The Rollback Show


May 13, 2024 TheHoodFlorist Season 1 Episode 33
The Rollback Show
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The Rollback Show
May 13, 2024 Season 1 Episode 33

Ever found yourself marveling at a 17-year-old's ability to reign in the raw power of a car with the finesse of a seasoned pro? LSAPJ, a driving sensation from Jacksonville, joins us to discuss his meteoric rise in the youth car culture scene. From his ownership of a vehicle at such a young age to the vibrant discussions of swinging into the spotlight within three months, we uncover the significance of community influence and his responsible approach towards transforming risky street takeovers into legal, celebrated events. It's a talk that drives home the importance of keeping the culture alive and kicking, responsibly.

Shifting gears, we address the delicate interplay of family upbringing and street culture, exploring how the former can steer youth away from the lure of illegal fame and towards constructive avenues for their passions. We touch upon the powerful impact of family support and how it can open doors to careers, sponsorships, and education, all while indulging in the love for cars. Amidst these earnest conversations, we also throw in a light-hearted debate over the top car "swingers," a testament to the diverse and rich tapestry of regional talents within the car community.

In the homestretch of our episode, we buckle up for the essence of competition, safety protocols, and life lessons that the pit teaches us. The raw talent of drivers like City Boy and the admirable sportsmanship of Morax remind us of the spirit and camaraderie that fuel car culture. We wrap up reflecting on respect, growth, and the transitioning roads to independence. It's a narrative that accelerates beyond just engines and octane, into the very heart of what drives us towards success and the thrills of life, both behind the wheel and beyond. Join us for a ride that's as enlightening as it is exhilarating.

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Ever found yourself marveling at a 17-year-old's ability to reign in the raw power of a car with the finesse of a seasoned pro? LSAPJ, a driving sensation from Jacksonville, joins us to discuss his meteoric rise in the youth car culture scene. From his ownership of a vehicle at such a young age to the vibrant discussions of swinging into the spotlight within three months, we uncover the significance of community influence and his responsible approach towards transforming risky street takeovers into legal, celebrated events. It's a talk that drives home the importance of keeping the culture alive and kicking, responsibly.

Shifting gears, we address the delicate interplay of family upbringing and street culture, exploring how the former can steer youth away from the lure of illegal fame and towards constructive avenues for their passions. We touch upon the powerful impact of family support and how it can open doors to careers, sponsorships, and education, all while indulging in the love for cars. Amidst these earnest conversations, we also throw in a light-hearted debate over the top car "swingers," a testament to the diverse and rich tapestry of regional talents within the car community.

In the homestretch of our episode, we buckle up for the essence of competition, safety protocols, and life lessons that the pit teaches us. The raw talent of drivers like City Boy and the admirable sportsmanship of Morax remind us of the spirit and camaraderie that fuel car culture. We wrap up reflecting on respect, growth, and the transitioning roads to independence. It's a narrative that accelerates beyond just engines and octane, into the very heart of what drives us towards success and the thrills of life, both behind the wheel and beyond. Join us for a ride that's as enlightening as it is exhilarating.

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Speaker 1:

Yo yo yo, it's your boy, the Hood Flores, and you tuning in to the motherfuckin' Rollback Show man. I just got back from Jacksonville and I got to see this young boy get busy in a motherfuckin' what's that? That was a V2. You had right. Yes, sir, v2. Yeah, v2. Motherfuckin'. Y'all follow him at LSAPJ.

Speaker 2:

Yes, sir, motherapj motherfucking he was.

Speaker 1:

He was that Chop Wild shit getting wild. Wasn't a whole lot of wet there, unless you talking about the bitches, cause the hoes was out wasn't no motherfucking wasn't no motherfucking water being thrown for real, but that motherfucking event was wild. I'm talking about. I'm seeing motherfuckers get active as fuck Like. Are you from Jacksonville? Yes, sir, originally Okay, born and raised, okay, jacksonville native. So you was on home turf. Yes, sir, how long you been swinging.

Speaker 2:

Three months. I'm on the 25th of this month.

Speaker 1:

Three months, yes, sir hold on, g you in a v2, swinging like you swinging, and you only been swinging three months that's tea time and practicing, just uh, these are people that I have around me. Okay, man, that's, that's. That's big volume, though you know what I'm saying. Like because I because I ain't going to lie to you you was flipping that motherfucking V G. Who is this in the V Shit.

Speaker 2:

Yes, sir.

Speaker 1:

Motherfucker, I wanted to ask you how old are you?

Speaker 2:

Bro 17. Just turned 17 last month.

