Spoke in Class Today

Episode 10 - In the Shadow of an Unsettled World

February 26, 2024 Jeremy Episode 10
Episode 10 - In the Shadow of an Unsettled World
Spoke in Class Today
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Spoke in Class Today
Episode 10 - In the Shadow of an Unsettled World
Feb 26, 2024 Episode 10

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Ever felt like you're living through the opening credits of an apocalyptic movie? That's the vibe we're tapping into today, as we confront the whirlwind of global unrest and its jarring effects on our psyche. With a nod to the prophetic undertones of REM's "It's the End of the World as We Know It," I unravel the personal reflections stirred by a string of bewildering international incidents and how they mirror the concerns we face on our own turf.

Taking you on a journey through the complex landscape of current events, I grapple with the disquietude surrounding military movements and the contentious debates over COVID-19 vaccine mandates. The air is thick with the buzz of uncertainty, akin to a beehive's warning signal, prompting a collective yearning for deeper connection amidst the chaos. As we ponder the significance of idols like Evel Knievel and the necessity of savoring the day's beauty, this episode promises to be a candid exploration of the challenges ahead, and the resilient thread of human experience that binds us all.

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Ever felt like you're living through the opening credits of an apocalyptic movie? That's the vibe we're tapping into today, as we confront the whirlwind of global unrest and its jarring effects on our psyche. With a nod to the prophetic undertones of REM's "It's the End of the World as We Know It," I unravel the personal reflections stirred by a string of bewildering international incidents and how they mirror the concerns we face on our own turf.

Taking you on a journey through the complex landscape of current events, I grapple with the disquietude surrounding military movements and the contentious debates over COVID-19 vaccine mandates. The air is thick with the buzz of uncertainty, akin to a beehive's warning signal, prompting a collective yearning for deeper connection amidst the chaos. As we ponder the significance of idols like Evel Knievel and the necessity of savoring the day's beauty, this episode promises to be a candid exploration of the challenges ahead, and the resilient thread of human experience that binds us all.

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Speaker 1:

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Speaker 2:

As we know it. It's the end of the world as we know it. Oh boy, all right, turn that down. Man, oh man, the fucking craziness of what's going on out there. I tell you I don't know. I'm starting to get really uneasy feelings about what may or may not happen in the course of the next few years. I guess I don't know. It's just it's wild, it's. It's a wild fucking time, that's for damn sure.

Speaker 2:

And what's funny is I, I was listening to music and I I Did a random to start listening again earlier and that song came on the end of the world by REM and it was like whoa, you talk about a sign For that song to kind of just be that the top of the playlist on a on a random shuffle, with all that's happening right now and I know things have always kind of been crazy in the world, but it just seems like more it's. I don't know what it is, but I Don't care. One way or the other. I do care, I guess. But today I don't care. It's a beautiful day outside. I hope you've all been able to get out. It's gorgeous, it's Monday and it's fucking gorgeous outside, but I'm sitting inside because I gotta get some shit done, and I'm sure most of you or have been sitting inside that day too, but or whenever you, I don't who knows?

Speaker 2:

But I just, you know, I mean fuck with all this shit that's been happening. I saw an article about a US Air Force member who set himself on fire Outside of the Israel embassy Just over the weekend here in Washington. Oh, what's going on, why? Why is there's? I mean, I get it, why are we? I mean the Israel, palestine thing. I don't even want to try to touch it Because I don't know enough. I just know it's always been a shit show over there.

Speaker 2:

I know a little bit about the whole situation or whatever else, but that's not my battle. My battle is what's happening here in the United States and what the fucks going on with our country. I Mean, I care about everybody. I care about all over the world, you know, because I mean we're all human if you think about it. So what the fuck? But we're also animals or creatures and we have this whatever instinct in us to Want to be the best and be the top and own everything and have everything and capture it all and Whatever. But Sorry, changing whoo, here we go. Whoo chi mama, there we go. Good old two life crew. Well, we need music like dad again too. We need some good raunchy music, just to put can put people on a good spot. Some old 80s and 90s music when things were I mean, the music today is okay, but some of the things are just I don't know Nothing's. You don't get away with a lot anymore, for some reason. Strange how we're getting more and more restricted on things that can be said and what you can say about this and that or else, and it's tiresome. It's tiresome trying to keep up with it all. But what else was going on? I Don't know. I just been watching some shit. I watched, watched a documentary about evil can evil over the weekend and it's interesting.

