The Ben Maynard Program

FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE!....From Rock Legends to Romantic Mishaps


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Ever wondered why band members feud over expenses or how online dating really feels in your late 30s? Tonight on the Ben Maynard Program, we kick things off with some essential housekeeping and updates on our brief hiatus due to a hectic schedule and house renovations. We also reminisce about our previous episode with my good friend Matt, where we had a riot discussing one-hit wonders. We're introducing some new, interactive segments like the Malort Challenge and Stump the Chump, so get ready to call in and join the fun!

Journey fans, you'll want to hear about the ongoing drama between Jonathan Cain and Neil Schon, who are currently in a financial stand-off that has led to a third-party mediator stepping in to manage their disputes. As we dissect their tensions, we'll also transport you back to 1982 to chat about Kiss's "Creatures of the Night" and Bryan Adams's remarkable contributions to the album. And if you're intrigued by the trials and triumphs of modern dating, stick around as we dive into Cristina's experiences navigating apps like Hinge and Bumble, interwoven with my own success story of meeting Kathryn on Bumble six and a half years ago.

From the hilarity of disaster dates to the hope of finding true love, we share both our personal anecdotes and those of our listeners. Experience the quirks of Friday night rituals, like the tale of the unwashed Mr. Spock shot glass and our tequila tasting segment. Hear Cristina's candid stories and gain insightful tips on handling the unpredictability of online dating while maintaining faith and patience. Whether it's through heartfelt encouragement or a hearty laugh, tonight's episode is all about connecting, reflecting, and embracing the rollercoaster that is modern dating. #tellyourstory #familymatters #thebenmaynardprogram #podcast #journeymusic #bryanadams #warmachine #rockandrollhell #concertpartyfouls #singlelife #onlinedating  

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Speaker 1:

Hey there, welcome into the Ben Maynard program. Thanks for being here. How's everybody doing tonight? Tonight is Friday and we are live. You know what that means? Right, friday night live. Yeah, of course, of course. How are you? It's been a couple weeks. Hold on, let me get this done right here. Boom, and that one right there. Yeah, okay, now we are cooking with gas. So how is everyone? How have you been? It's been a couple weeks. Yes, there's a reason for it, but first some housekeeping to take care of.

Speaker 1:

Okay, as you know, this program is available on multiple podcast platforms. I don't even know if I should say it because it's on so many of them, but all right, maybe we'll do it one last time. Who knows? Apple Podcasts, amazon Music, spotify, iheartradio it's on all of them. Just look it up, just search the Ben Maynard program and you'll find it, no matter what. However, if you're watching live which you should be if you're watching this now, we are live and you're watching on YouTube and you just can't resist all this right here, hey, what can I say Then? Please subscribe to the channel, give me a thumbs up and leave a comment. You know I like your comments, I read your comments, I reply to your comments. So just get it done, all right. Last but not least, follow me on Instagram. Simply Ben Maynard Program, all one word. So with that, there are plenty of ways to take in this show for your dancing and listening pleasure.

Speaker 1:

And here we go. It's Friday night and we're live. How's that? So, as I said, it's been a couple of weeks Hang on, let me make sure the ringer is off on this phone here and it is Okay. Good, we're silenced. And it has been a couple of weeks and I apologize for that. I think the last time well, the last time we were on, my buddy Matt was in studio and we did our one hit wonders. That was, you know, that was a lot of fun and we could have gosh. We could have gone on forever, but we didn't. We spared you but my gosh. We could have gone on forever, but if you've seen that episode, I hope you enjoyed it. If you haven't seen it, go back and check it out. What are you waiting for? Come on. Everybody loves one hit wonders, you know.

Speaker 1:

But let's see, we weren't on last week and I think I mentioned this a few weeks back. There's just been so much stuff going on around the house here. Catherine and I, we just had so much going on, so much work going on around the house and yeah, so it's just there's. And with work also, everybody knows I this isn't my job Got my regular Monday through Friday, and I think most everybody. If you're not new to this podcast, you know that I work a lot of hours. So it's just been tough the last few weeks to try to sit down, write a show, even to go live.

Speaker 1:

Last Friday Not many of you would have been around to see anyways, because it was Labor Day weekend. How was everybody's Labor Day weekend anyhow? So it just yeah, it just so much stuff going on and so tough. So I apologize. I apologize for that and I'm trying to be a better communicator. I think I do a fairly good job. What's tough is the one social media platform that I am the most active on is Facebook, simply because I don't work the Instagram. Catherine does, and in order for anything to happen on Instagram, I have to let her know. Hey, can you put this out on Instagram? And she either does or she is busy at work and she doesn't get around to it, forgets about it, whatever it is Anyways.

Speaker 1:

So let me do this too, because we all know it's Friday night live now. So we're going to put the phone number up there so that everybody, everyone can, uh, can call in, let's see, let's, and we'll do that. Okay, that's cool. Yeah, we're good, I think we're good. So what do we got going on right now, let's see.

Speaker 1:

We are back Friday night live. The usual fun and frivolity. We will play a little Malort challenge and for the newbies, what the Malort challenge is, you'll see the, the newbies, what the Malort challenge is, you'll see the phone number down at the bottom of the screen there to call in to the program. And if you call in and participate, then I have to take a shot of this stuff right here and you can see that bottle's almost empty. There's maybe a drink and a half in there. That is, my Lord, the worst tasting liquor there is.

Speaker 1:

It's not that I want to do it, it's not that I enjoy it, but it's just to entice you to participate. Yeah, that's what it's all about. It's a punishment from me for getting you to be involved with this program. Not a drunk show, definitely not a drunk show, Uh-uh, no, no. But also we will play a little Stump the Chump and for the newbies, that is where you call in with your music trivia. If you stump me, I am the chump. I got to take a drink of this stuff here and, yeah, this one's almost empty, but I've got a fresh bottle right down here next to the table. So, yeah, you call them with your music trivia and if I get it wrong, if you stump me, I've got to take a drink. Okay, just trying to get people to participate. You can leave your comments, but in order for me to take a drink of the Malort, you have to call in. Okay, have to call in the numbers at the bottom of the screen. You see it right there. Um, so, yeah, that's where we are. That's where. That's where we are. It's Friday, we're live and you're here too. Um, golly where to begin first. And golly where to begin First if you're here in Southern California.

