The Brazen Hydra

#1 - Riot MMO News, what we want to see and what we dont, Runeterra Lore

October 24, 2023 BrazenHydra Season 1 Episode 1
#1 - Riot MMO News, what we want to see and what we dont, Runeterra Lore
The Brazen Hydra
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The Brazen Hydra
#1 - Riot MMO News, what we want to see and what we dont, Runeterra Lore
Oct 24, 2023 Season 1 Episode 1

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Entgrove and Kong Quest welcome you to the Brazen Hydra, a podcast coming straight to you from a pub in the Heart of Bilgewater.
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Entgrove and Kong Quest welcome you to the Brazen Hydra, a podcast coming straight to you from a pub in the Heart of Bilgewater.
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<b>Hello and welcome to the Creaking Salt</b><b>Soap Tape is the</b><b>Brazen Hydra in Bilgewater.</b><b>We're your hosts, Enk Grosven, Pong</b><b>Quest, and today we'll be</b><b>sharing a point and talking</b><b>all things Runeterra and beyond. So</b><b>obviously if we're talking</b><b>here and we're hosting from the</b><b>Brazen Hydra in Bilgewater, we're</b><b>obviously pretty</b><b>excited about the ride MMO.</b><b>Yeah yeah, to say the least, I think it's</b><b>a lot of people's most</b><b>anticipated MMO right now,</b><b>because you know it's pretty rare to see</b><b>a new up-and-coming one</b><b>outside of Amazon at least.</b><b>So pretty exciting stuff</b><b>worth talking about I'd say.</b><b>Yeah Amazon's got New World popping off</b><b>right now a little bit.</b><b>Is it really?</b><b>Yeah I don't know why.</b><b>It must be like I know they're still</b><b>updating it like it's still a live</b><b>service ongoing with</b><b>new content and stuff but I've like seen</b><b>absolutely nothing about it since like</b><b>the first two weeks of</b><b>that game. The reason I never got into</b><b>New World is because</b><b>I'm a big guy on the lore.</b><b>Like we both played World of Warcraft.</b><b>Oh yeah and we both</b><b>read extensively on WoW.</b><b>We read a lot of novels and chronicles</b><b>and oh god the world's so good on WoW.</b><b>That universe is great. I just don't like</b><b>the most recent writing but</b><b>the universe is still so good.</b><b>Yeah you can't in terms of Azeroth and I</b><b>knew everything about</b><b>World of Warcraft like in terms</b><b>of lore I was definitely on the more I</b><b>know stuff kind of side.</b><b>Yeah and I feel like that's what</b><b>initially drew me to</b><b>the world of Runeterra.</b><b>Is that it's a whole the whole world.</b><b>If you look at my most recent video it's</b><b>not really the whole world</b><b>but the world that we see</b><b>right now it's so extensive and like deep</b><b>and then that's what kind</b><b>of drew me in and said okay</b><b>this could actually be an MMO that I'd</b><b>want to invest in. I think</b><b>New World just came out and</b><b>it's like it's more about gameplay than</b><b>story. Yeah but Runeterra I</b><b>hope that they make it where</b><b>the world is the focus. Oh yeah</b><b>absolutely I agree. I think</b><b>even like what makes it very</b><b>like reminiscent over old WoW is that</b><b>clearly in Runeterra</b><b>the focus is not just like</b><b>five characters like how WoW has been</b><b>doing in the past like few years.</b><b>You can tell that every zone is going to</b><b>have its own major</b><b>characters and a lot of characters are</b><b>not even going to know about like</b><b>anything about each other outside of</b><b>those zones. You know they're</b><b>all very much in their own little realms</b><b>and doing their own thing</b><b>and I think that's really</b><b>really cool and that's something I miss</b><b>about a lot of old MMOs</b><b>compared to now where MMOs nowadays</b><b>are very story driven because I think</b><b>most people want a single player</b><b>experience out of MMOs which</b><b>is obviously something I don't</b><b>understand. I've always been I want my</b><b>most to be community driven</b><b>I think that's what MMOs are like made to</b><b>be if I want to play a</b><b>single player game I'm gonna</b><b>play a single player game but that's just</b><b>me. I feel like just</b><b>looking at the world of Runeterra</b><b>I hope that they're setting things up for</b><b>it to to be a whole world</b><b>with all these different moving</b><b>parts and people to meet. That's why</b><b>classic hardcore got so</b><b>popular was because it was</b><b>it was an MMO again where people kind of</b><b>had you had to work together. You're</b><b>going out on a quest</b><b>you're joining groups you're going you're</b><b>doing anything in the</b><b>world okay you need to you need</b><b>to work together compared to like if you</b><b>log on to WoW now you don't</b><b>really have to work together</b><b>and this isn't a WoW podcast I want to</b><b>stay focused on Runeterra</b><b>but mostly we're talking</b><b>about the right MMO and what we the</b><b>reason I'm bringing all this</b><b>stuff up is because I want to</b><b>talk about what we want to see and what</b><b>we don't want to see in the right MMO.</b><b>Like in terms of how</b><b>you want the game to be played like what</b><b>what can they do to make</b><b>it so the world is the focus</b><b>and not the player.</b><b>Because I don't want to be a champion.</b><b>Like, I don't want to be.</b><b>The hero of the story, like there's</b><b>there's so many heroes in Runeterra.</b><b>They have a huge cast list of heroes.</b><b>I want to be like.</b><b>A part of it.</b><b>Mm hmm. Not the main character.</b><b>Yeah, absolutely.</b><b>Yeah, I just want to be a soldier of, you</b><b>know, the Nazis or Demacia</b><b>or wherever the heck whose goals happen</b><b>to align with, you know,</b><b>whatever character we're meeting and</b><b>talking to, and if that character</b><b>needs to get something done,</b><b>we're just there with them.</b><b>But we are not the driving force behind</b><b>God's dying and stuff like that.</b><b>I think in MMOs, for some reason, if it</b><b>goes on long enough,</b><b>writers will feel the need</b><b>to constantly power scale</b><b>the character, the player character to</b><b>feel like we're</b><b>progressing and getting stronger.</b><b>When the truth is,</b><b>honestly, I am totally OK</b><b>if there's just always some things that</b><b>are out of my element, like</b><b>what's his face? Big</b><b>Star Dragon Aurelion Sol.</b><b>Yeah, we better never fight Aurelion Sol</b><b>like in the sense that we,</b><b>the player kick his ass. That's a great.</b><b>Yeah, that's a great point.</b><b>I never want that to happen.</b><b>I don't care if the MMO is 50 years old</b><b>and we have already cleared</b><b>everything else in Runeterra.</b><b>We better not be that strong ever.</b><b>Yeah, I've said it</b><b>before that we are literally</b><b>less than the tip of</b><b>Aurelion Sol's fingernail.</b><b>So we should never be able to even come</b><b>close to Aurelion Sol.</b><b>Yeah, and I'm totally cool with that.</b><b>If we are always just the</b><b>human or your whatever the heck,</b><b>we're just one dude or gal that is</b><b>limited by our mortal bodies.</b><b>We can only do so much.</b><b>I will always be cool with that because</b><b>it gives that sense</b><b>of scale to the world.</b><b>Man, that's so freaking true. Oh, my God.</b><b>Like that. OK, so even if</b><b>we did, let's say that we go</b><b>all out, there's like a void expansion.</b><b>We're in the Froyo and we're we're</b><b>journeying to the eye</b><b>and the abyss and all this stuff.</b><b>And we're about to fight.</b><b>Monsters, creatures, we</b><b>should not be the ones</b><b>fighting those beyond</b><b>God level creatures. Right.</b><b>That should be like the duty of someone</b><b>else while we're handling,</b><b>you know, the freaking little guys. Yeah.</b><b>Like we're helping, but</b><b>we're not the main character.</b><b>We're we're the soldiers.</b><b>We're the we're doing our part to help.</b><b>Let's say Aurelian Sol is in the fight</b><b>because he's not a huge fan of the void</b><b>either. He's the one taking on the void,</b><b>the void gods. Yeah.</b><b>Not us. Yeah, absolutely.</b><b>And I think we try to call it the</b><b>Watchers and Runeterra, by the way.</b><b>Oh, yeah. Yeah.</b><b>But also, I think that</b><b>even comes back to you.</b><b>I think the reason why me and you</b><b>especially are so adamant about this</b><b>is because it comes back</b><b>to that sense of community,</b><b>because if you're just a</b><b>soldier, then guess what?