The Brazen Hydra

#3 - Riot MMO BIG BADS | The Holy Trinity | Runterra Lore | New Players

November 07, 2023 BrazenHydra Season 1 Episode 3
#3 - Riot MMO BIG BADS | The Holy Trinity | Runterra Lore | New Players
The Brazen Hydra
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The Brazen Hydra
#3 - Riot MMO BIG BADS | The Holy Trinity | Runterra Lore | New Players
Nov 07, 2023 Season 1 Episode 3

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Entgrove and Kong Quest welcome you to the Brazen Hydra, a podcast coming straight to you from a pub in the Heart of Bilgewater.
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Entgrove and Kong Quest welcome you to the Brazen Hydra, a podcast coming straight to you from a pub in the Heart of Bilgewater.
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<b>Hello and welcome to the Creaking Salt</b><b>Soak Tables at the Brazen</b><b>Hydro Pub in those water.</b><b>We're your hosts, Ant Groven.</b><b>Conquest!</b><b>And today we'll be sharing a pint and</b><b>talking all things Runeterra and beyond.</b><b>Okay, so last time we did not finish the</b><b>big beds of Runeterra.</b><b>But I think we...</b><b>Yeah, I think we start</b><b>off, we just close that off.</b><b>Let's close the book on that</b><b>and get a couple more done.</b><b>Because we talked about Irelian Soul.</b><b>Mm-hmm.</b><b>Right? Big cosmic dragon.</b><b>Big threat.</b><b>Course. Big threat.</b><b>We talked about the Watchers.</b><b>Mm-hmm.</b><b>I think that's where we stopped.</b><b>I don't know if we talked about anyone.</b><b>Did we talk about anyone?</b><b>We didn't really talk about anyone else.</b><b>I mean, like,</b><b>sorry, the two obvious ones, right?</b><b>And I guess Runeterra even, like, is not</b><b>the most obvious, but...</b><b>Ah, yeah, I guess we really...</b><b>I mean, we tried focusing on some, like,</b><b>smaller beds here and there.</b><b>But even then, yeah, like, there's not...</b><b>Yeah, I guess we only</b><b>talked about those two, huh?</b><b>We only talked about...</b><b>I think we only talked about those two,</b><b>but there are other big beds.</b><b>So we have...</b><b>So there's a character, a lot of people</b><b>are familiar with him.</b><b>Don't actually know his backstory.</b><b>It's Mordekaiser, the Iron Revenant.</b><b>Oh, I don't know</b><b>Mordekaiser. Who the heck is that?</b><b>So we have Death</b><b>Threat in the Shadow Isles.</b><b>We'll talk about him later.</b><b>There's death in the Shadow Isles.</b><b>That's not the only death</b><b>threat that we have on Runeterra.</b><b>So Mordekaiser, the Iron Revenant, was...</b><b>He's from the land that</b><b>we now know today as Noxus.</b><b>Mm-hmm.</b><b>That was back when they were called Noxi.</b><b>And he was the king.</b><b>Like, this guy was the ruler.</b><b>Picture Genghis Khan.</b><b>That's the kind of guy he was.</b><b>Like, completely</b><b>dominated the entire area.</b><b>Oh, jeez. Okay.</b><b>Eventually he dies and he's</b><b>unhappy with the afterlife.</b><b>He's like, "Well, this is stupid.</b><b>Like, I'm just kind of</b><b>in this nothing space."</b><b>And I expected more.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>This guy wanted, like,</b><b>Valhalla for himself.</b><b>That's what he thought he deserved.</b><b>And so he gets pissed and</b><b>basically he refuses to pass on.</b><b>Just from his sheer willpower</b><b>alone, he refuses to pass on.</b><b>And eventually these witches</b><b>get together and they're like,</b><b>"Okay, we're going to resummon this guy."</b><b>And so he basically persuades them,</b><b>he kind of, like, manipulates them into</b><b>resummoning him into this world.</b><b>But not just as himself,</b><b>but much more powerful.</b><b>And that's where he comes back as</b><b>Mordekaiser, like, with this armor.</b><b>And, like, his will is almost holding</b><b>together his armor and his form.</b><b>Oh, that sounds cool.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>And that's when he</b><b>takes over all of the Noxus.</b><b>Like, he takes over the whole area.</b><b>It's not called Noxus yet.</b><b>And he's the one who</b><b>builds up the Immortal Bastion,</b><b>which is like the main city in Noxus.</b><b>Oh, wow.</b><b>And that's where he rules.</b><b>He dominates over all.</b><b>Eventually, all the other people in Noxus</b><b>who are called Noxi at this time,</b><b>mm-hmm, they take, they band together,</b><b>all the other Noxi, band together,</b><b>and they take back the Immortal Bastion.</b><b>They don't take it back.</b><b>They take it over and</b><b>kill him, basically.</b><b>Oh, wow.</b><b>Yeah, we don't, I don't know if they take</b><b>it over, but</b><b>basically they overthrow him.</b><b>He dies.</b><b>Yeah, he dies.</b><b>They probably don't exactly have a next</b><b>in line to the throne, but he's dead.</b><b>They don't want him, is what's important.</b><b>Yeah, exactly.</b><b>So they take it back, they kill him.</b><b>They inherit the Immortal Bastion, which</b><b>is still the main</b><b>capital city of Noxus today.</b><b>But this was actually</b><b>all part of his plan.</b><b>To die?</b><b>Yes.</b><b>His second death was</b><b>literally a part of his plan,</b><b>because when he goes back to the</b><b>afterlife, which was</b><b>pretty empty when he got there,</b><b>is now populated with all the people that</b><b>he killed while on the throne.</b><b>And he dominates all of them, and he</b><b>raises an Immortal dead army of like,</b><b>Immortal army.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>And now he's, he used them to</b><b>build up his own Afterworld.</b><b>Like he basically</b><b>runs the Afterworld now.</b><b>What the heck?</b><b>Which we don't know much about, but he's,</b><b>he basically built it up and he has an,</b><b>his whole Immortal army there.</b><b>And to this day, people fear his return.</b><b>He'll find another way to come back</b><b>permanently with his</b><b>armies and just take over again.</b><b>This seems just a natural born conqueror.</b><b>You got to respect his, you know, his</b><b>willingness to just constantly feel the</b><b>urge to enslave people.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>I think his name was like Shen, Shen</b><b>Zu'al or something like that.</b><b>I got to look up the exact</b><b>name, but now he is Mord Kaisen.</b><b>But man, I feel like Noxus or Noxi, like,</b><b>you know, like whatever was back then,</b><b>even back then weren't people still</b><b>pretty open about like,</b><b>yeah, you're the strongest.</b><b>You're in charge.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>People must have really hated him.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Like if, of all people out of all the</b><b>lands in Runeterra, if,</b><b>if Noxus is a place where</b><b>people are uprising against you, you</b><b>know, like you, like</b><b>uniformly, that's, that's on you.</b><b>That's a problem.</b><b>You're carrying.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Like, wow.</b><b>He's, he must be hated.</b><b>I don't really think about it, but yeah.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>People just really like living under him.</b><b>Yeah, which is wild.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>They were, so they were called Noxi</b><b>before all the way up until the Runewars.</b><b>When the Runewars happened, they took</b><b>shelter in the immortal Bastion.</b><b>And then when they emerged in the room,</b><b>they all survived in</b><b>the immortal Bastion,</b><b>took shelter there.</b><b>That's when they called</b><b>themselves Noxus, like the eye to us.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>And so that, so before that,</b><b>they're always called Noxi.</b><b>Oh, okay.</b><b>That's the big threat.</b><b>That's the big threat there.</b><b>My God.</b><b>All right.</b><b>So we don't know much</b><b>about the afterlife, huh?</b><b>But we do know there is an afterlife.</b><b>It's weird.</b><b>Like in Ionia, we do see, um, Yone die.</b><b>Well, he's, yeah, we see him die and him</b><b>go to the afterlife.</b><b>He almost goes, he goes</b><b>to like the spirit realm.</b><b>There's like demons there and stuff.</b><b>And is that like different from where?</b><b>I think so because this guy went to the</b><b>afterlife and he just</b><b>didn't see anything.</b><b>That's true.</b><b>But I think maybe like he</b><b>was almost in purgatory.</b><b>Like he wasn't a good person.</b><b>Oh, yeah.</b><b>But then why everyone else that he</b><b>killed, but it seemed like</b><b>he almost went to this place</b><b>and then everyone that he</b><b>killed went to this place.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>It's like, it's more</b><b>like the every man place.</b><b>Maybe like if you're attuned with the</b><b>spirits in that way, you know, you end up</b><b>wherever they went in Ionia.</b><b>Maybe.</b><b>Maybe Ionia is like its own little thing.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Or just like, yeah, depending on how</b><b>close you are to like spirits, I guess.</b><b>You know, I think the</b><b>afterlife always stays a mystery.</b><b>Yeah, me too.</b><b>That's very important.</b><b>There are some things in the</b><b>world that should never be.</b><b>They should be there, but never explored.</b><b>I completely agree.</b><b>Yep.</b><b>And that's that's a</b><b>harp about MMOs, right?</b><b>Is that like eventually you're going to</b><b>run out of places to</b><b>explore without making new ones.</b><b>And you're going to look at places like,</b><b>you know, like the</b><b>afterlife and you're going to think,</b><b>oh, well, that's an obvious place to go.</b><b>Right.</b><b>We haven't gone there yet.</b><b>It's no.</b><b>Don't do it, especially the afterlife,</b><b>because then all of a</b><b>sudden you're seeing all these</b><b>characters who had emotional deaths</b><b>throughout the course of the MMO.</b><b>And it's just like, oh,</b><b>well, that all meant nothing.</b><b>You can just go see them now.</b><b>Not really dead.</b><b>They're just there.</b><b>They just moved.</b><b>There's something to be said about every</b><b>single time there's an expansion,</b><b>you feel like you</b><b>have to go somewhere new.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Why is that always the case?</b><b>Why can't we?</b><b>Why can't we go to like places where</b><b>let's say that they start with</b><b>Demacia, Noxus and Frolljord, right?</b><b>And they everywhere else is an expansion,</b><b>which isn't what I thought.</b><b>But yeah, let's say that they do that.</b><b>They just do all of</b><b>Valor on maybe Piltover.</b><b>And then we go to all the other places.</b><b>We never go back there</b><b>for another expansion.</b><b>I feel like you can 100%</b><b>do another expansion there.</b><b>Like maybe that's when Mordekaiser comes</b><b>out and they just</b><b>revamped Noxus like crazy.</b><b>It's all dated.</b><b>Like everything's brand new and that's</b><b>that like revitalizes the world.</b><b>And then you could</b><b>put something in there.