Speaker 1:

How about the weather? Man, it is hot as a pistol outside. Even now at seven o'clock Pacific time. It's probably in the upper nineties. It's been very, very hot this week, but you know what? I guess we can't complain too much. I think today was like 106, 107, something like that. Yeah, it was really, really steamy out there today and there was quite a bit of cloud cover. So I mean, that was good for the sun, but it made it a bit muggy as well and we all know that can be a little uncomfortable. But, as I started to say, can't complain too much because the folks in Arizona, man, they're really dealing with it, they, I think it's been like over 100 degrees pretty much every day this summer. So I'm just glad to be here in Southern California and not in Arizona. So, yeah, the weather.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, you know I love my music and so I'll bring you just a little bit of music news. As you know, I'm a huge Journey fan, favorite band, and if you're not following the band, you know they've been out on tour, gosh, I think. They've been out on tour with Def Leppard and Steve Miller and I think that tour just wrapped up. If not, they may have one or two shows left, but it's it's pretty close to winding down, but there's been a lot of drama the last couple of months during that tour and it's just it's kind of bananas and if you're not following along, check this out. So, jonathan Cain, the keyboard player.

Speaker 1:

Now there's two principal members of the band left, that's Jonathan Cain and Neil Sean. Neil Sean is a founding member and he's the lone founding member left in the band Now. Jonathan Cain has been in the band since late 1980. Okay, and so he would be considered part of the classic lineup of Journey. Certainly, when they were I don't know, I don't want to say at their peak, but you know hitting their stride, he was there and co-wrote just about every song on the Escape album, which is their biggest album, you know, to date, and there's been some drama going on between the two principal members, jonathan Cain and Neil Sean, over spending money. So there was some stuff that went on a couple of years ago and it was very public. It's just weird, just really weird, how public it is that it is now, but that it was then as well. The guys settled their issues a couple of years ago.

Speaker 1:

Bands carried on. They're out there touring just about every well, not just about, they are touring every summer journeys out on the road. So about a couple months ago, jonathan Cain files a lawsuit against Neil Sean and it's about I guess there's an American Express card or something like that. It's basically about spending money more than what I guess is agreed upon to for, for, for, for expenses, that type of stuff. You know hotel rooms, expenses outside of the band or outside of. You know normal touring expenses. So you got millionaires fighting with one another over money. It's like my favorite band too, so it's sad to see it. But there was finally some after a lot of back and forth for a couple of months and they finally brought in a third party who's supposed to mediate everything, is supposed to make all the decisions.

Speaker 1:

Now because, the band has no management. I believe neil. Neil manages the band. Um, and where I, like I said, neil is a, a, the lone founding member in the band left jonathan kane is. Cain is a I guess you would say a stakeholder in the band. I mean, he owns part of the band, him and Neil. They're like co-owners of the band, so they're like equal partners in the band. So that's why all this drama comes about. But they got their third-party mediator and he's supposed to take care of all of that situation. Now Neil agreed to it. Then it was like a couple days later Neil said nah, I don't know if I'm happy with this or not, we'll see where it all goes from here.

Speaker 1:

But, like I said, if the tour hasn't wrapped up I think they may have had a show last night or two nights ago they may have one or two shows left on the tour and we'll see what happens after that. It's just you know it's got to make for some uneasiness on show night. You know guys have to share a stage together. So I don't know. But I'll tell you this this has obviously been, it's been very public. There's stuff all over YouTube about it. It's in the it's in the music press, all that stuff. But there are so many bands out there that this type of stuff happens, but we never hear about it because they keep it to themselves. So that's what's so odd about this, is it's just very public. Anyway, I don't know where you sit on it, I don't know where, you know whose side you're on on this one, but it's just bizarre to see it happen, especially after these guys have been partners in business but band members for 43, 44 years now. You think you'd be able to work out all that stuff and that stuff would have been taken care of a long time ago. You wouldn't have to worry about it. But I don't know, who knows, I'm just bewildered by it. This is kind of funny.

Speaker 1:

Now, you also know I'm a huge Kiss fan and in 1982, kiss released an album Creatures of the Night Great album. For most Kiss fans it's one of their best. In a lot of KISS fans' opinions, if not the best album in their catalog, it's right up there. It's one of the best and it's a great album. On the album, though, the producer Michael James Jackson, out to now this was let me go back. This album was like Kiss's comeback. They had they had released. Um, the three previous albums had really kind of alienated them or began to alienate them from their core audience, and I guess the final straw was probably the concept album in 1981, music from the Elder. So KISS was at an all-time low.

Speaker 1:

At this point they go back, they make a decision that they're going to get back to their hard rockin' roots and so they start working on Creatures of the Night. Well, the producer, michael James Jackson, also reached out to a young artist and songwriter by the name of Brian Adams artist and songwriter by the name of Brian Adams and asked and I think Brian was like 21 at the time asked Brian if he would meet with Gene and Paul and do some co-writing. So he, he had actually met one day with Gene, he met one day with Paul and he met one day with Eric Carr. Because at this point, when they recorded this album, kiss was down to three members. Ace had left the band, even though he's pictured on the album. Ace doesn't play on the album at all, but he's pictured on the album cover. So basically, the band is three members at this point.

Speaker 1:

And, um, so Brian did some, uh, some, some, some songwriting with with the guys and he ended up co-writing uh with his partner Jim Valance. He's got two co-writes on the Creatures of the Night album, war Machine and Rock and Roll Hell. Now, war Machine is a song, no, but it's been played. It's been played a ton over the last 40 something years. Like I said it's, it's pretty much a staple for the most part. Um, and the other song, rock and roll hell, is more of what you would call an album track Good songs, really good songs and real heavy songs.

Speaker 1:

But what Brian did about six weeks ago or so is he went in and recorded those songs himself, his version of those songs, and if you haven't heard them, they're really kind of cool. You know Brian Adams, you know he's a rock and roll artist, he's a pop artist, you know, not real heavy, but certainly a lot of his stuff is played on mainstream rock or classic rock stations and certainly he's had a ton of hits, a ton of top 40 hits, and he's had a lot of ballads, that type of stuff as well. Very prolific, a very extensive catalog. Bryan Adams is a great artist.

Speaker 1:

If you haven't checked these out, check them out. I believe the videos are on YouTube, but also, if you go on to the stream, various streaming services, you can seek out these two songs, just the two songs, and they're really really good. But they are Brian Adams versions of the songs. So for Bryan Adams I would say they're pretty hard or they're pretty heavy, but they're not nearly as heavy as the Kiss versions, I would say. These, I would say they kind of fall in line with something that you would have heard on, maybe the Reckless album or like Waking Up the Neighbors, something like that. You know, mid to late 80s. Yeah, they would have fit right in.

Speaker 1:

Uh, there, so good stuff, though. Good stuff. Who's texting? Someone's texting? Oh no, don't worry about it. Don't worry about it, no big deal. It's from my health insurance company. Um, so, yeah, check that stuff out. Really, really cool stuff, cool stuff. Um, what else is going on? Um, well, let's see tonight's friday.

Speaker 1:

Last night was, uh, uh, football season started, the. The football season officially started last night and I think it was what the Chiefs and the Ravens I believe the Chiefs won. I didn't see the end of the game, so I'm not sure, and I haven't even heard the score. I didn't hear anything about it, but I think somebody, I think maybe I did hear somebody say that the Chiefs won. So I know there was a game on tonight, so viewership might be down because people might be watching that game right now from Brazil. What is it? The Packers and the Eagles? Yeah, from Brazil. That's an odd place to have an NFL game, but yeah, whatever. So go football. Nfl has kicked off. I didn't really see much of the game last night. So go football. You know NFL has kicked off. I didn't really see much of the game last night.