</b><b>You're not going to do a lot on your own.</b><b>But if you're a whole, you know, squadron</b><b>of like 20 soldiers, 20 players,</b><b>a raid, you can do. Yeah.</b><b>Like a raid. Like a raid.</b><b>You know, riot games</b><b>make cool raids, please.</b><b>I like raiding. Mm hmm.</b><b>But yeah, like it's just it's that sense</b><b>of you can't do much by yourself.</b><b>And I love when the the story narrative</b><b>of an MMO pushes that idea of, yeah,</b><b>guess what? You're one dude.</b><b>So you need other people if</b><b>you want to be successful.</b><b>That's just me. I know</b><b>that's an out there take.</b><b>We have a pretty out there take about</b><b>MMOs in terms of how</b><b>community driven things should be in</b><b>terms like what you can accomplish</b><b>by yourself, because for</b><b>me, I'm like the bare minimum.</b><b>You should be able to</b><b>like do your professions.</b><b>Yeah, you should be</b><b>able to do some quests.</b><b>And if you do the quest, they should be</b><b>dangerous by yourself.</b><b>Like you can do the quest by yourself,</b><b>but they're going to take longer.</b><b>You have to do levels like easier quests.</b><b>You can't do the like there's a quest for</b><b>a good item or a bag or something.</b><b>That one you can't do</b><b>unless you get a group.</b><b>Yeah, you don't want to get a group.</b><b>Then yeah, you can go do these other</b><b>quests that are not as hard,</b><b>but not as rewarding. Yeah, absolutely.</b><b>And I don't even want to be told that.</b><b>I mean, I just want to</b><b>find that out for myself.</b><b>Yeah. I'll be like, oh, I just</b><b>have to go kill this one guy.</b><b>And then you read the question. You're</b><b>like, oh, he has like</b><b>a whole gang of like,</b><b>you know, like like thieves with him.</b><b>And oh, this is like a level 12 quest and</b><b>all these enemies are</b><b>going to be level 12.</b><b>And like, I probably</b><b>can't fight five guys at once.</b><b>I see the problem now.</b><b>I don't even want it to recommend it like</b><b>to say like, oh, you need four people</b><b>for this quest, like let me go there and</b><b>be like, damn, I can't do this.</b><b>And then I look around and like there's a</b><b>bunch of other people saying</b><b>they can't do this. I'm like, hey, you</b><b>want to group up so we</b><b>can do this together?</b><b>Yes. Yeah, it ain't</b><b>possible right now. Absolutely.</b><b>I think the biggest complaint about stuff</b><b>like that is people saying, oh,</b><b>I don't have like the time to be doing</b><b>something like wasting my time,</b><b>like going over there to</b><b>find out, oh, guess what?</b><b>Yeah, I can't do this.</b><b>But then I feel like people like don't</b><b>think about, well, OK,</b><b>what's worth your time then in an MMO,</b><b>you know, because I</b><b>think I personally think</b><b>if I'm in Runeterra and I'm in Shurima.</b><b>And they're in Shurima.</b><b>I said Shurima for a long time.</b><b>It's Shurima and I got a</b><b>lot of shit for that one.</b><b>So it looks like Shurima to me.</b><b>It does. Yeah, I'm always going to.</b><b>Shurima, that's a problem.</b><b>It's like Shurima.</b><b>You got to really pronounce it.</b><b>I remember I said Ixtel too. It's Ixtel.</b><b>Oh, yeah. Yeah.</b><b>What very adamant about</b><b>the names by Leisure Water.</b><b>But yeah, yeah, yeah.</b><b>Yeah, we're we're alive in</b><b>the the Brazilian Dragoon.</b><b>Mm hmm. So yeah, let's say I'm like I'm</b><b>questing out in on Shurima and.</b><b>You know, I run over just to do some</b><b>quest and that exact thing happens to me.</b><b>I'm now talking group chat with these</b><b>people to get this group together.</b><b>And we do the quest.</b><b>And that's literally the only thing I</b><b>have time to do today.</b><b>I literally only did one quest.</b><b>Maybe it wasn't even worth that much.</b><b>I didn't get a cool reward out of it.</b><b>I still think that's worth my time</b><b>because you get to have that experience</b><b>of just talking to</b><b>people and cooperating.</b><b>People you never met before.</b><b>You don't know where the heck they live.</b><b>You know, they can be across the world.</b><b>But guess what? You guys</b><b>formed this little group.</b><b>Preach. You're chatting it up.</b><b>You're you accomplished something that</b><b>was actually like, you know, cool</b><b>and like feasible, even</b><b>if it doesn't work out.</b><b>Little even if you wiped, you</b><b>didn't even complete the quest.</b><b>I still think that's worth my time</b><b>because that was just a cool experience</b><b>that I had that day in</b><b>this MMO in Runeterra.</b><b>And I'm like, oh, that's worth my time.</b><b>I don't think like it's just like be, oh,</b><b>I got this much gear today.</b><b>I got this big number today.</b><b>So that was worth my time.</b><b>You're prioritizing the like</b><b>what you're actually doing.</b><b>Like it doesn't matter how much you got</b><b>done is whether you liked it or not.</b><b>But people prioritize finishing.</b><b>So I mean, if there's a button right now,</b><b>let's say the right mode comes out</b><b>and there's a button that you could press</b><b>that you will reach end game</b><b>with cap level gear and</b><b>you're standing at the final boss.</b><b>Everyone's going to push that button.</b><b>Yeah, that doesn't mean the button should</b><b>exist and everyone would like.</b><b>You need to think about the whole</b><b>experience and not</b><b>about just finishing it.</b><b>That's why classic.</b><b>Well, the end game, not that</b><b>great, but leveling is so good</b><b>that people will play it because they're</b><b>not in pursuit of the end game.</b><b>They're not just</b><b>trying to get to the end.</b><b>It's about just playing the game.</b><b>And like saying that, yeah,</b><b>I hate the whole thing about</b><b>if you don't have time</b><b>anymore, there's no time for that.</b><b>Like, OK, but if you don't have time to</b><b>play a video game,</b><b>you don't play that day.</b><b>Like you can play another day.</b><b>I've got a lot of stuff going on in my</b><b>life, but I still find time to play.</b><b>Yeah, just because you enjoy it and you</b><b>know that with the time you have,</b><b>you're going to get some enjoyment out of</b><b>this community experience.</b><b>That is an MMORPG.</b><b>I'm going to say, thank God that classic</b><b>Wow is a thing and</b><b>coming out and doing well.</b><b>Yeah, because because, you know,</b><b>everyone's has eyes on on Wow</b><b>in general being a big MMO that it is.</b><b>Oh, I'm sure the right name has.</b><b>They're not. Exactly.</b><b>I hope they take what's</b><b>good and leave what's not good.</b><b>For a size.</b><b>Lee, I hope they realize just how much</b><b>value and longevity there is in an MMO</b><b>that is centered around having to</b><b>cooperate and work together</b><b>to accomplish anything because I mean,</b><b>hey, the classic Wow</b><b>is still strong with</b><b>hardcore at this point in time.</b><b>It is being recorded.</b><b>And I'm sure I am.</b><b>Oh, team is seeing this</b><b>stuff and they're like, OK,</b><b>people actually want a slow progression.</b><b>You know, there's an</b><b>audience for that at least.</b><b>Maybe not everyone, but</b><b>there is an audience for that.</b><b>There is there's a successful MO that</b><b>exists where people literally</b><b>just run through a desert</b><b>forever and kill scorpions.</b><b>And they need to talk to</b><b>people to accomplish that.</b><b>What one other thing that</b><b>I do want to talk about.</b><b>So I really like that that you're that's</b><b>like prioritizing the experience</b><b>and all that, but another thing that I</b><b>think the reason we're saying</b><b>I want to say all this is because there's</b><b>mistakes that can't be fixed.</b><b>And so there's stuff that they need to</b><b>prioritize at the beginning</b><b>because once it's done, it's done like</b><b>once you're the champion,</b><b>you're the champion. Oh,</b><b>yeah, you can't go back.</b><b>Yeah, and stupid.</b><b>Another thing that I always</b><b>felt pretty adamant about,</b><b>but I don't know if</b><b>everyone cares as much about it.</b><b>I always felt like flying was a big</b><b>mistake in Warcraft.</b><b>And I came out that was they did that in</b><b>Burning Crusade where flying started.</b><b>But there is</b><b>something to be said about the</b><b>classic WoW feels</b><b>first classic WoW is huge,</b><b>but it also feels bigger</b><b>because there is no flying</b><b>because you spend all the way up to level</b><b>40 just running around.