The Rollback Show


April 22, 2024 TheHoodFlorist Season 1 Episode 30
The Rollback Show
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The Rollback Show
Apr 22, 2024 Season 1 Episode 30

Strap in tight—this episode’s a wild ride through the heartbeats and burnouts of the car community, with the unapologetically fierce self-made queen 2ssCrazyDes of the South's car scene steering the conversation. She takes us from her chrome-rimmed Tahoe days to sliding Camaros, painting a vivid picture of life in the fast lane. You'll be riding shotgun as she recounts an exhilarating journey of transformation, spotlighting the generational shifts in car culture and the contrast of police attitudes towards our need for speed from yesteryear to the present.

Navigating the twists and turns of the drifting world isn't for the faint-hearted, especially if you're a woman with rubber to burn and something to prove. Our guest shifts into high gear, tackling the trials and triumphs of standing out as a female slider among a sea of petrol-heads. With raw honesty, she shares her experiences from intimidation to empowerment on the track, celebrating the influential women who've left skid marks on her life and honoring a lost peer whose legacy fuels her drive.

Finally, we cruise into the essence of what makes the car community tick—camaraderie, quirky traditions, and the memories we create along the way. You'll feel the pulse of our shared passion from Mardi Gras in Texas to the vibrant meets in NOLA, as we spotlight the community's unwavering support and our everlasting pursuit of carving out spaces for legal racing. It's about the legacy we're building, the dreams we're towing, and the little ones we're inspiring to one day take the wheel. Join us on this joyride where the bonds forged under the hood are just as precious as the horsepower they harness.

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Strap in tight—this episode’s a wild ride through the heartbeats and burnouts of the car community, with the unapologetically fierce self-made queen 2ssCrazyDes of the South's car scene steering the conversation. She takes us from her chrome-rimmed Tahoe days to sliding Camaros, painting a vivid picture of life in the fast lane. You'll be riding shotgun as she recounts an exhilarating journey of transformation, spotlighting the generational shifts in car culture and the contrast of police attitudes towards our need for speed from yesteryear to the present.

Navigating the twists and turns of the drifting world isn't for the faint-hearted, especially if you're a woman with rubber to burn and something to prove. Our guest shifts into high gear, tackling the trials and triumphs of standing out as a female slider among a sea of petrol-heads. With raw honesty, she shares her experiences from intimidation to empowerment on the track, celebrating the influential women who've left skid marks on her life and honoring a lost peer whose legacy fuels her drive.

Finally, we cruise into the essence of what makes the car community tick—camaraderie, quirky traditions, and the memories we create along the way. You'll feel the pulse of our shared passion from Mardi Gras in Texas to the vibrant meets in NOLA, as we spotlight the community's unwavering support and our everlasting pursuit of carving out spaces for legal racing. It's about the legacy we're building, the dreams we're towing, and the little ones we're inspiring to one day take the wheel. Join us on this joyride where the bonds forged under the hood are just as precious as the horsepower they harness.

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Speaker 1:

Say what's the dealio Tuning in to the motherfucking Roadbag Show gang?

Speaker 2:

Oh, what's going on? I'm about to embarrass myself on here already.

Speaker 1:

Cut it out. Cut it out From Indiana to Louisiana. How'd that happen?

Speaker 2:

Um, you want me to be honest.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Well, I had, you know, met a person and then I ended up here and so you know, this is my home. Now, you know, I'm down here doing my thing. You know it's a little, you know, just queen, making a name for myself, so I'm here. But you know, indiana, it'll always be my home, that's always home. Um, that's where I started off sliding um, that's always gonna be my, my first love, you know so that's what's up.

Speaker 2:

So so you originally from indiana yep, born and raised, lived there my whole life. It's the first time I've ever lived out of state.

Speaker 1:

Is that where you found your love for cars?