Speaker 1:

No way, no, no, no, fucking way, you 17. So wait, that's why you made the comment that my mama ain't going to like this. Ha, ha ha.

Speaker 2:

She's on her own live? Yeah, she probably does. She probably eavesdropping this right now. But yeah, bro, that's the first thing I thought of making sure my boy was straight and how mama going to react, but she took it a lot smoother than I thought.

Speaker 1:

Man, that's good that she did, because nigga but G. So to be 17 swinging three months and you actually got some hands. Like I'm, going to send you some footage once I get it all off my Osmo, because I got footage for you. But, dog, like that's a motherfucking. You know what I'm saying. That's a real motherfucking statement you making.

Speaker 1:

Only been swinging three months at 17,. Just made 17. So when you first started sliding, you was 16. Yes, sir, that's crazy. So is that your V or is that Mama V? Nah, this, mine, okay, yes, mine Okay. This third, okay, all cash. You ain't wrong Shit. Gotta do what you gotta do, man. I remember when I was motherfucking 16, 17, and I knew what the fuck I wanted. I bust my ass to have everything I wanted. I didn't care.

Speaker 2:

Mama was trying to teach me the same thing that it handed to me. You gotta work for it. I didn't care, right, my mama was trying to teach me the same thing that it handed to me you got to work for it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you got to work for it. Whatever you want in this life, you got to work for it. I'm glad you learned that lesson early, man. My motto is no free lunches. You don't work, you don't eat. That's real. So, man, if you could pick legal pits or takeovers what you picking?

Speaker 2:

Honestly, if you would have asked me this two months ago, I would have said takeovers, but legal pits, that's the those what's up? Next, bro, because I know you've noticed you've been in this car stuff a lot longer than me. Next, bro, because I know you've noticed you've been in this car stuff a lot longer than me you can see TakeOver starting to go downhill, with police and the community as a whole just acting out. Yeah, I know you've definitely seen what's been going on in town and stuff like that. It's a good culture. The car culture, TakeOver culture. That's love. It's a bunch of people trying to have fun. But you feel me, the police don't see it that way People taking advantage of it and that's just ruining the name Exactly People motherfucking doing wrong by the culture that was given to us.

Speaker 1:

because most motherfuckers don't know that the Bay been doing this takeover shit for damn near 50 years. Right, this new to the rest of the world, to the West Coast? Yeah, the West Coast been a part of that shit for so long, but the Midwest and the East Coast we just not getting hip to it. You know what I'm saying?

Speaker 1:

like, this is a prominent thing that was going on in cali and now it just spread like wildfire throughout the pandemic, like yeah, it was it was busting and active a little bit before that, but a lot of motherfuckers, you know, know what I'm saying wasn't really hip to what was going on, right?

Speaker 2:

And that also just comes with timing. Because, like me, all my, like I said people I associate with they done been through it. They done been through the takeover, they done been through the police. You feel me, they done gave me the run through, like, bro, just keep it legal. It's not the same, no more. Like two years ago it was, it Police was chilling, it was a wholesome community. But now, bro, like everyone got a future and stuff like that, and why jeopardize that in the streets when you can wait a little longer and do it legally?

Speaker 1:

Facts. No, that's real, bro. Like a lot of motherfuckers your age ain't thinking like that at all. But that's something I've been preaching in our, in our chicago scene, like, like gee, I'm the like, I'm traveling with me and my media team and we motherfucking, uh, like we went to. We went to dallas a couple times. We motherfucking just left jacks. We went to Dallas a couple times. We motherfucking just left Jax. We going to North Carolina in 11 days and then we're going to ATL. Like nigga, I'm going to add you to our group chat. We got a legal events group chat. That's like, with dates all across the country, like that's what, with dates all across the country. Like that's what motherfuckers on, that's the wave, because, like, the takeover is going to die, like, and if it don't die, the police is going to get more aggressive and the sentencing is going to get more brutal and a lot of people are going to end up ruining whatever future they think they got.

Speaker 1:

Well, not think they got Whatever future they trying to pursue, trying to stay in these streets.

Speaker 2:

And that's something I witnessed firsthand Because, like I said, being a Jacksonville native, I've been in the car stuff for years four years plus Because I was a jet before I even knew power. None of that. I've been in the car stuff for years four years plus Cause I was a jet before I even knew power. None of that. I ain't know nothing about cars and this. I'm hosting Jacksonville and I've seen the meats Like they looked a lot better.