</b><b>Then a level 40, you get your base mount.</b><b>Then you don't get a</b><b>fast mountain to level 60.</b><b>And even that mount is</b><b>not as fast as mounts today.</b><b>Oh, yeah. So it's like.</b><b>I, I there's certain like if they add</b><b>flying at the beginning of the ride,</b><b>I know you can't take</b><b>back flying like a while.</b><b>They do every single time.</b><b>They're like Pathfinder</b><b>achievement, but it never feels good</b><b>because all you're doing is taking</b><b>something away from you</b><b>and then giving it back</b><b>to you later as a reward.</b><b>But you can't take something</b><b>and give it back as a reward.</b><b>Like a reward has to be something new.</b><b>Yeah, I can't take all your</b><b>gear and then just say go naked.</b><b>And then you get all this gear.</b><b>Oh, but look, you're doing great.</b><b>A lot of them do that.</b><b>I'm going to be honest, like new</b><b>expansion drops for any MMO,</b><b>whether that's like Final</b><b>Fantasy 14 or WoW or anything.</b><b>Yeah, you're</b><b>basically naked at that point.</b><b>Your gear means nothing.</b><b>It's going to be a better way to do it.</b><b>I know, right.</b><b>I always think about that as like, I</b><b>don't know, like I'm I'm no genius</b><b>game developer, so I think I can come up</b><b>with the the endless</b><b>like how to break out that endless</b><b>treadmill feeling that is MMOs,</b><b>that like a live service, I'm a mo</b><b>because I mean, OK, like let's say,</b><b>let's say I'm the right mo is a big hit,</b><b>you know, the vanilla world,</b><b>whatever that is, like the original world</b><b>leveling experience.</b><b>Everything's great.</b><b>But guess what? Now everyone's cap level.</b><b>Everyone's done all the content.</b><b>Now what? You can't exactly,</b><b>you know, go back to level one</b><b>and have a whole new leveling experience.</b><b>So like you kind of feel stuck in that.</b><b>OK, I guess here's 10 more levels and one</b><b>new like island place</b><b>you can go explore. Here's here's Ionia.</b><b>But guess what?</b><b>You're now spending the next two years</b><b>only in Ionia compared to previously</b><b>where, let's say that we'll start off</b><b>with like the Masiya, noxious</b><b>Shudima, Ixtal, Piltover and Zahn.</b><b>Say start off with all that.</b><b>Yeah, big massive world to explore.</b><b>Amazing leveling experience</b><b>where you really get to take</b><b>into the game and all this stuff.</b><b>Yeah. Now guess what? It's all relevant.</b><b>You're an Ionia now for</b><b>they can't do that fun.</b><b>Yeah, right.</b><b>It's such a big issue.</b><b>And then it also comes down to like,</b><b>well, do they have to revamp</b><b>the whole world every</b><b>time to make it interesting?</b><b>And even then it's like, is</b><b>everything worth doing then?</b><b>Because you already kept level is going</b><b>to be max like 10 new levels.</b><b>And it's like, I don't know.</b><b>That's a big problem</b><b>with MMOs in general.</b><b>I don't know if New</b><b>World does it any differently</b><b>because I know New World's very community</b><b>driven in the way it works.</b><b>So I don't know if they still just like</b><b>follow that expansion hole.</b><b>Then I feel like the there might.</b><b>So one thing that I always</b><b>that is really cool about classic.</b><b>Wow, is that you'll get</b><b>gear from the first rate.</b><b>That's still relevant in the last rate.</b><b>Yeah, there's this power spike.</b><b>Is it massive?</b><b>As massive as it is like today where the</b><b>last rate is gear is trash.</b><b>Yeah. By the time you</b><b>go into the next rate.</b><b>That's big. And then there's different</b><b>advantages that you have.</b><b>So if you're farming out that</b><b>first rate, you're getting like</b><b>fire resistance gear, you know.</b><b>So I feel like they</b><b>could do something with that.</b><b>I don't know. It'd be it'd be really hard</b><b>to stay that creative</b><b>and constantly come up with new things</b><b>that you need gear for.</b><b>But you get what I'm saying?</b><b>Like if you're have a</b><b>raid and and and should have.</b><b>You need this specific</b><b>resistance or this specific bonus</b><b>to be able to get help</b><b>you get through the raid.</b><b>Like you can do it, but it'll be much,</b><b>much, much harder without this gear.</b><b>Like near impossible.</b><b>But if you have this gear that gets you</b><b>this special benefit in this area</b><b>and it can't be just like, oh, plus 10</b><b>strength in Shurima,</b><b>it needs to be</b><b>something like environmental.</b><b>Mm hmm. I think that'd be really like,</b><b>OK, there's a raid in Zahn.</b><b>You can do the raid, but you're</b><b>constantly going to</b><b>have this debuff of smog</b><b>that stacks every hour.</b><b>And after three hours, you're going to be</b><b>like taking a bunch of damage</b><b>every once every take because of just the</b><b>smog that you're toxic waste.</b><b>You know, yeah.</b><b>Or you can rock this gear that has like</b><b>this resistance to it.</b><b>Yeah. And stuff like that, where it's</b><b>like, even though</b><b>like I see what you mean,</b><b>you want like horizontal progression.</b><b>Yeah. Where like,</b><b>like, OK, like you don't</b><b>have to complete like, you know, these</b><b>raids in this exact order.</b><b>But, you know, each of these raids will</b><b>give you something unique and cool</b><b>for your character, whether that's like</b><b>gear cosmetics or whatever.</b><b>But then, yeah, it's also like the thing</b><b>of like, how can you go like?</b><b>Yeah, like this one.</b><b>Yeah. OK.</b><b>Even then it's like, OK, like, will that</b><b>feel like the money?</b><b>Do you need sunglasses?</b><b>Well, in the case of like Zahnra, you</b><b>need like the specific thing to go down.</b><b>I think that's something where it has to</b><b>be done really right.</b><b>It has to be done very precisely and</b><b>smoothly without the</b><b>player even noticing.</b><b>Yeah, because it could just feel like an</b><b>annoying wall where</b><b>it's like, oh, my God,</b><b>like, I just want to go to Zahn dude.</b><b>Why the heck is there this like stupid</b><b>mechanic where I need to get this gear?</b><b>What the hell? You know, yeah.</b><b>Stuff like that's always like, will it be</b><b>like part of the world so smoothly</b><b>that you just feel like, oh, of course,</b><b>of course, I can't go into Zahn yet.</b><b>Like, you know, I need</b><b>to be ready for that.</b><b>It's like it's one of the things where I</b><b>think it's a good solution.</b><b>It just needs to be done really well.</b><b>That world really needs to feel alive.</b><b>You really need to be immersed into it</b><b>for it to work for</b><b>horizontal progression.</b><b>At least horizontal progression is</b><b>definitely much harder.</b><b>Yeah, it is. And vertical progression.</b><b>Oh, yeah, it's much harder to do.</b><b>And I don't even know if it'd be like I</b><b>understand the whole vertical.</b><b>Which makes sense. Like, OK, we finish</b><b>out Demacia and Noxus and Shurima</b><b>and the superficial level</b><b>of Piltover and Bilgewater.</b><b>Those are the starting</b><b>zones when the MMO comes out.</b><b>Then Ionia comes out and OK, you know, we</b><b>move over to that expansion.</b><b>There has to be a way to pull it back</b><b>where you still have the</b><b>whole world to explore.</b><b>Yeah, I mean, like I'm known for like,</b><b>I'm like the patches during vanilla was</b><b>the idea of like, OK, I know.</b><b>Even that had like the issue where it's</b><b>like everyone's in one zone, basically.</b><b>But I always think of I</b><b>think one of my favorite</b><b>just MMO events in general ever was the</b><b>on garage, the gates of on garage event.</b><b>If you don't know what that is, it's</b><b>basically like, OK, this zone in the</b><b>like in the already established like</b><b>world is like already some</b><b>people go to all the time.</b><b>It was normal. But now</b><b>something happened in the zone.</b><b>Both Alliance and Horde, you know, you're</b><b>either an Alliance</b><b>player or a Horde player.</b><b>You pick a faction and you have to fight</b><b>over these resources in this zone.</b><b>Everyone is killing these bugs that drop</b><b>this loot that you need, this currency.</b><b>And that's how, you know, like your</b><b>your guild or group people can eventually</b><b>get like really cool</b><b>mount, really cool rewards.