</b><b>I think World of Warcraft has like those</b><b>little characters that</b><b>whatever you can teleport back</b><b>into the old.</b><b>Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.</b><b>I think that's perfectly fine being able</b><b>to like go into a different like phase</b><b>where you're in the older Noxus if you</b><b>want to quest through there.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Because the story</b><b>technically follows that path.</b><b>So that old Noxus is still there, you</b><b>know, like for people that</b><b>are just starting the game.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>But then when you go back to the updated</b><b>version, because that's when the</b><b>expansion hits, you know,</b><b>you follow the story just like you can go</b><b>in Darnassus right now, even</b><b>though it burns down later.</b><b>Yeah, absolutely.</b><b>Because then also nice thing about that</b><b>is that it makes things</b><b>that are already established</b><b>can continue to like grow and change.</b><b>Yes.</b><b>I think that's without</b><b>deleting the old world.</b><b>It's not that I'm like,</b><b>you don't just delete it.</b><b>Like you don't take it over.</b><b>Like, yeah, I know we don't do that.</b><b>It's all gone.</b><b>Mulgore is completely fucked up.</b><b>No, yeah, no, that was a big issue with</b><b>cataclysm is that</b><b>like, like, technically,</b><b>things didn't change because</b><b>the people there are changing.</b><b>It changed because freaking big dragon</b><b>showed up and you'd fire</b><b>everywhere on the Earth.</b><b>Yeah, I didn't like that.</b><b>There's a big difference, I think.</b><b>Compared to this, what I'm saying, like,</b><b>okay, you have the stuff like that.</b><b>If you're starting as a Noxus person,</b><b>that that even though that</b><b>expansion later completely</b><b>revamped Noxus, it's still your that's</b><b>the same starting area and that same.</b><b>Yeah, yeah, that doesn't change.</b><b>They don't have to.</b><b>Yeah, they don't have to like rewrite</b><b>everything to fit this new this new</b><b>progression in the story.</b><b>Exactly.</b><b>The second layer on top that you explore</b><b>later and that's makes</b><b>the world feel alive.</b><b>Agreed. That's so insanely important.</b><b>I mean, I feel like every</b><b>MMO is guilty of that, right?</b><b>Even like Final Fantasy 14, those first</b><b>three, like, faction</b><b>based zones that you're in,</b><b>like, you know, they're</b><b>really never going to change.</b><b>I'm not expecting those those big three</b><b>factions, those big</b><b>three zones to ever change</b><b>in Final Fantasy 14 because guess what?</b><b>You got to go to this new place.</b><b>And now it's time for these completely</b><b>new characters to have the spotlight.</b><b>And it's like, OK, so</b><b>everything's just kind of gone.</b><b>Yeah, everything's just kind of in a</b><b>glass frozen state everywhere else.</b><b>So it's like, OK, we're going to need if</b><b>you're going to spend all</b><b>this time writing out this</b><b>whole world, make it change.</b><b>Keep it dynamic.</b><b>Keep it interesting.</b><b>I don't know why you have to completely</b><b>stop everything so we</b><b>can focus on Freljord.</b><b>No, dude.</b><b>Everything should be moving.</b><b>Even if it obviously like even if like we</b><b>have like a Freljord expansion,</b><b>the focus should be Freljord.</b><b>But like still, that doesn't mean you</b><b>can't have other things</b><b>going on in response to</b><b>Freljord in response to like the</b><b>watchers, you know, starting to like move</b><b>and shake the earth.</b><b>Yeah, like that.</b><b>We should have some quests in like the</b><b>Masia of people freaking out.</b><b>You know, armies should</b><b>be moving around bonding.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Of our armies responding, we should be</b><b>there helping out</b><b>preparing for what's to come.</b><b>Yeah, like that.</b><b>You just keep everything alive, keep</b><b>everything moving because that's</b><b>something that most of</b><b>the Mo's are guilty of.</b><b>It's a problem.</b><b>Yeah, it's all the way</b><b>down to like Bilgewater.</b><b>People are talking like we heard stuff</b><b>going on in the north.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>And like, how do I</b><b>want to profit off of it?</b><b>You know, yeah, exactly.</b><b>Yeah, like how am I going to sell arms to</b><b>Demacia to defend themselves?</b><b>Yeah, it should be fun.</b><b>Little like quests and</b><b>dungeons and all that stuff.</b><b>They should be cropping up everywhere,</b><b>not just consolidated in one place.</b><b>That's like the only</b><b>place that's moving with time.</b><b>Yeah, that's really this is that's like a</b><b>really big point for me in</b><b>the MMO that I want to make</b><b>sure that there was a there's that one</b><b>game, Ashes of Create</b><b>Ashes of Creation, right?</b><b>Where they have like the node system and</b><b>the world's always changing.</b><b>And this thing with the Amazon MMO, New</b><b>World, New World, the</b><b>world's always changing.</b><b>Yeah, I think that they may have gone in</b><b>like a bit too far and a</b><b>bit too much focused on the</b><b>actual. That's not like enough.</b><b>I feel like the whole there are changes</b><b>like node system, right?</b><b>And this node was controlled by this</b><b>group and then it'll be</b><b>controlled by another group.</b><b>Yeah, I know.</b><b>They're more like just like</b><b>a structural professional.</b><b>Yeah, high level.</b><b>Very like just plain old.</b><b>There was a house here.</b><b>Now it's a different house.</b><b>Yeah, they had that back in Crusade with</b><b>that little place in the</b><b>beginning and how far is it?</b><b>Oh, yeah, the conquer.</b><b>Yeah, conquer that that main tower, it's</b><b>Alliance or Word Flags.</b><b>But I'm talking about like actual change,</b><b>like the world is</b><b>evolving and changing over time.</b><b>And you're not you're not taking away</b><b>anything from the past</b><b>because the past is still there.</b><b>Yeah, I completely agree.</b><b>Like the all right, the</b><b>main character is the world.</b><b>All right. Not the expansion of the week.</b><b>Yes, exactly.</b><b>Everything should to</b><b>some extent stay relevant.</b><b>Does that mean every single zone needs to</b><b>be updated every time a new patch drops?</b><b>No, but anytime something important</b><b>happens, there should be</b><b>responses where you are in these</b><b>in these older zones, having things you</b><b>have to do because then guess what, too?</b><b>That means you're going to</b><b>have people all over Runeterra.</b><b>You're not just going to have people all</b><b>stuck in freaking Ionia</b><b>when the Ionia expansion drops.</b><b>Yep.</b><b>You're going to have new players walking</b><b>out of Noxus and it's not</b><b>going to be an empty freaking</b><b>field. Yeah, I think that's</b><b>especially for new players.</b><b>Keeping these original zones relevant is</b><b>going to be insanely important.</b><b>And they have no reason not to because</b><b>these zones rock and</b><b>there's so much they can do</b><b>with them for years.</b><b>Man, this is making me want to tangent</b><b>really hard into the leveling experience.</b><b>But I feel like let's save that's going</b><b>to be that's going to be a video.</b><b>Yeah, yeah, that's</b><b>going to be a whole episode.</b><b>Hunter, let's let's try to really finish</b><b>these big beds of</b><b>Runeterra because I don't want it</b><b>to bleed over into like, oh, my God, this</b><b>is why beds of Runeterra.</b><b>This is why we only</b><b>covered two big beds last time.</b><b>This could have kept going.</b><b>Yeah, easily.</b><b>Okay, so the next big bed, I will say, is</b><b>here heard of the Darken.</b><b>The Darken.</b><b>Sounds familiar.</b><b>Okay, so in Shurima, in Shurima.</b><b>Shurima.</b><b>Is it Shurima?</b><b>No, I'm pretty sure it's Shurima because</b><b>we both said Shurima.</b><b>No, it's Shurima.</b><b>Right.</b><b>Oh, no.</b><b>Shurima, Shurima.</b><b>We're good.</b><b>Okay.</b><b>Okay.</b><b>In Shurima, you have the ascended, right,</b><b>who rise up from the Sun Disk.</b><b>Yeah. Which is the power of Aurelion's soul</b><b>being stolen, and he</b><b>has to shoot him off.</b><b>They're stealing his power via the Sun</b><b>Disk to raise up ascended God Warriors.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Now, at this time back in the past, you</b><b>have the Shurima and</b><b>Ishtal, their allies.</b><b>They work together to build the Sun Disk,</b><b>and there's ascended</b><b>God Warriors in both.</b><b>Ecathea, bottom area, does</b><b>not like being ruled by Shurima.</b><b>They eventually revolt.</b><b>They're getting their butts kicked</b><b>because there's Shurima</b><b>and Ishtal God Warriors.</b><b>So it's kind of tough to win there.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>So they try to release the</b><b>secret weapon known as the Void.</b><b>Oh, wow.</b><b>And that backfire is pretty bad because</b><b>the Void comes out, it starts killing,</b><b>it kills everyone pretty well.</b><b>Undiscriminately.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>I don't think the Void</b><b>cares very much for either side.</b><b>Yep.</b><b>Zilean actually...</b><b>So we may actually go back to</b><b>Ecathea one day because Zilean</b><b>went in an attempt to save as many</b><b>civilians as he could,</b><b>innocent people as he could.</b><b>He tells everyone to come to his tower,</b><b>and then he removes his tower from time.</b><b>And so it's stuck in a stasis.</b><b>The Void that was getting into the tower,</b><b>as well as the people,</b><b>it's just frozen in time,</b><b>that whole tower.</b><b>But back in the regular</b><b>timeline, time is falling normally,</b><b>and Shurima and Ishtal are</b><b>struggling to fight the Void.</b><b>And eventually they win, right?</b><b>By understanding that the Void, you can't</b><b>really fight it, you just</b><b>have to let it stagnate.</b><b>Without any organic matter or magic, the</b><b>Void just kind of falls</b><b>into a stasis and eventually</b><b>falls dormant.</b><b>Oh wow.</b><b>And so that's the strategy.</b><b>That's why Shurima literally removes</b><b>Ecathea from the map,</b><b>because they don't want anyone to go near</b><b>Ecathea, they want it</b><b>to just be forgotten,</b><b>never to be explored again,</b><b>and just like this dead zone.</b><b>No one go near it because if you go near</b><b>it, you'll wake up the Void.</b><b>Oh man, okay.</b><b>Wow.</b><b>That's terrifying.</b><b>Yeah, we're gonna have to go there</b><b>eventually, we're</b><b>gonna have to wake him up.</b><b>And then back in Shurima a little bit</b><b>after that, Azir tries to</b><b>ascend, the Sun Disk falls,</b><b>and at this point, like the...</b><b>I can go into a lot of details there, but</b><b>regardless, the Sun</b><b>Disk eventually falls,</b><b>and the people of Shurima look to the</b><b>ascended for guidance,</b><b>but the ascended are</b><b>starting to get like real effed up.