Speaker 2:

Um, yeah, uh, when, when I was in high school, um, I had a, I had a big Tahoe. It had chrome rims on everything. Um, you know, there was. You know, sliding was going on back then and really, like we was young so we couldn't really get in the club. So when people started, you know, coming out and sliding their cars and doing all this stuff in the streets, we like, you know this is a new thing, this is the hype Like, this is actually better than the club. So I used to like follow all the cars and I actually blew my engine in my Tahoe trying to keep up with everybody else. Like I'm like, like this is cool. Um, I'm like, but I like I gotta get my own car. So my grandma she had got a 2014 um SS drop top, pretty red Camaro. I'm like, man, I gotta check that out. I ain't had no like intentions of sliding it, you feel me, because that's grandma car and she got a handicap license plate. I can't do grandma car like that. So she let me, you know, take it out to this little parking too and stuff. And you know I pull up.

Speaker 2:

I'm a female in a Camaro looking good. Everybody like fly that, motherfucker. I'm like what he said fly that motherfucker. I'm like I don't know how to do that. We'll do a burnout. I don't know how to do that either. So they showed me. They showed me how to do it. I'm like I'm about to be in trouble when I go home, but fuck it. I'm like I didn't even want to go home. I was scared to go home, but like I literally just like I wasn't.

Speaker 2:

Really, when I first started I wasn't doing like full circles, you know, I was just doing a little something, something, something. But like it was getting the people hype. I'm a female in a Camaro, like doing my thing, and so, like every time my grandma would let me borrow the Camaro, I'd make sure I had a fresh pair of tires to put on there before I take the car back. And that's really like that's really how I got into flying. Like when I started off, I didn't even start in my own car, like I ain't gonna lie, lie, I couldn't afford no camaro, but the shit looked cool. So that's how I started. And then I eventually bought my own. I drove, I drove, not flew to texas and drove the ss back that I had bought, and after that that's just how I started getting deeper into the car scene that's what's up.

Speaker 1:

So I got a question for you because you said they're all sliding In high school. How old are you?

Speaker 2:

How old am I? Yeah, 27.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I've been doing it for For, yeah, quite a while.

Speaker 1:

Cause, cause and the only reason I ask Cause. In Chicago, like we didn't, niggas was burning rubber and Some niggas was burning rubber and Some niggas, if they had some shit Powerful enough to Swing that bitch, they'll swing it right quick, show out, yank off. But in high school we had more like Our shit was like Park and chill vibes, but niggas was showing off their car speedball and doing all type of shit burning out. We had some shit called south chicago in high school.

Speaker 2:

So, um, we ain't really yeah, when I, when I was in high school, um I didn't really I didn't really hear much about like sliding and stuff going in other states it was. It was definitely like the you know the car shows, um more of that. Um, I didn't really hear about it in any other states. So probably, like, honestly, probably after I graduated high school, then it just I don't know it just like sliding just started to like spread like a wildfire.

Speaker 1:

It was like the new thing, like it's so crazy yeah, I mean she had the motherfucking takeovers originated in the fucking 80s.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, yeah, yeah, the people, um, I used to see, you know, because when the police started to crack down a lot, you know a lot of people were saying and posting stuff like, well, look, you know, back in the 80s they used to do this stuff all the time and you know they're the police, you know a lot of people were saying and posting stuff like, well, look, you know, back in the 80s they used to do this stuff all the time and you know the police, you know, didn't used to bother them and stuff and then.

Speaker 2:

But you know it's a different generation now, it's a different crowd, you know. You know, I'm sure the police, they feel intimidated, they don't want us to have fun. But again, sliding and I get it, like you know it's dangerous and stuff, especially with the streets, but like it keeps it really do keep like a lot of people out of trouble, like I know, like sliding has saved like a couple people I know live, like from you know, being in jail and stuff like that. Like you know it's, it's a movement, you know it's therapy for some people, it's a, it's a getawayaway, it's keeping out the illegal stuff. To an extent. It's just a different type of scene.

Speaker 1:

Nah, it is because it's turning um. Now a lot of these motherfuckers is coming into the scene, not for the love of cars, but the clout.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That's what's changing the scene.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's. I will say that, especially from when I first started. It's definitely different now. You know, don't get me wrong. You know sliding it is, can, it's competitive, it's a sport, just like football, basketball, driving is a sport.

