The Brazen Hydra

#4 - Riot MMO Professions | In Game Store | Transmog | Factions

November 14, 2023 BrazenHydra Season 1 Episode 4
#4 - Riot MMO Professions | In Game Store | Transmog | Factions
The Brazen Hydra
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The Brazen Hydra
#4 - Riot MMO Professions | In Game Store | Transmog | Factions
Nov 14, 2023 Season 1 Episode 4

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<b>[Music]</b><b>Hello and welcome to the Creaking Salt</b><b>Soap Tables of the Brazen</b><b>Hydro Pup in Bilgewater.</b><b>We're your hosts at Groven.</b><b>On Quest!</b><b>And today we'll be sharing a punt and</b><b>talking all things from Terra and beyond.</b><b>Alright, so the first thing that I think</b><b>we should talk about is something near</b><b>and dear to my heart.</b><b>And something that I think is overlooked</b><b>heavily in a lot of MMOs today.</b><b>I already agree with you.</b><b>Okay, perfect.</b><b>Probably because you know the</b><b>topic that I'm going towards.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>It's professions.</b><b>Absolutely.</b><b>The reason professions I think are so</b><b>important is because that is</b><b>your single player content.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>That's where if you don't have a lot of</b><b>time, that's what you're going to do.</b><b>You don't have time to raid, you don't</b><b>have time to do dungeon.</b><b>You can log on to your</b><b>professions for an hour.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>And when I'm saying single player</b><b>content, like you could still be a part</b><b>of a massive raid group</b><b>if professions matter.</b><b>That's very important.</b><b>You can be that the guild's alchemist or</b><b>the guild's and just by logging on and</b><b>doing stuff for the guild,</b><b>you still feel a part of that guild</b><b>despite you not actually being on like,</b><b>you know, their top</b><b>tier raid team, you know?</b><b>Yeah, you're your way ahead of me there.</b><b>I think single player content should...</b><b>The whole point of single player content</b><b>is that it should contribute to eventual</b><b>multiplayer community based content.</b><b>And that's what professions do.</b><b>That's what they should do.</b><b>That should be their rule.</b><b>That was a really good way to put it.</b><b>Right. Exactly.</b><b>Single player content should feed into</b><b>multiplayer content.</b><b>It should never be.</b><b>It shouldn't be its own thing.</b><b>Yeah, exactly.</b><b>Certainly there are some</b><b>things that are that are cool.</b><b>Like we had the mage tower in Legion.</b><b>I'm sure a lot of</b><b>people know what that is.</b><b>Oh, man. Yeah. Yeah.</b><b>But even something like that mage tower</b><b>was basically just like a big single</b><b>player challenge, like a big boss fight</b><b>that required a lot of, you know, in game</b><b>knowledge and just good gear, good</b><b>weapons to pull it off</b><b>and to kill that boss.</b><b>But even something like mage tower, you</b><b>had to do multiplayer content.</b><b>Like if you want to have good enough</b><b>gear, especially in the beginning,</b><b>the major I first came out was very</b><b>difficult at the time.</b><b>If you wanted to beat mage tower, you had</b><b>to have good enough gear.</b><b>So you had to be, you know, interacting</b><b>with other players to do that harder,</b><b>higher level multiplayer content</b><b>to get the good gear to</b><b>complete the mage tower.</b><b>The mage tower was an end.</b><b>Those are very good and with</b><b>fun means that led up to it.</b><b>Yeah, you need you can manage</b><b>all your professions, right?</b><b>You have to have like someone come in</b><b>with alchemy or whatever and purchase it</b><b>on the auction house and stuff like that,</b><b>like those extra resources, which is</b><b>another thing that I want to say about</b><b>professions is you should not</b><b>be able to do all professions.</b><b>Oh, absolutely not. I completely agree.</b><b>I think in Final Fantasy 14, I don't know</b><b>if you can, but I think even if you can,</b><b>because I know you can do all classes in</b><b>Final Fantasy 14 on one character,</b><b>but professions in Final Fantasy 14 take</b><b>so stinking long, they're their own</b><b>avenue of content at that point.</b><b>I don't know how I feel about that.</b><b>I'll follow the 14.</b><b>I kind of prefer if it's just like, you</b><b>know, something simple to do on the side</b><b>that leads up to more</b><b>important content later on,</b><b>instead of being its</b><b>own avenue of content.</b><b>So Final Fantasy 14 professions are its</b><b>own form of content, you're saying, and</b><b>you can do all professions?</b><b>Yeah, I believe you can do all. Don't</b><b>call me on if you can do all professions,</b><b>but I know you can do all classes.</b><b>OK, you can be any class you want and</b><b>switch on the fly in.</b><b>I don't like that either, but yeah, yeah,</b><b>I don't care for that either.</b><b>I'd rather make like</b><b>a separate character.</b><b>Honestly, I like that more. Feels more, I</b><b>don't know, like real, I guess.</b><b>It feels more like I'm you</b><b>know, and wow, I'm a warrior.</b><b>That's what I am. I'm a warrior.</b><b>I like that more, too. I think it's the</b><b>same thing with professions.</b><b>I'm the alchemist. All right.</b><b>I make the potions.</b><b>That guy who's an engineer.</b><b>I can't do what he does.</b><b>He makes things that are cool that I</b><b>can't make, but I can make</b><b>cool things that he can't make.</b><b>So when we come together, we make really</b><b>cool stuff together that we can share.</b><b>Yeah. And then you need everyone, right?</b><b>You like when you go into a raid, you can</b><b>have this one guy that just does just</b><b>does professions all day,</b><b>has every single capped out profession.</b><b>Yeah, he does like everything, right?</b><b>You you become your own.</b><b>You become self-reliant. Yeah.</b><b>And that's not good at</b><b>an MMO. Yeah, I don't.</b><b>I feel like objectively being</b><b>self-reliant at MMO is not a good thing.</b><b>People would want to do every profession,</b><b>and I'm sure you can get some content out</b><b>of that in the mobile by saying you can</b><b>be every profession now.</b><b>And I'm sure it's</b><b>like kill a lot of time.</b><b>Yeah, a lot of people</b><b>do every profession.</b><b>But then you got to you got to think</b><b>about what takes away and giving everyone</b><b>sometimes giving everyone everything</b><b>takes away more than</b><b>it gives for the game.</b><b>Yeah, absolutely.</b><b>I think the the easier it is to be able</b><b>to do everything on your own,</b><b>the more that's going to hurt the</b><b>longevity of the game, because people</b><b>playing games like like RuneScape</b><b>and World of Warcraft ever since like,</b><b>you know, the early 2000s,</b><b>they're not still playing it</b><b>because they really enjoy doing the same</b><b>exact thing for 20 years.</b><b>They enjoy it because of the experiences</b><b>they've had with other people.</b><b>That's what keeps an MMO going on for as</b><b>long as it does when it's successful,</b><b>is because people get attached to the MMO</b><b>because they get attached</b><b>to the people in the MMO,</b><b>which is why you need people to rely on</b><b>other players, which is why you cannot</b><b>have every profession.</b><b>Yeah, you have you</b><b>have your guild, right?</b><b>And you have your boy. This</b><b>guy doesn't rate it all. Right.</b><b>But every single flask that everyone's</b><b>drinking says made by this guy.</b><b>Yeah, I love that. I love that actually</b><b>has a name, too. I hope they do that.</b><b>Yeah, that has to be it.</b><b>Yeah, it has to be made by this.</b><b>Even even if you buy something off the</b><b>auction house, when it just says made by</b><b>some random player on your server,</b><b>it just feels cool. It's like,</b><b>oh, yeah, that's right. Yeah.</b><b>Someone made this</b><b>this thing that I bought.</b><b>It just adds a lot for how little of a</b><b>like addition that is to every item.</b><b>And not only that, I feel like there is a</b><b>fantasy to professions that needs to be</b><b>maintained in the game.</b><b>Absolutely. And that</b><b>goes back to transmog.</b><b>I don't think that you should be able to</b><b>transmog anything and run</b><b>around and do whatever you want</b><b>in whatever gear you're wearing and make</b><b>it look however you want.</b><b>Yeah. Like when you're doing a</b><b>profession, let's say</b><b>that you're a miner.</b><b>No, you should you should be incentivized</b><b>to equip like a pickaxe</b><b>and and wear like your</b><b>mining gear and whatever and the mining</b><b>and or you're in your inside the the city</b><b>instead of just standing there in like</b><b>full tier tier whatever gear,</b><b>you know, just doing professions, you're</b><b>like wearing your</b><b>blacksmithing gear, you know.</b><b>Yeah. I understand. Like if you're out</b><b>mining and you're out there and you're</b><b>mining gear and you're on PPE server,</b><b>you could get wrecked that way pretty</b><b>easily. Oh, yeah. Yeah, absolutely.</b><b>I understand that. But then at the same</b><b>time, that could create some interesting</b><b>like where you have your guild is</b><b>together trying to mine these resources.</b><b>You have your miners in there and you</b><b>have people on the</b><b>outside defending the miners.</b><b>Like it could create some cool. OK,</b><b>that's actually really cool.</b><b>I especially like that because let's say</b><b>you're an early level miner.</b><b>Chances are like if you're a</b><b>noxious character, you're early level</b><b>mining. You're probably</b><b>mining right outside of noxious.</b><b>Yeah. Where chances are Democyan is not</b><b>going to come and kill you. Yeah.</b><b>You know, probably not going to happen.</b><b>But then if you're like, you know,</b><b>up at end level like end game content</b><b>where a lot of late game players are</b><b>noxious and Democyan's</b><b>are meeting up a lot. Yeah, that's why</b><b>now you're going to run some trouble and</b><b>you're going to have</b><b>a lot more noxians with you, too, as well</b><b>as the machines. Yeah.