Latinas In Leadership

015. I'm back - Life & Business Update You Don't Want to Miss!

Alejandra Thompson

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Intro Song: Cumbia No Frills Faster by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.



Hello and welcome. You are listening to the Latinas in Leadership podcast, where I empower Latinas with the guidance and knowledge they need in order to get promoted to the director level position and increase their salary beyond six figures. I'm your host, Alejandra Thompson, leadership coach and first gen Latina on a mission to see more Latinas in leadership. Inside of my one on one coaching intensive program, director week, I help Latinas go from manager to director and increase their salaries anywhere between 10 to 30, 000. In this podcast, you can count on me to share strategies, tools, and knowledge to help you break into the next level of your career. Let's go. Hey friends. It has been a long time. I am back and I've got some life updates for you, for you to get all the tea about what's been going on with me. And some very important business updates that I think will just really shake things up for you and hopefully be exciting. Now let's go ahead and get started. Obviously, it's been a while I had, the last episode I dropped was in February. We are now officially, I'm recording this July 1st and you will be hearing this July 2nd. So it's been a while, right? It's been a while. And there are many reasons for that. And I. Actually am finally in a place where I'm looking forward to sharing this for a while. I was just in the thick of it, you know? So. I'll kind of go through the major things and then I'll tell you some business updates. So. Number one. I moved out of state. And that was a lot. I moved from Maryland to Miami when I was 24 years old. And you know, when I was 24, I didn't really have much. I was living in a two bedroom, two bath with my cousin that I was splitting it with. So I really had my bedroom and maybe some living room stuff. Right. It wasn't that much stuff, girl, when you move and you're a grown adult, it's like, we have so much stuff like living room stuff. Bedroom stuff, office stuff. Cause I work from home, you know what I'm saying? And so it was just a lot to move out of state. At this stage in my life, I've just been thinking about, I don't know how people do this with kids, with like little kids, how people move out of state with kids, but it's all where there is a will. There is a way, and we had a will. And so we moved, we actually moved from Maryland. Up north to Michigan. And so now I am a Michigan owner and I don't know if that's a real word or if. No one in Michigan refers to themselves as Michigan, but I am now here in Michigan and I know that kind of sounds crazy to most people that I share it with. I would say. Seven out of 10 people that I meet here in Michigan. And I tell them that I moved here from Miami. They either look at me and ask me why I would do such a thing. Or they look at me and just say, well, actually, no, that's pretty much the biggest thing that people will say. It's like, what, why would you move? Like I want to go there. Why would you come here? So it's been a really interesting reaction from people here in Michigan and just overall, but. There's a lot to unpack there just, and I'm not going to go through all of that here. But I did move from Miami to Michigan. It was a pretty big move. It's obviously very, very different where I am and you know, whether it's different people, different demographics, different. Um, you know, just a lot of things, a lot of things are different here in Michigan, but I am getting settled in. And so that was number one, we moved and that was a lot already. And then layered on top of a state move. I am pregnant. Ah, blessings. I am feel incredibly blessed. I'm smiling from ear to ear. Just sharing this with you. I am pregnant. We are expecting our first baby and we are thrilled. We are so grateful to God. We just feel so incredibly blessed where happy. And with that being said, I did a state movement during my first trimester. And so if you don't have any kids and you, you know, and you're not very familiar with pregnancy and things like that. First trimester is a little rough for most people. And it was, it was for me, it was for me. I struggled with nausea. I struggled with. Fatigue. Those were the two main things. I was just so incredibly tired. I mean, I would literally y'all I would literally sleep. 12 hours. And then I'd wake up. And then I take like a two hour nap sometime in the day. And it's like, well, what in the world? If you have kids, it's, it's like, I'm a toddler. I'm just like, I have to sleep so much. And I was also very nauseous. And so that was a huge struggle as well because nothing tastes good and you have to eat. Because your body needs nourishment, but nothing seems to sit well with you so that wasn't very fun. Of course. And on top of that, like I said, I was doing a state move in con. On top of the fact that I was also in my first trimester. So it was a lie. It was a lot to take in. Um, I'm not going to lie this year's kind of flown by. I'm like, wait, we're halfway through the year. And so it's been really crazy, but again, just really big. Big, um, big blessings and something that. I just also wanted to share with you all as to like what's been going on in my life. Because again, I feel like now I'm finally in a place where I can share these things because when I was in the thick of it, I was like, I can't even think about the podcast right now. And the thing was though I take that back because like I was thinking about the podcast, I was thinking about you all, like. I would just be like, I miss doing my podcast. I miss sharing things. I miss just connecting and sharing this information that I feel so strongly about that I want Latinas to have so that they can break into leadership, but I just did not have the bandwidth. I did not have it. And so I was on the struggle bus, but it