Speaker 1:

How many Taylor Swift sightings were there? How many times did NBC show Taylor Swift on television and did they just get belligerent with it? I don't know. I certainly hope that we don't see the same thing that we saw last season, because it just got it got. It got sickening to see all that stuff. Um, yeah, I don't. I don't want to see that again this year. Uh, however, I think they that you know they feel like it's good stuff. Um, wait, what we're getting? A comment, let's see. Um, oh, I'm, yeah, anytime. I said I'm getting asked a question here, so I'm answering the question in the comments right now. So anytime, anytime we're. We're 23 minutes into the show, so anytime is a. It was a good time, but it makes me think of something since football season and that kind of thing. People, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I don't want to say concert penalties, but party fouls at concerts. What are some of your party fouls? You can leave them in the comments or you can text them. You can call in whatever with some of your party fouls that you see at concerts. I'll tell you some of my party fouls. One of them is this people who go to a concert and do nothing but talk during the entire show, carrying on a full-on conversation during the show. If you want to talk, go outside and talk. You should have gotten all that stuff taken care of before the show started. What is it that you're going to talk about during a show? Aren't you there to see the artist? So that's one of them. I guess it doesn't bother me a lot. I guess kind of a little, especially if he gets out of hand when people are recording the show with their cell phones, are recording the show with their cell phones.

Speaker 1:

A song, half a song, maybe two songs during the show. I guess that's okay, as long as you're not belligerent with it, where I have to stand up and look around you to see what's going on, to see my band on the stage. That's one of them. That's another one. Let's see what else. Everybody knows that I love my 80s music, my classic rock, my hard rock, that kind of stuff.

Speaker 1:

I think that sorry, I apologize for this, but this is like probably the biggest concert party foul. And that is when you see a classic band from that era, from 70s, 80s, whatever it is and the women who are about my age, maybe some of them even older, are dressing like it's 1983. And they can't actually wear the clothing from 1983. They look like they're dressing from 1983, but they're squeezing themselves into the garb. It's just they're not doing themselves a favor. That's yeah, you know what I'm talking about. That's a major party foul, major concert party foul. Yeah, I don't know, it's bad, it's bad.

Speaker 1:

So if you have one, like I said, call it in, call it in, text it, whatever. I think somebody's supposed to be coming in into studio in a minute or so. That's what I was told. Anyway, we'll see if that happens. But hang on, I got to take a drink here. Um, let's see, I'm just making a note here.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you know, I, you know, I have this book that my niece bought me. I have to get my glasses on for this. Now I don't know if I'm happy or sad that no one has called in yet or sad that no one has called in yet. I'm not a fan of the Malort but I do like the participation. But my niece, anita, bought me this book, the big book of rock and roll band names. So it's got all the stories, got all kinds of stories of all different bands and how they got their names and that kind of stuff. So I just flipped through a couple here and I thought I would share a couple of them with you while I'm waiting, I guess ever so patiently. I didn't want something that was too too long. I didn't want anybody to fall asleep on me. So REO Speedwagon. Everybody does anybody. Everybody does anybody know how REO Speedwagon got their name? Well, it says right here REO Speedwagon was formed in Champaign, illinois, in 1968, adopting the name of a fire engine designed by Ransom Ellie Oles R-E-O, father of the Olesmobile.

Speaker 1:

Guitarist and chief lyricist, gary Richrath recalled Neil Dowdy, the keyboard player, thought it up while he was going to college there in Champaign. Aria was the first fire truck built somewhere around 1918, between 1918 and 1920, by ransom old, who was like a renegade against GM and other big companies. So the symbolism seemed good. Oh, we have a knock at the door. Yes, hey, come on in. Come on in. Yeah, yeah, what's going on? Brought you a beverage? Oh, geez on in, come on in. Yeah, yeah, what's going on.

Speaker 2:

Brought you a beverage.

Speaker 1:

Oh geez, louise. Well, have a seat, pull up a chair, pull up a chair. Well, let me finish this first and then I'm going to introduce this young lady here. So the symbolism seemed good and it also was a nice catchy name for a rock band. We also stuck with the name because when it was put on a marquee with other band names, those capital letters stood out. Oh well, we have a guest with us this evening coming in and I'm going to introduce everybody. This is my friend, christina. She's Christina to me and she's Christina to Catherine. She likes to go by Chris. I think I just knocked over the Malort.

Speaker 2:

Oh no.

Speaker 1:

No, no, it's closed. It's all right, but she likes to go by, chris. Well, you guys, yeah, you have to close this. We have an in-studio audience now, so but you can say hello, hi, everyone. The microphone, because I set it up so it'll pick up most everything. But yeah, so Christina had come over this evening to visit with really Catherine not so much me, but I told her I thought it'd be a really good idea because Christine, as you can see, she's a beautiful young lady, very beautiful. She's very single too. We wanted to talk. I told her, I said come on up. Come on up while I'm doing Friday Night Live, let's talk a little bit about what it is to be single and the crap that you have to deal with when trying to find somebody that you would like to possibly be in a relationship with. Right, yes.

Speaker 1:

All right, so let's get started. So let me ask you this first how long has it been since you had kind of a steady relationship?

Speaker 2:

kind of a steady relationship. It was probably honestly been since May. It was like when the last things ended with the guy I was seeing. Okay, so it hasn't been too long. Whatever, yeah, in September.

Speaker 1:

We're in September. Yes, yeah, okay, and how long were you dating at that time?

Speaker 2:

Not too long, maybe like about eight months or so.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so really long.

Speaker 2:

Oh no, not long at all.

Speaker 1:

And, uh, and you and you're, how old now? What like a 43, 44, 45? Actually 62., 62. She looks great. Fabulous skin for 62, huh.

Speaker 2:

Right, no, I'm 38.

Speaker 1:

Right, old age of 38. Yeah, so see, she's young, she's good looking and she's a great girl too. She really, really is, and so how is it that you go about trying to to to date in today's climate? What did you bring? What'd you bring here, by the way?

Speaker 2:

It's Codigo.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah. Codigo.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Oh, you recognize it.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, no, you said it. I heard you say it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Codigo 1316. Right.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Well, we'll take a sip of that in a minute. So what's your dating process right now? Or why is it that you can't find the right guy? That's what we need to do we need to figure out why it is you can't find the right guy and solve that problem.