</b><b>So everyone is in this zone.</b><b>That's very community driven event.</b><b>Everyone's fighting over resources and</b><b>land because the land</b><b>is where the enemies are</b><b>that drop this stuff. So it's just I feel</b><b>like that's a really cool example of like</b><b>the old world still existed.</b><b>It was literally just a</b><b>revamp zone in the old world.</b><b>But even then, of course, there's still</b><b>the issue of everyone's</b><b>just in that one zone.</b><b>Yeah, but it's still</b><b>it's still felt alive.</b><b>Yeah, yeah. The world needs</b><b>to feel alive and changing.</b><b>One of the best things about that is that</b><b>the world was changing.</b><b>Like it wasn't</b><b>stagnant. Yeah. Stuff happened.</b><b>That's cool. Maybe that's.</b><b>Dude, maybe. I mean, like just OK, you</b><b>release the world and then</b><b>stuff happens in the world.</b><b>But you need to feel like</b><b>you're growing in power.</b><b>That's the hardest thing with horizontal</b><b>progression is as you need to still feel</b><b>like you're getting stronger.</b><b>That's why vertical</b><b>progression is so much easier.</b><b>You're obviously getting stronger.</b><b>Look at your level. Yeah, absolutely.</b><b>I mean, I know I'm a little praise Guild</b><b>Wars to for I believe they have</b><b>horizontal progression</b><b>where you don't really like there's no</b><b>like specific path you</b><b>have to take in Guild Wars to</b><b>to like achieve the goal of amazing gear.</b><b>But I'm not sure exactly how they do it.</b><b>But I know that's like that's the one</b><b>thing I'm going to praise about.</b><b>So I'd like to look</b><b>into Guild Wars to more.</b><b>I'm very curious about that.</b><b>And I'm sure the riot team is</b><b>looking at all these of them.</b><b>Most who know we</b><b>never talked about flying.</b><b>I got to take like</b><b>carried the conversation.</b><b>Oh, yeah, we did totally pivot.</b><b>So what do you think? What</b><b>do you think about flying?</b><b>Should it be included?</b><b>Sure. Should it be</b><b>stayed away from forever?</b><b>Well, as someone who has talked about how</b><b>much I love running through a desert</b><b>and killing scorpions, I'm</b><b>very much against flying.</b><b>I think it means I</b><b>think it's just fly over.</b><b>You're never going to see</b><b>anyone. You don't see anyone.</b><b>That was one of the main reasons why you</b><b>don't see people anymore</b><b>just because you fly everywhere.</b><b>Yeah. And even then, I mean, already at</b><b>that point, I'm actually I don't know.</b><b>I did not play Burning</b><b>Crusade or anything like that.</b><b>But like, I don't know if you still</b><b>needed to just like talk to whoever's</b><b>like next to you to get</b><b>things done in Burning Crusade.</b><b>But I feel like like</b><b>definitely at this point in wow,</b><b>you have no reason to</b><b>talk to random people.</b><b>You're accomplishing everything yourself.</b><b>And that's intentionally</b><b>designed because people want that.</b><b>And wow, that's just the</b><b>direction the game went in.</b><b>And Burning Crusade, you had to talk to</b><b>people until the end.</b><b>Once you got flying, like</b><b>you just flew over everything.</b><b>You don't talk to anyone anymore. You</b><b>just fly wherever you want.</b><b>Yeah. Yeah.</b><b>Even for like quests, I don't know if</b><b>there were like, you</b><b>know, difficult quests</b><b>where like, I know I guess at</b><b>that point, if you have flying,</b><b>like you already already</b><b>that's the first thing.</b><b>So yeah, at that point, it's just like</b><b>you never have to see anyone ever again.</b><b>Well, even in like, I don't know, do you</b><b>like if you're like,</b><b>if you're running through the world,</b><b>you've already conquered</b><b>and you see this dude struggling to kill</b><b>a stinking quill boar.</b><b>That's what you're going to get off your</b><b>mind, going to heal that man.</b><b>Yeah, you're going to run in there.</b><b>You're going to help him out.</b><b>And that's just a beautiful moment.</b><b>But if you're both by</b><b>the air here, you see only.</b><b>Yeah, exactly.</b><b>And if you're flying</b><b>over, you're not looking down,</b><b>you're not looking at</b><b>the quill boar camp.</b><b>But that little moments like that is what</b><b>keeps people invested.</b><b>Little moments like that is what's going</b><b>to make me come back to that game</b><b>the next day, because I think of that</b><b>time when that dude saved me.</b><b>Man, what a cool game.</b><b>What a cool little world this is.</b><b>Yeah. You know, that dude</b><b>had no reason to save me.</b><b>He's already done this whole zone.</b><b>He's these caps thinking level.</b><b>He one shot that quill boar.</b><b>You know, he came to my rescue in this</b><b>awesome little world of Runeterra</b><b>Warcraft, whatever you want to call it.</b><b>That's what I'm a needs to be.</b><b>World of Runeterra.</b><b>World of Runeterra.</b><b>But did you know that if you go to like,</b><b>so I'll type it in right now.</b><b>If you go to world of Runeterra dot com,</b><b>it takes you to the right of</b><b>my website for making an MMO.</b><b>Oh, yeah. Yeah. So that's I</b><b>don't think I think about.</b><b>But I yeah, I personally don't think</b><b>that's like the name they're going to</b><b>I don't know. It might just be like an</b><b>in-house name right</b><b>now that they're using.</b><b>Because I feel like World of Runeterra is</b><b>a little too on the nose.</b><b>To World of Warcraft.</b><b>Yeah, it's not World of Azeroth.</b><b>So it's not true.</b><b>So good enough.</b><b>Man, I mean, they're freaking even they</b><b>do like Project L,</b><b>Project T, Project QZ, whatever.</b><b>So they kind of know the</b><b>name until it's finalized.</b><b>Oh, I mean, they just</b><b>reserved it because.</b><b>It's there and they'd</b><b>rather have it locked in.</b><b>Yeah, yeah, that's fair.</b><b>I mean, like, yeah, if they need to have</b><b>a name, they can't come</b><b>up with anything else.</b><b>I think World of Runeterra is like fine.</b><b>Oh, like it's not a</b><b>bad name by any means.</b><b>It's just like nothing special either.</b><b>I almost just want to call it Runeterra.</b><b>I almost just want to call it Runeterra.</b><b>Well, just straight up Runeterra.</b><b>Yeah, I think that's cool.</b><b>I think that's more than that's enough.</b><b>You just say we actually don't like that.</b><b>Everyone has to feel like they have to</b><b>add something to it.</b><b>You don't always have to add something.</b><b>It can just be Runeterra.</b><b>What are you playing today?</b><b>Runeterra.</b><b>Do this. Where are you?</b><b>Runeterra.</b><b>This is this is the first one of them.</b><b>Where you're not just it's not just like</b><b>it's not like three words or anything,</b><b>you know, like like like Swotor.</b><b>This is what it was like.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Whereas the Old Republic.</b><b>I was over there.</b><b>Stuff like that.</b><b>Or Lothro, Lord of the Rings online.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Sort of thing.</b><b>No, people just call it R.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>I think I think that's more than enough.</b><b>I don't know.</b><b>It's you.</b><b>I was like not enough.</b><b>People know about Runeterra right now.</b><b>So where like they would even like be</b><b>like, OK, they just</b><b>named it after the world.</b><b>It's like, whoa, what's Runeterra?</b><b>That's a cool sounding word.</b><b>Yeah, I'm amazed at how little people</b><b>know about the actual lore of Runeterra.</b><b>You know, I'm going to be honest, before</b><b>you started showing</b><b>me this kind of stuff,</b><b>I would have never guessed in a million</b><b>years that a MOBA has this much lore.</b><b>Why do they need an entire world when</b><b>everyone's playing on</b><b>a three by three grid?</b><b>Yeah, I really think</b><b>it was unintentional.</b><b>Like it was</b><b>intentional and unintentional.</b><b>I think they saw what Blizzard did with</b><b>Warcraft 1, Warcraft 2, Warcraft 3.</b><b>Then they had Hearthstone.</b><b>Then they had World of</b><b>Warcraft and all they did really.</b><b>And now they have another game.</b><b>That's like the toy one or whatever.</b><b>Oh, mobile.</b><b>Oh my god.</b><b>You have the new mobile game coming out.</b><b>I thought Warcraft Rumble.</b><b>Yeah, Warcraft Rumble.</b><b>That's happening right now.</b><b>All they really do is just say if you're</b><b>going to make a game, use this IP.