeah cuz I like you was like he's a og og and he looked. He looked kind of look like McCully cocaine.

Speaker 3:

Listen yeah what's crazy yeah he started the crew. He had no license. He by his first car With no license. He should write him and Mario to the city and he imagine, like a 14 years old G8, mario right, yeah, yeah, mario, yeah, real, when he had the BMW.

Speaker 4:

So those guys were the pioneers of. They started three on cool crew in a, in a, in a blame, like kind of like a rough draft of what the history was. Once some of the crew got a little bit famous, got a little bit, they branched off and made another crew. Oh yeah yeah.

Speaker 3:

Like okay. So we had three, one, two for like two years. We're up the best crew in the city, easy. Then we had some new guys came around. They made their name for a couple months. They blew up with us. It was without mentioning no names. They blew up like no, it wasn't.

Speaker 4:

I'm telling you cuz I was like it was some of the main crew members, the one that made 312 famous. They decided to split off and make that other crew.

Speaker 5:

That's true.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, the famous guy yeah, the ones that brought 312 up, the ones that made 312 who they are. I got like a brand stuff 312 made them Because I remember one of them first up, because if you think about it's like that story of the chicken and the egg Look, you never know what's. You know who made who first cuz.

Speaker 3:

I got proof of that because when they first started going out to meet, he showed up the same night. The E and the hellcash or. I'll never forget that day he showed up. You got a nice car at the time he was. It was best-looking car that I seen.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

And it was like you know how to spin it because I already burned my tires, my boys tires. It was my boy in a Mustang it's. I'm not gonna mention his name because his name is hot right now the gray Mustang. Right, you guys remember the gray Mustang? I remember a we should be black. Then he made it gray.

Speaker 5:

Bravo oh.

Speaker 3:

Five point all musting. That's all the old one. Yeah, so I already burnt his tires. I burned my tires and he showed up and I was like you know it's been it. It was like, no, I never spend it before, I just bought it and I was like, okay, but hop it next to me, here was. I was like I'm straight up and if I happen somebody's car I be shrub with them mechanic issue on you, body issues, like we hear something it's on me and I'm ready to be for. I would never happen somebody's car if I don't have money in my pocket or my bank account. I hope I drift that bitch like it's like no, tomorrow. I was going so fucking. I saw a video, it's easy to pull that out. I Drifted it, bro, I drifted it better than him and he got. He got, he got a can out, got salty way. Who I'll show you right now, no names.

Speaker 1:

No names. You're gonna show me the car.

Speaker 3:

I'm bad terms right now.

Speaker 1:

I Think I already know.

Speaker 3:

I think I told you over the phone.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I was like make sure he's not here.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know, I'm damn it, man hey. Yeah, that's a hey, veto you been, you been real quiet, vito, you been real quiet. Yeah, you been real quiet. Him talk, you know you over here on your ninja shit for real. Motherfucking got this Driving a target.

Speaker 3:

I'm not. I'm not gonna be a cocky, but like that's the first time popping and like Something bigger than my car, like bigger than what I'm used to look what I did.

Speaker 3:

Man and like remember when you took that video oh, three years you took one of my best fucking videos and the g35 I Was spinning, I was taking the whole fucking park lot. I was going why this fuck where in four city Was going wide. I was going wide and tell that's when I this the night that I might sell me the tattoo guy. That's the night that I met him. I usually seen him, but I was scared to walk up to him.

Speaker 4:

Okay, I want to get a tattoo from. I'm like I can't afford his ass.

Speaker 3:

No, but like because when I first met him he was, he looked a little scary. I'm sorry, sell it, but he looked kind of low scary. I got lied to you and I was I didn't want to walk up to a wrong guy and start talking to him and something happened. We in Chicago, you know, I mean, oh, if I'm far away, he looked like a game banger. I'm sorry, you know I love you selling my bed.

Speaker 4:

Bro, I'm mr Teen Sully. Crazy.

Speaker 3:

Yes, and. You were you took.

Speaker 3:

I saw have it, I think you might have. I was going crazy in for city and he came in and caught me off right away and I came in, come here for sorry drifting because I was taking all the like the spotlight that night and he came in Sorry drifting, he run against me and we parked up and then when he told me, that's when he told me oh, you got talent, get on that. And Like after that day I was sorry, going crazy. I each weekend I spent. So each weekend Should go three times sorry zone each, each sec, each day to the tires, or even if you use the okay, but right, okay, we got plug don't always come through though, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Friday, saturday yeah, I had the plug from away, but Sunday, all you all on me, and so with my plug I used to pay to hey.

Speaker 4:

I mean, I mean, that's just dedication.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I just I just recently learned about tires on like it was. It was late, it's fuck one night and I'm a fucking.

Speaker 3:

Right now. Shout out to my boy from tires on Mr.

Speaker 5:

Oh, we're cool, I'm not they got new owners now, but at the time when we went there, it was just me and him.

Speaker 3:

Oh, sam owner. But what the time at the time, at the?

Speaker 5:


Speaker 4:

It's so sad. No, sam, would you get turrets from florist?

Speaker 1:

I caught a flat. Nobody had my size but somebody I I got to give a shout out to to Tay for putting me on.

Speaker 3:

Everybody on with tires on.

Speaker 4:

When I first started, I learned that, like you guys, with your specific like custom sports cars, because that, kevin, we did a Photo shoot. His brother is the one that I grew up with. Uh-huh, we were doing photo shoots throughout Chicago I'll show you a little bit later but we shot right outside soldier field. I got a nice shot of him.

Speaker 4:

I think I remember something, but uh, I remember him saying like there was a couple spots with all this, this a beautiful spot. He's like I can't go down the block because I can't go over the, the speed bumps or shit like that. But I remember thinking like he said he'll pop a tire, you know, but Come here, give you a tire, dude.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, cuz tires on was the spot and I told everybody about because nobody knew about it Probably it's just a couple people and I saw telling them because I was, because I used to drop drop off tires for him.

Speaker 4:

Is that the one where people had on their stories were like every time? I think they would be in this like stacks of tires on the. That's the only tire shop that yeah.