Speaker 2:

So I'm on dating apps I'm a couple right now actually. I'm on Hinge. I'm a couple right now actually I'm on hinge and bumble and online dating is obviously very popular nowadays it is I think probably the main way that people meet someone and you guys actually caught me on a good week. Like I was telling Catherine, I've went on several dates, so starting Sunday, I went on a date Sunday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday this week four dates with different men.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I just thought why not? You know, I've been doing these like random, sporadic dates and nothing happens. So let's see what happens if I get multiple dates in a week and still the same outcome.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, okay, so I know part of your dating history simply because I know you and we've kind of talked about this a little bit and you know I dating is just so hard and everyone knows you guys know it out there, and if you're new, well then I'll tell you. Now, catherine and I met on Bumble. That was six plus years ago, almost six and a half years ago and I had one date with Catherine and I mean that was like it, you know. So it worked for us. But I know that you know there's not a lot of honesty when it comes to online dating with people, what the information that people provide in their profiles and that kind of stuff, and and I think that's what makes it so challenging- oh, definitely I mean.

Speaker 2:

so I've dealt with men don't know their heights.

Speaker 1:

They also put a different age and they also wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, a minute, wait a minute, Wait a minute, okay, okay. So they don't know their height. So let's say that the guy says he's six one, and then you meet him and you're just as hot, you're just as tall as he is, right?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, pretty much exactly what happened.

Speaker 1:

So you're tall for a woman, you're five like five seven.

Speaker 2:

I'm like a little bit past five seven. So I usually say five, eight, yeah, even though I'm not exactly five eight. But so I'll see me. These guys that does like six foot. So I'm like, okay, he's still going to be you know a little, at least a little taller. No, we're the exact same height. Once I see them in person, I don't know how that works.

Speaker 1:

I don't know how you get away with that, because eventually you have to meet somebody. It's like if a woman put a picture of Kim Kardashian on her profile and then you go meet her and she looks like Phyllis Diller or something like that. It's like what, eventually someone's going to find out. I don't understand.

Speaker 2:

I mean that happens to men too. They get catfish, they use women, use younger photos than themselves, or they do the angles where they look like they're thinner and then once they see them in person, they're heavier, older. So I mean it works both ways. As far as the guys looking like their photos yeah, it's just the height is usually off.

Speaker 1:

Okay, all right, but you said that they seem to lie about their age.

Speaker 2:

That too It'll say like, oh, I'm 38 years old or 40. And then if you scroll down sometimes in the profile it'll be like, oh, I'm not really 40. I'm 47. Or when you meet them in person, oh, I'm not 38. I'm 40. But Bumble won't let me change my age. On there I might think, even like I was telling Catherine, I think they want to match with a certain age of women and if they put like their actual age 47, maybe the younger women in their twenties aren't going to have their age range that high.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, but I mean okay, I, I know for me, I remember when I had set up my Bumble profile, way back when I was on it for three months before I met Catherine, and and I remember when I set that profile up, I mean I was, I was done, trying to trying to be, you know, charlie Harper from two and a half men and be this bachelor guy, not that, not the drinking and the drugging, just the bachelor lifestyle. It got old and I didn't like it. But I've always believed the honesty is the best policy too, because eventually somebody is going to find something out.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And you get to control all your settings. I'm sure it's on with with every dating app. You have your settings and the, the geographical area that you want to cover. How far out are you going to? Do you want to reach the age range?

Speaker 1:

I know, for me, I kept it like, kept it like, I think three, no, 18. Yeah, yeah, as long as she was legal, sure, no, but, but I was, I was what. I think I was 52 at the time and I think I went from like 47 to 55 or 56, you know, to 55 or 56, you know. So I mean a couple of years here and a couple of years there, on both sides, and I thought that was very fair. I wasn't trying to, you know, at 52, not trying to date somebody that was 22 and not trying to fool somebody as well.

Speaker 1:

But I know, for me, I found that women were not really honest, like to what you said. All their photos they've got the strongest filter on. Thing that always bothered me was they say I'm looking for a relationship, no hookups or no one night stands or this or that or the other, and then you want to get to know them and they're like well, I don't really know, if I that kind of stuff, I got other things to. You know, I got my my, my, my, my daughter's in college or my son's in this or that or whatever you know it's like. Well then, why are you dating? If you don't have time for it, then why do you take the time to do that? Did you experience the same thing?

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, absolutely the same thing. I would specifically look for the ones that are looking for like a relationship, Um cause there it'll give you different options, obviously on there and be like not sure what I'm looking for, or just looking for casual or fun dates.

Speaker 1:

Not sure what I'm looking for.

Speaker 2:

So why is that even an option? To be not sure.

Speaker 1:

But I mean.

Speaker 2:

I'd skip those, but yeah, I'd look for the ones that you know express somewhere on their page that they're looking for a relationship and the same thing meet them. Well, I'm actually really busy, like I don't get that much free time. I have several kids and you know, I just I got out of a relationship recently, so I just I don't. I want to have a good time Like I'd love to see you again.

Speaker 1:

I have several kids from several women too Right Hold on here. Wait, wait, wait. I want, I got it. I got to look in here. I got it. We got to come. Oh, I'm oh.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I, I'm six, it's. It's from land Let me get the microphone over. It's from lamb cloud adventures. And it says I'm six foot and my wife is five eight, but she sits taller than me at the table because I'm all legs and she's all torso. Okay, all right, that's pretty funny. Yeah, so it just guys.

Speaker 1:

Just they're not honest, or they just when, when you meet them, they're just, uh, like you said, oh well, I'm just looking for some fun yeah, it's like you should have said this before but it says something different on the profile right, yeah, and so it's looking for relationship looking for a relationship and then when you go meet them for dinner or drink or coffee, whatever, whatever, then it's oh yeah, I'm just looking to have some fun. Well then, what are you doing? I mean you can have fun going to any bar or you know any club or whatever it is. You know, yeah, don't? I always just said, just don't. You know, don't waste your time or waste somebody else's time.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, and that's the thing, dates aren't cheap. But like I was telling Catherine, a lot of these men too are fine with a woman paying or splitting in. I personally believe on the first date the guy should at least pay for that, and I have had guys who do take care of everything. But the moment I see that they're just wanting to split it, I'm like, ok, well, this will just be a friend or definitely. I don't know what you're expecting to get out of this.

Speaker 1:

But Okay, fellas, look, okay, come here.

Speaker 2:

Come in here, guys. Come on, all right.

Speaker 1:

Listen, when you go out on a date with a girl, you better bring your wallet, bring your credit card, bring your debit card, bring your cash, whatever it is, because you are paying. You're paying on that date. You're paying on that first date. If you get a second date, you're paying on the second date too. I'm just letting you know You're probably going to pay on the third if you get one of those. And if you get a third date, you're doing pretty good, all right. So be prepared, guys. Okay, don't listen. Wait until the wait, until the woman finally says oh no, I got this one, I got this one. Okay, other than that, you're taking care of it, fellas. Oh, wait, wait, wait. What is okay? Land, land cloud adventures. What is okay? You got to give us your I'm not going to read land cloud adventures you got to give us your name here. See my my, let's see. My rule always was if I asked you for a date, I plan there you go. Yeah, there you go. That's exactly right.