</b><b>And then so they then they started having</b><b>the character backstories and they put</b><b>them all in the world.</b><b>And then after a while, this world got</b><b>built out on its own and</b><b>then they probably had like,</b><b>OK, now we need a dedicated lore team to</b><b>build out this world that</b><b>we're calling Runeterra.</b><b>You know, it's like it kind of happened</b><b>naturally where they're just like,</b><b>well, we want to make a game.</b><b>This is the game that we want to make.</b><b>We want to make a card game.</b><b>Where should we do?</b><b>We'll use this.</b><b>Make sure you're using this IP.</b><b>It has to be based around Runeterra.</b><b>The cards have to be</b><b>based around our characters.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>And then if you have enough games, now</b><b>you have Raya Forge, which</b><b>is just pumping out games.</b><b>All freaking amazing so far.</b><b>Excited for Song of Nunu, which hasn't</b><b>come out when we recorded this.</b><b>Oh, yo.</b><b>Which are just excited.</b><b>They're like, OK, we want</b><b>to make this kind of game.</b><b>Well, it has to be set in this world.</b><b>And then the world gets</b><b>built out on its own naturally.</b><b>Yeah, honestly, I think Yuri is a good</b><b>point where it's like,</b><b>why have a bunch of</b><b>different, you know, little IPs?</b><b>But you can just have one massive IP</b><b>where even it doesn't</b><b>matter if you're playing,</b><b>you know, the the card game, which is</b><b>Runeterra or you're</b><b>playing League of Legends.</b><b>Now you guys both know this IP, you know,</b><b>regardless of what you're playing.</b><b>Everyone knows these characters.</b><b>They know these like</b><b>these specific places.</b><b>I think it's a genius idea.</b><b>It also just saves a lot of time of not</b><b>having to rebuild the wheel</b><b>every time they want to make a new game.</b><b>Yeah, characters are already there.</b><b>Stories are already there.</b><b>Interact in their locations.</b><b>Everything. Everything's already set up.</b><b>All the pieces are there.</b><b>You just put them</b><b>together, however you like.</b><b>Mm hmm. I completely.</b><b>So what's the number one</b><b>thing that you want to make sure?</b><b>Like that.</b><b>But do you want to take</b><b>this conversation next?</b><b>Oh, man, dude. Hmm.</b><b>Oh, God, things I could</b><b>rant about sense of community.</b><b>Mm oh, like let's talk about let's talk</b><b>about sense of community.</b><b>So when it comes to a community in the</b><b>Mmo, how do they manage</b><b>maintaining a community?</b><b>And like I hate frickin servers.</b><b>So there's OK when it comes to community,</b><b>I do feel like a server</b><b>is the number one detriment to a</b><b>community and the number one.</b><b>So really? Yeah.</b><b>Like when you start</b><b>crossing servers over. Oh, yeah.</b><b>I know. I hate that.</b><b>Yeah. At the same time, I understand you</b><b>want to play with your friend. Right.</b><b>But the second you start the</b><b>second you start saying like,</b><b>whatever you're</b><b>meeting with, does it matter?</b><b>Then the community is gone.</b><b>Like you want to be able</b><b>to quest with that guy.</b><b>Then you're running around Orgrimmar.</b><b>Not you're running around in the world.</b><b>Let's say that you quest</b><b>with someone in Shurima.</b><b>We keep going back to Shurima. We need to</b><b>pick somewhere else.</b><b>Yeah. OK.</b><b>Maybe it was like the perfect place where</b><b>it's like, oh, it'd probably be like</b><b>like an early level zone.</b><b>Yeah. Like it's not like like insane,</b><b>like shadow aisles or build.</b><b>You're not going to be</b><b>running around the Frolljord.</b><b>Yeah, exactly. Like you're probably</b><b>running around Shurima.</b><b>Like what? Desert.</b><b>And so let's say you're</b><b>running around the desert.</b><b>You quest with someone in Shurima, right?</b><b>You do a quest or whatever.</b><b>You want to</b><b>eventually go to an Oasis hub.</b><b>You're not grouped up.</b><b>You're not talking or anything.</b><b>And there's your boy just sitting there</b><b>shopping around selling his goods.</b><b>You need that.</b><b>Like it has to be where it's not doesn't</b><b>have to always be forced.</b><b>The second you take away the meaning</b><b>behind meeting people</b><b>where I'm never going</b><b>to see this person again,</b><b>complete the grades of the community.</b><b>I understand sharding helps a lot with</b><b>server load and all this stuff.</b><b>But if you're going</b><b>to shard, it has to be</b><b>maybe at most three, three servers</b><b>combined or something like that.</b><b>Even then, I'm not a fan.</b><b>Like if you can manage it</b><b>where it's just one server.</b><b>And I understand also that, OK, if the</b><b>server gets full,</b><b>what are you going to do?</b><b>He wants to play with his</b><b>friend who's on that server.</b><b>Unfortunately, I don't</b><b>have the best answer for that.</b><b>Maybe his maybe his friend has to</b><b>transfer off or something.</b><b>But you can't risk the whole community</b><b>for that one interaction.</b><b>Yeah. And I know servers have a cap.</b><b>You can't have just frickin everyone</b><b>playing the game in the same spot</b><b>all at the same time.</b><b>Game will crash. Can't do that.</b><b>But sharding is not the answer.</b><b>And it even sounds like a bad word.</b><b>It sounds like trash because it is trash</b><b>and it degrades the community like</b><b>servers are the number one thing that</b><b>I think I said it wrong.</b><b>I said that they're the</b><b>number one thing that can save.</b><b>They're the most important thing for a</b><b>community is the server.</b><b>Yeah, yeah. Server is a foundation for</b><b>the community to be built upon.</b><b>Definitely. I think it's it's a like</b><b>picture poison</b><b>situation, but at the same time,</b><b>it's not even a question for me.</b><b>I will I will pick individual servers</b><b>over like shared servers anytime,</b><b>like crossing servers.</b><b>And like you said, you also like when</b><b>you're interacting with those players,</b><b>you're going to see them again.</b><b>That means guess what?</b><b>You have a reputation on that server.</b><b>So if you're in that dungeon and you grab</b><b>that piece of loot, you grab that gear.</b><b>Did you open the chest before you rolled?</b><b>Yeah, yeah. Guess what?</b><b>Yeah. And you just you</b><b>just leave that group.</b><b>You just disappear. Run away.</b><b>That for some. With that clue.</b><b>Yeah. Guess what, dude?</b><b>You're going to see those people again.</b><b>And guess what?</b><b>They've been talking about you to</b><b>everyone else on the server.</b><b>Next time you're in a dungeon,</b><b>you better believe</b><b>they're not counting your role.</b><b>So like I love that because guess what?</b><b>Now the riot team, they don't need like</b><b>crazy amount of like game moderators</b><b>to make sure, you</b><b>know, that things are here.</b><b>And yeah, yeah.</b><b>Yeah. You don't need any like special</b><b>mechanics in the game.</b><b>Oh, here's individual loot.</b><b>So now that doesn't happen.</b><b>No, no, no, no.</b><b>Let the community handle it.</b><b>Let us fight amongst</b><b>ourselves like ravaged wolves.</b><b>All right.</b><b>Exactly. Because that guess what?</b><b>That creates cool moments.</b><b>Yeah, you know,</b><b>you're one time in a raid.</b><b>No one's going to invite you ever again.</b><b>Everyone's going to know your whole raid.</b><b>Yeah. All 40 people are going to be in</b><b>Orgrimmar talking shit about you.</b><b>There's no way not</b><b>everyone is going to know.</b><b>Like right now, you could absolutely do</b><b>whatever the heck you want.</b><b>And wow, no one's going to say any.</b><b>Even if they say something, who cares?</b><b>Like, yeah, there's no way everyone's</b><b>going to find out about it.</b><b>Yeah, because guess what?</b><b>They're already in</b><b>phase four of this realm.</b><b>That's merged with this realm</b><b>and you're on this from merge</b><b>with this from on phase three.</b><b>They're never going to find you.</b><b>It doesn't matter.</b><b>You're never you're never going to see</b><b>people again in your life.</b><b>And they're going to have</b><b>no one to tell about you.</b><b>So letting the community handle itself in</b><b>some cases, not in all cases, obviously.</b><b>But I feel like in the case of, yeah,</b><b>obviously like, yeah,</b><b>I think being able to screw each other</b><b>over is honestly important.