was, you know, first such a great blessing. And that really helped me get through all of that. And then on top of these things, you know, once we finally did get to Michigan, that all happened, we got here. And our stuff got here and, you know, we're we're, we were here for about two weeks and then we had a lot of travel. So. We had my brother's graduation. I am 10 years older than my brother, so he just graduated college and that's so exciting. And so I went back, we went to his graduation. That was a really big celebration. We also had our honeymoon, me and my husband got married. April of 20, 23, but we knew that we were going to postpone our honeymoon until 2024. And so this year we did our honeymoon, we went to Italy and so we were in Italy. Our friends got married in Italy too. And so we got to witness their beautiful. Wedding. It was just amazing. It was the most beautiful wedding that I have seen. It was so incredible to be there and to witness them be able to come together as a union. And so we went to Italy. We also had a wedding in thrown into the midst of all of this as well. That also required some travel, although that was a road trip, at least as opposed to taking an airplane. And, um, and this was my first time in Europe. So I like have, I've never been on a plane for more than five hours. And that was a whole experience. I'm telling you guys, I I've like missed you guys so much. I I'm link here and I'm like, this podcast could literally be an hour, but I'm not going to do that. Cause I need to get back to giving you. Uh, valuable information that I know is going to help you break into leadership. So I just wanted to share those things. We ha I had so many things going on from February up until now, between moving states, getting all of that stuff done. Being pregnant and being just so low on energy throughout that time as well. And just trying to also manage my own mindset and the fears that come up when. You know, someone can, when someone gets pregnant, which is very common, like you just have so many fears around what can happen to the baby. And are you doing okay? Is everything okay? And so just managing my own life, my own mind, and then all the travel going on as well. So. All those things. Now I'm back. I just, I would say a couple of weeks ago, I started to get to the place where I was like, you know what? Like, I just really missed a podcast. I want to get back to the podcast. I want to get back to the podcast. And slowly I've now gotten over, I think earlier, maybe last week, actually it was. I just was like, I think I can do it. And I was like, thinking about it. And I was like trying to organize my schedule and I was even talking to a friend of mine. And I've just gotten to a point now where I'm like, I just, I just gotta do it. I gotta do it. I'm gonna put my, my time management skills in to the test. Cause they're only going to need to get stronger as they become a parent. And so I am now just like, okay, we're coming back, we're coming back. So I wanted to give you some of that life. Update as to what's been going on with me and you know why I've been away for this many months from the podcast. Now a business update. So I mentioned to you, I am pregnant. That means that I am making the choice, that I will be taking time away from my business when I have my baby. And I'm just so excited to be home. To be with my baby and to spend that time, have my own, you know, as an entrepreneur, I don't, I'm not given maternity leave from any company, but I can give myself maternity leave. And so I've been working to make sure that I set up my schedule in a way where I can have maternity leave when that time comes. So that I can enjoy time with my baby. And so with that being said, my one-on-one coaching program that is longer term meaning my six months is no longer available. My three month one-on-one coaching program, which is available still, but will be cut off. I on, let me see what date I put down. July 8th, July 8th. Now you're going to listen to this July 2nd. So basically in a week, right? Um, and so I wanted to share that in case you have listened to this, and you're like, I'm thinking about working with her, but I'm not sure. And you're interested in that longer term one-on-one of three months and getting that type of support. Then you have a deadline to get on at Mihai and get yourself investing in yourself and into the goals that you want to do, whether that is. Changing careers, whether that is getting promoted. And I have another offer that I'm going to share with you That will also be in regards to getting promoted. But that is the first thing I wanted to make sure I share. with you all, because I know that I was putting that all over. Of course, when I, that was my main offer. I work with people in six months and three months. Frames to really support them into the goals that they have for their career and breaking into that next level. Now. With that being said, I have a offer that I'm sharing. With everyone. And this offer that I have is called director week. Now, director week is for any Latina manager right now, if you are a manager and you know that you want to break into that director level position, but you haven't been able to do it. You've been stuck at the manager level. You've been stuck giving being, given all these. You know, leadership type of opportunities, but not getting the title or the salary. This is for you director week is a coaching intensive program. Meaning it's not going to be three months. It's not going to be six months. It's literally in the title of the offer. It's one week. And what we do in this one week is we meet over the span of six hours. And throughout this time I'm getting everything I need from you and then preparing you so that you can go off and land your first director level position and increase your salary anywhere from$10,000 to$30,000, I've had clients even land a job at$44,000 more. So I wanted to share this with you, because again, this is what I will be offering from