Speaker 2:

Police wasn't as involved. It was a wholesome event. Everyone just doing their thing. I mean, the cops come, everyone just leave doing what they do. But then it began to get serious. People started lighting the floor on fire, people started robbing places. Then police want to get more involved. That was the safety issue. It was just not you hitting the streets or hitting the intersection, that's you vandalizing state property. That's so much business, boy, like you've seen it, and with that change that just comes with maturity, like are you gonna make the mature decision to stay inside or you're gonna want to go out there for your fame and, like we said earlier, jeopardize your future that you wish to have that you, you know people's work so hard for, like me personally, like I said, I'm 17, I still live, my mom, I got one more year and I'm off to college and that takeover stuff, bro, like they don't put too much time into me for me to just throw that all away over, for sure.

Speaker 1:

For sure, but you got to. So there's something I got to speak on that too, because, like how you just said, they didn't put so much time into you. A lot of the youth ain't got nobody putting no time into them and that's why. That's why they taking it, that's why they doing it the way they do it. You know what I'm saying like um and don't really get no fuck, because they don't. They didn't have the foundation that they needed growing up, right, so this became an outlet, but what they letting out is all the repressed pain from not having a father, having an abusive mother or whatever. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

Growing up not being loved. So, like the takeovers, is literally an outcry of the youth, right, because the more destructive it get, it's literally just an outcry of the. It's an outcry to the lack of attention that these shorties got growing up, right, you know what I'm saying. Right, that these shorties got growing up, you know what I'm saying. But when you got a motherfucker who got their family and their family loved them and they invested in them and they paid attention to them, and motherfucking trying to show them like your people's really trying to show you the way, it's different. Your views are different. Your perspective is different. Like I have conversations with youngins all the time because, like I got to weed out who want to be on this next level of shit and who just here trying to motherfucking. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

For sure and, like you said, said that's instilled through parenting. It's just a blessing to have both parents at home supporting me, supporting the legal activities and stuff like that for sure.

Speaker 1:

That's a big blessing dog, like cause in reality, like you could not have that support and then you're going to be out here doing it anyway because you're into it, right? So to have that support is a beautiful foundation for you to start Like who's to say all while you're going through college and shit, like when you get your breaks, if it's an event going on, you can't you not traveling to these events. Now you got sponsorships. Now you got all this shit going on. You know what I'm saying when you moving around the country while going through college, because this is a passion but it's not your core, like most motherfuckers in the car scene, this all they got. So, man, I'm overly, overly, overly proud of how you stepping with this shit Right, we going to be all through, jack, so I'm going to stay in tune on the regular dog Like this, this, this man, you got to.

Speaker 1:

I got a question for you, though. What's up? Top three swingers and they could be from anywhere. That's going to hurt some people's feelings. Ooh, I like when people's feelings get hurt, all right.

Speaker 2:

One, uh, city Boy way out in Cali, All right. So been watching with the V2 Coupe, the Z28. Um bro, hey bro.

Speaker 1:

Hey, I'll fuck with City Boy, but my only thing is I want him to leave that SS Trailblazer at home. Bring out some of that hot shit he got.

Speaker 2:

For sure he did his thing at T-Hop though, wasn't he? I ain't gonna lie, he did his thing, with all that.

Speaker 1:

He definitely did his thing at Top. I was there for it. Right, he definitely did his thing. I was there for it. I was there. I got crazy footage of him and Mo Rack swinging and doing their thing. But at the same time I don't know, I judge people off of performance and how they build their car. Like it's the whole you did, Even though Mo Rex didn't build that Vette and he say it's bought, not built. I just did some tweaks to it, Like the whole package that Mo Rex brought in that Vette. I felt like he won at top. But Morax himself said City Boy won. So when a nigga's saying that another motherfucker won, you can't do nothing but be like all right, I bow out graciously. And I know City Boy got hands, Like no doubt about it, that Shorty got hands. I just want to see him in one of his better profiled cars.

Speaker 2:

Right Like his V2. But he don't really show that, for whatever.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like that.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

The motherfucking Charger. Nah, I think he got a Chally.

Speaker 2:

Mm-hmm, the 6-speed twin turbo yeah.

Speaker 1:

Like I want to see him in some of his shit. Like that SS was cool and he showed his ass out in that motherfucker for sure, right, but very much so. That motherfucker for sure, but very much so. I want to see him in something like swinging them. Trucks be cool and I like seeing them, but when it comes to a competition, nah, not so much. Give me some shit that make me feel how you coming, because I'm going to be distracted by you swinging this big-ass truck because your rollback going to roll back but it ain't going to have that finesse that it should. You know what I'm saying All the different tricks a motherfucker could do in a vehicle of that size ain't going to look as clean or as pristine in a car.

