Educational Relevance

Purpose of Educational Relevance

January 30, 2024 Olivia Wright
Purpose of Educational Relevance
Educational Relevance
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Educational Relevance
Purpose of Educational Relevance
Jan 30, 2024
Olivia Wright

Thanks for listening. If you would like to share your thoughts or topic ideas, or would like to be a guest, you can find Educational Relevance on Facebook, YouTube or email us at, brwright44@gmail,com or

Show Notes Transcript

Thanks for listening. If you would like to share your thoughts or topic ideas, or would like to be a guest, you can find Educational Relevance on Facebook, YouTube or email us at, brwright44@gmail,com or

Bryan R Wright:

Hello, welcome to Educational Relevance, a platform for experienced, educators to share, proven successful strategies to educate today's students. My name is Brian Wright and I'm here alongside Mark Macbeth. I've been an administrator since 1987, so well over 35 plus years. I've been a head administrator for the last 29 years, so it's been an honor to be working in education. I currently am a adjunct professor at Concordia University, where I teach leadership classes and teach teachers how to become administrators. and

Mark McBeth:

my name's Mark Macbeth. My background has been predominantly in, a school administrator and consultant taught for, approximately years or so, and then jumped right into the school administrator. my main forte as a background has been working with instructional leaders. whether that be a teacher or a school administrator, and I also have been somebody that goes into schools, when they're struggling and underperforming and help get them onto the right path and help students learn.

Bryan R Wright:

I always like to make sure I talk about keeping the main thing, the main thing, which is student achievement. I.

Mark McBeth:

I'm such an advocate for student learning and student outcomes, If students are learning, then we're on the right target. If they're not learning, then we're not.

Bryan R Wright:

we're talking about young educators, and giving them tools in their toolbox so they can either use it or they don't have to. give'em as many tools in their toolbox they can. So you can find the right tool necessary to help those children. I too was a teacher and I was terrible. I was terrible as a teacher, I always tell people that I was a terrible teacher, and I was so upset about all my kids not learning and The way I was going about it, I probably would've been out of education within the next two or three years.'cause I tried to save everyone. What you can do is attempt to save everyone, but at the same time, understand there's gonna be some misses, but the hits will be the ones that you're going to remember. They'll be the ones that'll be important. So once I learned that and realized, there were other avenues I could take. I became much more important as far as trying to get students to be successful in their academic process. when you're talking about a new administrator You have to decide what's important. You make your decision and then live the decision you have. if you're making the decision gears towards the success of the student, then I think you can live much easier with decisions you make. And I found establish a code. To make sure I followed things and wanted to get things done for students I was working with. And I, to this day, believe code's the most important thing an educator could have. every code fits every person, whatever code you have. Mine is always an educational philosophy. I. It's a belief that we can make these changes for the best of students, but you gotta have that belief and you got to believe that, code's what you're going to live by. I tell aspiring administrators if you have a code, if you're not willing to lose your job over your code, then all you have are words in print, and then there's not really a code. You got to have something that you believe in, and if you believe in that and you wanna follow that. everybody's code is different. if we had 50 administrators or 50 educators on this program, they'd all have their own different code and how they believe what they should be following. mark, what would be your code and what you think you'd be following as far as getting experienced educators to assist new, young leaders.

Mark McBeth:

it's always student learning outcome. It's always the essential rigor, relevance, relationships the results

Bryan R Wright:

an experienced educator come speak, and hopefully they'll speak between 15 to 20 minutes, no longer regarding some educational strategy that they have used in the past that's shown some degree of success that. A new educator could, or a younger educator can take it, put in their toolbox and use it if they wish, or if they decide it's not for them, they don't have to.

Mark McBeth:

we're gonna learn a lot from people and that really excites me, that constant learning. I wanna be able to go, oh dang, why didn't I think of that? that's the people I'm hoping we interview.

Bryan R Wright:

thank you for joining me in this crusade and this mission. We really appreciate it,