Latinas In Leadership

019. Q&A - Everything You Need to Know About Director Week

July 23, 2024 Alejandra Thompson
019. Q&A - Everything You Need to Know About Director Week
Latinas In Leadership
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Latinas In Leadership
019. Q&A - Everything You Need to Know About Director Week
Jul 23, 2024
Alejandra Thompson

Ready to go from Manager to Director and increase your salary by 10k-30k? Tune get all your questions about Director Week answered. I cover everything from program qualifications, investment, and time commitment, to how Director Week can help boost your career to the director level.

01:01 The Goal of Director Week

04:51 How Can Director Week Help Me?

17:41 Am I Qualified for Director Week?

24:02 What is The Time Commitment of Director Week?

27:38 Is this One-on-One or a Group Program?

27:50 How Much is The Program?

28:37 I’ve Already Been Rejected From Several Director roles - would this still work for me?

30:08 How can I approach my employer about paying for Director Week?

31:41 I've never worked with a coach before - will this still work for me?

📌book a free sales call - DIRECTOR WEEK

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Show Notes Transcript

Ready to go from Manager to Director and increase your salary by 10k-30k? Tune get all your questions about Director Week answered. I cover everything from program qualifications, investment, and time commitment, to how Director Week can help boost your career to the director level.

01:01 The Goal of Director Week

04:51 How Can Director Week Help Me?

17:41 Am I Qualified for Director Week?

24:02 What is The Time Commitment of Director Week?

27:38 Is this One-on-One or a Group Program?

27:50 How Much is The Program?

28:37 I’ve Already Been Rejected From Several Director roles - would this still work for me?

30:08 How can I approach my employer about paying for Director Week?

31:41 I've never worked with a coach before - will this still work for me?

