The Ben Maynard Program

"Back by Popular Demand....YEAH RIGHT"!


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Emerging from a whirlwind of travel and technical tribulations, I've strapped back into the podcasting chair to share the recent escapades from the Ben Maynard Program. As I surfed through internet issues in Portland and hopped between a quartet of hotels, I was starkly reminded that balancing a fervent podcasting pursuit with a relentless professional life is no small feat. Strap in as I recount the chaotic dance of hotel Wi-Fi, the sweet victory of nailing rescheduled interviews (big shout-out to the insightful Kobi Reese for his patience), and the unexpected charm of Oregon's snowy embrace during an impromptu work road trip.

The road less traveled often leads to the most extraordinary tales, and this episode is no exception. Picture this: a nine-hour work saga unfolding on a supposedly leisurely day off, followed by a 15-hour marathon shift that would test the mettle of even the most seasoned adventurers. Yet, the journey back to Portland, with its own set of challenges, offered moments of tranquility as I navigated through the wintry landscapes. It's through these candid stories from the trenches that we find camaraderie and the shared experience of finding beauty in the chaos.

For those who resonate with the rhythm of rock documentaries and album anniversaries, you're in for a treat. From the intimate lens of the Beatles' "Get Back" to the gritty details of Twisted Sister's rise to fame, I'll take you through a curated list of musical must-sees and celebrations. And because your engagement breathes life into this program, I'm jazzed to reconnect across YouTube, Instagram, and Buzzsprout, where your comments and interactions fuel the continuous evolution of our community. This episode is as much about the journey as it is the destination, so join me for a ride that promises to be as entertaining as it is enlightening.#tellyourstory #familymatters #thebenmaynardprogram #classicrock #spotify #syscoportland #klamathfalls #a&wrootbeer

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Speaker 1:

Hey there, welcome into the Ben Maynard program. Thanks for being here. Everyone, I'm back. I heard you missed me and I'm back. Yeah, got a lot to go over. Got a lot to cover. I look like crap, but let's get this taken care of first. All right, let's get some business out of the way.

Speaker 1:

As you know, this program is available on multiple podcast platforms like Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music and Spotify, amongst many others, or you can just search the Ben Maynard Program and, like I said, you'll have lots of options to choose from. But if you do me a favor, just go to Buzzsprout. That's where my website is and all the shows are there. You can check them out. However, because you've missed me so much and you cannot resist all this here with the tiny eyes and the mop hair and all that craziness, and you're watching on YouTube, then please subscribe to the channel, and I think I mentioned it the last time out. Hit the notification bell too. Yeah, do that. Leave me a comment or, I'm sorry. Thumbs up first. Okay, thumbs up first, then leave a comment. How's that? It's been like three weeks, people, I'm out of practice here. Last but not least, follow me on Instagram. All one word Ben Maynard Program. So, as always, plenty of ways to take in this show for your dancing and listening pleasure. And with that it's been. I think it's been like three weeks, something like that. Three weeks since we last got together wow, it's forever ago. And uh, yeah, it's been, it's been tough. Yeah, you can see I, if you're, if you're watching I look like crap. I've got dying size eyes right now. Maybe that's a good thing, because then you can't see how red they are, even though I put eye drops in before we got started. Oh my gosh, a lot to cover Right now.

Speaker 1:

As I'm recording this, it's just after six in the morning my time Pacific time. I just got off work, got home at I don't know I think it was like 5.30, jumped in the shower real quick and got ready for this. I try to do the best I can at making myself look pretty, but that's a tall order. Yeah, definitely that's a tall order, so I did the best I could. Sorry, but yeah, where did we leave off? We had Friday Night Live.