</b><b>That's going to be really</b><b>all fighting over resources in an open</b><b>world is so cool. I didn't</b><b>even think about that for</b><b>professions. But I was talking about</b><b>which I love on garage and that's why</b><b>it's a fight over resources.</b><b>Yeah. Yeah. You're fighting over mobs.</b><b>The mobs are the resource,</b><b>the bugs that you're killing.</b><b>Yeah. Some some alliance players will</b><b>own, you know, one cave</b><b>or players on another cave.</b><b>And though, you know, you'll see a rogue</b><b>come into one cave and</b><b>start killing the little guys</b><b>and stuff. Start killing alliance players</b><b>or players. Same with</b><b>noxious and Democyan. If</b><b>they do that with professions where</b><b>you're fighting over</b><b>resources, people can be sneaky</b><b>and start killing each other or better</b><b>yet just straight up</b><b>invade a whole another</b><b>like area full of like mining nodes and</b><b>stuff. Dude, see, but</b><b>then you try to you. Everyone</b><b>tries to like make safe like, oh, but</b><b>that's not fun for that</b><b>player. You know, if he's trying to</b><b>mind by himself on an afternoon and he's</b><b>getting killed. But it's</b><b>like when you when you try to</b><b>keep everything safe and everyone like in</b><b>their little bubble</b><b>protected and no one's going to get</b><b>upset, you take away any value like the</b><b>whole you take away the</b><b>value of of like the mining nodes</b><b>of the resource is you're taking away any</b><b>kind of experience a</b><b>player can have that's not just</b><b>running around clicking on the thing that</b><b>you see in an open field.</b><b>You know, after a while,</b><b>I would I would mind for like maybe 30</b><b>minutes and then I would get insanely</b><b>bored and then sell all</b><b>the stuff that I want to sell and then</b><b>log off. Yeah. Compared to</b><b>if you have a whole guild like</b><b>you're like, OK, these mining resources</b><b>are going to come up</b><b>around this time. We're going to</b><b>you start a whole fight over at the</b><b>beginning. And then while</b><b>they're mining, you got people</b><b>defending and because they're mining, so</b><b>they're in their mining</b><b>gear, they can't be they're going</b><b>to they're going to do like two damage</b><b>with their ex-pig. Yeah,</b><b>exactly. So it's like I mean,</b><b>like I could always see having like</b><b>miners having certain</b><b>abilities that helps them escape</b><b>and stuff like that. Like, like, oh,</b><b>maybe like as a miner, you have a like</b><b>long cooldown that could</b><b>give you a speed boost or lets you do</b><b>like a long jump or something with like</b><b>with like an explosion.</b><b>You know, yeah, throw a grenade that like</b><b>stuns like you're in your</b><b>mining gear. So like you have</b><b>a couple dynamite, you know, yeah, yeah,</b><b>dynamite have some little</b><b>things and you can get away.</b><b>Yeah, yeah. So no way to fight, but just</b><b>a way to do it. Yeah. OK, I</b><b>need to spend this cooldown.</b><b>But, you know, if I escape now, I'm able</b><b>to escape later. Stuff like</b><b>that. Dude, I would love that.</b><b>Oh, and I know I feel like we all right.</b><b>When we talk about this stuff,</b><b>we talk so community focused,</b><b>almost like we're like introvert, like,</b><b>you know, like we're</b><b>against introverts playing MMOs.</b><b>But the truth is we both, especially in</b><b>the beginning, we both</b><b>played pretty introverted</b><b>in games like World of Warcraft, MMOs.</b><b>But when you're forced to</b><b>interact with other players,</b><b>you don't have a choice and you have to</b><b>come out of your comfort zone.</b><b>That's when MMOs become special. Really</b><b>like, trust me, if you</b><b>are someone who's just like,</b><b>oh, man, I'm going to have to like deal</b><b>with these other players. I'm</b><b>just trying to play the game.</b><b>Trust me, you're not</b><b>really playing the game yet.</b><b>I did so worth it. When you're forced</b><b>into these situations, you'll make</b><b>experiences that are going</b><b>to make you come back every day to play</b><b>this game. Yeah. And I am</b><b>introverted. So yeah, I have to</b><b>interact with anyone. I'm not going to.</b><b>Oh, yeah, that's the way I</b><b>am. Like if I don't have to join</b><b>a guild to get a raid done, I'm not going</b><b>to join a guild. Yeah, me</b><b>too. If I don't have to be in a</b><b>PvP guild to get into like some</b><b>battlegrounds, whatever, I'm just not</b><b>going to do it. Yeah.</b><b>I don't need anyone to do my professions.</b><b>I'm not going to join</b><b>groups. And that's just the way I</b><b>am. Yeah, exactly. You have to force</b><b>that, but I want to be forced</b><b>into those interactions where</b><b>I have to like group up and need help.</b><b>And I want I want to need a</b><b>guild. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Like</b><b>I'm not because guess what? It's easier</b><b>to do things by yourself.</b><b>If you can do something by</b><b>yourself, it's easier to do it by</b><b>yourself. That's why you should not be</b><b>able to do things by yourself.</b><b>At least when it comes to stuff like late</b><b>game professions, I think</b><b>that would be so cool. Even</b><b>if it's just like, you know, oh, you just</b><b>have like like one other</b><b>friend with you and you guys</b><b>like take turns like, OK, I'm going to</b><b>mine for a little bit. You</b><b>protect me like from mobs and</b><b>other players and then you can go do your</b><b>herbalism stuff. You can go</b><b>pick plants for your alchemy</b><b>and I'll defend you against mobs and</b><b>stuff. Just little</b><b>interactions like that because you're</b><b>thinking, oh, man, it's going to be so</b><b>much slower. It's going to be such a</b><b>waste of time. But guess</b><b>what? Those resources are not going to</b><b>like double in value because</b><b>now they're not easy to get.</b><b>Yeah. So it's not a waste of time. It's</b><b>just now things are more valuable. It</b><b>makes your time more</b><b>valuable. Speaking of value, everything</b><b>it has to if you devalue the</b><b>items or the currency in the</b><b>game, the whole game is the professions</b><b>are dead at that point. Yeah. Because</b><b>right now, like let's</b><b>say in WOW, you could you could go out</b><b>and do herbalism for five</b><b>hours. And before you would</b><b>make something from that, like five hours</b><b>of herbalism. No, you'd</b><b>make a decent amount. Yeah.</b><b>But today, because of botting, like all</b><b>this value, everything is devalued now</b><b>because you have bots</b><b>going around just herbalizing everything,</b><b>devaluing the amount of like</b><b>the whole market. Yeah. The</b><b>whole market is divided. These</b><b>incentivize people to do professions at</b><b>all. And then you devalue the</b><b>need for that person in the guild. Yeah.</b><b>Because now why would I need you? Like</b><b>potions are not that</b><b>expensive on the market on the auction</b><b>house. Yeah. So you need</b><b>to like you have to control</b><b>botting. Oh, man. All right. All right.</b><b>Moving on to that topic officially.</b><b>Bottings, I know this</b><b>one's gonna be a big one. Like so many</b><b>MMOs have fallen due to</b><b>aggressive bots, just devaluing</b><b>everything because now there's a billion</b><b>every type of ore you could ever need.</b><b>You no longer need to</b><b>go out and mine it because guess what?</b><b>It's all in the auction house. You can</b><b>just buy it right there.</b><b>Yeah. And for dirt cheap because there's</b><b>so much of it. Even if you</b><b>were a miner, you'd save. It</b><b>would be more profitable for you not to</b><b>go out and mine. Yeah. And</b><b>just buy it on the auction house</b><b>and then create it. Create whatever you</b><b>need for blacksmithing. Yeah.</b><b>Compared to before, like you</b><b>were it was way more expensive to</b><b>purchase the ore on the auction house</b><b>than it would be to go out</b><b>and mine it yourself. Absolutely. Oh, but</b><b>before we do completely move on to</b><b>botting, because my god,</b><b>we've talked about botting for very long</b><b>after everything we've</b><b>experienced with other MMOs.</b><b>And I feel like Riot will handle it. I</b><b>feel like Riot, they care</b><b>too much about their games.</b><b>I feel like they will actually be</b><b>community focused and we'll</b><b>get the right resources and</b><b>the right places to stop botting or at</b><b>least bring it down. But I</b><b>do have some of what kind</b><b>of professions you think will be</b><b>available in Runeterra.</b><b>Yeah. Because I mean, like,</b><b>luckily for the most part, Runeterra is</b><b>pretty like a typical</b><b>fantasy in terms of, I think,</b><b>things like professions. I feel like</b><b>there will be a blacksmith. You know,</b><b>there will be an alchemist</b><b>making potions. You know, there will be</b><b>that kind of stuff. I</b><b>think even engineering, right,</b><b>you can probably make some cool like</b><b>contraptions. Well, yeah, actually,</b><b>definitely. There are some</b><b>yordles that craft some pretty insane</b><b>contraptions. Machines are</b><b>pretty popular in Runeterra. So</b><b>engineers are definitely a thing, I</b><b>think. So I wonder if there's any</b><b>interesting professions</b><b>that you think will be available, like</b><b>specifically Runeterra</b><b>flavor. So right now you get so for</b><b>Ornn, right? Underneath Ornn, there's</b><b>this group, I think</b><b>they're called the hearth blood.</b><b>And they're like they were training under</b><b>Ornn. They're all dead now.