📌book a free sales call - DIRECTOR WEEK

🔗Connect with me on LinkedIn

Hello and welcome. You are listening to the Latinas in Leadership podcast, where I empower Latinas with the guidance and knowledge they need in order to get promoted to the director level position and increase their salary beyond six figures. I'm your host, Alejandra Thompson, leadership coach and first gen Latina on a mission to see more Latinas in leadership. Inside of my one on one coaching intensive program, director week, I help Latinas go from manager to director and increase their salaries anywhere between 10 to 30, 000. In this podcast, you can count on me to share strategies, tools, and knowledge to help you break into the next level of your career. Let's go. Hey friends. Welcome back to the podcast. Today I am. Releasing an episode that is a bit unique and different from the other ones. And that's because in this podcast episode, I actually went live on LinkedIn and I'm sharing that here on the podcast. The live was a Q and a, and it was all about the program director week because I've gotten a lot of questions on it and some of them have been the same questions over and over again. And so I figured it would be helpful for me to record a podcast, share it live and record. I got that backwards. Go live. And record it and then share it on the podcast. That's what I meant to say. And so that's what I'm sharing here. You're going to hear me go into the live and give you updates. I recorded this on July 15th. And so as you will hear in the live, I. At this moment am lamenting the loss of Columbia and the Copa America finals. But, you know, We got there and we can get there again. So. All of that. You'll hear it. Even though this is going to release, I think next week, you're going to hear me talk about that on this podcast. And if you were rooting for Columbia too, and you are also mourning, just know that I am there with you. Okay. Thank you for tuning in and as always, if you have any questions or if you want to book a sales call for director week, you can find that in the show notes. If you want to connect with me, you can connect with me on LinkedIn. And that is also in the show notes. Okay. See you next week. Ciao. Hello? Hello. I attempted to go alive through zoom for the first time. Cause I usually use dream yard. A different third party app. And it just did not cooperate. It did not work y'all so I'm sorry to be a couple of minutes late today, we are doing a Q and a on all things director week. I've been talking about for a little while now, and maybe you've got questions and I've had a lot of people have questions. And so I just figured, you know, what. Let me stop answering these questions individually. And let me just go ahead and go live, answer all these questions and see if it helps out because this way it'll be recorded. And then you will have all this information that you can reference back to. If you are interested in the program, or you can always book a call with me to chat with me on there, but. Before we jump into that, I got all like frazzled. I'm like, okay, zoom, isn't working, whatever. I'm just gonna use this app, but how are you? How are you doing? Let me know how things are. I am still mourning the loss of Columbia as they went into the final yesterday for They have not made it into a final since 2001. And I, at that time, whereas I don't know what nine. Nine years old. And so I was really excited about this as my first time, seeing Columbia make it to the Copa America finally, as an adult. and I just was so excited for it. And for us to lose was just tough. It was tough to watch, but. My husband said that I have 24 hours to mourn. And so I'm still within that 24 hours to lament. He said, very specifically, he's like, you got 24 hours to lament. And I'm like, okay, well, I still got 24 hours. The game didn't finish until midnight. So I got until midnights and night, two more in that loss. But if you are in Argentina fan, feel free to not let me know. And if you work, Columbia van bleeds. I'm mourning with you. I'm lamenting with you this, you know, we'll, we'll get, we'll get there again. And hopefully, you know, in our lifetime, I think we will. And so. Hope you are doing well. I am excited to get into this. I'm going to go through questions that people have submitted to me. And again, questions that people have been asking me. So I'll be going through those, but if you have a specific question that you want to ask, even based on the answers that I give here, please feel free to go ahead and just comment it. And I will go ahead and answer that question as well. Okay. So let's go ahead and get started as we go into director week and all the different things. I'm going to answer a lot of the questions about like what it is. How it can help you really through the questions that I'm getting over and over again. And so let me just go ahead and start off with this first question that I've been getting a lot is I've been getting something along the lines of essentially how can director week help me? Maybe that's stand out in this very competitive job market. How can it help me land the director level position? How can it help me interview better, et cetera. It kind of falls into this. Umbrella of the question of how Ken director week helped me, which I think is a very important question for me to answer. And so first, this. Program that I designed is really all about giving you the tools that you need in order to be able to land your first director level position. So you are someone who's never been a director before you have been stuck in the manager position, and you want that director level position. But you don't know how to get there. And it feels very overwhelming. This program is really to help you get to that place, eliminating that overwhelm that's been stopping you. And so the things that I provide to you, the things that we work on