Speaker 5:

We would actually meet up there before we go to the meets. Everyone was stuck up up there I won't get new tires from land tires together and roll out, yeah or you have a few backups and see, that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

We got to get back to shit like that, all the drivers being in sync, the host being in sync right now.

Speaker 3:

No, I get like you. It got to a point before I left, in sync, we get before I left. It got to a point Nobody fuck with nobody.

Speaker 1:

That's cuz. Motherfuckers got big head. I'm better than you. I got to a point when it's okay to have friendly competition.

Speaker 3:

Can you the pets?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I was not even rolling with my own crew.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I rolled up, I was just represented, chicago, just me and myself, and like whatever happened happened. Yeah, and then I. I Wouldn't ever, I would never forget that night because everybody turned it back on me, because it was like so much drama going Going in the middle and everybody stopped talking to me except a little toxic and selling.

Speaker 4:

First female that actually like swing, she broke through the ceiling. Yeah, hey.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna tell you how it is, and I'm gonna say this story Because I got to my first introduction to La Toxica. What now swinging story. She was using people as bowling pins. With her car I'm running my mariano's. That shit was crazy. I don't remember, I don't know what happened, but she hit like six motherfuckers leaving mariano's. It was crazy yeah.

Speaker 4:

Get away from the CPD? No, she wasn't trying to get away from the CPD.

Speaker 1:

She was running from a ass whooping. Somebody was trying to whoop her ass that night or something. No, that's her.

Speaker 3:

I didn't see her for a while and she usually bring us around, like last year, like last year she brought us around to her crib. She had, she had the whole crew in her crib and shit. So that's her.

Speaker 4:

She's the first one I remember seeing like yeah, but like don't worry, I'm a.

Speaker 1:

I'm a. I'm a family of badass bitch and I'm gonna teach you how to swing.

Speaker 4:

I want you to come to the podcast, so you can speak English.

Speaker 1:

Motherfucker, english, english motherfucker.

Speaker 4:

The world For those who speak Spanish.

Speaker 1:

We're trying to increase our yeah, we can increase the demographic with goddamn it. Put me in the loop, teach me Spanish or shut the fuck up.

Speaker 4:

Okay, we gotta get a what's up dude. I, finally I've been following this guy from UK, from the street sweepers, uk or street something, uk Dude. We got to get you guys on the broadcast, but from across the pond on the podcast. On the podcast and you know the sexy me pod podcast.

Speaker 3:

What was it called that night when, like it, was a king of the pits? Yeah yeah, I don't know. I don't know who's are calling me the king of the pits before that night happened like that. That part no, uncle Banda, I come on, compendor.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Uncle Snoop.

Speaker 1:

Will do government.

Speaker 3:

How he's the one who called me DK name. He's telling me see me, all what I'm decayed DK this, dg, that and Personally I don't call myself DK. I just put on my cuz I like that, you know I mean, but I don't. I don't like right now, like I'm trying, I get, like I'm trying to take it off my Instagram name too, cuz I stopped out. I fucked up so many times, but I still like hey, listen to me, that's, that's a part of life.

Speaker 1:

You know what I'm saying? We fuck up to learn how to do shit better. So for you to motherfucking keep saying you fucked up. Niggas is giving you the name DK for a reason. So go ahead and take it, cuz when I tell you, bro Everybody I talked to that was from the OG days they say you gotta talk to Zuzu, you gotta talk to Zuzu, you gotta talk to Zuzu, you like, and I'm like I. Then I go, I'm going and motherfucking stars she's sending me footage of you and I'm like oh, this nigga crazy. He's a fucking dog with this shit.

Speaker 4:

I tell myself I wouldn't come on only with an og Zoo is fucking og name, thank you.

Speaker 3:

But like, let me tell you, like me tell you how I started it, like I'll start swinging stuff. Yeah, so it was after corona. I was slow to press, I like to, it was loaded, I was going through some shit and I started going to the like the parking chill, and I was like it's not all that, but I like. I like, like when we get together, me and Omar and some other guys told me y'all did.

Speaker 1:

You told me a little earlier Y'all did the burnout and do the cuss, y'all out.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it cuts us out, but I like I used to like the drive over there. Yeah, we'll go over there and leave from over there. I didn't like staying over there, I like what you like to drive, then back. We're just behind each other cut up cars we used to go crazy, yeah, that cruise, that cruise man.

Speaker 3:

We used to go crazy, especially me and Omar. Like I'll give it. I'll give it to Omar he's. He's the only motherfucker that I trust. Jibin, either jibin behind me or I'm jibin behind him. We will go between cars and shit. I he understand me.

Speaker 1:

I understand him by yeah, and that's important in this city.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, like we understand each other and I like that. So I told you that one night we showed up to white castle and I was like damn, that's some nice shit, like I and I. When that's what I first bought my year 35, I was like I want to try, I go. I went in. I didn't even know how to turn off my traction.

Speaker 1:

Good thing you ain't blow your motherfucking.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I know how many times I've been to me where I see the crowd come up to the windows and turn off your traction. Turn off your traction. Turn off your traction.

Speaker 1:

I was a motherfucker about to blow their shit up.

Speaker 3:

35 I used to do like a burnout without my traction off, I will do it. You know how charger is like. You got to turn it off twice, like it's two steps for it. I was the same, next same thing. So I used to do a burnout easily. But like I gotta turn, I gotta turn off my traction, like fully turned off.

Speaker 3:

I didn't know how to turn it off the first time I went in I fucked up that I parked up. I looked it up on YouTube. I turned off the traction, then I went back in. I kind of got it and I got it spend off a couple times. Then the next weekend came around, I went in, I Went, I did some little crazy. Like I went, I did my thing and I liked it, and so one night it was so fucking hyped up and that's the night that I met him it was packed as fuck. I was the night that I came back from. I was the first night that I came back from New York because I said in New York for a whole month and that's the night that I'm a veto Everybody was going crazy and I went in a pit with another. It was my first time either.