</b><b>Because they just</b><b>fought a war with the Void.</b><b>They're almost like they're corrupted by</b><b>what they've seen, fighting the Void.</b><b>They start losing their minds and going</b><b>crazy, and they become darkened.</b><b>In darkened, they start raising like</b><b>mortal armies to</b><b>basically conquer the world.</b><b>Oh wow.</b><b>And if they darken</b><b>our aspects, that are...</b><b>They're ascended, yeah, they're ascended.</b><b>Oh okay.</b><b>They became corrupted.</b><b>Oh wow, okay.</b><b>Gotcha.</b><b>Wow.</b><b>Oh jeez.</b><b>That's problematic.</b><b>How long have they been</b><b>writing this kind of stuff?</b><b>Where just all these problems are</b><b>cropping up and we</b><b>have yet to solve them.</b><b>Oh no, there's more.</b><b>We're not even done yet.</b><b>There's a lot of problems.</b><b>So these darken, right?</b><b>They eventually, the aspects of Targon,</b><b>who are the ones that</b><b>helped raise up these immortal</b><b>god warriors in Shurima, because they're</b><b>the ones that imprisoned Aurelion's soul</b><b>and started siphoning his</b><b>power for this future unknown war.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>They got involved and basically</b><b>imprisoned all these</b><b>darken in their weapons.</b><b>Oh.</b><b>And that's why you have guys like Caine</b><b>and Ionia are wielding the site.</b><b>That site contains the souls of one of</b><b>the darken and the</b><b>darkens hold other ladies.</b><b>Or look at that new character.</b><b>What's her name?</b><b>The dog one.</b><b>Oh, I know what you're talking about.</b><b>Anyways, yeah.</b><b>She's like...</b><b>It's a dog that literally ate the dagger.</b><b>Oh.</b><b>That had imprisoned the darken.</b><b>The darken.</b><b>Wow.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>And so you have all these darken blades</b><b>running around and they're like...</b><b>Basically their whole</b><b>goal is to kind of...</b><b>Some of them at least, their goal is to</b><b>basically come back together</b><b>and reconquer the world.</b><b>Oh my lord.</b><b>Okay.</b><b>Wow.</b><b>They're trying to find vessels.</b><b>Like Ains' guy, the guy</b><b>that's in his weapon is...</b><b>He's trying to take over Caine and</b><b>that'll be his vessel.</b><b>Oh wow.</b><b>There's a lot of</b><b>possession going on these days.</b><b>Tyrantara, I've noticed.</b><b>Just...</b><b>Geez.</b><b>It has to do a lot with whenever you get</b><b>to the ascended stuff.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Yeah, as we start</b><b>seeing a lot of possession.</b><b>Whenever you start getting closer to</b><b>Targum, there tends to</b><b>be some possession stuff.</b><b>Oh man.</b><b>So like, this stuff has been written out</b><b>for a long time now, I think, right?</b><b>Like all this darken stuff.</b><b>Oh yeah.</b><b>Which is crazy to me that they're</b><b>definitely setting up for</b><b>these kind of like status and</b><b>resolution eventually.</b><b>Yep.</b><b>A great way to resolute them.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>An MMO faction.</b><b>It's great.</b><b>Yep.</b><b>It's crazy that it just feels like</b><b>everything is culminating to this game.</b><b>It's so insane to me</b><b>that they've been really...</b><b>It feels like they've been thinking about</b><b>this for a long time now.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>It's just like, "Oh,</b><b>good. Honestly. Good."</b><b>That's how you do it.</b><b>You gotta have your story, your world all</b><b>set up way before you're</b><b>even thinking about MMO.</b><b>That's the crazy thing.</b><b>That's why I think everyone's went crazy</b><b>when they announced the right MMOs,</b><b>because the world's already there.</b><b>The strawberries are already there.</b><b>The conflicts are already there.</b><b>Like these unresolved massive threats.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Are already there.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>At least the ones that we know about.</b><b>I'm not even mentioning all of them.</b><b>These are just like the really...</b><b>Yeah, the major.</b><b>The biggest ones that I can think of.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>But there's definitely others.</b><b>Oh, absolutely.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>So let's move away from</b><b>the dark and we got one more.</b><b>And he's the one that probably most</b><b>people are familiar with.</b><b>And that's a Viego.</b><b>Oh, absolutely.</b><b>Saddle-biles.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Yeah, Viego's the...</b><b>He may not be the most</b><b>powerful, but he's the shining star.</b><b>That's for sure.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>He's the coolest.</b><b>His whole story is so well-written.</b><b>It's very fleshed out.</b><b>There is clearly a lot of focus and love</b><b>put into Viego's character in Rupaira.</b><b>And I like Viego because</b><b>he's not really morally gray.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>By the same...</b><b>Yeah, he's evil, but</b><b>he's not really like...</b><b>He's not really evil for himself.</b><b>No.</b><b>At the same time, he's pretty evil.</b><b>He just has a goal and he doesn't care</b><b>who gets in his way.</b><b>And sometimes those are</b><b>the coolest characters.</b><b>Yeah, it feels more like...</b><b>There's no questioning that the world's</b><b>better off if we kill this dude.</b><b>Yeah, like Batman.</b><b>The Joker's definitely the good guy and</b><b>he's trying to save Gotham.</b><b>When you have this guy who's just</b><b>stopping him at every turn</b><b>because of the collateral damage.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>It's like, okay, Batman's definitely not</b><b>good, but at the same time,</b><b>seeing someone so determined to...</b><b>And they don't care</b><b>who gets in their way.</b><b>Like, "We'll go stop</b><b>all crime in Gotham."</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>But there's a better way to</b><b>do it, but his method, right?</b><b>It's just, he's so committed to it that</b><b>it's a nice look, even</b><b>though he's not the good guy.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>You can't help but like, to</b><b>some extent, like, root for him.</b><b>You can't like root for the villain.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>You know?</b><b>Exactly.</b><b>Exactly.</b><b>Just because he's so interesting.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>And it feels like Diego, more than</b><b>anything, he's just desperate.</b><b>You know?</b><b>You feel that sense of like, "Oh my God,</b><b>like this guy has gone</b><b>absolutely insane trying to</b><b>achieve this goal that</b><b>feels absolutely impossible."</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>And I think we assume too much of the...</b><b>Like, I always assume that the problem</b><b>with me is I assume</b><b>too much that people know</b><b>what I'm talking about.</b><b>And I realized, because I make Runeterra</b><b>lore videos, how niche</b><b>the community is right now</b><b>are people that actually</b><b>know about Runeterra lore.</b><b>So we're saying all this stuff and people</b><b>might not even know who Diego is.</b><b>That's true.</b><b>So, Diego came from Camivore, which is an</b><b>island continent off to the side.</b><b>Doesn't exist on the map today, which is</b><b>a very blatant show that</b><b>this map is not complete.</b><b>It's a completely different continent.</b><b>It's a part of it.</b><b>It's not even the complete continent.</b><b>He lived in Camivore.</b><b>He was the king there.</b><b>He had a wife named Essold.</b><b>Essold, an assassin</b><b>comes to try to kill Diego.</b><b>They throw a dagger at him.</b><b>It hits Essold.</b><b>Essold gets poisoned.</b><b>She's dying.</b><b>Diego loses his mind.</b><b>All right.</b><b>Starts sacrificing the entire kingdom to</b><b>try to find a cure for Essold</b><b>because he loves her so much.</b><b>Eventually, he discovers the Blessed</b><b>Isles, which has a water</b><b>that can cure any ailment.</b><b>So he takes his army there, goes to the</b><b>Blessed Isles, and then his</b><b>wife is dead at this point</b><b>in his arms.</b><b>And they're like, "We wanted to help you,</b><b>but we literally can't</b><b>because we don't know what</b><b>will happen if you put your wife into the</b><b>Blessed Waters because she's dead."</b><b>And that should not be messed with.</b><b>She's dead.</b><b>It's over.</b><b>Yeah, yeah.</b><b>You're not about to cure death and we</b><b>sure as hell are about to try.</b><b>If she was just poisoned, she was still</b><b>alive 100%, we would let you.</b><b>Especially because they saw it as almost</b><b>like a strategic thing.</b><b>They wanted to help him because to have</b><b>an ally like Camivore is very good.</b><b>They felt like if they helped the king of</b><b>Camivore save his wife, they would have a</b><b>permanent ally.</b><b>Oh, yeah.</b><b>And Camivore would be hard to beat that.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>They were powerful at the time.</b><b>Camivore was the power in the world.</b><b>Really?</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>They were the Lordaeron.</b><b>Yes.</b><b>Lordaeron being the Old Kingdom of</b><b>Warcraft that fell at some</b><b>point long before the MMO</b><b>ever came out.</b><b>Exactly.</b><b>That's cool.</b><b>And then so, but then they were like,</b><b>"Still, we can't risk it</b><b>because his wife is dead and</b><b>if they put in the Blessed Waters, we</b><b>don't know what's going to happen."</b><b>So he gets pissed.</b><b>He says, "Nothing's going to</b><b>stop me from saving us all."</b><b>Kills everyone.</b><b>Carries his wife, kills all these guys in</b><b>his way, drops her</b><b>into the Blessed Waters.</b><b>Something crazy happens.</b><b>She comes up as a spectral spirit,</b><b>basically, instead of as herself.</b><b>Mm-hmm.</b><b>He was dead.</b><b>In confusion, rage, and bang, from being</b><b>ripped from death, she</b><b>takes up Viego's sword and</b><b>just plunges it through his chest.</b><b>And Viego's sword is a unique sword.</b><b>It siphons the soul out of someone.</b><b>Oh.</b><b>Not like a regular sword.</b><b>That's why he is summoning it, even</b><b>though he summons in death.</b><b>That's the same thing that</b><b>happened when he was in life.</b><b>Oh, he was able to just summon it?</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>It's attached to his soul.</b><b>It's crazy.</b><b>Sword.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>But so the sword is trying</b><b>to suck Viego's soul out.</b><b>At the same time, the Waters are trying</b><b>to heal Viego at the same time.</b><b>Oh, God.</b><b>That causes the ruination.</b><b>It just freaks out, explodes out all this</b><b>death magic, and freezes</b><b>everyone on the Shadow Isles</b><b>in this undeath version.