together and that I provide to you through this program is. Number one, your director level resume. And so what that is, is being able to take the resume you currently have, which is probably not showcasing your experience in an excellent way. It's probably not. Emphasizing your leadership experience. It's probably not emphasizing the skills that are really essential for the director level position that they want to see. And so my job is to be able to create that director resume for you, that will reframe your experience to highlight your strategic vision. You are business impact those leadership skills. And it's going to scream director instead of manager, which is a lot of what I see, or even worse. Sometimes they see resumes of people in a manager position that really just seemed more like entry level entry level, meaning like their resumes tells me that they're entry level candidate versus the seasoned professional that, that Latina. Or that woman is. And so that's number one is giving you a director level resume because this is going to be the first step in order for you to be able to stand out in that high with hiring managers and with recruiters. And so being able to have a resume, that's going to land you interviews. Ultimately you need to be able to land the interviews in order to interview in order to land the job. And so the director level resume is part of that. First step to help you land that job. And so this is gonna really be tailored to you so that it can increase your chances of getting noticed and landing interviews. So that's number one is your director level resume. I find this to be probably one of the most overwhelming for a lot of my clients where, where they just don't know how they've stared at the resume for so long. They don't know how to update it. They work on it so much and then they use it and they apply and then they're not getting anything back. And they're like, this is. Useless. This is a waste of my time. It's very frustrating. And then they start to think. Maybe I just don't have what it takes. Maybe I'm not qualified to be a director. Maybe I won't be able to, maybe I just need to be happy at the level that I'm at now. And none of that is true. A lot of times you just don't have a resume that speaking into the level of experience that you have. So that's one part of how this can help you. One of the many things that I'm about to go through, the second thing is. I put together a director interview success kit. And so. Once we talk about resume. A lot of the other things that can kind of really be hard for my clients is interviewing. And so they have a hard time interviewing. They don't feel very confident interviewing, especially if there's, for example, panel interviews, those can be very overwhelming. And so what I do in the director interview success kit is I help you to select and define seven leadership stories that are going to highlight your achievements to eliminate this. I don't know what to talk about when they ask me a question. I blank out. And then I say something and I don't even remember what I said. And then I realized that's not even something that wasn't even a good story that wasn't even the point. And so I rambled all these different things. My job during the director interview success kit portion of this is to provide to you seven clear leadership stories from your experience to highlight your achievements. And then you're also going to receive mock interviews. We're going to work these stories into how you can answer different behavior based questions. I'm going to give you key skills that you need to focus on so that when you are answering your questions, you know how you need to focus your questions, your answers, so that they highlight the appropriate skills. Another mistake, especially. In the resume and in an, in, in interviewing is you're not highlighting the right skills. And so you're not landing the job at the next level that you want. This is going to really help you with preparing for your interviews. You can always the reason why I record them and I give you those recordings so that you can have them even after we work together is so that you can always reference back to that. You can always come back to that recording and go, how it, how did Alice say to answer that question? How do I rework this? What are my leadership stories? How did we go through in our call? How to rework that same story for these five different questions. The point of our work. Together for the director interview success kit is that you have stories that can cover a numerous amount of questions so that you don't have to stress. So much about what you need to answer, what are they going to ask me? But more so on? What are the stories that I need to know? How do I need to share that? What are the skills I need to focus on so that when they do ask you a question you're prepared and you know how to reshape your stories for whatever question comes your way, because you cannot prepare for every question that you're going to get asked for an interview. You just don't know, and you're going to be spending so much of your energy, trying to guess what question they're going to ask you. And ultimately you just don't know what they're going. To ask you, and that can be really stressful and produce a lot of anxiety. So instead of worrying about what they're going to ask, think about what are the different answers that you can provide to many different things without having to come up with 30 pages of different answers, which I had one client do before we started working together. So that's number one, really being able, uh, number two, sorry. The director of interview success kit is really helping you with feeling confident for interviews, knowing how to share your experience in a way that again is emphasizing your director leadership, potential that level. Okay. So you can make that impression and you can land that