Speaker 2:

Oh, nate, I know I should be.

Speaker 1:

I'm like I know I got to get this, this monitor up here. I've got a. I've got a monitor up here. I've got like a 42 inch screen up here. I've got to get it hooked up so I can read the comments. That's all right, it's all good, so okay. So, nate, thank you. Thank you, and you're right. You're right. If you ask a woman out, then you have to be prepared to pay, most definitely. So what other, what other like issues do you run into?

Speaker 2:

Okay, so there's a lot of men who are still married going through a divorce. They fail to mention and I get it Like I can imagine writing that on your profile. Like I have three different baby mamas, I'm still married, going to divorce, you're probably not going to get as many swipes, so that's probably why they don't put it on there.

Speaker 2:

But I think once you connect and start talking with someone, they should probably open up about that and tell you, so that person doesn't waste their time driving out or meeting up with you Well yeah, and. Or maybe I should have asked, but, like I was saying, I didn't realize. I should ask how many baby mamas do you have?

Speaker 1:

Right, right. If somebody says oh, by the way, I've got three kids. Oh, with how many different women? Yeah, I'd start asking. You would assume that it might be all from the same woman. Yeah, you would assume.

Speaker 2:

Something like that. Right, you would assume they're single if they're on a dating site. But no, they're either still going through the divorce and still hung up on that relationship and, I think, looking for someone to help them get over it, which is also, I'm just not interested in doing and spending a lot of time talking about the ex too, right, Whether it's the ex-wife or the ex-girlfriend or whatever.

Speaker 1:

Nate, you know that's you. Don't do that.

Speaker 2:

Come on. You end up feeling like a therapist on these dates and then having to pay for half of the date. To top it off.

Speaker 1:

And get them back together with the ex right.

Speaker 2:

I've asked them that before. I'm like it kind of sounds like you're still hung up on it. Do you want me to parent trap you to? And so there's a lot of that on there. And again, maybe it's me, because before I know you guys knew I was usually dating firefighters or officers, but I moved away from that. But even outside that, guys in the tech industry or um, just regular office jobs or you know, working at best by wherever it's still the same stuff popping up.

Speaker 1:

So I just think that's bizarre.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I, you know, I just I do. It's like, like I said earlier, I just think the honesty is the best policy. If you want, if you want to, if you want something to sustain and you want something longterm, you can't start it off on the wrong foot. And for any guys or girls out there as well, if you're not ready to be in a relationship, don't be on a dating app, or well, okay, go on like Tinder or something like that. We're supposed to all be hookups anyway. Okay, just do that. Or just go to your local bar and and wait around until two o'clock, okay, so 2 AM, and then you know you'll have the, you'll have the, the, the, the, the 10 at two o'clock, Okay, and then coyote ugly in the morning, whatever, it is Okay. So, so you know it, just come on. Come on, guys and girls.

Speaker 1:

If you're not ready, then don't. Then don't. You know, don't say you are If you're not completely divorced, if you, if your divorce isn't final um, and you haven't been, I honestly think that you know you should. You should have some distance between the end of your divorce and the time you actually start wanting to to be in a relationship, because why would you end one relationship, whether it's a just a long-term committed relationship or a marriage, and okay, it's over, and the next week I'm out there, you know, looking for the next one, thinking that I'm going to be in another relationship.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Especially if they had been married for like 10 years. All of a sudden, am I supposed to believe like, oh yeah, you're going to want to settle up again. No, I'm sure you're wanting to go out there and have your fun, Right, Right. But say that like and that for them too, like why would you waste your time going out and meeting this person, knowing that once you say this, they might be like I'm not interested, but I don't know. Then again, I think there are women who are fine with it and just hook up with them. So it probably it must work at some point.

Speaker 1:

I guess you know, I there. I suppose there are some women out there who say that they're also looking for the one, or they're no hookups, no relationships, and then that's really what it's all about. Anyway, I why you would say that I don't know, because I think you probably could, could, up your numbers If you just said hey, I was looking for a good time, you know. But you could do that leaving your name and number on the bathroom wall, right, I mean, come on for a good time, right there for a good time call. Anyway, you know, I just so listen.

Speaker 1:

Guys out there, look at this young lady. She's 38. She's gorgeous. If you like a little bit of ink, she's got a little bit on her left arm. It's not all over the place, she's not crazy with it. She's not crazy with it. But if you like that, you know, then there you go, you're going to see it anyway, I mean. So it's not like you can hide it. But yeah, then this. Then this is Christina. Call in, we'll play. We'll play the dating game right here, you know.

Speaker 2:

Oh gosh, seriously. I know I'll take shots of Malort with them. I don't know if I'll do that.

Speaker 1:

Hey, if somebody calls in, yeah, then Christina's going to take a shot of Malort.

Speaker 2:

I haven't, but I know it's not pleasant at all I know it's not pleasant Oof it's some nasty stuff I think everyone's out and about today.

Speaker 1:

I don't know they might be, who knows? I think everyone's out and about today. Well, I don't know they might be, who knows? But yeah, no, the phone is on. The ringer's off, but the phone is on, you know. What I did forget, though, is normally I have my Mr Spock shot glass here that's never been washed. Well, it had never been washed, and then, unbeknownst to me, catherine took it out of the studio and washed it, and somebody was saying it's never been washed before. Yeah, and that was the whole point was to leave it in here. Part of the punishment is that it just whatever's flying through the air here, lands in the glass, and then you, I put my nasty. I put my nasty, uh, uh, uh, bean boozled beans in there and put my shot of malort in there. So I really do it up yeah, that's rough yeah, um, what do you?

Speaker 1:

what do you have in your glass over there? That's a saison from the brewery.

Speaker 2:

It's a delicious, okay, all right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's Friday night, guys. You know that Friday night, and there's usually some sort of adult beverage flowing downstairs while I'm up here doing this.

Speaker 2:

There were several downstairs, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I thought the Kodago was all empty. Is this the last of it? No, there's a little bit more. Remember, brother Jim and I, we had the Cotigo when we did the tequila tasting. That was the black, stone-looking bottle with all the skulls on it yes that's the one. Yeah, it's really good stuff, really good stuff. If you're a tequila drinker, nate, you got to go to Mexico for this one. Let's have a two.

Speaker 2:

Hang on a second Two minute disaster Date story.

Speaker 1:

Okay, okay, all right. All right, all right, you got to share a couple of good, good, good job there. Good job, good job there. Okay, okay, all right, all right, all right, you got to share a couple of good, good, good job there. Good job, good job there, nate.

Speaker 2:

All right, man, I don't even know which one to start with.

Speaker 1:

Hey, that's all right, yeah, no, hey, if you got multiple, we'll, we'll, we'll hear multiple stories.