Speaker 1:

I think that was the last show we did, and so I know I told everyone that I was going to Portland for work and I was going to be there for two weeks. And it's all true, I was. I took the laptop. I was going to take the mixer and a microphone, but I'm glad I didn't, just because I got to the. Well, let me, I was in four hotels in two weeks. All right, let me just say that Four hotels in two weeks, that's a lot of moving around. So I'm glad I didn't take the microphone in the mixer just because it wasn't necessary. So I did take the laptop, I thought, because it wasn't necessary. So I did take the laptop. I thought, well, I can at least do a show from my hotel room.

Speaker 1:

I had an interview scheduled for that first Saturday after I had arrived. I don't even remember the date, it's just everything's a blur right now. Too much work, too many hours. It's all crazy. We're going to get into it a little bit. But I did have an interview scheduled with a young man named Kobe Reese. In fact, I had promoted it. Well, I had internet issues at the hotel and so I had to scrub it and we rescheduled, which I'm very happy about. He's happy about it.

Speaker 1:

We're going to record that next Friday that's what May 17th, I believe it is, and I'll remind you again of that later on, but so I had to cancel that. I felt really, felt really really bad, felt terrible, because I was really kind of looking forward to taking this podcast on the road, so to speak, you know, from a hotel room, something I'd never done before, and it just didn't work out that way. So so, uh, let's see. Now it was two hotels into it. Um, then my last Friday, which was um, I didn't think that was May the 3rd yeah, my last Friday, I had planned on doing a Friday night live.

Speaker 1:

I, I, I was able to, I had a few minutes and I was able to go down to the hotel lobby and see if I had a better internet connection from the hotel lobby, which I did. I did a little test, everything was good, and I thought, well, I'll do Friday Night Live from the lobby. And if people see what I'm doing here and they show interest, they walk over, say what are you doing? We'll just get some people from Oregon on the show, why not? Well, yeah, best laid plans, right, because, as you know, friday Night Live we start, we keep the same time, keep it very consistent, and we start at 7 pm, pacific time. The same time, keep it very consistent, and we start at 7 PM Pacific time. Well, I didn't get off of work until 730 that night and so, needless to say, friday night live wasn't happening, and so it just kind of sucked.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, to start on my Portland trip, the only time I saw Portland was at the airport, that was it. Flying in and leaving that first Sunday I flew in, whatever that was, I had to check my show log. Look, everything is such a blur. It has been a blur. So that first Friday I'm sorry that first Sunday I flew into Portland and I stayed in a hotel in a small town called Wilsonville, about 25 minutes from the airport, and spent three hours sitting in the lobby of that hotel because, though they had my reservation lobby of that hotel because, though they had my reservation, my company, of course, was paying for all of this and they didn't have all the proper information from my company, so they couldn't let me into my room. So I sat for three hours, with no home, in the lobby, which was great, of course. Yeah, just exactly what you want to do. Anyways, I got into the hotel. That was on Sunday.

Speaker 1:

The next morning, monday, I go into our Portland office. I meet a couple of people they give me some of the things that I'm going to need for the next couple of weeks and they say we need you to take off and go to Eugene and we'll take care of the hotel, we'll get you set up and you're going to work in Eugene this week, tuesday through Saturday. Okay, well, it's an hour and a half. All right, it doesn't seem like much, but it is. It's an hour and a half, and so that's what I did that first week work Tuesday through Saturday. What an adventure that was.

Speaker 1:

Working in Eugene was working in eugene sounds like a big city, but it's not. It's, uh, it's small, small city, little townships all around, um, everything is so spread out. It's. I will say this it's absolutely beautiful, absolutely beautiful. Everything is green, lush, it was, it was cold, which I dig.

Speaker 1:

It rained, I think, a couple of times in Eugene, but what I thought was interesting is that the rain was more like a drizzle or a sprinkle. And I asked, I asked the guys there I said is this how it rains most of the time when it rains? And they said yeah, this is pretty much how it is. You know, when it rains here, this is how we get it for for for most of the year and I thought, wow, that's cool, cause I can be outside working in the rain and I never felt like I was getting wet. It was cool. So I said, oh, I'm good with this, it could rain the whole time I'm here. If it's going to do this, so All right.