Speaker 3:

I was my first time doing tandem With somebody who you do a tandem with, I did it with Alexis and I did it with another g37, okay, and I think, if you remember, we came Head to head, like he's been out, or we came head to head. I'll pull out the video.

Speaker 1:

I think I've seen that.

Speaker 4:

As far as I remember the oldest tandem that I have is the one that Z-Sides copy was a ketchup and mustard guy.

Speaker 3:

Yeah yeah, no, we had, we had we had the first night with the instruction. We had a tandem to me and the BMW guy shout out to whoever had the tandem at White Castle.

Speaker 4:

It was a ketchup and mustard, it was a yellow was.

Speaker 3:

Mike, I was Mike, and Mike was out ski yellow. Yeah that's my boy.

Speaker 4:

I miss you, mikey. Fanta.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and his boy. I forgot his name. Yeah, you used to call them ketchup and mustard. That's the night.

Speaker 4:

Right here, now this is something you guys aren't gonna know about. You guys remember the green charger striker. That's what I was talking about. That's what I was talking about, charger why buddy? Yeah, he was teasing the cops.

Speaker 5:

Oh wait I don't think I know who's?

Speaker 4:

a couple years ago a few days later I did a video shoot for a guy. He's like he's telling me all about the meets. He's like yeah, dude, my guy got his car stolen. Get the fuck out of here and he chased him.

Speaker 3:

And he chased him, just shooting at him and shit.

Speaker 4:

We're, we're heading to the photo shoot. He's like here, let me call Dude. This guy called his boy up and like had him on the phone while I'm in the backseat like. He's like, yeah, my guy got, so you're good, you're your car in the backseat. The dude was like fucking cool itself by this point. He's like yeah, man, you know they're gonna pay me out for it. It's cool for you know he didn't give a fuck.

Speaker 3:

No, the night they seen like his car swinging and it was like he's in the cop. They chased him. Oh. I know that yeah but that's, that's the tandem I was telling you about?

Speaker 4:

isn't that the black charger?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the same guy from the leg of the challenger right, the base. I mean him had me and him. We came, had to head, like we stopped at, like we catch that and even nowadays, it's fine, people do tandem.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's the night.

Speaker 1:

That's the night that made her to the best hand of my ever seen Hurts and we'll Also I'm lying feast and I Want to say is black listed 5.0? It was a mustang but his shit wasn't black then and and he motherfucking did a roll back on fees.

Speaker 3:

Oh my god, if you remember white Castle days, we had a black dude. He should do YouTube. He had a blue Mustang he went in. He used to be friends with I feel like I know you don't it don't a Montana he had a black Mustang too.

Speaker 5:

His was the only supercharged 5-0 coyote. Yeah custom edition 101 in Chicago. Yeah, it was a blue mustang.

Speaker 4:

I seen this one dude. He had a vlog. I want to say it was a more of a vlog, but he has a like a Mustang now. He was a buddies with big board.

Speaker 3:

I might have a big boy, arty.

Speaker 4:

I remember finding his YouTube and you see a shot of my drone go over his head and he's like I think, I think, I see that I don't know if you were there, but that's.

Speaker 3:

That's the same night. Weather, the tandem, that's the night that made me feel in love with the car scene. It was a look, if you remember that, if you remember that video, if you were there, I was on top of the Hummer dancing with a whole bunch of guys. And everybody was yeah, that way, guess everybody was recording me and shit and I was so hyped up that night about. Four sets of tires about like five or six, I can't remember about a lot of tires man dude, I live.

Speaker 4:

You know that BP that's on the block from there on Archer was the BP, the no.

Speaker 3:

No, it was shell, not BP shell.

Speaker 4:

It was BP when I lived there, literally lived in the apartment building on that block.

Speaker 1:

That's how you found the takeover no and that's the fucked up thing.

Speaker 4:

I lived on that block for maybe two or three years. I would always hear the Always think it was like on the expressway shit. But literally, if I maybe look out my window, it was white castle right outside my window, right there.

Speaker 3:

They were talking about the gas station, all the pee-pee'd like. Yeah, it's on Archer Avenue because, mom, because this is the one like right here, no, no, no you tell me.

Speaker 1:

I know what you tell me.

Speaker 3:

Oh, gee show yeah she'll know, this is she 'll definitely.

Speaker 1:

Hey, if we could get she'll back button this summer. Uh, let's make it happen. I remember we need to. We need to cut off all motherfucking.

Speaker 4:

Were you guys at everything, or show, because I remember when Addy's dropped, people were regrouping a shell and show show was a regroup spot.

Speaker 5:

So it would be just not everybody, though.

Speaker 3:

It would be just the main people, the main people yeah, we go over there, but we get something to drink.

Speaker 4:

I remember I pulled up to Ford City and I remember seeing the stories he's show got lit. The fuck, oh boy, you guys are a show.

Speaker 3:

I have a video. But I have a video and this video was be stuck in my mind the whole time, like we had a group, like if you look, if you see them in on a real life, you would Never come cross your mind. They showed up to the car meets. You got some billionaires and I know them personally. You might know a couple of them. Yeah, we had some people with expensive ass cars. I swear to God, we had some billionaires rolling with us. I don't know if you guys know shoe who shut out.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, shut up, shoot a whoo, shoot a whoo. What's?

Speaker 1:

funny is what's funny is everybody comes shoe. I never met him personally, but since I started following him I always been like shoot a whoo.

Speaker 3:

Is a real, real, real house.

Speaker 5:

She was a. He's a friend, he's more than that.

Speaker 1:

You know, wait, Wait, wait, wait, wait hold on, I'm gonna fuck y'all here up, because if I think it's who, I think it is.

Speaker 3:

That the guy who play poker or gambles.

Speaker 4:

I can say now I had this one guy, I filmed for him here Mercedes or BMW, really high class.

Speaker 5:

I'm male and Beto Sanchez with shoe black.

Speaker 3:

No, he's Mexican, Mexico, but we're all within it.

Speaker 1:

This ain't the same shoe.

Speaker 3:

When I first man I thought he was Jewish. I got like to you. No, this guy named a beto beto.