Speaker 2:

Okay. So maybe, yeah, like in my early 20s, one of the like the most random days I went on I don't even remember when it was somewhere in la but I want to say honestly, like within five minutes we're seeing like at a bar you know, like the little high top bars this guy whips his wiener out right there in the bar. It's not even like 10 o'clock, I think it was like 8 8 pm on a tuesday it just like just like pulls it out and I'm like I remember laughing, I'm like what are you doing?

Speaker 2:

and I don't know if that was his way to try to like entice me and think, like you know, like yeah, let's, let's get up and leave, let's go, let's go.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let's go. Do you have a van?

Speaker 2:

so I've had that happen. Wow, yeah, that was that's wild had another dude. He actually works for la sheriffs um, but he seemed very odd yeah, do I want to say that?

Speaker 1:

oh, that's well, it's too late now. Cats out bag. No, you didn't. I didn't say his name, no names.

Speaker 2:

But um, anyway, the date went weird. I just got like a creepy feeling from him, said, like you know, I thank you, I'm not interested. Ended up, um, getting lots of crank calls like from businesses. One place called me saying like oh hey, christina, we want to schedule your babysitting for your three kids. I'm like, oh, I called them back. I'm like, look, I don't have any kids. Like, how did you get my number? They end up saying, oh, I'm so sorry, like, and I could hear them like typing up, like oh, looks like. And they saw the guy's name signed you up.

Speaker 2:

I right away knew I'm like this guy's signing me up for all these spam calls nice then I started to receive packages in the mail at my house that had condoms and lube and like pamphlets telling you about how to save sex well, at least you were ready for the next one, though I prepared you teenager pamphlets. I was like okay, and then?

Speaker 2:

I started to receive like those free dvds for like porn like they want to get. I never opened them, but it's like all these like free, he was sending me so much stuff. So at that point I finally like contacted him. I was like listen, like you need to stop, I'm gonna contact your work. You're gonna get in big trouble and lose your job. This is harassment, oh my gosh. So yeah, there's been that. Um, no more lubes since then, right.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so I know All right. You should reverse the order of the dates. If you would have had that date before. The guy that pulled out was weird.

Speaker 2:

That was like in 2018, that weird one with the lube and condoms. The other one, like I said, was early 20s. That was a long time ago.

Speaker 1:

So tell us something more recent, something you know.

Speaker 2:

Something weird more recent. Yeah, I have had guys start crying into the date.

Speaker 1:

Woo Over what though?

Speaker 2:

Talking about past relationships.

Speaker 1:

I mean? I guess I mean when you talk about your dog dog dying. I could see you crying about that, but you know.

Speaker 2:

Nope About some girl that broke their heart when they were 18 and they're like 40 now. Yup, yeah, so it's. It's moments like those where I feel like I'm on like on a hitting camera, like TV show. I'm like this can't, this can't be real. This guy's getting teary-eyed and it's not even that late it's like 5 pm.

Speaker 1:

like two drinks in and you're crying well, didn't you say something earlier that and and I know we kind of touched on a little bit, but we weren't specific that you, you, you went out with one guy and he's got three kids from three different women.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's great.

Speaker 2:

He was actually really nice and handsome and he took me to a lot of different spots and paid for everything. He was actually a gentleman. I enjoyed him. But other than the three baby mama thing, the last guy I met actually showed up with a dirty shirt on, dirty pants, smelled. And it's funny Cause he had told me like oh, dress up for the date I'm taking you to a comedy show. And luckily I wasn't like feeling the best. I didn't go like all out as far as dressing up. And then when I saw him I was like well, I'm glad I didn't wear that skirt and dress. And then when I give him like the hello, like awkward hi, he was like oh, you smell so good.

Speaker 1:

Now my truck's going to smell good. Yeah, Anything would smell better than what he was smelling like and looking like right.

Speaker 1:

And his zipper was down too. Oh no, no, come on, fellas, you got to. You know, you got to be ready. You got to, Guys you're making. You're making us all look bad. Okay, and I'm not even single and you're still making us all look bad. But worst of all, you're making yourselves look bad. Come on, If you're going to ask a lady out, you got to be ready to go, you got to be, you know. Come on, Like. Trim your nose hairs, Trim your ear hair. You know. Put on a pump or two of some cologne, smell good. Take a shower, put some deodorant on, guys, when you sneeze. You don't want to look like a party favor with your nose hairs. You know sticking out. Come on, take care of business, guys. It's so simple. It's so simple. Okay, you want first impressions, right?

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Yeah, that's why I wonder if I had shown up looking like that, like how would he have felt?

Speaker 1:

My gosh. Well, look, christina's from Southern California, just like we are, okay. So, uh, you know you can leave comments, you can call into the show. If you call in before we, uh, before we end friday night live, we're gonna play a dating game with christina, but, uh, if you don't, then you'll have to leave it in the comments, you have to email, reach out on facebook, whatever it is you know, and then we'll have to, uh, we'll have to, you know, do our due diligence and make sure that you're worthy of Christina over here, Cause, uh, she's a good girl, she's special at us, and I don't mean special Ed.

Speaker 2:

Nothing shocks me anymore. I've seen it all.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so um yeah, oh gosh. Well, do you have by chance? Do you have anything lined up as far as dates?

Speaker 2:

Yes. So, I possibly have one for tomorrow. But honestly, after doing those several dates this week I felt burnt out Like it drains you after going into it and sitting there and having to be polite and acting like you're interested and hearing about their ex just to go back into that again because the dirty clothes guy was yesterday, the Wednesday just yesterday the.

Speaker 2:

Wednesday guy was the guy who was also talking about his ex and still referring to her as like oh, my lady, I mean I mean my ex, but that man, it's a mess. I think if you're not over someone, definitely don't go out and meet people. Don't waste their time.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

No one cares that much or wants to hear about that. You're not going to win anyone over with your ex stories.

Speaker 1:

No, no. I don't think that's going to win anybody over at all, isn't that right, nate? It's just not going to happen. How long you been married, nate, let's see I was going to say well, he's happily married.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's happy.

Speaker 1:

He's happily married. But how long you been married? Let's see how. Let's see if he gets back in the in the chat here. Let's see screen, let me get it off. Ah, let me get that off. Right there. Boom and right there. Okay, good, I don't know, maybe nate may, nate might not be watching any longer, but, um, well, look, you know, we're not trying to play like matchmakers with you, we don't. I mean, we've never like tried to, catherine and I, we've never tried to like hook you up with anybody. Have you meet anyone? But we always hope for the best, that's for sure, and we want to see the best for you because we love you so much. That's why we don't see much of Christina, because she's out. You know, on all these horrible days, yeah, on all these horrible dates, yeah, on all these horrible dates.

Speaker 2:

No, I've dated a couple of guys while knowing you and you've invited me over with them, but they've all been party poopers. But I'm kind of glad we do.