Speaker 1:

So first week in Eugene that was Tuesday through Saturday Go back to the hotel Saturday afternoon. Well, I have to start packing up everything, because the following morning, sunday, I've got to check out of my hotel. Now, that's hotel number two. I've got to check out of there and drive, yes, three hours, three hours kind of, to the southeast to a small little city called Klamath Falls. Yeah, small little place. Actually, it encompasses a huge amount of square miles, but it's a small city, very small. So I do that. And then I have to get set up on Sunday night, because the next day, monday morning, I've got to start work at 4 o'clock and I worked Monday Tuesday. I was supposed to be off Wednesday and then work Thursday, friday. To be off Wednesday and then work Thursday Friday.

Speaker 1:

Well, tuesday afternoon comes around and one of the supervisors, he calls me up and he says how's everything going? Hey, you want to work tomorrow. And I said what do you want me to do? And I don't want to get into a whole bunch of details because it's just stuff that'll bore you to tears but he asked me if I want to work. I said, well, yeah, what do you want me to do? He says, well, we have an empty trailer in the yard where I'm working currently in Klamath Falls. He says we have an empty, just bring it over to Grant's Pass. That's's what we call in our company.

Speaker 1:

We call them resident yards. They're spread out throughout the state of Oregon. There's 15 of them for Cisco Portland in the state of Oregon 15 resident yards, no-transcript resident yards. We cover a large area out of Cisco LA but we're not covering the entire state. We have five operating companies in the state of California. Oregon has one and they have to cover the entire state.

Speaker 1:

And if anyone knows geographically where Portland is, portland's at the very north, northern part of the state, right next to the Columbia River. The Columbia River pretty much separates Oregon and Washington. Well, Klamath Falls, where I ended up my second week, is almost at the very southeastern portion of the state. The southeastern portion of the state. It's I don't know 25 miles from the state line of California. You can see Mount Shasta from Klamath Falls. That's how close to California it is, oh great.

Speaker 1:

So they asked me okay, do you want to take this trailer over to our yard in Grants Pass, which is two hours away, right near Medford? Beautiful drive, oh gosh, gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous drive. So I said yeah, sure. They said yeah, just bring the trailer over, drop it in the yard and just head on back. Ok, cool.

Speaker 1:

So as I'm driving over, I get a text message from this same supervisor and he says more than likely, I'm going to have you help out this new guy. He's pretty new and he's going to need a little bit of help. And I'm thinking this is supposed to be my day off. You know, to this point I haven't had a day off. I've always, I've been doing something every day for work, and so well, I'm not, I'm not texting and driving. So I see the text and okay, whatever, I guess I'm going to help somebody out for a little bit. And so I get there, drop the trailer, find out where this guy is, go meet up with him, I help him out for a few hours and then I head back two hour drive back.

Speaker 1:

So what was supposed to be a day off was a nine hour day. Now, for some people, a nine hour day is a long day. For you, a nine hour day for me is actually a short one, but nonetheless it was nine hours. Nine hours on a day I shouldn't have been working. So I was like, ah, okay, what am I going to do? Well, and now let's go back to the hotel and, you know, go to the grocery store, pick up a few supplies, as I was doing throughout my stay in Oregon, and maybe do some laundry. Catch up on that and get ready for the next day, because we're going to start at four o'clock in the morning on Thursday. We're going to start Thursday and Friday. So Friday was supposed to be a pretty short day. Well, again, that's late plans Ended up being my longest day.