</b><b>And that's why you had this mist around</b><b>the Blessed Isles, which</b><b>no one could enter unless</b><b>you had this particular item.</b><b>Mm-hmm.</b><b>Thresh was the one that gave that to the</b><b>people who found the</b><b>Blessed Isles to take back to</b><b>Viego so he can come</b><b>into the Blessed Isles.</b><b>Ah.</b><b>This mist became, instead of the Blessed</b><b>Mist, became the Shadow</b><b>Isles mist that we see today,</b><b>which is the Shadow Isles covered in this</b><b>dark, malevolent mist.</b><b>Oh, jeez.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>And if you want to know anything about</b><b>the Shadow Isles, I got</b><b>plenty of short stories on it.</b><b>And then there's also, like, you can</b><b>watch any of my videos on Viego,</b><b>but that's the gist of Viego.</b><b>And his whole goal is to rescue his soul.</b><b>And every time he's come back before, he</b><b>basically starts the ruination,</b><b>releasing all the dead across Runeterra.</b><b>And his goal is to collect all the souls</b><b>of his soul, bring them</b><b>together, and to resurrect her,</b><b>which eventually he does in the war with</b><b>the Sentinels of Light,</b><b>which is a group that just, like, their</b><b>whole goal is to fight the Shadow Isles.</b><b>Oh, yeah.</b><b>And then he does, and then</b><b>they basically kill his soul.</b><b>Oh.</b><b>And they trap him in camivore.</b><b>Oh, my god.</b><b>Yes.</b><b>At this point, I feel just as bad for his</b><b>soul as I do, Viego.</b><b>Yeah, she wanted to die.</b><b>Like, in the scene, you know, he finally</b><b>gets all her pieces of her soul together.</b><b>That's the ruination that</b><b>goes across all of Runeterra.</b><b>You can see cinematics of that.</b><b>He puts her into the lockbox,</b><b>resurrects her together again.</b><b>And then she's looking at the Sentinels</b><b>of Light and basically tells them,</b><b>like, they can't kill</b><b>Viego but to kill her.</b><b>Wow.</b><b>And so they do it.</b><b>And he just starts raging.</b><b>At this point, he's back in camivore</b><b>because he went through a portal.</b><b>I know this is a lot of that.</b><b>He's back.</b><b>Viego is a lot of story.</b><b>More story than most characters in</b><b>Runeterra, like, by far.</b><b>Yeah, it's hard to even</b><b>tell all that very quickly.</b><b>That I want to take a whole hour.</b><b>Yeah, but he he's back in camivore and</b><b>he's frozen in basically a stasis</b><b>by the scissor girl</b><b>from the Shadow Isles.</b><b>And so basically right now he's trapped</b><b>in camivore with the one person that he</b><b>literally risked his whole</b><b>life for and this undeath for.</b><b>Didn't care what happened to it killed by</b><b>the Sentinels of Light.</b><b>Who are kind of like the protectors of</b><b>Runeterra against the Shadow Isles.</b><b>They come back to the Shadow Isles and</b><b>the Shadow Isles isn't isn't actually</b><b>gone and Thresh is there and he's</b><b>basically like his whole plan was to</b><b>culminate all this power from Viego that</b><b>he was culminating in the Ruination.</b><b>And that's what allows him to go free.</b><b>And now he's basically</b><b>free across Runeterra.</b><b>Viego is trapped in camivore and the</b><b>Shadow Isles are still the Shadow Isles</b><b>despite Viego being gone.</b><b>Oh my God.</b><b>Well then.</b><b>Yeah, that was a lot.</b><b>I'm sorry.</b><b>What's especially sad is that his soul</b><b>does not want to be resurrected.</b><b>And Viego is just in complete denial.</b><b>At this point.</b><b>Do we worry?</b><b>Yeah, like.</b><b>God, Viego is pure like evil at this</b><b>point straight up and you just pity him.</b><b>Yeah, because he's just insane.</b><b>He is just a king who has gone mad.</b><b>The loss of his wife.</b><b>That was a very long tangent and did not</b><b>expect to go on for that long.</b><b>But Viego jumped it</b><b>up really, really well.</b><b>Yeah, you left out the stuff that can be</b><b>left out and still understand the story.</b><b>So yeah, very good.</b><b>I had to get you from Viego as a king.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>All the way to him</b><b>being trapped in camivore.</b><b>And the shadow isle is</b><b>still being the shadow isles.</b><b>There's so many turns in that I didn't</b><b>even cover like one</b><b>tenth of the actual story.</b><b>Oh yeah, I mean, like you could talk</b><b>about the whole like, I like,</b><b>Viego and Thresh have a relationship</b><b>leading up to Thresh's, you know,</b><b>plan being revealed in his betrayal of</b><b>Viego just using him.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>And all that stuff.</b><b>If you want to see a lot of Viego,</b><b>there's a game like Riot Forge, man.</b><b>You know my love for Riot Forge.</b><b>Oh yeah.</b><b>I love Riot Forge.</b><b>I love every single</b><b>title they've come out with.</b><b>I can play every single game twice.</b><b>There's only one game that I haven't</b><b>played twice because it</b><b>takes forever on my second</b><b>playthrough.</b><b>And that's the Rune King,</b><b>but it's such a good game.</b><b>If you have not played the Rune King from</b><b>Riot Forge and you</b><b>want to learn more about</b><b>Viego and a lot of other characters in</b><b>Bilgewater and actually the Frowjord</b><b>because Braum is there.</b><b>I recommend that Rune King is so good.</b><b>You'll see Viego.</b><b>It's a great game.</b><b>Not sponsored.</b><b>Riot, sponsor us please.</b><b>Do you think that at</b><b>some point in the MMO,</b><b>Imagine they don't, why would</b><b>they even have to sponsor us?</b><b>As though we would do anything different.</b><b>It's like a Ziploc podcast.</b><b>Why are we going to</b><b>be sponsored by Ziploc?</b><b>Why are we talking about</b><b>Ziploc bags the whole day?</b><b>Yeah, exactly.</b><b>Like we're doing this for free.</b><b>They don't have to pay us.</b><b>But do you think that at some point in</b><b>the MMO, I think obviously</b><b>at some point Viego will be</b><b>freed from his.</b><b>I'm scared of when he's freed because now</b><b>his, before it was like, you know Thanos?</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>I know I snapped right when I said.</b><b>Yeah, I know. You just know. Yeah.</b><b>That's what you do.</b><b>Thanos' original</b><b>intentions was pure, right?</b><b>He wanted to like save the universe and</b><b>like only wanted to kill half the people.</b><b>Almost like Viego, his</b><b>intention was pure free sold.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>But then when Thanos</b><b>comes back the second time,</b><b>he just wants to destroy all everything</b><b>because he's like pissed off.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>And that makes him even more dangerous.</b><b>Yeah, he's even further off the deep end.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>I think Viego is going</b><b>to be the same thing.</b><b>I worry about it.</b><b>Viego ever comes back, he's going to be</b><b>like Mordekaiser level.</b><b>Geez. Yeah.</b><b>I believe it.</b><b>But do you think he's going to want</b><b>revenge against Thresh?</b><b>Oh yeah.</b><b>He never liked Thresh.</b><b>He hated Thresh from like early on</b><b>because he felt like Thresh was,</b><b>he failed him at one point.</b><b>He was supposed to gather something.</b><b>I forgot what it was.</b><b>But yeah, he didn't like Thresh.</b><b>His right hand person</b><b>was Vex who was a Yordle.</b><b>Wow.</b><b>And then bothered Thresh.</b><b>But Thresh was really out</b><b>for himself the whole time.</b><b>Thresh doesn't care about Viego.</b><b>Never cared about his wife as sold.</b><b>Like he let her in for his own means.</b><b>I skipped all that during the story, but</b><b>there's a lot there.</b><b>Yeah, there's a lot</b><b>between Viego and Thresh.</b><b>Yeah, they're not buddies.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>So I'm wondering, all right, Viego never</b><b>be, he better never be redeemed.</b><b>I'll be pissed if he does</b><b>have like a redemption arc.</b><b>Yeah, I know.</b><b>But I would love if we have some very,</b><b>very unsteady alliance</b><b>with Viego to take out Thresh.</b><b>Yeah, see, that'd be cool.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Where you are mostly like</b><b>scared of Viego because you know,</b><b>this guy's unhinged and he</b><b>wants to kill you right now.</b><b>Even better.</b><b>Even better.</b><b>Unhinged unsteady alliance with him to</b><b>fight against Mordekaiser.</b><b>Two armies of death</b><b>flashing against each other.</b><b>That sounds crazy.</b><b>Like I love that he's there in stasis and</b><b>it's like almost feels like</b><b>why would we ever release him and like</b><b>absolutely need him for something?</b><b>Yeah, like we know it's like, okay, he</b><b>wants to kill us, but he</b><b>wants to kill this guy even more.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Let's we're going to have to do this</b><b>because if we don't, we're dead anyways.</b><b>Might as well try.</b><b>And we go to Camivore.</b><b>Oh my God.</b><b>See, see that.</b><b>Camivore is also an</b><b>inevitable zone, right?</b><b>That's an inevitable expansion.</b><b>That way into Camivore.</b><b>Yeah, we do a Camivore expansion that</b><b>leads to the release of Viego,</b><b>which leads into either, you know,</b><b>Mordekaiser or Rush.</b><b>Like, yeah, we go to Camivore now we know</b><b>where Viego is and we end</b><b>up having to release him</b><b>for the next expansion.</b><b>Because how do we not think of him?</b><b>Amivore is an inevitable expansion.</b><b>It has to be.</b><b>And right.</b><b>There's no way it</b><b>doesn't become an expansion.</b><b>100%.</b><b>100%.</b><b>Dude.</b><b>Oh, so yeah, either way,</b><b>they better not just make Viego.</b><b>I don't think they will because they're</b><b>obviously putting way</b><b>too much effort into Viego</b><b>to make him just a one off like a villain</b><b>of the expansion type deal.</b><b>You know, we better not just kill him</b><b>within an expansion.</b><b>We better have some very interesting</b><b>interactions going out with Viego for</b><b>multiple expansions.</b><b>That's what I want out of Viego.</b><b>They've invested way too much into him.</b><b>He's such a well written character.</b><b>Like, oh, I can't wait to</b><b>see what they do with him.</b><b>Yeah, exactly.</b><b>I think there's a lot of</b><b>potential there for sure.</b><b>He's one of the characters I'm most</b><b>excited for to see in the right MMO,</b><b>like easily.</b><b>R9, he's one of the</b><b>characters I'm most excited to see.</b><b>I agree.</b><b>Because like we said,</b><b>they're setting up a lot right now.</b><b>There's going to be so many threads that</b><b>are going to be, you know,</b><b>undone very aggressively and</b><b>dramatically throughout the MMO.</b><b>Because that's what</b><b>the MMO is going to be.</b><b>It feels like MMO is going to be</b><b>conclusive to a lot of this stuff.</b><b>Which will also, you know, lead to these</b><b>big climactic things</b><b>like Viego being freed.</b><b>And us fighting Thresh</b><b>and us fighting Mordkai.