</b><b>But I would love to see like</b><b>there's one hearth blood remaining. And</b><b>then he's teaching people</b><b>how to craft true ice armor or</b><b>something like that. I don't think he</b><b>really dealt with true ice</b><b>too much. But like Ornn was all</b><b>about perfection, like crafting</b><b>everything perfectly. And I</b><b>think there's definitely a</b><b>fantasy to that where like you're you</b><b>don't you're maybe not</b><b>learning directly under Ornn,</b><b>but one of the last few hearth blood</b><b>who's who's learning who's</b><b>learned the lessons of Ornn on</b><b>how to craft. And he's teaching you that</b><b>right. And then yeah, and</b><b>there's others like everywhere</b><b>there's like that obviously, you know, in</b><b>Piltover, there's going</b><b>to be engineering. Yeah.</b><b>Alright, with a little real engineering.</b><b>Okay. Yeah. And then with</b><b>Zaun, you'll have chemtech.</b><b>So let's get versions of engineering like</b><b>like no mission goblin</b><b>like you'll be able to like</b><b>sub spec into what kind of engineering</b><b>you want to do. And they'll give you</b><b>access to more things</b><b>for that specific like flavor of</b><b>engineering. That's really</b><b>cool. Oh, I'm glad that's a thing</b><b>in Runeterra. So yeah, you're gonna have</b><b>like different types of</b><b>professions. Even for like</b><b>blacksmithing guy could see someone</b><b>specking into something like true ice</b><b>blacksmithing. Yeah, see,</b><b>that could be really cool. Because</b><b>there's so many different types of like</b><b>similar professions in</b><b>Runeterra. I see that. That's really</b><b>cool. I would definitely do like some</b><b>like yordle specific</b><b>engineering, you know, where they just</b><b>have those insane contraptions of like</b><b>God knows what. Yeah,</b><b>yeah. And I feel like that's everywhere.</b><b>Like there's always those</b><b>professions that seem to</b><b>fit in those zones. And then I do think</b><b>you'll have the</b><b>foundational stuff like you I do think</b><b>noxious you're going to have your basic</b><b>blacksmith and then basically</b><b>blacksmith but there'll be a</b><b>little I want them to be a little bit</b><b>different. Yeah, I agree.</b><b>Definitely like even if it's just</b><b>like, oh, it's the same exact you know,</b><b>like chest plate. But</b><b>like for noxious, it's just</b><b>visually different. Yeah, that's enough</b><b>for me to Yeah, I that's</b><b>that's all I need. And then you</b><b>know, like the quest lines are obviously</b><b>like you're talking to</b><b>different characters and you</b><b>know, noxious characters are they better</b><b>talk differently than the</b><b>Demacia blacksmith. Yeah,</b><b>that dialogue better show the city's</b><b>colors. And then honestly, professions,</b><b>man, professions tie</b><b>into everything. Oh, they don't even goes</b><b>back to servers. So when</b><b>you when you have a server,</b><b>right now a big problem is sharding. And</b><b>someone could stand on</b><b>one node, and then shard to</b><b>different servers and just keep mining</b><b>that same node across all the servers.</b><b>Yeah, that's a problem.</b><b>Oh, absolutely. That goes back to your</b><b>devaluing the economy of</b><b>that server, because now you're</b><b>pulling it resources need to be server</b><b>specific, and you should not be able to</b><b>hop between servers.</b><b>I do not like sharding at all. When</b><b>you're starting between</b><b>servers and like, oh, this</b><b>servers merge with this server. Well, now</b><b>you're taking all the</b><b>resources from these servers and</b><b>like, now they're all getting thrown all</b><b>around. Yeah. So now one server is</b><b>probably going to have</b><b>more resources than another because</b><b>they're getting pulled</b><b>in from different players.</b><b>And maybe the other servers. Yeah,</b><b>they're mining it for Bree versus this</b><b>server, which now on the</b><b>actual server, they're fighting over the</b><b>resources because it's pretty</b><b>competitive. Yeah. And so</b><b>they're their work is getting devalued</b><b>because this guy's like</b><b>game hack game. You know, yeah,</b><b>now gaming. It's exploitable. Yeah, he's</b><b>exploiting by by server hopping and</b><b>mining it on a low for low pop server.</b><b>Yeah, exactly. I think I</b><b>think it's just avoid phasing</b><b>altogether. They need like specific</b><b>servers. I honestly don't</b><b>know how many games do like</b><b>sharding and phasing. I only know of</b><b>while specifically</b><b>because I was there when it</b><b>happened when they started doing phasing</b><b>and sharding and stuff.</b><b>But games like Final Fantasy</b><b>14 and like RuneScape. I don't know if</b><b>they do that or if they</b><b>just have very specific</b><b>servers. I don't know. I have no idea. I</b><b>only know. Wow. But yeah,</b><b>I hope that's not a popular</b><b>trend with MMOs. And I feel like Riot. I</b><b>don't know why I have so</b><b>much faith in Riot, dude.</b><b>They have such a strong track record of</b><b>just making quality products and just</b><b>knowing what people want. Yeah. Legends</b><b>of Runeterra is very much, I think, a</b><b>quality product. That's</b><b>player first before monetization. Yeah,</b><b>they just have a popular</b><b>history with that. And they're</b><b>just such a strong company as a whole. So</b><b>I don't know. Somehow</b><b>they're going to know</b><b>makes things server specific to have wall</b><b>off servers. So that way</b><b>each world is its own world</b><b>with its own mining nodes and herbs and</b><b>all of its own resources</b><b>that are the player base can</b><b>fight over. I'd go really far with it.</b><b>Like I understand, let's say</b><b>someone's playing on a server</b><b>and you want to play with your friend</b><b>who's playing another</b><b>server and you want to character</b><b>transfer over to that server when you</b><b>play with them. I'd go as</b><b>far as to say that all the</b><b>resources in your bank on your character</b><b>are gone when you transfer</b><b>because I want to present it</b><b>to the maximum. Like I don't even want</b><b>someone to go on to a low</b><b>pop server, mine everything and</b><b>then transfer a character to a high prop</b><b>server to sell things for</b><b>more gold. Like I would go that</b><b>far. I want to completely negate it where</b><b>the stuff on this server</b><b>is the stuff on this server.</b><b>And if you want to transfer great, but</b><b>there are, you know, you're</b><b>going to lose all your resources.</b><b>I kind of agree with you. Yeah.</b><b>Especially because I</b><b>think the Runeterra MMO,</b><b>regardless of how good it is or anything</b><b>like that, at the very</b><b>beginning, it's going to be huge.</b><b>I think people will care enough if they</b><b>do professions right.</b><b>And if those resources</b><b>really have some value to them, some</b><b>strong value that people</b><b>are fighting over them,</b><b>people will be annoying enough to exploit</b><b>the overlap out of it</b><b>and literally pay money for</b><b>server transfers to like hop between</b><b>servers and mess around with the</b><b>resources to make easy gold.</b><b>If an exploit is available, people will</b><b>exploit it. Yeah. Even if it</b><b>costs them money to do server</b><b>transfers on their characters, people</b><b>will do it if the game is</b><b>popular enough. And I think it will</b><b>be. And if the resources are actually</b><b>that valuable, which I</b><b>hope they are. I mean, I think</b><b>I think they'll see the value in</b><b>professions and I can't see a world where</b><b>professions don't exist</b><b>in an MMO, right? So I like it's like</b><b>almost guaranteed. I'm</b><b>expecting professions in the</b><b>right MMO. Be crazy if they don't. So</b><b>then going away from</b><b>professions a little bit, right? So we</b><b>have professions, everyone's got. And</b><b>then you have to have professions</b><b>available to everyone on</b><b>those factions, right? I do think there's</b><b>going to be some kind of</b><b>faction divide. At least I hope</b><b>there is. I hope there is. I really hope</b><b>so. I don't want to see</b><b>where it's just everyone's</b><b>together. I kind of want to see that</b><b>segregation. Like I want to</b><b>see if you're from Damacia, like</b><b>you're from the nodes, you don't go into</b><b>Noxus. If you're from Noxus,</b><b>well, you're not going into</b><b>Damacia. Yeah, if you're yeah, if you're</b><b>from the Froyard, you're not</b><b>going into Damacia or Noxus</b><b>either. You know, I like all of that. And</b><b>if you have to divide it</b><b>up where every single area,</b><b>I don't see like Ionia, you wouldn't be</b><b>welcome in Noxus. But then there are</b><b>places where you would</b><b>be welcome. Like you can go into</b><b>Piltover, you can go into Bilgwater.</b><b>Yeah. And these congregation</b><b>hubs. Yeah. Yeah. But I want to see where</b><b>like you kind of do</b><b>have to choose a side.</b><b>Me too. And it's not that you can't go</b><b>into Noxus if you're</b><b>Damacian, it's just expect a fight.</b><b>Yeah, you can go in. You can you better</b><b>have like a group with you and you're</b><b>probably going to get</b><b>attacked by guards and everything. Yeah.</b><b>So like, you know, awesome</b><b>things will happen. It creates</b><b>so many cool interactions. And just I</b><b>think factions are one of</b><b>the most genius things ever</b><b>because it forces like it forces</b><b>community interaction in ways</b><b>that can't happen otherwise.</b><b>Yeah, you can't be someone in Zaun and</b><b>make your way up and just start walking</b><b>around and Piltover.</b><b>Yeah, exactly. Like, it makes the world</b><b>feel so much more like</b><b>player driven in a way, you know,</b><b>like me as an oxian, I will fight you if</b><b>you're Damacian and you're</b><b>a Noxus. Heck yeah. Like,</b><b>you better look at Noxus and not think,</b><b>oh, it's dangerous because,</b><b>you know, like whatever. It's</b><b>just it's the Noxus place. You better</b><b>think it's dangerous because</b><b>I'm going to kick your ass if</b><b>you go in there. Yeah. And I'm not saying</b><b>that you should just I'm not</b><b>even saying that it needs to</b><b>be two factions. Right. One thing that I</b><b>really liked, I know I go</b><b>back to WoW a lot because</b><b>that's the MMO that I played the most.</b><b>Yeah. In Legion, I really</b><b>like the order hall system.