Speaker 1:

My last day, last working day in Oregon, ends up being the longest working day in Oregon. It was a 15 hour day. 15 and a half hour day actually Beautiful, right, exactly what you want. Well, that's why I couldn't get in a Friday night live after I had figured stuff out. And not only did I not get in Friday night live, and not only did I put in a 15 hour day, I had to go back to the hotel, do one last load of laundry, pack everything up, because the following morning, saturday, saturday, what was that the 4th? Yeah, may the 4th, oh, that's right. Because I had TBS on and they were showing all the Star Wars movies. May the 4th be with you, right, had TBS on and they were showing all the Star Wars movies. May the 4th be with you, right? So that following morning I have to check out of the hotel and drive for four and a half hours back to Portland to check into another hotel? Yeah, and because I was going to fly home on Sunday, the 5th and I had a fairly early flight. I think, if I remember correctly, it was like 830. Who's sending me stuff? What am I getting here? No, it's not for me. Yeah, well, great.

Speaker 1:

And like I said this, all all this driving is beautiful, but not when you don't really want to have to be doing it. And then on that Saturday, not only was it raining, but it snowed. During my four and a half hour drive, it snowed on two different occasions, so it was great and it didn't hamper my drive. It was very interesting. It was great, though it was great. I was just like, okay, the snow didn't really stick. They still had snow on the ground from I don't know when, I guess just over the winter. It was hard packed on the sides of the road, depending on where you were, I think, elevation. The highest elevation I was at was, uh, it was under 6,000 feet. So that just goes to show you how cold it gets up there and that I mean it gets snowed down at the thousand foot level and and and and less and less. So yeah, so it snowed a couple of times during that four and a half hour drive and that was just kind of the way it was. I guess all the other stuff was pretty good.

Speaker 1:

I had no time to go to do any sort of sightseeing, exploring anything like that. That's the first time I'd ever been to Oregon, so you kind of want to see the sights, if there are any sights. Saw a lot of cows, saw a lot of sheep, saw a lot of horses, a lot of sheep, saw a lot of horses, a lot of agriculture out there. It's great, it really is. Honestly, I I don't, I, I'm not trying to make light of that it's great, it's just absolutely beautiful. Absolutely beautiful, uh part of the? Uh part of the country.

Speaker 1:

One place I went into I stopped on my drive back up to Portland. Come on, for those who are my age, you remember A&W. Who remembers A&W? Yeah, I had to stop. I had to stop and I got the largest root beer float that I could get. I didn't care, it was like 40 degrees out and raining and snowing and I still had to stop and get the largest root beer float that I could get. It was so good. I did get an order of onion rings as well. Those were delicious, oh, they were great.

Speaker 1:

Talk to the owner. He'd only been, he'd only opened that location. I think he was only open. I think that was his fourth week open. Everything was brand new, it was great, it was. But A&W, come on. That takes you back. We just don't have those really here in California.

Speaker 1:

I'm hoping for those who are listening elsewhere or watching this elsewhere around the country or around the world, that you've got A&Ws all over the place, because we don't here in California. We did when I was a kid, when I was growing up. They weren't just everywhere, but we did have our fair share of them and they were always cool to go into A little car hop, you pull up, you have a little speaker you put on your car window or your car door. You order your food. Somebody brings it out to you on a tray. Ah, it was just the best. That was just the best. It was so, so cool. So that was I guess that was one of my highlights. It goes to show you how much fun I actually had during my time in Oregon. Yeah, yeah. So anyway, let's just kind of leave that right there.

Speaker 1:

I have missed you guys terribly. I really have, and I haven't even had time to post anything like on social media just to say hello, whether it's on Facebook, instagram and, and, of course, catherine takes care of the Instagram page. I haven't had time to do any of that, not even this week. Coming back home. I worked nights this week, monday night through last night, friday night. So we call it Tuesday through Saturday. It's Monday night through Friday night, friday night. So we call it Tuesday through Saturday. It's Monday night through Friday night, whatever.

Speaker 1:

I was starting at 6.30 in the evening, getting home at 5 o'clock the next morning. I can tell you I just got home at 5.30 this morning here, jumped in the shower, did something with this mop. And here we are, because I missed you guys so bad. I missed doing this show, I really did. And I thought what am I even going to talk about other than going to Portland? But you know, there's a few things we're going to go over a little bit. I'm not going to keep you guys here for 90 minutes, two hours, nothing like that. We're just going to play some catch up. All right, that's it. We're going to catch up because I missed you and I am certainly hoping that you missed me too, and I am certainly hoping that you missed me too. And I'm trying to get back into the swing of things because when I'm done here, I'm going to go lay down and take a nap.