Speaker 2:

Um, we call it sliding, but technically it is drifting, because we are drifting our cars. We're just not on a figure eight track or a circuit track. You know doing it, but we are drifting. Um, but you do have a lot of people that one, you know, they, you know, abuse the scene or everybody, you know, argues and different stuff like that and brings unnecessary drama and I do feel like the love of the scene, um, isn't the same. Like me, you know, I have my 2018 ss camaro and I have my v6 Camaro and I have my V6 Camaro. I specifically bought my V6 Camaro for me to slide it and to turn it into a drift car and for me it's a legacy. So, you know, if I have kids, I can pass that down, or my family, like I grew up handing my grandpa tools to build his car. He used to drag race and he was a racer. He wasn't a racer or anything. You know what's crazy.

Speaker 1:

Not to cut you off. You know what's crazy. No, you're fine, you are the second woman that I have interviewed that said that they was motherfucking getting their hands dirty with either a father or a grandfather. Mount, no, you're the third. The third, that shit crazy. So shout out to y'all peoples, man, because that's dope as fuck.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's a story, but it's a story. I have a story and I know other people, you know, that really truly have a love for cars. Like I don't mind going to Park and Chill or coffee person coffee because them people out there you see like the literally it's blood, sweat and tears into your car that people have put in these cars. You know I'm saying I don't have my cars just to pull it out and dog it out and get bragging rights. No, my rap on my car, the parts on my car I have spent money on that I have. I have cried, you know, because it is expensive. You know, sometimes you go broke doing that stuff, you know. But you know, at the end of the day it'd be worth it. But, like I said, I grew up when I was little I was in a barn with my grandpa helping him, you know, with stuff, with his cars, you know. So it means it means a lot, a lot to me. So yeah, you know sometimes tires are expensive, but but it'd be, it'd be worth it. You know, like I said, just some people, you know, sadly have kind of ruined the scene. You know sometimes it don't be fun. Um, I'm, to be honest, the most fun that I've probably had lately since I've been out.

Speaker 2:

Um, I'm gonna give a big shout out to uh, um, parking lot, houston pit. Every time I go there it is like nothing but love. Like the scene is mad different. Everybody's just having fun enjoying their cars. You, you know what I'm saying. I've enjoyed the legal pit scene a little more lately than the streets. Like I said, the streets ain't the same. It's a lot of fake love. You know you got people that want all this support but they don't give it back. You know you got a lot of that. You got to excuse my language. You know you got a lot of that. You got to excuse my language. You know you got a lot of dick riding out here. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

Like man, we grown Ain't. No excuse your language, talk how you want to talk, god damn it.

Speaker 2:

You know me being a female, it's different because you know you surrounded by a bunch of testosterone, a bunch of niggas sliding their cars. They already hyped up. You know they already talking shit, they already popping in your shit. You know it's a lot of good sliders out here and that's what also got me into the scene. A female did not get me to slide, slide into sliding it's. It's the dudes out here. That's why I'm like damn, like they really is cutting up. You know I'm saying, and now, like sometimes I'm like now they acting like a bunch of bitches. You know I'm saying, but you know so it's. It do be hard being a female in a male-dominated sport. You do have other female sliders.

Speaker 1:

You literally like walking into my next question. I was just about to ask you what is it like being a woman in a male-dominated sport? What?

Speaker 2:

are the pros and what are the cons? I will say the pros is it sets you apart from everybody else. Because I'm going to be honest, if I go to events or I pop outside, I don't care if the best slaughter in the world is outside. Guess where their eyes is about to be when I pull up Me, because, one, I'm a female and I got a V6. So people already think like, oh, you know that V6 ain't about to do nothing, it's just a little. You know, king, king, v6 ain't about to do nothing.

Speaker 2:

And when I get out there and I pop my shit and sometimes people don't know I'm a female in the car, they can't really see. But when I get out the car for people that don't know who I am, they're like oh shit, that's a fucking female. Like she's riding better than these niggas. You know I'm saying other, like other females coming up to me, like sometimes I don't even know, like I'm just like thank you. Like I get a little shy because like I'm like dang, like they, like they love this shit, like they love what I do. Like you know I'm saying like it makes you feel good inside. It don't matter if you spent just spent 200 on tires like that. Shit is like real love. You know what I'm saying. Um, sometimes I'm not gonna lie it can be intimidating. I'll be like I was at Houston Pit. You know all these dudes is going at it and I'm like dang, like that's how I'm trying to be. Um, and sliding, sliding is a big mental. It's a big mental thing. But once you get out that mental block you could really make your car do whatever you wanted to do. Um, but when I see them out there, it turned me up because I want to be just like them. Um, it's females. I give a shout out to uh d1. More she be out there on the on the drift track. She be swinging that cpsd like she hands down, mad respect, like I really look up to her because that's my goal to be on the track and literally drive like her, like she holds her own, like she don't care if she's in with a bunch of niggas. She gonna get in that pit. She gonna let them know. Hey, I'm a bitch, but I know what the fuck I'm doing with this wheel and that's how I know I try to be and how I try to conduct myself. You know I'm saying because just like y'all out there doing it. I can do it too and I'm and I'm gonna show y'all that. Um, it's you know.

Speaker 2:

You got some females in the car scene. Uh, there are a lot of female fighters. They're uh, lola bunny. I love her. Um, we got yo-yo with the v6. She be swinging that motherfucker. It's other females in the car scene. I have a lot of respect for her. There's a lot that I haven't met yet, that I would love to meet, but, yeah, it's a different world being a woman. You definitely got all eyes on you and just steal the show. Let them know.

Speaker 2:

Like I'm out here, just like y'all are, and I'm just gonna be honest, like I'm, I'm on a different wave with these cars, with from my ss which I race. Um is down right now, but I have hit the track and stuff a couple times um to my b6. I don't just bring my cars out, I turn, turn them into something, I wrap them, I'm building them, I'm doing all this stuff. I'm not just a as a female. I'm not going to lie.

Speaker 2:

I pulled up to a gas station one time A nigga with a Hellcat swap. I had my asses. Oh, is that supposed to be the Hellcat killer? I said, yes, it is. He said, well, I'm over here pushing. He yo Cat Killer. I said, yes, it is.

Speaker 2:

He said, well, I'm over here pushing. He said I'm pushing. He said like 600 to 600 or blah, blah, blah. I said, well, your shit's slow so you can quit talking. You know you want to put these cars on the street. We can see what it do. He's like nah. Nah, he got mad because I put up, started revving my engine. No, I have a built car over here. This ain't no Built not bought, built not bought. And see, I'm sorry but I don't care if somebody get butt hurt, but this ain't no striker swap engine. This is a built engine. That's what this is. So yeah, I talk my shit because sometimes it do be niggas that need to be broken down a little bit because they be thinking they, you know this and that. So yeah, I get a lot of love, but I'm not going to lie. I've got. I've got hate in the car scene as well. I've experienced both sides.

Speaker 1:

You know I'm saying yeah, it's a lot of love and a lot of hate, but hate us make us greater. I got a question for you, though give me, give me your top three swingers, and you can't include yourself, because it's it's, it's so three, it's so top three okay.

Speaker 2:

Um, well, it's one. He's not here, no more. Um, he did, he did pass away, but and it's the reason I got that big five on my b6 um, I'm gonna give it number one to ty. That's always gonna be my number one. Uh, swinging person. He's the only reason I even know how to how to do a figure eight, like if he was here today. Ain't nobody that I have seen can out-swing that man. That man could do some crazy things with a car that I ain't never seen nobody on this earth do. So I'm going to give that to him. I'm going to give. I'm going to have to say Mo Rack, I haven't been able to see him fight in person, but from the build of his car to the way he drives that car, I'm going to have to give him a gold medal on that.

Speaker 1:

Hey, no bullshit. After seeing him dog the shit out of his car, break his car. Dog it again, break it, fix it, dog it again, and fix it again, and, and, and, and. One day, yeah, folks, folks, deserve every award that he's given.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, that's the GOAT and he, like you could tell like he humble, but he's a respected person Because, don't get me wrong, there's good fighters's great, there's good sliders, but I don't. They're not all respected. If that makes sense, you get what I'm saying. But that dude right there, a lot of respect goes out to him. I follow him and I'm like dang.