interview. Let me make sure. Questions here. Okay. Next thing, director level LinkedIn profile. If you are on LinkedIn, which if you're watching this live right now, or maybe you're listening to this. I'm on the podcast because I am going to share this on there as well. If you are on LinkedIn, but you don't have a profile that actually example of exemplifies your work experience, you're missing out so much. I don't, I don't know what the stat is. And I honestly don't care. Just know people are looking at your LinkedIn profile when you are applying to jobs. Recruiters will come and look at your LinkedIn profile. Hiring managers will come look at your LinkedIn profile. And you want to have a profile that showcases who you are. In a way that's not just replicating your resume. That's not what your LinkedIn profile is. And that's such a huge mistake. That some people who do decide to work on their LinkedIn profile make is they just copy and paste was on their resume onto their LinkedIn profile. And that is not how it works. LinkedIn profile is a social media platform. It's a way that you can express your brand. It can wait. It's a way that people can get to know who you are in the professional context. Yes. But also as a brand, your tone of voice, the things you care about, these are the types of things that you're so missing out on through LinkedIn. When you don't have a profile. That really exemplifies your work experience. And it's going to make a big difference. If a hiring manager is trying to figure out between a couple of different people that they are bringing in for interviews and they see your profile, and it's clearly stating the accomplishments, the things you care about, the values, they can begin to already see how it aligns with the company. All of that's going to make a difference and make you stand out. And so my job is to be able to create, and I really love doing this. I love doing LinkedIn profiles. Because it really helps my clients to begin to see how amazing they already are. A lot of my clients come to me and they have imposter syndrome. They don't feel very confident in what they have they feel. And it's hard because there's like this tension. So many of them come to me and maybe this is you where they're like, I know I have potential. I know that I can do more. But then they also on the other side are like, uh, do I have what it takes? Can I actually do more? Am I going to go in and fail? And so there's this tension. And between those two things. And so I find that the resume and the profile, all of these steps, honestly, but especially the resume profile and interview. They all help. My client really begets and be like, whoa, actually, I've done a lot. I have a lot under my belt. There's a lot that I can offer and it really boosts your confidence in that way too. So I see that just as an added bonus, back to the LinkedIn profile. I will give you and provide to you everything so that you have a LinkedIn profile that is stellar, that is on brand that matches your tone. I don't just do this without providing you a survey beforehand so that I can get a sense of the things that truly matter to you. So you will have pre-work which I'll cover in a, in a different question, but that's for the LinkedIn profile so that you can look at your LinkedIn and be like, yeah, I feel so good about any hiring manager looking at my LinkedIn profile right now, because it's on point. The next thing is I gave you a strategic followup plan. And so what this is, is about developing a plan that helps you. Point by point on how to follow up with potential employers strategically when you do apply for jobs. So one of the things I've been telling my clients over and over again is when you apply to a job online that you saw that you want to land. And that's it. That's you just apply and you close the window and you go about your day. You have done the bare minimum. And I say that with love, you've done the bare minimum. That is what everyone else who wants to get that job has done. They have applied to the job online. Even the person that gets referrals. I would say most of the time, I haven't heard of a single time where this hasn't been the case. Most of the time they still have to apply online. There'll be like, Hey, I'm a refer you, but here's the link. Make sure you apply. Put my name or whatever. Let me know when you apply. I'll I'll forward it over to the hiring manager. You usually still have to apply online. And so the point is, is that when you've done that you've done the bare minimum. And so what I do through director week is I give you the strategic tools that make you go above and beyond what the bare minimum is because you're not bare minimum. You're not the type of person that does the bare minimum. You just don't know these tools that I have most of the time, like when I do this with my clients and. Especially when I go over a strategic follow-up plan, they're just like what I would have never thought about that. This is crazy. This is amazing. This is scary. I didn't even think, you know, there's just all these different things that come up and it's like, you just don't know what you don't know and that's fine. And so my job is to help, you know, the things that you don't know, so that you can go about your job search process in a much more effective way. And so what, this is what this does is it helps you to set stand apart from all the other candidates, because then you're not just doing the bare minimum. You're not just applying and going about your day. You're taking a step further and you're following up on your applications in a way that's strategic leveraging LinkedIn. And again, once you leverage LinkedIn and you, and you're reaching out to people through LinkedIn, then they can go to your profile and guess what? Your profile is bomb. Your profile looks amazing. It looks like this is a director level candidacy and someone who's