Pure Possibilities - Align Your Heart, Mind, Energy & Soul
On the Pure Possibilities Podcast, we will explore the powerful links between emotions, mindset, and energy, practical tips and real-life stories to help you break free from limitations and find joy in your daily life as well as learning how to get better in tune with your body and your true authentic self. Together, let's align your heart, mind, energy and soul- from the inside out.
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Pure Possibilities - Align Your Heart, Mind, Energy & Soul
Spreading Love on Election Day
Ever wondered how a simple act of kindness can shift the energy around you? Let me share a personal story from a recent visit to Costco where a small gesture sparked a chain reaction of smiles and positivity, illustrating the profound impact of spreading love on a day as significant as the election. This episode invites you to explore the concept of the "Magic of What If?" card deck, which serendipitously draws a card perfectly aligned with our theme of love and harmony. Through heartwarming anecdotes, we'll uncover how choosing personal growth over political debate can light up someone's day, whether it's during a meaningful farewell with a Starbucks barista or amidst the bustling uncertainty of election day.
Amidst all the turmoil and unpredictability that an election day can bring, it's essential to find your center and radiate calm. This episode offers a soothing reminder that, regardless of outcomes, everything will be alright. I open the floor for you to engage further by sending in your questions to be addressed in future episodes, maintaining a lively and interactive dialogue. Wrap up your week with this uplifting listen, and consider joining our private Facebook community for even more engaging discussions and weekly card readings that aim to continuously spread positivity and joy.
Have a question or topic you'd like discussed? Click here to send a text!
Connect with us here: https://purepossibilities.net to order your Magic of What If card deck and for information regarding 1:1 personalized coaching and energy healings!
Join the FREE Pure Possibilities Private Facebook Community here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/purepossibilitiespodcastcommunity/
While I'm here to share suggestions and insights to educate, inspire, and support you on your journey, it's crucial to note that I'm not a psychologist or a medical doctor. I don't provide professional health or medical advice. If you're dealing with a psychological or medical condition, it's important to seek help from a qualified health professional. Your well-being is the top priority, so make sure to connect with the right experts if you need that extra support.
Welcome back to the Pure Possibilities podcast. Thank you for hanging out with me today. We have listeners all over the world, and that means so much to me. I, however, am in the United States and this episode is airing on election day, so that's really fun. It's our presidential election this year, and I wanted to just talk about that for a second, because anyone that has known me for any amount of time knows that I choose to not participate in conversations about politics. I have my own thoughts, feelings and opinions, but I choose to not openly discuss them, because any time that I have personally gotten into a conversation about politics, you know, have you ever had that situation where somebody is so passionate, people are so passionate one way or the other about a candidate, and I find that people aren't always open to hearing the other person's side because they're so passionate about it one way or the other. And so a long time ago, I decided, because I had a conversation with a friend and it did not go very well, and so I just decided I wasn't going to engage in those conversations, and what came to me in that moment was that the best way for me to impact change in the world, in my environment, with the people that I surround myself with, is by being kind and loving and doing my part to work on myself so that I show up as the best version of me, that I know how, and I'm continually growing and evolving and expanding, and that's what's important to me and that's where my power is, how I show up. So I would invite you, regardless of what the outcome is, take a look inside and are you showing up as your best self and spreading kindness and joy and peace and love to the people that you surround yourself with? Okay, I got in. The new magic of what if? Card deck volume two has arrived, and I'm going to start today by pulling a card. This is the very first time that I'm pulling a card from the new deck. I loved the first one. I love this one even more. The first one was done with a whole lot of love and a whole lot of fear, and sometimes we just have to show ourselves that we can actually do something, and I did and they've been very, very successful. So I decided to create another deck and they are both available on my website, purepossibilitiesnet. And here we go, today's card from the new Magic of what If? Card deck. What if I aligned with the energy of love and harmony Now doesn't that go well with election day? What if I'm aligned with the energy of love and harmony? I love that so much and it's all about love, loving yourself, loving the people around you and showing up as your best self and the energy that you put out into the world.