Speaker 2:

Right, for sure, because you can't get the same. You can't get that same aggressiveness and like feeling out of a truck or SUV than you can out of a coupe or a sedan. Yeah, for sure.

Speaker 1:

For sure, alright. So what's? Who your number two?

Speaker 2:

Number two. I'm probably going to have to throw it back out to Callie Playboy Vlogs, black Live Vlogs, if you've heard of it.

Speaker 1:

You say Playboy Underscore Vlogs. Okay, playboy spelled like the magazine or like yeah Play, like it's spelled correctly. Okay, playboy spelled like the magazine or like yeah play like it's spelled correctly, okay. I found them. I bet you putting me on to something, yeah bro he be going crazy Little six feet.

Speaker 2:

I ain't copping shit Because I ain't trying to look quiet. I just keep it clean, deep and reliable. That's how I made the college to be. That's just not a project, that's like a daily, so we'll get into that later. But vlogs, you know that. Put me on the deep and show me you know, get the reliable his feet. And showed me you know, get the reliable car. Just have the maintenance and stuff like that, the exhaust stuff and yeah he gave.

Speaker 1:

He gave you some some real knowledge that you can hold on to and build with. That's what's up. Um, yeah, and your third third was the.

Speaker 2:

my boy Franco. Shout out, and your third Third would be my boy Franco. Shout out to Taysom. My boy Franco, the owner Taysom USA.

Speaker 1:

Okay, okay, okay. I'm familiar with Sensational. Shout out Sensational.

Speaker 2:

That's real. But yeah him bro. I ain't never really been a fan of Camaros at all, Never have, never will. And when he popped out that last Jack's legal pick with his boy Nismo, yeah, I roll back after rollback, rolling back, turning the wheel into the crowd, going crazy, all right.

Speaker 1:

So now you put me in a place to offer a challenge up. Next Jacksonville pick. We need to see Franco versus B-Chat from Dallas, because B-Chat was going crazy at Jack's For sure.

Speaker 2:

I'd appear, love for the home where I got my dog, franco, in that one.

Speaker 1:

For sure, for sure, for sure, hey look, For sure yo hey look.

Speaker 1:

And that's what I've seen and see. You've seen both of them. At this point, I've never seen bro in person slide. I've seen footage but I've never seen him in person. You know what I'm saying. In person versus the phone, it's two different things. I done seen B-Chat slide a couple times, cause I done been to Texas a couple times, and every time he bring that motherfucking Mero out he show his ass. So I would you saying your man got it in the Camaro. I would love to see them two compete because, as we saw, b-chat was not trying to let that pick go.

Speaker 2:

Oh no, not at all, and that's what I'm saying. That's also a mentality thing. People don't realize there's more to sliding than just being able to slide. No, for facts, like you got gotta go in, like you gotta go stupid. And that's why, coincidentally, yesterday I just got put on the sensational. They just recruited me, they went through my clips, they said, yeah, bro, you valid.

Speaker 2:

I've been trying to get on board, like I've been telling him I knew him before, he'd been walking me through it to Franco and I've been telling him I've been trying to get on board, like I've been telling him I knew him before and he'd been walking me through it too, franco. And I've been telling him I've been trying to join for about three months. He's like, bro, you just got to get better at this, get better at this. So you know, I've been showing him my clips and stuff like that. Yeah, he's like alright, bro, just keep doing what you're doing. We're going to stamp you, but that don't mean stop now, because Sensational, as you know, they got a reputation and they're not going to let anyone join to jeopardize that reputation.

Speaker 2:

And that's what I told him. I was like I'm going to just stay in the lab, I'm going to keep getting better. He's showing me little things I can do with the steering and the throttle play to get me better. So shout out Franco. Hey man, getting better. He's showing me little things I can do with the steering and the throttle play to get me better. So yeah, shout out Franco.

Speaker 1:

Hey man, keep grinding it, keep building it. If you sliding like that in three months, just imagine what that shit gonna look like in a year, two years, with consistent practice. That's what people fail to realize. Practice make champions, not talent, not skill. Practice Actual effort. I don't care how good you is at something, you can always be better. But if you don't practice Hard work, always going to beat talent Exactly Hard work, always beat talent. Motherfuckers, don't practice hard work always don't be talent. Exactly Hard work, always be talent.

Speaker 2:

Motherfuckers don't understand that part Like.

Speaker 1:

so my next question for you um, if you could motherfucking pick any slider and put them in a car that they don't drive, what would it be? Who and what would it be?

Speaker 2:

any slider? What slider and what car?