definitely a great candidate for this position is what I mean. And so from there, I also provide you a job and informational interview trackers. So this is just how you can stay organized and efficient in your job search. And then I also give you templates for hire messaging, hiring managers. So yes, I help you figure out how to pinpoint who you need to reach out to and give you very easy ways that you can do that. But then. What do you do from there? Like what do you say to them? Right. A lot of my clients were like, okay, but what am I supposed to say? I give you exact templates for how you can reach out to hiring managers so that again, you can increase your chances of landing that interview. And therefore landing that job. And so when people ask me how can director week help me, it really comes down to the components. I have been doing this for years and years and my. Program in director week is really about how do I take of what I've done over the many years. To help. Latinas to help women break into higher level positions and condense it into a week so that I can give you everything. You need to start applying to director positions next week. That's really how this can help you. It's going to help you with your confidence. It's going to help you with having a brand it's going to help you with having very clear ways to interview. You're going to have a resume that you feel great about that. You're gonna feel confident giving to anyone that you meet, because you're like, this is solid. That's what this is going to help you do in order for you to be able to stand out and land that job. Question number two. Let me take a look here. How do I know if I'm qualified for director week? Okay. Yes, I I've. I've gotten this quite a few times. So how do I know if I'm qualified? How do I know if this is, this is right for me, right? Like, does this apply to me? Again, if you're, if you're questioning, even after I go through this answer, book, a sales call with me, you want to book a sales call on that one hour call. I'm going to go over. What's been going on with you, your career. Your goals, what's been getting in the way. And if it, if I will be able to know whether you are appropriate inappropriate fit for this director week program, and if you're not, then I will be honest with you and I'll let you know that I don't think you are, but if you are the knowledge, you know, as well, right. So, if you have any questions, even after this answer, just book a sales call with me, that will be in my LinkedIn profile. You will be able to see on there where you can book a sales call. You'll see the link on it. And so number one, your current role and experience. So if you are currently in a manager position or you have held managerial responsibilities for at least five years, that has been the general guideline that I've been going with with a lot. And just again, from experience, working with people for the amount of years that I have is. I see that that's a really solid way to be like, yep. You are ready to get into the director level position. If you have currently been a manager in a manager position, or you've had managerial responsibilities. For at least five years, this program is ideal for people who have experienced leading teams. Managing projects and making strategic decisions. So, this is really important because at the director level, they are expecting that you have experienced. Leading teams that you have experienced managing projects and making strategic decisions. And I always want to encourage people to be able to go for that next level. But I also, with director week, I always want to be, um, I guess, transparent and ethical. There you go. That's the word like ethical. Like, I don't want to sit here and sell you on director. We give, I don't actually believe that you're going to, that you have the skills to land a director position and I have on a sales call been like, Hey, I think that you need a little bit more time in the manager position. So I'm not just gonna sit here and be about. Like, oh, I'm a, just get my bag, even if I know that you're not a good fit. No. I will let you know, on the sales call. Hey, I think that you need a couple more years in this position, or it doesn't have to be in this position, but in a manager role, before you go into that director level position. And it's, it has nothing to do with you not being worthy or you not being. Good enough as a person. It's just a matter of experience, that's it? It really just comes down to experience. And so if you have a manager position, and you've been in that for the last five years, you have experience leading teams, managing projects and making strategic decisions. Definitely you are a good fit for this. Second thing is leadership potential. So you have demonstrated leadership abilities. Maybe people call you a natural leader. And even if that hasn't been formally recognized. And so most of my clients have the manager title, but I've had a couple that don't have the manager title, but it's more so because of the industry they're in, they don't have that manager position. And so it's technically been something else. Or they may be labeled as associate, but they have they're in a small company and there actually are no manager levels. It just goes from that. To director. It just goes from that to like a C-suite whatever it may be. So there are gaps in between this, and that's why, again, you can always book a sales call if you're questioning, but it's very important that you have demonstrated leadership ability that you are someone that maybe people see as a natural leader that maybe you've mentored team members. You've led initiatives. You take on additional responsibilities that are beyond your job description, those types of things, you have potential in the leadership space. I think that is very critical for the clients. That I work with when it comes to director