Speaker 4:

He has his own Barbershop in Joliet. This dude has like a barbershop slash lounge when I sit. You know with you the way you see the setup here now. Right here would be a barbershop and a bar next to it in the same thing, the same thing as my bar. Yeah, I see things, my barber.

Speaker 4:

He's one one time and I'm like I remember following them and he, you know he contact me. He's like a dude. I'm about to open a brand new seat on my my barbershop. It's a like high luxury chair. Can you come film the big guy?

Speaker 1:

He's a real hustler, bro, yeah shoot to the woo, shoot a wolf. I follow him too, but I know a nigga named shoe woo for real, like oh, the craziest night was shoe he come up to, I'll come up to him.

Speaker 3:

I was like did you ever spend your car? That's why I said I saw a C in havoc and oh, shout out to have it. Yes.

Speaker 5:

I have it. I have it, he's. That's the OG.

Speaker 1:

Can we get Fanta a shout out? In the yellow thunder a lumber poke me a little bit more. This a look, I Ain't gonna lie to y'all. As bad as I want to keep going, we we running out of time like a motherfucking initiative getting good and I feel bad, but we coming back for a part two, so this week I'm gonna let you know when he coming, you come east super, you bring your ass to Got a. No excuses.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we, we, we, we gonna, we gonna do a part two to this cuz. Like gee, I see what is going and me and you. We already had a 30-40 minute conversation.

Speaker 4:

Scratch the surface.

Speaker 1:

Hey, I really, I really want you to motherfucking, throw the confetti in the air and Knock some people off. They have worse before you go. Man you Know what to say. You said it already.

Speaker 3:

Like you gotta stop, like some people. Okay, I'm gonna tell you, I'm gonna tell you one story, but I don't know, I don't want to start no drama again.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, yeah, I 3121 when, and I I'm gonna say the nice way I mean man, hey, keep it, keep it, keep it, keep it dirt, keep it dirt. Oh gee, that's what we made this podcast for.

Speaker 3:

you know, I'm saying it's after, after what, after Real, left a crew? Yeah, it's not the same, no more for sure. Because how you gonna I'm sorry, snow. You know I love you to death me and you would did a lot together. We've been through some shit together too and but like I Don't like you, don't even like you, don't you not you're not a swinger to run a crew, one of the biggest crew in the city. And Like you started from media to run the crew and and there's a lot of and there's a lot of like, there's a lot of people that deserve to run the crew and I know if the Okay, you did some good job on the media, but like on On the street, it's not. Like, it's not the same, no more.

Speaker 3:

You know me with the crew and that's that's why we made me stop back a little bit from the crew. Like I took off my bag and my bio, I saw claim 312, all day long, the og 312, not the first no 312 crew, because right now, all in all, three or four niggas from 312. I, you know what I mean, but like you can't bring a spectator to run a whole crew. I'm just being honest, bro. I'm just being honest like, and I talked about it like with a lot of guys. It was never. It never came across my mind, but when I sat down and thought about it, it's like it's not going to work like that. You know what I mean and that's what brought the crew down. I just you gotta leave your like your emotions or your feelings.

Speaker 4:

What is the? Sign You're representing a brand.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you gotta leave your feelings out of the work or the stuff you do, and that's what I feel. That's what's getting mixed up with Her feeling like how her relationship with somebody and the crew and how her relationship with somebody else and the crew, and it's going to be a whole different story I get light, but that also come down to the fact that she a female.

Speaker 1:

She can't handle the shit the way we do.

Speaker 3:

Like, like she has to pull punches. Yeah, like.

Speaker 1:

Like, like, I honestly like as much as I love snow and I love snow to death.

Speaker 3:

Me too. I love snow. I love you. I'm sorry about.

Speaker 1:

I'm a great motherfucking individual and she showed everybody love, but when, when she don't like somebody, the snake come out.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he's out of the picture. Yeah, I see.

Speaker 1:

Like, like, like. And that's why, when I had on the show, I brought up the shit between her and Super, because like Super didn't get the recognition he deserved, because snow was blacklisting them. Yeah, hell yeah. You know what I'm saying? Like no.

Speaker 4:

All right, all right. This probably won't make the pod and raw If you're listening to no, it's definitely making the pod.

Speaker 1:

We not cutting shit out.

Speaker 4:

Right, I'm like fucked up, because we're damn near to the bottle bottom of a bot, knob Creek, 100 proof. This is what I'd say fucked up, 312 in my mind. You remember when Mr Goddammit was coming for the first time, the first time, the only sideways was taking every motherfucking media and swinger from 312. They were taking this. Oh yeah, they took Poseidon, they took Plum, they took all the top motherfuckers I told you about it, we reached out to 312 and told them all right, let's be diplomatic.

Speaker 4:

This is what, when I went, when I listened to the the power about 312, they're saying, oh, we want peace and unity. You know I was laughing the whole fucking time. Fuck that shit. You didn't want 312.

Speaker 3:

You didn't want unity.

Speaker 4:

Okay, you were in the chat right I was in the chat, yeah.

Speaker 4:

I went when they were asking all right, fine, let's be diplomatic, tay and TJ, you do, guys, you guys I hate that term to keep my name out your mouth, but, motherfuckers, if you guys are going to back me up, back me up right now. Tay and TJ reached out to Snow and 312 and said fine, you take Mr Goddammit weekend. We'll take Cinco de Mayo and at this point, strictly sideways, we'll take in the media. We were taking swingers, we're taking media. Snow said no, fuck you guys, we'll take Cinco de Mayo and we'll take Mr Goddammit.

Speaker 3:

Doesn't work that way. No.

Speaker 4:

And we said, oh, what the fuck, dude, are you kidding me?

Speaker 3:

Are you?

Speaker 4:

really going to be a bitch about this. We're trying to be diplomatic. This is why every time when I listen to the podcast, when I'm editing and shit, and I'm listening to this like no, that's not how it went. No, strictly sideways, tay and TJ. If you guys want to fucking say like, nah, we ain't you know backing that shit up, I'm telling you, I'm putting your names right now, tay and TJ. I told you we were all, and so did Just Nick. We asked 312, you guys want to split this. You know, let's make this a multi-diversion, let's make you know 312 was like oh no, we're the top dogs, we don't want to get fucking to him.