</b><b>We're OK. Everyone had their separate</b><b>order hall. Like, OK, we're all this</b><b>group and we're all this</b><b>group and we're all this group. But at</b><b>the same time, we're all</b><b>working together to accomplish</b><b>like a particular goal. So you can be</b><b>Noxus and Damacia and you</b><b>could still meet together in</b><b>certain areas. And for example, like in a</b><b>raid when you're trying to accomplish</b><b>something, the world</b><b>focused. Then, yeah, you can be a part of</b><b>that group. By the same</b><b>time, it's a temporary alliance,</b><b>like even a paladin and a priest in in</b><b>World of Warcraft are very</b><b>different. And they'll work</b><b>together. But at the same time, they're</b><b>not they're not welcoming to</b><b>each other in terms of order</b><b>halls because they're all very different.</b><b>Yeah, they still have different beliefs,</b><b>different customs, different culture. And</b><b>that is expressed so well.</b><b>And I think Legion, especially</b><b>Legion, an expansion like what was it</b><b>like 20 2016 was was Legion. I don't</b><b>know. It feels like forever</b><b>Oh my God. Honestly, it doesn't to me.</b><b>But but Legion, yeah, it was</b><b>such a great expansion because</b><b>that that was another form of like</b><b>character identity. Right.</b><b>I was I have just you either</b><b>hoarder your alliance. Yeah. Now you're</b><b>your class. And not to</b><b>mention Legion being such a big</b><b>expansion because the Burning Legion was</b><b>the big bad of World of</b><b>Warcraft for a very long time.</b><b>This infinite army of space invaders, you</b><b>know, coming to</b><b>destroy everything we all do.</b><b>And it's equivalent to the Watchers.</b><b>Yeah, exactly. And so</b><b>that's why another reason why</b><b>class order halls were so good is because</b><b>they show that everyone is</b><b>here and doing something.</b><b>You know, I feel like I talked about this</b><b>a little bit last week.</b><b>I don't want things to</b><b>become irrelevant. All right. I don't</b><b>want Noxus and</b><b>Demacia to just become one,</b><b>like ambiguous force of good injustice</b><b>for whatever the heck</b><b>the current threat is.</b><b>All right. The paladins were doing</b><b>something. The demon hunters were doing</b><b>something. The death</b><b>knights were doing something. We're all</b><b>doing something in our</b><b>own way, our own special,</b><b>you know, class way of fighting off this</b><b>big threat. So when, you</b><b>know, like Aurelion Sol</b><b>inevitably starts threatening Runeterra,</b><b>even though we probably</b><b>can't stop him. I don't think</b><b>there's any way in heck we're going to</b><b>stop him. We better see,</b><b>you know, Noxus doing its own</b><b>thing in its own special Noxus way</b><b>that'll help defend against him. Same</b><b>with Zaun and their own,</b><b>you know, crazy street thug way. Yeah, I</b><b>want to see all that.</b><b>Why did I just picture like an army on</b><b>the left and then a</b><b>bunch of like chemicals.</b><b>Yeah, a bunch of like, a bunch</b><b>of little kids with crowbars.</b><b>That's what it should be. It's like,</b><b>yeah, not our planet,</b><b>punk. Like, I still want all these</b><b>characters to to be there and to be</b><b>themselves. That's what</b><b>concerns me. Like later on, you know, I</b><b>hope they don't go down the</b><b>the final fantasy 14 route or</b><b>the World of Warcraft route where all the</b><b>characters just kind of sit</b><b>in the back and watch it all</b><b>happen. That choice needs to feel</b><b>meaningful. Like at the very beginning,</b><b>you need to choose your</b><b>zone, you know, where you're going to be,</b><b>what kind of group</b><b>you're going to be a part of.</b><b>Are you going to be Freljordian? Are you</b><b>going to be a Zaunite,</b><b>Ashuriman, an Istal, whatever.</b><b>And then based on that, that's going to</b><b>narrow down what classes you can be to.</b><b>Yeah. And I don't think everyone should</b><b>be everything. Yeah, totally.</b><b>I really don't like. So my favorite class</b><b>in WoW was a druid. I</b><b>really don't like that.</b><b>Everyone's a frickin druid now. Yeah,</b><b>everyone can just turn into</b><b>animals and be in tune with</b><b>nature. And like, no, if if goblins can</b><b>ever be druids, there's</b><b>something wrong there. Yeah.</b><b>That's a problem. I would hate that.</b><b>Goblins better never be</b><b>druids. Goblins love money.</b><b>They don't love nature. Yeah. They cut</b><b>down trees all the time for money.</b><b>Exactly. So yeah, like, like in Shurima,</b><b>you should be like a</b><b>sandcaster or whatever it's</b><b>called. I always forget the name, but</b><b>some kind of sand mage. Oh,</b><b>yeah. But you shouldn't be able</b><b>to be a sand mage in Freljord. Yeah,</b><b>totally. Heck no. Oh, but I</b><b>want to be a fruit. It doesn't</b><b>matter what you want. Like you can't.</b><b>Runeterra says no. Yeah.</b><b>Because you want to be a goblin</b><b>druid doesn't mean you should be able to</b><b>be a goblin druid. Yeah,</b><b>exactly. I understand your</b><b>class fantasy, like your choice. I get</b><b>it. Yeah, you can like RP is</b><b>that. But like, you know, I</b><b>don't want to see it because it's going</b><b>to weird me out. It's going to throw me</b><b>off. Yeah. All right.</b><b>Like it just won't make sense to me. I'd</b><b>be like, oh, okay. Yeah,</b><b>this is just a quality of life</b><b>thing, I guess they're just kind of doing</b><b>whatever with the game now.</b><b>You know what I think about you</b><b>know, Incredibles, right? When when he</b><b>takes up the baby and he throws that</b><b>line, one of the best</b><b>villain lines ever. And yeah, one of the</b><b>best villain lines in any</b><b>movie ever, he says. And when</b><b>everyone suits me, no one will be. Yeah.</b><b>Yeah. I'll sell my inventions</b><b>whenever. No, that's so true.</b><b>That's so true for MMOs. Actually,</b><b>though. Yeah. Like when</b><b>everyone can be everything,</b><b>it's no longer special to be anything. Mm</b><b>hmm. When that's very true.</b><b>Yeah. When everyone can be</b><b>the exact same class, doing the exact</b><b>same things, being from anywhere. It</b><b>doesn't matter where you're</b><b>from. Yeah. It doesn't matter if you're</b><b>from Targon or you're from Ionia, if</b><b>you're from Bilgewater.</b><b>Doesn't matter if you're a Vastaya or a</b><b>Yordle, like everyone can</b><b>be everything. It's just the</b><b>model that you're looking at. Yeah.</b><b>That's so sad. Yeah. It's</b><b>absolutely like a world and starts</b><b>feeling like a video game. World has to</b><b>come even before the player.</b><b>I agree. The player will enjoy</b><b>the game more if the world is more</b><b>important than him or her. I completely</b><b>agree. Yeah. Like I like</b><b>Rachel's. Oh yeah, me too. Because you're</b><b>this race, you have this kind</b><b>of this. Yeah, you have this</b><b>extra ability. Yeah. Yeah. And that</b><b>should come even before balancing or</b><b>anything that should be</b><b>something that comes first. That's what I</b><b>mean by the world should</b><b>come before the player.</b><b>Completely agree. That will serve for the</b><b>longevity of the game</b><b>much more than serving</b><b>and catering to the every player's women</b><b>need. Because guess what?</b><b>If the world starts bending</b><b>to my will, I'm going to get bored real</b><b>quick. I am no longer exploring this</b><b>strange, vast environment.</b><b>I'm now just going from point A to point</b><b>B because it's very easy to do and very</b><b>simple thanks to the</b><b>developers. Yeah. Okay. I'm done. I'm</b><b>logging off. You need to be jealous.</b><b>Yeah. Yeah. You need</b><b>to be envious of the guy above you. You</b><b>need to just. And that</b><b>guy's going to be jealous of you</b><b>because you have things that he can do.</b><b>And you need to be jealous of other</b><b>people like, oh man,</b><b>you know, I wish I could do that. But at</b><b>the same time, I can do</b><b>this. Yeah. Absolutely. Oh,</b><b>I completely agree. Yeah. Everything</b><b>needs to be at least a little bit</b><b>challenging. Otherwise,</b><b>why am I logging on? What am I trying to</b><b>accomplish? You know,</b><b>and that goes back to</b><b>PVP. Right. PVP is a big P is my favorite</b><b>thing to do. So even</b><b>in World of Warcraft,</b><b>that's really all I would do mostly is</b><b>PVP. I would rate, but my</b><b>favorite thing was, was PVP.</b><b>And I understand there's balancing and</b><b>stuff that has to</b><b>happen. But at the same time,</b><b>homogenization is never the solution to</b><b>balancing completely. Like, but just</b><b>because one class can</b><b>stun doesn't mean every class needs a</b><b>stun. Just because one class</b><b>can kick doesn't mean every</b><b>class needs a kick. Yeah. And now it</b><b>feels like everyone has everything.</b><b>Everyone's got like an</b><b>invincibility because at the beginning in</b><b>classic, you know, the pally bubble was</b><b>very envied. Everyone</b><b>wanted the pally bubble. Like, wow, this</b><b>guy's just freaking</b><b>immune. Yeah. Everything. Now a</b><b>warrior can freaking throw something and</b><b>pop the pally bubble when</b><b>everyone's got an immune. Yeah.</b><b>Everyone has something that makes them</b><b>invincible for a time. Yeah.</b><b>Yeah. Well, guess what?</b><b>Pally's couldn't talk back then.</b><b>Exactly. Everyone's got everyone had a</b><b>strength and a weakness.</b><b>Yeah, dude. Yeah. Everyone wanted what</b><b>everyone else had. And that was great.</b><b>Pally's could not taunt. Yeah, that was</b><b>stupid. That was stupid.</b><b>I'm going to be honest.</b><b>Kind of unplayable. Certain things, of</b><b>course, you know, every, every tank needs</b><b>to be able to taunt.</b><b>But for most stuff, no. Oh, man. I hope</b><b>Agro's a thing in the game. Better be.</b><b>So I want to know what</b><b>you think about this, too.</b><b>So moving away from everything, except</b><b>there's the game. It's done. Whatever.</b><b>Monetization. Oh, boy. All right. So I</b><b>guess a very important</b><b>question right off the bat.