Speaker 2:

Not knowing all the history of everything, I remember as a kid having the Neville-Coneval action figure that was on a motorcycle or in a car or something, and we used to. You know, you know you Jump it over ramps and do everything that was supposed to design to do. But my brother and I, we just we decided one time to start strapping firecrackers to him and bottle rockets. You know just a. I mean. I mean he was evil Can evil. So he was a daredevil, why not? But we did the same with the little parachute army guys. We'd strap firecrackers to them as if they're getting blown up out of the air as they're parachuting down. I mean, that's what war is right. It's what we, what we've been taught. In some sense, I think war is dumb, stupid. I don't know what I was talking about. I had to fucking take a phone call. I should have put that on, do not disturb, but I still got to work and get paid other ways, so got to have my phone on. Oh well, the fuck was.

Speaker 2:

I was talking about the evil Can evil, and it's interesting to learn backstories of people that you know you looked at as an icon or a hero in some sense, which is weird how we classify people as heroes and what they do. They just they're entertainment. You know, they didn't save your life or save somebody's life or whatever else. They were just entertainment. But we classify him as heroes. He's an American hero. I mean the guy did some good stuff. I mean he, he did some amazing things and he created a, a concept that is just absolutely huge now with the X games and all of the other daredevil stuff which is cool to watch, you know, but it it's interesting, hey, I mean obviously, well, unless you know much about who evil can evil was, but he, he was an asshole. I mean he was, he was. He was a chauvinistic pig in a way. He was very promiscuous, which is I mean, everybody's got their thing whatever and I can't I don't want to.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, but I sound like Joe Biden, whatever, I don't know. Anyway, speaking of, not that I'm jumping around, but, oh goodness, what are we going to do folks? What are we going to do with the presidency and the control of this country? Oh, it terrifies me. It terrifies me. Oh, my God, I don't. I mean I don't. I mean I try to do a lot of research and reading to you know, understand and grasp what it is and I just I haven't been able to stay up on all this.

Speaker 2:

But the whole border ship, you know, I mean, we see it in the news, I mean the lady, the girl, the college student from Georgia that was killed, supposedly by this guy that was an illegal immigrant, that was it got into the country back in 2022, was arrested in New York, let go. And you know, and this is happening more and more across the board, with these cities and these states that are these open states or whatever I forgot what their, whatever the state is called, where they're letting the immigrants come in and stay. And you know, and I hear so much and I've read so much about how our government, our taxes, are being used to fund this whole migration, in a sense, coming up through Central America and into Mexico and into the United States and these people are being just let on in. You know, they're not having to go through any rigmarole or anything, through any other country, and it is get up to our border and they're handed things, they're given stuff to survive and it is okay, here you go, here's a bus, go on to the next place and whatever. Why? Why, what's this all about? Why, what's the migration about? What's going on?

Speaker 2:

I know a lot of people are talking about it and I know a lot of people have it on their mind but, goodness gracious, it's not getting talked about enough to make something change or figure out what the cause is. You know, I mean everything's been strange and weird ever since COVID happened and now it's just getting weirder. And I mean, yeah, I look at conspiracies. I love them, I think they're great, some of them are hilarious, some of them have come true. So is it a conspiracy that something's going on in our country that we're losing control, and is it a downfall? Is it an end? It's wild. I don't know what's going to happen next or what's going to. What comes from all this. What is the next things that get out of this. You know we get out of this at all, but I mean, needless to say, one way or the other, we got to figure out a better way of communication in a sense. I mean, we're all online just bickering at each other and at tooth and nail and just saying some wild shit to each other about stuff and whatever else. I don't know. I fear for the future. I shouldn't, but I do.