Speaker 1:

I have a 1030 haircut appointment. Yeah, yeah, this stuff here and if you're listening you obviously can't see. But this mop is just oh my gosh. And you know it's just it's, it's, it's unmanageable. The hair is unmanageable and I need it, I need to have some more control over it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, see my shirt. I picked this shirt up in Klamath Falls. See, it says what does it say? There's this Common Block which is a brewery. I made a couple of deliveries to this brewery while I was there. So I thought, see if they have some swag and I'll get some stuff. And it says Klamath Falls. See there, yeah, common Block Brewery, a brewery, a brewing company in Klamath Falls. So I picked up a couple of T-shirts and a ball cap. They didn't have any barrel aged stouts. I couldn't have taken in any of them anyway, since I was working.

Speaker 1:

But I'm going to try to look something up here really quick. So you know, like, talk amongst yourselves for a moment. Where is it here? I got one coming up here. Where is it here? I got one coming up here. Shucks, no, let's go this way, back this way.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm trying to. I'm gonna try to find this photograph here that I have in my, my photos, on my, my phone, and of course, I don't have my glasses on, so it makes it even worse to try to find it, but I'll find it because I want to show you. Maybe some of you have seen a little bit of the of the picture I'm going to show. Um, if you've gone to Buzzsprout and you've got to my website on Buzzsprout because this is kind of the background To my website, to the show there, it is OK. Now look, tell me if this is what you want and I'll make it happen.

Speaker 1:

Ok, but this is what I'm trying to avoid and I'm sorry for those that are listening, but I'm going to put this really close to the camera and I'll block my face. That right there, yeah, whoops. No, we're getting too much of the screen. No, let's get right. Hold on, I'm going to pick this microphone up too so I can continue to talk. That. What's going on here? Wait, oh, that's what's going on. Okay, there we go. There we go. Oops, god, you think I know what I'm doing here. Right there, yeah, that is my senior picture, my high school senior picture. Beautiful, huh, whoops. What'd I do here? I did something. Hang on, there we go. I don't know. I hit something on the screen, so if I blank for a moment, I apologize. I think I hit something on the keyboard and something else popped up covering my beautiful face. Yeah, it's my senior picture, so I'm trying to avoid that.

Speaker 1:

I got to take care of this. It's so unmanageable. So I got a 1030 appointment to get that done. But I need some sleep. I need some sleep and uh, and then Catherine and I and and Jim the gym we're taking mom out to to, uh, late lunch, early dinner this afternoon, but today, so this would be a long day. Yeah, and we're taking her out because everybody, tomorrow is mother's day, right, that's right.

Speaker 1:

Everybody, tomorrow is Mother's Day, right, that's right. Tomorrow is Mother's Day. And here's a reminder Take care of mom. Okay, take care of the mothers in your life. If you still have your mother, great, that is awesome. Take care of your mom. Take care of your wife if you're married and you have kids, because she's a mother too, right, uh-huh, yeah, and have to listen to my own words. I've got to take heed, okay, so that's what's going on, that is what's happening.

Speaker 1:

Okay, let me put these, put these spectacles on here, because there's a few other things I want to cover before I cut you people loose. Oh, and it is so good to be back Back. Oh, you know what I forgot to do? See, I'm out of practice here. Okay, let's see Boom there, right there, uh-huh, because I'm back by popular demand. Because I'm back by popular demand, you demanded it, you out there demanded that I come back, and I'm here. I'm here, baby.