Speaker 1:

But then, like you say, y'all went on some diplomatic shit and then Snow turned around and got mad when they didn't want to give her no event, for Chicago versus everybody. This is cause and effect.

Speaker 3:

No, no, no, no, I'm getting busy, you got to understand that.

Speaker 4:

Every addy we popped. No no, this is this was, after that first little like shenanigans that happened, the first big event that strictly sideways, was going to pull up. Five addies were called and five addies were called up in the citizen report. Were shots fired, shots fired, shots fired on the addies that we called? How the hell are you going to know? And she knew the addies before we called them, but yet every addy we called was popped.

Speaker 3:

That's what come back to, the same point from the beginning.

Speaker 1:

That's like you got to take your emotions out.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, take your emotions out because back in the day it was one list. Okay, I got to you one list. I will go out for three or four people that had only had their spotlight on them. If it had a spotlight on you, you're out of the picture. You are the picture, you're out of the picture. So, basically, we used to make a list. Okay, she got to me to sell it. Reaper Three, one, two, jenny, how else is it? The last video Just people that had the spotlight on and used to spend a lot of time and a lot of money and a lot of it was like it was our time.

Speaker 4:

It was our time, it was like the.

Speaker 3:

You're so invested in this shit and deserve to get the list before anybody else and they never fuck. They never posted it before everybody else. Everybody was on point. We had a little group chat posted.

Speaker 4:

Everybody will post the one damning evidence that I have is that in the strictly sideways chat we posted what was that site by a.

Speaker 3:

I was never in the street by the museum.

Speaker 4:

But you remember that spot in the museum, by the museum. It was a science and industry by like the nineties and expressway. When we called it on the stride side with chat three, one, two replied immediately. When we posted a cops already there, they replied you know, I'm not going to say names. They replied oh, I know, how the fuck are you going to know that a cop is at a site or we posted on the public? Oh yeah, how the fuck are you going to know that a somebody is on a lot of some petty shit.

Speaker 1:

And that's the thing. Like so, what's crazy? Super, you were the first person I encountered that told me, like a snow, snow, snow, good at what she do, but you got to watch it. Yeah, and at first I didn't understand it, but I understood it because I'm seeing she's like one of the only female hosts on the scene. When I stepped on the scene, not knowing, not knowing that it's picking you up, not knowing that three, one, two, jenny was a host, was the first female host.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I did not know that I'll give her credit. She's the host.

Speaker 1:

I did not know that. Yeah, she hosted. We'll see that ghost, I remember.

Speaker 4:

And y'all know what's crazy Jenny out of her page.

Speaker 1:

Y'all know what's crazy. Jenny is my assistant on the on the Ramos bouquets, the big ass. So, I didn't, I didn't even fucking know. Yeah, shout out to Jenny Motherfucking nightmare before Christmas anime motherfucking bouquet. We did that, yeah.

Speaker 3:

She's I'm because me and I were see.

Speaker 1:

I had no clue that she was a host. So, finding out the information. I'm like damn, because my first episode with snow was was based off the love snow gave me. From the moment I stepped on the scene, how she always like, gave me advice, told me who to watch for, but then I started to realize that's, that's the people she's not like yeah, you got to bring your emotion.

Speaker 3:

You got to leave your emotion on the side.

Speaker 4:

Active private you got a, a motherfucking.

Speaker 1:

It's a situation that went on and she reached out to some of my shorties about it, about the event that they hosting at the end of this month, and I just had to tell them straight up, like hey, you got a motherfucking. Learn and know and understand that when snow come, volunteering information, you need to ask yourself what is her ulterior motive.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

And and and it's nothing against you snow at all. It's just the fact that you, a woman, and you use your emotions first. So when you hear this because you're going to hear this I'm going to make sure that this is heard, because this is. This is called checks and balances. You are creating a dysfunction amongst the community, whether you believe that you are being a host.

Speaker 3:

Being a host something serious.

Speaker 1:

It's something serious. But when you step in and you start saying shit about people and people get close to other people that you saying shit about and they not seeing the shit that you telling them, it makes you look bad. So you got to take your emotions out this card scene Like gee you would want to. You were the first episode we dropped for a reason and it had nothing to do with the motherfucking.

Speaker 4:

And it's not just snow, hold on Hold.

Speaker 1:

On, bro, I ain't done snow because because I'm directing this as snow Snow you were one of the first episodes for a reason because I knew that you would bring other old G's to the forefront. This is something I knew because of all the controversy around your name from the moment I stepped on the scene. I'm very meticulous, I'm very calculated, I'm a thinker like, and I'm sorry you had to be a pawn for us to get this shit rolling, how it is, where motherfuckers coming up and saying what they got to say. But, gee, as much as I love you, because even Smurf yeah, smurf took you out for your birthday but he told me you was just making the grass and, gee, you got to motherfucking check that shit and it ain't got shit to do with you not knowing what you're doing, because you can host a function for sure. You can host a night where it runs smooth and shit go good, but you really got to take your emotions out, this shit. And if you, if you take your emotions out to make snow, you can be the probably one of the greatest female hosts to ever run Chicago.

Speaker 1:

And this ain't motherfuckers trying to get on you because we don't like you. No, we love you, but we telling you this shit is bigger than your emotions or how somebody made you feel. That's why I brought up the shit with super. That's why I brought up, that's why I'm bringing up all this shit now. Like you, I'm happy that zoo opened it up, because he's been here from the beginning and it's just all something that needed to be said. Hey, snow, you are a great host, you are a great individual as a person, but you let your emotions manipulate how you motherfucking run shit, and that is a problem amongst the car community. You say you want peace and motherfucking unity, and the reality is you let your emotions create chaos, and that is not OK. You point the finger at everybody else when you need to be pointing a finger at you.