Speaker 2:

I see so much you know of the ongoings and it's something to think about. I mean, I hope it's nothing, I hope it's just a you know whatever, but it's just. It seems scripted, it seems crafted, it seems put together. I mean, and I've seen videos of stuff and I've listened to other podcasts and I've listened to watch. You know red articles and watch YouTube videos on it, and I mean different aspects and different. You know things and you see things on. You know all sorts of different social media platforms, just kind of what's happening.

Speaker 2:

You know and you piece it all together and it's pretty fucking weird. You know, on top of all the other weirdness that's happening out there in the fucking world, just one more little thing. One more little thing. Just I mean there's so much that you just can't pay attention to, and I'm the type of person that and I really shouldn't have to I mean think that I need to be paying attention to it all, but, fuck, my brain goes crazy if I'm not focusing on something. And I, unfortunately, I focus on a lot of different things because I'm all over the fucking place. So when I come across the little weird things, I kind of grab onto it because it interests my mind and I want to know more about it. So if you know more about what's happening, let me know, reach out to me on Instagram or Facebook and you know, let's, let's sit down, let's have a discussion, let's get the word out there more of what the fuck is going on. I mean, it's, it's scary to see the the way that the politicians are fighting, not that that's not always hasn't been a thing, but it's, it's odd.

Speaker 2:

You know and I'm not, I don't support either side. I did I just want to be able to live and have my freedoms and and know that I'm going to be safe in life and in on wherever I go, no matter what, no matter what country I'm in. I know there's countries and places you don't want to travel to and whatever else, but I don't know. So, yeah, if you guys want to, if anybody wants to, just we just have a discussion. Just I mean we, we need more that and I don't care if we have different views, different thoughts and whatever else. We can know. If we can all be adults unfortunately that's hard to do for some people but if we can be adults and we can agree to disagree, then let's sit down, let's have that discussion and I'm going to reach out to me on my Facebook or Instagram and you know, let's do it, let's get this word out. I mean, let's figure out what's what it is, or be more aware, so we can watch what's happening. Not that we're able to do, but I don't know. And that's the other thing. It's like what, what could we do? What can be done? You know, I mean that's the other, that's the other thing too. Is the what I see?

Speaker 2:

The shift to what's happening with the military and the little, the scary things with that discussions about the COVID stuff, with the COVID vaccine and higher ups in the military getting kicked out because they didn't want to take the vaccine, and now we're finding out more and more about the downsides to the vaccination, the COVID shot. I mean, it's not even a fucking vaccination I'm so sick of that word being classified with that fucking disease. That virus it's a fucking virus. It's a vaccine is not good. Well, I guess a vaccine will take care of virus, but this is not something that will change. It's like the flu it's probably a little bit more than a flu.

Speaker 2:

My thoughts and if you want to fucking hate me for this, whatever else, go right ahead, I don't care. But this is my fucking podcast. So whatever my thoughts on the whole COVID shit. Here's my brain. I don't know if it's true or whatever, but you can call it. I guess you call it a hypotenuse or theory or whatever. I don't know. I'm not. I'm not class, I'm not educated enough to remember that stuff from from school, but I didn't pay much attention in school either. So whatever. But One other little tidbit with this migration is there's. There's appears to be some sort of invasion. That's happening as well.

Speaker 2:

And I think it's up on and you can look this up for yourself, but I believe it's up on the Border Patrol website or whatever it is the amount of certain cl certain cultures of people coming into the United States, an influx more of others. It's just and I and I guess I don't want to fucking say it too much because you know the well, just, whatever fucking Chinese people there I go, I said it, oh boy, I'm a fucking racist bigot. Whatever. Who cares? No, I'm not. I mean, it's factual. This is factual shit.