</b><b>Do you think the game should be free to</b><b>play? I would prefer that</b><b>it wasn't. But I think that</b><b>it will be. I think it will be, too. I</b><b>mean, honestly, one</b><b>thing I kind of like about</b><b>subscriptions, other than the fact that a</b><b>monthly subscription</b><b>drives off a lot of players,</b><b>every single person I've ever talked to</b><b>who doesn't play well,</b><b>but is at least a little bit</b><b>interested in it, we'll say two things.</b><b>One, there's way too much</b><b>stuff in the game. I'll never</b><b>catch up, even though it's really, really</b><b>easy to catch up. They just</b><b>think it's a 20 year old game.</b><b>They delete everything. Yeah. And the</b><b>second thing is this</b><b>game costs $15 a month.</b><b>How the heck is the most expensive game</b><b>ever? And it is. Yeah. We didn't talk</b><b>about box price yet.</b><b>Okay, go. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, my God.</b><b>Yeah. But also the box</b><b>price. But the thing about that,</b><b>about a subscription, is that now they</b><b>can't just sell you on the latest</b><b>expansion. They can't just</b><b>sell you on on like, you know, oh, what</b><b>the game is going to be like</b><b>in a year. Here's all the new</b><b>features and stuff. Here's what we're</b><b>going to promise. So you</b><b>can buy the game. Now they can</b><b>continue to sell you on it even after the</b><b>game is already released.</b><b>Every single month, you have to</b><b>have a reason to play. You know, even</b><b>even even if they expect</b><b>you to not always be playing,</b><b>they need a reason to keep bringing you</b><b>back. Yeah. Right. So</b><b>that's just like, it's not just,</b><b>oh, here's the expansion. You bought it.</b><b>Okay, we did it. Yeah, we</b><b>got we got your money. It's GG.</b><b>Yeah, exactly. Come back for the Nexus</b><b>Pantry. We also promise lots</b><b>of cool stuff in two years.</b><b>Now, like a subscription, you're you're</b><b>making a promise to them</b><b>that, yeah, the game is worth</b><b>playing this month. You know, so I kind</b><b>of like the</b><b>subscription model in that sense.</b><b>Yeah, me too. I really like this mission</b><b>model too, because of even though this</b><b>doesn't seem to deter</b><b>Blizzard. Yeah, it should. Okay, if</b><b>someone is paying a subscription,</b><b>everything that's great</b><b>should be earnable in the game. And oh,</b><b>yeah, I really hate the</b><b>store. And if we do play game is</b><b>going to make it where of course, you</b><b>know, you have to make money somehow</b><b>great. There's going to</b><b>I can the easiest way for them to make</b><b>money on MMO that's free to play is</b><b>transmog in the store.</b><b>And I hate transmog passion because I</b><b>feel like it ruins the game</b><b>in a lot of in a lot of ways.</b><b>And it makes the game feel pretty</b><b>uniform. Now everyone's just you don't</b><b>know who's who's great</b><b>and who's not like you want to be able to</b><b>walk into the city like in</b><b>classic. When you walk into</b><b>a city, you can immediately tell Wow,</b><b>this guy's amazing. And wow,</b><b>this guy's trash. Yeah, today,</b><b>you can walk into a city and a guy could</b><b>look amazing. And if you</b><b>inspect him, he's wearing</b><b>he's not even like he's having a cap</b><b>level. He's not even kept.</b><b>This guy looks like he's a god</b><b>killer, but he's not even kept level.</b><b>We're like the site of</b><b>freaking yeah, Argus on his back,</b><b>you know, but I think that stuff should</b><b>phase out, you know, okay, you know,</b><b>yeah, I agree for that</b><b>expansion. Yeah, that's over that</b><b>expansion. That was so last year. Yeah,</b><b>you're like you can put</b><b>this cool stuff in your bank for the</b><b>memory. Oh, yeah, you keep this guy.</b><b>Yeah, awesome. Yeah. And</b><b>guess what? For RP, you can still have</b><b>that site. Yeah, about when</b><b>you're being and that's going to</b><b>be awesome. But thanks. Yeah, but it</b><b>shouldn't carry for I really don't like</b><b>transmog. It's like one</b><b>of my, my least favorite things, even</b><b>though I do feel like it's going to</b><b>happen in this game, because</b><b>I think so too. Yeah, transmog is just</b><b>it's too profitable,</b><b>especially if they go free to play.</b><b>The only way I could see transmog not</b><b>happening is with a</b><b>subscription service where it's like,</b><b>okay, they're making enough money, just</b><b>make everything</b><b>earnable in game. And then with</b><b>a subscription service, it makes more</b><b>sense to not include</b><b>transmog because now they're more</b><b>incentivized to keep going. Yeah, like to</b><b>make their character look</b><b>great. Yeah, by the way,</b><b>transmog, if it's not obvious by now is</b><b>just, you will have certain</b><b>stats tied to it. And obviously</b><b>your appearance, you know, you'll have</b><b>your appearance and your</b><b>stats, all your gear, you</b><b>can just make your gear look like any</b><b>other piece of gear that you've ever</b><b>unlocked or ever equipped.</b><b>Yeah. And it'll still have those stats on</b><b>it of, you know, like of your latest</b><b>piece of gear. Yeah,</b><b>so you could be in complete trash gear,</b><b>but then you can go back to</b><b>the previous expansions rate,</b><b>which is a lot easier now because you're</b><b>obviously much higher level</b><b>and you have a lot more base</b><b>stats. So you can run in there and just</b><b>one shot bosses. Yeah. And</b><b>so you can go back to the rate</b><b>from the previous expansion and get like</b><b>the top tier gear that</b><b>looks awesome. And then just</b><b>transmog your garbage gear to look like</b><b>the best gear from the previous</b><b>expansion. Yeah. And then</b><b>everyone will know any better. Like what</b><b>if you just like that,</b><b>that look. And so maybe you're</b><b>freaking in the mythic radar from this</b><b>expansion, but you just like</b><b>to look from the last expansion.</b><b>No one will know. Yeah. How would they</b><b>know you're going to look all</b><b>glowy and cool and you didn't</b><b>even complete the raid. Yeah. You just</b><b>ran through it and one touched</b><b>everything. Yeah. Years after.</b><b>Ah, it's such a shame. And yeah, you</b><b>literally you won't know if somebody's</b><b>geared out really like</b><b>hard, like on the latest raid because</b><b>they're probably</b><b>transmogged out of it. Yeah. And you</b><b>don't even get a, I understand like, you</b><b>know, you don't want to</b><b>keep everything in your bank.</b><b>Yeah. They could do a separate thing</b><b>where like you can put your gear into</b><b>this thing that holds</b><b>the appearance for you and you could</b><b>transmog anything from the</b><b>previous. Like you can wear</b><b>gear from the previous expansion and</b><b>transmog that to whatever</b><b>they've already acquired. But the</b><b>current expansion that gear should not be</b><b>transmogable. Oh, that</b><b>could be cool. Yes. You</b><b>could just have like one set of gear that</b><b>you could change the</b><b>appearance of from like whatever,</b><b>from some old expansion or even just have</b><b>like specifically cosmetic</b><b>gear. Yeah. It's just called</b><b>cosmetic gear. You can put it on. It has</b><b>like no debts. Yeah. You</b><b>can equip all the appearances</b><b>that you got before and that'll still</b><b>incentivize people to collect</b><b>all those appearances. Yeah.</b><b>You know, you could, you still want them</b><b>in your tabs and you can,</b><b>you could transmog them while</b><b>you're walking around the hub city to</b><b>show off. But I do think</b><b>that once the expansion ends,</b><b>that appearance should be no longer</b><b>available. Like in PvP, those,</b><b>once you, so in PvP, in World</b><b>of Warcraft, you have to hit like certain</b><b>ranks to unlock those</b><b>appearances. And once that PvP</b><b>season is done, those appearances are</b><b>gone. The high end ones do. And that's</b><b>how it should be. Like</b><b>right now, for some reason in World of</b><b>Warcraft, like heroic and</b><b>mythic raiders, you can go back</b><b>and get the mythic raid set. Oh, usually</b><b>I'm like, well, as a drain or yeah,</b><b>nothing. You should not</b><b>be able to do that. I agree. So those</b><b>appearances should be locked</b><b>and they should, and nothing</b><b>should carry forward to the current</b><b>expansion. Those appearance like that,</b><b>that expansion gear,</b><b>the current expansion gear should not be</b><b>transmogable. I</b><b>completely agree. That's definitely</b><b>a hot take. I will once again say we were</b><b>in the minority on that for</b><b>sure. I say that crazy FOMO,</b><b>you know, people are like, Oh, like</b><b>that's so annoying. People</b><b>still complain about Mage Tower</b><b>to this day. That's stupid. And I</b><b>completely agree. No one</b><b>wants to bear more than me. Okay.</b><b>Yeah. Yeah. Because well, I don't think</b><b>you were not. Yeah. Because like you</b><b>constantly feel like</b><b>you are not a good enough druid at that</b><b>time to be able to complete</b><b>the Mage Tower. And that's</b><b>cool. I genuinely like that feeling</b><b>because guess what? Next time some kind</b><b>of challenge like that</b><b>comes up, you're not going to miss it.</b><b>Yeah. I'm going to be ready</b><b>and I'm going to log on. Guess</b><b>what? Now I have a reason to log on</b><b>today. That's, that's really matters.</b><b>That's really important.</b><b>And it's not just about the, like, I feel</b><b>like people put a lot of</b><b>intrinsic value on appearances,</b><b>like purely, it just looks cool. So they</b><b>want it and they don't think anything</b><b>past that. They don't</b><b>think about the actual value behind that</b><b>and why it looks cool. You know, if</b><b>everyone, everyone's</b><b>super, nobody, no one will be the</b><b>greatest line. Literally. If everyone</b><b>looks cool, no one without</b><b>any effort, no one looks cool. Yeah. When</b><b>you have like a level 40</b><b>running around in tier set and he</b><b>just looks crazy. Yeah, exactly. And now</b><b>guess what? That guy who</b><b>actually has the most recent tier</b><b>set from the raid means absolutely</b><b>nothing. Yeah. It does not look cool in</b><b>the slightest. I'm not even</b><b>going to recognize at first glance, that</b><b>guy could literally be in</b><b>the same gear as you. He just</b><b>changed the look of it because he prefers</b><b>the other look. In fact, he could be a</b><b>higher, he could be in</b><b>mythic gear. Yeah. And you could be in</b><b>heroic set for that expansion</b><b>and no one will know if that</b><b>guy's even better than you or not. But</b><b>yeah, it should be at first. I should</b><b>walk into a city and</b><b>immediately know who's a badass and who's</b><b>a neckbeard and who isn't.