Speaker 2:

I've even asked him questions about certain things about my car and just different video footage, different stuff, questions about you know certain things about my car and just different video footage, different stuff. You know, and I respect that he's. He's responded to me and you know he gave me a lot of pointers and certain things. So like a lot of respect. You know what I'm saying to that. Sometimes you'll DM somebody and they act like I get, like you can't respond to it. But some people, some people just act like they Beyonce or somebody, or Chris Brown, you know, and they too good to you know what I'm saying. He don't come off as that type of person. So that's why I that's when it flies out, I will name for sure.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and your third.

Speaker 2:

My third one. Ooh, this is tough. There's so many. I'm going to, I'm going to have to, I'm going to have to give it. I'm going to have to give it to my boy, edwin. He's a five-star here. He in a truck. He got the two steps. I ain't seen no, mind you, it's an extended cab truck. I ain't seen really nobody slide a truck, not on a truck. An extended the motherfucker is long as hell. An extended cab truck. Slide an a truck, not not on a truck. An extended the motherfuckers, long as hell. Extended ass truck. Like this man, like slide that truck, like I mean, he's been, he's been cutting up lately. Um, I know he's been in the Texas house, huh what color is it?

Speaker 2:

um it's white. I think I just seen him at at top uh, white, I think I just seen him at THOP in December. Yeah, that was him. He was in there figurating with that Chrysler 300. He told me Houston parking lot pit too.

Speaker 1:

I gotta give him his props. Man Nola was out there for sure. I remember talking to him or somebody who rode with him or something. I remember that's what's up. I like that. I like that. I like that choice option. I'm going to give you some homework to do. Go find out who E in the Hellcat is. Who E in the Hellcat is, who he and the Hellcat oh, yep, I know him well.

Speaker 2:

I don't know him personally, but yes, I know the name. You only gave me three. I really wanted to mention Poseidon too. I'm not sure if Poseidon is still active or not, but I know. When we had a legal pit down in Indiana and then I've been to Chicago a couple times Poseidon is the only one that I've seen him do literally about two 360s on a big old drift track, and this man drifted the whole entire outside by the wall of the track and did a 360 in a charger at that, like I've never seen nobody do that. I got to find a video of that. I don't know if he ever showed you it or you've seen it.

Speaker 1:

It's been a while Poke it busy. Yeah yeah, Poke, Pokey and Busy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, he, he, he is uh nothing to play with Uh Cece from. I think he's in uh New York or somewhere in that area. Philly Everybody keeps saying folks from New York.

Speaker 1:

Folks is from Philly.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he, he, he gets down to that. That's one that that boy ain't nothing to play with. We got some hitters here in Louisiana that I really want to see a lot of us go to travel, because we got a serious lineup here. Louisiana is nothing to play with when it comes to the sliding shit. Motherfuckers have a bucket, they don't care. Motherfuckers got four wheels and a steering wheel, don't even got to have no steering wheel power fluid. They don't care if the muscle has got four wheels and a steering wheel, don't even got to have no steering wheel power fluid, they don't care, they slide it. They slide the fuck out of their cars. They do not care, they'll get in the pit with anybody. They don't care if you got a Hellcat, they in there with you and they on your door. I fell in love with Louisiana and Car City. They differ your door. So I fell in love with Louisiana and Carsey. They different down here. I love Texas too, them two states right now.

Speaker 1:

I'm loving it. Yeah, that's definitely one of those crazy. I had never went to a legal pit and now that I have, I'm addicted. I don't want to go. The streets is cool, but you mean to tell me we could stay here for 8 to 10 hours and just watch this shit for 8 to 10 hours and no police fucking with us?

Speaker 2:

yeah, give me that exactly. You got the DJ, you got food. You ain't never got a club with with drift cars. It's a drift club, oh my god, I don't even like wearing heels. I do not go to the club. I don't want to go to the club. I want to go to the slide show. That's where I'm going that's that's big facts um.

Speaker 1:

Is there any place that you would like to visit that you haven't visited to see?

Speaker 2:

I do. I do want to go to Texas House of Power and the pit in Jacksonville, florida, and I'm not sure it's either where I know. A lot of people know burroughs, uh, in either south or north carolina. It's one of them two, two places um it's a pit out there. I know they got, I think they got one coming up in um april.

Speaker 1:

I plan on going out there for that yep, yep, I plan, so I definitely want to um definitely want to get out there she gonna be there with mo racks in february at thop, so I'll definitely be out there for that, okay? Oh yeah, I won't.