week. And then the third thing is that you are ambitious and you value growth. That is consistent with all my clients. They come to me, they are ambitious and they value personal growth. They value growth period. And so you want more than just a title change. You are committed to advancing in your career and you know, that that takes time, money, and effort. It takes your, it takes all of that in order for you to be able to grow. You're looking for opportunities to increase your financial stability is a bank thing. You know, you want to be able to support your family. I contribute to meaningful causes. Things like that. And you see that a director role as a way for you to be able to do that and achieve these goals that you have in not just your career, but in your life. And so many of you have been underpaid for years. And you should have been making 20,000 more than what you're making now three years ago. And so if you think about that, that's$60,000. That's on the table potentially. This program is to help you get paid at the director level and to stop missing out on what will be hundreds of thousands of dollars over the span of years, what could be financial stability for you? What could be growth for you? What could be fulfillment for you over the span of years? I really can't tell you how many sales calls I've done with women that are so ambitious and so talented and are great leaders. And they have. Such little confidence in themselves because of the, the stuckness that they've been, where they're like, I don't get it. I feel like I should be more advanced than where I am now, but I can't seem to do it. And so my, my heart always goes out when I'm on these sales calls, because that's why this program exists. That's why I do what I do, because I want you to be able to. Get out of this stuckness that maybe has you questioning whether or not you really have what it takes. On whether you can actually make more than the current salary that you have. If you're going to be able to support your parents, when they retire something you deeply desire to do all of these different things are just different examples of people that I've spoken to. And so it's very important that I always see that I share that too, is that I always see that in the clients that come to me is they are ambitious and they value growth. And this is something not just for career, but something that they see in the grander scheme of the life that they're living. Those are the main, the three main things when it comes to, how do I know if if I am a good fit for director week, am I qualified? So current role and experience, I talked about five years manager. Leadership potential and you're ambitious and you value growth. Let's see what else we got here. What is the time commitment for director week and how flexible is the program? Okay. The time commitment for director week. This is how it works. I give you homework to do before our first session. And so I would recommend that you allocate about two hours for the pre-work and then we will meet, we will meet two times within one week that's what's called director week. It's happening within one week. And we meet virtually face-to-face for a total of six hours. Just about. And that's all it's going to require from you during director week. So think about it as maybe let's say eight to nine hours of your effort during director week, I will do the rest. For example, We will meet on Monday, let's say, and these are, these are just, this is just an example. So it doesn't mean like, oh, I don't have space on Monday at 12 and I'm like, this is fine. Just an example for you. We can meet on Monday for two and a half hours. And that can be from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM. Let's say we do that on that first session, we go over your work history, your LinkedIn profile questionnaire. These are all things that I provide to you. This is a deep die. When we go over your work history, we go in deep. I need to know all the things, and I'm going to ask you all the things. So you don't have to try to figure out what you need to say. You just need to hear my questions and think about that and then answer them. It doesn't mean that it isn't challenging to reflect back, but you will have my guidance throughout this entire thing. On that first session we will meet. It'll be about two and a half hours. And then from there, I'm going to go behind the scenes and I'm going to start grinding and working. I'm going to start working on your director, resume on your LinkedIn profile on your interview. Success kit. On Friday, we will meet again. And that will usually be a little bit longer than the first session. That will probably be about three and a half hours. And this is going to be to finalize your resume, your LinkedIn show you exactly how to message hiring managers on LinkedIn and land interviews more quickly. And then we're going to go over interview prep. So this is really the part where a lot of my clients are just like really excited to get too excited. It made me not the right word where it's like, Excited or, or the thing that they see, they need the most. And so. We go into interview prep, and that's where we start forming out your leadership stories. We start putting things into answers for behavior based questions, and we start reworking them. We cover different skills that you need to go through everything that you need in order to be able to start interviewing for director positions. Next week, we go through that in that last session that is three and a half hours. Total throughout there will be a break as well. So you don't have to be like, oh my gosh, I can't sit through three and a half hours. Totally fine. I am not the biggest fan of that either. And so I provide breaks in there as well, so that we can come in refreshed. We can give our brains a little bit of a break and then come in and keep going, going. So this