</b><b>Exactly. Yeah. Dude. Hey,</b><b>if you want to like transmog in a single</b><b>player RPG, go for it.</b><b>More power to you. This is an</b><b>MMO though. All right. I want to see</b><b>players with real value to them. I want</b><b>people to identify a</b><b>piece of gear just by looking at it</b><b>because that piece of gear has value.</b><b>That's such an important</b><b>thing to me, actually. One thing I will</b><b>say, so I know that they</b><b>want to go free to play. Okay. I</b><b>get it. I think it's going to be free to</b><b>play for sure. But I think you'll still</b><b>have that. You might</b><b>still have that box price, right? For the</b><b>action. If they do it yearly, right?</b><b>Instead of like every</b><b>three years, every year, a box price,</b><b>maybe that'll be enough to</b><b>remove the store a little bit.</b><b>Maybe. But I do think there's going to be</b><b>a store. Yeah. Like you got</b><b>this is riot. And I don't think</b><b>they make as much money off of anything</b><b>as they do with skins and</b><b>League of Life. Yeah. That's why I</b><b>think there's going to be skins and it's</b><b>going to be what I mean.</b><b>I'm not going to be like super</b><b>disheartened because I'm already</b><b>expecting it. And I already am pretty</b><b>confident that the game's</b><b>going to come out. There's going to be a</b><b>transmog. Yeah. Which is you changing</b><b>your looks. And there's</b><b>going to be a store where you can buy</b><b>gear and if there's going</b><b>to be cool gear in the game</b><b>and cool gear in the store and everyone</b><b>will know that you're</b><b>wearing store bought gear because</b><b>that's another thing. Okay. If you're</b><b>going to do a store and you're going to</b><b>have gear in the store,</b><b>it should not be unlockable in the game.</b><b>Let me tell you why. Oh,</b><b>wow. Okay. Let me tell you why.</b><b>Because if you make it unlockable in the</b><b>game, then it becomes you</b><b>never then the person people</b><b>in game are trying to unlock it. Now the</b><b>value is tied to it. And now</b><b>people will never know if you</b><b>unlocked it in the game or in the store.</b><b>People will buy it in the</b><b>store and claim they came to</b><b>in the game. They got it in the game and</b><b>they like now it makes it</b><b>just like it kind of muddies the</b><b>water. Like I should know that you just</b><b>bought that in the store</b><b>immediately. Yeah. And that's</b><b>it. Like you bought it from the store. It</b><b>is what it is. And you're</b><b>wearing store gear and that's a</b><b>there's no problem with it. Okay. I'm not</b><b>going to do, I'm not going to like say</b><b>anything or whatever.</b><b>Yeah. But it should be the store is the</b><b>store. And if that's</b><b>the, if you go and buy gear,</b><b>then you go, you went and bought gear,</b><b>but it should definitely</b><b>should not be a recolor of</b><b>anything close to like tier gear and the</b><b>gear that you earn from</b><b>like heroic grade or mythic</b><b>grade or whatever should be the best</b><b>looking gear. Yeah. And if</b><b>they, if the store gear starts</b><b>looking better than that gear, that's a</b><b>problem. Yeah. Oh, very much. If</b><b>anything, please, if I'm</b><b>pretty confident that the other will be</b><b>some skins you can buy, you know, just</b><b>some like gear for like</b><b>flavor that you can buy off the store, at</b><b>least just let it be like</b><b>RP gear. Please like just,</b><b>just let it be like, Oh, you're a, you're</b><b>like a freaking battle</b><b>mage from Shurima. All right.</b><b>That's, that's your, that's your RP gear</b><b>from the store. So you can</b><b>wear it and look like you're</b><b>from Shurima as a mage when you're doing</b><b>your RP. There's other</b><b>stuff too. Like I don't, okay,</b><b>you can have a store, but it doesn't have</b><b>to be gear. You can do</b><b>like pets and stuff, you know,</b><b>or something like that. Yeah. And I</b><b>understand. I think that those</b><b>won't make as money as like a</b><b>mount. No, I won't. But maybe, I mean,</b><b>we're, we're focusing on</b><b>what's available in WoW. Perhaps</b><b>there'll be something else available in</b><b>this game where it's like, you know,</b><b>okay, when you're on</b><b>your flight path, now it's a different</b><b>mount kind of thing, or</b><b>like it's a little upgraded</b><b>when you're flying between the cities. I</b><b>don't know. They could</b><b>sell stuff like that. I just</b><b>want to make it's a tough balance. And</b><b>that's why I prefer to</b><b>simplify and just say, it's not free</b><b>to play. They're the dream. This is the</b><b>dream guys. Yeah, in reality, this is not</b><b>going to happen. Okay.</b><b>Let's be honest with each other. I'm</b><b>going to be honest with you right now.</b><b>It's not going to happen.</b><b>No, no. The dream is it's not free to</b><b>play. It's a subscription</b><b>model. And the box price,</b><b>and there's no store. That's the ideal. I</b><b>want to buy the content. I</b><b>don't want to be lured into</b><b>buying stuff to make my character look</b><b>cooler. What's going to</b><b>happen is it's going to be free</b><b>to play. There's going to be a store with</b><b>gear and, and, uh, definitely</b><b>should not have any stats on</b><b>it. Heck, that would be, then I'm not</b><b>playing. Yeah. As much as</b><b>I'm excited for it, uh, I would</b><b>not play the game if that happened. Yeah,</b><b>I don't think Raya would do</b><b>that, but I do think they will</b><b>put a store in with gear. Yeah. I'm very,</b><b>I'm very confident they're</b><b>not going to do that. Yeah.</b><b>That's, that's an easy game killer. Yeah.</b><b>Like I, you can look at the MMO audience</b><b>for like maybe like two minutes of</b><b>research to realize, okay,</b><b>let's not tie power to money.</b><b>Yeah. Yeah. Definitely should not be able</b><b>to buy gold in the, in</b><b>the store. Oh God. And, uh,</b><b>don't use the excuse that it's because of</b><b>the Chinese bot farmers.</b><b>We don't want you to have</b><b>to purchase your gold from some shady</b><b>website. So we're just going</b><b>to sell it to you. Oh my God.</b><b>That doesn't, that does not suffice. You</b><b>need to deal with the</b><b>problem, which is the botting.</b><b>Yeah. Fix the economy, not capitalize on</b><b>the failure of the</b><b>economy. Seriously. Oh man.</b><b>Yeah. By the way. Yeah. I'd really</b><b>appreciate it if they would</b><b>hire like dedicated community</b><b>managers in game masters. My God. Yes.</b><b>What a transition. What a</b><b>transition. Yes. You need game</b><b>man. You need game masters people. Cause</b><b>if you had one game master on every</b><b>server, uh, in classic,</b><b>just one, they could clean up that server</b><b>in a week. Easy. Like</b><b>that would legit eliminate</b><b>botting. I'm not serious because it's,</b><b>it's so, as a player,</b><b>when you're in classic, wow,</b><b>it's so easy to just pull up a menu and,</b><b>um, type in who's in, who's in this zone,</b><b>AKA the zone where it's easiest to farm</b><b>gold. And you're going to find</b><b>a billion people that are all</b><b>like, like almost cap level that are all</b><b>the same. Yeah. That are</b><b>all the same class, same race,</b><b>slightly variations of the same name.</b><b>They don't even try. Yeah. No, like it's</b><b>so easy to find bots.</b><b>One GM in each server would be enough.</b><b>Bot one, three, seven, eight, caverns,</b><b>but one, three, seven, nine, waiting in</b><b>caverns. So you don't need</b><b>to try. No, that's why I like</b><b>literally dude GM's add so much to the</b><b>game too. Like just, you</b><b>know, being able to like write a</b><b>ticket, like, Hey, I'm stuck. And then a</b><b>GM just magically like</b><b>appears in front of you. Like, oh,</b><b>oh my God, save me. Yeah. Like, like when</b><b>GM's appear in the game,</b><b>I think that's so magical.</b><b>Like obviously it's a little like</b><b>immersion breaking, but</b><b>it's still just like, wow,</b><b>the all powerful being doesn't have to be</b><b>immersion breaking. They</b><b>could be from the spirit realm.</b><b>If they were GM's into the lower, that</b><b>would be the coolest thing</b><b>ever. Yes. Oh my God. That's</b><b>if they have GM's. I mean, like, I don't</b><b>know if GM's are even like</b><b>really a thing in most of</b><b>them. Most these days. No, not that I</b><b>know of. I don't think final</b><b>fantasy 14 has GM's. You don't</b><b>really see that, but they also don't have</b><b>botting issues as far as I</b><b>know. I never saw any complaints</b><b>about such a thing. They probably have. I</b><b>mean, it's not hard to</b><b>detect a bot. Yeah, even just</b><b>like automatically. Yeah, it's been</b><b>pretty easy. I feel like to</b><b>detect a bot. Maybe now it's a</b><b>little bit harder than before. Who knows?</b><b>But at the end of the day,</b><b>it's going to keep doing the</b><b>same thing over and over again. It should</b><b>be catchable. Like</b><b>this guy's been in whaling</b><b>caverns, killing these creeps for 20</b><b>hours. Let's just take a look. Yeah,</b><b>yeah. Let's just see,</b><b>you know, let's let's let's pick the</b><b>character up and move him and see what</b><b>happens. Or let's just</b><b>go down and like try to talk to him. Like</b><b>if he sees a spirit god</b><b>descending from the sky,</b><b>he should probably react. Yeah, he didn't</b><b>react. Let's just try to</b><b>talk to him and see if he talks</b><b>to us. He's not even talking to us. I am</b><b>literally a giant titan in</b><b>front of him. Well, okay. I know</b><b>he's using all of his abilities on the</b><b>first available frame</b><b>that he can use them. Wow.