Speaker 1:I was at Costco the other day and I was dressed up for Halloween and I had on a really I don't know it was a cute. It was like a purple velvety you can't see me, but I have purple highlights in my hair and it was a purple velvety outfit with stars and moons on it and I had these cute sparkle boots on. And I just walked into Costco and I was standing in line behind this woman and she turned around and she said, oh my gosh, she's like I've been so annoyed standing here waiting in line for so long. And then I turn around and I see you and you look absolutely beautiful and you just brightened up my day. It was the sweetest conversation. And then that turned into a whole other conversation about sparkles, because I love sparkles, I love to sparkle, and all I did was walk up and stand behind her and she either felt my energy or something and turned around and literally just standing there, but I was just emanating like a good vibration, a good energy, and I smiled at her and then we started a conversation and it was a really fun conversation. So just remember that when you are aligned with love and harmony and a good energy, that spreads out to other people and you may not realize it, but it is so true.
Speaker 1:I go to Starbucks very frequently and I have connected with several of the baristas there and I just love them. And today was one of the baristas it was her last day and I gave her a card deck and she will often draw on the lid of my cup and today she wrote hearts all over it and said we love you, exclamation mark and a couple of really cool designs. And you know like it's just like I walk in and they greet me and I greet them and it's this beautiful exchange of a good energy and a good vibration. So of a good energy and a good vibration. So remember if you're feeling positive or negative, that spreads to those around you. Okay, so there's another thing I wanted to talk about today. I have a private Facebook community that you're welcome to join. The link is in the show description and every week I go in and do a live Q and a on Wednesdays this week is going to be on Thursday Cause I'm going to be out of town, but it's at 9.00 AM Pacific time. And every week I also, in addition to the Q and a, I pull a what if card, because they're fun and I love them. So two weeks in a row I pulled the same card and I found that to be very interesting.
Speaker 1:I don't believe in coincidences. I believe that at least one person needed to hear that message, and the card was what if? I speak my truth with love, ease and joy? And so I had a little bit of a conversation about how important it is that you speak your truth and when you're doing that in a kind and loving way. That's that's what matters. You know, asking for your needs to be met or maybe you just want to I don't know decide where you're going to go for dinner. You know it doesn't even have to be something big and massive, but speaking your truth and what's important to you is important, because you're important and you matter Right. However, after this call, it occurred to me that when that card comes up, I'm often thinking about other people and how important it is that you speak your truth to other people.
Speaker 1:Set your boundaries when you need to, and sometimes that makes people uncomfortable, because when you're setting a boundary, it's for yourself, but people will often take that personally. Or if you're setting boundaries and you haven't done that before, it makes them uncomfortable because they're not used to you standing up for yourself or maybe they're not going to get from you whatever it is that they were getting before you started setting boundaries. So after that call, it occurred to me that what if you turn that in and are you speaking to yourself with truth? Are you speaking your truth to yourself with love, ease and joy? Are you being honest with yourself about the life that you want to live? Are you being honest and being truthful with yourself about what brings you joy or what makes you unhappy? And then are you doing something about it? But are you doing it in a kind and loving way and being honest with yourself?
Speaker 1:We can go into a whole thing about personal responsibility and taking responsibility for your life. It's your life and sometimes we make choices that other people don't necessarily agree with. But if you consider the fact that all judgment is self judgment and you think about that. When you're having a conversation with somebody and you perceive because it's your perception that somebody is judging, you think about the fact that maybe you're doing something that they don't feel brave enough to do, wouldn't move across the country and sell their house and quit their job, or maybe that person wouldn't leave a relationship or change jobs or whatever, and maybe it makes them uncomfortable because they don't feel like they could make that decision and do that. It's all perspective and different people's perception. But when you're being honest with yourself and being true to yourself and doing what brings you joy and lifts you up, the people around you they may be upset with whatever decision you choose to make that you feel is in your highest good. They may be upset with it in the moment, but when they really love and care about you but when they really love and care about you, they come around. Most people want the people that they love to be happy and we don't get to decide what makes other people happy, especially if it's coming from a space of judgment, because it makes me uncomfortable that you're choosing to do whatever you're choosing to do.
Speaker 1:So just a couple of thoughts that went down a road that I wasn't necessarily planning on, but you know what Apparently it needed to be said. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. You can text me with the link in the show description and I'll answer any questions that you have here on the show. I'm not able to actually text you back, but I can answer your questions on the show and if you're in the United States, I invite you to take a deep breath and just know in your heart that everything is going to be okay, regardless of the outcome of the election. I hope you have a beautiful, beautiful day and an amazing week. Much love.