</b><b>And being able to have that sense</b><b>community where you can</b><b>do something about it.</b><b>And that's there.</b><b>There are times where just let the</b><b>community interact with each other,</b><b>whether it's positive or negative.</b><b>Got to take it all.</b><b>Take all all those</b><b>experiences in what happened.</b><b>Yeah, exactly.</b><b>The community will moderate itself.</b><b>And I also think that there's another one</b><b>problem that I I want this.</b><b>I actually was thinking that maybe that</b><b>solves it, but it really doesn't.</b><b>You can have the best</b><b>community in the world.</b><b>But if like the economy of the server is</b><b>not fortified, it's</b><b>going to destroy the game.</b><b>Even just as important as the community,</b><b>I feel like bots, man.</b><b>You have to handle bots.</b><b>You cannot have this.</b><b>The problems that Blizzard are having</b><b>when it comes to bots</b><b>because it completely degrades away any</b><b>value to the end of the day.</b><b>The money that you're making, that you're</b><b>spending in the game,</b><b>it's it's important,</b><b>especially like let's say you're working</b><b>hard, you're creating all these potions</b><b>for your guild, you know, and you put</b><b>them in the bank like that.</b><b>That's a pretty cool thing to do.</b><b>Like, wow, you know, I don't</b><b>have time to raid with my guild.</b><b>I mostly do quest.</b><b>I'm like, I'm a solo player.</b><b>I don't have time to raid on the</b><b>weekends, but I'm the guild's alchemist.</b><b>Yeah, that's a cool thing.</b><b>Like, what do I make sure I</b><b>get all the herbs together?</b><b>I perform it.</b><b>My guild pays me for that service. Right.</b><b>Yeah. The second you degrade the value of</b><b>gold, that interaction is gone.</b><b>Oh, because why are they going to care</b><b>about you when everything</b><b>is devalued on the market?</b><b>Yeah, they can buy potions for nothing</b><b>because there's just</b><b>a bunch of bot farmers</b><b>running around, erbing and</b><b>making an infinite gold loop.</b><b>You degrade everything.</b><b>Everything gets degraded because of bots.</b><b>Oh, yeah. Like it destroys the community.</b><b>It destroys the economy</b><b>and it'll destroy the game.</b><b>No matter how much financial incentive</b><b>you might have to keep bots around</b><b>because they're technically paying a wow</b><b>sub, technically</b><b>paying a subscription fee</b><b>if they have that, it's not worth it.</b><b>I was literally just going to say that</b><b>that I personally would not be surprised</b><b>if that's like Blizzard just kind of keep</b><b>spots around because guess what?</b><b>That's a lot of subscriptions are paying.</b><b>But I think I was going to say that's the</b><b>biggest difference, I hope,</b><b>just based on what I have</b><b>seen between Riot and Blizzard</b><b>is that Riot</b><b>understands the importance of PR</b><b>for the longevity of</b><b>your games and your company.</b><b>Please, Blizzard,</b><b>please learn this lesson.</b><b>But Riot gets it that you need consistent</b><b>quality in your games.</b><b>You need some honest systems</b><b>that keep the players happy.</b><b>Like, like, you know, for a fact that</b><b>Project Eliza is at the stick fighter</b><b>that's coming out.</b><b>Yeah. Yeah.</b><b>Yeah. You know, for a fact, they're going</b><b>to have some really good anti-cheat</b><b>on that thing because Riot does not mess</b><b>around with that kind of stuff</b><b>because guess what?</b><b>They want players to</b><b>have a good experience,</b><b>want players to have a good time so they</b><b>can keep coming back.</b><b>So like I believe that Riot</b><b>will invest a lot in anti-botting</b><b>and they won't like they</b><b>won't tolerate that stuff</b><b>even if it does make them,</b><b>you know, a dollar today.</b><b>It'll make them five dollars</b><b>tomorrow to get rid of them.</b><b>Yeah. Because players</b><b>are going to stick around.</b><b>Yeah. Even hardcore right now.</b><b>Everyone's bots.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>It destroys the whole economy.</b><b>Like you can't even what's</b><b>the point of professions,</b><b>which professions are</b><b>so important and classic.</b><b>Wow. That's going to be whole separate.</b><b>What the heck's the</b><b>point of the professions</b><b>when the whole economy is shot?</b><b>Mm hmm. Why are you</b><b>going to work on making bags</b><b>when there's a bot over there making</b><b>thousands of bags a minute</b><b>and just selling them on the auction</b><b>house for half the value?</b><b>Yeah. It's not worth anything.</b><b>Yep. Absolutely.</b><b>Oh my God. We can talk about</b><b>professions for a whole other</b><b>like episode professions for an MMO are</b><b>so insanely important.</b><b>I really hope they do it</b><b>right in the right MMO.</b><b>Whatever that may mean,</b><b>whether that's their own way or,</b><b>you know, like an already</b><b>established way like in wow,</b><b>I hope they do it right.</b><b>But yeah, I mean, bots just so quickly</b><b>kill that sense of community.</b><b>And like we said, you</b><b>know, it keeps that game alive.</b><b>It keeps it strong, keeps it</b><b>going, keeps you coming back.</b><b>It's the only thing. It's the more</b><b>important than anything more important.</b><b>Horizontal vertical</b><b>progression, whatever, man.</b><b>The community is the</b><b>most important thing in MMO.</b><b>And if you're if you sacrifice that, then</b><b>you're going to sacrifice the game.</b><b>Yeah, absolutely. Simple.</b><b>Even like, dude, I see on Reddit all the</b><b>time around like any social media.</b><b>Whenever you see people who have been</b><b>playing an MMO, literally any MMO,</b><b>they've been playing it</b><b>for like 10 years straight.</b><b>And you ask them why they've been playing</b><b>the same game for 10 years.</b><b>They will say it's just</b><b>because I'm in a good guild.</b><b>And my friends play it</b><b>and we all play together.</b><b>That's how we meet up. It's how we chat</b><b>like it goes beyond the game.</b><b>At that point is the reason why you come</b><b>back is literally just for the people</b><b>at that point. If you</b><b>want a long term player base</b><b>that will play the same game for a</b><b>decade, that's the</b><b>only way you can do it.</b><b>Because there's no way in heck you're</b><b>going to make enough like content</b><b>or a variety of content</b><b>to keep them interested.</b><b>You just got to have that strong</b><b>foundation and let people work off of it.</b><b>And then there's the so</b><b>another thing around community.</b><b>Right. One thing that I think Classic WoW</b><b>does have is that you</b><b>you join a community right off the bat.</b><b>Oh, yeah. That's the Horton Alliance.</b><b>Yeah. You join a sub</b><b>community in that group.</b><b>If you're an orc, you're joining that</b><b>community of orcs and trolls.</b><b>If you're torn, you're</b><b>joining the community.</b><b>Mm hmm. One thing that I think might be</b><b>tough to do is how</b><b>are they going to manage</b><b>that when you feel a part of something</b><b>right off the bat when you can't.</b><b>They don't want they said</b><b>in the right amount interview</b><b>that they don't want to make players or</b><b>players can't play together.</b><b>But if someone's from Demacia and</b><b>someone's from Noxus,</b><b>how are they going to play together?</b><b>Yeah, I know. And now at this point, I'm</b><b>wondering if they're even going to like</b><b>do something like that where like you</b><b>identify with a place,</b><b>but then it's like, OK,</b><b>then where do you start?</b><b>Because where you start is always going</b><b>to have to have some significance</b><b>to your player, right? It can't just be</b><b>like, oh, you're in</b><b>you're in the Freljord.</b><b>And you want to satisfy that fantasy like</b><b>someone wants to be a part of Ionia.</b><b>Oh, yeah, they're going to take that away</b><b>by not letting them like I say that.</b><b>Oh, I'm from Ionia.</b><b>Dude. Yeah. Oh, my God.</b><b>And once again, RP literally, that's</b><b>going to be its own thing.</b><b>Yeah, that needs a</b><b>whole hour of talking about.</b><b>RP is so important.</b><b>Like I, I never really</b><b>got that into RP myself.</b><b>But no, you need RP in an MMO.</b><b>That's one of the biggest things about an</b><b>MMO is that you have that server set up.</b><b>You have that whole world.