</b><b>Like all this stuff is</b><b>going to happen in the MMO.</b><b>I'm fully expecting it at this point.</b><b>Yeah, I'm just talking</b><b>about it gets me excited.</b><b>But then, okay, so what we're talking</b><b>about the big bads,</b><b>which we've completed.</b><b>I think the list is pretty complete.</b><b>We didn't cover everyone.</b><b>I'm sure someone's</b><b>going to say this character.</b><b>There's character that we missed.</b><b>I know that like, I'm sure there are</b><b>plenty of stuff that we missed.</b><b>But now that we covered the big bads, we</b><b>talk about how we're going to fight them.</b><b>And I always feel like I don't want to</b><b>see Riot reinvent the wheel</b><b>too much when it comes to this.</b><b>I know a lot of people are</b><b>looking for innovation, right?</b><b>I don't want to see a VR MMO.</b><b>I don't want to cut or not be.</b><b>I mean, like, will I buy the</b><b>Oculus Quest 3 for this game?</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Will I be happy?</b><b>No, probably not.</b><b>I'll find a way to like,</b><b>hook it up to my computer,</b><b>display the Oculus Quest screen on my</b><b>computer and then play it with a mouse.</b><b>It'll be day one add-ons.</b><b>Yeah, for mouse and keyboard support.</b><b>100%.</b><b>I'm fine with there being</b><b>an option, like VR support.</b><b>That'd be cool.</b><b>Yeah, sure.</b><b>Why not?</b><b>I would do that for like a</b><b>day and I'm like, that's fun.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>But there's other things too that I don't</b><b>I want to see them kind of keep.</b><b>One of those things to</b><b>me is the Holy Trinity.</b><b>I think that should be maintained.</b><b>I don't like games where it's like you</b><b>just you're whatever you want</b><b>because whatever weapon</b><b>you're holding, I'm holding.</b><b>Oh, yeah.</b><b>No, I don't like that either.</b><b>I like when your</b><b>character is strictly one thing.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>You know, like,</b><b>you you are a shaman of the early work.</b><b>Yes.</b><b>That's who you are.</b><b>That's your character.</b><b>You know, I really like that.</b><b>I don't know.</b><b>I like the feeling of being specialized.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>So then that way, when I am standing in</b><b>front of a mage of like</b><b>the Masiya or something,</b><b>I'm like, oh, yeah, like</b><b>we are different peoples.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Different worlds coming together for a</b><b>common enemy or the same character.</b><b>When everyone's the same, you do feel</b><b>like, okay, we're all</b><b>just the same character.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>I agree very much where it's like,</b><b>especially if like there's like somebody</b><b>who's like maxed out</b><b>and like every single weapon skill, every</b><b>single class on this character.</b><b>Suddenly, I feel way less special.</b><b>And I'm like, oh, I'm like, oh, I thought</b><b>I was being helpful, but no,</b><b>I'm just like a little</b><b>pet for this guy, I guess.</b><b>You know, I want I want you</b><b>to pick a class and a race.</b><b>I think that's important.</b><b>It helps offer RP too, right?</b><b>Like then you're not</b><b>just an everything person.</b><b>You're a specific type</b><b>of person in this world.</b><b>I think that's really cool.</b><b>There's two ways they could go.</b><b>Or there's okay, there's humans, there's</b><b>Vistaya and there are Yordles.</b><b>Those are the races in Runeterra.</b><b>They could definitely go where like you</b><b>pick your Yordle and then okay,</b><b>your class is decided later and by what</b><b>you do and how you pick.</b><b>And I can see like, you know, there is a</b><b>fantasy to that where you're just</b><b>you're entering this world.</b><b>You're just a person and you find your</b><b>way towards your class.</b><b>But I do feel like you need to have a</b><b>class and you shouldn't be able to just</b><b>hot swap between them.</b><b>So I kind of like it where you're picking</b><b>your class up front where</b><b>you're choosing what you</b><b>are and that's a big decision.</b><b>Yeah, definitely.</b><b>And I promise that the more fluidity you</b><b>have between like the more</b><b>choice you have in an MMO,</b><b>one thing everyone has this issue, the</b><b>more choice you have,</b><b>the less choice you have.</b><b>Right.</b><b>If everyone can be everything in any</b><b>combination of things,</b><b>everyone's going to be the same thing.</b><b>Everyone's going to be whatever the heck</b><b>the guide told them.</b><b>Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's true.</b><b>That's true.</b><b>Homogenization is a big issue in MMOs and</b><b>it's just the truth of it</b><b>that the more freedom you have,</b><b>the less likely you're actually going to</b><b>use that freedom and more</b><b>likely you're going to do</b><b>whatever everyone else is doing because</b><b>you're not going to get</b><b>invited to the raid otherwise.</b><b>That's just something I</b><b>do not want to see happen.</b><b>Yeah, that makes perfect sense.</b><b>I didn't even think about that.</b><b>If you can choose whatever you want to</b><b>be, there's going to be</b><b>one healer that's optimal</b><b>and everyone's going to</b><b>have to be that healer.</b><b>One DPS is optimal and everyone's going</b><b>to be that DPS, one tank.</b><b>I would see this issue like, "Oh yeah,</b><b>but on a casual level,</b><b>that's not going to matter.</b><b>You're talking about like 1% stuff."</b><b>It's like, "Yeah, but</b><b>everyone thinks they're the 1%."</b><b>All right.</b><b>That completely</b><b>regular easy level dungeon,</b><b>people are still going to invite the</b><b>person that has the</b><b>optimal setup for a healer.</b><b>Yeah, aren't you going to try to do it?</b><b>There's a level of like, "Okay, I want to</b><b>have fun, but I also want to do my best."</b><b>Yeah, because at the end of the day, you</b><b>have to respect</b><b>everyone else's time to do.</b><b>Yeah, like I may like--</b><b>... the else's experience.</b><b>Like you're in an MMO, so you're going to</b><b>be interacting with other people,</b><b>so you need to kind of pull your weight.</b><b>Exactly.</b><b>For example, let's say I want to RP a</b><b>pirate and I really</b><b>like the idea of a peg leg,</b><b>but if a peg leg</b><b>reduces my run speed by 50%,</b><b>Yeah, don't do it.</b><b>they'd be stupid like,</b><b>"Okay, we're going to get kicked.</b><b>I'm not going to invite you."</b><b>Like, "Bro, you could barely avoid</b><b>mechanics because you're too slow."</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>That's like that.</b><b>That's obviously an extreme example, but</b><b>it's really the same thing.</b><b>Yeah, it's a very good</b><b>straightforward way of putting it.</b><b>Something also like in a</b><b>pug group or a pickup group,</b><b>is what they're called, where you just</b><b>get random people</b><b>together that you don't know.</b><b>I don't know how good</b><b>you are at the game.</b><b>So, like I can't base you off of skill.</b><b>I'm just going to base you off of,</b><b>"Oh, this guy, if this guy's running</b><b>optimal healer, he knows how to heal."</b><b>Probably.</b><b>Right?</b><b>At least he's a-</b><b>He cared enough to look up a guide.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Compared to the guy who was just running</b><b>whatever the heck they think is fun.</b><b>So, like, yeah, you need to avoid</b><b>homogenization with your classes,</b><b>just by walling them off, you know?</b><b>Like, okay, I mean, as long as they're</b><b>somewhat balanced, it should be fine.</b><b>That's the way most of</b><b>my moves have done it.</b><b>That's the way I think</b><b>it's always worked best.</b><b>And then there's also-</b><b>Okay, so I definitely think that you have</b><b>your class picking at the front,</b><b>but then there's the- I</b><b>didn't really say it right.</b><b>I did say the Holy Trinity,</b><b>which what this is means that when you go</b><b>into a dungeon or</b><b>when you go into a raid,</b><b>there's three types of people.</b><b>You have your tanks</b><b>who are soaking damage,</b><b>you have your DPS who are doing damage,</b><b>and you have your healers</b><b>who are keeping everyone alive.</b><b>I like that.</b><b>Me too.</b><b>I don't like where</b><b>everyone's like kind of hybrid,</b><b>everyone's DPS-ing,</b><b>or there's literally no healers because</b><b>everyone heals themselves,</b><b>or there's no tank because it just</b><b>spread- keeps swapping damage.</b><b>I feel like I really</b><b>like the Holy Trinity,</b><b>where it's those three, and I think that</b><b>should also be carried</b><b>forward into the right MMO.</b><b>I completely agree.</b><b>It's the reason why I do not-</b><b>It's literally the only reason why I</b><b>don't like Guild Wars 2, is because-</b><b>I've never played Guild Wars 2.</b><b>Well, in that game,</b><b>there's like maybe one tank,</b><b>and you have to specifically spec all of</b><b>your talents and everything</b><b>into becoming a tank,</b><b>if you want to tank.</b><b>And even then, you're not really tanking,</b><b>you don't have aggro.</b><b>You're just using a lot of defensive</b><b>stuff to keep everyone</b><b>around you more defensive,</b><b>take less damage.</b><b>And then you-</b><b>You just have the head DPS</b><b>with some defensive buffs.</b><b>Everyone in the game has a DPS.</b><b>Yeah, I don't know.</b><b>And then you have like</b><b>your sword of healers,</b><b>just like I have your sword of tank, you</b><b>have your sword of healers,</b><b>you can very closely spec into healing</b><b>throughout your time playing the game.</b><b>But even at the beginning,</b><b>if you want to play a healer,</b><b>you're starting off as a DPS character</b><b>that you spec into healing.</b><b>So it's just like, yeah, and I'm like,</b><b>but now I feel like</b><b>we're not working together.</b><b>We're all just pushing our buttons.</b><b>Yeah, you are.</b><b>That's what the Holy Trinity does.</b><b>The Holy Trinity makes you</b><b>feel like you are cooperating,</b><b>and you all need each other to succeed.</b><b>Otherwise, it's just like,</b><b>well, we need these many people,</b><b>because bigger number of</b><b>people means bigger damage.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>That's not fun, because then that's</b><b>literally like, why not</b><b>just have a bunch of NPCs?</b><b>It's going to be the same.</b><b>It's going to be the same experience.</b><b>And it's not even just a tank healer DPS.</b><b>Like, there's also, it's basically almost</b><b>support, defensive support healer.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Yeah, I think is a support</b><b>tank should be a support.</b><b>Right.</b><b>I don't like to think it's</b><b>just a DPS with more health.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>That support role was</b><b>more what I'm talking about.</b><b>It's the role I like to fill.