Speaker 1:

yeah, you could. What slider would you pick and what car would you put them in that they don't already drive?

Speaker 2:

let me think I'm trying to go out honestly. I might have to say chop, chop wild. Okay, I'll put chop because, because you know chop got the hands with the with the mopars mainly because you know he the hands with the Mopars mainly because he mainly be with the Mopars he got his little thing. He got the G8 as well. He's going crazy with the G8. But it's crazy because I have always had the belief that anyone can have hands.

Speaker 2:

But if you get put in a truck like a single cab, is you still doing all that? Because it's different, that weight, different. You got the bed of the truck and so if you get put in the truck, you're doing the exact same thing, just because of the horsepower. Any lower horsepower car like a little thin, thin, those might be a little easier, but the trucking, that's more skill in my opinion. That's why I don't knock nobody with a truck, like we was talking about earlier with b chat him and that truck was going at it. The truck was low-key, you know, we know who won that battle, but I'm sure the truck was still hanging in there. Yeah, it'd be that big the trucks are showing out. Uh, saturday, you can't even have the trucks no, the trucks were showing out saturday.

Speaker 1:

I was impressed every truck that touched that motherfucking pit. I was impressed because it take a lot to slide a pickup truck. That ain't no easy motherfucking task because, like you said, the weight differential, all that shit is important. But yeah, I almost got took out by a couple trucks too.

Speaker 2:

Man that pit was too crazy, too crazy.

Speaker 1:

But it was an amazing time, bro. But people don't listen and didn't read the rules. They just signed their little spectator sheet and it say clear as day on the shit, do not stand in front of the barricades.

Speaker 2:

But you know, you know well, I know a little more than you because I've been to every pit in Jacksonville. Okay, that rule cannot be enforced with no pit staff, as in Chop is one person. Chop cannot control the 300, 400 people Crowding around that barrier. You can't.

Speaker 1:

I'm not expecting him to. All I'm saying is the people who participated and were standing In front of them, bitches, if they didn't know how to move, they shouldn't have been there. And that just showed me that they didn't Read how to move. They shouldn't have been there, and that just showed me that they didn't read. They, motherfucking, uh, they waver when they signed it because one of the rules was do not stand in front of the barriers. Right, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

Reading is very fundamental, but so is comprehension. Like them, motherfuckers, I'm not, I'm not even expecting chop and his team to control that many people like nigga, we was me and my, me and my peoples was out there helping on crowd control, because that shit just get too big and it get too hectic and you can have two, three microphones, but you need bodies walking around enforcing what you saying. Once you get this section clear, all right, nah, we keep somebody here to keep this. You know what I'm saying and we just keep rotating. Right, but we learned that from being in the streets trying to make the pit wider for the motherfucking, for the swingers at home. You know what I'm saying? Like for the motherfucking uh for the swingers at home.

Speaker 1:

You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

Like um, but the only thing about that pit is when you got that many people standing behind the barrier, you know everyone wanted video, everyone wanted to be in the video, everyone wanted to go viral. This, that and the and the and the and the. Everyone wanted to be in the middle of the pit. But people lose sight of their safety. And like these are cars, bro, like you are 100 pounds to 200 to 300, and a 3,000-pound car is going at you at 30 miles an hour.

Speaker 1:

That's going to fuck you up.

Speaker 2:

Exactly Like and you saw the smack that was happening people getting hit, left and right cars, and the worst one, not even the barriers. It's after the crashes, after the accidents happen, everyone just running the pit. You don't know, left from right, the smoke ain't even cleared yet.

Speaker 1:

None of that shit.

Speaker 2:

That's what I even noticed about you. You were in the middle of the pit yelling and forcing it. Bro, get back, move, let them handle it Just move. Yeah, if you're not the middle of the pit yelling and forcing it, bro, get back, move, let's see, let them handle it just move.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if you're not helping, get the fuck out the way, bro, because all that everybody trying to have that viral moment.

Speaker 1:

But at the end of the day, these are people and we all here to have fun and shit, but we, these people got a motherfucking make sure they shit good. Like you worried about your camera if you ain't media and know your boundaries, like know how much is too much. Like gee, when when you got 50 to 100 people crowding your car in the after a incident happened and you trying, like you, that you it's, it's chaos, you can't fucking think so you gotta motherfucking have somebody that's by your side to motherfucking help you keep. Get that shit out the way so you can figure out whatever it is you need to do to get your shit right out out of harm's way, because at the end of the day, niggas will start sliding around the crowds, sliding around the cars, all that shit. Like niggas don't be giving no fuck. Like I came to slide, so I want to slide. So the goal is to get the situation analyzed and situated as fast as possible.