Speaker 2:

There has been an influx of Chinese people coming into the United States that are younger, age, of military age, adult males and, and I think within the last year or so it it has increased to like 30,000 in the last year over whatever it was two or three years ago, which was like less than 20,000 or 11,000 or whatever it was. I don't know. Like I said, you can look up the numbers yourself if you feel the need to. I don't have it in front of me. I don't want to waste any more time without it because I'm just fucking rambling shit off my head as I'm thinking about it. That's an interesting bit of information, and then you know I was doing, oh, a few years back I was doing real estate and I was buying and selling wholesale. And there's a lot of Chinese companies that are buying real estate here in the United States as well and there's also there's a huge purchase of farmland at Chinese company corporations own here in the United States as well, which I think I heard on somebody's podcast about how oh, that was weird. Yeah, dad, how, but somebody talking about the farmland and how it is located near our army bases here in the United States. So we got an influx of military age Chinese coming in through the border that are not getting checked. They're not getting any citizenship, they're just coming straight on in. They're getting shipped to these countries, states and cities that are accepting these people to come in. Nobody's getting any background checks done. They're getting money being given to them and we're just letting this happen. So the Chinese influx we have a so-called Chinese disease that spread and shut the fucking world down made it all go crazy.

Speaker 2:

It was supposedly backed by a US company for biochemical warfare or a bio virus or whatever it is who knows Whatever for studies. Let's be honest, people we know. I worked for a place when I was 18 and I was doing labor work for construction on a building, on a remodel, and my general contractor, his wife, was a chemist for the government and she would get flown to a undisclosed location to go do her work in an airplane that did not have any windows so she could not see where she was going and have a visual of the landscaping. They could have fucking flown around for who knows how long in the air in a circle around here in St Louis and dropped her back off and put her somewhere else into her lab. You know who knows.

Speaker 2:

But her job was to do that shit, to do biochemical warfare, you know, testing and whatever else, and that's fucking freaky and that was back in the 90s. I can only imagine and I know it's been, I know there's always been shit and I know that's probably some of this crap. There's always been that question with AIDS. If that was a crafted disease from you know, I mean, and I think it was proven in a way I don't, I don't remember.

Speaker 2:

But so we have this Chinese influx of immigrants coming into the United States, we've got a large purchasing of farmland, a large purchasing of residential housing, we've got what? The so-called weather balloon, spy satellites, that whole ordeal, and I know it's been going on and it's just a matter of who brings it out, who does this and who. I mean there's so much, but the the one with, or fuck, I'm just my brain hurts. I just get so much, oh, I got so much running through. I don't know, but I don't know what to think about it. But, like I said, if you think you've got more information about this and you're not on a platform to be able to share it like I am, let's connect and let's have a discussion. I need to have more discussions with people. You know. I mean this is what we need. We need more sit down and talks, conversations to work through matters and differences. That's not going on right now. I, oh, that's what it was.

Speaker 2:

Another thing I saw not that long ago I watched the documentary about the song we Are the World. Who remembers that? From back in the 80s, man hands across America. I mean, I know some of that shit, but that's the stuff is like we need that to. We need something like that to kind of open us all up a little bit, and I think we're slowly more and more people, or their eyes, are opening, not to want to say that we're woke, because that word is being used in by a way that's so fucked up right now too, and I don't want to get started on that because I don't want to, I don't want to get into a pissy tangent and all that at this moment, but it's not even anything that's wrong. I mean, it's just strange how, whatever.

Speaker 2:

But like I said, we need more talk, less disconnect. We need more connect. We need to get back to a time of something without a major disaster that's going to happen eventually. I got a feeling I can. Just it's like there's a buzz. If you've ever watched Beehives or Pay of Attention to a Beehive or whatever else, there's a fucking buzz and it's just like it's just humming. We're fucking creatures and it's just the world is humming right now because something big is going to go on, and one who knows, it could be the end of mankind, it could be the end of this or it could be the end of that or whatever it is. It's just stressful. It's stressful, and why do I sit and think about it? Because I can, but I have access to all this information and yeah, yeah, I should shut off everything and I try, but then life's boring. I do other things.

Speaker 2:

All right, enough of my bullshit blabbering for today on Monday, monday, monday. What is today? Monday, monday to 26. That's today, that's today, and it's gorgeous outside. Hopefully you get out, enjoy it. If not, it'll be gorgeous again tomorrow. I think it's just going to get cold at night, not that you need a weather report for me. Breaking news no. Bye, folks. Bye.

End of the World Concerns
Current Events and Chinese Influx Speculation
The Buzz of Uncertainty