Speaker 1:

So I just wanted to touch on a little bit of kind of some music news, nothing special. But there's just, you know, in my listening to this and that and the other thing, I picked up a couple of things. There's, there are a couple of rock documentaries that are out there now. One of them is If these Walls Could Talk, and I guess that's about Abbey Road Studios. I don't think it's only about the Beatles recording at Abbey Road, I think it's about everyone else that has recorded there as well, on that same equipment that the Beatles recorded on.

Speaker 1:

So I got to try to check that one out. I think I heard of that one but I haven't seen it, but gotta try to check that one out. I think I heard of that one but I haven't seen it, but I gotta check that one out. And then, and then, uh, what was it? Uh, last year or the year before, uh, peter jackson, uh, from lord of the rings fame, he, he did that documentary that was like six parts, eight parts parts, something like that. Let it be uh or no, I'm sorry, I'm going to get back, get back, that's what it was, get back and uh, but it was the recording and the writing and recording all that stuff on the let it be album, and uh, I got to check that one out too. I haven't I haven't checked it out. I think I think these ones are like on disney plus. I think that's what I heard.

Speaker 1:

But then there was a documentary that was done on the recording of the the beatles album. Let it be way back when, um, that was called Let it Be. That was never well, I shouldn't say never. It hasn't been available to see since something like 1980 or the early 80s, let's put it that way and I think that one's coming back, if it's not already back. I think all these Beatles ones are on Disney+ Now, because if you've been with this, with this, this program, uh, long enough, you know my story regarding the song let it be and what.

Speaker 1:

You know what it means to me as far as, uh, it grabbing a hold of me musically, so I have to. It grabbing a hold of me musically, so I have to. I've got to see that one, that one I definitely have to see. And then I think it dropped this week, about a week ago. I just haven't been able to. I haven't been able to really watch anything with my work schedule this week coming back, so I'm like way behind. But there's a four-part documentary Bon Jovi documentary, and that one's on Hulu. That one I really have to check out.

Speaker 1:

Now I like Bon Jovi. I don't go deep into the catalog but I was on board with Bon Jovi before, before Bon Jovi really hit big and that was with Slippery when Wet. That was. That was their third album. A lot of people don't even know that, especially a casual fan. They just think, oh, this is it Bon Jovi. You know, they dropped Slippery when Wet and they exploded. Well, they exploded all right with it, but that was the third album.

Speaker 1:

They had a debut album on the back half of 1983. It was just called Bon Jovi. That was with the single Runaway um. And then they released um, I think it's called 7,500 degrees Fahrenheit. That was about a year and a half later. That one didn't really go anywhere at all. I think they had one semi hit off of that and I believe I don't own that one and I believe that was in and out of love. Not sure, but I think so. So you can check me if I'm wrong on that, you can. You can check me and let me know. Call me a moron, whatever. Um, but that one I remember. They got the name 7,500 degrees Fahrenheit because that is at that temperature, rock melts, so get it. They're going to melt rock Because they're going to rock so hard they're going to reach 7,500 degrees Fahrenheit and melt rock. So that was kind of the whole thing behind the name of that album.

Speaker 1:

So there's the four-part bon jovi documentary and apparently it's like really, really good. There's some really raw stuff on there. Uh, regarding john and the vocal problems he has had, I think, throughout his career, but primarily the last tour, that that that they were on it's well documented. He had a lot of vocal problems, so he's very transparent with all of this and I think it's just a history on the band as well. I think it kind of goes back and forth. I'm not sure it's kind of what I'm hearing. So I've got to check it out and if somebody else out there, if somebody out there has already seen it, leave it in the comments, comment on it and tell me what you think about it. What else, what else, what else, what else? Oh, yes, what else, what else, what else, what else? Oh, oh, yes.

Speaker 1:

So yesterday, may 10th, and the only reason why I'm bringing it up is because when I had heard all, when I heard this stuff, I should say all of it. But when I heard this it was yesterday, may 10th, and I thought I just jotted a quick note down. I said, okay, look, make sure you hit on this. Hit on this when you get back on the air and you hit record. So May 10th was the 40th anniversary, and I kind of bring it up too, because a few weeks back we talked about albums turning 40, and I think I missed out on this one. I don't remember if I covered it or not, but May 10th was the 40th anniversary of the release of Twisted Sisters' Stay Hungry.