Speaker 3:

It's other motherfuckers in the community that do the same shit, but they don't do it as vindictive as you, because she's like when she talked to you, she's smart, she know how to get to in your head. Yeah, and I'm charismatic.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, if anything comes on the podcast, I want this raw. If you're listening to this, try to edit this. In the beginning, I was beginning to get a legal pit in Chicago. I was doing everything. If you guys, I'm probably gonna. If you guys DM me directly. There was a major, major Emmy, emmy award winning Chicago reporter fucking with me and Zeith trying to get a legal pit in Chicago Get done. She even talked to the main alderman that would be responsible to getting a legal bit done. So if you guys are out there listening to this, get a pen and pen and paper out right now.

Speaker 4:

What you need to do is the beginning. The beginning step is getting an alderman. Reach out to your local alderman. If you live in Chicago, those of you guys that live in suburbs, if you guys want to try I don't know how suburbs fucking work, fuck it, but Chicago motherfucking. If you live in Chicago, reach out to your alderman. Find a place that's away from society or raise away from residential neighborhood. Your first step reach out to an alderman. Once you get an alderman to approve of your location, I mean, florist, I love you, but there is no way in hell when life was not in it.

Speaker 1:

It's that, brandon, that bitch we getting for city, fuck what you talking about. Life for this life, life, foot is gone. No, no, brandon, brandon, brandon.

Speaker 4:

Brandon, okay, okay, oh, you told him to give us, like there's a spot on Lakeshore Drive, also what it is. If it's on Lakeshore Drive and I'm saying like try to think of this as a political portion you're asking the biggest man in Chicago to give you he's not the biggest because the governor is technically the biggest because he's over everything.

Speaker 3:

How I live, how I look, how I look, but there's no way we're going to get a spot in Lakeshore Drive.

Speaker 4:

If any politicians are listening to us right now. Give us an area in an industrial zone, away from residential Originally. Just give us for city. I was going to pitch the Damon silos. If anybody know where the Damon silos is, that is that is, that is a transformers.

Speaker 1:

I said the same thing. Hey look, I'm late for my next appointment, it's 815. We gonna part to this bitch? Yeah, for real, for real, for real. Hey shut us down.

Speaker 3:

I'll give my one thing no, no, no, go ahead. He was talking about something good and I talked. I talked about it with a lot of people like with they had money, they like to invest. If they're all in about it, there's one thing that they're the one point he stopped by. They're like do you want to back out? Because I wanted, I wanted to legal bit from the beginning. You know what I mean With the violence. They don't want nobody showing up. So I showed him shut up. Hey, no.

Speaker 1:

So look, we get a legal bit. Everybody getting searched Ain't nobody getting in with no fucking guns.

Speaker 3:

You got some people from Chicago.

Speaker 1:

We searching cars, we searching people. Nigga, put the gun down or get the fuck out. It's that simple. Yeah, because I ain't gonna lie to you, bro. I'm a nigga that come from an area where you couldn't pick up a gun until you learned how to use it. No, fuck, fuck, fuck. Learned how to use it, the gun. You had to learn how to fight a nigga.

Speaker 3:

You had to learn how to fight first.

Speaker 1:

Yep, these shorties don't know how to fucking fight. First thing they do they get in some shit. They go pick up a gun. Y'all a bunch of pussies. If I'm really being honest, nigga, I come from an era where we were trained to fight. We was trained to shoot Y'all niggas, just motherfucking. Oh, I got access to a gun. I could get a switch. I'm that nigga now? No, you're not Nigga, because I was that you're going. You are fucking. You think you think you think that switch make you a man? Huh, no, it don't, because I guarantee you you can have that same 30 clip and you might miss me. I got literally 10 in a chamber and I might smoke you and all your homies with one shot of peace, because I was trained this way. We were trained efficiently.

Speaker 1:

You don't attack innocent civilians. You don't fuck with women and children. That shit was automatic. You get shot in the fucking head. Why the fuck you think yummy did? Yummy is dead because he motherfucking shot a innocent bystander, a little girl. That was killed. That shit is Chicago culture. Go do your fucking research. Gee, all right, hey, we got to go. I'm about to get riled up. This about turning to a gang coach coalition. I fucked up giving folks got me off this knob Cree.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to go to work and beat somebody. Yes, watch, watch what I tell you.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's a lot of crazy shit, bro. It's like it's a lot of stuff, but you can't control everybody. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

No, but we can control what we can. Yeah, we can control the people that we can control Like we can make a legal call.

Speaker 4:

Calling out motherfuckers that are. I seen it happen.

Speaker 3:

I seen it happen in Indianapolis. They had a back of the church. We went there, me and three ones who crew.

Speaker 1:

I saw I used some of y'all pictures for my album cover twice.

Speaker 3:

The first time we went, we didn't have a lot of people with us, but we showed up.

Speaker 1:

I don't Franco.

Speaker 3:

We showed up over there. I said they searched everybody and they had guns. Okay, we had guns on us, but I didn't see nobody put on a fucking gun. I walking out with his fucking gun showing and we had issues like that. We had people hit each other's car. People got hit. People were getting close to each other.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah we had all that shit happen and I didn't see no fights. The okay, did you hit them? They parked up next to each other. They talked it out. Everything is cool. It doesn't have to be heated.

Speaker 1:

It is bad. I'm about to be at work drunk. It's here, super is your fault.

Speaker 3:

I seen it happen because I think I will be. There's a 14 years old small ass kids drifting bro. I see, I see, I see one of them over there. The youngest kid I ever seen was nine years old, yeah, and he was sitting next to his mom on the car that motherfucker was in the car getting busy.

Speaker 1:

I'm like what the fucking story? Do it.

Speaker 5:

I've seen Kansas City do that. I think it was KC right.

Speaker 1:

No, I was talking about shorty in California. Oh, kelly, he was Oakland, he was big baby.

Speaker 5:

That's the hell kid.

Speaker 3:

Shorty was pushing on him. No, it was the Pony, I think we were talking about the same little shorty you thought yeah, yeah, yeah, pony.

Speaker 4:

Hey, I seen two shorties.

Speaker 3:

It was two different shorties.