</b><b>He's only using one ability. That's a</b><b>bot. See, that's a GM</b><b>though. That's what a GM. Yeah,</b><b>that is what GMs do. Like you have the</b><b>botting system to catch</b><b>all the obvious bots and you</b><b>have the GMs to kind of do cleanup. Yeah,</b><b>yeah. Like you probably</b><b>don't need as many GMs as World</b><b>of Warcraft needed in 2005. Right. But</b><b>you still need them. I</b><b>still think you need that human</b><b>element of people who are there to like</b><b>settle whatever the heck's</b><b>going on in the game with</b><b>players and with bots. It goes a very</b><b>long way for the community</b><b>as a whole. It helps so much</b><b>for the longevity of the game. Yep. Oh,</b><b>we've been talking about like the</b><b>leveling up experience</b><b>professions, like the progression of</b><b>professions. Yeah, let's go back to</b><b>professions. Let's talk</b><b>about the level up experience</b><b>professions. Yeah, let's see it. So</b><b>what's your idea? So World of</b><b>Warcraft and how am I see 14 or the two</b><b>most popular ways I</b><b>believe to do professions. World</b><b>of Warcraft, you're doing your profession</b><b>as you do your class,</b><b>right? As you're questing through</b><b>the world, professions are a piece of</b><b>like side content that you're doing</b><b>essentially. It's some</b><b>extra bonus stuff you get to do for some</b><b>extra rewards. Yeah. Found</b><b>my AC 14. Like I said earlier,</b><b>it's its own avenue of content. You're</b><b>showing up at level one,</b><b>you're doing a dedicated</b><b>quest line with cut scenes and everything</b><b>for professions. Yeah. Oh,</b><b>wow. Yeah. Right. I think</b><b>it's very interesting. I think it's a</b><b>really cool twist on professions for</b><b>sure. But I don't know. I</b><b>mean, I guess with like the whole gear</b><b>thing, I do like the idea of having gear</b><b>as a minor and stuff.</b><b>I think in that case, it makes more sense</b><b>for it to be a dedicated</b><b>quest line that you follow,</b><b>you know, like as a noxious player,</b><b>you're crafting stuff for for NPCs, you</b><b>know, that sort of deal.</b><b>Yeah. And you have to go out there around</b><b>noxious in mine, get all collect all</b><b>these nodes and craft</b><b>whatever blacksmith sword you need for</b><b>the noxious soldiers, you know, and that</b><b>follows its own story</b><b>with its own character. And that sounds</b><b>amazing. Yeah. Right. I</b><b>really like the way I see 14 does</b><b>it, especially if you're going with the</b><b>gear route, because like</b><b>if you're doing it the World</b><b>of Warcraft way, you can't really, you</b><b>know, you're not going to be switching</b><b>between your warrior</b><b>like gear and your mining gear</b><b>constantly. I think that would just be</b><b>annoying. Right. I definitely</b><b>don't have the mining gear at that point.</b><b>Yeah. Yeah. It professions</b><b>should be their own dedicated</b><b>avenue at that point. And I kind of like</b><b>that. It's it's weird. I</b><b>mean, with Riot, there's so many</b><b>different ways they can go with it,</b><b>especially in Runeterra. You can</b><b>professions are still pretty</b><b>up in the air. I feel, you know, a lot of</b><b>places. Yeah. I mean,</b><b>there's definitely those ones like</b><b>I was just talking about with the hearth</b><b>blood and Froyard. Yeah. You know,</b><b>working under Orrin,</b><b>I think that's an obvious one. Anoxys</b><b>blacksmith, I feel like is</b><b>an obvious one. And I only in</b><b>herbalist is an obvious one. Mm hmm.</b><b>Maybe in Bilgewater, like a</b><b>Buhru. Like, you know, they're</b><b>making like almost like an alchemist, but</b><b>a variation of that</b><b>that's more tribal and like</b><b>spiritual kind of thing. Yeah, I can</b><b>definitely see those</b><b>professions coming about. I just like,</b><b>I want to see isolation and then like</b><b>uniqueness. And at the same</b><b>time, like, I don't know if I go</b><b>too far with that. Like that alchemist</b><b>specialist is like, you have to be a</b><b>Bilgewater to be able</b><b>to do it. It's crazy. I still think</b><b>that's so cool. Yeah. But again, Garif</b><b>I find the minority on that. I do also</b><b>think it's cool that different</b><b>combinations of things like, you know,</b><b>like obviously like a warrior blacksmith</b><b>makes a lot of sense to me crafting your</b><b>own gear and stuff. Mm hmm. I still think</b><b>being a warrior engineer is really cool</b><b>too. Yeah. You know, because then maybe</b><b>you can compensate for</b><b>things you otherwise can't do as a</b><b>warrior. See, I pilt over is pretty in</b><b>the Piltover and like Zahn and Bilgewater</b><b>and these places. So Piltover and Zahn</b><b>are the engineers, you know, and I feel</b><b>like they're very accepting. Like they're</b><b>kind of a melting pot. They're very much</b><b>the middle of the world and everyone kind</b><b>of passes through it to go north or</b><b>passes through it to go south. And that's</b><b>where all the trade is done. So it's</b><b>almost a mixing pot. So I can definitely</b><b>see you being a warrior from Damacy or</b><b>Noxus, but an engineer from</b><b>Piltover at the same time.</b><b>Yeah, I agree. I definitely see the</b><b>potential there because, yeah, I think</b><b>class profession combinations can make</b><b>for really cool stuff. It adds adds more</b><b>personalization to your character. It</b><b>makes them feel more like your character</b><b>instead of just a warrior. Yeah. But also</b><b>for like expansions and stuff, because</b><b>obviously expansions are inevitable. I do</b><b>hope that professions like not only</b><b>progress with the like with the</b><b>expansion, obviously, like new new things</b><b>to do with your profession.</b><b>Also, I hope the old stuff still stays</b><b>kind of relevant in terms of what you</b><b>could make back then. Yeah. Yeah. I mean,</b><b>I think for a blacksmith, it's the</b><b>hardest because you're just crafting</b><b>gear. So obviously, you're going to be</b><b>crafting better gear</b><b>in the next expansion.</b><b>But that's one thing I think World of</b><b>Warcraft does pretty good with this</b><b>engineering profession. Right. Really? As</b><b>an engineer, I'm always I'm always a</b><b>World War Two Draenor to make more goblin</b><b>gliders because goblin gliders are great.</b><b>They let you, you know, glide across kind</b><b>of like like like Lynx</b><b>paraglider wilds like that.</b><b>It's insanely valuable to be able to</b><b>traverse through, you know, like the</b><b>world using goblin gliders. And that's</b><b>from like 10 years ago now. Yeah. So I</b><b>like that. Yeah. Right. So I hope that's</b><b>something that Riot considers. I think</b><b>Riot is definitely keeping an eye on</b><b>current MMOs and what works and what</b><b>doesn't. At least this late in the MMO</b><b>game. Because how it's so crazy.</b><b>I'm also seeing this resurgence now.</b><b>Yeah. I feel like they can actually look</b><b>back at this kind of thing. Yeah. And</b><b>like, you know, obviously, Amazon with</b><b>their MMOs and now Riot with their MMO.</b><b>This feels like a whole new era of MMOs</b><b>where now they can actually look back on</b><b>this stuff and see what</b><b>worked and what didn't.</b><b>Because every, you know, like WOW and</b><b>RuneScape, that kind of stuff, like they</b><b>were really just wild west. Same like</b><b>Lord of the Rings Online, Star Wars, the</b><b>Old Republic. That was just they were</b><b>just figuring stuff out as they go. Yeah.</b><b>It was just shooting shots in the dark.</b><b>Yeah, exactly. So now I hope Riot can</b><b>look at stuff like these professions and</b><b>be like, oh wow, engineering was a really</b><b>popular profession in World of Warcraft.</b><b>You know, I'm sure a lot of guys on the</b><b>Riot team, a lot of guys on the Riot team</b><b>have probably played World of Warcraft.</b><b>Yeah. Be crazy if they didn't. Yeah. I'm</b><b>sure they have. Yeah.</b><b>So I'm sure they experienced professions</b><b>in World of Warcraft or in File of AC 14</b><b>and are like, oh, this works really well</b><b>for this profession.</b><b>You know, this is a really cool idea that</b><b>adds longevity and adds value even in</b><b>expansions later on. You know, so I'm</b><b>hoping they see that</b><b>stuff and capitalize on it.</b><b>Well, stuff like Blacksmithing, like I</b><b>said, will be a bit tougher. I don't know</b><b>how they're going to do stuff like that.</b><b>One thing I will say as well about</b><b>professions is that I think professions</b><b>should definitely be relevant the whole</b><b>way while you're leveling up.</b><b>Like it should. Oh, yeah, it should make</b><b>you you should if you're a blacksmith</b><b>want to mine so you can go back and craft</b><b>that sword or that shield or that chest</b><b>piece to make yourself stronger.</b><b>Say leveling becomes easier. If you're an</b><b>alchemist, you should want to gather</b><b>those herbs so you can make that health</b><b>potion or that whatever thorns potion or</b><b>something that will make</b><b>leveling easier or make you better.</b><b>Or next time you go into that dungeon,</b><b>you can be like, hey, guys, I crafted</b><b>these. These will</b><b>help us in this dungeon.</b><b>Yeah. To do that, content needs to be</b><b>difficult. Oh, yeah.</b><b>I agree very much.</b><b>I mean, classical had a</b><b>difficulty down pat, right?</b><b>Where you can you can get</b><b>through without professions.</b><b>It's just going to be slower and probably</b><b>going to die more. Yeah.</b><b>But you can do it.</b><b>It's also just going to be as fun.</b><b>You know, I'm going to feel as</b><b>accomplished when you do things.</b><b>You're not going to have that that</b><b>buildup of I'm prepared for this.</b><b>You know, I've been training to kill this</b><b>like this free level 12 goblin NPC, this</b><b>boss in the middle of Durotar.