now, all the way up until October 15th, and then let me just go ahead and tell you a little bit about Uh, director week program. What this is, I mentioned already six hours that we'll meet over the span of, of this of the week. And then what I give you, what you will have after this one week, you will have a director level resume, a resume that speaks into your abilities at the director level, not at the entry level, not at the manager level at the director level, so that when the hiring manager opens up that resume or that recruiter opens up that resume. They instantly know. Okay. Yes. This person is qualified for this position. I will also give you a director interview success kit, and this is where I will give you everything you need to be able to go in and confidently interview. Well, we will go over leadership stories that are going to highlight your achievements so that you don't feel like an imposter. You're going to receive mock interview recordings. I will have a list of skills that you need to focus on and a guide to answering any behavior based question that you get. Cause that really trips up my clients. The other thing you'll get is a strategic followup plan, a personalized plans to follow up with your potential employers strategically. I just had a client go through this program. She applied to a job that she had been rejected to twice already. And after she applied for the third time with the director level resume using my strategic followup plan, she. Got an interview. So you're going to get that to you. And you're also going to get the job tracker and informational interview tracker that I have so that you can stay organized and efficient in your job search. And I'll give you some templates for messaging, hiring managers so that you can communicate effectively and you can make a good impression. So by the end of one week, you will be ready to step into your role as a director with the title in the pay that you all ready deserve, because I know it, I worked with so many Latinas who are managers and they have. I've been given so many tasks. That are screaming. It's time for you to break into director level, but they haven't been given the title and they haven't been given the pay. So I am here to help you to claim it, to take it using this program director week a coaching intensive. Again, we do this over the span of one. Week. And so that's the new stuff that's going on in my business. That's the offer that I have going on right now. That will be active through October again, no more six months available. There's three months available over the next week. If you want to book a sales call. And you want to talk about doing a three-month program? You can do that three month program up until July 8th. All right. So that's everything going on. And I know that there's just so much more, I want to tell you guys, but that's all I'm going to do for right now, because again, I want to get back to sharing some stuff. The next episodes that I'm going to start releasing. Are going to be all about how you can begin to transform the materials you have right now to scream director, because I want to see more Latinas in director level positions. We are making strides. We are seeing more Latinos going to leadership. We're seeing Latinas drive. Into college. We're seeing them. Graduate from college in higher numbers. And that we'll begin to see, we'll begin to see that reflected in the corporate space, but it takes us being able to claim what we deserve. And it's going to take some hustle. It's going to take some work. And I don't use hustle in a bad way. It's just, it's going to take some work from us to be able to get there, but I'm seeing more and more of them break into director level position. And so I want to be a part of that movement to help you get into that position because. The data is the data we are getting into the workforce, but we're not getting into those higher level positions like director, like VP. And so I want to break through that barrier that we're seeing and get you into that director level position so that you can make more so that you can have more impact and you can get the type of title and pay that you deserve. And so all of that going on now. Thank you. Thank you so much. I'm really excited to share these next few episodes. On transforming your resume, your LinkedIn, we're going to talk about different things all related to how you can break into director level. And let's say you're not even a manager right now. Let's say you're an individual contributor, whatever that title is, even if you're not a manager, listen to these episodes, because this is just a couple of steps ahead of you. And you want to be able to have a couple of steps ahead. That type of vision. That's, that's also even a part of being a leader. And so. So being able to see the things that will benefit you. In five years will still benefit you now. It's not like it won't be helpful for you to know what that blueprint is like so that you already know the things that you should start working on now. So that's everything I got for you all. I'm going to go ahead and close this out here and I'll see you. I'm actually dropping two episodes for July 2nd on Tuesday, since I'm like ready to get back in, just wanted to give you an update and then we're going to go into some great stuff. That's going to help you break into that next level of right. So good chatting with you. We're going to talk again very soon and thank you for tuning in ciao. If you're ready to get promoted into the director level and get the title and salary you deserve, I invite you to book a sales call with me. This is a one hour call where I will assess your career, your obstacles, what's prevented you from breaking into director level and your goals. I will tell you exactly the way that I can help you in director week. And we can talk about whether the director we coaching intensive program is the best fit for you. The link to book your sales call is in the show notes. I'll talk to you soon. Ciao.