Speaker 1:

One was drifting in Hillcat and it was another one drifting upon a yak, I don't know where, the shorty from the Pony I saw it in his video.

Speaker 3:

He had his mama next to him and I parked it up and his mama was filming him. Yeah, I mean because for the longest time I wanted to bring my mama to the meets.

Speaker 1:

I'll see that what I'm doing like what I like, but you heard me earlier. My mama was at the takeover Friday night. Yeah, like nigga my mama, I went to my mama house the other day. Well, no, it was. It was my niece's birthday yesterday, right, my mama fucking niece birthday party. I say, mom, you say you got video. Show me the videos I want to see, because she called me Friday. Yeah, and I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm punching the clock, I'm making money another way, like on some other shit, and nigga, no bullshit, like I'm, yeah, I got to call you back, but she turned up in the phone. Gee, she showed me the videos. I will show you all the videos. And I'm talking to my mama as I'm watching the videos from her phone, recording it on my phone, and she, like it's, it's, it's, it's live, is it like the way it made her feel? She was out there rooting for motherfuckers? She kept talking about shout out, sick with it, hey, sick with it. You made my mama very proud. She was nervous.

Speaker 1:

Hey, sick with it, she was nervous. She say you almost hit a pole. I say no, mama. The V boys is crazy. They do all type of mad, dangerous stunts.

Speaker 3:

That's just how they get out. I'm not going to call like for the longest. I want to bring my mama out.

Speaker 1:

I didn't. Violence cuz okay, I get but there was a point in time before the violence came Right so there was still violence, but it's not good luck ain't.

Speaker 3:

Ain't my wisdom shootout. We had some people get shot and shit Okay, but I was not that I, so so much so, and I want to make this clear for motherfuckers who be crying now, so it's.

Speaker 1:

It's been shootouts long before long before, but we had it situated. We had it all talked out but the streets didn't got a hold of it, so it's a little more violent now.

Speaker 5:

We'll be people. People understand is this is at the end of Chicago, no matter where you go, as violence let's go.

Speaker 4:

So were you guys there 87s treats when they were talking about. Someone got shot in an alley or something no 87 was in a parking lot. Yeah, it wasn't a takeover, yeah but there was somebody that got shot.

Speaker 3:

No, and I'll tell you what happened. I was there for the whole situation.

Speaker 1:

We're gonna part to that one cuz it's getting.

Speaker 4:

I was supposed to be there eight o'clock, it's 822 and Not only that, the party, only that's us in our it's where I'm going out to.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, no, no. The, the platform let us upload whatever, but it actually tells us at the end, like if you look at the end, no, no, no, date, date. So the SD card split it up hour by hour Even the bus feet. Even with BuzzFeed we have a certain amount of time, or whatever. No, it's not one hour. We always go over the hour. That's for the whole month before close up in the month.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's for the month close up, cuz I want to finish that we're talking about bringing my mama's meat. Yeah okay, if I get to offer at the meets, okay, I got my guys with me, will fight. We might shooting might happen or something. But if something I forget to a fight and something happens to my mama, it's either you not gonna, no, it's like. I'm not gonna walk out of. The situation is do or die.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean somebody gonna die at night, yeah somebody's gonna die on that.

Speaker 3:

You know, I mean cuz one time I'll try to bring my. I brought my little brother, cuz he always watched me on like a social media.

Speaker 4:

He was, like, always wanted to come out, nephew.

Speaker 3:

Like, and then I shouldn't happen out for city. I was like fuck, imagine if something happens to him out. I killed somebody to that night. Yeah, I'm not gonna be in that situation Me, you know that's something.

Speaker 1:

But see, that's, and that's the thing about maturity that a lot of these shorties don't realize Us as men. We real men. We make decisions based on what we got to lose. Yeah, I could bring, I could bring my mama here, I could bring my kid here and, in reality, if something happened to them, this whole bitch gonna get fucked up. Oh yeah, everybody here gonna get it.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah like. Like when we used to go out to the meets, we used to go with some crazy shit in the car. I'll be crazy shit, I never, you will never see it.

Speaker 1:

Yes, first, first off. This gonna sound racist as fuck when I say it, but I know y'all own a couple rocket launch.

Speaker 5:

We're gonna say too much.

Speaker 1:

But hey, I didn't ask you to confirm, or the dad's for legal for legal reasons, these are decommissioned these are props, but I asked you the first time he met me.

Speaker 3:

I don't, I was grabbing something out of my trunk and he was standing right next to me and they straight up open his fucking mouth, like. Hey so look no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Speaker 1:

I was like hey open his fucking mouth like huh yeah look, I do not want to cut you all out.

Speaker 3:

No, I don't know, I know, I know me.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, this was well worth me being late. First off, I I don't Work for nobody but myself. Uh-huh, you feel me? So so so like this podcast shit. This come before my other shit. Uh-huh, the hood floor shit. It come before my other shit, my other shit. They wait on me it if they want to, if they want to penalize me for for not motherfucking being on time, cool.

Speaker 5:

But it is what we don't want to take it too much of your time, bro. No, no, no, no no.

Speaker 1:

Hey, I swear to God I should. I wish I had a cane at five o'clock as opposed to when I came, because this a really good fucking podcast, like sure. That's why.

Speaker 3:

I'm enjoying my time. I'm not feeling like I'm in the podcast. I'm talking to my.

Speaker 1:

You just talk to my boy, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, talk to my homies. I'm saying what's in my heart. You know, I mean yeah fuck all the like Filtering shit with a talking. No, I would say whatever in my heart. Yeah, I mean get mad or get the fuck.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's right.

Speaker 1:

But that's that's. That's why I told you when we talked on the phone I'm bro, say whatever the fuck you feel, bro, because this is a platform for motherfuckers. Now the the respect I got for you is the motherfuckers who is for you, said they gonna know, based off what I said yeah, you know what I'm saying. What I can't have is motherfuckers coming in here Saying, oh, this person or that person, and they not hit a, defend, they sell, no, no, no. They had a chance to be on the platform, like as much as I talk shit and say, fuck Orlando, I have no real issue with Orlando, and now he's scared to come on the podcast because he think I got an issue with him. Bro, I have no issue with you.