Speaker 2:

Right and I can shed a little bit of personal light on that. As some may know, got my first little break at the pit trying to learn a little tanda with my boy. It was hectic. You know the second it happened tires still burning, hop out the whip. We making sure everything. Okay, I get out.

Speaker 2:

Most people saw the video. I lost the back bumper, my rear crash bar, I got a dent in my left corner panel, my left headlight out and we gonna get that fixed, that's no worry. But the thing is the second that happened and you posted the video. Everyone, all angles, just run it, run it, run it. I get out immediately. Go make sure my boy's straight, cause I was, that was my homeboy. I'm making sure he's straight, everyone. Good, we getting out the way. I go back.

Speaker 2:

Some of my friends from down in Tampa instantly and, like you said, the people you have around you controlling the pit King Stick JR they was trying to control it on the megaphone VDA and who come in and out the pit trying to run that and, like you were talking about, you can't control everyone. No matter how many people you got, you're going to be outnumbered and you know the second that happened, you know they going to make sure my bumper Okay the bumper's off crash, bar off. We move in, we're and we trying to get out the pit. Mopar jumping the pit trying to slide almost hit my boy again. But we trying to get out, we trying to hit the exit, trying to make sure we safe, get everything out the way of the pit, make sure ain't no glass, no nothing, and that don't hurt, no one Trying to get all the parts Because you got to clean that debris up afterwards.

Speaker 1:

But people don't think about that. People just be so thirsty to slide you fucking around and hit a motherfucking. Let's say it's a. It had been a piece of your crash bar still out there and the motherfucker don't see it and they roll over it and now they tie it flat and now they can't control their car, they just crash out, kill a crab people don't think of that they don't. They just chasing the adrenaline Right.

Speaker 2:

But that's a real dangerous thing though, that adrenaline rush. Yeah, because once I could speak from personal experience. The second I got in that pit I was nervous, I ain't going to lie. The second I look at my boy we straight Burnout, lose traction, gone adrenaline. I can't even tell you what song was playing, can't tell you what I saw, how I was moving the wheel. It's adrenaline, it's going off straight instinct, flipping the car when I see fit. All that, and on the inside pill I had my friend was recording the back seat. That whole inside pill beats locked in adrenaline Like that'll do something to you. But too much of it can be lethal though. Too much adrenaline you get too safe, you get too in your head and then you do something. Stupid Facts, and that's why people got to learn that lesson. Hey, young boy.

Speaker 1:

I want to tell you something, man. Tell your people I I said salute to them because you making me feel like my father must have felt when he was telling me I was wiser before my time. Like for you to be 17 and have the knowledge that you have is impeccable and amazing. And keep doing what the fuck you're doing, my nigga, like it's only up from here. Keep your circle tight, keep, keep. Make sure you battle, test everybody around you.

Speaker 1:

Because, loyalty is key. Niggas, niggas, niggas, niggas, a motherfucking cross you for the smallest infraction that's true and it's crazy.

Speaker 2:

We learned that the hard way. Everyone's gotta have to go through that, eventually everybody. But it's great. I solidified a true friend through that crash. You know, I got out. I ain't get mad. He wasn't mad. Look, we dap each other up. All right, bro, you good, like yo bumper straight. You good, we can get out the pit. All right, bet. Second, we pull over, we look for new parts, like, and I told him I was like bro, like I ain't even worried about the money.

Speaker 2:

And that's the lesson that just come with sliding. It's going to happen. You're going to make some friends, but I solidified a real like ride or die friend that day.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, cause, cause y'all was both concerned about each other's wellbeing. It wasn't one side, it wasn't what motherfuckers wasn't worried about the cars, it was motherfuckers was worried about the people involved, and that's that's. That's something that you can't teach right. That's a. That's a type of, that's a type of selflessness that can't be taught right. It's either on it, on you, or it's either it's either in you or it ain't right, and a lot of motherfuckers be out here selfish with this shit and all they care about. Oh, you smacked my car, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. Man, shut the fuck up. You knew what you was getting yourself into coming to this shit. Smacks is going to happen, mistakes is going to happen, even when you go to a street takeover. It's the same shit.

Speaker 1:

It's a risk with all of this shit in some shape, form or fashion right the thing is, are you gonna motherfucking get out the way or are you gonna allow this shit to to to trickle down and change you and make you crazy? Man, right, and it's crazy.