Speaker 1:

Now, for a casual fan and I would consider myself a casual fan, though I know a little bit more about the band A lot of people would think this was their debut, but it's not. This is actually, I believe it's their, was their, it was their third or fourth, I'm trying to remember. Now there was a oh, I can't remember the names of them. Now you Can't Stop Rock. I think you Can't Stop Rock and Roll something else. And then Stay Hungry in 1984. And Twisted Sister had been, you know, like huge in the tri-state area on the East Coast, new Jersey, new York, pennsylvania, they were playing clubs, but these clubs were holding 2,000, 3,000, 4,000 people too. So they had a name for themselves out there, but it was when they came to LA. They got a name for themselves out there, but was when they came to to LA. We got a major record deal and release stay hungry and everybody. It's their biggest album. You know millions and millions of copies I think it's like five, six, seven million copies sold and, of course, the big, huge songs on there we're Not Gonna Take it and I Wanna Rock. And so celebrated 40 years.

Speaker 1:

Yesterday, may 10th, a new album was also released yesterday, may 10th. It's a solo album by Sebastian Bach. Now, some of you out there might not be familiar with who Sebastian Bach is, so I'll just fill you in on it. Sebastian Bach was a former lead singer from the band Skid Row. Their biggest Billboard top 40 song was I Remember you billboard song. Billboard top 40 song was I remember you, and all the chicks dig that song and loved sebastian as well. Long, long flowing hair, good looking guy, great voice, all that. He was like total rocker package. But uh, so he just released a new solo album yesterday. For those who might be interested, I think this is about his fifth one, but this one is called. I think it's called the Child Inside the man. That's right, the Child Inside the man. I heard an interview with him earlier and he's so enthusiastic about it, so excited about it.

Speaker 1:

Already has released a couple of singles and, I believe, one video, and I think a second video is coming. I believe it's for a song called Freedom. I heard that song today or yesterday Sorry, not today. I heard that song yesterday and it's a good song. John 5 co-wrote it. For those who aren't familiar with John Five, john Five is now the new guitarist in Motley Crue, has been now for about a year or so, but John Five co-wrote the song, played on it in the studio and the Freedom song. Freedom is a good song, so if it's any indication of how the rest of the album is going to be, I am looking forward to checking it out. I really am.

Speaker 1:

What else? What else? Oh, may 17th I will be recording a show with Kobe Reese. Kobe Reese, the 13-year-old multi-musical, multi-instrumentalist singer-songwriter. He's got his own band under his name, kobe Reese, I think. I told you I met him a few weeks back when Catherine and I went to the David Z Foundation benefit concert, and so, yeah, got it rescheduled, got it locked in and that's going to be happening next Friday, may 17th. So be looking for that to post by late afternoon, pacific time, early evening, right in there, Early evening if you're central time or you're on the East Coast. It'll be there, I think. I think, and I'll let everyone know, I'll certainly let you know by Thursday, friday morning at the latest if we'll do a Friday night live next week so you may get two shows on Friday, one recorded and one live.

Speaker 1:

We've got to get back in the swing of things. You know, got to do it. I've missed it terribly. I've told you I have missed you terribly and if you have missed me half, even half as much as I've missed you, then it warms my heart, that's right. My little wait, is it right there? Yeah, my little corazón, my little wait, is it right there? Yeah, my little corazón, yeah, warms my heart. So it's just good to be back sitting in this chair in this studio. Yeah, feels good. So we got that coming next Friday. So be looking for that, mark your calendars. All right, be ready for it.