</b><b>And that's the role you like to fill too.</b><b>Yeah, I love tanking.</b><b>You like tanking is so much fun.</b><b>Yeah, I like healing.</b><b>So I feel like those roles</b><b>are more their support roles.</b><b>And that's what I like about them is that</b><b>they're purely like a,</b><b>like you really can't do</b><b>much on your own as a healer.</b><b>No, really can't do</b><b>much on your own as a tank.</b><b>You're there for the help the group.</b><b>Yeah, you are there</b><b>purely for everyone else.</b><b>You are not there for you, you know?</b><b>It's, it's really,</b><b>really cool in that sense.</b><b>You're forced to rely on other people.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>And I like that in any MMO, because</b><b>that's why I'm there.</b><b>I'm there for other people.</b><b>That's why I'm playing an MMO.</b><b>It just feels very cool to have that</b><b>complete unit, you know?</b><b>It's very satisfying to</b><b>see all the gears turning,</b><b>everything working together</b><b>as one big, powerful thing.</b><b>Because you're a team.</b><b>Yeah, you're a team.</b><b>Like the whole of Trinity is basically</b><b>saying you need three different,</b><b>three different people to get this done.</b><b>They can't be all the same.</b><b>You have different people and</b><b>everyone has their own task,</b><b>own their role during the fight that</b><b>everyone's worried about.</b><b>Like I'm doing my thing.</b><b>Yeah, I'm doing my part.</b><b>Even though that part's different than</b><b>your part, you need both to complete.</b><b>I don't know.</b><b>It makes me feel like,</b><b>like, okay, that's a group.</b><b>Yeah, I completely agree.</b><b>But speaking of that too, so</b><b>now you have this group, right?</b><b>Everyone's there.</b><b>Everyone's in the dungeon.</b><b>Everyone's in the raid.</b><b>I understand that, like, you have</b><b>different communication tools.</b><b>Like, sure, you can get</b><b>a group together and say,</b><b>"Hey, come on my Discord."</b><b>Probably not going to happen.</b><b>Scream in general chat.</b><b>Yeah, there's, you can type.</b><b>But if you're playing the game and it's</b><b>like a high key or something,</b><b>or high, doing something intense, like</b><b>really high level content,</b><b>you're probably not going to be able to</b><b>type your messages while doing it.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Then there's the voice chat in the game.</b><b>Okay, not everyone's going to join the</b><b>voice chat because people are just,</b><b>maybe someone's playing in</b><b>their freaking living room,</b><b>or they just don't like, they don't have,</b><b>they don't want to talk on the mic.</b><b>They're just playing a game.</b><b>Yeah, very true.</b><b>They're playing on the couch.</b><b>Not everyone wants to join voice chat,</b><b>even if you have voice</b><b>chat implemented in the game.</b><b>That's why you actually</b><b>suggested this a while ago.</b><b>You were saying that they need to have</b><b>some kind of system in place.</b><b>Yes, we need emotes.</b><b>Emotes are very important</b><b>because you'd be surprised</b><b>how many people don't</b><b>want to talk in an MMO.</b><b>This is how they communicate with you.</b><b>The number of times I have ran around in</b><b>literally any MMO, Final</b><b>Fantasy 14, World of Warcraft,</b><b>Final Fantasy 11, every time you're going</b><b>to see people who talk</b><b>purely through emotes,</b><b>such as their character is going to wave</b><b>when they see you, their</b><b>character is going to bow</b><b>as a thank you, stuff like</b><b>that is insanely important.</b><b>I would like to see this taken to the</b><b>next level in an MMO,</b><b>and I think Grint Eric can do it.</b><b>I think World of Warcraft has a sort of</b><b>like voice line thing.</b><b>I'm sure you know of</b><b>like how your character.</b><b>Yeah, if you do like slash charge slash</b><b>for the Alliance like for the Horde,</b><b>that kind of stuff.</b><b>I'd like to see that taken to the next</b><b>level to where in a</b><b>dungeon I can just click a button</b><b>and my character will</b><b>say a voice line, you know.</b><b>I really like the way they do it in</b><b>Overwatch, to be honest.</b><b>Overwatch is a really good example.</b><b>A lot of because yeah,</b><b>you got the emote wheel.</b><b>I hope they do that.</b><b>I hope Apex Legends</b><b>does it very well too.</b><b>This you communicate with your team by</b><b>your character is talking</b><b>and you're like it's a kind of a wheel</b><b>like you ping enemy here.</b><b>Or resources here.</b><b>Pinging is insanely important.</b><b>Yeah, that kind of stuff too.</b><b>I think emotes are even more important</b><b>for RP a little bit.</b><b>Yeah, absolutely.</b><b>Yeah, you need some good emotes for RP.</b><b>Yeah, and then there's also like this.</b><b>I want to be able to communicate with</b><b>everyone without having to</b><b>communicate with everyone.</b><b>I think the ping system and like that</b><b>kind of thing where</b><b>you're able to kind of scroll</b><b>wheel and your character they hear it</b><b>instead of just seeing it.</b><b>Yeah, as long as like you know your like</b><b>default chat message of</b><b>yeah, like attack here</b><b>or whatever the heck.</b><b>Yeah, yeah.</b><b>Moving in three, two, one.</b><b>Oh man, no add-ons.</b><b>No add-ons.</b><b>Oh boy.</b><b>I mean, hey, that's that's where stuff</b><b>like pinging and</b><b>everything like that comes in.</b><b>World War II just recently added pinging.</b><b>Yeah, by the way, like I feel like you</b><b>only give you like play too many like</b><b>competitive games.</b><b>You know, pinging is just like you can</b><b>put like a marker on the map,</b><b>telling people what to look at, where to</b><b>look at, especially for like</b><b>enemies and things like that.</b><b>If you want someone to like attack a</b><b>certain enemy first because</b><b>they're the most dangerous,</b><b>just ping that enemy.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Or put a skull symbol over their head.</b><b>Yeah, that kind of stuff.</b><b>That's insanely important.</b><b>There's so many forms of communication in</b><b>MMO and all of it needs to</b><b>be really fast and obvious</b><b>to just like visually</b><b>tell what's going on.</b><b>Exactly.</b><b>To communicate with other people.</b><b>Especially if you're in the middle of</b><b>doing your rotation and</b><b>you're just watching your</b><b>health drop and you're</b><b>like, dear God, someone save me.</b><b>You can't just start typing.</b><b>Heal me.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Then there's the point where I can get</b><b>annoying and she would have obviously</b><b>commuted like someone says, heal me.</b><b>Heal me.</b><b>Heal me.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>I guys always spam pinging the tank</b><b>because they</b><b>accidentally pulled an extra pack.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>That kind of stuff.</b><b>Maybe I don't know.</b><b>They could figure out</b><b>like the time gaming.</b><b>But the important thing is that the</b><b>system needs to be</b><b>implemented with the pinging,</b><b>with the emotes for like, I don't know,</b><b>like the high five one.</b><b>You said in Final Fantasy.</b><b>Oh, that's an Sky Children of the Light.</b><b>That's a bit of a Anisha</b><b>memo, but I love it so much.</b><b>Oh, that's what it is.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>So I love the idea of like co-op bird,</b><b>like multi-person emotes,</b><b>which I think is especially</b><b>important for things like like RP or when</b><b>you just like accomplish little things.</b><b>So one thing I brought up is that like in</b><b>Sky, you have a high five</b><b>emote, which when you use it,</b><b>your character just freezes in a position</b><b>with their hand up in the air.</b><b>And then if you walk up to them, there's</b><b>a little button prompt over their head.</b><b>If you push that button, you and the</b><b>other person high five.</b><b>I love that kind of stuff.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>That's cool.</b><b>Like accomplishing little things becomes</b><b>so much more exciting when</b><b>someone raises their hand up.</b><b>You're like, yeah, dude.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>And then you high five or you</b><b>like hug that kind of stuff.</b><b>I'm surprised how much it</b><b>does for feels personal.</b><b>It feels like personal communication</b><b>compared to just your average like wave</b><b>emote or your bow emote</b><b>for just like thank you and high or</b><b>jumping a billion times to</b><b>say a billion different things.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Because you're actually</b><b>interacting with the other player.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>It feels like you are</b><b>talking to that person.</b><b>You're even with that person specifically</b><b>and you see that interaction happen.</b><b>I never realized how much of a difference</b><b>it made till I played Sky.</b><b>But like I, we need those.</b><b>I wanted to go far.</b><b>Like I wanted to be like, if someone</b><b>sitting at a campfire</b><b>and they're cooking,</b><b>yeah, you go sit at the campfire and then</b><b>the other person will literally grab some</b><b>soup and put it in</b><b>there and offer it to you.</b><b>And you could literally say no or yes.</b><b>Take the soup, dude.</b><b>Yeah, that's a little</b><b>that's a guy who doesn't love it.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Little stuff like that is you.</b><b>I want full interaction trees.</b><b>Yeah, exactly.</b><b>How the interaction plays out.</b><b>Maybe I might be asking for too much.</b><b>I don't think that's too much.</b><b>Okay.</b><b>I don't think it is.</b><b>I'm not asking too much.</b><b>I mean, it's mostly just like on the</b><b>animation side of</b><b>things, especially with.</b><b>All right.</b><b>One thing I freaking love is that the</b><b>characters are going to be</b><b>the races are going to be so</b><b>different in Runeterra.</b><b>I think most of them have an issue where</b><b>a lot of their characters look very</b><b>similar races look very similar for</b><b>obvious reasons, right?</b><b>The rig is going to be the same.</b><b>The skeleton is going to be the same.</b><b>So when they're animating, there's only</b><b>one animation for all the races.</b><b>But World of Warcraft is the only example</b><b>where they beat that</b><b>status quo and I love it.</b><b>Yeah, it's my literally one of if not my</b><b>favorite thing about World of Warcraft</b><b>for as an MMO.</b><b>So the races are varied.</b><b>They're going to have that same thing</b><b>going on in Runeterra</b><b>too, with obviously like your</b><b>worlds better be playable, right?</b><b>No way they're not going to be playable.</b><b>I refuse to believe that your</b><b>worlds will not be playable.</b><b>There's skeleton will be very different</b><b>from the average race in Runeterra,</b><b>which means the animations for things</b><b>like emotes are going to be a</b><b>little more varied for sure.