Speaker 2:

I was just talking to my boy Don. He's the one who put me on this side. He's been in the city for a minute. He done been through it. He's looking out for me letting me know, like, bro, this is not for no poor nigga. Bro, you're going to have to lock in, smack's going to happen, buy new parts you're going to buy, and it's nothing to fall out for. We ain't going to fall out with no homie over no money. Bro, facts, it's a respect thing. That's where I draw the line. If it came to him getting out the way oh no, you hit me then it's respect. Now we're going to have to. Now I got to check you. It's just mutual respect. Going to keep it close, you're going to keep it pushing, and that's just come respect. Don't keep it close, you don't keep it pushing, and that's just come with it and be able to bond from there.

Speaker 1:

And see, that's the thing Motherfuckers. A lot of people do not have do not even know what respect look like. That's right, you know what I'm saying. So that's part of the reason why the scene is as dramatic as it is, because nobody got respect for each other 100%.

Speaker 2:

We've seen the videos. I ain't gonna get too much into detail but, like I was talking about earlier, we've seen the videos. Lack of respect is crazy and we all in the same thing. That's what I don't get like. I just think simply like we all in the same area for the same exact thing. But why is he beefing like? And you was at the pit too. Like people get bad over little stuff, like someone throwing a balloon at my car.

Speaker 1:

It's wet and wild bro it's definitely wet and wild, like the only the only thing I was disappointed in whoever you niggas that was throwing piss bottles. I want y'all to know, y'all some bitches straight up. There was motherfuckers out there throwing piss bottles no yeah no, that's too far. Yeah, that kind of shit shouldn't happen. Like my young boy, wiley Visuals, he motherfucking came up to me and you could smell the urine Like he drove they throwing piss bottles bro.

Speaker 2:

That's true, that's never happened before. And the last one, like it was, I brought my own balloons. Like I brought me and my friends, we bought like two, two hundred packs and just throwing them. Throwing them, throwing like it was good, clean, fun, but and this was too but it just wasn't as wet and when it was, it was wet, people were overdoing it, like you said, yeah, people were overreacting right cause like, like.

Speaker 1:

It was too many situations where motherfuckers was catching attitudes cause they got hit with a balloon. Like bro, you came to a wet and wild. What do you expect?

Speaker 2:

well, you can roll your windows up, you can lock them, they gonna hit your car regardless yeah, like it's a wet and wild, like it's gonna happen, but it was a lot of.

Speaker 1:

It was a lot of dope swingers at the event. I will say that Chop put on a hell of a motherfucking event. I'm definitely coming back to Jax like yeah, I'm a fan. Y to Jax Like yeah, I'm a fan. Y'all got my vote.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, top Hat, top Bay, having that city, that legal pit, on lock since last year around this time. I remember his first event. Not too many people came out, threw a wet, wild, jump jumping. People standing all like those box, like those boxes, how no one was standing over there. 50 people, each barricade, is standing there recording and that's and that's the community that, like we say, that's what everyone's trying to fight for. But people that they pride their dignity, they respect that, they lack of respect getting the way of that. It jeopardizes for everyone. Like you saw someone out there pulling, pulling guns for what. We all out here trying to have fun, you out here pulling a gun out, yeah, and they just fall back to everyone trying to have a good time and that lack of respect. But nonetheless it's called wet and wild. It definitely was wild, definitely.

Speaker 1:

Hey, wasn't a lot of wet, but it sure was wild, it sure was crazy.

Speaker 2:

That's 100%. That's one thing you can always guarantee. Out of those, it's going to be crazy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, legal pits are nothing but controlled chaos, like literally.

Speaker 2:

But I'd much rather that happen in a closed environment where we're protected under waivers than a street where now I'm somewhere without a back bumper and I'm stranded at 12 pulling up and now I'm broke Exactly.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm in a jam and I got to explain to my peoples why I'm going to jail.

Speaker 2:

Right, trying to be cool.

Speaker 1:

Come get me. That's all I gotta say. I'll tell y'all about it later. But come get me. I'll take whatever punishment coming. Just come get me.

Speaker 2:

Right. But my mom always tell me the life you choose, the life you live. I got to live with decisions Everyone.

Speaker 1:

No, for real, and I'm to the age.

Speaker 2:

Now I'm going to college, I'm about to be a grown man that dependency on mom and dad, that's going to go out the window. Yes, it is.

Speaker 1:

I'm glad you see it and recognize it, because a lot of people don't, a lot of people don't even understand it. It's a blessing, bro.