Speaker 1:

We do because it's like, oh yeah, I'm dating this guy, I've gone out a few times, blah, blah, blah, I like the guy. And then we, you know, I mean Catherine and I, we're always doing, you know, entertaining, and we say, oh, bring your fella over. And you know, oh no, he's shy, or oh no he's working, or oh no, he's this, or oh no, he's that.

Speaker 1:

It's like no, no, no, wait a minute, wait a minute. If this guy's going to be worthy of your time, then he needs to meet the other people in your life.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I agree, but I'm honestly happy because you guys are super important and special to me, so I'm glad I haven't just brought over any old dud. And the other thing is that the two of you knowing how you guys met on the same app I've been using, you two are honestly one of the only couples I can look up to and gives me hope that there's true love out there.

Speaker 1:

There is. You know, yeah, I can see how it can get a little discouraging, especially if you've got your heart set on really wanting to find someone and you're done dating, you're done being single. Oh wait, what'd you say, nate? He said I met my wife. No, you did not. I met my wife on YouTube. Uh see, oh, drop Bumble and start a channel.

Speaker 2:

Oh gosh, start a channel about all my bad dates, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we'll start. Maybe we have uh Christina in, like you know, once a month and until she meets the right fella. But yeah, you know, it can be really discouraging when you know, when you have your mindset and you say I'm done with all the single life, I want to settle down. I want to meet that right person, somebody that I want to share my time with, I want to share down. I want to meet that right person, somebody that I want to share my time with, I want to share my life with, I want to share my family with the other people in my life. You know, I want to bring somebody into that. And it's just, you know, dud after dud after dud, it can be a little discouraging and it can make you be a little impatient as well.

Speaker 1:

And then you might end up settling for someone or something that is just not worthy of you, and I don't think anyone should ever settle. I mean, we tell that to Tess. We tell that to Tess all the time. And look, I mean Catherine and I, we're not perfect. I mean I am Maybe she's not so much, but we're not perfect.

Speaker 1:

But we try to set an example for not only her, being that she's 23 and she's a single young woman, or to other people, and we do. We try to be an example to you as well, as far as what a healthy relationship looks like and what a good couple looks like. She's obviously the better looking half of this couple, you know. So I lucked out guys, I did. I'm just I'm the luckiest guy in the world. But you know, we and we try to even be an example to our family, whether it's her family or my family, and it's just our family, whether it's her family or my family, and it's just our family we try to be an example to them as far as what a good, healthy relationship looks like. We're in church every week. We try to lead good lives and we think that that's very important too. We know that our faith is important. We know that our family is important, our friends are important and we want to be an example to all of them.

Speaker 1:

And so I don't know. I hope that it's nice to hear that you you kind of see Catherine and I and you think, okay, it's, it's there, I just got to find it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it gives me hope.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's, that's good. Don't lose hope.

Speaker 2:

Especially when she's like oh yeah, the first guy I met was Ben.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know, see, I Catherine got and I don't mean it to sound this way people Catherine got lucky on this one because she didn't have to deal with a bunch of nonsense. Me, I dealt with a bunch of nonsense, that was just.

Speaker 2:

So you had bad dates too.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah, yeah, I did.

Speaker 2:

What about the single rose? Yeah, I did. What about the?

Speaker 1:

single rose. Oh well, you know what I did is I used to. There was this flower shop that was close by the house here, and what I would do is, when I would have a date, I would go to the flower shop and I would buy one single rose and the woman that owned the shop, she would, you know, spruce it up for me and everything, and I'd keep it in my refrigerator until it was time to leave for the date. And when I would go and meet whomever it was on the date, I would give them the rose. You know, you know I want to come with a whole bunch of flowers. You know, might seem a little too much, so I would give them a single rose.

Speaker 1:

Well, obviously, none of those dates worked. The one time I actually forgot the rose at home, in the refrigerator, was when I was on my first date with Catherine. I forgot the rose, so I didn't, I won out and I didn't need a rose to do it. You know it just, it just worked out. You know, um, yeah, the one time, but, but I did have to, to use the expression, I had to kiss a lot of frogs before I met, before I got Catherine, you know she started asking me what these flowers are for you know it's like well, date night, you know, date night, you you know.

Speaker 1:

So it's just one of those things. I wonder if she got upset because or depressed because I wasn't showing up anymore for flowers yeah, but see how often did you go on dates a week.

Speaker 2:

Did you do like a couple?

Speaker 1:

uh, usually it was like once a week. I you know it's. It's. It's hard to remember. It might've been a couple of times there was two dates a week, it's just it was hard for me to date during the week because of my work schedule, so it would be like on a Friday or Saturday night. You know that kind of thing. But um, I just look, when I, when I met Catherine, I struck gold. She used the pot of gold at the end of my rainbow. There was just no two ways about it.

Speaker 1:

I see, I see you to you, yvette. Yeah, you sure did. Yes, you're right, I did hit gold. There's no doubt about it at all. I know it. What's that I'm making Catherine blush?

Speaker 2:

Oh, I'm making.

Speaker 1:

Catherine blush and she's all the way across the studio. But, but look, don't lose hope. You know, Catherine and I, we love you so much. We love you to pieces. We hold out hope for you. We know it's there we know it's there. And I think that it's there and I think that it's probably just going to come out of left field when you least expect it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think so. I mean I pray about it too. So I'm not like super hung up on it and I've always, like I was telling Catherine, I always pray to God. I'm like, if this isn't meant to be, please remember this person like for my life and he never fails, like he's just a bear to me.

Speaker 1:

Please remember this person like for my life, right, right, and he never fails. Like and and, and, as, and as, and and and the what, as. As christians, what we need to understand is that, excuse me, is that god's timeline is not the same as ours. A day to us is like you know that, god, so it's completely different. But yeah, it's just, you know, be patient, just pray about it and you know it'll happen just pray about it and you know it'll happen.

Speaker 1:

And if, certainly if it's not often that Catherine and I are out, you know, running into single men here and there, you know, but you know it's just, but but't have tips. Yeah, I know, but you know we've talked about it a time or two. What?

Speaker 2:

about the brewery, the guy you got to know. I thought he was cute, yeah, but then he had a girlfriend, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And then we tried to get the guy to come to the house when we had our stout tasting and then he stood us up so it didn't matter anyway. Okay, hang on, nate. You know, nate, my laptop is like six feet away, so I've got to lean in and squint. It says it's when I stopped trying to date and started doing things. I love that I suddenly found the right there. There you go. That's exactly right, nate. That's exactly right. Yeah, it's just when you, when you try less, you get more out of it. Now I hang on. I got a text message. I think somebody wants me to take a drink.

Speaker 2:

I know, so I was wondering how did you message on there?