</b><b>They're probably going to have to</b><b>reanimate entire emotes.</b><b>Like they're not all going to be doing</b><b>the same exact wave.</b><b>They better have some</b><b>flavor to each rate.</b><b>Yeah, yeah.</b><b>So I think stuff like that obviously is</b><b>going to take up a little</b><b>bit more development time</b><b>for each emote, especially if you're</b><b>doing those interactions.</b><b>But God, do I hope they do it?</b><b>Add so much.</b><b>Like you don't believe it until you see</b><b>it until you're in game</b><b>and you're doing that kind of</b><b>thing.</b><b>It's so much fun.</b><b>And it just makes every connection that</b><b>much more special when you're playing.</b><b>I do wonder when the races come.</b><b>So your tools are easy.</b><b>Yeah, I think there are</b><b>variations of the yordle shape.</b><b>Same thing with humans.</b><b>You know, you have some taller human</b><b>shorter humans, maybe</b><b>some pudgy humans, whatever.</b><b>Yeah, humans and your tools, I feel like</b><b>are very straightforward.</b><b>Vistaya are a very</b><b>wide breadth of people.</b><b>Like they're very different.</b><b>You have people like give Vistaya tribe</b><b>with wings that can fly</b><b>all the way down to Vistaya</b><b>tribe with fins that</b><b>swim deep under the ocean.</b><b>I did not know that.</b><b>I know they're flying Vistaya.</b><b>What the heck?</b><b>I always assumed they</b><b>were just the fish people.</b><b>No.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>So the Vistaya all come from Vistaya</b><b>Shirei, which is like they</b><b>took this is like the history.</b><b>We don't actually know this stuff, but</b><b>this is like the</b><b>history that we think is true.</b><b>After the Runewars, pretty much all</b><b>history got wiped off the</b><b>face of the earth because</b><b>of like nuclear fallout.</b><b>But the history that we have right now,</b><b>supposedly they came from Vistaya Shirei,</b><b>which they were during the Titan war.</b><b>They're fighting Titans from the sky and</b><b>they took in the spirit Rome into them,</b><b>these enlightened mortals, and they</b><b>became Vistaya Shirei after the war.</b><b>They, you know, they</b><b>started living their lives.</b><b>They let's say they made it with a human</b><b>or some other</b><b>creature that is every single</b><b>Vistaya tribe today can lead its origins</b><b>to like a Vistaya Shirei.</b><b>For example, one of the Vistaya Shirei</b><b>had wings and so that</b><b>eventually branched off into</b><b>these tribes.</b><b>All these four different tribes have</b><b>wings and they all</b><b>originate from this single Vistaya</b><b>Shirei that happened to have wings.</b><b>Oh, man.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>And so like the one of them swam.</b><b>And so all the swimming Vistaya tribes</b><b>today in the oceans or wherever,</b><b>they all can link their origin back to</b><b>that single Vistaya</b><b>Shirei that happened to be like</b><b>a swimming Vistaya Shirei.</b><b>Oh, wow.</b><b>I don't even think I've seen</b><b>a picture of a Vistaya yet.</b><b>Do they have like namis of a style?</b><b>Oh, okay.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>So she's like the mermaid</b><b>person in the Mariah territory.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Oh, okay.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>There's like a chameleon Vistaya in</b><b>Ischow in Bilgewater or</b><b>we're not really in Bilgewater,</b><b>but from Camivore in that book.</b><b>It's like an otter Vistaya.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>There's Vistaya everywhere.</b><b>Oh, I see.</b><b>They're all over the world and they're</b><b>different kind of in different tribes.</b><b>So that's why I'm saying like, I don't</b><b>know how they're going to do it.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>So like if I had to guess, they probably</b><b>wouldn't vary them too crazy.</b><b>Like obviously you're not going to be</b><b>like a mermaid for style.</b><b>I don't think, you know, that'd be tough.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>I don't know what</b><b>they're going to do with that.</b><b>Well, you're going to be your mermaid and</b><b>there's a little bit around.</b><b>You have two people that character.</b><b>You're a giant fishbowl.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Fishbowl.</b><b>I mean, like, yeah, they could just do</b><b>like, you know, they're</b><b>going to have that one</b><b>default Vistaya rig.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>And then they just add, you know, like</b><b>the chameleon look to it</b><b>or they add the wings to it</b><b>and kind of choose your option.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>And you hopefully you can't do both.</b><b>So I'll just be</b><b>immersion breaking as all.</b><b>I better not be a flying chameleon.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>You know, unless that's a possible thing.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>But I definitely see that happening.</b><b>Works kind of just like customization.</b><b>You just decide what</b><b>tribe you want to be.</b><b>Rp.</b><b>I like that.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>I like that.</b><b>So you kind of like you can customize</b><b>your Vistaya a little</b><b>bit to be from the tribe</b><b>that you wanted to be a part of.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>I mean, that's how I do with the Magar</b><b>orcs and World of Warcraft.</b><b>That's where.</b><b>Magar orcs have all sorts of different</b><b>skin colors and tattoos and stuff.</b><b>And you just pick a skin color that</b><b>matches that type of look</b><b>that you want or what tribe</b><b>you want to be part of.</b><b>Man, I'm so excited for this.</b><b>I'm a mole.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>I've never been so</b><b>excited for a game in my life.</b><b>I hate to ride the copium this hard, but</b><b>I'm like hot on copium at this point.</b><b>Just I'm too excited for it.</b><b>I mean, obviously I care a lot about the</b><b>lore and so that maybe</b><b>is contributing to it.</b><b>But I played World of Warcraft for a long</b><b>time and I never knew</b><b>as much as I know already</b><b>about like Runeterra.</b><b>Oh yeah, I bet.</b><b>After your catalog of videos.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>One thing about it.</b><b>So I really like to read.</b><b>And so that's really what initially got</b><b>me into Runeterra is I</b><b>just like reading personally.</b><b>I like reading books.</b><b>I worked in a library for a long time.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>That's like my way to absorb content.</b><b>My favorite way to</b><b>absorb content is reading.</b><b>Yeah, I agree.</b><b>In terms of like long stories, like long</b><b>format, like</b><b>overarching events and things</b><b>like that.</b><b>Yeah, I agree.</b><b>I think reading is a really</b><b>good way to get a story across.</b><b>The thing is, so that's what initially</b><b>got me into Runeterra</b><b>lore because I just started</b><b>reading stuff on their website and</b><b>reading the zones and the stories.</b><b>Then I got like realms of Runeterra the</b><b>book and then I was like,</b><b>oh, there's another book</b><b>called Ruination.</b><b>So I got that and I started reading it.</b><b>And that's what got me into</b><b>the Runeterra lore was reading.</b><b>But a lot of people don't want to read.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>That's not like they even said that's not</b><b>the best way to distribute content to the</b><b>player base.</b><b>And so they're trying to look for other</b><b>forms of ways to get that content out.</b><b>I've tried to make it</b><b>pretty digestible on my channel.</b><b>I think making videos for short stories</b><b>and stuff and animating</b><b>it and doing voice voices</b><b>for like different characters.</b><b>I really liked in Battle for Azeroth.</b><b>The one good thing that I thought was in</b><b>that expansion was like the cinematics.</b><b>Oh, yeah.</b><b>And I think that may be a way that</b><b>they're going to go about doing it.</b><b>But I don't feel like you can do</b><b>cinematics for everything.</b><b>Like I feel like cinematics tend to be</b><b>very disjointed when you because they're</b><b>for a specific scene.</b><b>So you can't tell the whole story about</b><b>the game through cinematics.</b><b>And so I think they might even do like I</b><b>really like Arcane, the Netflix series.</b><b>But that's an amazing</b><b>way to tell the story.</b><b>Riot, Riot Forge is a</b><b>great way to tell the story.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>But I'm wondering like</b><b>what's our strategy here?</b><b>Like if you're not going to do these</b><b>these stories and these books,</b><b>because even the Blizzard team does a</b><b>book for every expansion almost.</b><b>So what ways can they introduce new</b><b>players to the lore</b><b>who have no experience</b><b>to the lore whatsoever?</b><b>I'm going to do a video that's like</b><b>introducing new players</b><b>to the lore from scratch.</b><b>But what's what's the best strategy for</b><b>Riot going forward for this?</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Producing new players to lore.</b><b>It's tough.</b><b>That's a very good question.</b><b>Because I mean, obviously, the nice thing</b><b>about short stories and</b><b>books and stuff is that</b><b>it's way less like expensive in terms of</b><b>time and money for them,</b><b>which means they can put out more.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Right.</b><b>That means more lower, more set up for</b><b>big events, more set</b><b>up for everything that's</b><b>we have in the MMO.</b><b>But yeah, at the end of the day, people</b><b>are going to enjoy that compared to a</b><b>Riot Forge gamers cinematic.</b><b>But then those things are just going to</b><b>be way more expensive.</b><b>I mean, obviously, they can't tell</b><b>everything that's</b><b>going to happen in the MMO.</b><b>You know, you got to leave some stuff</b><b>there for the MMO to happen at its own,</b><b>like inside the game.</b><b>So yeah, that's tough.</b><b>They definitely can't do like cinematics.</b><b>I don't think it's too hard.</b><b>Like can you just check the whole story?</b><b>Yeah, exactly.</b><b>Like a battle for</b><b>Azeroth the way they did.</b><b>It was like they told one character's</b><b>story and they really</b><b>only told the major events</b><b>of that character's story</b><b>of that character's arc.</b><b>Sarfang.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Right.</b><b>If you watch them all, you can get like</b><b>an idea of where the</b><b>story was, but you won't</b><b>get the full story.</b><b>You'll just understand like, OK, this</b><b>happened and this happened, this</b><b>happened, this happened.