Speaker 2:

It's a blessing to have, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Hey, as long as you're doing good, your people's going to always look out for you. Best believe that, right. It's when you're not doing good and you're not producing, and you're not you know what I'm saying and you're just out partying, getting fucked up, doing this, doing that on the regular, that people be like that. Your parents and shit be like hey, what you doing, hey, I can't help you, no more, right, and I know because I went through it. I was 18, thinking I knew it all. Man, I can't help you, no more, right, and I know, because I went through it. I was 18, thinking I knew it all. Man, I'm grown, I'm outside doing what I want to do. Mama tried to put me on curfew. Oh man, I ain't Fuck that curfew, right.

Speaker 2:

Now my parents same thing with me, but they give me a little bit taste of life because when I grow up too fast they would tell me this when I was a kid I always been trying to grow up fast, like my group of people I hang out with. They've always been older. I've always been around the older group, so I've been trying to grow up fast to hang with them. My parents teach me but you growing up too fast when you hit the time for that stuff, it's not even fun. No more. Up too fast. When you hit the time for that stuff, it's not even fun. No more. Like when you go to your first club, you in there, bored because you've been before no first time having a drink already been there, that's not fun. You hit 21, you can buy your first drink. You've been getting out from so and so your home boy. That can get nothing to look forward to. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

That's real, though, because, man, I was drinking and smoking weed at like. I started smoking weed at 13, started drinking at 16. By the time I was 21,. I didn't motherfucking, I didn't care that I was 21. I've been doing grown-up shit since.

Speaker 2:

You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's why you gotta have some type of discipline in your life. Discipline is the key to success. It's the it's the key to everything, because if you don't get it, shit you're gonna whirlwind forever and that even just translates from more than just the home aspect.

Speaker 2:

That translate back to cars too. Your maintenance, your discipline. Like alright bro, you gonna go out there and act crazy when you know you got low tread and you know you ain't changed your oil, you gonna go out there and act crazy. That's discipline.

Speaker 1:

Be on top of your maintenance you gonna blow your shit, fucking pop a tire, all type of goofy shit, because you know you ain't do what you're supposed to do.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Hey man, I ain't even going to hold you. Gang, you, my nigga. I'm happy I met you. I'm like you have impressed me. I am impressed for sure, motherfucker. Hey, you got my number. Impressed for sure, motherfucking, the pleasure's all mine. Hey, you got my number. If I can help you with anything, no, you can call on me. That's how I feel, man. I love fucking with the youth that got their head on straight and moving in the right direction. Even if a motherfucker ain't fully got their head on straight and they trying to get to that point, I fuck with them. But the motherfuckers who think they know it all and ain't got a pot to piss in and a window to throw it out of and ain't trying to listen to nobody, who been down this road before, for sure, just got to wash my hands with them.

Speaker 2:

Right, that's why we talked about earlier that group. Like you said, it's the people you surround yourself with and it's my parents always been telling me the company you keep that determines you. A man can judge you just by your friends, and not one of my friends You're going to look at and be like, nah bro, he, he ain't with him Now. All my friends successful business owners, stock traders, fixing cars all my friends I own a clothing brand Everyone around we in a call, figuring ways to help each other make money All right, bro, you trying to teach me how to invest? All right, boom, yeah, I can teach you how to design some clothes. And we still got the cars on top of that. Yeah, so that's just a blessing to find them. Just ended up in a group with people like you know Franco from Sensational King Stick, stuff like that Business owners, brand owners. They got something going for themselves and that's just a blessing that I ended up in that group.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's going to be, it's going to be lit outside.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, for sure, and they know nothing. But help me get the way I'm trying to go. This car stuff they trying to teach me. I'm gonna. I can't speak too much on what's coming next with the v, but they teaching me how to drive a manual, they're gonna get me right with that. You know a couple little, couple, little buckets. Soon we're gonna learn the manual, then the plans with the v, and we say too much on that yet. But she chilling, we're gonna keep her running. No, just no back bumper. Got a little bumper to leave. I have to come out of some money for that, but for sure the content gonna keep pushing, v gonna keep sliding, maybe Supercharger gonna keep whining. I'm broke.

Speaker 1:

That's what I like to hear, man Motherfucking. Next time I'm in, jax, we gonna get you a real interview. You got a lot of knowledge, a lot of motherfucking. You've definitely impressed me from the pit to fucking. Just having this conversation with you, shorty, all I'm going to say is keep doing what you're doing and you're going to go far. My nigga, straight up. I appreciate that Straight up. I appreciate that Straight up. Yes, sir, it was a pleasure rapping with you. Until next time, dog. It's the Roll Back Show and we rolling out, rolling out, yes, sir.

Youth Car Culture and Safety Awareness
Youth, Parenting, and Street Culture
Sliding and Competition in Car Culture
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