Speaker 1:

And I thought this was cool. I got this notification two days ago, I think it was that. It's the first one I've seen. It's a ranking on this podcast, and let me get my glasses back on again. So this podcast here, the Ben Maynard Program on Apple Podcasts, ranks 117th in the music commentary category. Yes, there's probably only 118 that fit into that category, but whatever, I'm not the bottom. So I saw that and I thought, wow, I think that's the first ranking I've seen on this show on from any platform. So, ok, well, that's cool. I got to share that with everyone. I just thought it was kind of cool, this little program here, and we're 117. Yes, awesome. So who knows, hey, if we keep it up, if you keep it up out there and you keep tuning in and you keep listening or you keep watching, then hey, maybe we'll move up a couple more notches. Yeah, would that be something? I think it would Okay.

Speaker 1:

Last thing, last thing, I'm going to cover cover here and then we're cutting you loose, all right, and you can enjoy your weekend again. I'm gonna remind you, tomorrow it's mother's day. Take care of your mother, take care of moms. They're so special. They've always been just a special person in our lives. There's no one like mom. There really isn't. Dads are great. I'm a dad. I'm a dad. I know I'm great. I know I'm great. So there Ha Dads'm great. I know I'm great, so there Ha, dads are great. But there's something just indescribable about moms, and so just love on your mom. If you can't be with her, give her a call and tell her how much you love her and how much you appreciate everything that she's done for you over the years. This is cool, I gosh.

Speaker 1:

One of these days, one of these days when I have about a week to figure so much out here technologically, so much out here technologically with this show. I'm going to be able to play some music on here. I'll work around it somehow, but if you're not familiar, go check it out. Check this out, because this, honestly, it says it all when it comes to mom. And it's jimmy dean's yeah, this is the sausage guy, jimmy dean's I o u and he wrote that for his mother and it is so fitting for Mother's Day. And if you have an opportunity I don't know if it's on any of the streaming services or not, I'm sure it's here on YouTube, I'm sure you can find it somewhere. I have a CD recording of it. But again, I gotta be able to figure out how to get music onto this show here it is so good and grab a hold of it.

Speaker 1:

People Find it and save it and play it for your mom tomorrow, if you can, whether it's over the phone, whether you're out to breakfast or to brunch or you just mom's coming to your house, you're going to her house, whatever it is. Play it for mom tomorrow, because it says everything and I guarantee you, I promise you it's going you will weep. You will weep from this. So if you're not, if you don't want to cry, then maybe you don't want to play it, but your mom deserves it and I'm sure it will definitely bring a tear to her eye too.

Speaker 1:

It is so, so cool and it just says it all. It really just hammers home how great moms are home, how great moms are and how much we need to express our love and our appreciation for moms. And if you don't cry, then you have a black. I tease you. I tease you because I don't think there'll be a dry eye out there. Anybody who listens to this show or watches this show. I don't think anybody will get through it without crying. Anyway, so let's leave it at that.

Speaker 1:

Okay, it's so good to be back. Let's just wrap it right here. Let you get on with your day. Let me take a nap. I need some sleep.

Speaker 1:

So, in wrapping it up, I'll remind you all that this program is available on multiple podcast platforms like Apple Podcasts, amazon Music and Spotify. I think it's Podcast Addict Player, fm, podcast Chaser, all kinds of them. Look, just search the Bed Mater program. You'll see all the options you have. But go to Buzzsprout, right, because you'll get to see that great picture of me at least a part of it and all the shows will be there.

Speaker 1:

If you're watching here on YouTube, then please subscribe to the channel, hit the notification bell. Yeah, I got to remember that. Give me a thumbs up and leave a comment. All right, you know I love comments. You know that I read them all because I reply to all of them. So do that. Come on, be my friend and, last but not least, follow me on Instagram. Ben Maynard Program all one word. So with that we're done, folks, okay, I thank you so much for being here. I missed you and I hope you missed me too. I'm backed by popular demand. We're going to have shows coming, baby. We got them coming, All right. So this is the Ben Maynard program. Tell a friend, yeah, there.