Speaker 1:

No, I don't know the way, guy, I want you to come on the podcast and you will hear in my interview with VQ Moe I Stop folks for motherfucking trying to tarnish your name because you're not here to defend yourself. That's how I feel the shit we talking about, the shit we said with snow it ain't. It wasn't nobody tarnishing her name. We gave her her credit and we critique.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we just being real just being real, you know, I see snow right now.

Speaker 3:

I'm giving her the big size because I miss her.

Speaker 1:

You know I mean because no genuine person kept it going.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so yeah, she got her credit.

Speaker 1:

She, she does. She has worked her ass off of the credit that she's earned. Yeah and, and and she say it took her a year and a half to get some respect from other motherfuckers and that took some hard work so we can't take nothing from my she.

Speaker 3:

The only thing she got those you gotta, she gotta leave her feelings out of the, out of the whole social.

Speaker 1:

exactly that's the only problem, everybody got with you.

Speaker 4:

Leave your feelings out of that merchant.

Speaker 1:

Hey, but look I, just before we go Quick, quick, quick. Is there anything y'all want to say to the people? Tell them how y'all feeling, if y'all could come back to the scene, whatever so what you did something?

Speaker 4:

I know I've been like this is like a unpopular opinion. There was one time where I was like filming with the FPV and the goggles and some dude. I heard him. I didn't see him. I heard him say give me a brick, I'm a toss it at the CPD. Oh fuck what we're doing, cpd. Look some CPT, love what we're doing. Oh yeah, and you throw a brick at them. You Automatically making enemy. So from here on out, push, don't attack, push, push them back. Push, push will do whatever we do link shoulders, do whatever shit you gotta do. Don't attack, oh yeah. Don't throw shit. Don't throw bottle rockets. Don't throw fireworks. Don't throw all this shit because, at the end of the day, if Chicago wants to have a legal pit, do I have? We need endorsement.

Speaker 3:

From CPD and if they keep going like that with the cops, we're gonna turn it like a fucking California and Whatever. Whatever I'm gonna say right now yeah, we had a really nice fucking thing in the city and you guys fucked it up. Six corners that is you guys. Really, really, really fucked it up for host the six corners, your responsible for your specs like Before the meets.

Speaker 3:

Before I started going to the meets, I don't know what the fuck I was. I didn't find my like. Each, each one of us will go through that phase like to figure out who the fuck he's gonna be in life, what the fuck he's got. He love you, what the fuck he hates. I was going through that time because I Was me. Growing up was a little hard for me. I had to figure out everything on myself because my dad was not around, but I had to figure out everything on my, on my own. I had to fuck up and learn, fuck up and learn, say yeah and like.

Speaker 3:

I had a really and had a really nice thing with the meets. Like I found myself like I All I'm able to do, that I like, okay, I'm good with my car, I know how to control my car and shit. And you guys really fucked it up for us because after, after about my second car I saw going to the meets and I crashed it and I looked back like should I go by another car or not? I was like fuck, all day worth it, no more.

Speaker 4:

After I got to car. No, it's not.

Speaker 3:

I'm spending so much fucking money.

Speaker 4:

I'm not gonna say names, but there's a guy out there that has a case pending. I mean, he asked me for his opinion. From my opinion, I told him you don't go, you don't owe a goddamn. Sent to the scene. Yeah, you fucking. At the end of the day, none of these motherfuckers are gonna go up to short court do nothing for you and do nothing for you. You Covered your own ass and that's all that matters, yep.

Speaker 1:

Hey, vito, you you want to say something for we go.

Speaker 5:

You've been real quiet, let me just I'm gonna just say this last thing or stop the violence, put the guns down, because the meets used to be a place where we could just pop out with the cars, have some fun. The girls, you know fat. It used to be fun, man, and now it's just about who got. Who got this and who got that, who got the bigger gun, who got the bigger balls, who got you know saying who's tougher, who got the bigger name, but hey it just. It sounds supposed to be like that.

Speaker 1:

Tell them. Tell them straight up. We don't come from a generation or culture where we doing shit to pee up Please other niggas, like the shit y'all shorty's doing now. Y'all trying to please these niggas folks. We've been trying to please bitches our whole life.

Speaker 3:

Don't let me rest off. I know, I know somebody used to love a car. Yeah, okay, I'm not gonna say I'm not gonna say what car is it, because the people's gonna know what the fuck he is. He used to fucking well, he was dying to buy that car and that car is not fucking loved in the scene. Okay, it's whatever, but it's okay, it's my dream car. I'm gonna go fucking buy it. I don't care what the fuck everybody say. When everybody starts saying all that car is stressed Is this, and that he want to buy another car here could afford it and here could afford modifying it too, and he Would have bought another car and got fucked up with.

Speaker 3:

Oh, yeah like Don't give a fuck about nobody, no more. Like, do whatever you love, do whatever you want. You know I mean, at the end of the day, it's you you gonna cover your ass. Okay, like a lot of people talk shit about me having a g35, but that same g35 is against how fucking hell cats?

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, nowadays you see everybody with affinity.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but my g35. It was the most popular g35 in the city at some point, if you guys remember thinking finally, someone doesn't have a charger. Yeah, everybody was challenger charger Mustang Camaro.

Speaker 5:

Why do you think everybody has a charger or a challenge?

Speaker 3:

It's because, it's because oh wait, wait.

Speaker 5:

It's because everybody makes other people feel like they ain't shit if they don't have that. If they have, they have a low profile car.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, something that's not a foreign they got to have a charger, a challenger.

Speaker 5:

That's what I'm telling everybody.

Speaker 3:

I told you I bought it on the phone and I took a bunch of time, but if you got a charger I want to see you in a whole different car spinning that bitch.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, cuz show me what you got. Folks at the charge, the easiest shit to swing easy shit ever Whoo we gonna talk about that on part two. Y'all tuning in to the rollback show and we rolling the fuck out.

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