</b><b>You can make your own character and you</b><b>can interact with other peoples</b><b>like originally created characters.</b><b>Oh, you better believe RP is going to be</b><b>a thing in this game.</b><b>It better be. I'm sure</b><b>they know that already.</b><b>And you're going to take away RP if you</b><b>say you can't start from Demacia.</b><b>You can't start from Noxus.</b><b>Like there's going to be</b><b>people want to be part of Noxus,</b><b>people that want to be a part of Demacia.</b><b>So I feel like you</b><b>have to allow for that.</b><b>But then also, how do you you need to</b><b>make sure that those players are allowed</b><b>to play together? Yeah,</b><b>that's really difficult, then.</b><b>I definitely see what you mean.</b><b>And honestly, like, here's the thing I</b><b>like, I already said earlier, like,</b><b>oh, here's the expansion Ionia.</b><b>I definitely think Ionia will not like</b><b>will be an expansion</b><b>because I feel like Ionia deserves that</b><b>kind of attention as a zone.</b><b>I agree that it deserves</b><b>expansion level attention.</b><b>But then guess what?</b><b>People are not going to be</b><b>able to start from Ionia.</b><b>And I like people to be</b><b>really mad about that.</b><b>Then then. Yeah, you're right.</b><b>And then it's like, how are they going to</b><b>interact with each other</b><b>if you're Noxus, Demacia, especially</b><b>because Noxus, Demacia</b><b>makes the most sense in</b><b>terms of starting zones.</b><b>So here's what I came up with.</b><b>This is my solution to this problem.</b><b>OK, so instead of having you start at</b><b>Noxus, you start at</b><b>Demacia, which you do.</b><b>You're from Demacia. Sure.</b><b>But there's a whole</b><b>separate system of like</b><b>not really guilds, but you know how in</b><b>Legion I had class without thinking.</b><b>Yeah, we're almost like</b><b>order halls that order hall.</b><b>Yeah, order halls where it's like, yeah,</b><b>you don't really like people from Noxus,</b><b>but you're working with them</b><b>in like a truce to achieve this end.</b><b>Yeah, some like some like</b><b>adventurers guild. Yeah.</b><b>And that's how you can have that</b><b>where everyone's kind</b><b>of working together.</b><b>And then you can add that's a whole</b><b>another layer of community.</b><b>So now you're adding you're you're</b><b>gaining a whole</b><b>another layer of community,</b><b>something that you're</b><b>feeling like you're unique.</b><b>Your character is unique.</b><b>You're a part of something.</b><b>And then also that you're you can now</b><b>play with your buddies.</b><b>Yes, you being from</b><b>Demacia and him being from Noxus.</b><b>Yeah, dude, I like that, actually.</b><b>I'm into that.</b><b>And then does that also</b><b>mean that if you're a Demacia</b><b>and you walk into an office</b><b>city, are you expecting to be</b><b>able to walk in and do stuff?</b><b>I don't think I don't think</b><b>that that should be allowed.</b><b>I hope that's not allowed.</b><b>Yeah, I don't know about if</b><b>you want to walk through Noxus.</b><b>You'd have to create a</b><b>character from Noxus.</b><b>I love that.</b><b>I honestly, I like to</b><b>be for you to hate that.</b><b>But I would like that so much.</b><b>You're a human. How you</b><b>can walk through Orgrimmar?</b><b>Yeah, exactly.</b><b>How you can walk through Thunderblows.</b><b>Guess what? You you picked your faction.</b><b>You picked your team.</b><b>You picked you picked your</b><b>community, you know, and like even</b><b>the other team is still part of your</b><b>community just in a different way.</b><b>They're still going to interact with you,</b><b>but they're going to interact</b><b>with you by like burying</b><b>a sword into your skull.</b><b>Yeah, you know, and I love that.</b><b>You can't be a Froyo barbarian.</b><b>Dude, they're going to kill you.</b><b>Yeah, no, you shouldn't.</b><b>You think that's so cool?</b><b>Like that's so world building.</b><b>You know, there's going to be places</b><b>where everyone can commute,</b><b>interact together like Bilgewater.</b><b>Bilgewater don't care.</b><b>Yeah, Masiya, Noxus,</b><b>Shriema, Targon don't matter.</b><b>You're in Bilgewater.</b><b>Shadow Isles, they kill indiscriminately.</b><b>You could be from</b><b>anywhere in the little tank.</b><b>Same with the Kathya and the Void.</b><b>But yeah, there's certain places that you</b><b>chose to be a part of the Masiya.</b><b>No, you can't go to Noxus.</b><b>Yeah, you can't walk into Frostgarden</b><b>Citadel in the Froyord.</b><b>Mm hmm.</b><b>I can totally I can totally envision it</b><b>where you are like in like the outlands</b><b>of Noxus, like the outer like grasslands.</b><b>And you see Noxus off in</b><b>the distance as a Demacian.</b><b>You're like, whoa, I can't go there.</b><b>I can't imagine what's in there.</b><b>Oh, that's that's crazy.</b><b>There's other players in there like doing</b><b>their own thing</b><b>completely separate from me.</b><b>I know. I always get</b><b>into my own head in MMOs.</b><b>I get my own head of like how cool the</b><b>world is and just how alive it feels.</b><b>And that's one of those things that would</b><b>make me feel like, wow,</b><b>this is a legit world.</b><b>The world's cooler when</b><b>you can't explore all of it.</b><b>Yeah, dude, seriously.</b><b>When you just leave it to your</b><b>imagination, you know,</b><b>like like maybe one day</b><b>in the future, when you're bored, you're</b><b>making a Noxus</b><b>character just to check it out.</b><b>But until then, your</b><b>main with MMO first drops.</b><b>You're looking at Noxus.</b><b>You can be like, whoa, dude.</b><b>That's the other place.</b><b>There's going to be that talk about.</b><b>Yeah, there's going to be that guy that</b><b>just plays for Demacia and says,</b><b>I've never been to Noxus.</b><b>That's my people. Same with Noxus.</b><b>There's going to be the Noxus guy who</b><b>only makes Noxus characters,</b><b>never going to see</b><b>Demacia unless he's raiding it.</b><b>We better be able to raid cities.</b><b>Yeah. Oh, we better</b><b>be able to raid cities.</b><b>God, world PvP.</b><b>Yeah, world PvP has to be a thing too.</b><b>That's another thing where we are</b><b>definitely the minority, by the way.</b><b>People hate world PvP in most games.</b><b>Oh, you got you got to be able to opt in.</b><b>I agree. Yeah, you need to</b><b>be able to opt in and out.</b><b>I don't know if I'm going to PvP servers</b><b>or if they're going to do,</b><b>you know, opt in, opt out.</b><b>I think PvP servers for me</b><b>personally, I prefer PvP server</b><b>just because I like the</b><b>feeling of you're committed now.</b><b>Guess what? This</b><b>character is on a PvP server.</b><b>You made that choice.</b><b>Yeah, yeah, you made that choice.</b><b>You can't cry about it.</b><b>Yeah, I like that.</b><b>Kefir is just turning on or off because</b><b>then also turning on or off</b><b>leaves the situation of</b><b>like, OK, you're on the server.</b><b>You turn PvP on as I mean, you can see</b><b>other players who have it turned off.</b><b>Are you going to be in a separate phase?</b><b>God forbid. You're a I don't know.</b><b>I like that solution.</b><b>I don't like that.</b><b>I like that.</b><b>I like the idea of</b><b>just you chose PvP server.</b><b>You know what you're</b><b>getting yourself into.</b><b>And so does everyone else</b><b>who opted into that PvP server.</b><b>Be prepared to die.</b><b>Yeah. Be prepared to get some cool wins</b><b>and some very frustrating deaths.</b><b>Because that's how world PvP works.</b><b>Yeah, if you're in a city on a PvP</b><b>server, you know, everyone here</b><b>is willing to die at that like game.</b><b>Yeah, fighting for noxious now.</b><b>Yeah, yeah. And so if someone invades</b><b>like everyone's going to be fighting.</b><b>Yeah. But when you can opt in and out,</b><b>like they're going to invade</b><b>and like half half people are going to</b><b>fight at the base to be standing there.</b><b>I miss I miss rating cities.</b><b>Dude, I miss, you know, like obviously if</b><b>you can't tell why now,</b><b>I mean, I've played a lot of wow.</b><b>Yeah. Boy, oh, boy.</b><b>I play Horde and do I</b><b>love being in Stormwind?</b><b>I think some of my best memories have</b><b>taken place in Stormwind.</b><b>Yeah, I literally love that.</b><b>I played druid, but I would go feral</b><b>druid and I would just run around.</b><b>Yeah. If anyone's in if anyone's in</b><b>combat or can be attacked,</b><b>I would fight them in Stormwind.