</b><b>All right. Got my potions.</b><b>I got I got the</b><b>sharpening stone from my friend.</b><b>Yeah. That that's a weapon.</b><b>Do more damage from my blacksmith buddy.</b><b>We're ready. And when you kill that</b><b>goblin, it's going to feel amazing.</b><b>It should feel different.</b><b>It should feel like you are you are</b><b>actually stronger from all this.</b><b>This extra work that you did.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Inside the city, you know, working with</b><b>your friends to exchange stuff,</b><b>you know, giving them some potions or</b><b>something like that.</b><b>And they're giving you</b><b>armor or sharpening stones.</b><b>Like that's where the group effect is</b><b>felt even while you're leveling.</b><b>Yeah. We're saying professions are so</b><b>valuable because of group content.</b><b>That's individual.</b><b>So you can do that on your own.</b><b>You can verbalize on your own.</b><b>You can blacksmith on</b><b>your own grouping up.</b><b>Like I hope to see some of some of the</b><b>stuff similar to what</b><b>we were talking about</b><b>earlier with the group to you know, that</b><b>are a bit more competitive</b><b>and people are fighting over them.</b><b>Yeah. But then you come.</b><b>You use that to help your friends and</b><b>they're using their</b><b>professions to help you.</b><b>Yeah. And that's what solo content should</b><b>be for other players.</b><b>Yeah. But if anyone can do everything,</b><b>then it's pointless.</b><b>Yeah, I completely agree.</b><b>But then there's also that conflict of</b><b>like, I don't know if I see 14.</b><b>I do. I love like my mining and</b><b>blacksmithing profession.</b><b>But at the same time, I didn't start it</b><b>until way later. Right.</b><b>That's an issue because I was like</b><b>already way past it.</b><b>And it requires time dedicated</b><b>specifically to that profession</b><b>instead of like, say World of Warcraft as</b><b>you're leveling up your warrior,</b><b>you're leveling up your</b><b>blacksmithing simultaneously.</b><b>Right. You're doing both</b><b>of them at the same time.</b><b>I like that more. I don't know.</b><b>There's definitely pros and cons to it.</b><b>I think overall, if they really go hard</b><b>on community driven like MMO,</b><b>I will like I hope they</b><b>do with the right MMO.</b><b>I do see the specific quest line as a</b><b>minor being more valuable</b><b>because then, you know, you have that</b><b>like I need buddies with me.</b><b>What if it's a combination?</b><b>Like, so you're you're leveling up your</b><b>mining while you're</b><b>doing out in the world.</b><b>But then there's also this quest line,</b><b>you know, that you have to go through</b><b>with other miners, you know, you get</b><b>together something like that to do this.</b><b>This and it and it's how you</b><b>you can just go through mining.</b><b>But this will make maybe your mining and</b><b>you'll be able to mine in certain areas</b><b>like to be able to mine in cold areas,</b><b>something like that.</b><b>So like, I don't know how the Final</b><b>Fantasy stuff works,</b><b>but is there a way to combine</b><b>them that you've played both?</b><b>Is there a way to mesh them together</b><b>where you get the best</b><b>of both worlds or no?</b><b>No, really, no. It's very much you're</b><b>either you're either in minor mode</b><b>or you are in, you know,</b><b>like your your main class mode</b><b>where, you know, you're going through the</b><b>main storyline of the game</b><b>as one of your fighting classes.</b><b>So if you're doing the mining quest line,</b><b>you're mining. Yeah.</b><b>You're not fighting anything.</b><b>You're not you include</b><b>that thing like, I mean, maybe</b><b>because I it all depends on how malleable</b><b>they would want to make it.</b><b>Right. Like how how how</b><b>much does riot want to mesh?</b><b>You know, your blacksmith with your</b><b>warrior, how easily</b><b>interchangeable are they?</b><b>You know, I mean, can</b><b>you change on the fly?</b><b>Can you just instantly</b><b>go into your warrior mode?</b><b>Then I mean, then there's really no need</b><b>to have people protecting you.</b><b>No, no, I hope it's the</b><b>case. Yeah, it can be.</b><b>I liked your idea of where</b><b>you're in your mining mode,</b><b>but you have this defensive ability.</b><b>Yeah. Like dynamite.</b><b>You can throw that and stun someone.</b><b>So you have a chance of getting away.</b><b>Yeah. You can land these dynamite hits.</b><b>Yeah. And they're like long cooldowns.</b><b>So, like, you know, you can't evade</b><b>forever, but you can evade. Yeah.</b><b>I don't know.</b><b>I still think I like the Final</b><b>Fantasy 14 route more. Really?</b><b>OK, I want to play.</b><b>I should play Final Fantasy 14 just to</b><b>have an idea of how this works.</b><b>It's it's really cool.</b><b>I will say because even</b><b>though I was way behind the mining</b><b>compared to my main class, so like the</b><b>gear I was making was</b><b>pretty much worthless.</b><b>So I was way behind.</b><b>But I still just enjoyed the quest line</b><b>and I still just enjoyed the content.</b><b>The only problem with my working is that</b><b>it's just very, very single player.</b><b>And the most single player you can play.</b><b>That's the only reason why</b><b>I personally prefer. Wow.</b><b>But there's so many good things about my</b><b>up on my 14 that I really hope.</b><b>I'm sure I'm actually positive the right</b><b>team has looked at Final Fantasy 14.</b><b>Right. They're they're chugging crazy</b><b>numbers and for good reason.</b><b>It's still a great MMO.</b><b>They should not reinvent the wheel.</b><b>And I get this stuff</b><b>like take what's good</b><b>and create new stuff to add to it or or</b><b>tweak some things to make them better.</b><b>But when it comes to certain things, like</b><b>we talked about the Holy Trinity</b><b>last time, which is</b><b>the healer DPS and tank.</b><b>Like, I feel like that really works.</b><b>I like that and that you</b><b>feel like you're a team.</b><b>I don't think that means to be you don't</b><b>need to reinvent the wheel</b><b>and that kind of</b><b>stuff like certain stuff.</b><b>You feel comfortable reusing that and</b><b>taking and putting into the game</b><b>instead of trying to make not don't make</b><b>everything different.</b><b>Not everything needs to be different.</b><b>Yeah, dude.</b><b>I mean, like I'm always secretly hoping</b><b>deep down that riot becomes the next</b><b>blizzard because blizzard. So, dude,</b><b>please, please riot.</b><b>We need another blizzard and blizzards</b><b>aren't going to be blizzards.</b><b>So take us to the froy or please.</b><b>But blizzard always did.</b><b>They blizzard never made anything new.</b><b>Now, they just made what</b><b>was out really, really good.</b><b>They made the best of</b><b>what was already out.</b><b>Yeah. You know, I mean, I'm not afraid to</b><b>take new idea or to take ideas</b><b>from other games, but they took those</b><b>ideas and made them better.</b><b>They improved on them.</b><b>And that's what I think right is in the</b><b>perfect position to do right now</b><b>because these other MMOs, they've been</b><b>out for a long time.</b><b>All right. They are very established.</b><b>They have tried a lot</b><b>of different things.</b><b>And they've made mistakes that like that</b><b>you can't really you can't undo.</b><b>I think wow, specifically, wow,</b><b>especially they made</b><b>so many things they can.</b><b>They can't redo the faction war. Right.</b><b>The faction war is</b><b>done forever at the end.</b><b>We can't be at war anymore.</b><b>It makes me very sad.</b><b>They will never take away the wow token.</b><b>Yeah, they can't take away the entire</b><b>store, the entire blizzard stores now.</b><b>There, whether people like it or not.</b><b>And like just the whole</b><b>homogenization of factions.</b><b>I just hate it. Yeah, you can't go back.</b><b>Everyone's immune now.</b><b>Everyone has an immune.</b><b>You can't take those away.</b><b>Yeah, exactly. That would be horrible.</b><b>I would like I would hate that, too,</b><b>because it's like, oh, my God.</b><b>Now my warrior is just worse.</b><b>Yeah, weaker now.</b><b>Once you give players</b><b>power, you can't take that away.</b><b>Yeah. And that's a very, very like you</b><b>can't be a tight lines or walk, you know.</b><b>And once you're a champion,</b><b>you can't not be a champion.</b><b>Yeah. Once you save the world, that's it.</b><b>You're now on world</b><b>saving level. Yeah. Right.</b><b>So I just hope I hope Riot has learned</b><b>all of these lessons that every other MMO</b><b>has had to learn the</b><b>hard way and can't undo.</b><b>Like this is their chance.</b><b>This is the perfect time. Yeah.</b><b>So we'll see what Riot does, man.</b><b>OK, so we're going to talk more about all</b><b>of this stuff next time.</b><b>I want to go into professions a little</b><b>more and leveling a little more</b><b>and talk about maybe the different areas</b><b>where you're going to go to</b><b>and how you'd level there.</b><b>And we didn't we actually didn't touch</b><b>really on character creation,</b><b>which we were supposed to</b><b>touch on at the beginning.</b><b>And oh, yeah, like</b><b>how we're going to mesh.</b><b>If you're starting from Froyo or you're</b><b>starting from where you're starting from</b><b>and how that affects your your</b><b>progression at the beginning.</b><b>But I definitely want to</b><b>talk about those next time.</b><b>I do hope you enjoyed this episode.</b><b>So we'll continue this conversation in</b><b>the next one right here</b><b>in the Brazen Hydra pub in Bilgewater.</b><b>You can find me at Engrove</b><b>on socials and YouTube and</b><b>oh, you'll find me at</b><b>ConQuest 95 on Twitter.</b><b>And also you can follow us together at</b><b>the Brazen Hydra on Twitter</b><b>or you can head to the</b><b>Brazen Hydra dot com.</b><b>And on Twitter, feel free</b><b>to throw anything at us.</b><b>A Q&A story suggestions, anything you</b><b>want us to talk about on the show.</b><b>We may talk through those as well.</b><b>Thanks for stopping by and</b><b>we'll see you in the next one.</b>