Speaker 2:

I won't make february, we gotta. You know we got mardi gras coming up, texas is coming down here, so we will be turned up for that I understand.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I ain't never been to nola, but now I got a reason to come, so I will be the visit for sure.

Speaker 2:

Yes, sir, I would love to have you out here.

Speaker 1:

Come turn up with y'all the NOLA way.

Speaker 2:

Come to the boot.

Speaker 1:

What's that? What that mean.

Speaker 2:

That's what they call it. They call it the boot.

Speaker 1:

That's funny as hell. I never heard that before.

Speaker 2:

I remember when I first moved out here I said the what You're not from here.

Speaker 1:

I said the what he said oh, you're not from here. I said no.

Speaker 2:

Well, I'm coming to the boot y'all. They be wearing boots too. They be wearing cowboy boots to the meets and stuff. That's what the good drivers wear. They wear the cowboy boots. I'm about to start. I'm going to give you a pair of cowgirl boots. I bet you my driving will get 10 times better.

Speaker 1:

That's funny.

Speaker 2:

I started off in Crocs and then, you know, I got my. I said Boston, paul. I call them Paul Walkers, but they're, you know the, what are they called? The All-Stars, the Taylor's. I call them my Paul Walkers, but them is my lucky shoes, them is my lucky shoes. Now I gotta give you the cowgirl boots, cause I'm starting to see that as a trend that might be just a southern thing, cause I don't think nobody in Chicago or Indiana is coming to the meeting cowboy boots factuals, cause cowboy boots is crazy, but I'm, I'm gonna be there for.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna be there for I'm gonna need them. Flowers too. Just make sure you stay back a little bit, because I don't want to hit you you don't know my name in Chicago I'm Freddy Fast Feet.

Speaker 1:

If you look at my reels, I be getting close to these cars, throwing them flowers and shit bet I be getting close down here.

Speaker 2:

I ain't seen that down. I ain't seen that yet. I gotta experience that in real life.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna really turn up. Can't nobody be the hood floors but me? I know that's right take a take a motherfucking duplicated motherfucking. Try to recreate it. It ain't gonna have the same flavor. It's just you right. It's just, it's just one of them things. Um, if there was any message, you would want to leave the scene. What would it be?

Speaker 2:

I would say like, just everybody, just like, take care of one another, cause you know we could be here, you know, today and gone tomorrow, and you know we could be here, you know, today and gone tomorrow, and you know we have lost a lot of people. In the car scene there's some people, you know, that at the end of the night, you know everybody, everybody don't get to make it home. So, um, I just I would like to see like a lot more love and support in the scene Because, like I said, it really it's a legacy. Like I know, when I die, this part of me is going to live forever. Like I told my you know my mom don't want to hear it, but I told my family, like you know, when I go, I want y'all to turn the streets up. I don't care if you got a. My mama got to drive my car. Somebody, I trust, got to slide that motherfucker. You know that's what you know I was doing when I was here, like keep my spirits up. You know what I'm saying. So, like I said, I just want, I just want the car scene to stay alive. I don't want the police to keep messing with us. They already think bad of us and stuff. It's starting to change a little bit, but it might get better over time. We might see more illegal pits in every state, you never know. So, just like I said, everybody stay safe out there, take care of each other, support one another. You know, and that's basically what I'd like to leave out there and I want to thank everybody like that, truly like, supports me.

Speaker 2:

Like I don't have no sponsors, you know what I'm saying. I pay for a lot of stuff out't have no sponsors. You know I'm saying I pay for a lot of stuff out of pocket. You know I'm saying but but the love that I get from people, that's what. That's what really, if I'm gonna be honest, that's what pays for everything. I really do it out of the love that I get from my family, my friends, from people that I don't even, don't even know. Like I don't went to the airport and worked for, you know, a girl came up to me. Oh my God, are you crazy, sis? And I said, who me? She said, yeah, you. I said, oh, yeah, that's me.