</b><b>But yeah, that's exactly what you're</b><b>missing so much in the</b><b>middle that you're kind of like</b><b>those just they're</b><b>disjointed at the end of the day.</b><b>Yeah, you're missing what leads him to</b><b>these places and these</b><b>how he is like emotionally,</b><b>you know, you're missing those</b><b>transitionary periods.</b><b>Yeah, you can kind of</b><b>see the big moments.</b><b>And you have the nomadic</b><b>don't really work in that sense.</b><b>Yeah. And you have arcane, which is like, OK,</b><b>that's a full story, though.</b><b>Yeah, that's also nothing for the right</b><b>of a mo like you want</b><b>to be able to get some</b><b>story in the right of a mo.</b><b>Yeah, exactly.</b><b>I mean, it's also why I always come back</b><b>to Warcraft three</b><b>because that was the most</b><b>perfect setup for a memo</b><b>I've ever seen in my life.</b><b>Yeah, play as the villain.</b><b>You see his motives, you</b><b>see everything about him.</b><b>And in the end, it still feels like, you</b><b>know, OK, what's next?</b><b>Like you you love that story of</b><b>everything that happens in it.</b><b>It ends with a big</b><b>climactic conclusive battle.</b><b>But then you still know the Lich King is</b><b>there, you know, the</b><b>final cinematic is him</b><b>putting on the crown,</b><b>becoming the Lich King.</b><b>And he's just sitting there on his throne</b><b>waiting for what's to come.</b><b>And it's like, oh, dude,</b><b>stuff like that is so impactful.</b><b>And that leads to such amazing things</b><b>going on in the MMO later on.</b><b>So like with Raya Forge games, I hope</b><b>they do something</b><b>like that in the future.</b><b>Like I hope they, you know, they still</b><b>have their own story,</b><b>but they still leave some</b><b>some loose ends to tie up in the MMO.</b><b>That's what I'm hoping Raya Forge is</b><b>there for, honestly.</b><b>I'm hoping Raya Forge becomes more new,</b><b>new, new, definitely an</b><b>open end on the end of it.</b><b>The Mage Seeker, definitely an open end.</b><b>Good.</b><b>King is definitely open</b><b>ended, even though we do.</b><b>Oh, yeah, that's right.</b><b>Ford, yeah, Virgin's</b><b>Convergence is kind of like its own.</b><b>It does have an open end, but</b><b>it's very much like its own.</b><b>So I think it's going to be canon.</b><b>Really?</b><b>I think it's canon, but only in it's in a</b><b>different timeline because so Convergence</b><b>at the end, when you see it was spoiler,</b><b>spoiler, fast forward a little bit if you</b><b>don't want to be there.</b><b>But at the end of Convergence, Echo's</b><b>future self flips</b><b>through a bunch of portals of</b><b>different timelines, and one of them</b><b>shows our cane, and they</b><b>already said our cane is canon.</b><b>So that's a timeline that we're on for</b><b>the ride in my opinion,</b><b>because I think that's</b><b>the canon timelines.</b><b>The whole point of it's</b><b>for the ride in the MO.</b><b>One of the timelines that he sees is that</b><b>he sees not his</b><b>timeline is what you're saying.</b><b>Yeah, that timeline that Convergence is</b><b>in is not the same</b><b>timeline that we're in.</b><b>Yeah, so that's not</b><b>the Echo that we know.</b><b>Yeah, exactly.</b><b>That's kind of cool.</b><b>Yeah, I really like that actually.</b><b>Yeah, so I hope it's still canon, but</b><b>Echo's, he's literally</b><b>the boy who shattered time.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>So I hope that in some</b><b>way, like it's still canon.</b><b>It's just gonna do it.</b><b>I mean, yeah, it is canon, but it's not</b><b>gonna like be as</b><b>impactful as the other stories in</b><b>the ride in the MO or</b><b>in Runeterra in general.</b><b>It's just not as impactful because it's</b><b>not the timeline that we see.</b><b>Exactly.</b><b>Exactly.</b><b>So yeah, like it's still canon, just not</b><b>as impactful to the world as a whole.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>But that's still really cool.</b><b>I like how they can do that because that</b><b>means they can make all</b><b>sorts of crazy stories.</b><b>Yeah, and that timeline.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Of course, I'm sure at some point we're</b><b>gonna meet Echo and I</b><b>wouldn't be surprised if</b><b>we can do some timeline</b><b>shenanigans at some point.</b><b>Oh, yeah.</b><b>You know, hopefully nothing too crazy.</b><b>I don't want to start invalidating</b><b>everything by just being like, "Oh, yeah.</b><b>In this timeline, everyone that died, the</b><b>others still alive, they're still here."</b><b>That kind of stuff, like don't find</b><b>excuses to like, don't be</b><b>lazy with the timeline stuff.</b><b>Make it interesting.</b><b>Don't make it like a cop out.</b><b>I really liked Convergence Echo though.</b><b>Like an arcane echo, they</b><b>don't really explore him enough.</b><b>So I can't say whether I like him or not.</b><b>Like he might have parents and stuff.</b><b>We don't really know his backstory.</b><b>Yeah, that's right.</b><b>That explains that a</b><b>little bit better, right?</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>The parents thing.</b><b>I liked him.</b><b>In Convergence, he has</b><b>like parents and stuff.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>I don't know.</b><b>Like Echo is the one person that you</b><b>could actually get away with.</b><b>He's hopping around timelines because we</b><b>could actually see this Echo from</b><b>Convergence one day.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>In our timeline, which would be cool.</b><b>Yeah, that'd be neat.</b><b>And that'll make that Convergence canon.</b><b>And maybe he can come from our timeline</b><b>and he'll meet our Echo in our timeline.</b><b>That sounds cool to me.</b><b>Just don't take away</b><b>Convergence because I loved that game.</b><b>I thought it was such a good game.</b><b>The story was great.</b><b>And I like that version of Echo.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>I hope that that maintains its</b><b>community.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Cannonacity.</b><b>Yeah, it's cannonacity.</b><b>Yeah, I'm fully expecting Riot Forge to</b><b>become their main</b><b>avenue for storytelling.</b><b>I hope that's the case.</b><b>And I hope it continues.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Oh, I have to do it.</b><b>It better continue through the Riot MMO.</b><b>It better set up future</b><b>content for the Riot MMO.</b><b>Exactly.</b><b>That's what I'm hoping for.</b><b>That's a single game.</b><b>You have like, okay,</b><b>you have the expansion.</b><b>Then there's a Riot Forge title that</b><b>comes out that kind of hints at the next,</b><b>that tells you some story that's required</b><b>for the next expansion.</b><b>I know that's kind of a dead giveaway.</b><b>Maybe we could do two expansions earlier,</b><b>but even that, like maybe</b><b>people kept talking to it.</b><b>But yeah, at the very least, just to</b><b>establish things that maybe</b><b>people don't know that much</b><b>about yet, just to flesh things out</b><b>further, just the world as a whole.</b><b>Because I'm like,</b><b>that's what Warcraft 3 did.</b><b>Yeah, it did.</b><b>Not only did it set up the Lich King for</b><b>two expansions, the world of Warcraft,</b><b>he becomes a villain</b><b>that we have to fight off.</b><b>But it also establishes</b><b>like a lot of night elf lore.</b><b>You know, it establishes the fall of</b><b>Lordaeron, which is insanely</b><b>important to set up the undead</b><b>and the forsaken.</b><b>And of course, the orcs moving to</b><b>Kalimdor and recruiting</b><b>the Torrin and the trolls.</b><b>So I think Riot Forge is a really great</b><b>way to move Runeterra</b><b>forward when it needs to.</b><b>It's a great way to change what's like</b><b>the current state of the world, to move</b><b>things around in a way</b><b>that's not just like, oh, your character</b><b>is just kind of standing</b><b>there and things are happening.</b><b>Your character is just</b><b>there for it all, I guess.</b><b>You know, I think the MMO should be there</b><b>to lead to these big climactic battles</b><b>and things like that.</b><b>But in terms of like raw storytelling, I</b><b>think the best</b><b>storytelling should come from the</b><b>Riot Forge games, not from the MMO.</b><b>That's just my opinion.</b><b>I think, you know, like always say, the</b><b>world is the main character.</b><b>You know, I don't think Echo should be</b><b>the main character of</b><b>like an entire expansion in</b><b>the Riot MMO.</b><b>Right. It should be Zaun.</b><b>Zaun should be the main</b><b>character of that expansion.</b><b>Yeah, Echo.</b><b>Exactly.</b><b>Compared to Convergence, where of course</b><b>Echo is the main</b><b>character and he should be.</b><b>Yeah, right.</b><b>Exactly.</b><b>And then you explore Echo</b><b>and Riot Forge and that title,</b><b>say when you get to Zaun, he doesn't need</b><b>to be fleshed out as much.</b><b>Yeah, exactly.</b><b>You don't have to go through all this</b><b>exposition and stuff.</b><b>No, just explore Zaun.</b><b>Enjoy the characters that are there.</b><b>Enjoy all that flavor.</b><b>You already know it.</b><b>Yeah, exactly.</b><b>I can just go deeper.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>With the Riot MMO.</b><b>Precisely.</b><b>Yeah, the Riot MMO should be, you know,</b><b>just further fleshing</b><b>out this world that already</b><b>has so much stuff going on in it.</b><b>That's what I think the</b><b>Riot Forge games should do.</b><b>Riot Forge games should be more focused</b><b>storytelling that push the plot along.</b><b>And then the Riot MMO is where this world</b><b>really gets to see its full</b><b>potential and you really get</b><b>to explore all the cool</b><b>little things about these zones.</b><b>And I can't wait.</b><b>I cannot wait.</b><b>I'm excited.</b><b>All right.</b><b>Well, another great episode.</b><b>We actually did still finish all of our</b><b>topics and so we'll we'll</b><b>talk more on those next time.</b><b>Dude, there's so much we can talk about.</b><b>Like, see us in episode 172.</b><b>We'll see you guys there.</b><b>Yes.</b><b>So we'll see you guys in that one.</b><b>But I hope you enjoyed this episode.</b><b>We'll continue this conversation in the</b><b>next one right here in the</b><b>Brazen Hydra Pub of Bilgewater.</b><b>You can find me at Engrove on socials and</b><b>YouTube and conquest.</b><b>You have any socials you want to go?</b><b>Oh, yeah, you can now finally find me at</b><b>conquest 95 on Twitter.</b><b>Why are you posting all</b><b>sorts of funny little things?</b><b>Yep.</b><b>And you can follow at the</b><b>Brazen Hydra on Twitter.</b><b>And if you have any like questions,</b><b>answers, story suggestions,</b><b>feel free to throw those at</b><b>us and DM on there.</b><b>And you can stay up to date for the</b><b>goings on for this podcast by heading</b><b>over to the website,</b><b></b><b>Thanks for stopping by.</b><b>We'll see you in the next one.</b>