</b><b>And then I go back and just run around</b><b>for a while because I'm a druid.</b><b>I just go swim through the water and get</b><b>away and go stealthy.</b><b>Just a little bit of trolling.</b><b>Yeah. Yeah. Because guess what?</b><b>Maybe you're on the PvP server.</b><b>Are you even just getting a big raid</b><b>group together, getting like 40 players</b><b>together and just running</b><b>through those big gates,</b><b>knowing what you're about to get yourself</b><b>into and knowing that everyone</b><b>on the other side has no idea what's</b><b>about to happen to them.</b><b>They don't know what's</b><b>right outside their doors.</b><b>If we can do that with Noxus and Demacia,</b><b>the amount of joy that would bring me</b><b>I even if you know, I'm with the Massey</b><b>and Chillin and guess what?</b><b>Some 40 Noxus players come running in and</b><b>absolutely slaughter me.</b><b>They destroy me.</b><b>There's nothing left of me.</b><b>I'm going to have a big smile on my face</b><b>because I'm like,</b><b>that's so that's so cool.</b><b>Oh, my God. Can I even</b><b>play the game anymore?</b><b>I just have to log out because because</b><b>they're just chilling here now</b><b>and we can't fight back.</b><b>I don't know why I love that.</b><b>I mean, it's like the masochist to me</b><b>when it comes to MMOs.</b><b>I love that kind of stuff because the</b><b>only place that you can do it.</b><b>Yeah, exactly.</b><b>If only MMOs are so special, man.</b><b>That's what makes it special.</b><b>That's what makes it fun is like that</b><b>unpredictability and that chaos.</b><b>Little bit of chaos,</b><b>and it's all real players.</b><b>Yeah. Oh, my God. Absolutely.</b><b>And like most of the time, like, you</b><b>know, like in the parallel with Wow,</b><b>if that rate does happen, chances are,</b><b>you know, like the raid group</b><b>is going to eventually die out.</b><b>Either guards are going to like overwhelm</b><b>because they're going to spawn forever</b><b>or better yet.</b><b>What happens most of the time is that the</b><b>enemy faction will regroup.</b><b>You know, they'll form a raid of their</b><b>own to fight back and defend.</b><b>Because guess what?</b><b>All those poor guys in the auction house</b><b>that barely play the game.</b><b>Now they have to actually do something.</b><b>Do you force their hand?</b><b>And so that's probably one of the best</b><b>experiences they'll have all week</b><b>in that game. That's</b><b>something they don't remember.</b><b>Yeah, it's something they'll remember.</b><b>They'll remember the time where they</b><b>pushed the horde out of Stormwind</b><b>in a complete</b><b>community driven experience.</b><b>And that's so special.</b><b>Dude, please. Demacia Knox is</b><b>now I want that even more now.</b><b>I know there's that everywhere.</b><b>There's Piltover and Zahn.</b><b>You can't be a Zahnite and just start</b><b>walking around Piltover</b><b>and you can't be a Pilti</b><b>just walking around Zahn.</b><b>You think they'll do something like that?</b><b>Like the what's it called?</b><b>The blood cell buccaneers?</b><b>Maybe in a while.</b><b>I think that'd be cool if you have a like</b><b>reputations.</b><b>But problem is Zahn is way more</b><b>interesting than Piltover.</b><b>Yeah, Piltover gets</b><b>slept on a little bit.</b><b>There's definitely some</b><b>depth there in Piltover.</b><b>It's just not as not as much as like</b><b>there's depth in Demacia.</b><b>But people prefer Noxus.</b><b>There's depth in Piltover.</b><b>But people prefer the theme of Zahn.</b><b>People love it.</b><b>It's not as much for interest.</b><b>People feel like Piltover is the</b><b>oppressive, like super top people.</b><b>And we're like we're like they're almost</b><b>like stealing from the people of Zahn.</b><b>Right. Yeah.</b><b>Like from the poor, lower class.</b><b>That's why people are like relate more to</b><b>Zahn because none of us</b><b>are in the 0.01 percent.</b><b>Right. That's what</b><b>Piltover feels like at times.</b><b>So then the other problem.</b><b>Right. We were saying that the whole</b><b>world, they're not going to include all</b><b>of Runeterra at launch.</b><b>And they said in the Raidemo in the</b><b>Raidemo interview with Necrit, they said,</b><b>we have a vision for the</b><b>complete world of Runeterra.</b><b>And it's just a matter of steps to get</b><b>there to get at the end goal of the</b><b>complete world of Runeterra.</b><b>They're not going to include all of it.</b><b>So obviously, that's it.</b><b>They don't include Ionia.</b><b>That's not going to</b><b>be included at launch.</b><b>How are you going to be able to RP that</b><b>character from Ionia that's interacting</b><b>with the rest of the world when Ionia is</b><b>not yet or Freljord or wherever?</b><b>My solution was you have</b><b>like a small little area, right?</b><b>A small little outcrop in Ionia or small</b><b>little outcrop in the Freljord where</b><b>people you live, you start out there, you</b><b>have your little starting zone.</b><b>Then you move out to</b><b>the rest of the world.</b><b>Look, if you look at the</b><b>map, it's like Freljord, right?</b><b>You start off, let's say, a spirit</b><b>walker, you train under Udyr, then you</b><b>immediately, right after the starting</b><b>zone, move out into</b><b>the rest of the world.</b><b>Yeah, Ionia, you start on your little</b><b>island outcrop, you start right there and</b><b>then you move out to the rest of the</b><b>world because</b><b>technically Ionia isn't out yet.</b><b>Yeah, that was my solution.</b><b>Yeah, honestly, I think</b><b>that's a pretty likely solution.</b><b>I know in that case, are we saying that</b><b>zones, what zone you start off in, is</b><b>that completely your choice?</b><b>No matter what class you play or is it</b><b>class dependent, do you think?</b><b>Oh, I think there's going to be class</b><b>dependent classes where that decides</b><b>which zone you start in.</b><b>Then there's also like the general, I</b><b>mean, oh, yeah, if you're like, it's</b><b>going to be a warrior, it's going to be</b><b>like some kind of mage.</b><b>Yeah, a warrior with like a different</b><b>kind of ability based on the zone that</b><b>you're in, you know, if you're in Ionia,</b><b>it's going to be like maybe a spirit,</b><b>more spirit realm ability type thing.</b><b>If you're in Nox, it'd be like a down</b><b>slam they get or an enrage.</b><b>Oh, that's cool.</b><b>I like that where it's it's</b><b>a it's like a racial ability.</b><b>Yeah. Like in WoW, but instead it's more</b><b>like a like an origin ability.</b><b>Yeah. Whatever.</b><b>Like because I'm like, like, you know,</b><b>I'm probably going to play a yordle no</b><b>matter where I start off.</b><b>Yeah. Like where I start off will depend</b><b>on my starting like a core ability that I</b><b>automatically get no matter what.</b><b>Like I play as long as I'm in Noxus, I'm</b><b>going to get that cool ability.</b><b>You're a warrior if you pilt over, you</b><b>get like a grenade or something.</b><b>Who knows? Yeah.</b><b>That's something that builds water.</b><b>You get like a random.</b><b>Do you pull out a pistol?</b><b>Just shoot. Yeah.</b><b>Like one good shot.</b><b>Oh, I love that.</b><b>Yeah. Yeah. There's</b><b>definitely going to be that.</b><b>And there's certain classes that are just</b><b>they're not everywhere.</b><b>You know, if you're if you are a monk,</b><b>you're going to be from Ionia.</b><b>Like you can't be a monk from Noxus.</b><b>So there'll be classes that are that are</b><b>zone specific and</b><b>there'll be classes that are</b><b>more generalized.</b><b>Yeah, I like that idea, actually.</b><b>I think that's cool.</b><b>So we could definitely go on for hours</b><b>and hours talking about the right.</b><b>Oh, what we want to see,</b><b>what we don't want to see.</b><b>But we'll continue this conversation in</b><b>the next episode right here</b><b>in the brazen hydro pub of Bilgewater.</b><b>You can find me and grow up on socials</b><b>and on YouTube in conquest.</b><b>Do you have any socials</b><b>you want to throw out?</b><b>Not yet. I'll price up a Twitter and I'll</b><b>have my own Reddit page at some point</b><b>where I will post lots</b><b>of funny random things.</b><b>And so we're going to be setting up a Q&A</b><b>story suggestions area.</b><b>We'll let you know when</b><b>those get set up to stay today</b><b>on the goings on.</b><b>Make sure to follow at the brazen Hydra</b><b>or head to the brazen hydro dot com.</b><b>Thanks for stopping by.</b><b>We'll see you in the next one.</b>