is really about how we can make sure we get all the things done within the week, while also remaining sustainable and not trying to. Just burn ourselves out. This is real. I've put this really together in a way. That's still gonna keep you good. Your brain's going to be good. And you're going to remain fresh. Even when things start to get a little bit like, oh my gosh, this is getting intense. We're getting a lot done. My breaks in there are going to help with that as well. So that's what I would say the time commitment is for you now, how flexible is the program? I mean, it is within the week. And so I would encourage you to do it within that week, but if someone had an issue, I guess the flexibility would really be dependent on what flexibility you're asking about. So this is not something that would happen like over the span of a month. It is director week. It will happen within a week. It's just about finding one week where you know that you can do it and getting that done as soon. As possible, because that is then going to be the thing that you use in order for you to start applying to jobs. Let's see what else we got here. Is this a one-on-one program or will I be in a group with other people? Nope. You will not be in a group with other people. This is a completely one-on-one program. There will be no one else. It will be me and you that's it. How much is the program? the program is$2,000 and there are payment plans available. You get everything that we've discussed already, the resume, the LinkedIn profile. The, interview tracker, the interview, success kit, all the different things, the mock recordings, and you know, like we've discussed before. This is about setting you up for a salary increase of 10,000, 20,000,$30,000. You will get a minimum of five X on your investment back. And so this is really about how I can help you take that next jump into the next salary rank for you. Again, not just for the money, but for the things that you know, that money is going to help you with. And so this is the investment for this is$2,000 and there is payment plans available. If that is more helpful for you. Someone else asked I've already been rejected from several director roles. Would this still work for me? Absolutely. I L a lot of my clients who come to me have been rejected from several director roles. And that's usually why they are coming to me. Because they're frustrated. They want the director level position. They've lost their confidence because they've gotten so many rejection emails. And so they don't know if they don't know how to do it. And so out of frustration, they start working with me. And so, yes, I have experience with working with people who have already been rejected many times from director level positions. And,, that goes back again to the key things that I'm providing to you that I have found to be critical in helping you land those interviews and land. Those jobs is being able to have a resume that lands the interviews, have a profile that LinkedIn profile that lands the interviews. And then the interview success kit, which is what helps you with being able to actually get the job to showcase that you are qualified for these positions, which a lot of times my clients already are, they're just not communicating it. They just don't know how to communicate it. So that's one of the biggest things and yes, this will still work for you, even if you've been rejected from several director roles. Again, no, that the criteria that I said for the people that qualify for this position and always book a sales call again, if I see that you've been rejected and it's because you are I, in my opinion, and from what I've seen, you're not at the space yet where you're ready to get into that position. Then I will tell you, and I'll tell you what gaps I think you need to. To fill in and I can give you that, that advice too, on the call. see here. How can I approach my employer about paying for director week? Yeah. I've had already a couple of clients. Who've gotten their employer to invest in director week for them. And a lot of times, you know, they're not going to their employer and saying, Hey, I want to do this program called director week. No, a lot of times I, I can also support you in this. I've done this a lot with my clients. And when they do want to ask their. Hiring manager, I'm sorry, their manager about having them re or compensate for this, this program. And what I will we talk about is how this is leadership development, because it is, this is about how you can be able to better understand your experience, communicate that. And again, when my clients do this, they have a confidence boost that that is reflected in their work. They show up in their work so much better. They show up as leaders so much better because they're beginning to value what it is that they bring to the table. they begin to speak up in meetings in ways that they didn't before they begin to pitch in ideas in ways that they didn't before, because they see the value that they bring, they see their creativity, they see what they have to offer. And a lot of times they don't have that when they come into my program. And so. When you talk about how you can approach this to your employer, about paying for director week, I would focus on the leadership development on how this is going to make you better for the workplace. And if they have a budget for it, then this is definitely about developing in your career about being able to be stronger in your career. And as a leader, a better team player, a better contributor to the organization. And I love that. I love when my clients,, ask their employer to compensate for it. I've never worked with a coach before. Would this still work for me? Yeah. 95% of my clients have never worked with a coach before. I've most of the time I am my client's first coach. So I'm very, very comfortable with that. I don't have any issue with