Speaker 1:

No. Well, jim sent me a text. He says what song, what song did Jackson, oh, what song did Jackson Brown start writing and was later finished off by the Eagles? I was going to stop you. Yeah, yeah, look, I know. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I'm going to say wow, wow, wow, wow, wow. Let me think, let me think. Is it a hit song, is it a? Is it a hit song? Is it a song that I would know? Can you, can you text that one real quick, jim? Or you know you could just call into the program.

Speaker 2:

I know why don't you just call?

Speaker 1:

I know, cause that's what you're supposed to do. You're supposed to call in, except your microphone over there. That's the one that I usually set it down, and then I put this phone on speaker oh, so you can hear that.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no, it's okay, you drink it all oh yeah, no, I drank it all.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, I'm good. Now, what are you trying to get me loaded?

Speaker 2:

did you want somewhere? Do you just want me here uh, wait, drink, I'm not drinking.

Speaker 1:

Wait, you said I would know the song. Okay, uh, oh. Yvette says you look great. Well, she says you look good, I say you look, are you talking to me, or fat? No, no, she says you look good, christina, so okay thank you, so it's a.

Speaker 1:

So it's a song that I would know. Okay, I'm, I'm just because I'm thinking about songs, I'm thinking about Jackson Browne's writing style and then the Eagles. So, wow, I'm going to say, take it easy, that's a, that's a Glenn Frey song. Say, take it easy, what do you say? Jim Shots, no, taking shots, no, yvette's telling me to take shots? No, no, no, no.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you did say great, If you call in Yvette, he'll take shots. You did say great oh. Oh drinks, you got it wrong.

Speaker 1:

Is Jim. Oh wait, oh, you got it wrong. Yeah, I guess I got it wrong. Okay, well, you got to give me the song first. I got it. I guess I got it wrong. Okay, well, you got to give me the song first. You gave me the song title since you, apparently I'm wrong. Yeah, I don't know what's happening here. Dead, dead arrows always sounds good, right, at least, at least we're, you know we're, we're. Uh, I don't know what jim's doing, but come on, give me the song, let's see. Thank you, I can't Thank you. What? Thank you, landcloud, landcloud.

Speaker 2:

I don't know what that means, Yvette.

Speaker 1:

That was the guy that was on here. Oh, landcloud. Yes, yes, well, I know him as Nate. He's calling me names. I know he's using your phone and he's calling me names.

Speaker 2:

That's when I saw that pop up.

Speaker 1:

earlier I was like, you know what you want.

Speaker 2:

You want some of this he stopped me, so I think that's just you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but it's like a little tiny bit, I mean I'll try it, why not okay?

Speaker 2:

yeah just a tiny taste.

Speaker 1:

Well, it is it's that's it, have you had it before? No, you've never had it it's okay, hang on, oh, hang on. Oh no, it doesn't smell great it doesn't smell bad, though, no, it's horrible. But it's the worst tasting liquor you got it. Take it Eat. Oh, so I did get it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, you idiot. So you don't have to drink it then it's too late. Now I'm going to pour it back in the bottle.

Speaker 2:

Well, there's probably going to be someone else that comes to you.

Speaker 1:

Listen here here. Thanks for coming.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for having me pleasure and a privilege please.

Speaker 1:

No, this is nothing. We're just having some fun here. Belated birthday drink yeah, okay thanks, you bet.

Speaker 2:

Oh god, it just takes the whole thing it's bad it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be it wasn't as bad as you thought no, I was like mentally, emotionally, sexually, physically preparing me, preparing myself for worse no, no it um I mean it lingers on the tongue, which is it stays there.

Speaker 1:

Then it kind of it, kind of, I see, I, I that's what I think. I think it tastes like mouthwash that went bad and um, but there's some other stuff I want to try to get. It's it's uh, it's it's it's produced in New Jersey and it's like, uh, what's it called New Jersey? And it's like what's it called? It's called like egg, egg and egg, cheese and sausage, everything, bagel or whatever, but, and I think it's a vodka and it's supposed to absolutely be terrible, but it was on their website and I don't think you can order it on their website, so I'm gonna have to call them and see if they'll ship it. But yeah, it's supposed to be really, really bad.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's a lot worse now.

Speaker 1:

It's just staying there Because it stays on your tongue, doesn't it? I know it's horrible.

Speaker 2:

And you did this with jelly beans.

Speaker 1:

I would put the bean boozled jelly bean in there so that I would take the shot, and then I never knew what kind of jelly bean I was getting.

Speaker 2:

Oh, the bean was in there with the shot.

Speaker 1:

The bean was in there. Okay, yeah, so it would soak in there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's disgusting.

Speaker 1:

Yeah Well, let me see, oh, bring out the good stuff.

Speaker 1:

No we had a little bit of good stuff, you missed out. I had a little bit of Cotigo 1316 tequila. Yvette, it was some good stuff there. You know how this works, yvette. Whenever we go, whenever we do Friday night live, it seems like all the good stuff is being drank downstairs while I'm up here. You know, getting down with the Lord, but anyway, listen, no, this is great, guys. You know what it takes to date a pretty girl like this. Okay, you know what it's going to take. Don't be an idiot, don't be a jerk, all right, and that, whether it's Christine and don't lie, whether it's Christina or anybody else, guys, single guys out there, come on, man, just, just, you know, just tell the truth. Okay, tell the truth and be prepared to pay for the first couple, three dates.

Speaker 2:

Okay, and don't whip your wiener out on the first date.

Speaker 1:

Especially in the first five minutes. Yeah, right, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Not the first five minutes, no no, no, no, no, not at all, Not at all. Okay. So look, with that, we're going to wrap it. As you know and I'm going to try to make this the last time I do this because you all know all right, but, as you know, this program is available on multiple podcast platforms like Apple Podcasts, amazon Music, spotify and iHeartRadio, amongst like I don't know, like 15 or 20 others. They're all out there. Just search the Ben Maynard program. You're gonna find it okay.

Speaker 1:

However, if you're watching on YouTube, thank you very much for sticking around tonight. Great show, hey, nate. Thanks. You know what, nate? Just look, stick around, subscribe to the channel, okay, all right, subscribe to the channel. That's what I was getting to. Next, if you're watching on YouTube, then please subscribe to the channel. Give me a thumbs up, or you can give Christina a thumbs up. Leave a comment, okay, because I like your comments, I read your comments and I reply to them. Last but not least, follow me on Instagram Ben Maynard Program. That's it, we are done. Thank you so much for hanging out. On Friday night. It's date night with Ben Maynard, you know that.

Speaker 2:

okay, everyone knows that yeah everybody knows that.

Speaker 1:

So thanks again. We will see you again, all right, soon. Don't know if it'll be Friday night, don't know if we're gonna bring you some fresh content or we're just going to come up here and gab like we're doing tonight. We'll see how it works, all right. So again, thank you very much. You guys all be good. This is the Ben Maynard program. Tell a friend.