Speaker 2:

She said, oh my God, I love you and I'm like oh my God, and I'm like thank you y'all, like I really appreciate, like I don't know like that warms my heart, like so like you know what I'm saying, I just want to see that love like keep, you know, going around and for everybody, even for the kids. Like I bought my little niece a little Power Wheel Camaro. She be trying to drive it in the house Like she does not want to get out of that thing, like the kids love it. You know everybody, a lot of people, a lot of people look up to us, you know, in the car scene, just like we look up to you know, just like you know do like Ken Block, all this stuff, you know it's just it really like is a special, like thing. You know what I'm saying. So I want to see it, you know, stay alive for a long time, even when we not here, no more. Just keep it alive and keep and do it right.

Speaker 1:

You know I'm saying do it right I mean shit, this motherfucking thing been going for 50 years. I don't see it dying no time soon. Yeah, even with all the bullshit, like motherfuckers just gonna you know what I'm saying make it motherfuckers just gonna make it figure out new ways to, to, to keep the scene alive. Like the more they try to kill it, the the harder motherfuckers fight to keep it alive. That's just the way it is exactly what's the thing?

Speaker 2:

you know, I haven't um, one thing I really do miss um, I do miss giving back to the community, um, which I am going to actually start doing. That Um, like feeding the homeless, you know different. You know, when it's Christmas time, you know presents for the kids, stuff like that. Um, that stuff is also important. So, you know, I would like to, um, I would like to see more of that um, you know, just give back to the community. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

That's why, again, like, why I like going to different stuff, like cars and coffees and stuff, because, like, it really is a family within the car scene. It really is. It has a lot more to offer than just drifting your car. There's more to it than that and that's why I'm so, I'm so deep into and why I'm so in love. I'm so in love with it because it's so much more it is. I'm very, I'm very, uh, very passionate about what I do. Um, I definitely. You know I work a lot, especially right now, but you know I do. I do take my cars and the car scene very seriously. It is fun, but it's also a getaway for me and it's a healing thing for me. You know what I'm saying. Yeah, and I'm really proud of myself, for me starting not even having my own car to buying a car and then getting another one and doing what I need to do and whatnot.

Speaker 1:

You know I came a long way, so Well, we're going to give a round of applause to you and only because this is a phone interview we're going to wrap it up. But I'm coming, I'm coming, and I'm coming with the flowers, and I'm coming with the flowers, and I'm coming with the motherfucking rose petals and you better put on the motherfucking show. And then afterwards we're gonna do the real live interview.

Speaker 2:

Like, really get this bitch popping that I'm gonna be ready for you to let me know, because I'm gonna have a bunch of sets of tires for you.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna be ready bet, we're gonna make it. We're gonna make it shake um bet shit, you might see me. You might see me in, fucking, uh, in north carolina, whatever carolina they at. You might see me down there. If you're gonna be there, I'll probably be there too. I ain't gonna lie to you, I'll 2024. I'm doing a lot of traveling, taking the road back. Show some of the hell with.

Speaker 2:

So uh, I know, um, the, um, the hoon, the hoonigan, um, you follow him. He's doing like a tour. Um, I know he's dating. You're probably gonna hit every pick, every pick there is to offer. Um, so, um, definitely I'm gonna try to hit. Like I said, I'm gonna try to hit all of those. Um, I'm trying to get trailer and start trailing my car.

Speaker 1:

If I get that, I'm really everywhere, so god, because that, uh, that, that truck and trailer combo, that, that, that, that that's a that's that's like a ghetto superpower in this shit.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I need that because my V6 has been good to me. But that thing is about at 200-some thousand miles on it, hey, but she's still kicking and breathing. She's been working her whole life.

Speaker 1:

She's still kicking and breathing, though.

Speaker 2:

Uh-huh, there used to be a rental car, so that's probably why I got so many miles on it.

Speaker 1:

Be like that sometimes. But yeah, shout your social media out so people could know where they'll follow you.

Speaker 2:

It's 2SS, underscore crazy C-R-A-Z-Y, underscore D-E-S, so y'all can follow me. I really appreciate it If you see me out, say something. I don't bite much, so just say hi, come here girl. I love all the love. You know what I'm saying. Might even take you for a little spin, you know. So I love y'all and thank you for supporting me. It definitely means a lot to me for sure.

Speaker 1:

Well, we gonna tap back in with you. It's the rollback show and we rolling out all right, thank you no problem, talk to you soon yes, sir, all right.

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