that. And if you have worked with coaches before then, great, like it's just most of the time, because. A lot of my clients have been Latinas. We are incredibly under mentored and a lot of times have not invested in our own. In ourselves in the form of a coach, we oftentimes think of investing in ourselves in this very limited way through. Education formal education, like getting our bachelor's and getting our masters. And now that those things are bad. It's just, we tend to have a very narrow mind on what it looks like to invest in ourselves when there's so many other ways that we can invest in ourselves, like working with a coach. And so a lot of times, yeah, I am the first coach that. My clients have worked with, and that's totally fine. I'm very comfortable with that. And this will definitely still work for you. Even with that in mind. Ken director week still benefit me if I don't want to leave my current company. Yeah. Most of the time my clients are looking to leave their current company, but I've had clients who are in a company that they want to stay at, but they have gotten feedback that they are, that there's gaps there. And that's why they haven't gotten promoted yet. a lot of times that feedback is really around. Not being able to share their ideas, not really being, not contributing a lot into like meetings, not speaking up is really what it boils down to. being more assertive, you know, things like that. That's a lot of the feedback that my clients get. And so when it comes to director week, this is still helpful. Even if you don't want to leave your current company. Because again, all of this collateral is even if you're not going to go and apply for another job, you have to understand these things in order for you to begin to show up in your job. Confidently and in a way where, you know what you're bringing to the table, a lot of my clients have forgotten that. And so they become quiet. They don't, they are shy or, or they just don't share the way that they used to share, or they don't share because they don't think they should share. So there's a lot of things within director week, like the resume, the interview in the PR in the LinkedIn profile that are going to help you. With understanding, what is it that you bring to the table? How do you own your work? That is a lot of what this does is owning your experience and owning your work. And when you do that, you're going to be able to show up more confidently in your workplace as a manager. And you're going to be able to know how to begin to communicate what it is that you bring to the table. Communicate your experience. Communicate. How you can help the organization at a greater level. You'll be able to do that so much more clearly when you actually know. you know, you'll, you'll just be surprised and you'll find out when you do director week with me, just how much you have forgotten about what you've done in your career. And so a lot of my work through these things is to help you. Get yourself back into a place where you feel confident in the work that you have done, and you know how to communicate that clearly. So even if you don't want to leave your company, this is great for you. It will help you show up better as a leader right now, as a manager, which will ultimately help you land that director position. All right. I think that was the last one. So. Amazing. I think that was the last question that I had that were a part of like the, again, Frequently asked questions that I've been getting, but also the messages that I got from people on LinkedIn. And so I hope this was helpful. And in just helping you kind of orient yourself and see. Is this something that is really going to be good for me or helpful for me. And if you are ready for that director level position, and you have been thinking about director week, but you've been unsure and you still want to book that sales call because you're still like, well, I still don't know if this or it's a big investment, so I still want to talk to Allie, please. That's why I have the sales call for okay. there is no link where you can literally just sign up without even talking to me. So like, I'm not expecting that of you. Come and chat with me. This is, I know it's an investment for you and you may either know me only through LinkedIn, only through my podcast or not at all. And so I want you to go ahead and book a sales call with me. If you are on LinkedIn, you can find that on my LinkedIn profile, I'm at N slash a L E T H O M P S O N. Allah Thompson, a L E T H O M P S O N. That's where you can find me on LinkedIn. And this will also the link to my sales call will also be in the show notes of my podcast. And so you can find that there as well. Book a sales call with me, let's chat and get you to a place where you can land that director position, increase your salary, minimum five X, the investment you make into this. And that's just the bare minimum. Most of my clients have gotten. 17 K 25, K 33 K. And I had one client at the highest and make 44 K. And so this is really about not only making your investment back, but just changing the trajectory of your career to really be more in line with the experience that you already have. And so hope this was helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a DM on LinkedIn. I hope you have a beautiful rest of your week and I will talk to you guys soon. Bye. If you're ready to get promoted into the director level and get the title and salary you deserve, I invite you to book a sales call with me. This is a one hour call where I will assess your career, your obstacles, what's prevented you from breaking into director level and your goals. I will tell you exactly the way that I can help you in director week. And we can talk about whether the director we coaching intensive program is the best fit for you. The link to book your sales call is in the show notes. I'll talk to you soon. Ciao.